My Street Just Got Bombed Therefore Buy Gold and END THE DOLLAR

Posted in: News, Patriots, Rafi Farber



➡ The author, Rafi, suggests that the ongoing conflict in his area is funded by the US dollar, which both sides use to buy weapons. He believes the solution is to devalue the dollar by investing in gold and silver, making it impossible to purchase more weapons. He also promotes various ways to invest in these precious metals, including buying from Miles Franklin, earning interest on gold through Monetary Metals, and storing gold and silver in a Dirty Man Safe.


Once the dollar can no longer be exchanged for any amount of gold or silver at all, that means, by definition, the dollar cannot buy anything, including the damn bombs that are being dropped on my street. Hey guys, Ralph here from The Endgame Investor, and this morning was a little bit rough. My street got bombed. This was the impact. I had a secondary impact on it. I’m not sure what this was. Maybe a piece flew off. Maybe something else was intercepted. I don’t really know. And here’s a no-parking thing about Bob. I’ll have to get a new one.

So much for that. A house was destroyed after a gas balloon blew up and caused a chain reaction. It destroyed basically two houses. And there’s a kid checking out the house. Actually, nobody was killed here. This house and this house, there was an explosion of a gas balloon, I think. Secondary explosion. And yeah, here’s one of the walls of the house. My bedroom window was broken. Cleaning up the Hezbollah rocket shrapnel. This one. Bucket starts with R. The shrapnel got into my car, broke the whatever my car was made out of, some kind of plastic crap or something.

And the shrapnel got really close to my own gas tank. I have a GAPOM gas tank. What’s GAPOM in English? LPG, liquid, natural gas, something like that. And if that had gotten hit, that would have blown up the car, which would have blown up my gas balloon, which would have blown up my house. And that would have been fun. It wouldn’t have been fun. I don’t really know what else to say. I was in synagogue at the time for morning prayers for davening and learning. And we heard the sirens went into the safe room in the synagogue.

And then I heard the big explosion that was pretty close, the loudest one I’ve heard. So I didn’t have my phone on me because I don’t really take my phone to the synagogue because I don’t like to. And after that, when the sirens were done, I ran home, checked. My wife was OK. Thank God she went downstairs. My kids are fine. They’re with their grandparents. And so people, what is the solution to this? What is causing this? Why are rockets flying in the air? And the answer is the dollar because the United States gives billions of dollars to Iran to bomb us.

And then the United States gives us billions of dollars to bomb their proxies. So what is going on here is it’s a dollar war. Iran spends money on bombs, sends them to Hezbollah using dollars. Israel spends dollars on bombs that they import from America. And we have a big war. And because the United States is not going to stop sending dollars and crapping their inflation all over the planet, the only solution is to end the dollar so that they can no longer export any more weapons and other allies and enemies or whatever they want to call them can’t afford to buy any more bonds because the dollar is dead.

And how do we kill the dollar? We kill the dollar by buying gold and silver. That’s the only way to dig underneath it because politics is not going to help at this point. The politicians are not going to stop sending weapons to everybody. Voting is not really going to make a difference, I’m sorry, but buying gold and silver will, because that will destroy the dollar. Once the dollar can no longer be exchanged for any amount of gold or silver at all, that means by definition, the dollar cannot buy anything, including the damn bombs that are being dropped on my street.

And so what should we do at this point? Well, there are three things that you can do. First of all, you can go to Miles Franklin and check out their weekly specials. This week, we have one ounce platinum maple leaves. I know it’s not gold or silver, but the platinum to gold and platinum to silver ratio is at all time lows or highs, meaning whichever way you put it platinum is cheap relative to gold and silver more than it’s ever been cheaper than it’s ever been relative to gold and silver. So if you have a little bit too much gold and silver and not enough platinum, now is a good time to exchange one for the other.

We have one ounce platinum maple leafs, only $80 over spots, one ounce silver Austrian fill harmonic coins, only $3.10 over spot. And one has gold South African Kruger and only $60 over spot. Call 855 game and or email endgameinvestor at and they will get in touch with you. Once you have golden silver, you can go to monetary metals, check the link in the description below to earn interest on your gold paid in gold. There’s also a storage account where they will store your gold for free. You will not have to pay for it and you could earn between two and 5% on your goal, which is usually loaned out to a jewelry company or other company that uses physical gold in its business.

So if you want to earn interest on your golden silver, monetary metals is the way to go. For accredited investors, you can earn 12% on a silver bond link also in the description below for accredited investors only. I have an account at monetary metals and I enjoy it. And finally, if you want to have some gold and silver with you in your house or not actually in your house or somewhere on your property, you can get a dirty man safe. Use the code endgame10 at checkout for 10% off and also support this channel by doing so.

And while I can’t really have a dirty man safe in my backyard because because Bella can bomb it and then my entire block will be showered with silver coins. You basically get a post hole digger and then put the thing in and then there’s a cord you can pull it up with. Those are the three ways that you can support this channel by destroying the dollar. You can help end this war because the only thing that keeps it going is the dollars that fund it on both sides. This is Rafi, the endgame investor, hoping for peace with the end of the derivative fiat system.


See more of Rafi Farber on their Public Channel and the MPN Rafi Farber channel.


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buying from Miles Franklin devaluing the dollar solution Dirty Man Safe for precious metals earning interest on gold investing in gold and silver Monetary Metals investment precious metals investment methods Rafi's perspective on conflict funding storing gold and silver US dollar role in conflict

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