MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: America At War. Gregory Mannarino

Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ A man named Gregory Mannarino is talking about how the US has started a big military attack on Iran right after the stock market closed. He says this isn’t about protecting people or stopping bad guys, but about protecting oil and the US dollar. He explains that the US has a deal with OPEC (a group of countries that produce a lot of oil) to protect their oil in exchange for them selling it in US dollars. This war is happening because Iran, which is part of OPEC, has joined a group that threatens the US dollar’s power.


You okay, everybody? Here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manorino. Sunday, February 4, 2024. And this is my newest segment of markets. Look ahead, people. It is getting pretty freaky here. It’s astonishing, maybe how you and I have been so incredibly on with regard to calling what would happen exactly when as well, and we are not done. I put together a couple of things here that you’re going to find in your inbox.

If you do, subscribe to my free newsletter again, link in the description of this video. And as usual, I want to cover this stuff in detail, more so than, like I said, it’s in your inbox right now. The title of this is us Middle east war, what it means for the markets. So I want to go over this with you and add to it as I go along to kind of clarify a couple of points.

And as I always tell you, this stuff, in my opinion, is gold. Please utilize this as an important resource. Share it, get it out there. Ponder it. You’re allowed to disagree with what I’m saying as well, and I would love to hear your take on that if you do not agree with what I have said here. Okay, so let’s put this into perspective. Here we go. At 04:00 p.

m. Eastern standard Time on Friday. Immediately. Unbelievable. After the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange, as its standard procedure, the United States began a heavy military strike against multiple iranian targets. Large military strikes are almost never done during market hours. Now, really, people? Do you think that’s by a coincidence? Of course not. They don’t want to upset the market. The market is everything. Okay, period. The end.

I have been warning you and I, all right, we together, this is our thing on YouTube for weeks about how the United States strike on Iran would play out. We even nailed the timing of this strike almost down to the day. What did we say this weekend? This weekend, right after the market closed on Friday. Boom. Here we go. Unbelievable. We again also predicted the timing of the US strikes on Yemen.

Nearly down to the minute. The title of that video, check it out, was us airstrikes on Yemen was imminent. And that day, a couple hours later, it happened. Now let’s move forward here to the meat and potatoes of what’s happening and what it means for the market. Now. It’s important, this war, as you already know, people, okay, it’s being sold to everyone. It’s a fairy tale. But here’s the facts, all right? This war has absolutely nothing, zero to do with retaliatory strikes for us service members who were killed in Jordan, nor any other attacks on us bases in the area.

Nor does it have anything to do with shipping coming under fire in the Red Sea by these so called iranian supported militant groups. They’re evil people. On the 3 January this year, Iran, which is a founding member of OPEC, joined the BRICS alliance. Iran now aligning themselves along with Saudi Arabia. Keep that in mind for a moment. With the BRICS alliance presents a direct threat to the US dollar reserve status.

And that is what this war is all about. The US dollar has remained the world reserve currency because of one thing. One people and 99% of the population here, even citizens of the United States have no idea what this one thing is. That one thing is an agreement which exists between the United States and OPEC nations, which guarantees that the United States military will protect and defend the oil belonging to OPEC nations.

Did you know that? Maybe you didn’t know that. Maybe you do. I hope you do. If you follow this blog ever wonder why there is a large us military presence in the Middle east? Let me tell you this, people, has nothing to do with terrorism or stopping it. It’s all about protecting oil. Duh. Yeah, we’re on the same page, you and me, aren’t we? Within the agreement between the United States and OPEC is an accord from OPEC.

This accord states that in return for U. S. Military protection of OPEC oil, they OPEC, of course, would price their oil in us dollars. Having OPEC price their oil in us dollars was a massive win for the Federal Reserve in now that any nation wishing to purchase their oil from OPEC would have to first convert their currency into us dollars in order to purchase oil. Now, this mechanism in turn creates an ever expanding demand for more us dollars.

Tell Greg Manorino one more time, where does a central bank’s power reside in this case, the Federal Reserve? One thing, its ability to inflate or create dollars. This mechanism of OPEC and us military protection of their oil, the petrodollar system. We’ll talk more about that in a moment. That creates an ever expanding demand for those dollars, is the best thing that could possibly happen to a central bank.

And that’s what has happened here. Now let us move forward here. However, over the past several years, various nations have now sidestepped what has become known as the petrodollar process, again converting their currency into dollars and buying oil, and have instead been purchasing oil using their own currency. This therefore has decreased demand for Federal Reserve notes. This does not make the Federal Reserve happy any central bank, but in this case, the Federal Reserve, because of the dollar being the world reserve.

Still, from day one, the BrICS alliance has sought to reduce the hegemony of the US dollar on the world stage, which has not gone, certainly has not gone unnoticed by the Federal Reserve. We’ve been talking about this for a while. I have told all of you repeatedly, the Federal Reserve will kill millions of people. They will wipe out half the world’s population or more if they have to, to maintain the US dollar as the world reserve currency.

