Millions Living on Credit Cards | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ I Allegedly talks about how the average credit card debt is increasing, with New Jersey and Connecticut having the highest averages. Many people are using credit cards to get by, especially those earning less than $50,000 a year, renting their homes, and with children under 18. Additionally, there’s a rise in scams where people impersonate banks to steal information, particularly in real estate transactions. Lastly, the average income needed to buy a house in California is $349,500, which is unattainable for many.
➡ Schools across the U.S. are laying off employees, including teachers, due to a lack of pandemic funding. Meanwhile, Houston-based electric car company Rivian is cutting jobs due to poor sales, and a Wells Fargo employee is banned from banking for ignoring an investigation into alleged theft. There are also concerns about a potential stock market crash, as an economic indicator that hasn’t been wrong in 65 years predicts a downturn. Lastly, California is launching a controversial program to provide free alcohol to homeless people to manage their addiction.
➡ Remember to like and subscribe, and you can reach out to me at See you soon!


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. This is IAllegedly and I’ve got a good one for you today because The numbers are in They’re not good People are in debt more than they’ve ever been and the numbers are just going in the wrong direction Please take a second to Comment on the video like the video share the video Subscribe and today we have a sponsor Chuck Norris and I will talk about him a little later But let’s get right into it. The credit card numbers are in. Schoolaroo did a Survey of over 2,000 people and they found out that the average credit card debt is six thousand one hundred and fifty five dollars It is growing growing growing growing.

The worst offender is the state of New Jersey Which has eight thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars for the average credit card debt which is getting worse and worse and worse for people and The problem with this is it’s not stabilizing It’s going in the negative direction because the average person is using their credit cards just to get by and to pay their bills on a monthly basis, so you’re seeing this more and more the Second biggest offender is Connecticut. We’re seeing that right now and Connecticut is eight thousand one hundred dollars So you’re seeing this get worse and worse right now.

Now the problem with this and where the big Concern is is that the average person that has this much credit card debt makes less than fifty thousand dollars a year rents their home and Has children under 18 so they’ve got young kids at the house and They’re just trying to get by right now But the only way they can get by is to use the credit cards on a daily basis So bad news guys Biggest problem after that is that they’re carrying the debt month after month. No one’s paying off these cards People are are not you know, zeroing out the balances.

I mean I use credit cards every month. I’ve got travel cards I’ve got work cards Cards for expenses for the channel things like that, but they get paid off every month So they don’t I don’t carry balances with this and that’s what people need to do, but they’re not doing that Lots of people out here this morning whether it’s getting better it’s getting to be that time of the year But the other thing that was a major concern is that we’re seeing Real estate groups come out and issue warnings think about this Bank of the Sierras Okay is a bank that a lot of people use for real estate transactions here in, California What they found out was that there are people that are impersonated in the bank and sending out, you know Text messages to a lot of people in the 707 area code saying hey, you know You need to log into your bank account.

Well, I don’t have a bank of Sarah account So I’m not concerned about that. But what they do Is they’ve made fake websites, which is very concerning instead of being bank of the Sierra calm They’ll like do BNK Sierra and it’ll be a bogus site That’s just there to steal on all your information your login information and it’ll say oh because of the concern right now We need you to log in and answer Normal questions in regards to security so people go. Okay, I’ll do that and then they give up the information One thing that absolutely floors me right now is when people Do real estate transactions and they go out and they purchase a home or they put money into escrow They even rent an apartment One thing that they do is they ask you for your information for your deposit and things like that to close the transaction now The concern is that these people intercept these funds and say okay We know you’re gonna close escrow on 123 Elm Street.

Send us the money here and people do that. Isn’t that awful now? Over the last two years. I’ve covered a bunch of stories about this where people have given the money and you know one woman and her husband gave up $600,000 that they thought they were sending to the escrow company and the escrow company calls after the fact and say hey Where’s the money for escrow? Well, we sent it to you on Thursday. No, you didn’t send it to the wrong bank So I’m telling you guys communication is the key people don’t want to deal with everybody right now people don’t want to talk I Was out here two weeks ago.

Remember that had that big dark patch of seaweed out here. Now you get the smaller stuff But as the tide changes and the coast washes different things to shore Just kind of different, you know, so kind of a cool spot When the tide goes really far out you can walk in those caves you can’t do it today, so You have to be wary of these problems. They call this smishing not fishing smishing. It’s SMS messages text messages that they’re sending people and people fall for this time and again the phone numbers I’m telling you guys I’ve told so many people Traveling so many people that are getting their information.

Don’t don’t answer things for your phone Your bank rarely calls you and if they do get the number find out where they’re at and call them back Before you give up any personal information Don’t just answer text messages One thing that certain banks do if you’re standing there, hey, we want to verify it’s you we need third-party Verification so we want to send you a text through our app That’s different because you’re standing there in front of the bank and then they’ll say things like okay We just sent you a five-digit code respond to it.

