More Strange Details Surrounding BioChemical Plant Fire and Hurricane Helene!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The article discusses concerns about the state of the country, highlighting issues such as foreign influence, pedophilia, and media bias. It also mentions a film coming to the Stu Peters network and encourages readers to subscribe for early access. The article then shifts to discuss recent disasters, including a chemical plant fire in Georgia, suggesting these incidents may not be accidental but rather part of a larger conspiracy involving powerful groups and individuals. The author concludes by urging readers to stay vigilant and informed.
➡ The text discusses concerns about a company called Blackrock, which is linked to various incidents of environmental harm and potential health risks. The author suggests that Blackrock may be involved in a situation where a town is being affected by a chemical fog, possibly chlorine. The author also raises concerns about Blackrock’s potential involvement in land grabs, particularly in areas rich in resources like lithium and natural gas. The text ends with criticism of the U.S. government’s allocation of funds to foreign countries instead of domestic disaster relief.
➡ The article discusses various issues including the government’s response to a hurricane, the displacement of 90,000 Georgia residents due to a chemical fire, and the potential presidency of Kamala Harris. It also mentions a contest for a cardio miracle supply, the possibility of a hidden advanced civilization, and the promotion of various products and services such as Goldco, red light therapy, and mushroom breakthrough from bioptimizers.


We all have one common enemy. His name is Satan. And right now his minions are trying to run this country. The german nation does not wish its interests to be determined and controlled by any foreign nation. France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent the settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land. And to oust it. Oust it. Oust it. Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. Pull it.

On September 11, 2001, were perhaps the most shocking and terrifying events in us history. The witness called police who stopped the van hours later and arrested five men. All five, it turns out, were Israeli. And I could see that they were like, happy. I thought it was very strange. They have to get the blessings of this country before they can swear an oath to our constitution. They won’t get any spotlight in the zionist funded media. And one of the scariest things in the world is that nobody is willing to admit. Nobody wants to have that conversation.

Why is our army not arresting pedophiles who put their dicks in little kids faces during the whole month of June? Do me. Sue me, everybody. Do me. Kick me kite. Me. Dodge up like a fight. All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us. The jewish watchword. Workers of the world, unite. Workers of all classes and of all nations. Recognize your common enemy. If that’s the one sensitive subject that nobody wants us to talk about, then I think it’s pretty obvious. That’s the thing that we should be talking about. The Jews will control the world.

They don’t really care about us. That film occupied coming exclusively to the Stu Peters network this fall. I’m working on an official release date right now. We’re working on the official trailer right now as well. Head on over to stu dot. If you want early access to that, we just ask that you subscribe. I’m giving you your first month for just $1. Click on the Stu crew button. If you’re watching us on rumble, there’s a Stu crew button there, as well as also red. That’ll take you to a support screen where I have already entered your promo code, which is Stu crew one.

Get your first month for a dollar nine thereafter, or dollar 90 for the full year if you just want to give one. So you can do that as well. We need you. You are the Stu crew, the most important part of our rising army that will absolutely dismantle the synagogue of Satan and all those that wish to fuck your kids. You’ve been paying attention to the news lately. We’re seeing this undeniable rise in the unrestricted warfare that’s being waged against the american people as this murderous corporate crime syndicate that you call a federal government has openly declared war on you and your kids.

And we’ve seen it’s been total chaos in this country for the past few years now. There’s been riots in the streets, attacks on our infrastructure. They chernobyled Ohio bioweapons deployed against the american people and all of the people of the world. Record setting numbers of food plant fires and chemical meltdowns attacking our national supply chain and food independence, and, of course, releasing untold scores of deadly toxins into the air. That entire area, by the way, of East Palestine, Ohio, we still have no answers from the so called federal government. And this past weekend, in the wake of Hurricane Helene, which has killed dozens of people over 60, now, according to the official orthodox narrative, destroyed entire towns and red regions of battleground states for the fake and gay upcoming election that we’re going to have now, there’s even more chaos being thrown into the mix as a bio lab.

A chemical plant in Conyers, Georgia, went up in flames, releasing this massive plume of chemicals into the sky that could be seen from the Hartsfield Jackson airport in Atlanta, over 30 miles away. And it completely engulfed the Rockdale county community. We’re playing videos of it right here, so you can take a look at this if you missed it. Wow. Yeah, it’s getting worse. They’re not putting that fire out. They’re not even. And what was. So thousands of people have now been evacuated from the city of roughly 17,000. And reports are saying that all 17,000 of Conyers residents have been told to flee, while tens of thousands more people in the surrounding area have been given shelter in place orders and told to stay in their homes and lock down and don’t go outside.

