Mike Lindell Drops Truth Bombs On Telegram Against Machines & Much More!

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Mike Lindell Drops Truth Bombs On Telegram Against Machines & Much More!

Mike Lindell Drops Truth Bombs On Telegram Against Machines & Much More!

Earlier today, Mike Lindell speaks publicly about “⭐⭐⭐ red wave nonsense”.

Why would Mike Lindell say that?

Well, did you see the message Michael Flynn shared on Telegram recently?

It appears Mike Flynn threw Mike Lindell under the bus…

Why would Flynn do that to Mike Lindell and try to make you think there isn’t a problem with the machines?

Well, if you’ve done any real research on Mike Flynn, then you may know the answer. 

Recently, many people have been talking about the documentary 2,000 Mules that shows the MASSIVE issues happening with ballot drop off boxes during the 2020 election.

As Mike Lindell points out, stuffing ballot boxes is part of the equation, not the main cause of the problem.

Lindell mentions the ballot stuffing was the coverup to help match the numbers that the machines rigged. 

Seems logical. 

Now yes, Mike Lindell has said many things that have not come to pass. He has also had “bowtie bozos” and other people around him, giving him bad information. 

Anyone who doesn’t want to fix the rig with the electronic voting machines surely isn’t a true knowledgeable Patriot who wants to fix this country and our voting systems. 

In fact! Jovan Hutton Pulitzer just recently told us they know the EXACT algorithm they used in Maricopa in the machines! 

On his Locals broadcast recently, he mentioned there were over 400,000 inserted fake votes and over 91% of them went to Joe Biden! 

You can watch Jovan’s presentation here if you want to see all the details.
(It is part of his paid Locals membership, but it’s well worth the minor investment considering how much valuable content Jovan creates.)  

So, why wouldn’t Mike Flynn help expose the rig in the machines that Jovan has been exposing?! 

Aren’t they on the same team??

And remember, there are MANY ways they rigged the election! 

It’s not one or the other. 

It’s likely everything we’ve heard and more! 

But by now, it is becoming more and more clear who is a true Patriot and who is controlled opposition, here to prevent We The People from getting real solutions in this country. 

Like Lin Wood says,

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Come to your own conclusions. 

Just sayin.’


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Mike Lindell Drops Truth

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