MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: Is $20000 GOLD Possible? Lets Talk About It… Mannarino

Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Greg Manarino discusses the current state of the market, expressing skepticism about a potential 20,000 gold revaluation by the Treasury. He also explains the concept of a “Fed put,” where the Federal Reserve buys large amounts of debt to keep the market stable. Manarino warns of the distortions in the stock market and real estate prices due to central banks’ actions since the 2008 financial crisis. He concludes by predicting a bleak economic future, regardless of who wins the upcoming election, due to ongoing currency devaluation and ballooning debts and deficits.


Okay everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manarino. Sunday, May 12th, 2024. My newest segment of markets. A look ahead and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. But before we get there, I want to wish all of you moms out there a happy Mother’s Day. Alright people, look, I got some interesting comments and a whole bunch of stuff regarding this. Now I want to talk about this real quick. Hey Greg, what do you think about this possible 20,000 gold revaluation by the Treasury? Blah, blah, blah. Alright, first of all, I’m gonna say this ain’t gonna happen.

But what I will say, it is potentially possible for gold to hit, if I had to throw a number out here, I’m gonna say maybe 16,000, but I think it’s highly unlikely. The most likely situation that we’re gonna get here is a one-to-one gold Dow ratio. I’ve been talking about this for ten freaking years. We’ll outline this a little more. But I just wanted to start off with this because it seems like a lot of you must follow this, this thing here, okay? And you wanted to get my take on it.

Now I don’t want to shoot down anyone’s dreams here. But the fact of the matter is, I think this is a little far-fetched. But we’ll outline a scenario here where it may be close to that. But with regard to a Treasury revaluation, I think the chances are almost zero, okay? So, but again, we’ll outline some of that. Now, I want to start off with a few things before we touch on this whole thing here. We’re witnessing yet again another phenomenon. And a lot of you probably have heard this before, and it’s starting to be used again.

A Fed put. The Fed put is back. What does that mean, a Fed put? It means the Fed is going to protect the market, the Fed and other central banks are going to make sure that they keep the market propped up here. And they’re doing this, I mean, it’s just so obvious and it should be to you. It at least is to me. Right now, the talk of a potential rate cut by the Bank of England, by the European Central Bank, by the Federal Reserve is enough, or has been enough, to put a put under this market.

And we’ve seen this market make a pretty profound rebound ever since, again, this new phenomenon of watching bond yields drop. How does that work again? Just tell Greg Manorino one more time, please. How does it work? How do bond yields just drop? Is it the regular guy or the regular girl rushing out there and saying, I gotta buy debt, I gotta buy debt? That’s how it works. People don’t understand this by and large. It’s kind of the opposite of how a stock works. When you have a rally, in the debt market.

When the debt market is rallying, yields drop. That means cash is making its way into the debt market. Kind of the opposite of how a stock works. When a stock works, the price goes higher. When a bond rallies, well, the yields drop. That’s how that works. Very simple to understand. It is clear to me, as clear as day, and it should be to you as well, that the Fed is in here buying huge amounts of debt. We have watched the 10-year yield make a significant drop over the past couple of weeks here.

We were up over 4.7 with regard to the 10-year yield. 10-year yield being the benchmark. That’s the one everyone looks at. It’s the one you should be following as well. You know, you should look at the whole debt market as well. The whole yield curve, which is inverted, a clear sign that things are not too good and will not be getting any better anytime soon with regard to the economy. But with regard to the market, the Fed put here is clearly in place, and the Fed is buying the debt which opens up a doorway for cash to make its way into the stock market causing.

Look, with regard to this here, and the distortions that exist in the stock markets. They are to an extreme where we’ve never seen before in the history of the financial markets because of what central banks have done here since the meltdown of 2008. That’s when this whole thing ended. That was the party over moment. And all this market has been getting is a put underneath it. Easy money, rate suppression here, and of course the mechanism here has caused price action distortions like we’ve never seen before in the history of the world.

Cash coming out of things it should be going into, and going into things it has no business being, and that is into this hyper… No, that’s not even the right word here, people. I don’t know how to put this. It’s so beyond hyperinflated. I’m talking about the stock market and also with regard to the price action of real estate as well which continues to rise, and it’s just out of control. This inflationary environment we’re in here, and the lies that we have been told about it, the projections from the Fed all being wrong 100% of the time, and it’s temporary, it’s transitory, they knew it wasn’t gonna be.

