Need to Know News (19 August 2024) with Carl Herman Joe Olson Chris Weinert | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots




➡ Jim Fetzer talks about how on August 19, 2024, Carl Herman, Joe Olsen, and Chris Weiner discussed various topics including the dangers of nuclear power plants, the privatization of utilities, and the political climate. They criticized the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, citing safety concerns and cost overruns. They also expressed dissatisfaction with the privatization of utilities, arguing it led to higher rates and poorer service. Lastly, they discussed their dissatisfaction with the current political candidates and the influence of mainstream media on public opinion.
➡ The text discusses various political and historical events, including assassinations, wars, and revolutions, often influenced by the U.S. It also mentions the manipulation of politics, banking, media, and education by empires for their own benefit. The text criticizes the U.S. government for its actions and calls for a complete overhaul. It also discusses the potential benefits of using blockchain technology for transparency in government spending and criticizes current U.S. leadership for rising inflation and food prices.
➡ Kamala Harris held a rally with a small crowd in North Carolina, discussing high food prices under her and Joe Biden’s administration. The Democratic National Committee is preparing for potential unrest at their convention, with evidence suggesting police involvement in previous incidents. The article also discusses the economic strategies of the Obama administration and their impact on industries like coal and lead. Lastly, it warns of a potential economic crisis due to the transition of wealth and power to China, and the devaluation of currency.
➡ The text discusses various issues including the restriction of certain topics in academic discussions, China’s decision to stop supplying antimony to the US, Warren Buffett’s involvement in blocking the Keystone pipeline, and the outsourcing of US defense equipment production. It also touches on the selling off of US debt securities by China and BRICS nations, the smuggling of intellectual property and military secrets, and the manipulation of information by those in power. The text ends with a critique of the US government’s actions, such as the CIA’s alleged involvement in spreading herpes in South Vietnam.
➡ The text discusses various issues including the corruption within the ATF, the manipulation of public opinion through political theater, the potential for economic hardship and chaos, and the controversy surrounding COVID-19 vaccines. It suggests that the government and big corporations are manipulating the public for their own gain, and that the truth about the vaccines is being hidden. The text also criticizes the lack of accountability and transparency in these matters, and calls for more public awareness and outrage.
➡ The text discusses the perceived corruption and manipulation in the medical field, particularly regarding the treatment of diseases and the use of certain drugs. It suggests that cheaper, effective treatments are being suppressed in favor of more expensive ones for profit. The text also criticizes the government’s role in this, accusing it of failing to protect the public. Lastly, it calls for individuals to take action and challenge these issues.
➡ Harley Davidson, a renowned motorcycle brand, is facing a crisis due to its new CEO’s decisions. The CEO, Hakim Zeitz, plans to make the company sustainable by switching to electric engines and outsourcing manufacturing to Thailand. However, these changes have led to a backlash from loyal customers and dealers, causing a significant drop in sales. The company’s future is uncertain, with predictions of bankruptcy due to its reliance on a single product line and lack of customer loyalty.



Carl Herman, Mission Viejo. Joe Olsen, Houston, Texas. Chris Weiner, parts unknown need to know news. This is Monday the 19 August 2024. Let’s take a look at our topics. Get some opening statements. Just three. The war, Caclin, Commie, Kamala, and from COVID and health, lies and crimes to recognize ongoing crimes against humanity. And that’s going to move to demand for alternative medicine. Joe, any opening statement, brother? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Since they’re trying to blow up a nuclear power plant, and two of them actually in Ukraine, and it looks like that’s going to be an MO across the planet, I thought I’d mention a few things about our South Texas nuclear power plant.

I had a childhood friend of mine that was a year or two ahead of me in high school, got his engineering degree and went to work for brown and root, and he was a construction supervisor on the South Texas nuclear plant in Bay City. And they spent the first billion dollars, and they were only about a third of the way through the construction. And so they claimed that Brown and root had done defective work and that they were going to have to rebid it to somebody else. So they invited in Bechtel Corporation to finish up the project for another billion.

And then they had a billion dollar overrun on that. And I asked him about it, and he said, yeah. He said, we never changed a single weld, a single pipe, a single piece of material that was installed in that job. They deliberately underbid it so they could suck in Austin and a few other utility providers that had their own separate utility companies into participating in the thing because they knew nobody was going to pay for a $3 billion new nuclear plant. But if you talk them into just a $1 billion investment, then you could bump it up twice before you finally got the damn thing open.

So, bottom line is, all these things are completely dangerous. They produce hydrogen as one of the elemental adamants that comes off of fission. Look it up. It’s one of the daughter elements, along with about a dozen other. But that’s a whole chain of things that end up having multiple daughters. So it’s ridiculous. But you have a problem with the waste. You have a problem with supply and refined fuel. You have a problem with the plant actually getting embrittlement from the hydrogen it produces and having a maximum 60 year service life, and then has to be shut down and sealed for 100,000 years.

And then, because the hydrogen is an affinity to form molecules with anything, it forms a molecule with uranium. And that’s something they don’t know how to deal with. So every night they just burp out a little bit of hydrogen uranium out into the atmosphere or into the cooling water. And that’s what we’ve got for a wonderful, environmentally friendly electric service. Absolute insanity. I absolutely despise light water reactors and I despise the people that have been lying to us about them perpetually. Thank you, Joe. Chris, opening statement. Yeah, I’ll kind of go off on Joe’s riff there a little bit.

Think about in the nineties, in the Clinton administration, when they basically privatize utilities under the pretense of getting cheaper rates, better service, the employees will have better benefits and less hours. They’re talking about going into automation and even these trade deals too, and how they benefit the us citizen. And it was just a bunch of political rhetoric. It was complete and total bullshit. And this was going on while they’re running the patcon and the ADL operations, the for profit prisons, the war on drugs, the gang wars, you know, and much of the propaganda that they’re putting on with race wars, OJ thing, all that stuff.

Right? So, you know, there’s a big violent distraction and an absurdity distraction that usually takes place when they’re putting these big changes in a sub rosa type of manner. And I think that’s a lot of what’s going on now too, is the new quantum financial system. They’re trying to push that out and put that in without anybody so much as noticing or talking about it. You see gold at all time highs. Don’t even mention the word in the media coin and CBD CDs, all this shit. I think that this debt is a result of them really deregulating much of the utility industries and the privatization of which has led to this absolute lack of service.

