NAVY SEALS Settlement — Didnt go Far Enough!! | The Healthy American Peggy Hall

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall



➡ The Healthy American Peggy Hall discusses a settlement reached between the Navy and its personnel who were denied religious accommodation from a mandatory health measure. The settlement, while applauded by many, is criticized by Hall for not going far enough. She argues that the Navy should have apologized, reinstated the separated sailors, and provided monetary compensation. The settlement only corrects personnel records and ensures future promotion boards won’t consider refusal of the health measure as adverse information.
➡ The Navy is now required to publicly share information about religious accommodation requests, including the process and timeframe. They must also train their top officers on how to handle these requests. However, the author believes this isn’t enough and that affected sailors should seek legal counsel for emotional, physical, and monetary damages they may have experienced for standing up for their beliefs. The author also offers resources for those seeking religious exemptions in various situations.


Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from the You might have seen these happy headlines, and this came out a couple of months ago, just coming up on two months, and it is a press release from First Liberty, and it states that Navy SEALs and personnel denied religious accommodation from the Cootie’s cocktail, reached settlement with the Navy. All right, you probably are applauding this as I am, and I have been assisting so many individuals with their rights, learning about how to stand up against the government, and I definitely am applauding the fact that this is making headlines, and that the Navy has to make some changes when it comes to dealing with the sailors and personnel that are standing up for their religious rights and objecting to these illegal, illogical, immoral, and unthinkable requirements that were inflicted upon them.

Now, I do have to rain on the parade a little bit. I know, I know, there I go again. I know, I know, I always have to dig deeper, don’t I? And I prepared a sub-stack for you on this, and the title is, did the Navy SEAL settlement go far enough? I might be the only one not giving a standing ovation to the outcome. So let me take you back, give you a little bit of background. I’m going to mention exactly what this settlement did and what it didn’t, and what I think should have been done differently.

But first of all, I do want to applaud First Liberty. They are taking these cases, and I’m glad that they are, because so many people have been reaching out to me for legal help. I’m not an attorney, although I’ve had many attorneys seek out my help, and I’ve advised people on their legal rights and their legal education. So back in November 2021, 35 Navy personnel, many of them were Navy SEALs, filed a lawsuit with First Liberty, and they sued the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy. And they were suing them because they had their religious rights violated its clear discrimination.

So these non-poked SEALs in particular were being threatened by the Navy to have to pay back their years of training to become Navy SEALs. I mean, how do you even put a dollar amount on that? It was being estimated between one and $2 million. So not only were they going to be stripped of their command, they were going to be released from the Navy, and they were going to be threatened with having to pay back one to $2 million in training fees. They were also told that because they were not human pincushions, that they were unable to travel or to see their families during their time of leave.

So they were being discriminated all over the place. So there were so many discriminatory, punitive, and retaliatory actions taken against these service members, violating several laws, in particular a federal law called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. And I’ve done several videos about that, educating people about how that is intended to protect your right to worship and believe. That’s the most important thing because your faith is a part of your conscience, your soul, and your mind. It’s what you believe. So now the government can tell you what you can think, what you can believe.

That’s exactly what they were doing. And this is why I’ve been speaking out so strongly against it for all these years. So in March, fast forward a little bit, in March of 2022, this case was extended to all of the service members in the Navy that were affected by these discriminatory actions. So not just the 35 that brought forth the lawsuit, but everyone. And then just recently, in June of 2024, this case was settled, and that’s an important word. It was settled by the government to the tune of $1.5 million. Are you ready for this? And it goes to the attorneys.

Now, I’m sure they worked hard over these years. All right. I know I was involved in a lawsuit. I know how costly that can be to pay the attorneys, but only the attorneys got the money. I just want to make that clear in case it wasn’t clear in the headlines. Let’s break this down, shall we? And let’s give a round of applause to First Liberty for having this lawsuit settled along with their partner attorney firm called Hacker Stevens LLP. But I know, here I go again, raining on the parade. While the desired outcome, which was for the Navy to stop the discrimination, that is a part of the settlement.