You and I call this since day one. So anyway, that’s just a whole other ballgame here. But the fact of the matter is we’ve never seen anything like this before, and this market is going to eventually over correct, and that’s just how this kind of a thing will end up manifesting itself, because this is a bubble beyond belief. We can pretty much agree on that, and this bubble has been directly engineered, in this case by the Federal Reserve, by keeping rates artificially suppressed here for well over 10 years, and all this does is it strips out a real price discovery mechanism out of the market.

The market is supposed to be a price leveling mechanism. In other words, there’s a buyer and a seller, and they agree on a price of a particular asset. But here we have the third player. I’ve talked about this all the time. That is the Federal Reserve, and they’re involved in every single transaction. Even if you go to the store and buy a pack of gum, the Federal Reserve is involved here, because again, what have they done? Mass currency devaluation, artificially suppressed rates, creating the inflationary environment we are in here, period in the end, and this is a global phenomenon.

You all know that. This is central banks as involved in a third, as a third player in every single transaction that we make, and unfortunately that’s the truth, no one’s gonna tell you that, and the sick part of this, or the sicker part of this, is collectively central banks are setting us all up. We are going to, no matter who they put, they choose, we don’t choose, to put behind the resolute desk. We already know how this is going to play out. Mass currency devaluation, debts and deficits ballooning across the board.

You know, I wasn’t even gonna talk about this, but I’m gonna bring it out anyway. Let’s talk about this just real quick. In the event that this current freak is reselected, you can expect things to go on the way that they are, and in the event that Trump is reselected, pretty much the same thing, but actually maybe even to a larger degree, and I’ll tell you why. We understand that, you know, tariff man, you know, Trump was known as tariff man. He’s already talking about if he’s reselected, how he’s going to, you know, put more tariffs on this and more tariffs on that.

What is that gonna do? That’s gonna obviously increase our trade deficit. We’re already a nation that imports everything, you understand? And obviously, if tariffs are increased here, there’ll be a retaliatory reaction on the opposite side, so you can expect, you can clearly expect inflation to get a lot worse. Currency devaluation, Trump’s already talking about a weaker dollar here. The current idiot, imbecile, moron-thing creature, sitting behind the resolute desk, has no idea what’s going on. He doesn’t even, when he wakes up in the morning, doesn’t even know what day it is, what year it is.

I mean, there’s obviously something cognitive going on here. But, again, how this potentially can play out into 2025 after this election just looks very, very, very, very ominous to Greg Manarino here. Anyway, that’s pretty much with regard to that. And, you know, just real quick, as we all know, this issue with food inflation is really starting to hit home. And here’s a headline, angry shoppers are fighting back against inflation. Really, what are they doing? They’re taking it straight, deep, and hard in the gabagool. They’re not fighting against anything.

What they’re referring to here is people are not spending. And what do we just find out? Consumer credit is not expanding at the pace they expect it is. People are maxed out. They’re maxed out, and this is also by design. It’s a wipeout. It’s a complete destruction of the middle class and a worldwide scale. As central banks increase their pressure on the middle class, you all know that. The consumers aren’t, the shoppers, consumers aren’t fighting back against anything. Unfortunately, they have no choice, and you pretty much understand what I’m talking about.

And they’re being made slaves to the system, as you all know. Dependency on the system is a horrible thing to see. But that’s just the way it’s playing out here. And this Wednesday, we’re going to get the CPI report, the consumer price index. That’s going to be an interesting day, and it could potentially move the market. Let’s see where that goes. But make no mistake, the Fed put is back. The Fed put is back. I expect to see more debt buying, more rate suppression, bond use dropping. That means more cash making its way into the stock market.

Now, with regard to the Fed put, here’s this. This is from last week. Dow scores the best week since December. Lovely. This is the Fed put in place yet again. You see this and this are playing together. Imagine my shop. Now, let’s talk about this, because this is the big question I get from everyone here. Okay, Greg, what about this $20,000 gold? Let’s put a scenario together. There is a possibility here that gold could end up being twice the Dow. Again, we have to sit back here and put a perspective on something.

Where is the bottom? We don’t know where the bottom of the Dow is. What we do know is the Fed stepped in here with quantitative easing 1 at Dow $6,000, and they went on to quantitative easing 2, and then Operation Twist and every other thing they’ve done to keep rates suppressed here. Again, the Fed can’t just magically say something. They have to get into the market and make it happen. For the Fed to buy the debt, they have to add digits to a screen and whatever amount they want and get in there and buy the debt.

Okay, massively inflationary, you’re not allowed to know that. Meanwhile, over the last six months, the monetary system here has been inflated about a billion dollars a day. The M2, money supply, a billion. Look it up for yourself. It’s right on the Fed’s website. Okay, don’t take my word for this. So, if we understand you and me that the Fed jumped in here at $6,000, which actually may be the bottom, it’s probably closer to $8,000. Considering where the Dow Jones Industrial Average is today near $38,000, I think the actual true value for the Dow is about $8,000.

