Mexico has now been OCCUPIED by an Installed Jewish President!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The speaker criticizes the current state of affairs in the country, expressing a desire to expose and eliminate evil. They particularly target Big Pharma, Western medicine, government corruption, and child exploitation. They also discuss the recent inauguration of Claudia Sheinbaum, a Jewish Mexican president, criticizing her demand for Spain to apologize for its colonization of Mexico. The speaker suggests this is part of a larger Jewish conspiracy, linking it to historical events and current global issues.


You know it’s not like every single day I just love the opportunity to come in here and talk about all of the things that are going wrong in this country. I just I just really I wake up in the morning and I look at my kids and I say oh it’s really good news things are really bad today they’re only getting worse it’s great gonna have a lot of content you see the whole purpose of a platform like this is to work my way out of a job to expose evil to the point where it can just absolutely no longer exist and be successful to neutralize the enemy that has come against us to get rid of Big Pharma to get rid of Western medicine the way that they murder people to get rid of an occupation to get rid of a complete infestation of every level of our government and all of the bureaucracies and in the Department of Education to get rid of the perversion and the will of the the Satan worshipers to go and target children for trafficking and molestation and rape and murder to get rid of evil people that would wish to steer a storm a weapon of weather into a population of people so they could be abandoned by the government that their television tells them that they can trust to get rid of dual citizens if people would just stop lying this platform would serve no purpose at all if the evil would just stop this platform would cease to exist but unfortunately here we are on another day working to fight against evil and it hasn’t taken long for to spread everywhere including in Mexico talking about the installation of this Jewish Mexican president called Claudia shine bomb are the Mexican people very well represented by a Jew and now her administration has just launched a full frontal assault on the white Christian European origins of Mexico and the country’s ancestral homeland of Spain shine bomb was inaugurated just days ago already she has issued a public statement demanding that the country of Spain apologize for its colonization and of the land that’s now Mexico she wants Spain to apologize for making it possible for the people of Mexico to exist except for her of course because she’s not a Mexican at all she’s a Jew it’s very obvious what’s going on here just like in America where we have been deliberately debased from our ancestors from the people who founded this country who came here from Europe to establish a new Western Christian white civilization Claudia shine bomb and her Jewish creditors at the global cabal that she’s openly working for they wanted to base the people of Mexico from their Spanish origins from their ancestors on the European continent and really they already have over the course of a century they’ve already done that and now they’re just sticking the final dagger and anything remaining that might remind Mexicans of Spain and of their ancestors you know Mexico wasn’t always a total shithole and Mexican immigrants weren’t always savages that had been pulled straight out of the jungle where the locals are descended from child sacrificing tribes of cannibals in fact many Mexicans are white did you know that up to a third of the country’s total population according to many estimates is white their ancestors were explorers and Spanish conquistadors who much like our ancestors set out across the Atlantic Ocean in hope of expanding Christian civilization so of course they’re targeted but unfortunately there just were not enough of them they never truly consolidated control over Mexico’s territory which is why it’s never really taken off as a functional country couple this with the fact that Jewish commies dating back to Leon Trotsky a Jew and before have taken up residence in Mexico and have engineered remote aboriginal populations against the white minority which made up the Mexican ruling class of course and then you end up with a country that since the 1930s has been subverted into completely abandoning the white identity and telling its citizens that they’re Mexican a racial mixture of Spaniards and Mexican Indians and now this idea has just gone so far that Mexico’s Jewish president is completely disavowing the country’s Spanish heritage and her fellow governmental leftists are demanding that Spain apologize for ever colonizing the land that later became Mexico in the first place Mexico wouldn’t even exist if Spain didn’t colonize and at least try to give it a little dose of civilization but you see these people have been so twisted up by the subversive communist Jews who have been infiltrating their country that they don’t even know who they are anymore that sound familiar and there are some very very deep old historical motives for this Jewish vendetta against the Spaniards it’s nothing new way back in 711 ad do your research Spain was concert by Islamic moors from North Africa after a bunch of 8th century Jews opened up the gates of Toledo to Muslim invaders it took more than 700 years for Christians to take the whole place back and when they did they actually expelled the Jews making the start of the Spanish Golden Age the very same year 1492 that Christopher Columbus brought civilization and Christianity to the new world so the Jews have hated the Spaniards for a really long time and Claudia Sheinbaum is just the latest incarnation of that and the symbolism here can’t be ignored either the Jews opened up the gates of Toledo in 711 and now in 2024 Claudia Sheinbaum and Alejandro Mayorkas two Jews are opening the gates of