New Speakers Budget for Bombs is Politically Clever But Still Bombs US Budget

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New Speakers Budget for Bombs is Politically Clever But Still Bombs US Budget



➡ New Speaker, Mike Johnson, emphasizes the necessity for separate funding for Israel and Ukraine while attaching reforms to improve border security. Despite perceived clever moves and tactics that may reduce the impact of IRS changes to the American people, critics argue it still results in an increase of the IRS size, raising concerns over spending money that isn’t available. Despite opposition within the GOP, Johnson remains firm on his stance.


And the new Speaker, Mike Johnson, is telling the Senate that it’s going to have to be done separately. He said the Israel money has to move by itself. He told senators, and Glitch McConnell is really not happy about that. Glitch wants a big omnibus bomb. Omnibom. It’s an omnibom, Bill. We’re going to bomb everybody. Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and everyone all at once here. So they want to fund all three of the wars for the World War II, ukraine, Taiwan, and a larger Middle Eastern war.

Johnson told GOP senators that he supports sending military aid to Ukraine. See, he changed. He changed as soon as they made him speaker of the House. He was opposed to the Ukraine war and funding for the Ukraine war until he became speaker. And then it’s like, oh yeah, that’s part of the axis of evil. We got to send a lot of money for that. But he cautioned that it has to be attached to reforms to improve border security.

See, he’s made some really smart political moves. I don’t agree with what he’s doing, and I think it’s destructive to America. But it is incredibly smart politically. He’s a smart guy. He really is. And so what he’s doing is he’s saying, okay, we’ll do money for Israel, but we’re going to take money from the IRS increase. It’s still going to increase, but we’re going to take some of the increase for the IRS and use that to, quote, unquote, pay for the money to Israel, which we’ll talk about that in a moment.

Money that you don’t have. And when you cut an increase, you’re not saving money. When you cut some of the increase, you’re still increasing it. So they’re still increasing money for the IRS. But you notice how this is going to be perceived. We’re going to give money to Israel, but we’re going to take money from this IRS increase. And then for Ukraine, he says, well, we’re going to give money to Ukraine now, but we will pair the money for Ukraine with increased money for border security.

That’s really clever because you’ve got the American people need to get something out of this or at least need to perceive that they’re getting something out of this. And so if you say, well, I’m going to give money to this foreign war or this foreign country or whatever, he’s going to come along and say, but I’m going to do something that Americans want, which is, I’m going to get a little bit of the IRS off of their back, maybe.

I’m going to reduce the size of the increase of the IRS army. And when it comes to Ukraine, we’re not just going to focus on Ukraine’s borders, we’re going to focus on America’s borders as well. Very clever move. And so when you look at what’s going to happen with the IRS, I mean, it’s still going to be an increase. If it were to go through what mike Johnson is talking about, you’re still going to wind up with an IRS that is four and a half times bigger than it is today.

Almost five times bigger than it is today. Now, the Democrats want to make it even bigger, but he’s still going to be spending money he doesn’t have and he’s still going to be making the IRS four and a half times bigger. But it’s going to be perceived as I’m cutting the IRS. That’s why he’s going to tell I’m cutting the IRS increase that Biden wanted and doing this for you Americans.

Isn’t that nice? And then when it comes to Ukraine again, it’s going to be a token thing done at the you know, all these American hating politicians are just furious. Mitch McConnell is furious. You’re going to give something to Americans. You’re going to pretend to give something to Americans. You can’t even pretend to give something to Americans. It’s amazing to watch know, when you look at it goes, okay, I understand what he’s doing, and it’ll probably he’ll be able to sell this.

But the key thing is going to be these people like Mitch McConnell and the Democrats are going to make him look like a hero, because the Democrats again, they want an even bigger army. They want to raise more taxes and all the rest of this stuff. He repeated what I think he said on TV shows, which is what he thinks there needs to be another Ukraine aid package, and he wants to do that.

Emphasized that from his perspective of his majority. He said he has to separate them and he can’t get his majority to pass them together, said Senator Josh Holly. He just said over and over again, listen to me, it’s just the numbers. We cannot do them together. Holly said he wants to do Israel first, and then he said the next order business would actually be to do the border security.

And so they need to listen to him. He knows what he’s doing. Look, I can get you the money for your wars, but we got to do it like this. Let’s disguise it this way. It’s very clever, but you got democrats like Dick Durban of Illinois. Oh, I oppose that. We whiffed once on Ukraine, and we can’t do that again. And the Democrats are just furious about it.

Mitch McConnell is furious about it. John Cornyn said, well, he’s obviously new on the job, but I think he seems to be very charming and honest. Well, he is very Reagan esque. He’s charming like that, and he knows how to reagan did these compromises with the Democrats and Tip O’Neill. He would say, you vote for my defense increases, and I’ll vote for your welfare state increases. Okay got a deal.

We both get what we want and the deficit goes right. That’s what this is going to be. It is very Reagan esque, not good for America, but it is a great tactic, and he’s a very charming guy, and he understands how to get these financial bombs and these literal bombs through. There’s a lot of very clever tactics and a lot of clever posturing. And you can see that he immediately threw away his concerns about the Ukraine war as soon as he becomes speaker of the House.