This is horrible though guys. It’s absolutely out of control Another thing that’s crazy is we just got the numbers in how much does it cost to buy the average house? How much income do you need to buy the average house here in California because this is sickening Absolutely disgusting story is below in the video description Three hundred and forty nine thousand five hundred dollars to buy the average home in California who makes three hundred and forty nine grand in our Audience right think about that. It is absolutely crazy that you’ve got people trying to buy these average houses right now and I am telling you do everything you can right now to wait wait wait wait to buy houses right now because One thing we basically have here in California is we have fixed Property taxes and you know your property taxes and you know if you’ve got mellow roofs if the mellow roofs is gone Or if it’s still active, you know what your property taxes are generally gonna be I have had dozens of people write me about buying houses Texas seems to be the biggest culprit.

They build these new houses They base the taxes on raw land then they reassess it and reappraise it with the house on top of it and the property tax One man that I found a story on that is absolutely tragic and sad is this man’s clearly old and retired And what he’s done is he’s like I have to work right now to pay my property taxes My property taxes on my Montana house used to be eight hundred and forty six dollars a year now They’re eight thousand dollars a year because the state’s in trouble.

So how fair is that? It’s not it’s not at all And again, if you think hey, I own my house free and clear. There’s no such thing guys. There is no such thing You own nothing right now. So let me know what you think about this stuff so far Get yourself out of debt. Read the article below the other culprits bad states Maryland New York here in California people owe over $6,000 on the average credit card Try to be different try not to use those cards get yourself out of debt It is so important to move forward financially to be debt-free Let’s talk about our sponsor Chuck Norris you know Chuck Norris has been a sponsor of my channel now for about six months and He is in fantastic shape and he came up with three things that you can do to change your health And he put a video together that you need to take a look at if you go to Chuck defense calm Forward slash Dan you could see the three differences he made in his life that have completely changed He has more energy.

He can work out longer, but it’s made him a As he ages it’s made him feel better and feel healthier. He has more stamina. He doesn’t have Gut pain and gut health problems take a look at it today but the thing about this is that Everybody thinks that getting older you’re gonna have these health issues with joint pain and with you know Feeling bad you can do something about it go to Chuck defense calm forward slash Dan Check out that video today and see the difference Chuck’s wife did it She said she feels 10 years younger and it’s given Chuck a huge amount of stamina So he can work out louder play with his grandkids check it out today You One thing that you’re seeing around the country that is kind of crazy is you’re seeing school district layoff employees at huge numbers numbers we’ve never seen before and What they’re attributing this to is oh, yeah, it’s bad performance It’s these teachers weren’t like you see in all this stuff.

No what it is is they’re out of pandemic money So they were giving all this extra money and it’s gone. So they got to get rid of the teachers So here in Anaheim, California, they’re getting rid of teachers. They’re getting rid of teachers all over the place right now You’re seeing this in New Jersey. You’re seeing this in Connecticut different states right now like crazy you’re seeing this one thing that’s not with this is Houston Houston’s laying off hundreds and hundreds of teachers right now and They you know at first they were said oh, it’s poor performance.

These are teachers that didn’t do well. No And they’re laying off everything from custodians teachers long-term short-term even people in the administration and that worked in higher end of The district so get ready for this you’re gonna see this happen, but who suffers from that? You and I not you and I the kids suffer from that So you’re gonna see this happen more and more right now and it’s not just one bad area Oh, they don’t know how to run a school district in Houston No, it’s not that read the stories below because it’s hundreds of school districts now that are gonna start cutting back And I’m telling you guys you’re gonna see more and more people that are going to Be laid off right now.

Speaking of layoffs Rivian Rivian here in Orange County 29 people at their main facility because they’re doing so well and selling so many cars right now and they’re not that’s the problem So Rivian is cutting 29 more jobs from their corporate headquarters here in Orange County, California that’s the electric car company and I know somebody who’s been waiting three years for their Rivian car and every time I see them I try to talk them out of getting that car and Last time they said that it looks like I’m not gonna get it then I’m gonna get it now I’m not gonna get it now is that the I’m not gonna get it type mentality, which is great How about this one there is a man who worked at Wells Fargo who’s been accused of Of stealing from depositors So they they wanted to investigate this and they said hey, we want to interview you Andrew Eggbar read the story below So what’s this guy do? Gets the letters from the financial industry regulatory Association FINRA you’ve heard that term before FINRA FINRA sends the sky letters to say hey We want to interview you about this staff and just ignored it now Well, you know what we’re gonna do Andrew we’re gonna ban you from working at a bank forever.

