Military Ops in US Afghanistan Iraq w/ Former Special Ops Officer Jeff Niklaus

Posted in: News, Patriots, Sarah Westall



➡ The text discusses the potential threats at the southern border of the country and the importance of being aware of these risks. It also introduces Lela’s quantum technology, which has numerous health benefits and is backed by scientific studies. The text then moves on to an interview with Jeff Nicholas, a former military special ops member, who shares his experiences and insights. Lastly, it discusses the concept of fifth generation warfare, a psychological war aimed at controlling minds, and the importance of understanding this to avoid manipulation.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the manipulation of information by mainstream media, the potential misuse of technology, and the importance of upholding constitutional rights. It also includes an interview with a retired military officer who shares his experiences in special operations and the poppy eradication program in Afghanistan. The officer criticizes the corruption he witnessed and the recent haphazard withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. The text ends with an advertisement for a health product.
➡ Masterpiece, a product that removes harmful substances like heavy metals and chemicals from your body, is gaining popularity for its health benefits. Users report increased energy, mental clarity, and better sleep. It’s affordable and can be purchased online. The text also discusses a chaotic world filled with misinformation, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking. It shares a personal account of a military operation in Somalia, highlighting the bravery of soldiers and the harsh realities of war.
➡ The text discusses the concept of situational awareness, which is understanding oneself, one’s environment, and potential threats. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings, capabilities, and potential risks, whether in a military context or everyday life. The text also touches on the idea of fifth generation warfare and the potential threats posed by individuals crossing the southern border of the U.S. with malicious intent. Lastly, it speculates on the existence of advanced technologies that could significantly surpass current capabilities.
➡ The text discusses the potential for technology to be used in a deceptive way to unite the world under a single government, which the speaker views as a negative possibility. It also introduces a non-lethal device developed by a company called Compliant Technologies, which is used by police forces. The device, a glove that sends signals to the nervous system, is designed to de-escalate situations and control violent individuals without causing harm. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this technology in protecting officers and reducing costs associated with injuries and lawsuits.
➡ The text discusses a special glove designed to protect law enforcement officers from harmful substances like fentanyl for up to four hours. The glove, made in partnership with Eco Protect, is also useful for weapon retention and transition, and can help officers safely handle resistant individuals. The company only sells these gloves to law enforcement agencies, not to the public or individual officers, to prevent misuse. The company is veteran-owned, and aims to manufacture all its products in the U.S.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the need for true leadership and peaceful power exchange in the country. They also introduce their company, Compliant Technologies, which can be reached via email or their website for those interested in their resources and products. The company, which has been in business for five years, aims to positively impact society through their safe, thoroughly tested technology. The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share about their company and its mission.


Let’s just take our southern border, for example. You would think anybody coming to this country would welcome the idea of freedom and liberty and all of that, and that everybody would have the perfect ideal of wanting to come to this country. Well, that’s not true. So we need to be situationally aware that there are bad players entering our southern border, and they have very nefarious things in mind. And so as we go down and as we gain more information, our situational awareness should increase to where maybe we’re going to limit our exposure to certain public events and certain public gatherings at some point based upon perceived threat, making decisions based upon the gaining of that information.

So if there’s a lot of people in this country that still haven’t woken up and they think, you know, they’re still worried about who won the basketball game or who’s in what place in the American or National League, having no clue that we have people penetrating our southern borders with evil intent, that is going to take place. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Lela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.

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Welcome to Business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Jeff Nicholas coming to the program. He’s really an interesting person. He was a special ops for the military, working on the eradication of the poppy seed in Afghanistan. Plus he was a pilot for, for over twelve years, working on operations such as what you saw in the Black Hawk down movie. And so we’re going to talk about that. He was one of the key people that inspired that movie. He can’t talk completely open on things, so he’s going to talk about what the public already knows and also give you some insight that maybe you don’t know and his perspective.

And then he’s able to talk more about operations that he sees after he exited the military based on his knowledge of what he saw in the military. What do you think happened with Afghanistan afterwards? And maybe some of the theories on, you know, why that operation occurred and it probably wasn’t what it appeared to be and surely not what the mass media was presenting. And then he talks about the importance of operational awareness, especially in this fifth generation war that we’re dealing with, this crazy situation that we’re all watching and how you need to be situationally aware.

And I compare that to this docu series that I’m doing on mind control and fifth generation Warfare and how important it is to be situationally aware and understand what’s really going on in today’s world. And to that point, the fifth generation Warfare mind control series, the docu series that I have that’s airing on Brighton University. You can sign up for it and I’m going to play the full trailer here after this intro before we get into the interview. And the link will be below so you can sign up up for that. And hopefully you do.

I was been a labor of love for the last four months of my life. So we take, we look at it from all different perspectives. You’ll see in the trailer it’s very intensive. And that really just covers the surface, really, of all the different disciplines involved. But hopefully it gives you an idea of more of what we’re dealing with and to zoom out. The reason people ask me, why did you do this, Sarah? And I got to tell you, it’s because I was watching. You know, the mainstream media is absolutely horrible, as everybody knows. They’re just, they’re worthless as a source of information.