$6,000 to $8,000. Let’s just say it’s $8,000. I do believe we’re going to get a one-to-one. In other words, the market’s going to crater at one point when we get the debt market meltdown. Forget the stock market for a minute. Everyone’s sitting there looking at the stock market because that’s where they want you to look. The driver of the market is where you need to be looking. You all know that. I’ve been telling you this for over 10 years. It’s the debt market. The stock market derives value from action in the debt market.

You get that? I’ve been telling you this for 10 years, okay? All right, more than 10 years. So, that means the stock market is a derivative, okay? It’s a derivative. It derives value from action in the debt market. Everything does. Artificially suppress rates, price, pretty much everything. Mortgages, the price of houses, everything gets value from that. All right, now understanding that the meltdown is, the real meltdown will begin and end in the debt market, not the stock market. The stock market will reflect that, what’s happening in the debt market, you understand? So, let’s just throw a hypothetical.

Okay, going back to this $20,000. First of all, as I said, forget about a Treasury reevaluation. It ain’t happening. The Treasury is not going to revalue gold at $20,000. No way, just no way I can believe that that could possibly happen. But, going back to where this could potentially go, let’s say we get a meltdown in the debt market. If that, when that occurs, it’s going to melt down stock markets around the world. You will see the Dow overcorrect, because that’s the way markets work. It’s very possible that we could get Dow $8,000 or even Dow $6,000, maybe even lower than that.

But let’s just throw out a number and say it’s $8,000. I believe we’re going to get a one-to-one ratio. Dow $8,000, gold $8,000. Now, there is an outlying event here that we can get two times twice the Dow, which would put gold at $16,000, okay? Without the Treasury revaluing anything, you understand? These kind of things are hype, you understand? I get it. Government reevaluation? You mean the Federal Reserve? Do they not understand who the real government is? Look, I’m not sitting here calling anybody out, but I just look at these things from a rational perspective.

And in my opinion, again, there’s no rational way the Treasury is going to revalue gold to $20,000, for those of you that are asking. But as I just said, it is possible in an outlying event that gold could hit $16,000 and go twice the Dow. I think it’s more likely $8,000 with regard to gold, and then a 15-to-1 or a 10-to-1 ratio, gold, silver. So you just do the math here. And this is, again, why I say silver is the most undervalued asset in the world. Do you understand? I think you do, people.

Anyway, look. So I hope this answered the question I got from all of you with regard to this. Seems to have created quite a buzz. And I’m glad it’s opening people’s eyes. So, you know, to this credit of this thing here, at least it’s making people aware that there is a potential for gold. And there’s no doubt that it’s there. Gold, you know, skyrocketing at one point. But it’s not just gold. And it’s not just silver. It’s not just platinum and palladium. It’s commodities. What has this guy been telling you forever now? Commodities, commodities, commodities.

Gain exposure to commodities. Yes, indeed. These are Greg Matamino’s favorite commodities in the world. I like copper, too. You all know that. I own platinum and palladium. That’s why I own it all. But with regard to the most undivided asset in the world, that’s it right there. But you need exposure to commodities, people. I can’t say this another way. And you can do this many ways. Again, my free newsletter. Link in the description of this video. I put at least five, maybe even six, newsletters with a list of exchange-traded funds or ETFs that would give you exposure to a broad basket of commodities.

We need to be on the opposite side of this situation. At least that’s what this is explaining to a certain degree, although this Treasury re-evaluation ain’t happening. But gold could do it on its own. Gold could do it on its own. Anyway, people, look, as I said, I hope you got something out of this video. We covered a lot, as usual. I want to hear from you on these things, especially those of you that asked me about this. Did I kind of put this into a perspective for you that you get? Does it make more sense, what I’m saying here, that there is a potential for gold to be twice the Dow? Absolutely there is a potential.

I think it’s an outlier, but it’s a possibility. A one-to-one Dow gold, I think is pretty much a lock. But we’ll see where that goes as well. All right, people, look, this guy here loves you from the heart. I mean that with all I got. We will see each other in the morning. So until that time, enjoy the rest of your day and take care of yourselves and take care of each other. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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000 gold revaluation ballooning debts and deficits bleak economic future predictions central banks actions post 2008 financial crisis concept of Fed put distortions in stock market Federal Reserve debt purchase Greg Manarino market analysis impact of currency devaluation market stability strategies real estate prices fluctuation skepticism about 20 Treasury gold revaluation

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