Maryland: 12-Year-Old Hangs 2-Year-Old Brother – Never Seen By Sheriff In 40 Years

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Maryland: 12-Year-Old Hangs 2-Year-Old Brother – Never Seen By Sheriff In 40 Years


➡ The State of Maryland facility detains serious juvenile offenders, yet some are quickly released despite serious crimes. This situation is exacerbated by the abolition of the bail system in Maryland, leading to extreme repeat offences, as evidenced by low detention rates at the Wai Comico County Detention Center.


Again. You were telling me about the facility here. You had this start facility and right across here is a State of Maryland facility, department of Juvenile Services, where we hold some of the worst offenders, juvenile offenders in there. Right now, we have detained a twelve year old boy a twelve year old boy who’s charged with the murder of his two year old brother. He wrapped a cord around his neck and hung him from a bedpost here in Waikamaco County several weeks ago.

And I got to be honest with you, quite frankly, a surprise. They detained him. Some of our worst crimes are still releasing these kids every day. We can catch two or three kids a day in motor vehicles that are valued at $100,000 each. And they’ve stolen these motor vehicles. And we will apprehend them following a pursuit. And we’re forced to do nothing more than give them a ride home after they’ve stolen a $100,000 vehicle and committed a felony.

It’s something like we’ve never seen, certainly not in my 40 years of law enforcement. So this is a juvenile detention facility over here. Right behind us. Back here is the Wai Comico County Detention Center. It’s a 635 bed facility. At one time, you can rest assured we were doing everything in our power to keep from putting people in there because we were maxed out. Right now, we have less than 200 inmates in that facility because we have a no bail system here in the state of Maryland.

Now they’re incarcerating hundred and one. We have fewer inmates in that detention center today than we’ve ever had because of what they’ve been doing time and time again to abolish the bail system. Everyone goes home. Rarely is anyone held anymore. Consequently, we have repeat offenders every day that we’re arresting. My deputies aren’t even getting the paperwork done before they’re seen walking right past this building, right back out onto the roadway.



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abolition of bail system in Maryland impact of bail system abolition on juvenile crime juvenile crime rates in Wai Comico County low detention rates in Maryland Maryland juvenile detention center Maryland's juvenile quick release of juvenile offenders repeat offences in Maryland serious crimes by juveniles in Maryland serious juvenile offenders in Maryland Wai Comico County Detention Center

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