Maui Now Acapulco Gaza ACLU LGBTQ Netanyahu 1983 Border Flood Maine Lockdown

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Maui Now Acapulco Gaza ACLU LGBTQ Netanyahu 1983 Border Flood Maine Lockdown


➡️ The text details a sudden category five hurricane that drastically hit Acapulco on October 24 with minimal warning and significant damage. Following the disaster, efforts led by Anarchapoco have emerged to offer aid due to a lack of outside media attention or governmental assistance, with accusations of intentional information suppression.

➡️ The text continues with a discussion about a feared killer on the run in Lewiston, Maine, causing a widespread lockdown. Concerns are raised about the safety previously associated with the town and the unsettling violence.
➡ The text contains heated discussions on controversial issues such as gun control, false flag events, and conspiracy theories surrounding tragedies such as Sandy Hook. It critically examines FEMA, restrictions on gun rights, law enforcement, questionable media portrayals, and debates the effectiveness of gun-free zones. The speaker concludes that gun control laws defy logic, even when based on popular but false beliefs, and claims that American citizens carrying guns could potentially halt or lessen the impact of violent events.
➡ The speaker expresses doubts about well-known violent incidents such as the San Bernardino attack, suggesting they may have been fabricated. He admires Ted Nugent’s stance against gun control despite these suspicions but criticizes Nugent’s lack of deeper knowledge about the incidents he references. He discusses the creation of Hamas by the Israeli government to counteract the Palestinian national liberation movement and criticizes the oppression of non-Ashkenazi Jews in Israel. The speaker expresses anger over the destruction of a hospital in Gaza by the IDF and refutes claims that Hamas was responsible. He accuses former Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of orchestrating the Hamas breakthrough, calling it a deceitful act to justify Israel’s domination in the Middle East. The speaker alleges World War III is imminent due to escalating tensions.
➡ The text discusses various historical, social and political issues such as Jewish influence, the Mafia’s true leadership, the alleged vilification of white males due to Jewish-led actions, the perceived threat of transgender rights, the promotion of non-reproductive relationships, and remarks made on The View regarding abortion and voter responsibility. The text also includes a critique of Israel’s policies and talks about the ongoing situation in Gaza.
➡ The text discusses the impacts of racism, politics, the COVID-19 pandemic, crime, surveillance, and immigration on society. It judges violent acts and discriminatory behaviors, questions the legitimacy of COVID-19 statistics, criticizes policies encouraging crime, and discusses how legal protests against traffic cameras. The author also expresses concern over surges in immigration and potential detrimental societal impacts.
➡ The speaker predicts a violent future for the USA due to existing mechanisms that facilitate societal decay, criticizes widespread vaccine mandates and expresses negative views towards the current administration. He advocates for a responsible administration to rectify the situation by clearing up the ‘mess’, implementing a massive deportation program, and rectifying what he views as a rigged election system.


All right, Dr. Fetzer, welcome to episode 54, gary King’s Inconvenient Truth, where Gary presents video clips and stories I don’t know are coming, where my spontaneous and unrehearsed response has proven to be surprisingly popular. Gary, what do you got for me today? All right, I’m this weather warfare is freaking me out. Dr. Petzer. Here we go. Hello everyone. This is an emergency broadcast. On October 24 at about 06:00 in the evening, a tropical storm that was basically nothing and that no one even knew about or talked about turned into a category five hurricane within a matter of hours.

And by one in the morning on October 25, it hit Acapulco with almost no warning. No media even mentioned it beforehand. The people, many went to sleep that night not even knowing anything was happening. And at one in the morning, about 200 miles per hour winds were going through Acapulco, destroying almost everything. And we did not know what happened at first because all power and all communications have been out since then.

I sent in our team on October 25 in the morning. It took them about 8 hours to get there. They then did checked what’s going on there. Then they had to drive out of Acapulco to Chili Penzingo and tell me what’s going on. And once we heard what is going on, we jumped into action. We have numerous people, especially at an archipoco. There’s numerous people from Anarchapoco rushing to Acapulco right now.

There is Danny Sussam who’s actually helped out in many recovery efforts. In fact, Anarchapoco has been doing charity and recovery type work in Acapulco for the last ten years with the Marsh Children’s Home with a few hundred orphans. We’ve also helped with recovery from past floods. And we have the team that are all ready to go and get into Acapulco to date. It was actually just around almost the evening on October 25 that people could get into Acapulco because all the roads were blocked from mudslides and things like that.

And when they got in and what they told me is something that no one knows. The actual Mexican media has been banned from going into Acapulco in various ways. There’s been almost no media attention going on. They appear to be trying to stop people telling about what’s happening there. I think that’s partially why the communications have been down. Partially. Of course the storm knocked most of it out.

But even people who have been trying to upload videos from Acapulco, a lot of them have been blocked on a lot of social media sites. So they’re trying to keep this quiet. And I won’t get into what this storm was, but it came out of nowhere, turned into a category five in a couple hours, did a beeline for Acapulco Bay and then it completely disappeared. There was actually no rain or anything afterwards.

