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Mask Case Settles For Over $9k, Shocking Vax Tech & ARISE USA! April 17, 2021 Update
Great day Patriot,
Thank you to everyone who signed up and applied to be a State moderator inside My Patriots Network here yesterday!
Our team is going through all the applications.
If you missed yesterday’s email, we’re asking for members of MPN to help us moderate the state groups inside MPN. So if you’d like to be part of the mission, click here and let us know!
“I can’t give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.”
First Mask Discrinimation Case Settled For Over $9,000
THIS IS SHOCKING! Professor Teaches West Point Soldiers About Technology For Human Mind & DNA Control
More and more pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
Patriots are uniting and becoming mobilized and organized.
And like I’ve said before, this is just the beginning!
God Bless
P.S. Be sure to follow our Telegram channel here!
Todays Tip
Tip of the day: Think about and write out ways to improve life in your city, town or county. Very often, we want to focus on the whole country or world and find ways to create solutions and make the world a better place.
Very often, it’s much easier and actually more effective if we focus on our own local area. And even before you go to help your city, consider getting your house in order. Plan and prepare.
And also get your mental house in order. Your thoughts are vital because they will guide your actions and they are the genesis of your beliefs. So make sure your mind is strong and focused and then you can work outwards from there with your home, neighbors, friends, community etc.