Mike Adams: America is Descending Into a Zionist Dictatorship – BBN May 13 2024 | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer presents Mike Adams, the host of Brighton Broadcast News, is preparing for a live event at the Land Summit where he will discuss AI and demonstrate flow art. The event, which focuses on topics like permaculture and decentralization, will take place in Bastrop, Texas. In other news, Egypt plans to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, accusing Israel of violating the Genocide Convention. Lastly, GOP senators are calling for the IRS to investigate pro-Palestine groups for allegedly supporting terrorists, a move that contradicts the party’s principle of small government.

➡ The GOP is trying to impeach President Joe Biden because he’s stopping weapon shipments to Israel. This move is seen as an attempt to appeal to his younger, more liberal supporters who are critical of Israel’s actions. Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham has controversially suggested that Israel should take extreme measures against Gaza, similar to how the U.S. bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The author criticizes these viewpoints, suggesting they could lead to further conflict and potential war crimes.

➡ The text criticizes various political figures, including Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and others, for their support of Israel’s actions against Palestine, comparing it to Nazi Germany’s genocide during the Holocaust. It suggests that these politicians are motivated by money and power rather than principles, and warns that they may abandon free speech and other democratic values. The author also predicts a shift in Zionist funding from Democrats to Republicans, leading to increased support for Israel and potential suppression of criticism against it. The text ends with a warning about the potential for government agencies to be used against critics of Israel.

➡ The text suggests that the GOP, under the influence of Zionists, is moving towards limiting freedom of speech, particularly on college campuses. It also claims that Trump’s policies could turn America into a fascist, authoritarian regime. The text also discusses the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, stating that Ukraine is running out of resources and men to fight, and Russia is likely to defeat Ukraine. The author blames the U.S. for forcing Ukraine into this situation.

➡ The article discusses the escalating tension between the West and Russia over Ukraine, predicting a potential war. It suggests that NATO troops, including those from the U.S., UK, France, and Germany, may soon be dispatched to Ukraine, which could lead to a direct conflict with Russia. The article also highlights Russia’s warning of nuclear retaliation if NATO troops are deployed in Ukraine. It concludes by expressing concern over the West’s readiness for such a conflict, citing outdated equipment and a lack of advanced weaponry.


Well, this is going to be an interesting week for sure. Welcome to Brighton Broadcast News for Monday, May 13, 2024. I’m Mike Adams. Thank you for joining me today. We are building the infrastructure of human freedom. And when I say interesting, it’s because I am I’ve been rehearsing what I’m going to be doing live this Friday at the exit and build Land Summit event, and I’ve decided to take it up a notch or two, both in the flow art demonstration I’m going to be giving, which you’ve probably never seen this before, and also in my talk about AI and some breakthroughs in our own AI efforts.

So you can tune in and watch the first day and a half of that event for free, or you can buy a ticket for the whole immersion package. Watch all the speakers. It’s all about growing food, permaculture, getting out of the system, decentralization, finding freedom, all that. Just go to naturalnews.com landsummit. All one word land Summit, and that will take you there. It’s the John Bush event. It’s happening in Bastrop, Texas, and it begins this. This Friday. Yeah, indeed, the 17th, 18th, and 19th. And there might even be some tickets still available for in person attendance if you are interested in that.

But as a result of that presentation I’m giving on Friday, I may be abbreviating the brighter broadcast news podcast this week. We’ll see. Also today I’m featuring an interview with a man who’s running for county commissioner for Bastrop county in Texas. And I decided I wanted to do a local interview and ask questions about county level preparedness in case of a collapse, in case of civil war, in case of activation of the illegals that are occupying our country. Things are getting pretty crazy, as you well know. Fortunately, just like I said in the weekend podcast, we didn’t lose the power grid over the weekend.

The end of the world didn’t happen, thank goodness. But it’s a reminder of how quickly things can come on. Things can happen almost without warning. I wanted to get an example of county level preparedness, so I interviewed a local candidate who is not a public speaker, not a professional communicator, but rather a local businessman who just wants to preserve family values and make sure that Texas doesn’t become California. So that’s an interesting interview coming up later today. Big news over the weekend, a lot of it having to do with both Russia and Israel. So let’s jump into that from al Jazeera, which of course, had its offices raided and shut down by Netanyahu and the IDF in Israel, you know, because Israel is a democracy that supports freedom of the press.