And then the independent media, we’ve been just, everybody’s been bouncing around, covering all these psy ops instead of what’s really going on. And I had to zoom out and go, wait a minute, we are dealing with a bigger issue here. And I felt that way at the beginning of COVID That’s why I did my first mini documentary. Anything that’s less than 30 minutes long, I call a mini documentary. And it was on mind control and mind war, which is essentially fifth generation warfare. I just didn’t call it that. And it was because I was just watching this whole manipulation go on.

And I was tired of watching everybody being just whipped around based on psyops instead of zooming out and being more situationally aware. And that’s what he’s going to talk about a little bit. And this is my attempt of being situationally aware of what it is that we’re actually dealing with. You can’t win a war. You can’t effectively do things if you’re just being bounced around based on psyops. That’s what they want you to do. You need to zoom out and go, okay, what is really going on here? And we need to be smarter in the way that we deal with things.

So I’m going to play that trailer and you. The link again is below so that you can sign up. But we also get into his business. He has been involved in, he doesn’t like to call it directed energy weapons. What he does, he calls it. I don’t know what he calls it. He calls it devices that help calm down aggressive people. And he works with police and correctional facilities and other institutions that work in dangerous environments so that you can calm down somebody very quickly without harming them. You don’t need to kill them. You don’t need to shoot them.

And he’s going to talk about that. And so that’s a really good example of how this new technology can be used in a very pro human, positive way. And he’s going to talk about that and how they’re implemented. It’s a fantastic discussion on that as well. If you want to learn more about what he’s doing, you can go to his website, which is, and the link is below for that as well. Okay, here is the trailer for the fifth generation Warfare, and following that will be my interview with Jeff Nicholas. I grew up believing that NSA was not allowed to collect data on americans.

It was supposed to be outwardly focused on our foreign enemies. And you’re saying that that’s been perverted for many years? Yes, since 2001. 5th generation warfare is something that we’re dealing with right now. We are in the middle of a war, and it is not a conventional war. Conventional war is where they are trying to take out military forces for a narrow political agenda. This is a war to control you and to control your mind. Fifth generation warfare takes place in the human domain. And the human domain is characterized by social relationships, by narratives, by culture, and by values, and also perception.

Those are the things that you’re trying to manipulate. There’s been a transformation in technology since the mid nineties and especially in the last, I’d say, 14 years. The technology was worked on at least since 2010. If we look at in the Internet of bodies, Internet of things, Internet of nano things, says they were working on this technology to be able to have a pervasive system that is able to wirelessly track everything in the environment, including the activities of people. So right now, anytime you see some kind of movement, some kind of explosion, some kind of event that happens where it’s people going after each other like this, I can tell you right now, that is being fomented by actors who are put in there, by media that’s in there to actually push out a certain narrative, and it’s 100% a false flag today.

Absolutely. Very important to know that a lot of the people who were involved in the founding of Tavistock were Fabian socialists. So, of course, like Lord Roy, you know, the Daily Mail, and so there were all sorts of ties to Fabian socialists. The sole purpose of Tavistock, then and now, is to devise methods of mind control to socially engineer the masses into subservience and ultimately slavery. And they want to slowly brainwash the world. So Tavistock might sound like a very abstract, like, what is Tavistock? Right? But they were referred to as the lie factory, and they’ve permeated throughout the ages.

The Nazis had this down. They used to brag and say, well, if you tell a big enough lie, often enough that people will come to believe it. Well, that’s exactly the principle that’s behind confirmation bias. It works both ways. Tell the truth often enough people come to believe it. Tell a lie, often enough people will come to believe it. So what the mainstream media does is they lie about their lies, and they censor out of existence people in the social media who will not go along with the lie about the lies. So it was the psyops that got him to do what he did.

The people at the space force and the CIA could have stopped the bloodshed. They could have disabled him when he was going to shoot, but they chose not to because they want the narrative against the second amendment. This is an anomaly. It’s typically done computer generated voice. So you’ve seen how some of these chat, GPT type conversation bots can just generate conversation based on a few inputs. That tends to be the majority of the people. This is the problem with Stein Havana syndrome. How are you going to produce control if you are not in the possession of the weapon or weapon systems? You can produce a control.

You don’t know if it’s. If right now you’re under attack or not. It’s only. It’s only subjective that I feel when the attack starts and the vibrations, the sump or the buffeting is ramping up. I know that there’s an attack coming because let me talk about the details. First of all, we already talked about the fact that human beings are being studied to be batteries. There’s patents that are out to use human beings for processing power and for batteries. We are also being used for storage devices. Right. I already showed you a JPEg clip on a piece of bacteria.

It’s now, it’s not futuristic. It’s not experimental. Those are capabilities now that are already being deployed in military operations. Standing up and opposing this and making it clear that we, the people do not care to have any, anyone messing around with our constitutional rights like the current governments are doing, why we’re going to lose it. And when Ben Franklin said, was asked, what did you make? And he said, we made a republic, if you can keep it. Well, can we keep it? That’s the real question. And that’s the question that we’re facing right now. Hi, Jeff.

Welcome to the program. Hey, Sarah. How are you? I am good. I’m really glad that you’re here. We have a lot to talk about, and you have an amazing, an amazing background and a lot of experience in the military and special ops that could. And you have a company which is doing safer, I don’t know how youapon weaponry for the police force. And we’re going to talk about that a little bit, but I really want to talk about your special ops background and then get into some of these other things. Can you talk about what you did while you were in the military? Well, I can talk a little bit about what I did.