Does that all sound familiar to you, by the way? Put on a mask and they probably have a vaccine for this, too. All it takes is some chemical plant being blown up and an entire swath of a major battleground state can be locked in their homes, just like we saw four years ago with the Fort Detrick gain of function, manufactured bioweapon called SaRS Cov two. You remember the novel coronavirus that nobody knew anything about? As we were watching propaganda videos of Chinamen dropped dead because a bat and a pangolin had sex and then pooped in some soup at a wet market.

And now we’re being told that this disaster in Georgia happened because of a sprinkler system malfunction that caused chemicals to react with water and to create a big, huge plume. We’re also being told that a resulting fire caused the building’s roof to collapse, destroying a massive supply of pool and spa chemicals and releasing their fumes into the sky in what looks like the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. This bio lab plant in particular, we’re being told, was producing cleaning chemicals for pools and spas, which obviously raises the possibility that this entire area could have been poisoned by a massive chlorine bomb or something even worse.

And that seems to be what local officials are worried about, because they sent a message out to residents telling that if they, quote, smell a chlorine odor, you should turn off your air conditioners, turn on your ceiling fans, and if possible, bring your outside animals indoors, end quote. So at this point, there’s really no telling just how many people have been poisoned or how large of a potential loss of life we could actually be looking at. But again, this is just the most recent and a long time of large scale chemical disasters that have plagued this country in just the past few years.

At this point, it’s becoming a frequent occurrence, and it’s impossible for many people to believe that these things are happening by mistake, especially when weighing all of the external factors that we just discussed. We want to discuss more of them. That, and Frankie stocks joins us now, writer for National File. You can find him eelstocks on x. He’s a contributor here at the Stu Peters network and also writes at stu dot. You have been following us very closely over the weekend. We appreciate that. What have you found? Hey, Stu, thanks for having me. And, you know, connecting the dots on this, it gets, it gets pretty disturbing pretty quickly.

You know, as, as soon as this situation started rolling out, people were raising questions, how does this happen? Why does this continue happening? This is happening all over the country over and over and over again. And, you know, when it does and you look into the places that have exploded, you look into the places that have just totally wrecked havoc on the american people a lot of times they have mutual connections. They have mutual connections to very, very powerful groups and very powerful people who you think, you know, maybe they would like to sow some chaos in this country.

Maybe they would like to clear out some land. There’s any number of motivations they could have. But this bio lab company, that’s what the actual companies called Bio Lab, and they’re producing the chemicals in this plant. They are owned by a group called Kik Consumer Products. This is one of the biggest manufacturers of pool and household and spa cleaning chemicals in the entire United States. And they are owned by, oh, guess who? By a private equity group called Center Bridge, which is closely linked to Blackrock. They are in numerous business deals with Blackrock worth billions and billions of dollars.

They have massive amounts of crossover at the very top of their, of their equity groups of people bouncing from center bridge to bouncing to Blackrock. They’re associated with the Phoenix, which is the biggest, one of the biggest israeli financial institutions. It’s tied to Jared Kushner, of course. They’re also tied to Larry Fink and all of those people. So this group, I should say, this chemical plant, this isn’t some standalone thing. This isn’t some kind of mom and pop shop manufacturing a few household cleaners here and there. This is a big, massive corporation that’s owned by big, massive private equity firms that, as we’ve seen over and over again, every single time, there’s some kind of chaos here, domestically or even around the world.

When we start tracing the dots back and we start looking to who owns this, who, who runs the company that was involved, it’s going to private equity, namely Blackrock and their many tentacles all of the time. So once again, we have here looks like Blackrock. Fingerprints, private equity fingerprints are all over this. And it’s incredibly disturbing because we haven’t seen the last of this. I firmly believe, based off of what I’ve seen, that this area is going to be poisoned. There’s going to be people poisoned, just like East Palestine, Ohio. You can scroll through even the mainstream platforms right now, TikTok X, YouTube.

And it’s just person after person. They’re starting to get dozens and dozens of miles away from this. And they’re saying, my entire town this morning, it looks like a dense layer of fog has totally taken over the town. But it’s not a dense layer of fog. It’s a dense layer of chemicals, probably chlorine. It’s really important for everyone to remember that in world War one, both sides, as they were deploying chemical weapons against each other, were using chlorine. This killed people in horrifying ways. En masse, the United States accused Saddam Hussein of using chlorine chemical agents.