Oh, unless you, unless you publish something Netanyahu doesn’t like, in which case they just raid your offices and steal all your computers and hard drives and shut you down. But they’re still publishing from other offices. They’ve got a headline here that’s a bombshell. Egypt says it’s going to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ. So Egypt, wow. A neighbor of Gaza, of course, shares that, the Rafa common border there. Egypt is going to formally join the case that has been famously filed by South Africa against Israel at the ICJ, the International Court of Justice.

That case accuses Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention by, of course, indiscriminately bombing tens of thousands of women and children to death, bombing hospitals, bombing residential buildings, bombing or even launching missiles at food aid workers and killing them. So the International Court of Justice, the ICJ, has already made a decision and said that the case may proceed, that there is a rational basis, there is evidence and reason to believe that Israel may be committing genocide. The case is currently underway. I mean, of course Israel is committing genocide. Everybody with a brain who isn’t a zionist knows that.

But now Egypt is going to join this lawsuit effort. The Ministry of Foreign affairs said on Sunday that Cairo intended to join the case due to escalating israeli aggression against palestinian civilians. Here’s a statement from the ministry in Egypt. This submission comes in light of the worsening severity and scope of israeli attacks against palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the continued perpetration of systematic practices against the palestinian people, including direct targeting of civilians and the destruction of infrastructure in the strip, referring to the Gaza Strip and pushing Palestinians to flee. The death toll now in Gaza from Israel’s bombing has surpassed 35,000.

About 70% are women and children, which just makes it astonishing that anybody could continue to support Israel. And, oh, by the way, guess who’s supporting Israel? Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, even Jerry Seinfeld. You know, I mean, it’s a long list of people who are just all in with Israel, even as it’s carrying out genocide. But Egypt is not all in. So in addition to South Africa and its filings against Israel, Turkey has said it’s going to join the case. Colombia has said it’s going to join the case and has also cut off all diplomatic ties with Israel.

Now, Egypt is going to join the case. So one by one, more and more countries are not only voting to recognize Palestine as the vast majority of the countries on the planet already voted last week at the UN to recognize Palestine. But in addition to that, more and more countries are joining this effort to hold Israel accountable for its modern day Holocaust. It is genocide that is taking place. This move by Egypt is being called a, quote, unbelievable diplomatic blow to Israel. That’s by Alon Liel, former director of Israel’s ministry of foreign affairs, speaking to Al Jazeera.

He says that with Egypt joining South Africa now in the Hague, it’s a real diplomatic punch. Israel would have to take it very seriously. We have to look overall in the wider picture, in the long term security of Israel, not only in the next few weeks in Gaza. Now, you may have noticed that the GOP has just rapidly and spontaneously abandoned all their core principles in order to function as zionist puppets. Now, GOP senators, and I’m reading from informationliberation.com comma, GOP senators are now demanding that the IR’s investigate pro Palestine groups for, quote, supporting terrorists. So 15 republican senators are now wanting to weaponize the IR’s to go after their political enemies.

Now, what’s wrong with this picture? The GOP was supposed to be the party of small government. The GOP, if it had any credibility at all, would be saying every day, the IR’s should never be weaponized against the american people, nor should the FBI or the DOJ or the ATF or the FDA, on and on and on. If you believe in liberty, if you believe in the constitution, if you believe in small government, you have to believe in the idea that weaponizing government against the people is tyranny. It’s authoritarianism. It’s a bad idea. But as we’re seeing now, the GOP, they’re all in favor of weaponizing the IR’s.

Oh, let’s just stick the IR’s agents on these people over here. The people who are pro Palestine, the people critical of Israel, the students, the university professors, the academics during the Cultural Revolution of China, by the way, they went after the academics and they slaughtered them. At one point, anyone who had glasses was considered to be an academic. And in some cases, they had their skulls bashed in with bricks and clubs as they knelt on the walks in front of their own homes. During that revolution, agents of the government went door to door and pulled people out of their homes and bashed in their skulls and killed them.

And anyone who had an education, a university degree, was considered to be a threat to the rising communist regime. The GOP is starting to remind me of that, they are also calling for, in the house, they’re calling for rounding up all pro palestinian protesters, or anti Israel protesters, as they’re sometimes called, rounding them up and flying them to Gaza and dropping them off in Gaza. This is actually being proposed by, I think, Representative Mills out of Florida. He wants to round up all the students and professors, drop them off in Gaza where they will be bombed by the IDF using us bombs.

