Need to Know News (23 September 2024) with Carl Herman Joe Olson

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses various topics including the manipulation of public opinion, the potential for nuclear war, and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. It suggests that we live in a world controlled by powerful entities that spread misinformation and propaganda. The text also mentions a conference discussing the dangers of nuclear war and criticizes the current government’s handling of international relations. Lastly, it discusses the situation in Palestine and the Middle East, suggesting that the narrative is controlled by those in power.
➡ The text discusses a series of complex political and historical events, including tampering with batteries, trust issues in supply chains, and war crimes. It also mentions the lack of war declaration since 1943, the control of the Soviet state over Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and the role of technology in Poland’s stand against the Soviets. The text further discusses the current state of the U.S., the lack of representation in Congress, and an alleged assassination attempt on Trump. The author urges readers to fight against these issues.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including claims about a staged incident involving Trump, allegations about the Secret Service, and suspicions about the integrity of electronic voting machines. It also mentions a partnership between RFK and Trump to improve public health agencies. The overall tone is skeptical of government actions and institutions.
➡ The text discusses a vision to make America healthier by addressing chronic diseases, removing harmful substances from food, and supporting alternative medicine. It also criticizes the political system, suggesting that industries and media protect each other, and that presidential nominees can be appointed without public voting. The text further criticizes Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi, accusing them of dishonesty and manipulation. Lastly, it criticizes Oprah Winfrey, questioning her credibility and moral authority.
➡ The text discusses a confrontation between a man and individuals claiming to be federal agents, who he refuses to engage with without proper identification. It also covers a critique of the FBI’s tactics, a discussion about the potential manipulation of elections, and concerns about the use of mRNA in various medical treatments and food supplies. The text ends with updates on COVID-19, including the admission that vaccines can cause myocarditis and the reversal of vaccine requirements by some institutions.
➡ The speaker discusses the corruption in the U.S. healthcare system, the need for a breakthrough to change the current state, and the importance of staying informed and resilient. They also mention the cancellation of a TV show due to scrutiny and declining viewership, and end with a recommendation to watch an episode of Jay Leno’s auto program featuring a historic steam locomotive.


Carl Herman, Mission Viejo Joe Olsen Houston, Texas Chris Weiner unavailable today need to know news, 23 September 2024 let’s take a look at those stories and topics and opening statements. All right, first, we live in a scripted psyop to mind control and herd sheeple. Withdraw all belief from these proven liars. Don’t trust anything that you see or heard of going to the war. The Trump so called assassination attempt and the sequel. And sequel part two. And sequel part three. Remember, we don’t have real elections. We’re propagandized by the leaders and corporate media for preselect candidates to the left and right arms of one evil empire.

And Trump is under attack means he’s a rogue leader. To what degree, if any, just being faked. Trump Harris facts and optics more 2024 election optics and a couple of COVID updates Joe opening statement, brother yes, over the weekend there was a three day conference by the Schiller Institute called the World beyond War Conference. It was 4 hours each day. I watched a little bit of yesterday’s conference when Scott Ritter was on and he was talking about Annie Jacobson’s about nuclear war. And Fetzer sent a great article on that last week. I don’t know if it’s in the list of subjects we need to discuss today, but it’s really a good article about the EMP.

And once you get started with the nuclear war, it’s over in 72 minutes, because as soon as we start launching, the Russians are going to start launching. And so bottom line is we’ve got an idiot control on the red button and he doesn’t know where he is from 1 minute to the next. His ugly freaking wife is running the cabinet meetings. The first time they’ve held one in eleven months. So that shows you what an incompetent puppet government we’ve got. But there’s a lot of people that still go yackety yak about nuclear weapons don’t exist, blah, blah, blah.

You know, I’m so tired of listening to these idiots. You have to understand that fission and fusion are natural processes that happen throughout the freaking universe. And we are capable of controlling those, which is what we do in nuclear power plants and nuclear submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers and nuclear bombs. And just to give a quick little update, the bombs that they dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki weighed 10,000 pounds. They had a yield, supposedly theoretically yield of 15 kilotons. One yielded the other one yielded ten. So they didn’t do the projected amount because it was the first time we were experimenting with those.

But then by 1950, we had 16 inch w 23 artillery shells in the Iowa class battleships. And these were 15 kiloton artillery shells that weighed about 2000 pounds each and had a 40 miles range. Well, then by 1957, we developed a w 54 bazooka that was mounted on a jeep that fired a 0.1 kiloton shell that weighed 51 pounds. So we’ve been able to miniaturize a nuclear bomb down to the size of a 51 pound package and still contain a hundredth of the amount of a ton of tnt. So it still packs 100 pounds of tnt.

You know, it’s just, excuse me, 200 pounds of tnt, which is an enormous package. 200 pounds of tnt and a 51 pound package. So bottom line is we’re at the end of Armageddon and these son of a bitches are about to give up on fighting the war with Russia and Ukraine, but they think we can go ahead and start another war with Iran. And that’s what we’re doing right now with our rotten evil ally in the Middle east which has just gone apeshit on killing every arab that was within perimeter. And if you’re in Syria or Jordan, you better realize our Sinai, you better realize that these people are eyeing your property too, because they consider that they own the whole entire Middle east.