They have accused terror groups in the middle east of using chlorine chemical agents. This is bad, bad stuff. And in all likelihood, that and more is what’s floating around the air. Out there. And stu, I love what you said there about there’s a good chance they’re going to cook up a vaccine for this, or they already have, because back when, every time that the us government has deployed its forces all over the world, when they say there’s going to be chemical weapons involved, they start injecting soldiers, injecting government personnel with all of these shots, you know, these miraculous shots that they pull out of nowhere, that they say are going to address the chemicals and that they’re going to be some kind of antidote, they’re going to be a vaccine.

They’re going to block it out. So how long until it’s revealed that this has been a massive chlorine bomb or something even worse, and then there’s an antidote that comes up for the people of this area. This is a bad situation. Yeah, and I need you to go over this again. So, Kik Consumer products, which were showing some of their leadership here on the screen, you’re saying that they link back to a company whose headquarters happens to be on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, Israel. Yes, absolutely. 100%. Actually, just a couple of years ago, they entered into a more than $2.9 billion mutual deal with Blackrock.

I mean, they are directly working together. So this company, Kik kick, whatever you want to call it, they are owned. They are run by center bridge partners. I’ve got the information sitting right here in front of me, which obviously, as I just said, they have this really long history of working with Blackrock. But it’s not just that. From the very highest levels, there’s crossover. Blackrock keeps popping up every single time something like this happens. It’s not just limited to this. Geez, crooks in Pennsylvania linked to Blackrock. This other clown, Ruth in Florida, linked to Ukraine, which, as we know, is owned at this point by Blackrock.

Blackrock has its tentacles and has its fangs and its extremities and all of these private equity groups. And so there’s really become a bunch of little miniature blackrocks that are out there operating under different names and are buying up this entire country, our entire economy, and all the land. And, you know, if you take a look online right now and you see some of the theories that are floating around out there, the land is a very, very important aspect in all of this. And Blackrock has already demonstrated, and their partner groups have already demonstrated they have no problem going into war ravaged or disaster ravaged regions and buying up all of the land, buying up all of the mineral rights.

I’ve seen all over X. And these are sourced. These are credible posts. In some instances, they’re almost miniature articles. They’re such a big post, and people are showing this entire region of the country. Cause let’s remember, it’s not just the chemical bomb. It’s Helene. This has really ravaged the southeastern United States. The chemical bomb is just part of it. And this entire region is rich in lithium. It’s rich in other resources that are scarce, that are going to be needed if we’re to buy into this green, New Deal future where everything’s powered by super batteries that actually do more to destroy the earth than the stuff we’ve been using for hundreds of years.

And this entire part of the country is sitting on top of a massive lithium reserve. Nearby, there are massive natural gas reserves. And so we can see when you start to look at this and you see all the pieces come together, it is nothing. Some kind of crazy leap. It is not some kind of crazy conspiracy theory to say our government, their partner groups, the private equity firms, the industrialists, the vulture capitalists, who can also, you can trace back to Israel. They have a whole lot to gain if they’re able to buy up and seize control of this land.

And, you know, Stu, a point that I saw you put out on social media, which 100% accurate, is as the people get cleared out of here, as these places are opened up, or as they start to rebuild, they’re going to be bringing in their migrants, their manufactured refugees to staff the new facilities or to clean up. They’ve sterilized and gotten rid of the native populations of these regions. At least that’s what it looks like is happening right now. So they’re going to bring in migrants, they’re going to bring in a replacement population, and they’re going to have full dominance.

Once they have the population under their complete and total control, they’ll have the land and the minerals under their complete and total control. They’ll be running the whole show. I mean, this is. This isn’t some kind of a, you know, tall tale, because the United States government and their partners, just like I mentioned about Ukraine, they have been clearing out land all over the world to misuse and abuse and to rip the resources out of. And they do not care who dies in the process, including their own people. You know, that they demonstrated that during the war on terror.

What’s the probability that we’re going to see Blackrock investing in land in Gaza and in the West bank, beautiful ocean front property where these people have been annexed and or killed? Speaker 110%. You know, many believe that they already are there. There are already these public jewish land auctions that are going on, on stolen land. It’s being auctioned off all over the world. Blackrock is headquartered, obviously, on Rothschild Boulevard, as you mentioned, there, in Tel Aviv. And so it’s very hard to believe that Rothschild maybe, maybe Blackrock, maybe they don’t have their company name on this yet, because it looks a little bad to be auctioning off war crime victims land as the tanks are still rolling over it.