I’ll get into what I think happened in a future video, but for this video I just want to get out there. What is happening and how you can help. We need a lot of help. The city is about 600,000 people. They’re cut off from everything. The storm itself was so brutal. It’s the biggest storm, I think for sure that’s ever hit Mexico. It might be one of the biggest storms in the world that I know of.

It’s definitely in the Pacific, and it wiped out almost everything, every store. There’s nothing in it. Most of them, everything’s been destroyed. What my people on the ground are telling me is that there is no food, no water, no communications, no power, and no one is helping them. When my guys went in, there’s no government people going there. They’re trying to keep the press out. So we are the only people trying to help.

A city of about 600,000 people. Many of the areas we can’t even get into. My guys have been telling me they’re going to need some machetes and chainsaws. Trees are all over the roads, and they can’t even get into a lot of areas. A lot of people are still missing. A lot of the people who work for me, I’ve lived in Acapulco for 15 years. I wasn’t there at the time.

I was lucky not to be there. But most of the people who work for us are from Acapulco. They’ve all been crying all day, and some of them are going back there right now just to search for their family, and there’s no one helping them at all. So today is October 26, and I found out this information around ten in the morning. It’s currently about two in the afternoon.

We’ve already set up a website@hurricaneoticerecovery. com. We also have already set up a GoFundMe that can be linked to at. It’ll all right. Dr. Spencer. Well, Gary, it’s a little too obvious. After Lahaina, which was a land grab, you take a fabulously valuable chunk of real estate and you destroy it in a manner that is irrecoverable for the locals. They’re doing the same in Al Capulco. This is one of the most desirable, valuable pieces of real estate in the world, and they manufactured a storm.

It would have been too obvious if they’d use their directed energy weapon again, as they have in Paradise, California, and Lahaina Hawai. So here, now, Capoco, Mexico, they manufacture a ferocious storm that then mysteriously disappears after it’s done its damage. I mean, Gary, this has just reached a point of absurdity. This is Black Rock Vanguard. They’re destroying it all. They’re going to buy it up on the cheap, pennies on the dollar.

They’re going to put in fantastically expensive condos and other real estate for the elites. This is using weather as warfare against the world’s population to benefit the rich. This is just disgraceful. Gary, this is as clear cut a case as we could possibly have of the savagery, the unscrupulous, the narcissism of these elites who are willing to wreak, any damage, any mayhem, any murder, any devastation whatsoever on the population will benefit them.

I guarantee 100% that’s what’s taking place here. All right, hurricaneotus. com, I kicked in $20 yesterday. If you can help, for God’s sakes, do so, because no one else really is. But it’s seen this coming. Never expected anything like this to happen here. Sam Brock, NBC News, Bowden, Maine. And with a killer on the run, many families spent hour after hour here on lockdown. Emily Aketa has more on a community on edge tonight amid an urgent manhunt.

Tens of thousands of people across two counties are sheltering in place, police telling people to secure their homes and vehicles. I’ve never locked my door once at night. I leave them wide open. Now I’m going to get a ring cam. Scary. Today, the streets of Maine’s second biggest city, Lewiston, eerily quiet. Gas stations, restaurants and pharmacies shuttering their doors, and dozens of schools even 3 hours away, canceling classes.

Jasmine Gray hasn’t left her dorm room at Bates College since last night. I didn’t think this was going to happen my first year of college. It’s just something that just doesn’t happen in Maine because it’s so safe. A shock echoed by Trevor Brooks, who learned one of his customers is in critical condition. It is a close knit community. I would say we’re more like three degrees of separation rather than six around here.

Governor Janet Mills, who worked in Lewiston for years, called Wednesday’s violence an assault on Maine’s peace of mind. Our small state of just 1. 3 million people has long been known as one of the safest states in the nation. The mass shooting’s death toll approaches the number of homicides the entire state typically sees throughout the year. A total of 29 homicides last year, 20 the year before. On the Facebook page for Schmeggies, where eight people died, this post, I’m at a loss for words.

In a split second, your world gets turned upside down for no good reason. How can we make any sense of this? A heart wrenching question many here are wrestling with tonight. I’m going to go home tonight and be my kids, and I’m not going to watch the news thinking, wow, that was in Florida or Texas. That was in my backyard. Emily Iketta, NBC News, Lewiston, Maine. Thanks for watching.

Stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media. Okay. Well, Lewiston, Maine now joins Sandy Hook. Connecticut Parkland, Florida. Orlando. Las Vegas, Uvalde, nashville. These are all contrived. This is phony. This is fake. They pick Maine precisely because Maine is so safe. Something like this would never happen there, and in fact, it didn’t happen there. It’s a fiction.

This is a creation. This is more of Hollywood comes to Washington, DC. Barack Obama had the inspiration to begin with Sandy Hook, though if you go back even earlier at Columbine, we have video showing him dragging a couple of mannequins out on the lawn. So I think that was kind of the pilot beta test. Sandy Hook was going whole hog. I brought together 13 experts, including six PhDs, where we established that the school had been closed by 2008.

It turns out it was actually closed in 2006. There were no students or teachers there. And then it was a FEMA drill presented as mass merge or promote gun control, where we even found the FEMA manual. I have subsequently learned through interaction with participants. One, a young woman who was cast as a girl as victim Emily Parker, another who was cast as a teacher, vicky Soto, who have confirmed that, in fact, the school actually was closed in 2006.