The complete and total jacking up of rates and the services has gotten worse as far as I know. Try calling your utility company and see if you can actually reach a human and not the robot. So yeah, there’s a lot of stuff that’s being sacrificed and compromised along the way under this illusion, this rhetoric of utopia. And I have to say that the green initiative, the carbon tax, all this bullshit is very much part of the extortion racket. And when that fails, they’ll go to war or they’ll go to politics or religion. This is really like a formula.

And once you see these guys and how they work it, you can kind of see through it and begin to prepare yourself a little better against it. I just wanted to kind of add to Joe’s points there and yeah, it’s pretty much all I got without rambling at this point. So, Chris, you’re saying that you’re not feeling the joy of the upcoming Harris Walls administration? The joy? Yeah, you know, that’s the program word, isn’t it? I’ve seen joy like 6000 times. I’ve heard it in all the keywords of all the mainstream media things and the headlines.

So yeah, they’re definitely trying to put a lot of joy behind the Harris Walls campaign for some reason. And it’s, it’s, it’s grassrooturf without question. They have to CGI the crowds in. They have to manufacture the consensus and the popularity of these two candidates who wouldn’t even make it as dog catchers if they ran for elected office without a PAC and the insiders. So yeah, this is absolutely disgusting. And the fact that we got to choose between Trump or Harris for our way out and then RFK barely making the ballot and all of them being subservient to Israel, even the independent and greenhouse party.

Stein, you know, I mean, this is unbelievable, guys. We have to forge an alternative outside the APAC control system if we want to have any chance at constitution or rights or property ownership or fair value, whether it’s wages, labor, our currency. All of the above. Very good. I’m glad you mentioned OJ Simpson because that was a pre programmed piece of race, racial baiting along with Rodney King. And it’s like they, they’ve already got this matrix set up so that all they got to do is just pull some little trigger event and they’re capable of setting those trigger events anytime they want and then they can turn around and just blame the whole nation.

And amazingly enough, the FBI can’t seem to catch anybody that torched the building or are responsible for the 31 murders that happened during the BLM riots, you know, but they managed to locate by geofencing 1200 people that walked through the Capitol, were even standing on the grounds near the Capitol and they, some of them had getting 18 year sentences. Absolutely insane what we’ve got for an excuse for a government. Absolutely. All righty, let’s go to the war. We got four of those updates. Israeli attacks kill at least 82 civil defense personnel, injure hundreds in Gaza since October 7, the agency says in a statement.

The civil defense agency said its facilities and vehicles have been routinely targeted by the israeli army during its offensive on the palestinian enclave. Now, of course, in the entire picture, what we’re looking at is war crimes within an illegal war of aggression here. This is less than a minute, an ex IDF air force rabbi admitted October 7 was an inside job by Israel. Let him speak for himself. It’s an inside job for sure. Don’t be foolish that all of a sudden they broke in 15 different places in the fence and nobody showed up for 8 hours.

No intelligence, no radars, no police showed, showed up, no army showed up, nobody came, no air force. It takes three minutes for an helicopter to come from a base into the border. Three minutes. I was in the air force. F 16 in 1 minute is up. From the minute there is a siren, in 1 minute the f 16 is already up, ready to shoot anyone and the helicopter is past him right away. Nobody showed up. No helicopters, no f 16. Nothing. Has to be an inside job. These lefty liberals are the big enemy. I’ve been saying it for more than 20 years.

I exaggerated. Unfortunately, everything I said was. Yeah, yeah, he’s feeling it. He is feeling it. The US is not a credible ceasefire mediator, but a genocide partner. And that’s true. That’s true. The war is being armed by the US. That’s what we have seen. And a lot of the analysis is the only way to stop the war is for the US to quit supplying the weapons. The US is, well, they are attacking Russia via proxy. And then this is a great little 22 minutes documentary. Every leader the US has assassinated and they go through six of them.

Lumumba. No. Dien Diem. Salvador Allende, Rene Schneider, Rafael Trujillo, Che Guevara, and then a few that were planned but not executed. And that’s business as usual because that’s what we’re dealing with here, is that these are ongoing wars of aggression, wars of opportunity, wars for resources both natural and human. And the war on Israel. Yeah, I’ll go ahead and put to the show notes here again on bitch you. The article that I have about Israeli’s history, based upon the public’s research and the summary from the two treaties after two world wars. You can’t do it. You can’t.

War is not an option. And it’s just crazy that these people are able to flout the most illegal acts that I keep saying annually kill millions, harm billions and loot trillions. But that’s what we got. Joe, your thoughts? Yeah. We also funded the overthrow by a military general in Indonesia which resulted in the massacre of 800,000 Chinese. Most of them had lived in Indonesia and were very productive citizens of Indonesia for hundreds of years because China had been trading with them for a long time. And then they also killed 200,000 Catholics and they beheaded 40,000 nuns because they wanted to turn it into an Islamic State.

And now it’s the largest islamic population wide state in the world. And we created that monster. And, you know, so a little bit of history there. But if you also want to know what’s going on in Ukraine, go to wiki and look up color underlying revolutions. We’ve sponsored a dozen revolutions in eastern Europe just since the year 2000, including the 2004 overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine. And then when we didn’t get them to do exactly what we wanted, we turned around and overthrew them again. In 2014, we overthrow the government of Georgia twice. We’re fixing to overthrow the government in Georgia the third time.

It’s absolutely disgusting the way our country operates. And if you want a good, long history about the things that you are never taught in a single history class in your whole entire life, go to tales of the american empire on YouTube. They’ve got 130 documentaries. They’re all about 15 minutes long. They’re also all very well documented. And you’ll have no problem after you do a little bit of study understanding how rotten our government has been. And it’s only been rotten because our news media and our education system have been rotted from the inside out. So bottom line is we need a top to bottom cleansing of this whole entire nation.

We need to have an exorcism of our entire establishment in this country. Yeah. Historically, the empires, they have to control the politics to do the policies that they want. They have to control the banking system to create what is used for money, to enrich themselves and pay their minions. And they need to control media and education to tell everybody that it’s all good. And they should be thankful for how great freedom is. Chris, your thoughts, brother? I was talking about this the other day about the XRP blockchain ledger and how that would be a good thing to put Congress on as far as their expenditures and their budgets and something you could itemize and trace.

And the public can see where our money’s going and where our debt is, what’s creating our debts. I can see all the insider deals who’s, you know, down to the person, down to the denomination of money. So I don’t understand why they’re not interested in doing something like that other than just to shield rampant corruption. And if there’s another excuse, I can’t find one or a reason why they would do that. This is obviously just cover fire for very nefarious behavior. And I’ll also say that we were talking about the. The private sector and these private companies.