It’s absolutely disgusting. And there was a great program that was on TRT, which is a turkish radio program, an hour long documentary about what’s actually been going on in Palestine for the last 80 years. And it is absolutely disgusting and shocking the way they come in and they take over hilltops and they say they drive the farmers off and then they go, well, the farmers aren’t tending the land, so it’s vacant land. So it’s our land. You know, if you go in and you steal your neighbor’s house and you kill your neighbor’s children, your neighbor might not like you.

Duh. Thank you, Joe. All right, let’s jump into the appropriate first topic that we’re living in. A sigh of is scripted. And therefore for me, I don’t trust anything that I see, anything that I’m reading, anything that I’m experiencing. I just don’t trust it as being reliable information. I were just, for this example, you can take all of the messaging before 911 of the twin towers being knocked down and then extend that into the present. And therefore, I wouldn’t encourage people to believe or disbelieve, just receive information, see where it goes. And again, you know, I personally just don’t see anything that I can do that is any better than anything that I’ve already done to wake people up.

I still listen to people repeat what they have heard from the official stories, and. And they just need, they seem to need more help than, than at my level of voice. Joe, your thoughts about living in a scripted reality? Yes. And the title of the program that was on TRT is called stealing Palestine. If it takes me a couple of hours to get it posted on our bitchoot account. But, yeah, it’s a really great documentary. Disgusting. It’ll change your mind. The wonderful thing that’s happening right now is that we are having somewhat of an epiphany. These people have absolutely shown their hand for the kind of behavior that they’ve had for the last 3000 years, which is why they’ve been hated by everybody that was ever their neighbor, because this is a behavior pattern that they can’t get over.

And as far as scripted, these are the people that control the narrative. They own the major banks. They own the major corporations. They own the media corporations. They own our government. Puppets. You can’t get a word in edgewise on the publishing houses, so they tell you what, what you’re allowed to teach in school. They create these completely false narratives about every aspect of history. And so we’re living this orwellian world where Winston Smith has already rewritten everything, already taken down every statue, already renamed every street, and you don’t even realize it’s happening around you. It’s absolutely absurd that people can still be delusional enough to believe a single damn thing that comes across the media.

Exactly. Alrighty. Next to the war. Caitlyn Johnstone. Israel hates the truth. So they rated Al Jazeera’s bureau, and that is legally doesn’t belong to them. They can’t do it, but they have to destroy any oppositional messaging in order to continue their illegal war of aggression that is supplied by the United States. And what we’re seeing is a reversal that the US and Israel is now being universally perceived as the bad guys. Pager explosions, a DARPA directed energy weapon. Warden, advanced DARPA technology. Warden waveform agile radio frequency directed energy. Now, I don’t know anything, but the idea is that we’re looking at some sort of an exotic technology, because in order, if those stories of the pagers and the walkie talkies blowing up is true, then actually, let me just talk more about that in a moment.

Let me put it into this context of did Israel just nuke Lebanon? And let’s take a look at this explosion. And again, I don’t know anything but with those pagers. So one of the options of what people have been talking about is that Israel somehow interrupted a shipment of those pagers and then opened them all up and put some explosive element into it. But another explanation is that this is a exotic technology of interacting with the batteries with an energy pulse, an energy signal that interacts with the batteries in order to cause that much damage. Now, I don’t know.

That would be a tricky technology, and if that would be true, then anything that has those similar types of batteries, which pretty much all of us would be at risk. So it is getting crazier and crazier, including the, what appeared to be some sort of a huge weapon. And the criminals have to go forward. They can’t go back. They can never admit, they can never stop. They can never apologize, because then they have to admit, for in the wars that they engaged in, lie started in orwellian, illegal wars of aggression, and then bee executed for it.

So, crazy times. Joe, your thoughts? Well, I don’t think it was a directed energy weapon. We know that Mossad owned a front company called BaC in, in Hungary, and that they were the ones who intercepted the delivery of the beepers from the taiwanese company, which was called Golden Apollo in Taiwan. And they placed 20 grams of PETN, which is Petra erythanol tetra nitrate, inside the batteries, along with some small ball bearings in order to make it into shrapnel. And that’s from the recovered units that were turned off and didn’t explode because they didn’t get a signal.

So they’ve been able to analyze enough of these things to know for 100% certain that the batteries were tampered with by Mozad and then furnished to the clowns in Hezbollah who didn’t have the sense to go, well, why don’t we take every one of these things apart and see if we have any problems with it? And why don’t we just buy off the shelf batteries and replace the stupid batteries, you know, because that would have solved your problem. But if they’d have done a slight amount of analysis. But for some reason, they. They trusted the supply chain, which is a problem they won’t have again, which is a problem that very few people are going to have in the world again, because we realize how nefarious these people is.

If there’s anything that qualifies as a war crime, it’s blowing up innocent people with booby traps that you’ve set. And the reason they blew them up at that particular time is because somebody in Hezbollah texted out, hey, it looks like these things might have a bomb in them. And. And then next thing you know, Israel goes, well, let’s go ahead and bomb them. And then let’s just go ahead and bomb the rest of Lebanon so we can take over all of that land. And then we get finished with that. We’ll take over some more assyrian, we’ll take over some more of Jordan, and we’ll take over some more of the Sinai, because God gave us this thing.