And it wasn’t even an elementary school, Gary. It was a special needs school. Which explains why there’s only one entrance. Now, if you had a lot of students there, and they claimed there were 489 present that day in the official report, you’d have to have buses coming in, loading, unloading. You can’t have one street, one little access where they all could get jammed up. That’s why you’d have a U shape.

You come in one side and you just go continuously one way out. But it wasn’t that way there, because it was just special needs. So parents would just drive in, drop off their kid, and take off. One of the tells here, by the way, is that it would be the only elementary school in the United States, if not the world, that does not have a playground. This is a kindergarten through fourth grade.

They told a school with no playground, give me a break. The whole thing was a sham. I’ve had confirmation from participants in the event. They love the book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, which Amazon banned even though it had sold nearly 500 copies in less than a month. And I was dragged into a completely fabricated lawsuit to eventually try to get control and kill the book, which was all done completely improperly, in violation of statutes and protocols of the state of Wisconsin.

Outrageously. I took the whole case all the way to the Supreme Court, which declined to hear it. Sad to say, my inside sources said the outcome of every one of my cases was predetermined. Gary, this is another illustration. I’m doing a special critique about Lewiston Monday two days hands on my Revolution radio show with Danny Cirrus, who’s long time in law enforcement and is really good at sorting these things out.

So stand by. And I’ll be putting that up on my BitChute channel, Jim Fetzer, and also on my Twitter at jim Fetzer. But this is, I guarantee, one more phony fake stage event, and we’ll go through it in detail on that occasion. Can you comment just briefly on the lockdown which started with the Boston Marathon? We have one person running around and they’re locking, know, huge millions of people well, it’s a gross violation of fourth amendment unreasonable search and seizure and know the right to private property.

They were doing this with no warrants. They also brought in a national guard there. This was a violation of posse combatatus, which precludes police, the military, the army from performing police functions. Gary, you’re absolutely right. They’re trying to undermine again and again. Of course, January 6 was another fabricated event. And as I have long since concluded, even the shooting of Ashley Babbitt was staged. And that was so they could call it a deadly event because it was supposed to have been a death, but it was all manufactured.

Fake. Officer came out fired, but there was no real recoil. She fell back, no blood. She wasn’t threatening him. There’s no possible way it was justified. This was one more stage event. Gary, in the FBI, there were so many informants, operatives, assets of the FBI, they can’t even tell us how many, but I guarantee it was in the hundreds. I’ve even suspected that the concert crowd in Las Vegas, which was supposed to be some 20,000, might have had 500 crisis actors brought in by crowds on Demand, a Los Angeles area company, so they could feign being scared and frightened.

But it was all bullshit. If you want to get an introduction, check out my how to spot a false flag, part one. How to spot a false flag, part two, where I go through a whole host of these events, including Las Vegas, Charlotesville, Boston Parkland, Sandy Hook, and show you how it’s done. Don’t miss them. Don’t let yourself be played. I’d like to call out a total shill who hasn’t had any hits since the 70s.

One’s about a young. It’s called cat scratch fever. It’s about sex with a young woman. The other one’s a stranglehold, and here he freaking is. And if I had any records, I’d burn them now, but I never have had any. Have their dream. Pierce Morgan’s dream exists. It’s called a gun free zone. Virginia Tech, Columbine. Sandy Hook, aurora Parkland. Every instance where the most innocent lives have been slaughtered have been in.

Nancy Pelosi maxine Waters eric Holder hillary Clinton barack Obama’s dream. Their dream is a gun free zone, but where free people are forced into unarmed helplessness, where the most innocent lives are lost. And that dream has produced more carnage and destroyed lives than anything in the world. Compared to the NRA convention, where you have the highest incidence of gun ownership or opening day of deer season in Michigan, where you have 100% gun ownership and access, where nobody gets hurt.

So if you know that your dream is a gun free zone and that’s where the most innocent lives are lost, what kind of demonic dirt bag would actually want more? Well, let me stop gunfree. Let me stop Ted Nugent. Oh, that was wonderful. That was a sensational. I’m very, very impressed. I’d like to align with him because he’s spot on. By the way, Americans use guns for defensive purposes to protect themselves from pervs millions of times every year right here in the USA, saving an estimated 200,000 lives per annum.

Now, if you know that the deaths from gun violence are around 75,000 a year, and that more than half of those are suicide, you can see you’re saving five or six times as many lives by people having guns that protect themselves as they’re actually dying from gun violence. And most of that is in Democrat controlled cities where gangs are shooting each other. It’s black on black violence. Overwhelmingly, the majority of murders are blacks killing other blacks.

Black skill whites, about 10% as often. White skill blacks, about 10% of that 10% in others whites killing blacks is actually very rare, but that’s the kind of news that gets a big play in the media. So they do biased presentation. They select the evidence. It’s called special pleading, only citing the evidence favorable to your case here. Ted Dujett does a brilliant job. He’s 100% correct on all counts, and I applaud him.

