This article picked up by a lot of different places. This particular one was picked up by a tabloid and the UK Daily Star. And I think they were probably the most ridiculous in terms of their anthropomorphism. Depressed slave robot hurls itself down the stairs in a shocking bid to end its life. It wasn’t even a lie. South Korean civil servant slave cyborg, which was designed to deliver documents, flung itself over a stairwell, apparently to escape the boredom of working for a city council. Maybe these people watch Titchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Marvin the Robot. You can thank the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation for building robots with GPP.
What’s GPP? Genuine People Personalities. I’m a personality prototype. You can tell, can’t you? Yeah, our entire future was already scripted in the movies a long time ago, wasn’t it? A depressed slave robot, feared to have committed suicide by hurling itself down a flight of stairs, a civil service cyborg, which looked like a white trash can. Was it white trash? Was that what it was upset about? Everybody calls me white trash, with a screen on its side, designed just to deliver documents. Witnesses said it was found smashed up after they saw it circling in one spot, as if someone were there.
They said pieces have been collected and they will be analyzed. So I guess they will do some kind of a post-mortem bot-topsy or something. It was one of us, said one of the people working there in civil service. We’re all robots, I guess. It was one of us. It worked diligently. It was designed to be smart enough to call an elevator to move between floors by itself. South Korea has the highest robot density in the world, with one robot for every 10 employees. Let’s see, it would have been a few years before 2018, maybe going back to about 2015 or so.
They were talking about what South Korea’s job market was going to look like by 2030. They said with artificial intelligence and robotics, and they went down profession by profession, and the professions that had the least amount of replacement by robots, were things like delivery drivers and truck drivers and things like that. So they were kind of spot on, because everybody here in the United States was saying, but in South Korea they said that was going to be about 50% of people in transportation, shipping-related industries would lose their job. But they said that the white-collar jobs, doctors, lawyers, other things like that, they would lose about 70% of their jobs.
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