Posted in: News, Patriots, RichieFromBoston




➡ The RichieFromBoston narrator discusses his experiences with disaster recovery efforts, particularly in Asheville and West Virginia, where he and other volunteers cleaned up after devastating floods while official organizations like FEMA and the National Guard seemed inactive. He also mentions suspicions about weather manipulation, citing a NASA plane circling Asheville and theories about lasers being used to control weather. He references a past video where a physics professor discussed the potential of lasers to create rain and lightning, and mentions current concerns about Hurricane Milton, a rapidly intensifying storm threatening Florida.



I gotta tell you this is getting a little bit taxing on the on the body but I was heading to Asheville and I let a couple of guys that that are already there know and these guys aren’t regular guys one of them works for the DOD and one Special Forces they do search and recovery so that’s why they’re down there on their own dime just doing what good Americans do you know what I’m saying and I keep talking about this video from West Virginia this was back in 2016 and one of my subscribers one of my friends who lives in Poland started the Richie from Boston fan webpage or fan page on YouTube and for some reason she gets away with it I can’t but she can cool she found the video I was talking about just real quick this is what I was talking about seeing how the audio is terrible let me just narrate myself be rich and a couple of other youtubers took a couple of trucks a few trailers down to West Virginia in 2016 because West Virginia much like Asheville got hit overnight with an absolute rain bomb is what they called it a rain bomb and it decimated the place and it killed a lot of people but even better than killing a lot of people what it did was it destroyed all the houses and then FEMA ran in afterwards and offered everybody $33,000 for their house you guys remember the video now $33,000 now you see that right there you see this all of this you can watch the video yourself it’s right here on Richie from Boston fan page and we got there FEMA at the National Guard and everybody else was already there but they weren’t doing one single thing neither was the Red Cross but all of this mess youtubers myself be rich and a couple of others cleaned all of this up this was immaculate when we were done we did more work in two days no sleep on our own dime paying for our own gas we cleaned up that entire area by ourselves while FEMA and the National Guard drove by and unmarked police cars and such and just monitored us that was it they just monitored us you know what I’m saying so Asheville isn’t the first but Asheville makes this one look much much much much much worse because they’ve killed so many more people because there’s so much more at play here this was a huge land gram land grab but Asheville is worse so when I called these boys and let them know that I was on my way down there I had to stop in the Ozarks and get new tires for my truck because of the port strike I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get tires but somehow magically the port strike is no longer a thing so they’re moving on to the next thing here’s the next thing hurricane Milton is now suddenly already a class 5 category it’s already it’s already being described as a it’s gonna be a horror show it’s gonna be a horror show it’s already a category 5 coming right behind right behind Helene and then there’s another hurricane right behind Milton but here’s what my buddies were telling me the same plane that was seen circling on 9-11 around the towers while there was a no-fly zone in effect is also circling Asheville but it’s not circling it’s doing triangles over Asheville right now it’s NASA’s weather manipulation airplane and another youtuber has caught them using all the lasers and stuff you don’t know what lasers are remember Michio Kaku yeah how many times have you seen him on my channel well you’re gonna see him again because what he’s gonna say is germane to what you’re gonna see our learning that scientists and researchers are looking at how to change the weather on purpose that’s right lasers now could one day manipulate rain and lightning CBS this morning contributor Michio Kaku is a physics professor at City College of New York professor nice to see you extraordinary seeing Al Gore and Bill Clinton there together with Charlie wasn’t it that’s right yeah they did not get into this discussion but it is fascinating I mean lasers really to change the weather that’s right well as Mark Twain once famously said everyone complains about the weather but no one ever does anything about it well instead of doing a rain dance we physicists are firing trillion-watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts this is potentially a game-changer but this is experimental it’s experimental however in the laboratory so far it works when you have water vapor and you have dust particles or ice crystals you can precipitate rain it condenses around the seeds these seeds can also be created by laser beams by firing truly what lasers you rip apart the electrons creating what are called ions and these ions act like seeds like dust particles bringing down rain and even lightning well I this is fascinates me in part because too I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics that the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds I mean did those really work then we have some of these capabilities now inconclusive even in the 60s the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam War to wash out the Viet Cong governments have been alleged to alleged to right yeah it’s also pretty telling when he brings up the Vietnam War how she then makes them switch to allegedly when talking about messing with the weather it is quite realized that for decades now these governments have been alleged to have experimented with weather control but nothing conclusive this time we’re beginning in the laws of physics rather than simply waving our hands and uttering mumbo-jumbo we’re actually using trillion-watt lasers now and in the laboratory sure enough they precipitate rain out of water vapor and sure enough you can actually bring down electricity down the down the beam so what does it mean for drought areas that need to have rain for crops and they don’t have him there’s look at this zombie-looking dude these are this is what America trusts to bring them their news you know what I mean Michio Kaku saying yeah back in the 60s they use weather manipulation to wash out the Ho Chi man trail in Vietnam and then in her earbud the woman is reminded tell him allegedly make him say allegedly well think about think about the laser beams because this is from 11 years ago I showed you this 11 years ago when it was new information but think about 11 years ago when I show you this because this is what’s happening directly in front of Hurricane Milton right now all right everyone welcome back October 7 2024 and we are tracking major Hurricane Milton this thing has broken records overnight and by the timing of this video this thing is a category 5 hurricane now you’re not gonna believe what I’m already seeing taking place near the state of Florida just like we saw with Helene and we’re gonna get into that in just a moment let’s go over some of the stats that we’re seeing right now so as we speak right now we are two miles away from this being a category 5 hurricane Milton and I got to say my friends I’ve been telling you this storm was gonna be something we’ve never seen before and that’s exactly what’s taking place rapid intensification within 24 hours from a cat one to a cat five that is likely the fastest a hurricane has ever rapidly intensified after forming in the Gulf and then continuing to stay in the Gulf look at this major hurricane all the way to landfall around 7 p.m.