I mean, what is this? Is this like, running man with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Is this hunger games? What kind of insanity has the GOP become now? So now they’re like, let’s weaponize the IR’s against our enemies. Well, my goodness, look around. What do you think’s happening right now against Trump? It’s been the weaponization of the entire government against Trump for the last, well, nearly eight years. They weaponized the deep state, they weaponized the intelligence community, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ. All of it was weaponized against Trump. I thought we were supposed to be saying it’s wrong to weaponize the government.

But now the GOP senators, they’re like, no, it’s, it’s cool as long as we’re targeting our enemies, right? So let’s see who signed this letter wanting to weaponize the IR’s against students in America. Senator Joni Ernst, Senator Bill Cassidy, Marco Rubio, Tom Tillis, Senator Mullen, Senator Roger Marshall, Kevin Kramer, Mike Crapo. Dan Sullivan. James Risch, John Thune, Lindsey Graham. No surprise. Marsha Blackburn. No surprise. Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney. Right. And Katie Boyd, Britt. So here we have Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney all on the same side of tyranny right now. And they want to just take every office of the government and weaponize it and go after, go after people for constitutionally protected speech on a college campus.

That’s the GOP today. Unbelievable. Now in the house, by the way, there’s an effort to impeach Joe Biden. But why, you ask? Why now? Oh, it’s because Joe Biden, well, his administration is cutting off 2000 pound bombs shipments to Israel that started last week. Biden is trying to force Israel to maybe stop the genocide, at least until election day because he’s hurting so much in the polls among the youth and the students and peace activists who tend to be leftists, they tend to be Biden supporters, and now they call him genocide. Joe. So Joe Biden is cutting off weapons to Israel, the Biden administration.

So the GOP now in the house, all of a sudden the same people who didn’t give a crap about the wide open borders. They didn’t impeach Joe Biden for trying to push gun control. They didn’t impeach Joe Biden for rigging elections. They didn’t impeach Joe Biden for weaponizing the DOJ to persecute peaceful j six protesters. No, they didn’t impeach Joe Biden for burisma, money laundering, the Biden crime family, tens of millions of dollars to his own son and other family members laundered through Ukraine and communist China. No, Joe Biden is not impeached for any of those things because the GOP, they don’t care about those things.

That’s just business as usual. But when Joe Biden cuts off weapons to Israel, impeach, impeach that man, all of a sudden, it’s impeachment time. All of a sudden, the GOP finds the will to take action, the will that never exists about open borders or the invasion of America with illegals or the abandonment of the constitution of the Bill of Rights by the federal government. No, impeach him for not sending enough bombs to Israel. Because the GOP, as of today, in 2024, the GOP in America has become the genocide old party. GOP genocide old party. They push genocide, and it’s a bunch of old white dudes who think it’s a party to kill people every day as long as they’re not white people, mind you, killing brown people with american bombs.

Yep, the genocide old party. Now, just to make this even crazier over the weekend, Senator Lindsey Graham, let’s face it, is just super disgusting. I mean, is he even human? He doesn’t seem to have a human heart or a soul. He says essentially that Israel should just bomb Gaza the way America bombed Hiroshima. Basically, he’s saying Israel should nuke Gaza. Although he didn’t say it directly, he said that Israel should do whatever it takes to annihilate Hamas the way that we annihilated japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That’s what he said in his own words. Here’s how he said it doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

When we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl harbor, fighting the Germans and the Japanese, we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima, Nagasaki with nuclear weapons. So, Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish state. Whatever you have to do, he said. See, he goes on and says, give israel the bombs they need to end the war they can’t afford to lose and work with them to minimize casualties. What? Minimize casualties? They’re bombing residential buildings and hospitals and universities and refugee camps, for God’s sake. So Lindsey Graham is a dangerous lunatic.

Here’s what I tweeted out. This insanity from a GOP senator is one of the most dangerous, irresponsible, and insane statements ever uttered by any us senator. It demonstrates the wide eyed zealotry of those who are zionist puppets and their willingness to kill millions of people, or even billions, if a global nuclear war unfolds in order to protect their wealthy donors. Senator Graham speaks like a psychiatric patient and signals that he is a clear and present danger to the stability of the world as he actively seeks to prod Israel into escalating the war to a regional nuclear exchange.

Does Graham not realize that if Israel nukes Gaza, then China and Russia will enter the war and very likely decimate Israel? Graham’s vile hatred of humanity comes through in spades. But this is not unusual among those who are clearly demon possessed. Sadly, almost the entire GOP now agrees with Graham and is actively working to try to start World War III in order to stop elections from taking place in November, during which Biden will catastrophically lose. Senator Graham is an America last war criminal and should be arrested and prosecuted by the ICC alongside Netanyahu, Gever, Galant, and others.

