Media PANICS as Dems in Full-Blown FREAKOUT over Biden!!! | Dr. Steve Turley

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➡ Dr. Steve Turley in this article discusses concerns within the Democratic Party about President Joe Biden’s chances of re-election, with many feeling anxious due to his declining approval ratings. It also mentions a recent poll showing former President Trump leading in swing states. Additionally, the article talks about the rise of cryptocurrency and introduces a crypto investing expert who can guide beginners. Lastly, it highlights the Democrats’ failed attempt to turn Texas blue and the possibility of Trump flipping New York.


Sleepy Joe, Sleepy Joe Rise and shine, Sleepy Joe Now’s the time, don’t you know? To get into a new kind of dream You’ve been living alone with nobel telephone And you don’t have the shed that is clean Well, I certainly hope you had as much of a restful memorial day as Sleepy Joe did Who once again, yes, again got caught sleeping during a somber ceremony It’s yet the latest embarrassment that has Democrats increasingly panicked over Biden’s dwindling re-election prospects And the media is openly admitting it Hey gang, it’s me Dr.

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If you want to get a sense of how Democrats are feeling this morning, take a look at this piece from Politico. Look at this headline, gang: “Dems in Full-Blown Freakout Over Biden.” Now keep in mind, that’s not coming from Breitbart or Newsmax or Fox for that matter. That is a headline today from Politico, which is basically the default DNC propaganda publication at this point: “Dems in Full-Blown Freakout Over Biden.”

Here’s how the piece starts: “A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump. All year, Democrats have been on a joyless and exhausting grind through the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election, anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a dozen party operatives and leaders. The gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print and what they’ll text their friends has only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.”

They’re writing this in the wake of the latest Morning Consult Bloomberg’s swing state poll that just dropped. And once again, it’s painting the exact same electoral picture we’ve been seeing for weeks now. Trump is crushing Biden in every single swing state. Or he’s either leading or, in the case of Nevada, they’re tied. In fact, just to give you a sense of where the state of the race is right now, Trump is beating Biden by double digits in the state of Texas. Remember, Trump won Texas by just five in 2020, but now he’s beating Biden by double digits in the Lone Star State.

So why is that important? Well, it’s important for two reasons. First and foremost, remember, the Biden campaign desperately tried to convince voters that they were going to flip Texas. 2024 was the year that supposedly purple Texas was going to turn blue. That’s not even remotely happening. I don’t know what the Biden campaign operatives are smoking, but that ain’t happening. That’s the first reason it’s important. But the second reason is that, according to the latest polling, Biden is up over Trump in the state of New York by only nine points. He’s up by only nine in a state that he won by 25 points in 2020. As we speak, Trump is more likely to flip New York than Biden is to flip Texas. That’ll give you a sense of where the race is right now.

This is why the Democrats are freaking out because they’re not just looking at the swing state polls or the national polls. They’re looking at the race as a whole, and Biden is very clearly in deep trouble. The Washington Examiner, which remembers no fan of Trump, is actually much more of an establishment Republican publication. But nevertheless, they had a great piece out this morning: “Six Signs Biden is Starting to Panic About Reelection Prospects.” And the piece is really, really good because it begins by focusing on Biden’s approval ratings. This is so key.

When we see these polls, particularly in swing states where Trump is literally crushing Biden, in some cases by double digits, it all comes down to Biden’s approval ratings. Historically, presidents need to be around the 50% approval mark to win reelection. Obama lowered the threshold a bit to about 45%, but again, it’s within earshot of 50. Right now, as we speak, gang, Biden is in the mid-30s. According to the latest Reuters Ipsos poll, Biden’s approval rating has fallen to its lowest level in two years: 36%. And this Washington Examiner piece points out that that represents the lowest 13th quarter approval rating of all nine past presidents in their first term in office. It puts Biden at the bottom 12% of all presidential approval rankings since 1945.

So make no mistake, Biden is getting increasingly desperate here. And this Washington Examiner piece lists out what they’re seeing as six signs of just such desperation. First and foremost, of course, is Biden’s change of heart when it comes to debates with Trump. At first, some months back, Biden wasn’t even going to consider legitimizing Trump with a debate. Now he’s changed his tune, agreeing to debate Trump but under very, very strict conditions. And that’s a clear sign of desperation. Were Biden beating Trump here, he wouldn’t give Trump the time of day. So that’s the first sign.

Second sign is Biden asserting executive privilege over the Herr tapes. The tapes of Biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Herr, when Herr claimed that Biden was too old and senile to remember the day of his own son’s death and a whole host of other embarrassing slips. Again, it’s a sign that the Biden team recognizes that concerns over his cognitive decline are a huge issue, if not the issue. I’ve argued it’s his Achilles heel, his age and senility. That’s Biden’s ultimate Achilles heel. And the reason for that is very simple: everything else can change. The economy can change. His border policies can change. Biden’s foreign policy can change. Any issue can change, it can reverse, it can rectify itself, except his senility. His age and senility are the only things in this campaign that have no possibility of changing. This is his Achilles heel. This is what has Democrats up at night in a total panic. They know voters are not going to re-elect a president they believe is not cognitively fit for the job. Certainly, Republicans and independents will not do it.

Third, Biden is chasing after black and Latino voters who are abandoning him in droves. And this is very interesting. This Washington Examiner piece is recognizing that Biden is spending millions on ad campaigns directed towards black and Latino media. He held a special speech recently at the NAACP in Detroit. He visited the so-called Detroit Nine, which is a group of black sororities and fraternities. In other words, Biden is noticeably nervous about voting constituencies he emphatically should not be nervous about. These voters should be in the bag for Biden and they’re clearly not. And both the polls and Biden’s desperate actions are showing just that.

So you’ve got the debate, you’ve got executive privilege hiding the Herr tapes from anyone hearing them, you’ve got Biden desperately chasing after the black and Latino vote. The fourth sign Biden is getting desperate is now Biden has been reduced to trying to court young voters, the under-30 vote, with weed-friendly policy changes. He’s just announced that they’re now classifying marijuana as a Schedule 3 drug, which is a significant downgrade from its traditional Schedule 1 status. He’s already tried buying their votes by forgiving college debt, which the Supreme Court has ruled he can’t do, but hey, you know, we’re trying to stop a Trump dictatorship here, right? So the fact that he’s forgiving student loans, making you and me pay for them, and downgrading marijuana is an attempt at once again trying to get back a vote he should have shored up by now but has not.

The fifth sign of Biden’s desperation is he’s doing everything he can to push back against Israel and their war efforts against Hamas. And this, of course, is in response to the massive collapse in support among Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, for Biden, particularly in key swing states like Michigan. So he’s now trying to win them back by turning his back on Israel.

And then finally, Biden is actually using federal funds to pay for students to register people to vote. I kid you not, he’s been reduced to using our tax dollars as a pro-Biden get-out-the-vote effort, which again signals desperation that his own campaign can’t do it. His own campaign is not doing enough.

When all is said and done, the state of the race today is rather clear. Trump is on the offense while Biden is on the defense. Biden is clearly reeling. He’s not simply trying to hold on to Democrat constituencies, he’s desperately trying to get them back. At the very same time, Trump has totally shored up his traditional Republican and MAGA vote, and now he’s trying to expand the electoral map in Virginia, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and possibly even Maine. It’s pretty astonishing stuff.

So now we can see why the Democrats, according to the leftists over at Politico, are indeed in a full-blown freakout over Biden. If things don’t change, they’re increasingly recognizing that November could be an absolute Democrat disaster.

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