I retired back in 2007 or at the end of 2006, so I’m not going to really have any, you know, useful information for today’s environment. But I did 20 years in the army. I flew helicopters. I was part of an organization called the 160, otherwise known as the Night Stalkers. And, you know, we did different operations around the world. The one that people would recognize most is Somali, Operation Gothic serpent, which, you know, that operation is what inspired the book and movie Black Hawk down. And that particular mission. I was the pilot in command callsign Super Sig Seven, which was one of the Blackhawks used in the ranger blocking force.

I did 16 of my 20 years at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, finished up in Savannah, Georgia, retired, and went to work for the state Department after that as a contractor working the pop eradication program. But I will tell you that I feel very blessed that I had a career of flying for 35 years and got to run around the world that we used to say high speed, low drag, and got to do and see a lot of things. Yeah, you did. And I know we talked a little bit about this. I want to talk about the poppy eradication program because you saw some things that were pretty interesting while you were trying to get rid of it.

There are other elements that were trying to make sure it stayed intact. Can you talk a little bit about that? I can talk to it from a limited scope based upon what I saw, but it seemed to me a lot of times, like, anytime you go into a theater of operation, there’s a lot of different things going on in the background of behind the scenes that you’re not privy to. Our goal was to eradicate the poppy fields and that drug trade. But at the end of the day, it was the afghan government that was really kind of in charge, and we were there to help them.

Well, you would see when we were, we provided overhead cover for those horses, and you would see where they would take these ATV’s with these bars because all you really had to do is break the stem of the poppy plant and would die. And you would see them kind of leapfrog over different farms and stuff like that, depending on the ability of that farmer to pay off the, the afghani forces. So we didn’t, at the end of the day, we didn’t eradicate. It was called an eradication program, but it was an eradication program, you know what I mean? Yeah.

Because a lot of the afghan government was paid off and to skip these farms and where did the money come from? Obviously, it was from the drug dealing because there was so much money behind this. If you look at, you know, there’s all kind of speculation about who was the money and the people behind the drug lords that ran that place. But I will tell you, this is one of the stories that I had heard. Regardless of who was backing them and why. I think it was pretty nefarious, not good players. But at the state department started some programs where they would, a farmer could, instead of grow poppy, they could grow, I don’t know, pick a crop oats or weed or something like that.

And, you know, you would have a, you know, when the forces left, the drug lords would come back in and say, hey, are you going to grow poppy for me this year? And they say, well, we just signed up for this government program to grow wheat. Well, do you want me to chop your loved one up in front of you now? Or wait, we’d come back later and do it. Or take your children and sell them to slavery and come in and strong arm people. And so the farmers would ultimately say, well, I guess I’m going to grow poppy.

And, you know, the problem with that scenario I talked about at the very beginning was if the farmer didn’t have enough money to pay off the afghan forces, then that drug lord is coming back to collect that gumball from the poppy. And if they didn’t have that gumball to collect, then a lot of times they would take their children or they’d kill a family member or a combination of things, and you would basically see that person’s life go before their eyes. So hope and prosperity and a way of life and all that, it was so foreign.

I mean, they were just lucky to survive. And a lot of it was problematic just due to the corruption. And that’s true no matter where you go in the world, the corruption is the killer, the greed is the killer, the power and the control is the killer for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, no matter where you go in this world. Yes, I would agree with that. So when you saw Afghanistan fall, when you saw this whole situation where we pulled out in that haphazard way, what was going through your mind? What went through my mind is it’s too stupid to be stupid.

You know, I don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, but what the people that we had in charge are not that derelict that they would not evacuate all the people first, and then slowly evacuate equipment and forces to where they made an orderly withdrawal. Right. There was a plan, and I would tell people this. I said, if it looks like an op and smells like an op and walks like an op, it’s an op. There’s something going on. And I tell people, do not listen to any mainstream media. I don’t care what, what brand it is, get off of it.

Get on social or get on, you know, alternative media like you, like you and other, other people that are. That are telling the truth, the truth tellers out there trying to make sense of what. What is going on in a very chaotic and messy world right now. Are you ready to take control of your health in today’s toxic world? Look no further. Masterpiece is here. Setting the gold standard for holistic detoxification. Masterpiece, the natural master binder features nanosized zeolites combined with marine plasma nutrition. And here’s the groundbreaking news. In initial trial results, users have experienced an astonishing 70% removal of toxins after just 60 days of use.

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They were just working to get their family members out of there. Yeah, well, I mean, when you have private individuals funding rescue operations for people, you know that things are really bad. And, you know, with, was there some kind of deal made with the Taliban about arms and being left behind for their use? You know, I heard speculation that we were, we were kind of arming the Taliban to fight the Chinese who were going to try to come in and take it over. You know, you hear all kinds of different stories. And that’s the problem with this world is so chaotic.

You know, what is true, what isn’t true, what is an operation? What isn’t an operation? And then you look at the influence of AI and the deep fakes and the propaganda from the mainstream media. That’s why discernment and critical thinking and going beyond the surface is so important for everybody in our country today. Don’t just sit there and take everything at face value. You’ve got to be able to critically think. You’ve got to do proper risk assessment. You got to do really the deep dive into things to really get a good thought about where you think things might be going.