Anybody that believes the ignorant old testament and believes that worships these people, you’re beyond mental. There’s no excuse for believing these people are superior. And especially when you understand the horrible things that they do to children and people that are non jewish, and the fact that they don’t have an extradition treaty with any country in the world so that any thief or child rapist worldwide that’s Jewish can flee to that tribal state and be protected by those people. It’s an absolutely disgusting culture, and I’m sorry. They need to be exposed, and they’re doing a great job of exposing themselves.

Thank you, Joe. I agree. And the idea that these people are mental. Yeah, that’s kind of the condition that we have. It’s type of, or even a lack of mentality and emotional polarization, and the capacity to be scared, startled, and stampeded is really what we’re looking at. And I wish they would be able to get mentally polarized, to be able to look at something. But again, part of my ongoing conclusion into the patriots who are wondering, what can you do? You know, I’m wondering that, too. And I do see people taking effective action, and we cover stories all the time of people seeing openings and moving in.

But in terms of a broad scale policy recognition, again, I don’t see anything to do other than what I’ve already done. And what I’ve already done has been always having the facts always on our side, but not having any traction on the ground. No corporate media help except to slander us and to ignore us. And the people in the type of belief, the mental illness, the mind control, to continue to accept the bullshit that they’re fed. We do need a breakthrough. And those rents in high places. Yeah. The United States has not declared war since 1943, when we declared war on Hungary.

And Hungary was in a peculiar situation. They had Germany on one side of them, and they had Russia on the east side of them. And the Russians had already killed 30 million Ukrainians, which the Hungarians knew about, and the Russians had already killed 22,000 polish soldiers at the Caitlin forest that the Hungarians knew about. And the Hungarians were being invaded by the Nazis. So you had a choice. Do you want to join Hitler and fight against the obvious evil of stalinist Russia, or do you want to try to fight against Hitler and be absorbed by stalinist Russia? Which is what ended up happening anyway.

And then in 1956, Hungary got tired of being ruled by the Stalinists. They had a revolt. The Russians came in with their tanks and crushed the revolts. Every typewriter was registered. You couldn’t do more than six carbon copies. Every film lab was owned by the state and analyzed. Every printing press was controlled. There was absolutely no way that people could organize and fight against the rotten soviet state. And the same thing happened in Czechoslovakia in 1968. And when 1989 came around, the Polish realized that in order for them to be competitive with the west, they had had to allow Xerox, copy machines, proprinters, video cameras.

They’d allowed a whole lot of western technology to enter Poland. And when the Poles decided to stand against the Soviets, the Poles got out with their webcams and their satellite uplinks, and they said, here’s what Russia is fixing to do. They got 40,000 tanks on our border. They’re going to come crush us, just like they did Hungary, just like they did Czechoslovakia, Slovakia. And that’s why the Berlin Wall felt, because they could not maintain the illusion of power without the whole rest of the world seeing it and revolting against it. And so that’s what we’re facing right now.

We’ve got Bolsheviks running our country that are going to run over us in the streets with our own tanks if we don’t stop these son of a bitches. And we’ve got satellite uplinks and we’ve got beta recorders, and we’ve got Xerox copy machines. We need to be fighting this monster every damn day of the week. And this has to be our primary job, because just like Scott Ritter said, there’s no greater fight to fight than winning this particular war, because we’re run by monsters. And the fact that we’ve never declared a war since 1943, all we’ve done is just authorization, use of military force, and they just keep re upping that for Korea, for Vietnam, for all the wars in the Middle east, for Ukraine, for all of this stupid bullshit mic controlled narrative.

We have zero representation in Congress standing against this. It’s absolutely disgusting. And if you get a chance to listen to one of your rotten pieces of shit, congressman, you need to bend their ear about this, and you need to be filling up their inboxes. Very good. Thank you, brother. Yeah. Part of how our opponent’s role is that they dictate to us and they dictate that, oh, no, no, no. We are all about the rule based order. We are all for the Constitution, us. Oh, yes, we care so much. And then they tell a story about what it is that they’re doing to save democracy and protect against evildoers.

And the terrorists. They’re terrorists. They’re terrorists and they hate us for our free. They’ll just tell a story and they roll us time and time again. All right, so the Trump assassination attempt. So first of all, that this is a Psyop and that the Harris team, the FBI, the secret Service, are prima facie, criminally complicit. Cause they. In the assassination attempt, part one, you know, he asked the professional snipers where would be the easiest place to hit somebody, and they came up with, the answer is closest roof and the closest high spot, which would be the water tower.

So they didn’t cover the closest roof and they didn’t cover the water tower and they lied, saying that, oh, the roof was too slopy and he had the body of crooks not positioned to shoot. He was on the, the midway part of one of that sloped half segments of the roof, not at the apex to fire a shot. And then he had the secret service director, acting director, testifying to Congress, saying, with a little film, saying, we snuck up the back, and then he just jumped up and fired shots. And then we took him down when the film shows that he was waltzing across the side of the roof.