Gary great. Clip yeah. My objection is that he’s talking about Sandy Hook and all these events as being real. That’s where but Gary, go back. That’s just okay if he wants to talk about it as being real, because he’s pointing out that even if you take him as real, it’s absurd to take guns away from the American people. You want to appreciate this is more profound than you are giving him credit.

He is spot on to take what most people believe and just point out, even given what most people believe, which admittedly is false, but it’s what the Democrats want you to believe. Even if you take what most people to believe, the gun control agenda makes absolutely no sense. In other words, even on a worst case scenario, we assume all those events are real. It makes no sense. So I say that’s excellent.

That’s a great argument to make. Remember, we want to approach this from a multiplicity of points of view, consider different sets of premises. And in this case, in my opinion, he’s making an impeccable argument based upon widely held but false popular beliefs. Even on that basis, Gary, gun control makes no sense. So this is good. This is good. Don’t call him for that, okay? Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.

Gary I understand. Second technology. Clip and that’ll be my argument. I’ve never been unarmed. I find it. How do you travel around? I improvise, adapt, and overcome. Luckily, I helped pass House Resolution 218, which means all sworn law enforcement officer are allowed to carry a gun nationwide. I’ve been a sheriff deputy since 1984, and my credentials allow me to carry a gun everywhere I go. And I carry a gun everywhere I go.

In fact, even in England, american law enforcement are allowed to carry guns, and I carry a gun over there. It’s just a tool if somebody comes at me. You carry a gun in England? Yeah. If some dirtbag comes at me with a spike in the board, I’ll just shoot. I studied San Bernardino. I studied Aurora. I studied Virginia tech. I studied columbine. I studied Sandy Hook. I studied them all.

Do you know, Joe and everybody better write this down, because I’m the only guy that will tell you this. I’ve studied the cadence, the bullet manufacturers, the rate of fire, the movement of the perp and the movement of the victims. In every instance, including in Connecticut, including Aurora, including San Bernardino, right here, there were American citizens who would have had a gun on their person if they were allowed to.

And they could have been a meaningful force to at least reduce, if not terminate, the violent, murderous threat. But by law, we have been so dumbed down and so forced against our natural survival instinct to have a tool on our belt. Okay, Dr. Petson. Well, look, even San Bernardino is totally fabricated and fake. I can’t believe I mean, if he’s really studying them, he ought to understand better that these were scripted events.

In San Bernardino, for example, you got the woman. The female PERB is supposed to be in the car. That sort of rules out, and it’s subjected to a lot of fire. But if you look more closely, the bullet holes in the car are little stickers or fake bullet holes. And when she falls out on the right side, she’s manacled, and it’s a mean you know, something’s going on here where Ted Nugent really needs to understand these matters better.

I’m going to reach out to him, Gary, if I can succeed in making contact, because the guy has a wonderful presence. He looks terrific. He’s very articulate. I love his delivery. I think he’s a mighty force for good. And the fact is that it’s qualified because he understand how virtually all of the cases he cites are fabricated or fake. But still, I think he’s doing a lot of good because he’s demonstrating even on the basis of the false belief that they were real.

Gun control makes no sense, does not add up. So I’m going to compliment him for the good he’s doing and applaud it, but also attempt to reach out to him so that he is better informed about the very cases he claims to have studied, because he’s barely scratched the surface, that’s for sure. I like people to really know what they’re talking about. Okay, here we go. Hamas was created by Israel.

Here is the former Israeli ambassador to Germany openly said in 2015 it was the Israeli government that created Hamas to counteract the growing popularity of the Palestinian national liberation movement. This is classic intelligence techniques where you create your opposition that you can control, typically make them crazy radical. Here is Mossad Chief himself. This is just this year, the mossad chief Yossi Cohen visiting Qatar to tell them to continue funding Hamas.

Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. It’s racist. Still, to this day, the non Ashkenazi Jews are treated as badly as the Palestinians. There are many, many Jews who are anti Zionists. We want the world to know the Zionist movement is not a Jewish movement. It is the cause of the oppression of not only the Muslims and the Christians in Palestine, but of the Jews. Hundreds of thousands of Jews stand in Palestine, have lived there prior to this faith, continue to live till today and demonstrate daily and get brutally beaten and arrested.

Truthfreedomhealth. com Shivaforpresident. com. Okay, that’s a wonderful, wonderful clip. So many important points are being made there by Dr. Shiva. I’m very, very impressed. He’s got it exactly right and saying know Zionism is actually a perversion of Judaism is not Judaism, and many Jews are non Zionists. Those are such profoundly important points to make. Gary, I congratulate him. This is a great clip. I’m so glad you included it here today.

He’s making more sense than any other candidate that I know. All right, all right, we have some huge breaking news. The IDF, the infant destroying force from Israel, has just decimated a hospital full of injured and dying kids. They’ve just engaged in a hospital holocaust, blowing it to kingdom come. Bodies are strewn about all over the courtyard. They’re still counting the dead people’s. Bodies are torn to shreds.

Body parts are everywhere. Okay, Dr. Spencer? Oh, yeah. And you had an Israeli shell guy had already identified himself as a spokesman for the idea who was reporting right off the bat that Israeli air force had hit this Baptist hospital in Gaza, claiming they regretted they had to do it because the mosque was using the hospital as a cover for rocket attacks. It was all bullshit. But the fact is they were called out on it and they have desperately tried to wipe the slate clean and pretend it was in a Moss rocket.