Much of the coups that you mentioned were done at the behest of companies like United Fruit or it and T, which becomes at and t any of these companies, really, if you think about it, the Coca Cola and Pepsi bottlers of America, shit like this. These guys are topping off these countries left and right for decades and around the world, colonializing for Rothschild and Soros. So when you talk about the color revolutions, you know, you can say we as our country, and we take the collective guilt, the collective punishment, and the collective debt, but these guys are the ones that are bribing our fucking politicians and controlling our banking institutions to fund and fuel these directives, to steer these abhorrent foreign and domestic policies that we are calling diplomacy.

So, yeah, this is very much a colonializing empire for the royal banking houses of Europe. And our country needs to be taken back, or it’s going to be taken down. I think they almost want to take it down so that they can default on all the obligations and then foist the accountability onto the actual righteous people that demanded more from their public officials. That would be a way to recycle it and to just go ahead and destroy one empire and build up another and continue to play the sheeple that way. You know, the. The Hunger Games is really a great analogy in that.

Bricks, Carl, that’s basically bricks. You described the Goldman Sachs 2001 June initiative is bricks. You know, you described that perfectly. And for the Hunger Games is that it’s the US is the. The capital, and the good people there are ignorant and they believe the propaganda. And that’s where we’re at to. Until we get some sort of a breakthrough event. And we do need friends in high places, otherwise, we’re going to be great. Reset again. Caclin commie Kamala. We have 1234-5678 of those. Kamala nomics blowback begins as food prices hit record highs. Now, she’s been off in office for three and a half years, and this is an ad that Trump swung around with just what Kamala said herself.

I’m Donald J. Trump, and I approve this message. The alarming spike in inflation soaring to its highest level in nearly 40 years. That is called by dynamics. Gas prices rose again today, reaching a new all time high. We’re still dealing with inflation, and we’ve got super high interest rates. At the same time, two thirds of America are just struggling to make ends meet. And this comes after Friday’s jobs report showing a spike in unemployment. And we are very proud of it. That wasn’t one I was thinking of. It’s. But we’ll see that one, too. And we have some of the food items.

Baking goods up 27%. Cereal and baking products up 26. Children’s food, 24. Meat, poultry, and fish up 23. That’s just in three and a half years. And there’s a bunch of more prices there, and people are feeling it. And we have called this out. Shortest political ad I’ve ever seen. Okay, this is the one that I wanted to play for you. A loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%. I’m Donald Trump, and I approve this message. Elon Musk shares a devastating video, the unraveling of Kamala Harris, on his x page.

Kamala was so bad, she folded before the first primary contest. Now, this is strange. Here, play at least a little bit of this nation letter of the Harris campaign state operations director, who is now joining the Bloomberg campaign. She wrote, it is unacceptable that with less than 90 days until Iowa, we still do not have a real plan to win. Our campaign for the people is made up of diverse talent, which is being squandered by indecision and a lack of leaders who lead. Molly, that is rough stuff. You wrote a fantastic cover story on Kamala Harris about a month ago or so.

I’m sure based on what you’re reporting, has been a lot of this isn’t really a surprise to you. No, what’s a surprise is that she has failed to turn it around despite literally months and months and months of hearing this kind of frustration. And you hear, you know, it’s reporters, it’s people inside the campaign. It’s people outside the campaign. It’s pretty much every voter that you meet on the campaign trail who goes to see her. And the common theme is people want to like her, and then she doesn’t close the deal. She’s not able to articulate a consistent and compelling message that makes those voters who show up for her, who are interested in what she’s selling, that makes them decide, yes, this is the candidate I can commit to.

And the time story and a post story today have really laid out this frustration, especially within her team, that she hasn’t been able to make those decisions. And she’s been all over the place in terms of, and I want to contrast the New York Times and the Post now, of course, fawning over Harris, despite Harris not spending any time whatsoever with the press. All right, next z here iem Kamala Harris’s website has nine different pronoun settings for interested applicants. Or they can write in their own weird pronouns. Now this was after we covered, I guess it was yesterday.

Is that in order to apply for the campaign you need to. Let’s see, they have the he, him, her. That’s where she introduced herself as a her or she did. Then you know, she might change her mind. But that everyone has to have the complete Covid schedule of vaccines. Hopefully you’ll be as healthy as Tony Fauci. Catching COVID for the third time despite his being vaccinated and six boosters. Kamala Harris holds rally in cracker box with maybe 250 people in North Carolina. Describes how high food prices are under her and old Joe. You can’t make this up.

Yeah. New way forward. That’s just the bullshit that they said. And, and nobody wants her. If she’s not spending a million dollars for a singing talent to bring people in, people aren’t going to show. The energy is overwhelming. Small crowd shows up for Kamala Harris and Tim Walls as they kick off their road to Chicago bus tour in Pennsylvania. Video and of course, you know, there’s just not that many people there. And for the DNC, pallets of bricks delivered ahead as Chicago DNC antifa prepares for summer of rage. They want to call it, huh? Okay. And just as we were talking about at the beginning in the opening statements is that these people are the real insurrectionists, arsonists, murderers.

But until they’re caught, it’s going to keep going that way. New video appears to show DC police units planting a j six pop pipe bomb. So in considering of what might happen at the DNC this week, the Democratic National Committee is that we do have video of the last time around for j six. I’ll go ahead and play this little shot here of a police car rolling up. Guys going to get out, he’s going to point to the benches and this is a video camera. And then just, it’s not in the video, but he gets out, points, starts walking over there and then just a few minutes later that pipe bomb was found.

So that seems to be damning. And we have no official statement for that, of course. And the Democrats are building a protective wall around their convention and of course requiring id in order to get in. So the irony and the hypocrisy continues. Joe, your thoughts? Yeah, it’s amazing. All these people seem to have is their back channel thing is to create another war because then we can have a wartime president and you’re not allowed to have an election during a war, because we’ve only done that several times. We had election during World War two, you know, that election during the civil war.

We had election during the spanish war. We probably had elections, you know, during the. Although we were only involved in the first world war for about twelve months. So that’s not a real viable alternative. But bottom line is they’ve done everything they can to kneecap America. During the Obama administration, one of the very first things he did was have a war on coal. And the market cap for the coal industry in the United States was $40 billion. By the time he finished his war on coal, it was down to 400 million, which was a 90% reduction in the capital value of the coal industry.