Now we have George Webb, who is doing the best job, in my assessment, of going through the details, and he calls it american slaughter pen. And we’re getting all these assassination attempts on Trump, or at least of what we’re shown, and who knows how far that’s going to go now, latest report from George Webb. Beaver County Sheriff Tony Guy told me and thousands of others on twitter that the Beaver county deputies who abandoned their posts when Trump took the stage didn’t report to him. Sheriff Tony Guy told us all the sneak away guards reported to the Department of Justice.

That means the final responsibility for the Beaver county deputies who snuck away when Trump took the stage belongs to Merrick Garlandhouse, the attorney general. Yeah, that’s interesting. And another chapter here. And if you want the details to follow it, I do recommend George Webb. And then he, for part ten, he talks about it, he’s dropping the dime on Trump, that he’s removing their protection in order to make him vulnerable, to take him down. So that is a sigh of. And in terms of the Trump part of the psyop with the air boo boo, that we, again, we have prima facie evidence.

And again, I don’t know anything other than to just take a look at the evidence and see what it tells us. And all the medical experts say that if he got hit in the ear the way that they said he got hit in the ear, that baby would just be spouting blood, but it wasn’t. And you have that perfectly set up so that Trump turns away from the only camera shot, drops down like a little magician’s thing, and from all appearances, this is an application of some fake shit on his ear. And then he lied about all the blood.

And then we have Brian Davidson pointing out is that the alleged firefighter who got shot is that film demonstrates that that was a. Like a 90 pound mannequin involved and not a real person. So again, all we’re looking at is that this looks like we’re just being played as a psyop, but that’s business as usual. Joe, your thoughts? Oh, yeah, let’s throw some more little wrinkles in this whole thing. The Secret Service guy that supposedly found Ryan wreck hiding in the bushes with the barrel of his ak 47 sticking out, fired shots at him from 10ft away.

And he didn’t even nick the guy. This guy didn’t even get a nick in the ear. It’s ridiculous. You know, this is what we’ve got for secret Service agents. They can’t hit a target that’s 10ft away from them. Absolutely ridiculous. And then this Ryan Roth, he was with a group called the Georgia Legion over in Ukraine, trying to recruit foreigners with passports. And he was using the consulate offices in various countries to get passports for these people to get in the same way. John Brennan over at. Where was Brennan? Let’s see. In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Issued 16 passports to the 20 kwot hijackers that supposedly did 911.

And then he ended up being head of the CIA. Yeah, because we need somebody who can enable foreigners to get into our country and pose as hijackers to be head of the CIA, because that’s exactly how rotten our government is. It’s absolutely ridiculous. What part of not see can you not see? Yeah, that’s a good one. Yeah, it is crazy. It’s emperor’s new clothes. Obvious. But I. In the midst of the mind control, I don’t know what to do other than to pray and to see if the battlefield changes as we go along. All right, next, the idea of an election coming up.

And this is the season for election. We are in fall. And I want to point out a couple of bodies of facts. One is Kerry Cassidy article, blockchain and the vote standing in the vote updated show. The idea of blockchain that we can make a system that would be vastly superior to what we have is obvious to anybody who takes a look. And anybody who takes a look at the system that we have would have to come to the conclusion that we don’t have elections. What we do have fails to meet the definition of an election.

And I wrote an article, several of them going back to the two thousands, as an a us government and history teacher, just documenting what professors at Stanford and Princeton were at the lead for, is that the electronic voting machines destroy the definition of an election. And I did write a series, an article. This is one that I brought in Washington, Jefferson and Adams to chat with him about coming up to the election. And I’m just including this to show you. I’ll play this two minute clip. We’ve seen it before, but this is pretty much what we have were had.

Moving on, if you planned on following the presidential election in November, you might want to plug your ears. A big election spoiler is coming up. A minor software glitch at the Diebold Corporation today caused thousands of electronic voting machines to accidentally release the results of the 2008 presidential election months ahead of schedule. According to the group of military and corporate leaders that has chosen every american president since Eisenhower, Diebold’s mistake marks the first time the nation’s leader has been revealed prematurely. I don’t even know if I can enjoy the sham election now that I know who’s going to win.

If you can’t trust your shadowy overlords to keep a secret, what is the purpose, really, of voting in the democracy? I’m fine with it. I mean, he was gonna get my meaningless vote anyway. Despite the leak, all of the presidential candidates have so far said they’ll continue their campaigns. Hillary Clinton isn’t about to give up just because she lost the election. She’ll give up when she’s supposed to on election day, and she’ll act surprised. Joining us now to talk about the leaked results is Diebold PR spokesmandhead Ernie Kenilworth. Mister Kenilworth, this was quite a mistake. And we at Diebold would like to formally apologize to all of our shadowy puppet masters.

This will not happen again. Please have mercy on us. Do you think that people will still even vote in this election? We certainly hope they will. This country is based on the fantasy that the government is the voice of the people. Going through the motions of voting and keeping the kingmakers dealing secret is central to our culture. Why do we need electronic voting machines in the first place? They’re just not as reliable as our cloaked masters, no matter how good the software gets. Well, I understand people’s concerns, but from now on, we at Diebold will see to it that we properly safeguard the illusion of democracy for all Americans.