It’s a settlement. It was not ruled on by a judge. There was no final ruling by a court setting case law and a precedent. It cannot be cited in, well, I suppose it can be, but it’s not a case that was ruled on. It was a settlement. That’s like going all the way up to the finish line and not crossing the finish line. In my opinion, I’m not on the case. There likely were valid reasons for the attorneys to do a settlement rather than have the case just be dismissed. Of course, the government wanted the case to be dismissed.

And then they came to a compromise, which resulted in the settlement. I just want everyone to understand the difference between a settlement and a ruling. This does not create a precedent. I’m going to tell you exactly what it does and what it is not doing. So here’s why I’m not giving it a standing ovation. I’m giving a round of applause, but not a standing ovation. So in addition to it just being a settlement and not a case that was ruled on with a legal precedent. And if there are any attorneys out there and I’m off base, please let me know.

This is my understanding of the law. Basically, the settlement was that the Navy, well, it was kind of a slap on the wrist. Here’s what the Navy doesn’t have to do. All right. The Navy did not apologize for its wrongdoing. You may say, oh, Peggy, that’s nothing. Who cares about an apology? I care about an apology. I want there to be a public apology from Lloyd Austin, who was sued and the secretary of the Navy to say and state that they were wrong and they apologized, that they are sorry for the harms that they inflicted upon these individuals.

I want them to publicly apologize. They were wrong and they need to apologize. Also, the Navy does not have to reinstate any of these separated sailors. Nothing happens that affects the past. There’s no apology for what they did wrong. There’s no reinstatement of these sailors and there is zero monetary award or even back pay given to these sailors. Zero. The $1.5 million goes to the attorneys. Now, I hope that they earned it. That’s where the money goes. The lawsuit sought no financial damages for those harmed by this discrimination, nor does the Navy have to pay them any back pay or reinstate them.

Now, the lawsuit never set out to do that. That wasn’t what the lawsuit was about. According to First Liberty, and I’m reading right from their website, I will have a link for you in my Substack, Here’s what they say. The settlement ensures that Navy service members who refused the Cootie shot for religious reasons will now have an opportunity to have their records corrected and their careers protected. Considering the next three promotion boards going through the Navy must not consider any adverse information related solely to the Cootie’s cocktails refusal they’re calling it.

I don’t even like that word. No, they didn’t refuse anything. They stood up for their rights. So the service members who elected to leave after being mistreated by the Navy will also get their records corrected. But what about all those that became human pincushions because they were coerced and intimidated and threatened? How do you get their health back? You don’t. So the Navy agreed to post a statement affirming the Navy’s respect for religious service members. So that’s basically what happened. First Liberty goes on to say this case has never been about achieving any type of monetary relief for the service members.

That’s on their website for any reason whatsoever. I’m reading their quote right here to include compensatory damages, which are economic damages, such as back pay and noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering and punitive damages, meaning punishing the Navy and the Department of Defense from engaging in that discriminatory action. Again, that was not a part of the lawsuit. Inquiring minds want to know why it’s a sincere question. I would have had all of that in the lawsuit. Now, maybe they have a strategy unbeknownst to me or maybe I’m not clever enough to understand it that they could just move the ball down the field that far.

And then other attorneys and law firms would pick up the slack and each of these service members could have their own lawsuit now. Perhaps that’s what they’re thinking, but I would have pushed for more. So again, here’s what I’m applauding. This is what was done right. The Navy is required to correct the service members personnel records so that it says they are eligible for reenlistment instead of separated for noncompliance. Because imagine down the road to have that on your record, that’s to be applauded. The Navy is required to prominently post information regarding religious accommodation request on its public website.

Yay. That is something I would always request in any kind of mediation or case that you are doing. And they’re including the process, the timeframe, and they are affirming the rights of the service members for their religious accommodation. I always support that and applaud that. The other thing that I always recommend happen, and I’m glad to see it here, is that the Navy is required to create a training program for all of its top officers, the commanders, so that they will understand how to handle these religious accommodation statements in the future.

And this is something that I really hit hard with a lot of my clients is to turn the tables on the tyrants. When they’re saying to you that they want a statement from you about your religious belief and they don’t believe you, then you request a religious statement from every single person who is evaluating you. How do you know that they’re not anti whatever religion or whatever faith you have? And by the way, you don’t have to belong to any particular religion. It’s a matter of faith. It’s a matter of belief.