McConnell, however, is ready to fight, and it is fracturing the GOP. In the Senate, Senator JD. Vance, Republican of Ohio, said he believed Republicans could block a big national security package that includes Ukraine aid. Vance is one of the chief opponents of sending more cash to Kiev, but he said that even pro Ukraine senators agree with him on the strategy. He said there’s actually a pretty wide consensus that we should separate Israel from the package.

Whether there are nine Republicans who are willing to break off and join the Democrats is an open question. And again, as they point out in this article from Politico, throughout President Biden’s first term, McConnell has voted many times for, quote, unquote, bipartisan efforts. Says Politico. And the efforts that they talk about, they frame him. That’s so happy that he went along with Biden on are what they call gun safety.

No, it’s gun control. Gun control. Infrastructure laws. No, it’s not the infrastructure. It’s climate. It’s a gigantic IRS. And Mitch McConnell went along with all of that stuff, as well as the Ukraine war because it is Ukraine uberales. That’s what we ought to call it, because these Ukrainians are Nazis. So just call it Ukraine uber. Ollis it’s more important than any other priority that the politicians could have in Washington.

We got to fund Ukraine ukraine uber ollis. And so the way that the Hill sees it, they see the strategy here. They say the GOP has set a political trap for Democrats with this Israel bill. No, it’s actually Mike Johnson who did it. It’s really his strategy. Like I said, he’s a very clever politician because now he’s put them in a position. Do the Democrats love the IRS and taxes more than they love Israel? And do the Democrats and Republicans love the Ukraine border more than they love our border? Well, I think we know the answer, but it’s going to be very embarrassing for the Democrats to show people that they do in fact, love the IRS and taxes more than they love Israel or that they love the Ukrainian border more than they love the American border.

Of course, we can see that. But again, looking at what he’s talking about, we’ve got the IRS right now has a total budget of 13 now, with Mike Johnson cutting it by 14 billion. What we have is an IRS that’s going to be four and a half times bigger than it is today. The Democrats, on the other hand, they want to give it a full 60 and additional, and so it’d be five and a half times bigger than it is today.

But what is the real economic reality of this? And let’s talk about this. Let’s forget about government economics, let’s forget about macroeconomics, let’s talk about microeconomics, the real stuff, your kitchen table economics. And so let’s think about this from the standpoint of a husband and wife. And you got a husband who says, oh honey, I’d love to get this $60,000 car. And she says, well, but I would like to remodel the kitchen and that’s going to cost $14,000.

And so they come up with a compromise, okay, instead of that car, I’ll get a new car that cost $46,000 and we’ll remodel your kitchen for 14,000. Well, the problem with all this is that they never had the $60,000 to start with. The problem is that they’re going to borrow all the money, whether it’s $60,000 for a car, whether it’s 46,000 for the car and 14 for the kitchen, they’re going to borrow all of that money.

And to make matters worse, mr. And Mrs. Husband and Wife are already so heavily in debt that 98% of their income goes to satisfying just to paying the interest on their credit cards that they got 30% interest rates on. Right. So 98% of their income is going to servicing the debt on their credit cards. As of September 30, 2023, interest in the US was $26 trillion on the federal debt, on the public debt, 98% of GDP.

So we know what’s going to happen to that husband and wife and we know what’s going to happen to us as well. But you have the pushback on all this. Look at the way that the establishment is pushing back on his plan. They say, and this is the Congressional Budget Office and the mainstream media, we can’t do Mike Johnson’s plan. Why not? Because we don’t have money. But to if we cut down the IRS, it’s going to mean that we’re actually going to have going to increase the deficit by $26 billion.

You notice first of all that they never ever care about the deficit until you start talking about cutting taxes and then they become fiscal hawks, don’t they? Oh well, we can’t cut the taxes. Look at our deficit here. Never talk about it when they’re spending money for their programs. But they want to talk about cutting taxes for us though. Can’t do that, can’t do that, wouldn’t be prudent.

As George Bush would say. Can’t cut those taxes, wouldn’t be prudent. So they get concerned about revenue and deficits when it’s taxes. But notice the second thing, how were they going to get that $26 billion worth of stuff? Well, they were going to use this new Biden army of IRS agents to bully and to bludgeon and to squeeze it out of people. They weren’t going to raise taxes.

No, we’re just going to hire IRS to squeeze it out of you. How criminal is even when Biden did his inflation reduction act, he didn’t say, well, okay, we’re going to raise, we’re going to cut spending over here. We’re going to raise taxes over here. No, what he said was we’re going to create an enforcement army that is going to rigorously enforce these bad laws or laws, things that act as color of law, but we’re just going to send these people around.

A law that is sufficiently complex, like the IRS tax code is, is the same as having no law at all. So we’ll just send these guys around to strong arm this money out of everybody. So yeah, they finally care about the deficit because they would be reducing some of the money they steal from us. They think of that as their money, of course, right? All our money belonged to them and they’re going to squeeze it out of us one way or the other.

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It’s the David Knight show. .


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American People and IRS Changes Border Security Improvement Tactics GOP Opposition to Johnson Impact of IRS Changes IRS Size Increase Concerns Johnson's Firm Stance Mike Johnson New Speaker Separate Funding for Israel Spending Unavailable Money Ukraine Funding Reforms

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