Well, let’s hope so. So, for those of us who will watch, what can we expect on election night? Oh, the same great show that you have always seen. We will be pretending to count votes, and we will be running an ongoing total throughout the night. But wouldn’t it be possible for them to just choose a different president so that we’ll still have that same great surprise? No, I don’t think so. However, that does not rule out the possibility for a staged assassination after the president has been placed in office. Oh, I take it that’s a hint.

You won’t get anything else out of me today. I’ve already said too much. All right, well, thank you for being with us, Mister Kenilworth. After the break. Researchers say they have found a cure for awakeness. Yeah, that’s pretty much what we have. And in terms of the documentation of what I compiled from Princeton, Stanford, the president of the Americas Statistical association. And those are just among the leaders pointing to the obvious that these electronic voting machines destroy the definition of an election. It’s not just that they have many other ways of manipulating and stealing an election, but certainly nobody should accept it as having a legitimate measurement of the public’s votes.

Joe, your thoughts, brother? Yeah, you know, they’re worried when gruesome Newsom bans the use of memes in California, it’s like, you can’t make fun of us because we are the great and powerful Oz. It’s like, screw you. Yeah. Texas secretary of state sued Dominion over their machines being crooked, and a judge has allowed an injunction against them being used in the 2024 election. So we might have a little bit more legal than what we thought we were going to be getting this year. That’s one little bit of hopeful information for residents of Texas. It doesn’t matter if they can rig enough, other states will still end up with the same situation where we had the elections, obviously stolen in 2020.

Yeah, this is a wonderful little quote from Vladimir Lenin. The way to crush the bourgeoisie, which is the middle class, is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation and what the Bolsheviks have done in America is I’ve also added regulation and propaganda. So we’re going to crush them between taxation, inflation, regulation and propaganda. And if that doesn’t crush you, then we’ll just bring in the military, because we own the military and they’ll do what we tell them to. And if they won’t, we’ve got millions of military age men that have come into the country that we can grant citizenship to if they’ll just go out and kill a dozen Americans each.

So bottom line is, that’s your future. Wake up and look at it and do what you can to stop it. Otherwise, you’re on a one way trip to Armageddon, and it’s not going to be a pleasant experience for any of us. Well said. Thank you. All right, next, Trump, Harris, facts and optics. Let’s make America healthy again. RFK two again. This is a nice talk that I think will resonate with people. Everyone, I’m here today to tell you how we can make America healthy again. And the first thing you need to do is get one of these hats, and we need everybody walking around and wearing it everywhere they go.

But that’s not going to be nearly enough. That’s why I’m partnering with President Donald Trump to transform our nation’s food, fitness, air, water, soil and medicine. Our big priority will be to clean up the public health agencies like CDC, NIH, FDA, and the US Department of Agriculture. Those agencies have become sock puppets for the industries that they’re supposed to regulate. President Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry captured officials with honest public servants. We’re going to steer resource to meet our nation’s biggest health challenge, chronic disease. We’re going to identify its root cause and we’re going to eliminate those exposures.

We’re going to get toxic additives and pesticide residues out of our food. We’re going to support the tens of millions of Americans who choose alternative and complementary medicine. We’re going to become once again, the healthiest nation on earth. That’s what we mean by Maha. America healthy again. If you want to support this vision, you can buy Maha merch or donate to our website at maha dot. Thank you for the healthy dance. All right, well, we’ll see. He’s talking big. And it’s not that the industries are captured. The industries are an essential part of operating the empire, and the industries are protected by corporate media and the political leadership.

It’s all one big team dodging bullets versus dodging interviews as well said Kamala has, or the actor playing Harris has yet to engage with an open interview. Tucker Carlson makes good point here. They think you can become, say, a presidential nominee without anybody voting for you. You can just be, they think that you can become, say, a presidential nominee without anybody voting for you. You can just be appointed by the same people who killed Jeffrey Epstein. And the rest of us are just going to ignore it and be like, that’s cool, no problem. I think that’s roughly true.

I don’t know if they were exactly the same people because I don’t have their names, but it’s the same kind of people for sure. It’s the same people who are on Peto island chose the democratic nominee, and you’re like, wait a second. In a democracy, isn’t there a point where voters get to have a say? Shut up. Okay, got it. They think you can become, say, a presidential. He’s hitting points there. And maybe that we’re at the drip, drip, drip part, but not the flood. Yet Nancy Pelosi claims the Democrats had an open primary and Kamala won it because she’s politically astute.

She’s rewriting history there for the dictatorship of the placement of Harris into the position for the actor playing Biden. You had reportedly said you wanted sort of an open primary when, if Joe Biden stepped down, did you change your mind because you saw all the excitement around Kamala Harris? No, I didn’t change my mind. We had an open primary and she won it. Nobody else got in the race because she was politically astute. And that was the thought, let’s show our talent. We have a great bench, all these great people in the country, and she could.

She just, the president endorsed her to. And that’s a big deal. Yes. People could have jumped in. There were some people who were sort of preparing, but she just took off with it. And actually, it was a blessing because there isn’t that much time. There wasn’t that much time between then and the election and sort of saved time. It wasn’t that we didn’t have an open precedent. It’s just that nobody got in because she had a running start. Yeah. That is a lie. And what you heard were the crafted talking points that go to focus groups and the lines that get the most votes are the ones that the puppeticians will practice and deliver.