But rest assured that their thugs, their financial thugs and crooks are up to their necks in all of this. And it’s really disgusting when you look into that whole land grab, settler land auction, that it’s happening here in the United States, happening all over the western world in these synagogues. What are the people saying here in Georgia? Have you talked to anybody that’s down there? Have you seen, you know, what’s happening there? Are they sending any kind of help there at all whatsoever? We see with this hurricane Helene that there’s no money going there. No money going to hurricane Helene victims, Americans who’ve actually lost everything.

But yet we just signed off on billions more to Israel, billions more to Ukraine, and hundreds of millions now to Taiwan, Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. Yep. They’ve sold out the american people right in the middle of this disaster. I have talked, talked to one source, more of an acquaintance, I should say, in Loganville, Georgia, who tells me, yes, the footage is all accurate, the entire town, everywhere around it. This is about 20 miles, I believe, away from Conyers is cased in this chemical fog, dust, whatever you want to call it. And that’s going way, way out.

You know, they’re sort of close into the ring of the. Of the exposure there. There’s towns 40 miles away where we’re seeing footage uploaded of the very same thing. I’m more closely plugged in to the Helene situation just by virtue of being in Virginia. Counties pretty close to me are underwater. Obviously. You go over the line into North Carolina, they’re underwater. There are well over 100 people dead, hundreds of people still missing. And yes, I firmly believe, and I think many people do, this is going to be a land grab, because Joe Biden came out this morning or last night.

The video came out this morning and said, we’re not sending anything else to Helene victims. We are done. We’re cutting them off. And they sent the money to Ukraine. They sent the money to Israel. They sent the money to Taiwan. What’s really interesting is we keep being told how little warning there was, how the Fed’s response has been so lackluster and the state’s response in many cases has been so lackluster, because they just didn’t know. They didn’t have any warning. But Biden told the press that they knew about this ahead of time and that they had already allocated everything that they were going to send to Helene victims before the storm made landfall.

So if we’re being told that this thing just popped up in the middle of nowhere and that it was a big surprise, but it sounds like the government already knew about it, I wonder why that is. Why were we kept in the dark about it? But the government knew all about it. We didn’t know anything about it. It. It didn’t appear days beforehand on radar. We weren’t able to track this thing all the way in just hours. Boom, it just pops up. Not a tropical depression, not even a tropical storm. This thing was a full blown hurricane like that and smashed into hundreds of so called red counties.

If you still believe in the left right paradigm right before a fake and staged and rigged election, I’m sure that there’s all kinds of infrastructure problems, electronics problems, with the machines that are going to be connected to the Internet and used for people to vote on. Frankie stocks, national file contributor here at the Stu Peters network. Make sure that you go follow him on x at real stocks for a whole lot more on Helene and what’s going on in Georgia. Georgia just, I mean, been absolutely hit. This is unbelievable with Helene and now this explosion. And the article that we were just looking at said that 90,000 people have been displaced, 90,000 Georgia residents are taking shelter.

According to the AP, after the chemical fire, as haze and smell spreads to Atlanta, 90,000 people locking down because the government tells them that you have to go lock down. Okay, we’ll draw the three lucky winners of cardio miracle supply. Okay, so here we go. Let’s spin that wheel so we got nausea. Okay, Naslitz, congratulations. You win one month supply from cardio miracle. So, okay, let’s roll for the second winner. Okay. Tle 2020. Congratulations to you, too. And our final winner. Okay, here we go. Our final winner is. Okay, Pswana. Congratulations to you, too. You all won one month supply from cardio miracle.

More from the Stu Peters show continues next. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed, downed, cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates, are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development.

Throughout the late 18 and early 19, hundreds, almost every major american city, was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives? Kamala Harris, the liberal California professional politician and liar, the farthest left candidate that we have ever seen, could become the next president of the United States of America. I mean, that should shake you to the core. Just think about it. She has supported open borders. Not only that, she’s completely failed us intentionally, as the current borders are.

She even helped to raise money to get criminals out of jail during the summer of love. Worked in concert with Tim walls right here in Minneapolis to do it faster, not only for our safety, but for the economy at large. I mean, have you seen our new tax plan? That could be the nail in the coffin for this country. And that’s why you should stop what you’re doing right now and reach out to the top rated precious metals company, Goldco. Gold company has over 6005 star reviews. There’s a good reason why all kinds of awards, a good reason why they have helped people just like you.

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Blackrock environmental harm Blackrock land grabs chemical fog incidents chemical plant fire in Georgia conspiracy theories about disasters foreign influence in US politics health risks linked to Blackrock media bias discussion pedophilia issues in America potential chlorine exposure state of the country concerns Stu Peters network film subscribe for early access vigilance and information importance

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