That’s right. That’s exactly right. Let’s talk about your experience that inspired the movie Black Hawk down. I think people want to know that some people haven’t seen the movie and others have. But can you tell us? And it doesn’t always match the true life. It just inspires. It can you tell us a little bit about, about that experience. Well, I’ll tell you what. I used to. I used to go around and speak, you know, to men’s groups and churches and other churches and things like that. My experience, it was I had a little come to Jesus meeting as a contractor, work for the state department.

And when I got back to the States, I would tell people my story. And it simply was just my story. I’m not a religious guy, but I’m a firm believer in a relationship with God. And I learned three, three things. One is never underestimate your enemy. Always plan your contingencies more than one deep. And then be careful what we wish for. You might just get it. For me. First of all, I will be the guy to stand up and say, I’m not the best aviator in the world. I love the idea of what the unit was and the missions that we could perform.

And I was very honored to call that unit home for, you know, eleven of my 20 years in the army, I view myself as a guy that snuck in the door, got a chance to do a lot of great training and do a lot of stuff. And part of the natural process is we got, you know, the 160th and other assets within the realm of the military are used as tools to accomplish a mission. In this case, the mission grew to the point where aviation assets were required to go into the Horn of Africa and Somalia back in the early nineties.

And it was determined that Mohammed Farah was a bad guy that we needed to go after. In my opinion that day, I would have said, just pick a warlord, because everything was in chaos in the Horn of Africa. And you look at all the genocide that took place prior to the United States arrival and even afterward, and look at Somalia as a country. Now. I don’t know that we did anybody any favors, but, you know, task force Ranger was stood up, was about 500 folks. And, you know, are we provided the aviation assets to try to help them accomplish a mission which was to go after key players to, including Mohammed Farah deed.

He was the head of the Haber getter clan in Somalia. And, you know, prior to October 3 and what the whole, everybody talks about, the battle of Black Sea or what, you know, was been coined Blackhawk down. We actually conducted, I think it was seven or eight missions that were fairly successful up into that point. And so, you know, the day of October 3, most of the time, we had usually launched in the middle of the night, you know, the Night stalkers. You know, there’s a reason why we’re called the Night stalkers. We had a saying, death waits in the darkest.

That day, it just happened to be based on intel. Intel drove the train, and that was. It was a daytime operation. The Bakar market area is kind of the vicinity where we went, which is a very, just rough part of the town of Mogadishu, the city of Mogadishu. And so therefore, there was a lot of arms and ammunition. Stuff just happened to be centrally located. And, you know, Osama bin Laden funded the rpg’s and a lot of the weaponry, hoping to bring people to join jihad. They said, if we could bring down an american helicopter, we can embolden people to join jihad.

And that’s exactly. At the end of the day, that’s exactly what happened. I just happened to be out of eight black hawks. I was one of three. And I view this as God’s grace, that we did not take a single round. But, you know, we had. You had the result of super six four getting shot down. Mike Durant was held captive. Everybody has seen, saw that in prime time on our news media. Ray Frank, Bill Cleveland and Tommy Fields, his crew were all killed. And then you had Cliff Walcott and Donovan Briley get shot down. And then you also had Randy Shugart and Gary Gordon, who were operators that were dropped off to try to help secure Durant site, go in there voluntarily.

And they asked several times to help. They finally acquiesced. It was the only help those guys could get at the time. I went in outnumbered and outgunned, and were posthumously awarded medals of honor for their efforts that day. And rightfully so, in my opinion. A lot of people hold. A lot of people want to talk about who they hold in high regard. You know, as far as humans go, I would say the guys that were on the ground fighting that day, the Rangers and the task force green guys, I haven’t seen a lot of those guys in a very long time.

But they fought for their lives. They fought for their guy next to the left and right of them that day. And had it not been for the caliber and quality of the guy on the ground that day, in my opinion, I think the results could have been a lot worse than what had happened. We lost 18, and then a day or two later, we lost another gentleman from a mortar round that hit our base. But that was 19 kia and more wounded. But, you know, that’s just kind of what happened in that situation. And I think we learned a lot from an urban standpoint.

Different things don’t hang around on the objective area. Anyone in the middle of an urban conflict, because just not a good place to be. Let the guys in the ground do their business. That’s just kind of. That’s just kind of a shotgun blast. One over world there. I don’t know if that hit the target you wanted to or not. Well, no, I just wanted more information on that. How. What was your role that day or that situation? Yeah. Super six seven. We were one of four Blackhawks that. That when you had the guys go into the target, then we put a blocking force around that to kind of quarantine that area.

And so I had Sergeant Eversman and his crew were on board super six seven. And we dropped them off and helped to establish that cordon around the objective area. And so it was his chalk. I actually had Blackburn fall out. It wasn’t really, according to the movie, he had missed the rope. And a couple other things were going on there was very chaotic. And, you know, it’s Eversman and his guys, to the best of my knowledge, they were actually exfilled via trucks and not. Not having to do the mogadishu. Mayo, if I remember correctly. Yeah, it’s never quite exactly the same.

I mean, they inspired. That’s why they use the word inspired. We were talking before that we got on, and you talked about situation awareness, and I think it applies to the world that we’re living in today extremely well. And because we’re in the middle of a war, it’s a different kind of war. Fifth generation war. Can you talk about what situation awareness is and then how it applies today? I think it’s really important that people understand this. It’s kind of what I’ve been, you know, we talked about with this, my whole series that I have right now, my docu series on mind control and fifth generation warfare is really part of that situational awareness kind of feeling or attitude.