There’s a wonderful piece by Chris Hedges on my blog@jameshfetzer. org about the history of Israeli deceit, about how they’ll lie about this, they’ll lie about that, they’ll lie about everything, and of course they’re lying. Once again, they were, as it were, caught with their pants down on this hospital thing and it began, the world turning against them. But you cannot believe the massive propaganda blitz as a nice illustration of the extent to which the Israelis control our media claiming that it was Hamas or Islamic Jihad that had done it.

But as Chris edges explains, he was covering the middle east for the New York times for 20 years as a middle east bureau chief. He’s been seven years he spent in Israel. He studied all the explosives, the weapon capacity of both sides. And the Palestinians have nothing that could have brought about this kind of effect. Their rockets are slow. They’re teetering. They have virtually no impact. Part of the COVID story was they found part of the rocket in a parking lot.

Yeah, but it didn’t do any damage. Whereas Hamas, whereas Israel, the IDF has these J Dam rockets are much louder and carry a massive explosion, which is what happened here. And we even have video where you can do an audio. You can tell the difference between the Palestinian rocket, very soft, and the Israeli, very loud, and the relative impact. This is an article I recommend to one and all.

You will not think of the Middle East the same after you read this brilliant expose by Chris Hedges on my blog. Okay. All right, on to the next one. Let me try to give an instance of what terrorism is not. In 1944, the British Royal Air Force sets out on a bombing mission. The target is the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen. Perfect target. The planes loose, the bombs drop the bombs, and they miss.

Instead of the Gestapo headquarters, they hit a children’s hospital, and scores of children are horribly killed. This is an accidental, tragic outcome of war. This can happen, but it is not terrorism. Well, that’s a young BB. I mean, I guarantee you he orchestrated the whole Hamas breakthrough was clearly a fabricated stage event breaking through 15 different points. We got an IDF guy who says this is absurd, that if a bird craps on the fence, they have a massive response in force that Bibi arranged to get the IDF forces out of there.

He disarmed some of them. He declared there would be no response for 7 hours. So it could take a chunk of territory that Russian analysts observed was more territory in a single day than the Ukrainian army had been able to achieve in four months of his ill fated counter offensive. And this guy, this was in his youth, in his prime. He’s a handsome, articulate, persuasive guy. He used to be a used car salesman.

He scared it to the Zenith. This guy is the greatest used car salesman. We might paraphrase that as bullshit artist the world has ever known. And bear in mind, he and Ywood UMRT, who is another Prime Minister of Israel, were the brain trust behind the 911 attacks of 2001, which were calculated to create an incentive for the USSN military force to the Middle East to take out the modern Arab states that served as a counterbalance Israel’s domination of the entire region.

This is waging war by deception. That’s a motto of the Mossad. And what he’s done here, again, is to create a phony fabricated event by allowing it to happen in Israel to justify this massive onslaught. So this is a parallel to getting the US forces, or NATO, into slaughtering Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan. And they were going into Syria. They wanted to eventually confront the Persian nation of Iran.

Iran, by the way, has declared that if there’s a ground attack in Gaza, iran cannot stand passively by. And I understand they have opened all of their missile silos, and they have a tremendous number of missiles that are highly accurate. Even though they’re non nuclear, they can do devastating damage. And I predict I mean, we got World War Three here. It’s about to escalate. Out of control. Gary.

But if you want another single person responsible, you saw him there, Bibi Netanyahu, who’s out to massacre every Palestinian and wipe the slate clean. And by the way, this is out of frustration for losing the war in Ukraine. Remember, these Ashkenazi Jews are actually from that region. They’re Khazarians. Ukraine is in the region of modern day, and they want to return to have a new Israel there. Well, it ain’t going to happen.

So what they’re going to do is ethnic cleaning to make sure Palestine is theirs. Hook, line and sinker. They’re slaughtering Gaza. Today, tomorrow, the west bank. Remember, as I’ve observed before, the ultimate solution to the Palestinian problem for them is to load all Palestinians aboard a ship loaded out to sea and sink it. They’re doing the equivalent right now in Gaza today. All right, I got a friend, Jared, send me this clip.

And this is the last one of this type. The white man always vilified for this. When it was the Jewish ships and the Arabs that were actually the biggest part of the slave trade, you have to look at who is dominant in history as far as academia, literature, the publishing houses. Most of them are Jewish ran. It’s just like with the Mafia. Most people think Italian when it comes to the Mafia, but it’s really Jewish.

Jews were behind the books. Meyer Lansky was the banker of the Mafia. He handled the books. So it’s like with everything else, the Jews will be behind the scenes. They’ll put the blame on whites, they’ll put the blame on Italians or the blame on others. That’s how they stay hidden to do their thing. Okay. Wow. What a smart guy. I love him. That was very impressive. He’s got it exactly right.