It is lunatics like him that brought us all the previous disastrous wars, including Vietnam, and who are committed to dragging America into another war in the Middle east. And of course, Lindsey Graham wants America to nuke Iran, and he’s openly called for that numerous times. So here’s a perfect case for term limits. Here’s a man who is a professional US Senate psychopath, and he can’t be dislodged from his position because he’s got all the wealthy donors, the wealthy zionist donors, the military donors, the weapons companies, the banks, all of it, so no one has a chance running against him.

This is why we need term limits. Senator Graham, I believe he used to be an attorney in the military, which means he should know that what he’s talking about here is wildly illegal. It’s illegal to use nuclear weapons against civilians. If he were in the military and gave such an order, he would be, you know, court martialed, if not in the middle of a war, you know, something more harshly unleashed against him by probably his commanding officer to stop him in his tracks instantly, because Lindsey Graham would be carrying out a heinous crime for which there is no excuse.

On top of all that, does Graham not realize that if you nuke Gaza, you get fallout all over Israel? I mean, has he not looked at the map? They’re right next to each other. I mean, nuking Gaza. Well, and I guess another question is, gosh, how is Jared Kushner and all the other Zionists going to sell all their beachfront real estate in Gaza if it’s all radioactive? Because Senator Graham wanted to nuke the place. Right? If they nuke it, how are they going to sell luxury condos after they exterminate all the Palestinians? I know it’s a facetious type of question to ask.

I’m asking it with a sense of satire or actually a sense of bewilderment about how insane these people are. Senator Graham would make a lot more sense if he just told Israel to nuke itself, and then that would end the genocide. That would stop all the wars in the region. That would stop the insanity. It would be no less insane of a suggestion as what Graham is suggesting himself right now. I mean, any nuke in the region would be suicide for the whole region, which is why, you know, I said that with a sense of strong satire, just mocking the stupidity of Lindsey Graham.

He’s probably like, nuke, nuke Iran. You know, he just nuke. Yeah, nuke Cairo. Just everything. Because he’s that crazy and he’s that. Get disconnected from reality. I am thinking ahead on all of this, and I am thinking about the Nuremberg tribunals and also what happened after the Holocaust, world War two, when there was an effort to arrest and to find. To track and locate the nazi officers who were responsible for giving the orders for the extermination of innocent people. And there were also propagandists, you know, the Joseph Goebbels of the day, who were all part of this.

And there was quite an effort to seek these people out, arrest them, and bring them to justice in world tribunals. And I am wondering if people like Senator Lindsey Graham will also be named in upcoming tribunals in the aftermath of this modern day Zionist Holocaust that’s taking place, because this is also a crime against humanity, and there are so many people who are complicit in it. And I’m seriously wondering what level of responsibility they will have to face for their complicity. Now, I already know that the propagandists, the modern day Joseph Goebbels, like Ben Shapiro, for example, they will be shamed for all of history in the aftermath of this, for their crimes against humanity.

They will be shamed through all of history for their complicity and their propaganda in pushing for crimes against humanity. And there are a lot of those people, of course. But I seriously wonder about people in high decision making positions who could have said stop. Who could have made a difference? Will they be held accountable? It’s really striking because it makes you think back to 1930s and early 1940s when the Nazis were really, really mass murdering people, Jews at the time, and lots of german people just went right along with it. Of course, german lawmakers, german judges, german media, obviously, german scientists and so on.

They went along with it. And so did plenty of Italians at the time, as well. Many citizens did. They just went right along with it. They said, well, Germany has a right to defend itself, which is exactly what Israel is claiming today as it’s carrying out mass bombing and genocide. And the people of Germany excused it all. And as a child, studying the history of the Holocaust and the horrifying imagery, the concentration camps and so on, I remember wondering, how on earth could the people have stood by and said nothing while this was going on? Well, now we have our answer.

Those are people like Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Ron DeSantis, Governor Greg Abbott, Donald J. Trump, and all these other senators and GOP members who are complicit in Israel’s genocide, and Senator Lindsey Graham. These people are giving us the perfect demonstration of how Nazis operated during the Third Reich. Without even hiding, they were operating right out of the open, saying that they needed to exterminate these animals, which is exactly what Israel says today about the Palestinians. They justified it. They made it socially acceptable. And people of apparent high stature got behind the third Reich, just like high powered attorneys and people of wealth today are fully in support of this Holocaust, this genocide against Gaza and the people of Palestine today.