You liar, you. I’m good at lying. Joe, your thoughts? Yeah. Well, JFK seems to have a little RFK. Yeah, JFK junior seems to have a little bit of a problem with philandering. That might be what some people consider an illness when he has admitted 30 affairs in one year. So it’s kind of like, is that going to be part of your health program, too, or is that going to be something that’s allowed for the elite people like you? And then getting back to the Nancy Pelosi thing about the open primary. Yeah, it was real open, wasn’t it? Nancy, nobody even knew that Kamala existed.

And since then, since she was anointed to be your candidate without ever having won a single vote in the whole world, she’s done three interviews. Two of them were absolute powder puff interviews. One was the black Journalists association. Absolutely ridiculous. The softball questions they gave her and the answers they gave her so she could just sit there and shake her head like a bobble doll. And the other one was CNN, and that was another powder puff. But the amazing thing was the one that she just did recently, the most recent one with Oprah. And in one of the scenes with Oprah, she was going through her standard little, you know, I was born a middle class kid and I was raised in a middle class family, and I read the Bible by candlelight in the log cabin when I was growing up as a little kid.

Yeah, we’ve all heard the same tired story from you and every other political hack in the whole world. But bottom line is, they panned the camera over past Oprah as Oprah was like, rolling her eyes and trying to cover her face so she wouldn’t be seen laughing and gagging. And directly behind Oprah was a teleprompter saying the same thing that Kamala was just then saying. It was like she can’t even repeat her hearse lines without having a teleprompter reminder so that she doesn’t stumble and turn it into word salad before it comes out of her mouth.

Absolutely disgusting. And as far as Oprah being a role model, this is a woman who’s done nothing but demonize white men and white women for the last, for her whole entire career. But she’s also someone that I’ve seen on tape admitting that she was molested by her uncle when she was ten years old. But being molested when you were ten years old could be a good thing because it would teach you how grown ups behave and you would have a head start on all the other kids that hadn’t been molested when they were growing up. Oh, really? Oprah, that’s absolutely wonderful.

She’s never been married. She’s an expert providing marital advice. She’s never had a child, but she’s an expert on raising children. She’s so oppressed that she only has $3.2 billion. She supported an absolute, a pedophile child rapist down in Brazil, St. John, the whatever his name was, that’s spent, gonna spend multiple life sentences in jail for all the crimes that he committed. And then she’s running a brothel over there in South Africa that she’s claiming is a school for girls where the girls are being molested by the staff. It’s like, give me a break. You have no moral authority.

And why anybody in the United States listens to a single thing that Oprah says, along with all the scams that she’s pulled in Maui with her stealing property from all of her neighbors, that their property directly across the fence burned, and she didn’t even get a wilted leaf on her property. Tell me again how wonderful this woman is and how she cares so much about you. Thank you, Joe. We’ll see what shakes out between now and the election. It seems that so much is poised to break, and I don’t know how much has been absorbed by the american public, but it’s more information available than ever before.

All right. More 2024 election facts and optics. Let my orcas talk about the border, and you can just see it for himself, how pathetic this is as a leader. And he’s doing the exact opposite of what he’s supposed to do with the border. Donald Trump has said he wants to carry out mass deportations of millions of undocumented migrants living in the United States. And some of his closest advisors have proposed deputizing the National Guard to go into Democrats democratic led states to round up migrants. What do you think of that proposal? How could something like that, how could an operation like that even be carried out? That would be.

That’s an interesting question. So an individual, an individual from Venezuela arrives at the southern border and they’re going to be immediately removed. How exactly does that work under law? How will they. You don’t let him in. That would be how it would work. And if he’s already in illegally, then you deport him. That’s how it works legally. He’ll be returned to Venezuela. Will what flight will actually take them to Venezuela? Will Mexico accept the return of a venezuelan? Will they have been given process under law to make a claim for asylum. What if they manifest fear under our executive order? We do not care.

Let’s talk about Texas, which is where we’re. And by the way, forgive me, I was speaking of operational reality. I was talking about practicality. I was not talking about policy. I didn’t address the fundamental issue of whether that is good policy. Do you want to say whether or not it’s good policy? It is not good policy. No. No, I don’t think I will. So orwellian. All right, then we have Jeremy Kaufman. The FBI visited my house today for free speech acts they knew were not crimes. And this is so good. I’ll go ahead and play it area.

Can you give your full name, please? Is that sufficient to identify. There’s only one O’Donnell affiliated with the FBI. Could you please state your full name, sir? No, it’s first amendment, right? What’s your name, sir? Absolutely not. You can show me your name and identification or I’m gonna go back inside my house. Oh, this is going out right after you guys walk away. So you can show me your name, id, you can walk away. I’m not going to talk to people who claim to be federal agents unless they can show me identification. I need to see is your full name on that bed? No, I’d like to see something with your full name or I’m not going to talk to you.

This will be going online as soon as you walk away. All I want to do is talk to you about a post that was made. I want to talk to you about you guys coming here. Say you make a salary of, I don’t know, what, low 100k. You guys making six figures. Factor in 50% expenses, overhead, maybe 100% expenses. Talking about burning a couple hundred dollars an hour just here, let alone all the time you guys are spending to investigate something that you know is not against the law. Right. Like you’re familiar with. So then why would you come? Because we wanted to make sure that there weren’t any.