Wednesday that may shift give or take but my friends this is a horrible situation for the west coast of Florida and honestly the entire state of Florida the geography of this state makes it very hard for anyone to be in a good spot when it comes to this all right and now my friends into the stuff you really you want to know about all right let’s take a look at Florida and already it’s looking like a disco party is going on a lot of different radar activity going on we got spikes here going all the way into the Gulf heavy lines up in this area and then of course we have the one we saw with Hurricane Helene right here going off again now of course remember these are just theories that we’re talking about here entertainment purposes only because no way is weather modification real right I’m doing a rain dance we physicists are firing trillion-watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts this is potentially a game changer so to most of you this is nothing new but we’re catching them right off the rip he’s talking about shooting trillion-watt lasers into the sky 11 years ago well they don’t have to do that anymore but they still do they don’t have to because they have other methods every Doppler radar the big golf ball you see that’s not there so you and I will know the weather so we can take our families out on a picnic those are the replacement of harp every one of those allows them to use harp allows them to use the Dopplers to push stall turn and steer or intensify storms we’ve been showing you this for years and years but it’s straight-up cut this is why I’m not going to Asheville right here okay it’s bad enough they’re turning Hurricane Milton into a storm no one’s ever seen before but this was just caught straight up on flight radar and it was confirmed to me by Special Forces of an active duty Special Forces operator who’s donating his time right now but he’s also getting out of Asheville after seeing this and a DOD worker Department of Defense who’s also donating his time search and rescue he’s getting out of there they just saw this cuz what was NASA doing in the location of Asheville North Carolina but before we do get into this I do want to say more than likely this will be my last video for the week unless I make another video today and the fan of a certain individual on tiktok who goes by at glam ham radio she has such amazing content which I do check out quite often and I think she has a YouTube channel as well but just recently she noticed something rather interesting with NASA and North Carolina what glam ham is referring to is that NASA owns a Lockheed Martin aircraft called the p3 Orion they only have one of this aircraft so it’s very easy to track she also wants to make it known that even though NASA owns this aircraft any agency any organization can actually rent this aircraft out so this aircraft is seen doing something unusual it might not be NASA who is piloting this aircraft this p3 Orion aircraft was seen doing something rather interesting on September 9th 2024 on a website called flight aware so anybody can look this up you can go to flight aware calm and put in the name of the aircraft which happens to be NASA 426 and it will bring up September 9th and it will track the location of this flight which it was seen making a triangular shape between North Carolina and Virginia this triangular shape or this flight path had been seen over mainly over West North Carolina you know those cities like Asheville that were impacted the hardest by Hurricane Helene now I am NOT saying that NASA or any other organization is doing anything shady here and that’s where YouTube purposes only I’m just saying this is rather odd so according to the guys that I know that would know standby 18-wheeler going by this exact NASA airplane is going over the Gulf of Mexico right now except it’s not on flight radar because apparently it’s got its transponder off because they can see what we can see so they know that we saw this thing you see what I’m saying so it’s transponder is off because it’s flying around the eye of a hurricane the NASA plane is set up like an a wax look it up because I don’t have time because I’m editing off the tailgate of my truck so I hope the audio is good but it is what it is I’m doing this for for America man you know what I’m saying I’m doing this for America I’m not sitting in the studio I don’t have a script the same plane is flying over Hurricane Milton right now it’s an a wax plane which means it has a radar on top of it like we use you know what we’re going to take down the Twin Towers or we’re going to attack a country and blame them on taking down the Twin Towers but that a wax radar can also allow them to act as a mobile Doppler device do you know what I’m saying just like