Spot on, Gary. Very nicely done. I must commend your selection eclipse today, Gary. They have been fabulous, highly relevant and very timely. All right. Yes. That’s a friend of mine who’s been watching your shows for a long time. He sent it to me and I said I would play it, and it was a good one. Every time that you allow one of these bills to hit the floor for a hearing, you are literally eating the soul of the most vulnerable of our youth, our transgender kids.

Hold on 1 second. Hold on. Let me stop just 1 second. I’ll get it back. Okay? We’re going to start again. Every time that you allow one of these bills hold on. Sorry for the snafu. I’m going to get it right back. Give me a second. Okay, hit screen share. Okay, here we go. One more. Time, every time that you allow one of these bills to hit the floor for a hearing, you are literally beating the souls of the most vulnerable of our youth, our transgender kids.

Not just about saving lives, but it’s about emboldening and freeing them. 98% of trans people who start gender affirming care as teens continue care as adults. It saves the lives of transgender kids. This is a gross overreach of authority. This type of legislation violates the equal protection and the due process rights of adolescents, their parents and their doctors. I sincerely hope I can continue making those decisions for my son and not have them taken away by government intrusion upon my rights as a parent right ACLU in action.

Well, Gary, the whole transgender thing is a subversive movement. It’s intended to corrupt the moral standards of our nation. In fact, I think all the promotion of gay and lesbian relationships which are non reproductive has multiple goals. But it appears to me very undesirable that all this should be taking place. The Democrats are behind it wholeheartedly, and in my opinion, it strikes at the very core of the meaning of their party, which appears to have gone full blown communist Marxist.

If you look at the Rules for Radicals of Saul Alinsky, this is a kind of movement that he advocates creating chaos. Their objective is order out of chaos is reduce the United States to a shambles and then rebuild it as an egalitarian communist style state where everyone is equal. You’re not really going to be allowed to have private property or achievements or merit and accomplishment matter not. They have a misinterpretation of the concept of all men being created equal, which doesn’t mean we’re equal in our physical or mental characteristics.

That’s so obviously not the case, which could hardly be more apparent than the differences between black and white races, where whites are more accomplished intellectually, blacks more accomplished athletically, where Asians are even superior to whites intellectually. And ironically, Jews hit the highest average IQ of any well defined genetically cohesive group. But we have to acknowledge all these differences. If the Jews were only working to benefit everyone, we’d be far better off.

But they’ve adopted an in group strategy, well documented by Kevin McDonald that promotes themselves. They discourage intermarrying. They only want Jews to marry Jews. And the most virulent species, subspecies or subgroup within the Jewish community are those Zionists who believe in Jewish superiority, that they are superior to all the other races which exist only to serve the Jews, and that the world owes them everything. This is of the like of Bibi Netanyahu and ehud ulmart ariel sharon Menachem Bagan gola Meir.

They all believe in Jewish superiority and that Jews are entitled to do anything because they’re God’s chosen people. And what’s going on in Israel today is a manifestation where the head of the Israeli defense declared that there are no rules and there will be no retribution. There’ll be no military tribunals, no matter what the troops do in Gaza. In other words, they’re free to commit mass murder, gang rape, looting, stealing.

I mean, it’s just grotesque. They claim international law does not apply to them. So although collective punishment, which are imposing by punishing all the mayors of Gaza for the actions of a few the Hamas is illegal under international law. Under the Hague Convention, you cannot destroy private property. Under the Geneva, no individual may be punished for a crime he did not personally commit. All bets are off because they say, that’s just man’s law.

They’re firing a higher law, God’s law, and they’re going to engage in wanton destruction. I can only tell you, from what I’ve seen so far, the boss is defending itself valiantly against the intrusion, but they’re undertaking massive bombing. They’re going to reduce Gaza City to rubble like Dresden or Cologne during World War II, which were war crimes committed by the allies. Well, the Jews are going to outdo them by a considerable margin in Gaza, sad to say.

All right, I forgot why I even say this clip, but we’ll find out quickly. Oh, boy. I’m going to try to get to this video without losing my mind. Okay. Some of the worst moments from The View. All right, let’s get to it. We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have. We know what that feels like.

We know what that’s done for our lives. We’re not going back. I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back. Marching and protesting. What else do you suggest? Well, it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not a miraculous what did you say? Murder. Wait a second. Yeah, they laugh, right? They laugh. Somebody might pick up on that and end up carrying it out. Could you imagine if this was said either on Fox News or any other conservative channel or any other Christian groups, to say the least? Could you imagine what the backlash would be coming from these liberals? Oh, you don’t know.

They’ll pick up on that. It’s not a miraculous what did you say? Murder. She’s kidding. Wait a second. Don’t say that. So Patty is advocating for the murder of those who oppose the supposed abortion, but the thing is to disagree with her she’s suggesting, even though it sounds like a joke, is to kill people. But you got to understand, there are people with mental health issues, people who are demonically possessed in our culture who will hear something like that and go and carry it out.

That’s not funny. But again, she has the right to speak her view, but I find it to be very strange that this is left unaddressed and then it’s left at, oh, you don’t know. They’ll pick up on that and yeah, she’s just kidding. Well, let me talk to you about one thing. I just want to say is I do think this was an unforced error by President Biden.

