Trump is gaining more support in key states like Pennsylvania and Arizona, which could help him win the election. Biden seems to be giving up on Georgia. Also, there’s an exciting trip planned in August with Doctor Steve and other patriots, where they’ll explore historical cities in Spain, France, and Italy while discussing important topics. There are only a few spots left for this trip, so interested people should sign up soon.
Governor there has thrown his support behind an effort that would no longer allocate the electoral votes by congressional district. Because right now it’s five votes there. Typically, Republicans get four. And President Biden, Democrats get the one from Omaha. That’s right. If that changes, and we don’t know that it will, the state legislature is going to look at it. But if that changes, that takes away Biden’s best path to win.
Because if you get. If he wins Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, but loses the other swing states and no longer picks up the. The one in Nebraska, 269, that Leeds playbook this morning, the alarm among Democrats that this is possible. What do you think? I think this is what the modern Republican Party has become. They’re now changing the rules in the middle, trying to benefit themselves. This is the hell that Donald Trump hath wrought in the middle of this.
Changing the rules 200 days before the election is ridiculous. I think you’re right. I think there are real simulation problems when you look at the map, that one electoral vote really matters in the combination of other things, then you need another state. And so the easiest pathway to victory has always been the midwestern three states combined with Nebraska. So now changing the rules months before a presidential election is bad, huh, gang? If that’s not projection, I don’t know what is.
The legacy media is flipping out over moves to change Nebraska’s electoral college system to a winner take all. And we’re going to see precisely why that change is more likely to happen now than ever. And then you won’t believe which swing state is now showing signs of a massive trend towards Trump and the GOP. We’re gonna see the latest and what it means for 2024. You’re not gonna wanna miss this.
Hey, gang, it’s me, doctor Steve, your patriot professor, here to help you stay sane during these insane times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button, and let’s dive right in. It was an absolutely stunning announcement yesterday. Lifelong Nebraska Democrat Mike McDonnell officially defected from the Democrat party and he became a Republican, a defection that gave the Nebraska GOP officially a filibuster proof majority in their unicomarrow legislature, meaning that Nebraska only has a single legislative house or chamber.
But the defection wasn’t merely big news for the state of Nebraska, it was indeed a giant leap for the nation as a whole. And that’s because Nebraska is in the midst of possibly changing their electoral vote allocation system to a winner take all approach. So, as I’m sure you’re aware, virtually all states award all of their electoral votes to the winner of the state. There are just two, Nebraska and Maine, that selectively allocate those votes.
So they split up their electoral votes. They give some to the winner of the state, but then they give others in accordance with who wins each congressional district. So even though Nebraska is solid red, it nevertheless actually gives a free electoral college vote to Democrats every freaking year. I think it’s from their Omaha district. Well, now, with this filibuster proof majority, Nebraska Republicans can finally rectify that. And that is where the legacy media is absolutely freaking out over this.
Here’s the panic coming from CNN, new tonight. Could the election all come down to Nebraska? Donald Trump thinks so. He and his allies convincing Nebraska’s republican governor to support a major change in the way the state has been doling out its electoral college votes for the past 32 years. So right now, Nebraska splits its electoral college votes, and one of them is crucial to Biden’s victory. And that one is the blue district of Omaha.
Biden won that vote in 2020. Trump, though, is pushing for a statewide winner take all system, which would potentially deprive Biden of that crucial electoral vote. Now, just the reason I say crucial, just look at this. One of Biden’s, Biden’s easiest paths to reelection. If he holds the three swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and loses the rest of them. Right? So he’s going to lose Georgia, lose all those.
Biden gets to 269. Well, you know, to win, you need 270. So obviously, the difference there is one. And that one vote would be the vote in Nebraska, the vote in Omaha that gives Biden 270 and the win. But if this scenario plays out with Trump getting his way in Nebraska, then both of them are tied, 269 to 269, and then it will be the House of Representatives who makes the decision.
And that’s an interesting analysis, because now you know why the Democrats are bribing so many rhino Republicans to retire early from Congress. They know that this election, election could come down to Congress making the decision of who’s the next president, and they want to be in charge. Now, as I understand it, it’s not going to help them, because if Congress had to decide on who’s the next president, it’s actually delegates appointed from each state.
Two delegates, if I recall. They’re sent to make the decision. And there are more red states than blue states. So bribing rhinos to leave ain’t going to get the Democrats anywhere on this. But you can clearly see that the legacy media is freaking out and they’re putting enormous pressure on Nebraska Republicans to drop this whole scenario, changing the rules of election just months before November. I mean, who on earth would even conceive of doing something even remotely like that? I mean, the legacy media is just beyond shameless at this point.
Unfortunately, gang, that pressure does seem to be working. Late last night, Nebraska Republicans, yes, your typical spineless Republicans who are always willing to betray their own voters. They voted against the change for a winner take all electoral system. Now, to be fair, it was a procedural vote that rejected the measure because it was attached to another completely unrelated bill. And in Nebraska, as I understand it, apparently the law is that you can’t attach a completely unrelated bill to another one.
So this isn’t done. But it clearly comes down to this. Are we ready to put as much pressure on Nebraska Republicans as MSNBC is doing? Are we the people going to rise up in support of this change as much as the legacy media is rising up against it? That pressure will ultimately determine who wins in this political tug of war. But in many respects, we may have already won.
That is that this massive shift that’s happening in this key swing state is indicative of what’s happening in the others. Could absolutely love this, gang. You know, I’m very passionate about the fact that we simply cannot rescue our nation if we don’t first take care of ourselves. And health starts actually with our livers. Now if you think about it, we throw everything at our livers, cholesterol, alcohol, toxins, tylenol, statins, cigarettes.
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Larry Schweiker just posted these stats. Take a look at this. This is what’s been happening since 2020. All 15 counties in Arizona, every single one, have been trending republican in terms of voter identification, registration. Yuma and Navajo counties have actually flipped to the GOP since 2020. We’re even seeing huge gains in counties dominated by Native Americans. Maricopa county, by far the largest county in Arizona, is now, get this, plus six republican, up from plus 3.
9 Republican 2020. And that’s key, because the one who wins Maricopa wins Arizona, and Arizona as a whole has doubled their republican advantage. They move from a plus 2. 7 republican advantage to now a plus 5. 8, a near plus six republican advantage. And a lot of this trending towards the Republicans, and most especially towards Trump, is because of, yes, the latino vote. Latinos are moving overwhelmingly towards the Republicans as they begin to align their voting with their conservative values.
And this is absolutely huge, because what’s happening in Arizona dovetails precisely what we’re seeing in the other key swing state of Pennsylvania, which we talked about in one of yesterday’s videos. According to an extensive survey by big data polling, Trump is now trouncing Biden by five. In Pennsylvania, head to head, Trump is leading Biden 45. 7 to 40. 3. When you add in leaners, those who have yet to decide who they’re going to vote for, but they are leaning one way or the other, Trump gains.
He leads 47% to 41. 3%. This represents a near two point gain from the last big data polling in March in Pennsylvania. So Trump is officially expanding his lead over Biden as key swing state. And if you add Pennsylvania and Arizona together, gang, that’s the election. It’s over. You could throw Georgia in as well. Biden has basically conceded Georgia at this point, gang, that’s it. And wouldn’t it be lovely to put that final electoral college vote from Nebraska as a cherry on top of all of this? Let’s rise up and make that happen.
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