Right. Well, I’ll try to give you. You could ask 20 different people and maybe get a different answer for that, for that term from, you know, everybody. Situational awareness, to me, is an individual knowing themselves, knowing their environment, knowing the situation of the people that is an adversary. And I’m going to speak from a military term. And being aware of your surroundings, being aware of your capabilities, being aware of the enemy’s capabilities, and knowing what your options are, and trying to make a good decision based upon good situational awareness, that could also be. You could take that same thing and apply it to you taking your family to the mall, you know, be situationally aware of your surroundings.

Where you’re parking your car, what are you wearing? Are you wearing a lot of blingy jewelry and things like that? Are you trying to be a target? You could take that to any level. So it’s always good to understand, you understand your surroundings, understand your own resources and what your capabilities are, and then applying them to the situation to see based upon that, how do we mitigate risk, how do we make a decision and how we go forward? So with today’s environment that we see ourselves, and you talked about fifth generation war, is there’s a lot of people, let’s just take our southern border, for example.

You would think anybody coming to this country would welcome the idea of freedom and liberty and all that, and that everybody would have the perfect ideal of wanting to come to this country. Well, that’s not true. So we need to be situationally aware that there are bad players entering our southern border, and they have very nefarious things in mind. And so, you know, as we go down and as we gain more information, our situational awareness should increase to where maybe we’re going to limit our exposure to certain public events and certain public gatherings at some point based upon perceived threat and making decisions based upon the gaining of that information.

So if there’s a lot of people in this country that still haven’t woken up and they think, you know, they’re still worried about who won the basketball game or who’s in what place in the American or National League, having no clue that we have people penetrating our southern borders with evil intent that is going to take place, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. And I would imagine it’s going to happen between now or in the vicinity of our national elections, I think that’s kind of a no brainer, right? So those are the something planned for sure.

Yeah. Yeah. So that’s, that’s kind of my, my broad brush without getting too deep into what situational awareness is. And I think also keeping in mind that, you know, this, the second paragraph, there’s five paragraphs in military op order, mission, enemy situation, execution, command and signal service support. Enemy situation is understanding your enemy. As you gain more information, you understand them, understand their chain of command, how they’re equipped, what’s their probable course of enemy action, what is their morale like? And then what is their ethos? What do they believe? How committed are they to the fight? And when you have people in these elites or whatever that are luciferian in nature, they will gladly see everybody in this country destroyed in order to stay in control, stay in power, and not be found guilty for a crime.

Yeah, it doesn’t matter whether you believe their religion. It’s what they believe. Right. And they will act upon their beliefs because they’re convicted in it. Right. Yeah. That’s just as crazy as it is. No matter what it is. As crazy as it is. That’s why covering some of this luciferian stuff, that’s just nuts. It’s important for us to understand who they are, to understand what they’re capable of. Yeah. At the end of the day, I mean, I feel sorry for them because in my opinion, they’re. They’re the guy or the girl that. That bought the fake Rolex from the guy under the bridge in Brooklyn.

You know, I. You know, I’m. I believe in the Bible, and I believe it plainly says who won that battle and who’s going to win. And I don’t. I don’t believe it’s Lucifer. And in his forces, well, I think good always beats evil, goodness in the end. But there can be a lot of, as you say, collateral damage along the way, which we want to minimize as much as possible. Yeah, there’s going to be a lot of collateral damage. And if you look at it not only from terms of an invasion or not an invasion, but attack, I say we’ve been infiltrated, we haven’t been invaded.

Because, like I say, things are too stupid to be stupid. You know, common sense does not reign supreme. The rule of law does not reign as the law of the land anymore. We see that in the two tier justice system. And then you look at the things that are happening, so these things will take place. And I just got off track a little bit, so. No, that’s okay. You might have to rein me in here a little bit. No, keep going. This is good. Well, I forget where I was talking about. Okay. I’m like. I’m like the dog from the movie up squirrel, and I just.

I go off into a tangent. So we just live in some really interesting times. Well, let’s talk about what you do, because I’ve done many documentaries on directed energy weapons, and they’re pretty powerful. I think this is the future of mind control and military ops and everything is these directed energy weapons. But the interesting thing is you took this technology and turned it into something, the application into something good that can actually keep lives from being. Maintain lives, not kill as many people can. You know, it’s actually not even a weapon. You know, the. You don’t even say it like that.

Go ahead. Yeah, well, I would just like to back up a little bit. You talk about the different things that we have in our disposal. I just. This is me personally, and I have no. I have no evidence. I mean, everything today that I’ve said is pretty much speculation. Some of it’s based upon. You know, I have traveled the world and done a lot of different things, but at the end of the day, I can’t point to this person and say this out of the other thing and say this is a fact. But I will say this.

If technology doubles every 18 months, and we’ve been working with, let’s just take aviation, for example, is the best aviation asset we have out there based upon the f 35, that’s fraught with all kind of issues. Yeah. There’s a vectored thrust and all these other kind of things are working on. I find it hard to believe that we are still. The pinnacle of aviation is still 19. The jet engine was invented by the Nazis, I believe. Right. And so since the 1940s, that’s the pinnacle of what we can do in aviation. Yeah, that’s be it. I just don’t believe that.