So wonder no more if you have any questions about how the Holocaust happened and how the people didn’t stop it. All you have to do is go to breitbart.com and read their stories, because they are demonstrating extreme nazi propaganda in 2024. Just trade the word Nazi with Zionists, and it’s all the same lies. It’s all the same propaganda. It’s exactly the same. This is history coming back to haunt us again. And this time, it’s the GOP on the side of the fascists, the far right fascists, whereas Adolf Hitler was, of course, national socialism, far left. But sometimes it’s not just a spectrum.

It’s a circle. You know, how if you go far enough to the far left, it circles back around and it becomes the far right? It orbits through tyranny, far right and far left. It’s all based on tyranny. And right now, the far right GOP is resembling the far left nazis and just acting like modern day nazis in America. Very disturbing to see this happening, to see how quickly the GOP has abandoned its core principles. And those principles are supposed to include freedom of speech. Obviously, constitutionally protected speech includes speech that is not necessarily popular. It includes speech that some people don’t want to hear.

And it also includes the right to criticize a government, our own government, or a foreign government, to criticize government leaders, to criticize government policies, and, of course, to criticize the war machine that’s slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians, mostly women and children. Of course we have the right to speak out against that. The GOP is willing to throw that right to the wind. Almost everyone. Not Thomas Massey, by the way. Representative Thomas Massey is really showing that he’s different, which is why AIPAC is running ads to try to dislodge him. They’re spending, I think, $300,000 to try to get him defeated in the primaries.

That’s what AIPAC does. That’s what zionist money does. They buy off everybody. And if you don’t bow down to them, then they run an opponent against you to dislodge you from office. Now, Lindsey Graham knows that. Ted Cruz knows that. That’s why they’re loyal to the Zionist, because it’s all about money. They need the zionist money in order to fund campaign ads. And so they abandon conservative principles, sell out to the Zionists zealots, and then they vote for more genocide and more bombs and more funding for Israel to kill more people. I think they’re complicit in genocide, and I’m wondering if there will be legal ramifications for any of these people who were complicit in this.

Just as what happened in the aftermath of the collapse of the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler. Now, Trump, for his part, is also all in on this. He’s doubled down on his support for israeli genocide. He says that he supports Israel’s right to win in its war on terror. Well, by any means, does Donald Trump support Israel’s right to win by using nuclear weapons, by slaughtering women and children? I support Israel’s right to win. To, is this winning, killing 35,000 women and children? Does Donald Trump consider that a win? How many more women and children must die for Israel to pull out the win? I would ask that of Donald Trump.

Is, is it a 50,000 person win? Is it 100,000? Is it a million? Hey, hey, Trump. If. If Israel nukes Gaza and kills a million Palestinians. Is that a win? Do you support Israel’s right to win by using nuclear weapons and carrying out genocide? I mean, what a shameless and truly idiotic statement to say, I support Israel’s right to win in its war on terror. Israel is the terror, Mister Trump. Israel is committing terror against its neighbors and against the palestinian people. The terror regime in the Middle east that is destabilizing the region is the zionist regime.

They are terrorists. They use terror tactics. They torture prisoners, try to get them to make false confessions. That’s why they tortured that doctor from the al Shifa hospital, tortured him and killed him. He was only 45 years old. A heart surgeon tortured him to death. And he never broke, he never signed a confession that said that the hospital was used as a military base by Hamas. That’s what Israel was trying to get out of him. So Israel captures doctors, tortures them to death, and Donald Trump says, well, Israel has a right to win. Wow, just the level of abject idiocy in that statement is off the charts insane.

It would be like. It would be like saying that Hitler has a right to win if you were, like, an italian political leader in 1939. Oh, well, Hitler has a right to win against its war on terror. What terror? Well, the terror from its neighbors. The Third Reich has a right to defend itself, they would say. As you can tell, I’m not. Not happy with Trump or Senator Cruz or Governor Abbott or the GOP at this moment because, well, I’m a little bit actually kind of frustrated with myself for being so gullible that I believed that these people had principles.

And now I’m realizing, of course, they do not. And I should have known better, which is a Richard Marx song from the 1980s, by the way. Shoulda known better. Yep. So just let that ring around through your head. We all should have known better than to believe that politicians have principles. They don’t. What they have is donors. The donors drive their policies. Trump is no exception. Notice how strongly Trump has been speaking out against the students and the faculty at the universities since he met with Ron DeSantis, zionist donors. And those donors got behind Trump and decided to put big money into Trump’s campaign.