this never mind I can’t find it I can’t find it because I’m editing off the back of my truck I’m in Illinois right now and my internet’s not too great on the back of my truck but it is what it is at any rate these guys are getting ready to juice this again and they’re going to destroy Florida and you know Florida where the governor just proudly came out the governor everyone thinks is on their side somehow the governor just came out saying we’re sending son of a bitch we’re sending excess supplies up to Asheville because Florida was squared away for Hurricane Helene but now now Milton’s coming and they just sent a whole bunch of stuff away which is a good thing but it’s not a good thing it’s going to buy Florida’s going to get smoked does anybody remember this the navy map the u.s navy map blue equals submerged this was around for a long time I don’t know what this is the government’s 100 mile border zone whatever but you remember this does this look familiar well in the movie leave me leave the world behind in the background they show a a map during the national emergency when they have television service for a minute and in that map is a qr code and if you click on that qr code it brings you to a place in west virginia that was an amusement park that a lot of people died at and it was allegedly built on top of an indian burial ground so i’m trying to rack my brain figuring out what it possibly could be well what it is is it sits right on top of the new Madrid fault line directly on top and it was in the movie leave the world behind and recently the military just did an exercise there preparing for an event it’s amazing how these guys are constantly doing exercises to prepare for events but when real events show up or contrived events they’re nowhere to be seen in everything almost everything they do when they do a drill it ends up going real world you see what i’m saying at any rate that’s all i got for right now be ready be prepared if you’re in florida get out but here’s the deal if you leave your home you’re never going to see it again one way or the other you know what i’m saying back in 2016 we couldn’t believe they were offering the people in west virginia thirty three thousand dollars for their homes within a week but now the government’s offering them 750 750 bucks take it or leave it you know what i mean so it’s pretty crazy at any rate stand by get your money out of the bank right now get it out of the bank before the bank closes down hackers attack it something like that something’s going to happen without fail they’ve already testing the system shutting down bank of america showing people’s balances at zero get out your 401k or your ira take out a quarter of it and turn it into gold and silver and get it sent to your house so you actually have it in your hand having something in your hand to trade with others other than violence or worthless american currency is better than nothing you know what i’m saying because this is going to be a long drawn-out event because they’re going to make us fight each other this is like fight club on a massive scale they’re going to make us do the dirty work by simply shutting everything down so we have no choice but to go after our neighbors and they’ve been spending years and years and years making us a complete laughing stock of the world and a completely dysfunctional nation and that’s where we’re at right now sadly look at my hair like an onion whatever whatever at any rate richie from boston there’s supposed to be two billion christians if everybody hit their knees earnestly and asked god for guidance this will be a whole heck of a lot easier because that’s what i’m doing right now i don’t know which way to go right now at all so i’m simply leaving it in god’s hands ask god what his plan for you was and try to fulfill the plan god set out for you when you were a first a light in your mother’s uterus i know that’s kind of creepy but it’s true scientists have proven before it became new science scientists proven when the man part meets the woman part inside the woman’s body if it occurs there’s a burst of light imagine that i know i know i’m one heck of a preacher ain’t i richie from boston i’m out


See more of RichieFromBoston on their Public Channel and the MPN RichieFromBoston channel.


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Asheville flood cleanup disaster recovery experiences FEMA inactivity in disaster recovery Hurricane Milton concerns lasers controlling weather NASA plane over Asheville National Guard response to floods physics professor on weather control potential of lasers in creating rain rapidly intensifying storms in Florida weather manipulation theories West Virginia flood recovery

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