No, you’re coming because you’re. You’re probably part of a regime that does this kind of thing when, you know, laws aren’t being broken. And that’s an embarrassment. Man, didn’t you guys read the constitution? Do you not believe in America? Like, how do you do your jobs and go home? You’re walking away because nothing we did is against the law. And you guys are fuck heads that try to act like bullies. And I hope you go home and are embarrassed. You can’t even say your name on camera because you know that what you’re doing is embarrassing. You know, americans that believe in the constitution think you’re laughable.

And you go home and you think about what you did today. Go home. And think about it, you cowards. Drive away. Drive away. You’re not welcome. You should be embarrassed. Embarrassing. You guys are embarrassing. That was strong. I think it wouldn’t get any more ridiculous. But I got one for you. San Francisco police are dressing up in chicken costumes to fight crime. The social media replies were savage. So what they’re doing is they’re setting up, and I’ve seen this before, they can set up like a sting operation to see, to kind of force people to stop in front of a crosswalk.

And it’s just crazy that they would want to do that. Maybe they could clean up some of the feces between citations. Stopping robberies, burglaries, and carjacking might be a challenge in that uniform revenue for traffic violations to pay for free drugs for the tourists. Dressing up as clowns would be more appropriate. So these optics are as crazy as it gets. And I go back to the poll from X and Twitter for 5.7 million people from Elon Musk, and that we’re looking at about 75% for Trump. But I think that we’re going to see that the Democrats are going to and those leaders are going to try to steal the election again, and we’ll see what happens between now and then and from that point on.

Joe, your thoughts? Yeah. Majorca is such a wonderful guy. He was born in communist Cuba, and his family fled right after Castro took over. He was just a baby at the time, but his daddy supposedly owned a stainless steel wool company that made stainless steel wool. I don’t know what the market for stainless steel wool was in 1959 in Cuba, but it’s not a very big market in the United States right now because just regular stainless steel wool will work. And sometimes you want to use brass wool and sometimes you want to use copper wool, but stainless steel woolen is not a big thing in the United States.

But his family moved out and they had enough money that he moved to Los Angeles and he went to Beverly Hills High School. So this guy’s been a groomed piece of shit from the day one, and that’s how they place these people in these high offices. He’s absolutely unqualified as far as being an american, and he’s unqualified as far as being a human being. He’s a disgusting piece of work. Now, getting back to the other subject that we were discussing, the FBI coming up and harassing that guy, and that’s all it is. I mean, they were hoping to be able to come into his house and be able to snoop around and find some reason to put a warrant on him and do another anal inspection.

Prostate me. But he didn’t allow it because he taped him and embarrassed them into going back to game plan, too. I guarantee you he’s still on their hit list and they’re still going to do something to him. Look at what they did at Mar a Lago where there was secret service agents on duty. Twenty four seven at Mar Lago. Why did the FBI need to raid Mar Lago with a SWAT team and 30 officers and stand there for 12 hours going through Melania’s underwear drawer? Absolutely disgusting. Look at what they did to Scott Ritter. They had a warrant to pick up his electronic devices because they thought he was conspiring with Putin to overthrow America.

They went in and removed 30 giant boxes of files, including manuscripts that he was using for his forthcoming books. Because this guy’s been heavily involved in everything for the last 30 years as a UN weapons instructor. And they gave him a SWAT team welcome. And so bottom line is, they will do everything possible to intimidate and silence you if you in any aspect, try to expose how completely rotten this whole government is. Sorry, I wish I had some good news, but I think I got some good news that I’ll save for my final comments today. All right, thank you, Joe.

And finally, three Covid updates. Anthony Fauci now admits vaccines cause myocarditis. Of course, he had to frame it as, oh, it’s just a very, very low percentage. Yeah, okay. All right. But as we’ve been talking about again and again and again with the documentation day after day, week after week, year after year, is that the data is overwhelming, that these are crimes against humanity for a known toxin. Doctor Peter McCullough. I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career. Now I see two per day. And we’ve kept slamming with the data. Policy shifts against the mRNA platform rapidly emerged this past week.

Now this is good news. And this is reversals and awakenings occurred this week within a major US health system, a large us state, a south american country, and in the UK, dominoes are starting to fall. And we did cover yesterday that the UC system just reversed. And they’re not going to require the University of California system, the COVID vaccine. Ohio State University, their Wexner Medical center, they are now saying the medical center is not offering Covid-19 vaccine to employees. Now that’s interesting. And he goes into the analysis that while they’re probably being sued, and it probably is the way that they decided to get out of being sued, so we shall see.

We have a lot more ground to cover. News proximal Origins 2.0 paper is in trouble. Children’s health defense 21 scientists asked Journal to retract new paper claiming Covid originated in the Wuhan market. There will be more on this coming soon. And we have talked about this in the past as well, is that people with the academic training and professional experience were able to take a look at the official bullshit excuses and destroy them. Just as I’m able to do in some of the areas of economics, and in the areas of the war, and in the areas of public education.