And I believe, by the way, that a decision has been made, a deal has been reached to make Trump president. And this is actually the big news of today’s podcast. I think Trump is going to be president. I think that Joe Biden and the Democrats are now seen by the money people as being not controllable enough. And with Biden withholding weapons from Israel, and with some of the far left muslim candidates, like Rashida Tlaib and others, Ilhan Omar, for example, the zionist money has decided to shift to the GOP. That’s what’s going on right now. And you’re gonna see a massive shift over the next few months and on election day.

And here’s what it’s going to look like. Virtually every GOP leader will come out all in favor of Israel. Unlimited money, unlimited weapons, unlimited assistance, even committing american troops to fight in the Middle east on behalf of Israel. In addition, the GOP will completely abandoned free speech principles in America. They will abolish the first Amendment. They will use police again. They’ve already done this, but they’ll do it again to brutally assault students and staff members and academics, professors and so on on college campuses all across America. They will turn the university campuses into thought police controlled zones with on campus zionist monitors and spies.

This is actually being promoted by the GOP to have on campus zionist spies who are zionist enforcers to make sure that no one speaks or even thinks about criticizing Israel on any college campus or university property across America. This is all going to be pushed by the GOP. They’re going to come out against all Muslims. They’re going to declare anyone who criticizes Israel to be a terrorist, and they’re going to unleash the power of the state and the violence of the state to crush anyone who’s not on board with the zionists. They’re going to weaponize the IR’s, they’re going to weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, all under President Trump, by the way.

And they’re going to use every arm of the government to go after critics of Israel in the same way that under Joe Biden, they weaponized every branch of government to go after Trump supporters, you know, and J six protesters. Except this time it’s going to be on steroids. So the GOP is about to sweep into power, but it’s only because the Zionists actually control America. America is run by Israel and zionist money. Now, what’s going to be interesting in all of this is to determine whether leftists then begin to call for freedom of speech. How funny would that be, right? Because the radical left, of course, has already abandoned freedom of speech over the last several years in order to stop any speech that they didn’t like, you know, because they were triggered by the truth about the rigged elections or the truth about COVID vaccines or the truth about, you know, illegal immigration, whatever.

So the left has already abandoned freedom of speech. Now the right is going to abandon freedom of speech as well, which is why it’s all the same. Uniparty. It’s a uni party with fiat currency, unicorns, like flying through the air, powered by rainbow farts, printing money on one hand and lying to you on the other, telling all kinds of zionist lies in the skies. Like Israel was chosen by God to slaughter all other people that are not zionists, things like that. And Israel has a right to win. God chose them. They’re the chosen ones. Everyone else is inferior, which is kind of what Adolf Hitler said.

Everyone else is the inferior race. The master race must be the zionist race. These are the chosen ones. Well, you’re not against God, are you? God told us to go forth and murder all these other non zionist people. So, I mean, this is the kind of thing you’re going to hear, right? I’m mocking it, obviously. So we’re about to enter a very dark time in America when college campuses will be, you know, thought police zones. They’re going to be enforced. There’s going to be zionist spies on the college campuses, like I said earlier, and you won’t be able to speak freely on campus anymore.

And if you ask the wrong question in class, hey, professor, you know, what is the Nakba? Oh, you can’t ask that. Oh, you go to jail. You’re going to get expelled. You’re going to be rounded up and put on an airplane and airdropped in Gaza right before the bombs hit. Like, literally, this is what the GOP is recommending right now. And this is what Trump is saying, that, that anybody who is on a college campus who has a student visa, let’s say, who is anti semitic should be expelled from the country. Trump just said that. And you might recall that earlier, Trump said that he’s going to use the United States military to round up illegals and expel them out of the country.

So are we going to have, I mean, I just, this is an obvious question. Are we going to have United States military thought police enforcers on campus with their m four rifles and who knows what kind of armor they’ll have on campus, rolling around campus with armored personnel carriers and bradleys to enforce the speech police provisions so that nobody can speak out against Zionism? And if anybody speaks out, they will disappear into the back of a military vehicle and theyll be expelled out of the country. Is this what Trump is recommending? And the answer is, yes, this is exactly what Trump is recommending.