It was 20 days before we had Secretary Buttigieg go down. Ten days before he put out a statement acknowledging it. This is Trump’s country. He won by 40 points. He is a president for all Americans. I believe that, but he needs to show that he is. It was time for him to he placed someone with deep ties to the chemical industry in charge of the EPA’s Chemical Safety Office.

That’s who you voted for in that district, donald Trump, who reduces all safe. Even the audience is shocked at her comment because they realize the nature of the rhetoric and how ridiculous of a thing it was. She is implying what happened to East Palestine with the spill and the train wreck and everything that mess. Okay? She’s saying, you guys voted for this. You voted for a politician who put things in place and regulation that did not benefit you.

Therefore, it’s your fault that your community has been in a bad condition. This had happened to your state. That had happened to your people. In essence, she’s saying, you guys deserve it. You understand the cruelty of her message. Only George Behar, with her redhead lack of common sense, will make a statement like that and yet get away with it. That’s who you voted for in that district, donald Trump, who reduces all safety.

He did so at the Miss Universe pageant on Sunday. The winner sosi beanie Tunzi, I say, that right. I don’t know. That’s her name. Miss South Africa. She said, I grew up in a world where a woman who looks like me with my kind of skin and my kind of hair was never considered beautiful. So do her words resonate with you at all those comments? Those racist comments do not help.

Wow. Do her words resonate with you at all those comments? Those racist comments do not help. And if you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet? Donald Trump. Okay, Dr. Fetcher. That was loaded. Well, what a mixed bag. In the past, there have been times when I’ve been very enthusiastic about Jane Fonda. Go back to her cat Baloo. Just a sensational film.

Loved it. My daughter and I watched Cat Blue, I think seven times in the same day because it was her favorite film. And then Lily Tomlin, of course, sensational comedian. I just love her, too. But there stance here. The very idea of killing abortion doctors is so reprehensible and wrong that Jean Fondas have clearly discredited herself in all the attacks on Donald Trump, who’s doing more to make America great again than any other figure in recent American political history, verges on obscenity.

Obscenity. Gary, this is just outrageous. The view, in my opinion, has long since outlived its significance. Except if you want to see a nice portrayal, virtually a parody of liberal progressive views in America to date. Check it out. You will be floored flabbergasted. Joy Beher, whoopi Goldberg may have lost their minds, literally and figuratively. All right, a little levity or not really levity? Did it do the what was here it is COVID.

Slow walkers more likely to die. Study finds people who walk slowly may be almost four times more likely to die from the virus and be potentially more than twice at risk of contracting severe COVID-19, researchers say. Fucking retarded. That’s awful. Taller people face higher risk of catching COVID-19, survey says. Come on. Yes, indeed. Let’s get down low and go. Go. That’s all, folks. Okay, now confessor. Well, it just reflects that you can have a statistical correlation that has no causal significance whatsoever.

Slow walkers, taller people just ridiculous. You can’t have a causal connection unless there’s a statistical correlation. But even a statistical correlation and there are all kinds doesn’t mean that there’s a causal connection. In my research on the nature of scientific explanation, for example, I’ve made the point that you cannot determine which factors are explanatory just based on causal statistical correlation. Because it might be, for example, that women whose first name begins with a vowel go into premature labor more frequently than those who do not have a first name that begins with a vowel.

But that hardly means that it’s causally significant. What you have to do to have an adequate explanation is isolate all and only the causally relevant factors with COVID of course, it’s everything in the Vax. In the shot, people dying from COVID was relatively rare. A study from Johns Hopkins showed there was no significant increase in the rate of death in any category divided by age. But after the Vax, the death rate became astronomical.

By my best calculation, over a billion worldwide have died not from COVID but from the Vax. So, Gary, we are being played on the right and the left. It’s outrageous, but that’s the way things are today. All right. Okay. This is why you shoot them. Dr. Fetzer says he’s in incredible pain. Brian and Andrea and this store clerk says that he’s used to dealing with shoplifters on a weekly basis, but nothing like this has ever happened.

He also said that the shoplifter didn’t say a word during their entire confrontation. Surveillance video captured the moment a man, the store clerk said shoplifted three times that day poured lighter fluid on him and set him on fire. The attack left Siraj with second and third degree burns on his face, neck, chest, and shoulder. He’s been hospitalized since last Friday. It’s terrible. I’m still in a trauma right now.

The pain, it’s like seven, eight out of ten, and when we clean the wound, it’s over ten. Siraj, who declined to share his last name, said he’s worked as a clerk at Appian Food and Liquor in El Cebrante for about five years. On this day, he said his coworker alerted him to the repeat shoplifter who stole lighter fluid. Each time Siraj tried to stop him while his coworker grabbed a bat, he just splashed those lighter fluid on my face, and I was so scared at that moment, and I don’t know what to do and just come to stop him, and I don’t remember he just lit the fire on me.

The Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office said deputies arrested the suspect, 38 year old Kendall Burton, a homeless person in El Cebrante. He’s facing charges, including assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson, and robbery. He’s being held without bail. I would like to say, like, nobody has to go through this kind of situation. The small store should have more like a security or something like that. Siraj said he needs several surgeries and faces a long road to recovery.