Okay. Yeah, you can’t even be a teller You can’t work in administration. You can’t work as any Aspect of inside the bank who cares think about this guy is accused of stealing and just blew people off Could you imagine that you and I? Would get arrested for something like that and Andrew’s just blowing it off So read the story below because it’s mind-boggling that this guy just doesn’t care And we’re seeing more and more and more things like this where people Are supposed to pay for things people are supposed to have consequences and the consequences Eh, I don’t feel like it.

I feel like dealing with this seems seems like I don’t have to answer you guys So instead of arresting this guy for theft and for stealing and you guys have heard this you guys heard all these stories over The last few months about people stealing money from people’s accounts and having all these problems and you just heard a story the beginning of this video where somebody went out and They were sending out bogus Website links and there’s no consequences to these people. There really isn’t so Tell me what you think about that Now I want to thank Yolanda for sending me the stories about the school districts She sent a couple of good ones over about how they were laying everybody off, especially the all the information about Houston Jim sent over the story about the leading economic indicator and I cannot wait to talk to Bob Kudla, I’m gonna get him on the show this week and There is an economic indicate an economic indicator that has not been wrong in 65 years Talking about where the stock market’s gonna go.

So crazy guys They say that it’s going to crash and that this indicator has not been wrong at 65 years. So I’m going to You know ask Bob about that and bring him in let me know what you guys think about that Are we due for this big stock market crash? One thing that we keep getting sent over are all these bogus bills added to Checks since I mentioned that Checks for entertainment. How about this one an entertainment fee for $23? It was at a time at a check Who the hell’s paying that? You know the bad band the bad music it’s gonna cost you $23 to add that add it to your check Carrie sent over one that was a health fee for these Workers the kitchen staff.

How crazy is that? He’s like, I don’t want to pay for health care for the kitchen staff. Isn’t that your job? Yeah, it is It’s these businesses job But again here in California come July 1st. Those are a thing of the past All you’re gonna see is prices go up Dan maybe but Things don’t feel right today They don’t feel normal Business doesn’t feel normal. There is a list of layoffs companies that have laid off Some from a few people to hundreds, but somebody put together a very good list and Dave sent me that So he’s a subscriber always contributes and want to thank Dave so take a look at this today and you can see who’s laid off the most amount of people this year because It’s staggering right now.

The numbers are just huge right now, and they’re not going down There’s not going to be a light switch. It’s going to fix business Think of all the teachers heads of household that are losing their jobs right now around the country When will you accept the fact that this is going to get depression area and I don’t mean I’m miserable I need to crawl under a blanket because I’m depressed. I’m talking about Depression area where people can’t afford to eat pay their rent pay their car payments pay their bills that kind of depression.

Oh The other one. Yeah, the other one That’s where we’re headed. I am telling you if you headed off right now if you are a business owner and You have control of your finances right now and control of your clients and you’re controlling how they pay you right now You’re so ahead of the game right now because you’re going to see clients of yours that you think are in great shape Financially that are gonna go out of business in the next six months. You haven’t seen anything yet. Okay, correct me if I’m wrong I I’m gonna finish this video with these last few stories.

The first one is John in Florida sent me this one and He said Dan Cassius King in Florida and he shared this sign which is very cool And it’s like hey pay with gas and save 4% This will be a thing of the future and John’s right about that because nobody wants to use your credit card. Put your credit cards away Come here. So John shared that one The next one Gary Schilling Gary Schilling is famous at predicting things in the stock market And again, I’m gonna get Bob Kudla back on the show because Gary Schilling says without a doubt We’re having a recession this year, which whatever this is called right now.

It’s not a recession It’s a depression. So we’re gonna have a regular recession later on the year But he thinks the stock market’s going to drop 30 percent 30 percent 30 percent There is a great list of store closures which stores have closed in 2024 already and it’s staggering and Dave sent me this one again Which is a great list so you can see who’s closed. Okay now Final story and I thought this was a joke, but it was sent to me by three people from three different news sources and it’s not Here in California, they’re going to give alcohol to the homeless Okay, it’s called the managed alcohol program so you can get free vodka free beer to control Your addiction.

Hello. Okay booze hound sleeping sleeping on the street stealing from people We’re going to aid that and a bet that so isn’t that crazy guys? Okay, the managed alcohol program who makes this stuff up and again, make fun of commie, fournier Wackadoo, California crazy, California. I got to agree with you, but let’s give the booze hounds free drinks. Okay? Don’t forget to hit the like button. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel email me at hello at I allegedly calm But again guys can’t make this stuff up. Okay. I’ll see you guys very soon you


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000 income average credit card debt in New Jersey average income to buy house in California California house affordability issues US schools laying off employees Connecticut highest credit card debt credit card debt with children under 18 credit card usage under $50 pandemic funding and teacher real estate transaction scams renting homes and credit card debt rise in bank impersonation scams

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