And that includes everything. Includes the mining equipment, includes the coal mines, includes the power plants that were operating with it, includes the shipping, that was, you know, barges going up and down providing it. After they did that, then Warren Buffett swooped in, picked up all of this stuff at $0.10 on the dollar. And then the United States says, okay, we’ll allow you to go ahead and mine coal, but you’re going to have to export it. So then they put giant piles, I mean, piles of thousand foot high piles of coal on the Houston ship channel, waiting to be shipped to China.

I mean, just one coal train after another lined up, fixing to dump american coal for the chinese market. Thing about coal is you need it to produce the coke, which is the source of carbon for making steel. And it’s the most efficient way of making steel is to burn coal to heat the steel up and melt it. So not only you handicapped the steel industry, you also handicapped the energy production industry. And then they did the same thing with the do run lead plant in Missouri, which had been operational since 1910, had provided lead projectiles for the Americans.

In every war that we’ve ever been involved in, the EPA came in and said, oh, it’s a dangerous thing. Nobody can produce lead. Well, the army and the military complained like crazy because lead is a strategic material. It’s used for lining around nuclear radiation sources. It’s used for electronics, making circuits and soldering things. It’s used for bullets. And so after they bankrupted the lead mine in Missouri, they ended up selling it for ten cents to the dollar to another one of these corporate pirates. So bottom line is they have perfected a system where they can use the government to come in and destroy net worth for virtually any industry that they decide to target and then turn around and reward the robber barons that are sitting there waiting to take over these industries and recapitalize them, quote, which requires absolutely nothing because they’ve already bought them at $0.10 on the dollar.

So recapitalize them is nothing more than just changing the rules so you can sell the product that you’ve been manufacturing for the last 200 years. Absolutely criminal. This is vulture capitalism on steroids. And there’s nobody addressing this absolute nightmare. Nobody in the media mentions anything about any of this stuff. True. Thank you, Joe. Chris? Yeah, I’ll just add to the point that most of the american resources, labor and production were outsourced in the nineties, like I was talking about in the previous segment, to China by the East India Company, the Boston Brahmin folk, the Bain and Boston consulting guys, the Harvard trusts, you know, the, the old money, let’s just say the pilgrim society money, the crown operatives, possibly side of the money.

Long story short, these guys have been positioning and transitioning the wealth, starting from 911 till now, over to China. And I think now they’ve wrung out as much as they’re going to be able to extract from the american middle class and working poor. I think they’ve racked up 35 trillion in debt, plus Lord knows how much in the financial instruments that they put out that have been toxic. But this is a combination of, like I said, wall street and the military. This is a leviathan from within that is, that has no accountability and just all power.

So, you know, something’s being done here with, with our economic power and, and our wealth, as far as not only transferring and transitioning property ownership, but also in terms of devaluing the currency to the point where when they jump ship, they’re going to probably have something different than the american people have in terms of value and valuation. I don’t think that these guys are going to be taking paper ious or digital cryptocurrency. In fact, they’re buying gold and silver like crazy. So I don’t know. I just watch what these guys are doing and just try to protect yourself in a similar manner to what they’re doing.

Because I think this whole century was like a misdirection ploy, a way to dissociate humanity from the gold and silver standard and to basically tokenize value in the way that they have. And I think it’s going to backfire and backfire hard. And I think when it does, these guys are going to really have to scramble to make sure they’re in the position for the gold and silver standard. And I think you’re seeing them doing that right now, quietly, as they’re suppressing gold and silver prices as much as they can and closing out shorts and things of the short things of the sort, I should say.

So, yeah, you got to watch these bankers and what they’re doing and really stop paying attention what the media is telling you and the politicians are talking about, because this is where the real action is. This is the transition of wealth and the transfer of empire. Yeah. I’ll put into the show notes again the financial article that I have and that it is orwellian. It’s so orwellian, people seem to not be able to get their minds around it. This escalating growth of debt, total debt, national debt, all debt is because what we use for money is debt.

It’s not a monetary system. It’s a debt system. And that exponential growth curve, I mean, everybody who would be rational would say, oh, that’s not sustainable and it’s going to break. But the criminals who have designed that system, they purchased, of course, corporate media and the education system. And even among 2000 AP Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, I don’t have currently a single teacher standing with me. From time to time, about twice a year, somebody will make the mistake of doing what is illegal. On the discussion board is bringing up a current event or current data of the economy because that isn’t tested.

See what, the only thing that they can discuss is what is tested in those questions and those hypothetical scenarios. You can ask all day about that, but you can’t bring up current events. You can’t bring in the reality of the economy. But people slip up and. And I tread the. Tread those waters every time. And I got to do it. I got to be careful. And I can’t bring anything up because they will throw my ass out because they did that for the AP us government discussion board. When I challenged the legality of the us wars, I was told that would be an inappropriate topic for a college level us government class.

And I had no opportunity to get my questions about how can that be? All right. Yeah. The EPA had shut down all rare earth element mining in the United States and refining. And so basically, we’ve outsourced all of that to China. Well, China just announced today that they’re going to completely blockade us from getting antimony, which is an element that’s used in bullets, solder bearings. It’s mixed with metals to give you a harder metal, which is mandatory for cartridge cases. And it’s also used as a flame retardant. And so here we have something that China is the 50% world supplier, and they, in their public statement, said they are not going to be supplying this to unfriendly forces because they already have commitments from people that are.

So, bottom line is, they’re saying, we’ll sell antimony to bricks, but we ain’t selling to you stupid yanks. And so, bottom line is, we’ve just handicapped ourselves in another strategic area. And I also wanted to mention that Warren Buffett was highly involved in blocking the Keystone pipeline, because anything that doesn’t go through a pipeline is going to go through his ownership of the Burlington Northern railroads. So they’ll put it on tanker cars, which is far more dangerous and far less efficient than pumping it through a pipeline. So, bottom line is, here’s this guy that’s just such a wonderful model of capitalism doing everything he can to be a pirate for himself and screw the whole rest of the country and whatever’s best for the rest of the planet.

What a bunch of monsters we have at the top of this pyramid. And China and the BRICS aligned nations have been quietly and continuously selling off their us debt securities. And when those securities, the demand for the securities, evaporates, because people are going to conclude they’re not going to make any money off of that, given the hidden inflation. Not so hidden. And plus, they’re not going to be willing to fund genocide. So we’ll see. It hasn’t happened yet, but it could happen literally any time. All right, last topic. Carl, can I jump in for a minute? Yep, yep, yep.