America some things just never change these people travel the world victimizing everyone and then they tell us that they are the biggest victims of all and that they should serve as the world’s emotional compass it’s patently absurd speaking of doing your own research one guy that does a whole lot of it is Dominic Michael Trippie joins us now Dominic the symbolism here can’t be ignored the tyranny here can’t be ignored and the fact that all of this points back to one group of people which I don’t pray every morning that I wake up and have to come and talk about Jews but how do you get around it when it’s right in your face everywhere you look look if there’s ever been a question as to if there is a world Jewish conspiracy let’s just factor in that there is a hundred and thirty million people in Mexico that’s the population only in between 40 and 50,000 of them are Jews this is what we call a statistical impossibility certainly it’s not a representation of the Mexican people and then you also factor in there’s there was 30 candidates that were murdered by cartel man members in order for this Claudia Sheinbaum to even ascend to this position then we’ve got this incredible immigration issue and who do we have that runs immigration here in America Jew Alejandro my orcas and highest the Hebrew immigrant aid society and who do you think is going to be working very closely with those organizations and with my orcas this Jews shine bomb it’s getting to the point where not to just go straight into the Americas matters with Israel and all this other Jewish conspiracy things that are going on but it’s like you know we ask Israel to not have a we ask them to do a ceasefire they refuse the very next day we give them 8.7 billion dollars the very next day they invade Lebanon destroy Beirut then they invade Syria now they’re going for Iran now the country that is directly bordering us to our south is being controlled by a hostile member of this same psychopathic groups do so it’s when people are beginning you know when people still like to give pushback and still say oh you’re being anti-Semitic no that’s BS we’re just talking about facts and now these people are right in our back door man I’ve had this affect me personally in so many ways uh at first it was my family yeah you shouldn’t be talking like this about these Jews you shouldn’t be talking like this about Israel I mean this is the this is the Israel of the Bible and these are these are God’s chosen people as they have listened of course and as they have done research and as we have continued to you know internally obviously I’m working on this film occupied and so I show my family certain things when I think that they need to see it I will bring it to them and just say here you go just take a look at this don’t believe me listen to this and so now over time it’s taken well over a year they have come around like oh my god there’s there’s really something to this this is the synagogue of satan that Jesus was talking about but then you have like this pastor that used to that whose church I used to go to yeah he rolled up in front of my house and like chastised me in front of my kids he was yelling at me and screaming at me and damning me to hell and telling me don’t you dare ever tell anybody that you’re a Christian ever again my kids were freaked out you know I this is a pastor then he cornered me at a coffee shop in front of my sister when she was here visiting from Florida this is just a couple of weeks ago telling me that I was going to hell because of the things that I’m questioning and the criticisms that I have of the genocidal mass murdering pedophilic homosexual jab mandate home of you know this this secular nation state of Israel that was founded in 1948 which just timeline wise I don’t know how that could be Israel of the Bible and then now a guy that worked for the network doing voiceover work this morning called me to resign saying you know blessed are those who bless Israel cursed are those who curse Israel I have a house full of sick kids because of what this network is doing I have to go and he resigned then you look on x it’s a whole different story the people with the Israel flag ahead of the American flag or in the complete absence of the American flag like what the hell is going on I mean dude like they seriously and I hate for it to just be this simplistic but they just run the show they run the show in every regard and just when you know we think that we’re making some advances whether it be with free speech or whether it be with you know an America first political movement they bring down the hammer right away and it’s just that’s why you know before the show and I was discussing how I felt like it was one of the most discouraging times that we’ve dealt with not the black pill people but I mean what can we actually do to free ourselves from this Jewish death grip because that’s what I feel that we’re under and no matter what area that we’re talking about whether it’s giving aid to people that are literally dying being left stranded in North Carolina whether it’s continuing genocidal war campaigns that do nothing to benefit America it just seems that we are this country’s and we are this group of peoples the American people are Jews Jewish peoples and we’re both so sick of it and we’re trying to plead out to anyone with a pair of ears to please just listen and understand there is plenty of factual pieces as to why we hold these feelings and it’s because they’re 100% true and because we’re patriots that want future generations of our country to succeed and have prosperity and this is an obstacle to that and if people don’t wake up and understand look we don’t have that much more time world war three is knocking on the door guys are we gonna let these jews literally destroy our freaking world because that’s where we’re coming to and I apologize to be that blunt about it but facts are facts and we’re standing at the precipice of one of the largest conflicts we’ve ever had what happens if