And that’s a good start. But we need to have a critical mass of people who can then read and respond to the data and demand that the liars be removed until we have that level of a response. And when we get the turnover, it’ll happen in an instant. And it is emperor’s new clothes. Obvious, but it hasn’t happened yet. But those stories of some reversals are a good sign, Joe. Yeah, well, the problem is they’ve infected the whole entire food stream. Because they’ve got mRNA that they’re placing on the food. They’re using it in analgesics, as well as everything that’s an injectable drug now has mRNA in it.

So that’s all your antibiotics and all of your anti inflammatories. Anything that you take in the way of medicine that’s injectable, has mRNA in it. And then if you end up in a situation where you need a transfusion, the blood supply system is completely tainted with it. And the problem is, it only takes a little bit of this mRNA inside your body for it to hijack your cells and start creating the antibodies that end up causing all of the problems that create myocarditis. I’ve seen Doctor Peter McCullough at three different medical freedom events here in Texas.

He’s very articulate, he’s very qualified, he’s very honest, and he’s had his licenses revoked because he’s speaking out. He actually donated a million dollars to have a lecture hall at Baylor University Medical up in Dallas. And he said, well, if you’re going to take away my ability to practice at your stupid hospital, why don’t you give me back the million dollars that I gave you to build a lecture hall with my name on the door? If I met such of a horrible person. This is absolutely rotten. And we need to get rid of all the administrators.

So what RFK is talking about is just the upper layer of this thing. We’ve got people that are institutionalized in every one of these hospitals, every one of these insurance corporations, every one of these pharmacy labs, every. Everything that’s to do with the entire health system in the United States has been completely corrupted and needs to be completely cleansed. And I don’t know that RFK is the guy that’s going to do it, but at least he’s talking about doing it. And so if he can talk about it, who knows? He may be able to find some people that are motivated to actually understand the problem and try to correct it.

But I’m not real optimistic. I don’t think anybody should be real optimistic. Final thoughts. So, six weeks until the election is something that’s going to break between now and then. Just hang in there. Again, we’re living in a psyop, as the audience here fully understands. Therefore, you need to appreciate what that means. You’re being played and therefore, any information that you’re receiving, just take it in, be with it. Don’t react too strongly for it. Hang on. The name of the game is for we, the people. In order to win Amrev two and world War three. In order to do that, we need to have a critical mass of human beings be able to perceive the official lies and crimes and then withdraw consent and demand arrests.

And we need to flip the military, if they haven’t already, to our side. We need to get as many people as possible and then have the possibility for truth. Now, in order for that to happen, we need some sort of a breakthrough. And I keep saying the definition of a breakthrough is something unimaginable and unpredictable, because if it would have been accessible by any of the tools that we’ve already had, it would have already happened. But it hasn’t happened. So what we’ve had hasn’t been enough. So hang in there, continue to stay informed. And when something does big break, like a paper collapse of the economy, then there’s new coming back from it.

I don’t know what it is that’s going to break. It may be several things that are going to break, but once that happens and the sheeple are no longer willing to lend support, then it’ll be a different playing field and we’ll see what happens. But between now and then, stay as healthy and happy and creative as you can. Joe, final thoughts, brother. Yeah, I forgot to mention Oprah Winfrey not only being molested by a family member when she was ten years old, she also admitted that she was a prostitute for about a year when she was 14.

So I don’t know if she was doing it just because she needed to make a pimp happy or she had a drug habit that she didn’t want anybody to know about. Now, who knows? But then getting to the good news, ABC says they’re going to cancel the view after they rigged the debate with Trump. They’re under enormous amount of scrutiny, and they’re losing viewership enormously, and their stock values completely dropped. So ABC’s in a little bit of a catharsis, and the view is something that’s been overdue for being gone for a long time. But then in the really good news, Jay Leno has an auto program where he talks about automobiles all the time.

And it’s a really interesting program. Occasionally has something different, like, you know, a B 17 flies into Burbank, and he goes over and talks to the pilots of that. And, you know, sometimes it’s. But bottom line is he talks about a lot about internal combustion engines and a lot about machinery and technology over the last century, which is really good. But today he released an episode on the 4014 Big Boy, and this is a steam locomotive that was completely refitted by Union Pacific, and it made a tour across the United States. I saw it in Eagle Pass, I think it was last year, maybe a year before.

Did a whistle stop for about ten or 15 minutes. So people in town, and there was about 300 people in this little town of Eagle Lake, but I missed it when it stopped in Columbus. I had to race to Eagle Lake to catch it on time, but there were thousands of people at a lot of the stops. The thing’s absolutely gigantic. The locomotive weighs 600 tons. It has 7000 hp, which is three times the amount of their standard diesel electric locomotives today. And it was built in 1941. They built 25 of these, and it’s the largest steam locomotive in the world.

If you get a chance to see it, it’s a really impressive site, and you have an obligation just to our ancestors to go, this is the technology that won World War two. We had those things that were pulling. He said it could pull on level ground, 5 miles of rail cars. Absolutely stunning. I mean, you’re going to be stunned just watching this hour long interview and ride along that Jay does with the 4014, big boy. But honestly, if you get a chance to see it in person, it’s worth the effort to go out of your way to see this and take your kids and show them the wonderful country that we used to have.

This thing is just gigantic, and it’s just a wonderful piece of technology. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, audience members. And we will be back on Wednesday with more of the news that you need to know.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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