Yeah. What we were talking about is these. These bankers and these top brass military personnel that have sold out this country through Wall street and such. They plan on using the chinese labor force, like in the kohong type of system that they did under the East India Company, but then taking the intellectual property, uh, from the military development projects and products that. That China is building now, like you say, national security. As you mentioned, if that were any priority, we would not be outsourcing, uh, most of our, uh, production on our defense equipment to these guys.

Right? But somehow we are. And then here we are wondering how they have, uh, cut corners on, which is probably like 50, 60% of, you know, any military weapon is research and development and the development of intellectual property. That is the testing phase. That is the prototype development, the whole thing. Prototype on through. So there’s a lot of stages that are being cut out of the middle, and they’re being smuggled in terms of intellectual property and military and national security secrets by dual agents that are also in the cahoots with the banking cabal. All the same, haplogroup, you know, people we can’t mention without ending up in prison.

So, yeah, this is what’s going on right now. And people that don’t understand this or can’t figure it out, I don’t know. I’m just trying to make it as simple as I can for you to understand, you know, who it was, what they did, how they did it, where they went to with it. I mean, you know, I’m almost about to start etching stick figures, and maybe that’ll reach more people. But at this point in time, you know, we know who’s behind this. We know what they’re doing. We know what’s going on. We see BRICS. We talk about this.

Have you heard any of the talking heads? And even in the all media talk about Goldman Sachs putting out the BRICS initiative in 2001? I’ve heard anybody else but us really say that you guys. You know, hats off to you guys for pointing this stuff out, but I. You know, what are your thoughts on this? I know I’m rambling at this point, but I really think this needs to be heard. No, I haven’t heard anybody else talk about that, Chris, and that is a good point. And the biggest context that I see is the question of who’s in charge of this.

If nothing has changed, then the black cats are playing with their food, and they’re just trying to liven it up for themselves, and we’re going to be crushed again. And we are an owned slave race, and the only people who are going to see what they’re doing is just a couple of percentage off the end of the bell curve, and they’ll just go ahead and let us chatter. Or if we become too annoying, they’ll. They’ll, uh, torture us somehow or. Or whatever. We need free speech, not reach. You remember we were talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Whatever it is, they’ll. They’ll limit us. They’ll contain us, and, um, you know, if we become too annoying, they’ll swat us one way or another. So we do need some sort of a breakthrough, something unimaginable and unrecognizable from the tools that we have. We need help from friends in high places. And then that gets into the whole argument, and I’ll put it in the show notes yet again of what I see, that this jump, the shark narratives that we’re seeing now, where the black hats are so exposed. If I had to guess, right now, the people who are for Harris is about 25%, I would say.

And it. So to answer your question, Chris, it’s just a matter of who’s in charge. And if the black hats are in charge, it doesn’t matter what they’re showing us. They’re just gonna reverse it and turn it around and pin us yet again. I think it’s like the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, where it’s the same royal families running both sides, basically, cousins versus cousins, you know, european country versus european country, the perception of nationalism. But it’s truly an oligarchy, and it’s being run by secret societies that have infiltrated the top levels of our military, of our financial systems, of our education systems, media.

Obviously, we’re talking about all the shit that happened with that Covax, right? Here’s a little off topic, but I just want to point this out, too. 20 million people injured from this or died suddenly from that. Some of it ain’t even made the news once, and these motherfuckers are running around talking about monkeypox with five homos. That has some weird breakups, probably all vax, too. So, you know, I’ll put that out there as well, because you’re really being misdirected by outrage and sensation and things of the sort. And we really need to stay focused on the prize.

This is the number one trick for. Or, like, a parlor game or a parlor trick is to, you know, distract the people. You know, misdirect them. And when that happens, that’s when the sleight of hand occurs. Very good. Anything else, Joe? Oh, yeah. It turns out that herpes was isolated by the CIA, and they used it to infect the prostitutes in South Vietnam for who knows what benefit, you know, I mean, it’s like all of our soldiers can, if they don’t come back in a box with your entrails removed and full of heroin for the big heroin ring that was running out of Laos in Vietnam, then you can come back with something that can cause you a lifelong sexual transmitted disease, or you can get agent orange that will end up crippling your children.

So it’s like that, you know, it’s just the gift that keeps on giving is what the wonderful things that the CIA and the USA government have been doing for centuries, it’s. You couldn’t have a more malignant group of leaders misdirecting your whole entire country and nobody being able to say a damn thing about it. It’s, like, absolutely disgusting. You know, it’s. And we mentioned. We mentioned last week about the ATF and the fast and furious that was on a channel called forgotten history. And I mentioned that there was a gun dealer, FFL in Phoenix that was ordered by the ATF to accept weapons that they paid for, that he was then supposed to sell and pay them back to straw buyers that were feeding 2200 guns to the mexican cartels.

And that after they tried to bust him, he said, wait a minute, I’ve kept notebooks on this whole entire thing. And so he also disclosed that previous ATF gun running operations, in addition to Fast and Furious, was a wide receiver cast away and too hot to handle. Well, today I came across a website with a woman named Liberty Dahl. And I’ll put a link to that down in the show notes. It’s about a 20 minutes long video, but she goes through ATF assassinations of gun owners and persecution of gun dealers, going back to when it was founded in 1972.

So the ATF has been a rotten organization since its very conception. And what they said was there’s like 100,000 licensed gun dealers in the United States. And they wanted to get that down to, like less than 5000 licensed gun dealers. Because bottom line is. Yeah, you don’t want people to actually be able to exercise their second Amendment rights because they might decide they have another eight or nine second Amendment rights that they might want to exercise as well. So bottom line is, I can’t think of a single agency in the federal government that has been anything other than as corrupt as it could possibly be.

Yeah. Yeah. None of them can speak to the biggest truths because that would shatter the illusion. It’s an emperor’s new closed situation. Carl, the thing I was saying before about the independence model, the illusion, the gathering of the free masonic orders, the guilds, and deceiving them in such a way with the political theater, I think, was decided upon somewhere between the wars of Austria and spanish succession, the seven Years War, or maybe even the Treaty and Congress of Vienna of 1812 and 1815, where they pretty much have this. This type of masonic agreement amongst all the laborers of all the organizations.