This is what Trump will turn America into. May we see your papers? I don’t think I have them on me. In that case, we’ll have to ask you to come along. Wait, it’s possible that. Yes, here they are. These papers expired three weeks ago. You have to come alone. Halt. Halt. The bottom line is under the GOP, as is currently behaving, and under Trump, as he’s currently behaving. When Trump wins and is installed in the White House, it’s going to turn America into a fascist, authoritarian regime ruled by Zionists, where the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights are null and void, and where the United States military is policing our college campuses, our universities, our streets, and, of course, where government colludes with big tech to silence anyone who criticizes Israel.

This is how it’s all shaping up now. It could change. Something dramatic could happen that perhaps could smack some of these people back to their senses. But right now, that’s the path that we’re on. And it is a dark, dark path. This is, America is descending into a, basically a zionist dictatorship, which is a theocracy run by psychopathic lunatics who are mass murderers. I’m talking about Netanyahu. So that’s where things are going now. Moving on to Russia, Ukraine, the whole european situation. We’ve got some news that is going to be very disturbing if you, you know anybody living in Ukraine who is a male.

Because the ukrainian government is now warning of full mobilization. The defense ministry spokesperson, Dmitry Lazutkin. Lazudkin says it’s the end of peaceful life until Russia is defeated, that the whole of ukrainian society is going to have to make sacrifices and forget about their peaceful lives in order to defeat Russia. He says, quote, globally speaking, starting on May 18, when the mobilization law comes into force, first of all, the approach to this war will change. He says this situation where some people are fighting at the front lines while others are living their quiet lives, is obviously coming to an end.

And he is going to. Well, he’s, he’s going to try to dredge up every able bodied person in Ukraine to send them to the front lines. Now, already, half a million ukrainian men, that’s an estimated number, are either dead or wounded. It’s. It’s actually a lot higher than that. Mass graveyards across Ukraine right now. And instead of calling for peace, Zelenskyy, who is a puppet of the west, is going to try to round up more and more people in Ukraine to try to fight Russia, which is not going to work, unfortunately for them. I feel very sorry for the people of Ukraine having to suffer through being the proxy puppet of the west.

This is all the fault of the US, by the way, thrusting Ukraine into the situation, trying to use up Ukraine to weaken Russia. That’s the goal of the west. That’s what Victoria Nuland was talking about. We will use Ukraine to weaken Russia. Well, at the cost of half a million ukrainian lives and maybe another half a million. And Russia isn’t weaker now. Russia’s stronger now. Russia’s military is stronger. Russia’s currency is stronger. Russia’s industrial output is stronger. Putin just won reelection. Very high approval ratings, and Russia is stronger than ever. Western Europe is weak. Ukraine has run out of men.

The United States can’t produce much industrial output, and its currency is failing. But in Ukraine, they’re desperate for more men. So this is going to be a catastrophic situation here. My analysis, based on numerous interviews and information sources I’ve been tuned into, plus some books I’m reading. One of them by a guest that we’re going to have on this coming week, I believe, is that Russia is. Well, Ukraine’s defenses are crumbling. They are just crumbling rapidly right now. Russia is making major gains and advances, and probably within the next 60 days, Russia is going to surge westward toward the Dnieper river, toward Kiev.

I don’t know if they’ll ever try to take Kiev, but that’s clearly where they’re going. And there are other cities and towns first. But Russia is going to be attacking Odessa and seizing Odessa on the southern coast there sometime this year. And the ukrainian military is just absolutely going to continue to crumble because it’s run out of men, it’s run out of equipment. It hasn’t run out of money, at least not in the hands of Zelenskyy and his circle of clowns. But it has run out of men. And that’s why they’re desperate to try to bring in every able bodied person they can, which is insane.

I mean, they’re destroying a generation. Well, two generations of. Of men in Ukraine. This is a cultural atrocity against the ukrainian people. There won’t even be enough men left at the end of this to have families. There would be, you know, women all over Ukraine and Europe who lost their husbands, lost their boyfriends, lost their brothers or fathers or sons in this war. And you can’t just wave a magic wand and replace that. So this is the United States of America forcing Ukraine through the 2014 coup, the installation of Zelenskyy, and then controlling Zelenskyy as a puppet.

This is the United States of America committing essentially an atrocity against the ukrainian people by forcing them to fight and die against Russia, and it’s not even working. Russia has essentially defeated Ukraine, and there’s nothing that Ukraine can do at this point to stop Russia’s advances. F 16s aren’t going to make the difference. There’s not some super secret tank stealth weapon. Nothing is going to make the difference. Even billions of dollars won’t make the difference. Russia is going to defeat Ukraine, and it’s probably going to happen this calendar year. Now, Ukraine keeps lowering the draft age.

