Media PANICS! Democrat CIVIL WAR Will Lead to Trump LANDSLIDE!!! | Dr. Steve Turley

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➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how there’s a growing divide within America’s political left, with protests against President Biden causing concern among some that this could lead to a conservative resurgence. This unrest is reminiscent of the 1960s, and some fear it could lead to a similar backlash that resulted in a period of Republican dominance. Meanwhile, Biden’s support among young voters, Latinos, and black voters is reportedly declining. This internal conflict within the left could potentially impact not just the upcoming election, but future ones as well.


Forblown civil wars broken out inside America’s political left and more and more pundits are starting to panic that this is going to ultimately lead to a Trump landslide. And we’re going to find out precisely why they’re right and why that panic is just getting started. You are not going to want to miss this. Hey gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your Patreon professor here to help you stay sane in these insane times.

So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe. But also here’s your opportunity to tell big tech tyrants where they can stick it. Click on that link below and download our brand new cancel proof Turley Talks app. And you can sign our special declaration of restoration. That’s our petition to big tech that declares a new day is dawn. They are no longer in control and we are taking our nation back.

We’ve already got over a thousand signatures of courageous patriots and yours is next. Click on that link below or go to fight. turleytalks. com right now. As many of you saw last night, New York riot police stormed Columbia University. The entire university, of course, has been shut down as protesters took over and barricaded themselves inside an entire building. That is until last night when riot police cleared the building and arrested dozens upon dozens of demonstrators.

And it wasn’t just Columbia. This was a scene on the campus of the University of Arizona, a Tucson where students and riot police clashed as the police moved in on their pro-Palestinian protests and a Washington University in St. Louis police there also moved in and disbanded their pro-Palestinian protest making several arrests. And that appears to have been the relatively coordinated scenes throughout the nation over the last few days, most certainly last night.

Now make no mistake, as we talked about on last night’s live stream, this is a bona fide civil war breaking out on the left. Take a look at this tweet from the former press secretary of Bernie Sanders, Brianna Joy Gray. If someone is hurt, that blood will be on Biden’s hands. A key here is that these students are emphatically not protesting Trump. They’re protesting Biden. They’re calling him genocide Joe.

And the legacy media is starting to panic over this. They’re starting to realize that these protests could indeed usher in a new conservative era throughout the nation. Listen to this exchange over at MSNBC and tell me they’re not panicked. All of these campus protests had the echo of the 1960s. It feels like an inflection point for the country. We’re barreling towards a presidential election. The country feels catastrophically divided on every issue, from basic facts to an actual policy of vision for the Democratic presidential convention in Chicago.

Yes, exactly. Echoes of 1968. And I just wonder, it’s hard to imagine that this imagery of the NYPD storming Columbia in this in this moment is not going to reverberate in ways that we cannot yet see across the political divide. Well, and I think that we should remember what the kind of images of protest disorder did in the late 60s, because even as the Vietnam War became increasingly unpopular, so did the anti-war protests.

And it was in part the backlash to that as well as to urban crime that gave us not just Richard Nixon, but kind of except for the four-year oasis of Jimmy Carter, kind of unbroken Republican rule until Bill Clinton. And so I would expect that we’re already seeing the backlash to this, but I would expect it to be ferocious. Yeah, the late 70s were a period of retrenchment.

And then 1980s saw Ronald Reagan and a conservative agenda that was fiercer, more focused and more effective than maybe any other conservative agenda in ways that we’re still grappling with to this day. I mean, this the establishment of the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, any number of right-wing organizations, a master plan to retake the judiciary. I mean, what we saw in the after effect of the Vietnam War was really a brand of conservatism, a new right that the country had never seen before.

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So the latest Emerson poll of swing states that dropped yesterday, it showed the same pattern we saw in the CNN national poll that dropped over the weekend. That national poll found that when Trump and Biden were head to head, Trump had a six point lead, right? beating him 49 to 43. But when the other leftist candidates were factored in Cornell West, our K Jill Stein, Trump’s nationally jumps to nine points.

So the left is clearly splitting and we’re seeing the same thing with the Emerson swing state poll. So once again, head to head Trump versus Biden, Trump is up for in Arizona. He’s up three in Georgia. He’s up to in Wisconsin, to Pennsylvania. He’s up five in North Carolina and he’s up one in Michigan and one in Nevada. But look at what happens when we bring RFK and the other leftist options into the mix.

Look at this. Now Trump is up in Wisconsin by five. He was up by two head to head. He’s up by four in Pennsylvania. He was up only two head to head. Look at this. He’s up nine in North Carolina, nine gang. He’s up five in Nevada. He was only up one head to head. He’s up six in Georgia and he’s up four in Arizona. Moreover to make matters even worse, the policy strategist for AFG investments, Greg Valier, he’s warning that Biden’s decline in support among young voters is reaching catastrophic proportions.

He’s lost five points in the last several weeks with young voters and he’s now trailing even with Latinos and with black voters. So Biden’s support continues to crater among those three key demographics. Gang it’s over. According to this analyst, it is. There’s no way he can win. And again, this analyst is sounding the alarm that it looks like it’s too late to win, particularly young voters back into Biden’s camp.

So all this is to say that the lead to see media is quite right to be panicked here. There is a civil war breaking out inside America’s left and that civil war may indeed cost the Democrats not just the election this November, but a number of elections in the foreseeable future. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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concern over conservative resurgence declining Biden support among black voters declining Biden support among Latinos declining Biden support among young voters future election impacts due to internal conflict growing divide in America's political left impact on upcoming election internal conflict within the political left potential backlash leading to Republican dominance protests against President Biden unrest reminiscent of the 1960s

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