And they have humanity departmentalized in such a way that they can mobilize them politically towards anything, any idea, any concept, any cause at the snap of a finger. So this is, I think, what’s going on. And I think more people need to understand this. It’s almost like the concept of the crowd, strike rent a crowds, and how they go into some of these rallies and start things up, or how they do things like with antifa and BLM protests and riots. Like, we saw, you know, this is what’s going on right now, people. There’s a guild, whether it’s a crisis, actors guild or something like that, Crowdstrike, whatever you call it, that’s going to be running through and I think causing a lot of chaos in the next few months as people are really going through a lot of economic hardship.

Intentional, imposed part of the punishment. So I think this is really what they’re trying to do, is crash the system and really get us to allow them to rebuild the next one. Yeah, they got to crash the system. They got to break us down. They got to defeat us. Amrev two. World War three, baby. All right, let’s go to these dizzy. They can say all the money that they pissed away and put into debt is on us, and then it’ll be our fault. The principal people that demanded more from their government or that, like, held the constitution or declaration of independence.

Seriously, those people are going to somehow or another have this foisted on them, is they’re the reason why your Social Security is somehow gone and your 401K is toxic vaporware or some crypto scam, you know? So this is the foisting trick. This is the parlor trick, guys. I’m just letting everyone know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They’ll call it irrational exuberance or something. That’s what they called it before. Yeah, blame the victim. Never take any responsibility. Never, ever, ever. All right, new Oxford study shows only the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died. Hmm.

Well, that’s interesting. And we’ve been piling on this research for four years, and it is. Well, here, Steve Kirsch. This is a great angle. Google AI cannot find a single COVID vaccine. Success story, huh? The COVID vaccine is so darn effective, why are there no success stories? If it worked, the biggest impact would be in the nursing homes. Every nursing home should be a success story, right? Yeah, but it’s nothing because they were death shots. Apparently, 5% of them were fully armed and lethal. Malaysian vital statistics demonstrate no evidence of a fatal pandemic in 2020, but failing population health from February 2021 onwards, which was the start of Covid-19 vaccination in Malaysia.

And again, the data just is, again, repetitive is the same thing. Did the COVID vaccine really save 20 million lives worldwide? No, but that doesn’t keep people from saying it, and they will say it. And this is people who know what they’re looking at. They point to the source for this claim of 20 million, and then they point out that this is a ridiculous data point. And for example, Steve is pointing out in the Pfizer trial, there were 22,000 who got the shot. Okay? So that means that they would have saved 79 COVID deaths, according to that claim of data.

But in the clinical trial, it was just one. And then if you take a look at the people who died from the shot, and that, as we’ve covered several times, the best academic study was the 17 countries in South America, and that showed 17 million dead actuaries incorporated. If you’re going to undeclare a pandemic, you’re going to need an embarrassment of actuaries. And this is more of the cumulative data that we’ve talked about. Covid-19 drives high mortality rate in Australia. This is what they talked about. 13 deaths in a day. An apocalyptic coronavirus surge at a New York City hospital.

Of course, somebody went in and videoed that very same hospital, and they were arrested for it. Take whatever COVID vaccine you can get. All of them. Stop death and hospitalization. That’s what we were told. But yet the deaths came from the shot, not from the COVID Laughable experts rip the CDC report claiming childhood vaccines save 1.1 million lives. That’s why they can’t debate anybody who knows what they’re talking about. All they can do is bullshit. All they can do is Tony Fauci us, and then doctor Robert Young, Carl, these guys, these guys have done this on like, every continent over the last 20 years, if you think about it.

These big companies have gone in and crippled people in India, or Africa, or China, or even America now. But, I mean, like, this has been going on for a fucking while, and they’ve been getting away with it. And nobody’s been able to put these guys in jail or even prosecute them. There’s only one guy that brought about an international case, and they threw him in fucking jail. Reinhard Fulmich. You know, I mean, look at. Look what they’re doing right now. This is crazy. This is. People start turning the temples over, man. I’m sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It’s going to require something. But you’re right, this is ongoing, and it’s earthwide. We don’t have anybody standing up. Every agency is apparently captured. Every. You know, I mean, come on, Carl, where’s the fucking outrage? This is unbelievable. I said two to five years. They’re going to figure out what happened. And when the hibernation, when the mama bears come out of hibernation, they’re going to. They’re going to tear it up. You know, I just haven’t seen that yet. I just seen, you know, the. The misdirection and the. The new crisis. That’s it. Yeah. Not yet. Not yet.

I think by the election, if something hasn’t happened for a breakthrough, then we’re going to start seeing stuff. Got two more of these little stories here for Covid Doctor Robert Young. No documentation of the existence of a monkeypox virus. That’s right. They can’t point to one. They don’t have one. And all they’re using is pictures of other shit. Were these people vaccinated, the ones that are having the outbreak or. No, I mean, did they ever get a vaccine? Did they have COVID vaccine? Is this long Covid? Who knows? Yeah. Yeah. They’re not going to tell us that.

They’re not going to tell us. And for the COVID one of the subsections of the paper that I wrote is that the CDC admits the PCR test can’t distinguish between Covid and ordinary flu. The PCR test was made with generic flu stock because CDC have not isolated any Covid sample. Neither have who and 90 plus other leading health science institutions. So the level of gaslighting and lies, I mean, is easy to demonstrate for anybody who cares to take a look at the data and has the intellectual integrity and moral courage just to point and say what they see.

It’s emperor’s new clothes, baby. But as Chris is talking about, we’re still chatting among ourselves and we shall see what’s happening, what we can’t measure. We’ll see how much of this information is penetrating and that the ordinary Americans and people around the world are resonating with. We do see the destruction of the support for, in this country, for Biden and for Harris and for the other so called developed, so called former colonial nations. We’re seeing single digit approval rating for them, too. Something is going to break. And if this is going to be some sort of a revolution without any assistance from friends in high places, then it’s going to be brutally messy, and a lot of people are going to die.

And that’s just how it’s going to be. If the black cats are in charge and they’re messing with this, then they’re orchestrating something that they can, they can cause as a civil war, a civil unrest, and then contain and isolate, and then use that to blame a section of the public and then round up for camps, everybody. And they’re just going to say that they’re in that unacceptable small fringe minority group that is at a re education camp. Joe, your thoughts? Yes. I wrote ten great articles about the woof lu thing from the day that it and started because I knew how rotten it was.

