Posted in: News, Patriots, Trends Journal



➡ Gerald Celente discussed various topics in his broadcast on August 15, 2024. He mentioned that Bitcoin’s value decreased by 3.6%, but he remains optimistic about it. Brent Crude’s value increased due to easing recession fears, and gold’s value also increased. He criticized mainstream media for focusing on irrelevant news and expressed his frustration with the state of global politics and economy. He also mentioned that stocks rallied as investors regained confidence in the economy. Lastly, he predicted that Kamala Harris would win the upcoming presidential election, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
➡ The article discusses the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Palestine, with a focus on the high civilian casualties and destruction in Gaza. It also mentions the U.S.’s role in supplying arms to Israel and the potential for further escalation of the conflict. The article touches on other global issues such as abortion rights in the U.S., the war in Ukraine, and the worsening famine in Sudan. Lastly, it highlights concerns about the negative impacts of smartphones on mental health, particularly among teenagers.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Solenti, and it’s Thursday, August 15, 2024. And here are some of today’s trends in the news. And remember, the trend is your friend, and we are giving you what nobody else anywhere in the world does. History before it happens. Trends journal. So let’s take a look at the markets. Bitcoin. I went down about 3.6%, still at $56,600. So we’re still bullish on Bitcoin. What else we got here? Brent Crude. Brent Crude went up because of recession fears ease. How about that for? Bullshit detected. Take precautions. Yeah, everything is fine.

Everything is fine. And gold, $2,455. That’s up $7. Still off its high, but still high up there. Again, it’s over $400 an ounce up, since we call this a golden year for gold. So that’s why you subscribe to the Trends Journal to get history before it happens, or else you could go to the Cartoon News Network and look at the shit that they put up as the major story today, right in the front page over there. You see it there? Yeah, that guy, it’s five individuals have been charged in connection with the 2023 death of actor, Mike Matthew Perry.

What the fuck? What? That’s news? The fucking guy died a year ago. And who the fuck is this guy? Salenty, calm down. Swallow the shit. Hey, how about all the Palestinians that are being slaughtered? How about showing the mass destruction of Gaza? Fuck off. Oh, the guy, we got the guys that we did kill them. Yeah. Oh, that’s important. You got to know all about that. And you read this thing. I mean, it’s just like, what the fuck do I want to know this shit? The charges announced Thursday morning at a press conference in Los Angeles come after investigators say they uncovered the underground network of drug sellers.

Oh, you mean, do you mean the drug dealers? Was it Pfizer? Oh, no, no, they’re legal. They can fuck you up anywhere you want. But don’t get high on that other stuff. Don’t get high on that other stuff. Look at the little scum bed motherfuckers and fatherfuckers to make it really nice. Remember when it was illegal to smoke pot? Oh, but we changed our mind. We made up that bullshit before, but we changed our mind so we could get tax dollars from you. Oh, remember the scumbags that before our time gave us prohibition? Well, that was in the 1920s.

Yeah. Can’t drink. Can’t drink. Making up fucking shit. Okay. We’ll do away with prohibition and we’ll put fucking taxes on that liquor man. So all us scumbag politicians, all us little testes de gazos, we could live for free. We’ll get your money. We have pieces of scum that tell you what to do. And you give us your tax dollars so we could do nothing other than fuck over you whenever we want. So on to the markets. Stocks rallied on Thursday as investors regained confidence in the economy, investors, fucking gamblers. The Dow was up 550 points, S&P up 1.61%.

Retail sales increase in NASDAQ was up 2.34%. Everything’s nice and rosy now. Everything’s just perfect. Retail sales increased 1% in July, far surpassing an estimate in Dow Jones of a 3.0. What are we fucking talking about? And again, inflation’s bringing this stuff up. Things are costing more. That’s why your numbers are going up. As the plantation workers of slave land here are earning a lot less. Yep. So Walmart added to the momentum near Walmart, the fucking crime syndicate. They did away with all this. I remember when Walmart was just beginning to happen, it was a guy up in New Hampshire trying to stop this and it didn’t work.

And again, they own everything now. Again, when I always say this, when I was a young man, there were hardware stores, stationery stores, drug stores, grocery stores, they’re all gone. And I worked in a candy store. I was a soda jerk. All the kids after high school used to come down there. I met a beautiful girlfriend there. Couldn’t wait to get that job. Had to be 16 years old to get it. Yep. Anyway, so that’s it. So you look at that, then you go, oh, China’s steel maker warns over severe and prolonged industry crisis.

The warning by state on Baoa, I hope you pronounce it, suggests the latest crisis will be even more severe. The sector has been ravaged by weak real estate demand and industrial production. These have created a glut of steel that has driven down prices, leading to losses at mills. Yeah. I mean, it’s down because the economy’s going down. Sentiment dips in Europe and Germany adds to case for ECB cut. The ZEW indicator of economic sentiment for the the biggest drop since the early months of the pandemic in April, 2020. That’s when everything was crashing.