No, I believe that our science and technology. I believe there’s a lot of things that have. That have been accomplished that we have not seen. And you might see little glimpses of these. Whatever their triangle shaped things or whatever. And I’m not saying I’m not a for sure believer in the UFO from. I believe there’s. There could be multi dimensional beings, but I don’t believe in aliens from Alpha Centauri and all other kind of stuff. I don’t do it. I don’t go down that path. I think it’s more sinister than that, to be honest with you.

But regardless, the technology. And there’s advanced UFO’s, if you will, you believe. Go ahead. And we have. We have. We have tech. I am convinced that we have technologies that blow out of the water anything that we have, and they can either be in the form of space based weapons or aviation assets or, you know, other things that. That. That go way beyond our capabilities to quite understand. And if they were revealed to us right now, I think a lot of jaws would be hitting the ground. So it’ll be interested to see what happens, technology wise, if the.

The lid isn’t kept clamped down. And maybe we’ll see what happens in a future administration to see what’s let out of the bag. You know, they could easily do a psyop. Not that they will. I don’t know that with UFO’s and aliens with what they have. I. That’s, I’m theorizing. But they could. Well, you know, I don’t want to go down too much of a dark. There’s, there’s, there’s a, there’s a lot of pastors actually talking about that. And I would just mention this. Well, how, you know, if you believe in a biblical worldview and you look at second thessalonians where God says, I will send a deceiving spirit, that they believe the lie.

It’s not the lies. It’s one lie. I’ve always said to myself, if we have this very different world with atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Hindu, Sikhs, Shintoism, Catholicism, Christianity, Christianity, all the isms out there and people who are luciferian. Right. How do you bring everybody into one cohesive unit where that it talks about in the Bible? And Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton both mentioned these in speeches. What if we had an outside force or an outside entity show up? How soon could we unite the world as one? And who’s to say the PsYOP isn’t the fact that we present through AI, through various ways that we can project things into the air and all that? Who’s to say that a well orchestrated plan isn’t the plan that actually gets everybody to think that we, we’ve been visited and that we need to change our way and we need to come together as a one world government? Coming together and uniting so that we have peace is good, but coming together so they can control us is not.

Yeah, well, the idea is good, but the fact is that they, the ends justify the means, right? So they’re willing to do and say and have as much collateral damage as possible in order to get to the ends. So. And when the, when the means are corruption and criminal and anti human and anti liberty, you know, there’s the problem there because for sure, there are people out there that don’t really want us to be free thinking and do anything on our own. So. And they want to control, these luciferian weirdos want to control all of us.

So let’s talk about your non weapons. Sure. Because they’re not. You don’t like to say they’re weapons because they don’t kill people. They’re powerful and they work for police. You work with police forces. Right. So tell us what you do, because I really think this is good. So I served as a time in the army as a platoon leader, and I was a warrant officer. I retired as a warrant officer. And when I served that role as a platoon leader. My commander brought me in. He said, nicholas, you can gripe and complain all you want, but if you come in my office griping and complaining, you better bring a suggestion or solution along with it.

I said, roger that. And that’s something I learned very early on in my army career. So this is what we do. It’s just a simple looking glove. It’s actually part of a family of products that we called cd three technology, and it’s something we’ve been working on for over ten years. And the initial inventor of these products is a guy by the name is Yangena. Was raised a Shaolin monk and decided he wasn’t going to be a Shaolin monk anymore. And he joined the chinese version of the DEA, fighting the triads, the same thing that we would fight in the southern border with human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, you name it, shot, cut, and stabbed.

And he said, you know what? They’re not going to change the rules of engagement. So he started a company, and believe it or not, the motto for that company was, the right to life is above all else. I never knew that there was companies with that kind of a mission statement before in China, but there’s a lot of people that feel the same way. People everywhere, right? I mean, it’s good. Every country. Listen, I was in the military under different presidents that I totally did not agree with, right? And I would. And when they got elected in, I just.

I sat on my front porch and just stared into oblivion for a couple of hours until I finally realized, just suck it up, right? Because I knew that their agenda was not one that I would agree with. So there are people under every form of government that don’t agree with it, and they. They want to. They want the same thing we do, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And they do what they can in their space to try to help that. That’s kind of what we did with compliant technologies. And that is, you know, I’m a firm believer, regardless of your political affiliation, I think we all want a better society, a safer society, and something that makes and provides solutions that work with everybody and their worldview.

So our thought is, why can’t we have safer communities and schools and hospitals and more orderly jails and prisons, but at the same time, be able to protect those agencies that are trying to keep us safe, protect our officers, that agency’s public image and taxpayer dollars. At the end of the day, compliant technology. We make our money off the taxpayer, so we have to provide the taxpayer value added. I wouldn’t want to be involved with it. So with this product, this actually, I’m an army guy, so everything’s got an acronym. Cd three stands for conductive distraction and de escalation device.

We use a small amount of current compared to any other device out there that stimulates through the epidermis. There’s no current that goes into the body. It’s strictly stimulating the skin. That sends signals from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system. And the central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord, which is your decision making, data storage, and made trunk line of activity, electrical activity to the body. So we overstimulate that sense of touch and we get people to change behavior. If you want to see some videos, go to and see some of our product videos or social media posts.