One of them is right to try voodoo, which Donald Trump made a big deal about, passing a law that allowed you to try whatever it was the FDA wanted you to try as a guinea pig, but that you had no liability against them or the doctors or the manufacturers if whatever they gave you ended up being detrimental to your life. Bottom line is, you had a right to try voodoo, and that’s exactly what it was. But let me read the first part of this, the first sentence, actually. Two australian scientists, doctor Robin Warren and Barry Marshall, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for their pioneering cure of peptic ulcers.

What’s most revealing about this quote established science is that these gifted and dedicated doctors made this discovery in 1982, actually made the discovery in 1978, that H. Pylori bacteria in your stomach eats your food and releases highly acidic waste, which causes peptic ulcer. But the australian government refused to let them do human testing. So Doctor Marshall infected himself with H. Pylori, said, now I have peptic ulcers. Now I’m giving myself a five dollar antibiotic. Now I don’t have peptic ulcers. And they said, okay, we’ll let you do four years of human testing, but half the people have to get a placebo that does absolutely no good for them at all.

Well, it took another ten years before the FDA finally said that taking Maalox and pepto bismol did not cure peptic ulcers. And they allowed the marginal treatment to go effective here in the United States. Another one that I wrote was wu flu bats. Two news for you. This is at Principia Scientific, and I’ll just read one little quote from this. Hydroxychloroquine decalcifies the pineal gland, also the thyroid and the pituitary gland. I go into excruciating detail about this naturally derived quinine that was first stabilized by Bayer in 1935 as chloroquine. And then it was further stabilized during World War two, which we stole all their patents for as hydroxychloroquine.

It’s been on the list of mandatory medicines for 75 years, and it’s over the counter in every latin american country, all in Africa and all of the Far east, because it’s the most effective preventative and cure for malaria. It’s anti inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral absolutely wonderful drug. Off label uses include treatment for arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lupus. But you are not allowed to have it because it costs less than a dollar per tablet. And they’ve got something that costs $100 that they would lot rather sell you, and they could give a shit less whether you ever get better or not.

The whole thing is about them making money. Matter of fact, if they can cripple you with something like their ebola vaccines that killed 60% of the people that they experimented on in Africa, then that’s what they would really prefer to do. These people are psychopaths, and it gets even worse. So ivermectin is an ingredient and heart guard for our dog may down here, but now you can’t order it over the counter because it has ivermectin in it. You have to get it prescribed, and you have to get it filled through a pharmacy for your dog because it has ivermectin in it.

And certainly you wouldn’t want people abusing hard guard tablets for dogs. Chris, your thoughts? Now, you say abusing, you mean more or less like using to their advantage or to their own preservation. Yeah, I know that’s the word. They would like to prescribe to that term. But, you know, this is something that more doctors should be looking into. If they are in fact doctors and want to call themselves men of science who want to research and actually help their patients. Now, most of these doctors are just in the blood oath, and they’re taking the money and keeping the 63% and, you know, taking that bonus.

So this is pretty fucking sad and a very sad state of affairs when our elected officials and our trusted medical experts are resorting to such treachery, in collusion with each other to really cover up for these war crimes. You know, much of these vaccines that were put out that people were scared into taking or mandated into taking, they have not only the side effects that we’re talking about, but they have the graphene too, which is another phenomenon. And I think that’s going to be an integral, involuntary introduction to neuralase, neural link, as I mentioned before, and this is my opinion, ties the Phoenix program to Mkultra, to Mockingbird, to the doctors to Wall street.

You know, this ties it all together. I feel like that Charlie day meme with the whiteboard, but, you know, I know it’s a little bit all over the place, but these guys are all working in collusion with each other in a circulatory revolving door of regulation and authority and the private sector as well. So, yeah, this is what’s going on, guys, and this is being done against us all. And there seems to be no recourse in the offerings of law that we have at our availability. So we have to really take the rule of law, in my opinion, to our own hands at some point, because the one that is put in place to defend the common man is certainly not doing anything of the nature.

Yeah, amazing. The government that can’t protect you from OxyContin and can’t protect you from fentanyl is going to protect you from functional medicines that could actually improve your health. Absolutely disgusting. Of course. Yeah, yeah. Unbelievable. And you know what? You sound like the fucking prick. When you tell us to people that don’t know better, you know, they honestly do. I mean, that’s the thing, you know, people walk away going, man, what’s wrong with that guy? You know? But, you know, you really. It takes a lot of love to tell people that type of, you know, truth and be that brutally honest about things.

And I’m just glad you guys are out there hammering away at this, because it needs to be hammered at from anyone and everyone. This is all hands on deck. You know, if you’re not a blade runner, you’re nothing, right? Yeah. Yeah, we certainly count on your stuff, too. You got great research. Thanks, guys. I appreciate you. Yep, yep. All right, we’re going to final thoughts. Well, as bad as it is, I mean, we’re still not even seeing all of it. And as bad as it is, I take comfort in that this is the most exposed that the empire has ever been.

And just to repeat, what I’m talking about, is that the big question is who’s in charge? And all you can do is have contingencies. If this is a white hat operation, then, you know, just sit back. There’s nothing you can do. I mean, that doesn’t stop you from taking action in the present. Talking with whoever it is that you want to talk with and just had a disruption there in my screen. Okay, we’re back. Good. It doesn’t mean stop doing anything where you see an opening, but a lot of what we’re talking about is over our heads.

And I say that through 47 years experience of doing everything that I can, and after 47 years and two UN summits for heads of state, I don’t even have my own family members giving me the time of day. They just aren’t open. So I never imagined that the american people would be mind controlled so thoroughly, but they are. So you just have to be a little bit humble. Given that you’ve expressed yourself and tried everything that you could imagine and organized with everything that you can imagine in the challenge to our school district’s health, again, no teacher at my school would stand with me.

All of them disavowed, all of them backed off, and I was attacked by all of the administrators. So if that’s the case, I’m at peace with that. If the election comes and goes and nothing happens, then I’ll invent something to do, give it my best shot. But I’ll be looking for a Socrates type of ending at that point. And I will be looking to leverage myself with that maximum opportunity for people to at least choose. In the great awakening and the great choosing, there will be a time where you will be able to express yourself, all of our audience members, and you just have to balance that and determine how you’re going to play your hand given the environment.

So hang in there, see what develops, and I’ll put into the show notes if you want to take a look at what is informing my conclusion that I am at 95% that this is a white hat show. Nothing has broken yet. So it is excruciatingly painful for those awareness. But until we get the breakthrough event, I don’t see anything to do but just to endure and to hold for the truth and look for openings. Joe, final statement, brother. Oh, yeah. This is a full scale culture war. In addition to tear down all of our statues and all of our history, they also tear down every iconic brand that we’ve been able to build up over the last few generations, including Disney Corporation, who’s gone so completely woke that they’ve destroyed their brand.