And that’s the sentiment now on the markets went up. You know why the markets went up? Because it’s total fucking but again, this is not reported in, this isn’t reported in the American media, by the way, nothing, nothing, nothing, the wall shit journal. I hardly get that worthy article out of there that’s trend significant. And I got to read it at like the toilet paper record to see what they’re saying. But hardly here again, these are all printed out from online. And again, I underline all the salient points and they go to our great writers, hardly anything from the newspapers.

Optimism over Germans recovery quote had completely evaporated, said Deutsche Bank’s chief German economist, Robert Winkler. So you can see where it’s going. And on the other hand, they say they’re going to hold off cutting interest rates. And this shows you the scumbags that are in charge. ECB rate cut question as German wage deals soar. Negotiated wages in Germany are expected to shoot up by 5.6% this year, based on deals agreed between January and June, according to data published by WSI, a trade union think tank. So the plantation workers of slave landia, they make them more money as everything’s going down the crapper.

Keep the interest rates high. So the plantation workers don’t get a raise in wages. And again, Mars clinches $36 billion deal for Pringles. Yep. The bigs keep getting bigger and bigger. And it’s one of your articles in your trends journal. Every week, bigs getting bigger. We put the facts there. Carlyle group to buy Baxter kidney unit for $3.8 billion. Yep. Carlyle group, whether these hedge funds, private equity groups, venture capitalists, again, three companies own 88%, 88% of the S&P 500, Blackstone, State Street, and Vanguard. The crime syndicate, and they’re running the country as one of the covers our trends journal.

You got no money. You can’t run for anything. You know, it’s just went a couple of weeks ago. Here it is. Free elections, got no money, got no chance. America is run by the robber barons. Here they are. So as you all know, and how all the people that love Trump so don’t even love him so much. And we hate when you say so anti because we love them, you know, fuck off and grow the fuck up. I can’t stand either of them just to make it clear. And your trends journals show it.

By the way, that’s this week’s presidential reality show. Yep. Look, I mean, it’s a reality show. Wait till you see next week’s trends journal cover. So we said Harris is going to win and we said why because abortion is going to be one of the major issues. Harris is playing it up. Trump is playing it down in terms of their spirit. Trump is angry, calling her names. And Camilla Hilarious is my buddy, Mark Ferraro, great hairstylist of the stars has come up with Camilla Hilarious. And it’s a reality show. And now the first Emerson College polling national survey following President Biden’s decision not to seek reelection finds Vice President Camilla Harris leading Donald Trump 50% to 46% with 5% of likely voters undecided.

With undecided voters support allocated, Harris continues to lead by 452 to 48. Again, minus a wild card, like the markets crashing, economy, something wild. We forecast she’s going to win. And again, not voting for either of them can’t stand either of them. So take it easy. And all you want to say Trump is going to win fine. Okay. Believe what you want to believe. Don’t believe me. I’m a trend forecaster. And I’ll put my track record up against anybody in the world. Do I get it right all the time? No, I’m a human being, but I’ll put my track record up against anybody anywhere.

It’s just in Sweden. This is a major story. Sweden confirms a case of monkey pox and pox, the first reported infection of the strain outside of Africa. That’s another headline story in the cartoon news network and the other ones. One case of monkey pox at a 10.4 million people. What the fuck you telling me to shit for one fucking person. Hey, how about all the slaughter going on in Gaza? Oh, shut the fuck up. Salenty. You anti-Semite. What else we got here? Now talking about us as Israel is at the end.

Of the line with war in Gaza, Israel has achieved all that it can militarily achieve in Gaza. This is an article in the toilet paper record front page. According to senior American senior American officials, including risks to civilians while the possibility of further weakening Hamas has diminished. Yep. Then Israel forces can now move freely throughout Gaza. The officials said, yep, can we move anywhere they want? And again, now they’re talking about peace again. Where did it take you fucking nine months to talk about peace and even bullshitting about a peace agreement and all the facts are there and Netanyahu has been against it.

Those are the facts. Hamas agreed to Biden’s terms. Those are the facts. We only put the facts out that come from our heads times of Israel Jerusalem post. And now they’re talking P now we all we need peace. How the fuck? All right. Why were you talking about peace nine months ago? Oh, it was only 40,000 plus buried another 10,000 and under the rubble, the place destroyed. They take years and years. They’re talking about decades, over a decade, like 14 years to restore what’s been blown to blown to pieces. And now you’re just talking about peace.

You know why they’re just talking about peace now? Because they’re pieces of shit. Israel’s support grows to attack Hezbollah. Perfect. Wall should journal. Isn’t that great? Yep. Israel troops are amassed at the border. Israel is psychologically prepared for a war. And the US has moved assets into the region. Yep. Another $20 billion, $20 billion to supply armaments to keep slaughtering the Palestinians, giving it to the genocidal murders, murderers. Then there’s an article. This goes back to what I was talking about. And here it is. Washington intensifies preparation for Middle East war with $20 billion on sales to Israel.

