Mike Lindells VERY BAD Idea for Election Reform | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ Mike Lindell, a supporter of Trump, expressed his desire to be put in charge of elections if Trump returns to power. He suggested that the election bureau, which he has already established, should be part of Homeland Security. However, The David Knight Show criticizes this idea, arguing that it ignores the Constitution and centralizes power, which could lead to problems. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and accuses Lindell and his supporters of seeking power for themselves rather than reforming the system.


Mike Lindell, meanwhile, went on Steve Bannon’s podcast, which is now being hosted by Jack Passoebiuk, while Bannon is in prison. And he had this to say about elections. He’s got an idea about how he could fit in a Trump administration in order to fit elections. This is Mike Lindell. If he asked me to do anything, I’m hoping when he gets in that he puts me in charge of the elections and where we can get our election platforms completely fixed. Ooh, I like that. I think the election bureau, which I have already set up, should be part of Homeland Security, Jack, so that we, because, remember, our government deemed our elections critical infrastructure.

Yeah, okay, so Jack likes that idea. How do you like that idea? Do you think either one of these guys knows or cares what the Constitution says about any of this stuff? He’s going to set up an election bureau. Where’s that? The Constitution. He wants to control elections centrally. Do you see a problem with that? I see a big problem with that. He said, yeah, I think we should have an election bureau. I think it should be under Homeland Security. Guess what, Lindell? I don’t think there should be any Homeland Security.

Remember when we got Homeland Security? Remember it’s part of the Patriot Act and all the rest of the stuff after the false flag at 9-11, and now you want to build, now you want to put the election bureau under these people that were set up to spy and to attack us. You see, they don’t want to have a constitutional America. They don’t want to have a government that respects the Bill of Rights, that respects the Constitution. No, they just want to run it for themselves. They don’t want to reform anything. They just want revenge, and they want the power themselves.

One of the worst ideas I’ve heard, and of course Jack was, oh, yeah, that’s a great idea. Oh, I love that, yeah. Now, why? Well, because Homeland Security said that elections are critical infrastructure. You know what’s critical infrastructure, Mike, and Jack? Constitution. Constitution is critical infrastructure. If you’re going to ignore the Constitution, do whatever you feel like, that’s a big problem. And if you centralize this, the beauty is that the Founders understood human nature, and they understood the dangers of centralization, which Mike Lindell and Jack the Soviet are clueless about, among many other things.

The problem is, is that you want to have these elections decentralized. You want to decentralize everything as much as possible, and that especially means the elections. If you centralize control of the elections, what’s going to happen, Mike, when you’re out of there and somebody else takes over? You know, one of these other Democrats take over, and they’re going to run all the elections out of Washington? You see, our only hope, folks, is at the local level. I hammer this every day, show you these idiots. There’s not a choice out there for you to vote for.

But we don’t want to have everything centrally corrupted. And if you put this election bureau or something like that, or you exercise even what I mean, it’s not going to happen. That’s just his fantasy. But it just shows how out of touch people like Bannon and Soviet and Lindell, all these people are, how out of touch and how much they despise the Constitution. Because if you centrally control this, then that’s going to destroy the local elections. And the local elections are the only place where we’ve really got an important choice. The only place.

Unfortunately, some members of the EU have their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda control to control exactly what people think. And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective bringing you genuine insights on current events.

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centralization of power Constitution criticism election bureau Homeland Security importance of Bill of Rights importance of constitution Lindell power seeking Mike Lindell election bureau Mike Lindell Trump supporter system reform criticism Trump return to power

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