And hopefully they’ll end up going completely bankrupt. And then we had Bud light, which decided they would go Dei and bankrupt themselves. But now the latest shame is Harley Davidson. They hired a guy named Hakim Zeitz, who’s from Germany, whose first job was working for Colgate Palmolive for a few years. And then he became CEO of Puma sportswear for 18 years. Never drove a Harley Davidson in his whole frickin life. And they make him CEO of Harley Davidson. So immediately he starts saying, and this is an exact quote from the guy, you can watch the videotape of it.

I’m going to be the taliban of sustainability. We can’t continue to manufacture internal combustion engines. We’re going to switch Harley to all electric. And we don’t need american manufacturing. We’ve got some companies over in Thailand that can manufacture Harley’s and or it’s just fine well, guess what? The bottom line is, it’s cratering. People are ripping the labels off their Harley Davidson, sending them to the dealer, boycotting the dealers. The dealers are absolutely screaming at Sturgis. There was absolutely no sales at the Harley vent event for any of their paraphernalia or any of their. And no visitors there.

They were absolutely destroyed. This brand and it’s part of the pump and dump because the shareholders that are controlled by Blackrock that are put in there as board of directors already sold their shells and they’re already doing put options on the company going bankrupt. And the son of a bitch that’s in charge of it needs to have a Hells angel bullet in his, in his head. But I’m not going to advocate violence. But I’ll tell you what, this is a really bad group of people for you to be going to war with. And this guy is an absolute freaking monster.

You ought to listen to it, man. Absolutely insane. And how Harley Davidson ended up picking somebody this completely rotten. Today they issued an apology saying they will never fund another drag queen bikers for. And so their bottom line is their crawfish and as quick as they can. But this is a company that their single product line depends on customer loyalty. And once you piss that away, they don’t have any fallback products that they can sell. So bottom line is they’re going to end up going bankrupt. There’s no way of stopping it. They’ve been in and out of bankruptcy several times in the last few decades just because they have stayed focused on this single product line instead of doing a little bit of diversification.

The one bright spot they had was a guy named Eric Buell, B U E L l, that they hired for several years to do modified harleys that were the most high performance harleys that they ever sold and they ended up shit canning him. And now he started another company. And fuel manufacturing is made in Grand Rapids, Michigan using american workers, american parts and american design and is the highest performs 180 motorcycle. It will outrun anything Harley’s ever produced and it’s competitive with anything that’s coming out of any high quality manufacturer worldwide. And you can still buy one for $20,000, which is about the entry price for most harleys.

So bottom line is there’s other options available. But I feel really sad that Harley Davidson has gone the way it has. But this is what happens when you let dei run your business model. And this is so completely tone depth. It’s absolutely unimaginable that none of nobody on the board of directors, they all need to be fired. But I’ll tell you what, the guy that’s. That’s in charge of this, the shocking Zeitz, you better have full time bodyguards because you have a target on you. From people that are used to dealing things in a violent way when they have to.

And this is destroying their brand and their love of this manufacturer is unforgivable as far as they’re concerned. And you know, I’ll tell you what, I won’t shed a tear if something bad happens to this guy because this is inexcusable. Listen to this guy saying, I’m the taliban of sustainability. There is no sustainability. Every hydrocarbon was on the planet for 4 billion years and is being produced constantly by the planet. There’s no fossil fuel problem, there’s no greenhouse gas problem. Everything is a 100% lie. And I’ll be happy to debate any Sob on the planet that you can dig up to talk about the actual atmospheric physics and the actual thermodynamics that’s involved in what’s going on.

We have been lied to about absolutely everything. And to use this lie to promote the destruction of a company as famous as Harley is inexcusable. May you go down in history. It’s one of the most rotten CEO’s that ever walk the planet. Thank you, Joe. Go woke, go broke. Chris, final thoughts, brother. Yeah, they’re pushing at everything they can as far as Harley Davidson and breaking that 3%. You know, like I said, in the past couple of decades, that’s part of the tough on crime, the war on drugs, the whole trap. Anybody that really has the balls that do anything about what’s wrong in the world ends up with the full weight of the law on their neck.

And they either end up getting hired by the military or end up being corrected in a for profit federal court or state penitentiary. So yeah, this is the real deal of what’s going on and how they’re trying to break that part of society away. And this is very much part of that woke agenda, as well as the chemical poisoning in conjunction with this and certainly the targeting children before they’re at rightful age with these type of decisions and life changing situations. So, yeah, this is not an accident. This is a formation when all these things fire with all that funding behind it and all this pageantry behind it, all at once, all in the same coordinated direction.

Are you shitting me? This is like Covid. This is like everything else they’re trying to put on us. You can see it. It’s plain as day. Look at the world wars. It’s the same thing. Yeah, these guys, they overstep again. And I think this is part of, like, a hundred year time loop that they put on us. And I think you’re seeing a similar thing now, like you saw in the 1820s and the 1920s, where you’re seeing the masonic orders being exposed, whether it’s William Morgan in the 1820s or Manuel P. Hall in the 1920s, talking about what is happening here.

And really, I think it corrals even more people into this. Sad to say, more people than I know know about this stuff. And I talk about it more than I ever want to. And it’s, you know, it’s almost like we’re teaching people a new religion in preparation of know thy enemy. So in a sense, we’re doing a lot of the St. Peter and Paul work for them in terms of indoctrinating our own children to defend themselves against this some way or another, you end up becoming what you despise by interacting with these guys. But there’s no running from it.

There’s no prepping from this. These guys are coming with every nation state on earth and every, you know, political offering on earth and every religion on earth, and they’re trying to get us to destroy each other. So, you know, take heed. This is Ephesians 612. And I’m not a religious person, but I do think there’s truth in the Bible. Thank you very much, Chris. Thank you very much, Joe. Thank you very much, patriots. We’ll be back with more of the news that you need to know on Wednesday.

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blockchain technology for government transparency Carl Herman Joe Olsen Chris Weiner nuclear power discussion dangers of nuclear power plants high food prices under Biden administration Kamala Harris North Carolina rally mainstream media influence on public opinion political climate dissatisfaction political historical events discussion privatization of utilities criticism U.S. government actions criticism U.S. leadership inflation criticism

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