This is from the world socialist website. Yep. Israel has killed 2,100 Gaza babies under the age of two. That’s according to the European Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. And in this article in the New York Times, they say that about 14,000 combatants in Gaza have been killed or captured. Israeli military said. Okay. 14,000. You killed over 40,000. You wounded and they say well over 100,000 seriously wounded. And you only got 14,000 people and destroyed the whole place. And again, 70% they’re saying of those killed are women and children. So going back to this, the Geneva based Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor says nearly 17,000 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza strip since October 7th, 2023.

17,000. Oh, yeah, but you got 14,000 combatants. Yeah, we’ve only killed. All right. Where’s the outrage and not a peep about peace and the prostitutes? You’re banned from the media. But they ban this stuff too. Jewish voice for peace. US actively assisting Israel to commit genocide. The United States is not only allowing the Israeli regime to commit genocide, but also actively asserting it, the Jewish voice pieces said. The Israeli military has bombarded nearly every inch of Gaza with US made bombs. Israeli forces have dropped over 70,000 bombs on Gaza in the past 10 months, making it the deadliest bombing campaign in the 21st century.

And they go on. Oh, this is Jewish voices for peace. In case you can’t call them anti-Semites, huh? And they go on. We talked about Harris winning, and I kept saying abortion is going to be a major issue. This is an article from the Turley paper today. Religious right targeting IVF as allies shift. The pivot seems clear. The Republican party of the post-Roe era is sidelining anti-abortion activists. Project 25, the conservative blueprint with innovative abortion bans has been disavowed by Donald Trump and the new GOP party platform even promises to ban access.

So again, this is going to be a major issue. They’re not going to size. Texas Republicans have added the line defining abortion as homicide. It’s going to be a major, major issue. Again, it’s not what you’re for, what you like, what you agree with or disagree with. We’re trend forecasters. So all you people say, pro-abortion. Never said that. Never said I was anti-abortion. Do what you want. It’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about you look at the data and the data tells you the facts. And the facts are most Americans, well over 60, it’s like 64% support abortion.

And then on the Ukraine war keeps heating up, Kremlin western targets, Kremlin’s western targets, the nuclear strike revealed. Yep. Russia has trained its navy to target sites deep inside Europe using nuclear-capable missiles. And they’re saying that they’re doing this. Russian president Vladimir Putin has threatened European allies asking against back in Kyiv, quote, they need to remember they’re small densely populated states. So they keep supporting the war in NATO. And now there’s even talks about European troops that have gone into that cursed place over there. And so they’re at war. And Kyiv targets airfields in mass drone attack.

We warned about this was going to happen in the trends journal. We warned that they’re going to bomb nuclear power plants. They’re going to keep escalating this war to drag the people of the west into it. And as famine grows in Sudan, US leads new push for ceasefire. We’re mentioning this because it’s your new world disorder, Bangladesh, all over Uganda, Sudan. People and the COVID war made it much, much worse because of the lockdowns. Thanks to, they call it the pandemic. Thanks to scumbag politicians. And again, here’s your T-shirt. Hey, politician.

And hey, politicians, who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? They made a very bad situation where you go to shop and you get your trends journal. They come to all different sizes and shapes and, you know, hoodies and all that other stuff. I’m mentioning this because it’s very important. There’s an article that came out. Americans dying younger than English speaking peers worldwide. That’s a study finds just came out with that. Can’t understand why they junk food, ultra processed food. They swallow that crap and they swallow political crap.

They’re crappy. It’s not only that they’re they’re dying younger. They, their brains are going dead quicker. And then smartphones linked to anxiety and depression and teens. This was an info words, which I do every Monday at 3 PM Eastern time. Again, I don’t carry a cell phone. I did work for cellular telecommunications industry going back to the early nineties when there were boxes in the back of trunks with aerials. And I’ve been studying the radio frequency radiation and the deadliness of this in so many different ways. So I don’t carry one.

I got a flip phone when I travel, you know, and, um, you know, the whole world has changed. You go to a bar now everybody’s on their phone. They’re not talking to you. Bartenders are on their phone. They’re not talking to you. People walking down the street. Okay. Again, they got it wrong in the King’s James Bible. They said the meek shall inherit the earth. They misspelled it. The geeks have inherited the earth. And speaking about geeks and freaks, you got to watch the video I did yesterday with judge Andrew Napolitano. It’s a great one.

Go to Salinity and the judge. It’s right on this site. Thanks for tuning in. We’ll see you soon. [tr:trw].

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abortion rights in U Bitcoin value decrease 2024 Brent Crude value increase civilian casualties in Gaza criticism of mainstream media Gerald Solenti broadcast review global politics frustration Israel Palestine conflict Kamala Harris presidential prediction Middle East ongoing conflict potential escalation of Middle East conflict stocks rally investor confidence U.S. role in Israel arms supply
  • This election is the potential death of America thus the world also if the left, no matter who it is, gets in office. PDJT WILL will because it IS NOT yet time for the collapse of the world. This is the pinnacle of the left after over 100 yrs of planning and moving toward complete control. A correction is coming via God’s plan with the help of an appointed man. Do NOT take stock in ANYONE that still believes KH/the left will win. Again, its not time for tribulation yet.

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