Now it’s being lowered to the age of 25. Won’t be long before that’s lowered to 20 and then 18 and then 15. And they’re going to have prepubescent young men dying on the front lines and then young women as well. That’s where this is going. Because of the sheer desperation now, because the west is so desperate to stop Russia and to keep Ukraine as sort of NATO allied territory. There’s no doubt in my mind that NATO troops are going to start being dispatched to Ukraine in larger and larger numbers, especially as we approach the summer. By the fall, we’re going to be in a full blown war.

The United States will be at war with Russia. NATO will be at war with Russia directly. And it’s hard to imagine how we avoid nuclear war in this, because Russia has already promised that if NATO troops show up in Ukraine, like uniformed troops of the UK or France or Germany or the United States or other NATO countries, then Russia is going to nuke those countries, the countries from which those soldiers came. And they’ve already promised to do this through Medvedev. Already promised. Shoigu has just been replaced, by the way, because of the new election there shake up of all the ministers and defense minister.

In that case, Mied Vyedev is still with the Putin administration, but Shoigu is being replaced with somebody else who is apparently younger and more innovative and probably more adept at integrating technology and drone tech and things like that into the modern battlefield, which is very high tech, actually, surprisingly so. It’s not just artillery. It’s a lot of drone work and thermal cameras and coming up like robotic land vehicles, robotic tanks and so on. There’s a lot of high tech aspects to this. So Putin chose a new, younger defense minister. As I understand it, Shoigu is out, and Russia is digging in for the long haul here.

Russia has recruited one plus million more soldiers in the last. I forgot how many months it’s been. But they’ve got a military that’s over a million men and growing. They’ve got tens of thousands of volunteers every month joining the russian military. And the west can’t manufacture enough ammunition to fight, and the west is relying on outdated equipment. And the west has no hypersonic missiles and its air defense systems suck like the Patriot missile system. But Russia has promised to nuke western nations if those nations deploy soldiers into Ukraine. So here’s the question. How far away is it that France dispatches, I don’t know, 10,000 soldiers to the front lines of Ukraine? Probably not that far away.

Or that the United States sends, I don’t know, 20,000, 40,000, 50,000 american soldiers to Ukraine to fight Russia? That’s probably not far off. No doubt Biden wants to declare world war three. When that happens, you’ll have no warning before the nukes start raining down on Washington DC and New York City and Colorado Springs, Chicago, La. No warning, no defenses. America will be nuked. That’s Russia’s promise. The UK will be nuked, France will be nuked, Germany will be nuked, and other countries as well. And NATO thinks Russia’s bluffing, because NATO does nothing but bluff all the time.

But Russia is not bluffing. Russia has already deemed this to be an existential threat. Russia knows that they’re dealing with lunatic, power hungry psychopaths from the west who do not engage in diplomacy, do not engage in negotiations, have no understanding of history, and aren’t willing to give up global hegemonic control by the US empire, even though things are rapidly shifting into a multipolar world. But the west isn’t willing to give it up, which means the west is going to end up being nuked, and that’s going to be the wake up call, by the way, the nuclear wake up call.

Giant mushroom cloud. Kaboom. Oh, maybe we should change our behavior. That’s what’s coming. Nobody from the western nations, nobody from Ukraine, NATO, western Europe, US wants peace. They want to keep fighting until the nukes start flying. That’s what they’re committed to doing, and that’s the path they’ve put us on. Russia has been restrained, not using its most advanced weapons, not striking european military bases yet. But Russia’s restraint has limits. And if the west starts deploying troops and equipment into Ukraine, then be prepared to duck and cover, folks, get out your basement bunker and your Geiger counter meters and get your potassium iodide ready because it’s going to start raining missiles.

And I would guess that Russia’s first nuclear targets would be Paris and other key cities. In France because of the lunatic Macron and the things that he has threatened to do. Now he’s trying to backpedal. Right now he’s claiming that France is the peace power in the region, that he just needs peace. Sounds like Israel. Oh, we have the right to self defense. Keep bombing Gazans. That’s France. We’re going to achieve peace by defeating Russia. See, that’s how it goes. And then Russia says, no, you’re not. Here, eat some nukes. Have a nuke sandwich. Have a foot long nuke sub.

How about that? And kaboom, blamidy blam. Mushroom clouds all over France. That’s a very likely scenario at this point. And Macron is just like other leaders of Europe, leading their country in Europe.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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