You can pretty much take the most hardened criminal, 280 pound, six foot eight guy who is really violent, and you can shut him down instantly. We had 150 pound, I won’t name the agency, it was 150 pound sergeant and an agency, I’ll say the state of Virginia, and there’s a guy that would not come out of a cell, and we’re in a lot of corrections and a lot of police departments and in hospital security and also juvenile detention. That’s how safe our product is. So he made the comment, I’m not coming out. The 150 pound female sergeant went in there and he said, oh, they sent a woman to do a man’s job, and a couple seconds later he’s on his knees on the ground going, yes, ma’am, no, ma’am.

And he left the cell. But the great thing about it was he wasn’t injured. He complied with the officer. And they we go to move on for another day. And, you know, when I talk about protecting the officer in situations like this, it’s not just about, hey, I made it another shift, right? It’s about their future, their family and their finances. You know, they want to, they want to seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They want to have a home and a family and stability and job security and all that. And why should they worry? Every day they go in work, am I going to have my butt handed to me because of some guy with an attitude? And we’ve been able really to help that.

We’ve been able to help officer morale, officer retention, and, you know, we’re saving agencies, and I said it had to be a win win. At a minimum, we’re saving agencies 40% on officer injury, medical expenses, associated with that inmate injury and the medical expenses associated with that subject injury out in the streets and the medical expenses associated with that. And then there’s the workers comp claim to those officers, and there’s also litigation. You know, we’ve over 40,000 uses so far. No injuries, no lawsuits. Like I said before, we live in litigious society. That is, we’re going to get sued eventually.

Right? The bottom line, you will probably everybody does, but you’re keeping people from being killed while still accomplishing or helping them accomplish what they need to accomplish. Yeah. And we normally do that in less than 3 seconds. Now, do they train? I mean, they shouldn’t be using this on somebody who’s not, who’s complying. Right. I mean, this could be abused, too, right? Right. Yeah. So these, this glove, for example, you actually plug this in to a computer using our software. Just put it on desktop or laptop. It’ll download the use. It’s password protected. You’re not able to, you know, get rid of the data.

As a matter of fact, it’s got an audit trail. If anybody were to delete any data, if you had the authority to, it would start another file saying, this data was deleted, this time by this IndiVidual. So you’re not able to go in there and corrupt the database. So we, you know, we talk about the decontamination with people that are different. You know, you’re dealing with all kinds of people out in the street, in jails, with drugs and all kinds of stuff like that, and we pretty much address all that. We actually have a four hour fentanyl resistant glove that we provide for our corrections folks.

Oh, what does that do? How does that work? Well, it’s a nitrile Glove. It’s a. With a company we partnered with called Eco Protect, where they’re exclusive public safety provider for these gloves. And I like doing world class products, and we have a very niche market. We only have a few product lines, and it’s all about what is best going to serve the officer and the best interest that creates a win win. And we have a glove that will stop fentanyl from penetrating through a glove for 4 hours. And, you know, it’s not, fentanyl is not necessarily going to work through your skin, but if that officer had a cut on his hand or, you know, a blister on his finger or something like that, it could affect him.

And we also provide those gloves of police departments and things like that as well when they’re doing vehicle searches for pat downs. Because, you know, whether you’re, whether you’re covered with fentanyl or not, these are really good gloves that help protect the officers when you’re dealing with people. It’s just like with our cd three technology, these gloves are excellent for weapons retention, weapons transition, and they eliminate weapons confusion. Great example. If you remember the story for the field training officer that was in Brooklyn, Minnesota. You saw the video where she thought she had one tool, she really had her sidearm, and she ended up shooting the individual.

Yeah. You know, listen, the guy had a warrant. He was known armed and dangerous. He was a. He was a parole violator. Should not have been given a hero’s burial. You know, I say just obey the law, you know, and you’re not going to get shot by a police officer. So he had a 45. It was underneath the passenger seat. And, you know, it was called slips and capture. Your mind does something, but your body does something else. So in her mind, she thought she had her taser. She said she did, but her subconscious is really saying, this dude’s armed and dangerous.

Pull out the tool that you’re going to need more than likely. I’m not saying that’s exactly what happened, but that’s what. That’s what the term slips and capture means. Right. And so with, you know, with the glove, she could have reached in there before he was able to start the car and get his hands on the wheel. She could have probably got him out of there, you know, could have. Would have. Should, right. I mean, I’m not trying to be a Monday morning quarterback here. It just gives you an option. And, you know, we have different, you know, people testifying to the fact that, you know, we’re able to get people out of a vehicle much faster.

We stop the wrestling when people are in prone resistance. You know, jails have a. Jails, and prisons have a huge problem with people who are just belligerent and want to capture what’s called the food cell, the food port. And if they cannot continue feeding the rest of the inmates until they get this guy squared away, and a lot of times they just want to cause trouble and they hold the food port captive. Well, we’ve solved that. We solved that in about a second now. So the whole idea, I’m not interested in selling a bunch of product.