Israel really hits Iran hard Russia feels compelled to respond Russia has interests in Syria they have oil ports and things of that nature in Syria so what happens you know when they make one of these strikes and it kills a bunch of innocent Syrians and Russia feels compelled to defend their ally just I made that prediction it was like weeks ago yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna pimp Iran we’re gonna get him going we’re gonna we’re gonna gin up the hype of the American people the approval to get into a kinetic confrontation they’re actually gonna be cheering this on a full-blown war with Iran because Iran is gonna launch these unprecedented attacks into Israel which obviously were acts of self-defense that’s gonna provoke Russia Vladimir Putin will have no choice we’ve already reneged on every promise that we’ve made to not expand NATO further east an alliance that was formed for one purpose and that was to fight Russia we led in Poland and Hungary and Romania and dozens of other countries we have been pushing for Ukraine to get in this is a proxy war this is not a war between Ukraine and Russia Vladimir Putin didn’t just wake up one day and decide I’m gonna be a war criminal and I’m going to go and invade Ukraine this is a proxy war being fought between NATO the American war empire the military industrial complex and Russia we’re at full-fledged war with Russia your television just hasn’t told you that yet the same thing is going on with Iran and of course Vladimir Putin has interest in protecting the interests of his people and putting the interests of his country first that’s nationalism and that’s not allowed here anymore because now what’s allowed and the only thing that’s allowed is international jewelry feminine trippy final words one minute the most important thing that we can do is free ourselves from this disproportionate influence people have to all those political commentators out there all of you guys that have the audacity to call yourself freedom fighters if you don’t address this we don’t want to hear from you we know that you’re subversive we know that you’re essentially controlled opposition if you’re not talking about this it’s bigger than everything else because they’re running the decisions they’re choosing our path as a country we have to speak out against it the bigger the voices the more influential you are the louder you should be there’s no more you as a long-form sit-down interview there’s a chair for you right here we’re gonna fly you in i want you to sit down because as much as you talk about you know i don’t want to black pill people i don’t want to black pill people there is a white pill 109 other countries have found the white pill we can be 110 dominant trippy thank you so much for being here i appreciate it i hope Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell i hope him and his generals and the fairy company did you see him burn in hell we’re looking for babies but there is no babies left maybe i killed a girl she was 12 but i do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves an investigation is underway into whether israeli forces blowing up the main drinking water reservoir in raka constitutes as a war crime you cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18 000 children being ruthlessly murdered let me hear you cheer if you support israel the jews are everywhere all the assistants of crime jews all the assistant of sleepy joe jews obama jews everyone around the reform jews conservative jews hababnik these today the jews rule this world by proxy they get others to fight and die for them everyone who dares uttering a word of criticism against israel as accused of anti-semitism when i was very young i was forced to participate in that in which i had to sacrifice an infant and the purpose of sacrifice is to what is to bring you what what are you sacrificing for for power power there’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into rethought re-considered and in some cases completely discarded as modern americans we’ve been spoon-fed this dumbed down cartoonish simplified version of history it’s all fake it’s all everything that we have been taught is part of a self-serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash now this version of history some big name corrupt families like the rockefeller’s and the rothchild’s and their many associates are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development throughout the late 18 and early 1900s almost every major american city was burnt to the ground what if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives you you know lately we’ve all been reminded how important it is to stay sharp no matter how old we are we can’t just let the years slow down our mental game whether you’re 35 or 85 now you can choose to be at your best and if you’ve noticed that your brain feels a bit foggy as you age it’s time to clear those mental cobwebs and i can’t think of a better or more delicious way to do that than by having my daily dose of mushroom breakthrough from bioptimizers mushroom breakthrough packs a powerful punch it has four cognitive boosting mushrooms lion’s mane giaga cordyceps and raishi plus collagen for extra brain support lion’s mane in particular can increase the levels of bdnf a protein that helps brain cells to grow and that’s crucial for learning and memory which typically decline as we age it’s like fertilizer for your brain cells on top of these incredible benefits it also tastes delicious all three flavors are absolutely 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Big Pharma criticism child exploitation issues Claudia Sheinbaum inauguration current state of affairs criticism exposing and eliminating evil global issues discussion government corruption exposure historical events linked to current issues Jewish conspiracy theories Jewish Mexican president controversy Spain colonization apology demand Western medicine critique

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