His family started an online fundraiser to help with medical bills. And how is your family holding up singing like this all the time. They cry when they come here. Okay, Dr. Pets. You got to understand, Gary, this is a direct consequence of policies deliberately adopted by the Democrat Party to encourage shoplifting making. It not a punishable crime to do revolving door justice to get away with cash bail so you can put perps back on the street to greet more mayhem.

I guarantee you, this is another aspect of that order out of chaos policy they’ve adopted. They’ve gone full fledged cultural Marxist, communist, you call it. It fits a Democrat Party today, sad to say. Right on to the next thing. We got a problem. Wow. Guys, I’ve got some good news to show you today, and that is people blocking you, les vans, and the Old Bill not being able to do jackshare about it.

Take a look. You have the company, and we’re very nice. We keep you company, don’t we? As I say, if anything changes, then come back at a minute. As long as that gets out. Yeah, just real quickly, this is about blocking the speeding cameras that you get tickets for, all right? Now, I do want to mark up that peaceful protest is allowed in this country, isn’t it, ladies? Yes, thank you.

And obviously, they can move the van, can’t they? So it’s not like so, but hey, thank you. Thank you. Yeah. So there you go. Peaceful protest. Guys, feel free to block any ULEZ camera vans that you like. We’re completely within our rights. We’re completely legal, just to let you all know. Now, that’s as good as it gets, because it pisses all over Sadiq Khan and his anti car C 40 C’s crap while also forcing the Old Bill to admit on camera that people can literally block these stupid vans.

Obviously, though, not everyone’s got access to a little truck like that, but I’m sure other people can get creative if they see one. Personally, I’ve not seen any myself in my neck of the woods, but I’ve seen people doing shit like this for a few days now with this video giving us what we need. That is, like I said, the Old Bill admitting it’s not illegal to block these cameras, so everyone knows what to do and shit.

Given the Wet wipe was standing there with a mask on his face, maybe more people should actually do it here. I have a meme for him to finish it up. All right. New Orleans is littered with cameras to give you tickets and stuff. Well, Gary, this is an analogous to being on an know and you see drivers on the other side flashing their lights to indicate there’s a speed trap ahead.

I, as a guy with a heavy foot, have always appreciated the gesture, but if it’s not illegal to warn, then I guess the cops can’t legally issue tickets or citations. A lot of people don’t like what’s going on here with a massive surveillance society, and they’re exercising their right to protest. And as long as it’s legal, it’s okay by me. I agree with that one. Okay. People in pajamas crossing our borders hey.

Only like. Thank you. All right. Dr. Pester. Well, Gary, yesterday I was given projection. By 2050, the population United States is going to be a billion. Well, think about it. Right now, the population at 330,000,000, where, because of the effects of the vax reproduction, is dropping. We’re not actually keeping up at replacement. So even if we didn’t have an influx of these millions upon millions of migrants, the population United States would be dropping, I would say, by 2000 and 3300 million.

And after that, probably lower. To get to a billion by 2050, you have to bring in 600 million plus migrants, more than twice the number of present residents of the entire United States, and none of them have any origin in America. These are all coming from abroad. This is turning America into a polygon nation. We’re going to be living in grass huts. The standard of living is going to plummet.

We’re going to find all kinds of violence, gang warfare. We’re going to be reduced to a tribal form of life here in the USA. And I’m sorry to say, but all the mechanisms that are going to bring that about are in place and operating highly successfully today. All right, two short clips and we’ll be done for it. 54. These are soldiers that said no. Did you get the vaccine? And we got the fuck hey.

Did you get the vaccine? Yes. Did you get the vaccine? Did you get the vaccine? Did you get the vaccine? No. Did you get the vaccine? No. Did y’all get the vaccine? Did y’all get the vaccine? No. Hey. Did you get the vaccine? No. Did you get the vaccine? Did you get the vaccine? Fuck no. Did you get the vaccine? Okay, well, the right answer is fuck no.

I mean, you don’t want to take the goddamn vaccine. It’s going to kill you. It’s going to do serious damage. It may very well bring about your death, for God’s sake. And the idea that it’s being mandated by the military. What an insane policy. Why even have a military? Just stop it. Stop recruiting, disband it. Send everyone home. Why the hell does America need a military? It’s not doing us any good.

They’re letting an invasion take place in our southern border by millions, and no one’s doing a damn thing about it. Most certainly not the Biden administration, which is promoting it. I mean, OD, nausea. Gary. I’m on the verge of vomiting. What’s going on here? By this despicable administration, in destroying a nation I have served and loved, damage to the core. We, frankly, are never going to be the same again unless we can get a responsible administration back in office that’ll clean up this mess and undertake a massive deportation program, which Donald Trump has promised to do.

But we got to fix the rigged election system that Barack Obama put into place before he left by declaring our electoral system to be critical infrastructure and under the Department of Homeland Security by the America first network that allows the government to monitor the voting and to change the numbers down to the precinct level. That’s the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Gary. A black blot on the history of America, literally and figuratively.

All right, Dr. Pesser, we’re out of sand, and it’s been a great show once again. So this is it 54. Appreciate you being on, Dr. Pesser. Thanks, Gary. My pleasure. All right, we’ll see you next time. It 54. .


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