It’s a matter of your soul. And this is what I have been fighting for from day one. So while all of those points are important, I would have sought the public apology from the top brass to all of the affected service members and their families. And I would have had the healthy American be the one who does the training for the Navy. That would be fantastic. But I want you to think about the sailors who were affected, put yourself in their place. Maybe you don’t have to, maybe this happened to you.

And think about it. They were intimidated, coerced, and threatened to be separated, like with a dishonorable, you know, for non-compliance. Think about how that would affect not only their future career in the military, especially since they would be separated, but going forward having to explain this to future employers. So it’s likely that many, many, many of these sailors went along and became human pincushions at great expense to themselves and their family and their health. How do you compensate that? With something on the website saying we are no longer going to discriminate against you, there needs to be punitive damages, monetary damages, and all of that back pay, and for those who want to be reinstated.

So this is truly abhorrent. This legal action, in my opinion, did not go far enough to punish these violators. I hope that the sailors will seek out their own private legal counsel to take these cases forward and then to be compensated for all of the emotional distress, the physical harms, and the monetary damages that they experienced simply because they stood up for their convictions. What say you? Now that deserves a round of applause for all of those who did stand up and put their faith first. Thank you everybody for being on board.

I’ve got tons of videos about religious exemptions on this channel. You can learn about what to do if you are seeking a new job, if you are a nursing student, if you are a college student, if you are fighting the EEOC or going through mediation, I’ve got plenty of videos to help you. That is my conviction, is to help you stand by your convictions because as you know, I am marching this all the way to heaven. Thank you for being on board and I’ll see you back here 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

That’s 5 p.m. Pacific. Always over at my sub sac, which is See you soon everybody. [tr:trw].

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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correction of Navy personnel records criticism of Navy settlement legal counsel for affected Navy sailors Navy apology and compensation Navy officer training on religious requests Navy personnel religious accommodation Navy promotion board considerations Peggy Hall Navy settlement discussion public sharing of Navy religious accommodation information resources for religious exemptions in various situations seeking religious exemptions
  • Some say they have a lien against us. However I stand here with unalienable rights.

    It’s a mindset. When you grasp one you grasp the other and you can no longer claim ignorance, of the law. Law is not the US Code or ORS. It is Constitutional.
    Unalienable rights, granted by God the creator. As mentioned in our unanimous Declaration of the thirteen untied States of America. Defined in, the Constitutionally correct Dictionary, Bouvier 1856, to the sovereign men and women with our progeny on the land and soil of our de jure jurisdiction. Natural rights. Put that in one hand. That is named the Laws of nature and Nature’s God. That is Law and Equity in Article III the only Court where a man or woman can find remedy against the State, Constitutionally. When found in Amendment VII our Civilian common law Court of record. Lawful. De jure, on Oregon.
    In the other hand place the creations of man such as: the de facto, Article I Courts in admiralty operated in United States Courts non Article III courts. Their Federal Judges are Article III, the Courts are not. See Mookini 303 for evidence of hiding Article III and using UCC, USC, UCMJ, 501 C3, IRS, Sub chapter S, ORS. That is named legal. De facto illegal or illegitimate.
    Please see Black’s Law page 416. De facto read it all the way down to de jure.
    They are two different jurisdictions. Switch hands same deal. You may participate in either or other. But, one at a time. A man and woman with their children can expatriate jurisdictions, law forms and venues. You cannot be legally or lawfully forced to agree to any law form other than de jure original jurisdiction.
    Unalienable rights are found in the de jure where men, women, and their children have body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul. These come with responsibilities found in ARTICLE I Section 1 Lawful. Oregon’s Constitution c1859. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —

    If you think you need a million people to get this job done. We think you’re wrong. It takes 5 of us. We used 6 so we had an alternate when we formed our social compact on Oregon. We are now a jury pool of peers of several hundred. Further growth is counterproductive now. It is too expensive to grow larger at this time. So, take our Oregon experience as an example. Five (5) times 33 the number of the lawful, several states circa 1859-1860. Then take 5 times 17 for the de facto federal states in color of law since March 1861. They are lawfully territories and must lawfully metamorphous into one of the several states.
    For the lawful delegations from the several states to the Congress assembled, made up of the ARTICLE I Section 1 delegates from each state to be seated they need to be: Jural Assemblies the provisional government on their state, with one task, a single goal. Return to a Constitutional republican form of government in de jure and to Assemble in a Continental Congress. An Electoral College assembled to pick up the de jure The United States of America’s Constitution, in original jurisdiction and as the creator the Confederation and perpetual Union a total of 33 states. Oregon was last. Or a quorum. However, all are equal within the Confederation and perpetual Union styled The United States of America. They also gain the Proprietorship of the unincorporated United States of Washington District of Columbia a de jure jurisdiction. Defined as the government service facilitator with an Army, not Constitutional, a U.S. Navy with USMC and ships, forts, ports, and lawful needful buildings such as Armories. The United States of Washington District of Columbia an unincorporated service company with enumerated responsibilities and prohibitions owns what is left of a 10 mile square plot of ground named Washington District of Columbia. See the map… An Article II Congress to operate it. A Specified Article III and Article I and all of the several states to comply with governing law. Not color of law. To make the laws for their jurisdiction and venue. With Article II Section 8 and 9 enumerated with specific responsibilities and come forth in law not color of law in deception. I like Article IV Section 4 among others.
    What we have is Oregon the state. with a de jure ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service published at Then there are32 states in various and several assemblies, alliances, societies all doing something that does not get the work done.

    Example: that written above is for my peace safety and happiness. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, all of us cannot do it alone. Each State and Territory Must Assemble. We only need a quorum
    The Several States can invite the 17 territories to attend Although Alaska and Hawaii are apart with issues to sort out.
    Privileges, United States citizens, titles, acts, statutes, ordinances, mandates, orders are of the de facto jurisdiction that is presently known as a subdivision of the United States with bogus Amendments 13 and 14 and so forth since March 1861. The only reason US citizens exists is for the peace, safety and happiness of the de jure. That is me and you. The de facto has failed. We change the de facto on Oregon for de jure November 2022. We are no longer deceived on Oregon.
    If you hire an attorney, an Oregon State Bar Attorney, you self declare that you are incompetent and a ward of the court where your attorney is a member of that court. Read the 12 presumptions in law.(video at Then Athens, Tennessee 1946.
    If you are an incorporated entity whomever you incorporated with owns you. A 501 C-3 church reverses the authority from God to the De facto state. If people decide to become persons and do interstate commerce then they become de facto in jurisdiction and are governed by titles, acts, statutes, ordinances, mandate, orders and presumptions et al. Until we eliminate de facto completely.
    If you are an unincorporated assembly of people ( a church, a farm, a ranch, a tribe, a clan, a club, PMA) you answer to no de facto as in : City of Portland is a subdivision of the County of Multnomah is a subdivision of the State of Oregon a subdivision of the United States Inc. We have the documentation from the GSA. That provides that evidence in the illegal taking of the block on which stands the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Building. That is de facto. In the de jure we have un-incorporated government. Some of us also equate with Private and Public. Trade and Commerce. De facto on Oregon has 114 years under color of law. They failed we are replacing them starting in November 2022 on Oregon.
    It is suggested you, we, they, all of us! Read and comprehend The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Oregon’s Constitution circa 1859 or facsimiles. Then move on to our articles of/for the Confederation and perpetual Union. And the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. All amendments, treaties and SAL are in need of validation. The SAL of 1858 was written after the Armistice of Grant and Lee.
    I, We, You, Us and They need not comply. Make sure your paperwork is correct, your status, standing and jurisdiction are clear. A member of our Grand Jury cannot be under the jurisdiction of the de facto. Excepted be, by direct knowledge of a crime, a wet ink signature from our Court, a Presentment, True Bill or indictment of our Grand Jury or expatriation.
    No more plausible deniability. Or prosecutorial preference, you know and cannot un-ring the bell. De facto must return to government that which is rightfully ours. We are ARTICLE I Section 1 the de jure.
    People in a society become persons and give their jurisdiction to the de facto that authorized them. Such as the John Birch Society, Society of Jesus or a Jural Society.
    Assemblies give authority to governments.

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