MSM: Enemy Of American People: Mainstream Media Initially Lied About Asassination Attempt On Trump | Stew Peters Network

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➡ The Stew Peters Network article discusses theories about a recent event at a Donald Trump rally, suggesting it could be linked to Trump’s past actions against the military-industrial complex. It also mentions the current economic situation, with inflation being a major concern for Americans. The article suggests that the stock market and predictions indicate a possible Trump presidency. Lastly, it promotes a retirement plan offered by Cortez Wealth Management, which is designed to protect people’s money from market volatility and government interference.


So there’s a lot of different takes, of course, a lot of different theories on what exactly happened on Saturday. At that Donald Trump rally, the lone wolf theory just doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t add up. It makes as much sense as a matter of fact as low IQ goat herders on paragliders defeating the most fortified borders in Israel and defeating the Iron Dome and flying in and killing dozens of people while taking hundreds of hostages on the lamb and just disappearing. It just doesn’t add up. We live under the empire of lies.

My theory, and I think the one that makes the most sense so far, is threatening trillions of dollars, threatening the Israeli-American war machine, the military industrial complex. If you think about this, Donald Trump campaigning in 2015 came in and said that he would stop these wars. He went after Soleimani rather than going into a country and doing a military intervention, some large-scale war and bombing millions of people. When he was told that imminently he was facing a war with North Korea, possibly world war, the next thing we saw is that he’s shaking hands across the South and North Korea border with this crazy psychopath called Kim Jong Un.

No war happened there. He brokered deals with Vladimir Putin. He had peaceful talks and brokered deals with Xi Jinping in China. And so that’s a big problem for people like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. That’s a big problem for the American-Israeli US taxpayer funded war machine. And so you’re talking about trillions of dollars. To talk about what this means for the economy as a whole, Carlos Cortez is with us from Cortez Wealth Management. You made a lot of predictions about what would happen here, that this would secure the presidency for Donald Trump and that the stock market would respond and that the market would do different things.

What are you seeing so far? The American consumer wants relief. They want relief at the bank. They want relief at the pump, at the grocery store, everywhere you go. Inflation is the number one problem right now with everybody. It doesn’t matter who you are. And actually better than the feds releasing or cutting rates. We’re all on pins and needles here waiting for the feds to cut the rates because typically the stock market goes up, which it doesn’t. That’s a whole other issue. But more so, they see Donald Trump. And I I get all my information from everywhere and then I formulate my own opinion and look at the charts.

But they are literally saying that Donald Trump is going to win the election this year. The money is saying it right now. The stocks are going up. DJT, Trump media is up 41% this morning. The Dow Jones is up. KRE, which has a lot of crooked loans on the books with the regional banks. We still have commercial real estate problems right now for the next two years. It’s shot up through the roof. KRE, the banking index. Everything is going up. Bitcoin is up. Pretty much everything is up. And they’re literally getting ready for a Trump presidency.

Wall Street is. I said this before, that the volatility index is too quiet. It’s just too quiet. Something’s got to happen. I don’t know what that is. And we talked about this on scriptures on Wall Street. And here we are. We have an attempt to attempt an assassination on a former president. And I really believe that if the voters were on the fence, they’re really going to go the DJT route and where the gold shoes. So that’s my prediction. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the markets, but at the end of the day, you got to have a plan to protect yourself because the markets will move violently now going into the election.

Yeah. And you have the exact retirement plan that can secure people’s money with all of this uncertainty and one that can make sure that your money can’t be touched by the federal government, by this corporate crime syndicate where this great financial reset is quickly rushing its way in. CBDCs, digital IDs, all of the things that you’ve been talking about and warning about for a very long time. And you’ve been right on the head with a lot of your shot calls as well. If you want to secure that retirement habit compound, watch it compound, make sure that the feds can’t put their hands on it.

Call Carlos Cortez 813-448-3446. Again, make an appointment with Carlos 813-448-3446, or just visit Cortez wealth management online, book your appointment. It’s hassle-free. It’s painless. It’s super simple. It doesn’t cost you anything. Go to Again, We’ll be right back. I’ve said it before countless times and I’ll say it again. The world is becoming more and more unstable by the day. First, a war on our children. Now, a war on our money. When will it end? The government’s corruption is even more prevalent today, causing the state of our spiraling economy to be normalized.

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See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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American inflation concerns Cortez Wealth Management retirement plan current economic situation in America Donald Trump rally theories protection from market volatility recent event at Trump rally retirement plans in volatile economy safeguarding money from government interference Stock market predictions for Trump presidency Trump presidency economic impact Trump's actions against military-industrial complex wealth management in Trump presidency

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