I’m interested in fundamentally helping improve our relationship with our officers and corrections in law enforcement environment or police environments. Well, and changing the mindset. Right. Like, you’re not. This isn’t gonna. We’re not gonna hurt people. We’re gonna. Everybody’s gonna be safe while we’re still keeping an order and function. When we grab somebody with this tool, we’re using 80% less current than any other device on the market, and it leaves no burns marks or scars. It causes no injury. If you have a defibrillator pacemaker on board or you have epilepsy or neurological issue, can’t affect it. We actually have nurses in some hospitals that are requesting to use these tools because they’re so, listen, it’s just a glove, and I’m not having to punch or shoot or spray or whack.

I’m just grabbing you to get you to change behavior. And though they become very comfortable around the atmosphere because it’s non threatening and it’s very low optics. Right. So. And there’s a lot of people that have unheard about us, but we’re gaining more and more notoriety as we go because we’re getting, we’re adding agencies every week, and our uses are starting to go up exponentially, and people are seeing a difference in the outcome, and it’s a positive. It’s a positive thing. So this was my contribution. We don’t sell these products to the public because I wouldn’t sell them to MS 13, where they would grab people, kid, you know, torture children, or you could, you know, take somebody’s money at the ATM or carjack somebody or kidnap somebody.

It just makes doing nefarious things a lot easier here. And I would not want to be, would not provide gloves to a civilian that used them on an officer. We won’t even sell them to individually sworn officers. We sell them to the agencies only. We’re just really just, it’s really, even though it’s a very safe product, we’re very particular in whose hands we’re putting these in because it is very effective tool. It’s patented. We’re veteran owned, and the electronics for some of our models are made right here in the Lexington, Kentucky area. And my whole thought process is, we want to make, we have an international presence in about nine countries, but we want to make the stuff in the United States, preferably bait here.

And our goal is to make all of our products here in the states at some point as we grow as a company. I’m sorry, go ahead. No, I was going to say, continuing on in your concept, that they. That you keep it out of the hands of bad guys. Have you had conversations of, how do we. Because this is such a wonderful application. Right. So much better than anything that damages people. But have you had conversations, how do we keep it out of bad guys in the system. I mean, what do we do? Do they have procedures? Well, we have a pretty thorough training that we go through.

We have four levels of training, actually. User instructor, agency master instructor, and advanced agency master instructor. Those are two year certifications. We talk in there that you will not use these products for belligerence, torture, horseplay, anything like that. And we tell people to avoid the use on the, you know, small children, elders, severely handicapped in pregnant women. Not that you can. We just think that the optics on that are not good, and you don’t want that for your agency. But the only thing that we can safeguard is we tell people that training is key. Good decision making, sound judgment, and keeping up with your training is imperative.

At the end of the day, it’s, that agency is going to be, the litmus test is going to be on the command structure of any agency on who they give any tool to, you know, not just the glove. What about a sidearm, you know, or, or any other tool that you can inflict pain or. That’s worse. Somebody. Right. Well, that’s worse, but keep going. Yeah, but my point is this, you know, you can only do so much. At the end of the day, we all have individual responsibilities within our system, and it’s imperative that the checks and balances within policy and procedure and agencies and leadership it, and their, their willingness to hold people to the fire and accountability.

Listen, being a law enforcement corrections officer in this, this nation, I think it’s, it’s my hats off to those guys for what they do. It’s a very thankless job a lot of times, but without them, we would be camp run amok. And a lot of times where we’re being held, our hands are being held behind our backs. Look at these major cities where it is camp running. That’s right. You can see what happens when you take away the assets and the resources from law enforcement. And a lot of these guys are not putting up with us and they’re leaving it.

That’s your biggest asset right there. Well, I’m in the Minneapolis area. Right. We saw the precinct get burned down. We saw the, the morale is absolutely shattered. Yeah. Yeah. And so, and, you know, that’s, again, that falls in the line of being too stupid to be stupid. Right. Yeah. Take away the police, what insurance company, because you’re not going to have any firemen. And if they don’t have protection, who’s going to insure any of those buildings, you know, the laundry list, who’s going to supply product food staples into a middle of a city like that, they’re cutting their own hand off to save their foot, so to speak.

And it’s just ridiculous. And we do need to have a, we need to have true leadership that is truly representative of the people and not a dictatorial system where you keep shoving things down people throats and tell them that they’re going to like it. And that that is, I think our country is primed and ready for a good, peaceful, let’s hope, exchange of power come January so 2020. If people are interested in, if law enforcement agencies are interested, if correctional facilities are interested, or any of the institutions that you work with are interested, how do they reach you? It’s real simple.

Just, you can email or our website is there’s a whole bunch of resources there on our website. You can scroll down and watch videos, different interviews with people, check our products out. And if you want to get into our research portal, just email us. And it’s password protected for people that want to do the deep dive. And we will give you the password to our research portal for you to check us out. But we have a very safe, complete medical testing and product testing technology that’s aimed to help our society. That’s my main mission as a founder of this company.

I want us to be a positive influence for change in this nation. Like I said, my commander said, bring us a gesture solution instead of just griping and complaining. And this has been a ten year project and we’ve been in business about five years trying to help effective, positive change. That’s absolutely excellent. Thank you so much for joining the program today. I think this was a wonderful conversation. Well, Sarah, I’m very honored that you would have me on your program. And thank you so much for allowing me to come and just share a little bit about what, what’s been going on and with our, with our company and revisiting the past.

See more of Sarah Westall on their Public Channel and the MPN Sarah Westall channel.


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