This thing is being sold to the people of the world yet again as a lie. They’re floating out politicians, they’re floating out military commanders, everyone they can to justify what’s going on here. These are retaliatory strikes. We have to protect the US interest. This is all about protecting the Federal Reserve and the US dollar as the world reserve currency. Here we go. What this war is really about is sending a message directly to the BRICS alliance.

And that message is, do not threaten the US dollar reserve status. A message which is being sent directly from the Federal Reserve, whose enforcement arm is the US military, including its nuclear arsenal. This is interesting, going back to Saudi Arabia, in case you ever wondered. Here we go. The United States will never directly or indirectly attack Saudi Arabia. I’m going to let you speculate as to why. Okay? I’m not even going to tell you why.

I think most of you know why, but I’m not even going to say it here. All right, I want you to fill in the blanks. All right? The US will never directly or indirectly attack Saudi Arabia or its interest. So Iran is the target and the message is clear. Now, what we can expect from a market standpoint. You already know this. I’ve been telling you this. We’ve been outlining this repeatedly.

What we can expect from a market standpoint, from this war, and this is a new war which is going to be prolonged, is a drop in us bond yields. This in turn should open up a doorway for cash to make its way into the stock market. Hold that thought. The initial reaction of the stock market, obviously, when the market opens on Monday morning, very well could be a drop or a move lower.

But you and I understand the key. The key to this market is again the debt market. If we see, for example, look, I’m not telling you right now that it’s a 100% lock, that we are going to see bond yields drop. I believe that they will. The most likely scenario here, it’s always the most likely scenario. You and I are playing a game of incomplete information, and we’re trying to fill in those blanks as we always do.

Okay, we’ve been way ahead of the game on this. Way ahead of the game on this. So in the event for my lions, especially out here and all my friends, of course, if we see a drop in the stock market at the open, let’s just say this happens. Let’s throw this out as a hypothetical. Could go the opposite way, but let’s throw this out as a hypothetical. Market drops, you watch the ten year yield fall, you watch the Manorino market risk indicator, MMRI link below drop or even stay the same because I expect a knee jerk higher than the dollar.

But let’s stick to the debt market real quick. So we’ll do this piece by piece. Let’s say Monday the stock market drops. Let’s say you see the ten year yield drop. What would the signal be to you if you see risk in the market drop and the market drop, in my opinion. Well, let me read. Okay. The initial reaction to stock market may be a move lower. But by watching bond yields as we just covered, and I expect that they will drop, that would be a buy signal for the stock market.

Now, commodities here may also take an initial hit on a knee jerk higher into the dollar, a fear trade, which again may hit stocks initially. Now, this could play out the totally opposite. Let’s throw out another scenario. This market might rip right out of the gate here because it’s been priced in. You have to understand, this is not a big secret. I’m not smarter than anybody else, unfortunately.

I wish I were. But everyone knew this was coming. The stage has been set. Iran has had a bombsight on it for quite a while now. And when they aligned here with the BriCS nations, this is to send a message. And you have to understand, there’s a lot of other things in play here. Obviously, members of the BrICS nations, they’re not stupid. The US coalition, not one is a BRICS nation.

They knew. They were well aware of what was going to happen. Now, the United States went out of its way to broadcast to Iran here, in this case, or iranian interests, that they were going to be hit. So what did they do? They got to hide everything, move everything out of the way. They knew which sites most likely going to be hit. In fact, I would believe they had advanced knowledge of this being given to them by the US military.

All right, not by Biden, who decided it was his decision, and he knows which targets to hit. Really? You buy that one anyway, so there will be something else there’s going to be a counter move, obviously, at one point, and we’ll see how that plays out. Anyway, from an economic standpoint, this war, which will be protracted, will also give a boost to us GDP. And the jump in US GDP will be touted as a stronger economy and not because of the war.

Like I said, this is in your inbox. I want you to hold that thought for a moment because yesterday this was announced and you’re going to love this. Okay. Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson had just announced that Republicans will introduce a new bill for $17. 6 billion aid package for the Israel Hamas war. That 17. 6 billion, which this is just another installment, and there’s a lot more common, thank you, House of Representatives.

On this one, there’s also going to be added to GDP and then the lie is going to be, of course, the economy is strong, just as the creature Joe Biden thing, creature vomitous mass that he is, was touting. Look at the GDP. The US economy is the strongest in the world. Look at this jobs number. Remember the jobs number out on Friday? It was a huge number here, way, way more than was predicted.

But what else did we find out? What did we find out at the beginning of last year? That all the data, all the data with regard to job creation last year was faked. All of it was fake. Okay. So this number also is going to be revised lower, but it’s also a fake number has no bearing on reality. Now, look, I covered a lot with you, and again, I don’t put these things out for nothing.

This material right now is in your inbox. I really hope you subscribe to my newsletter. It’s really free. I don’t share your information. I feel this is critical stuff that people need to know, though. I want to hear from you about all the stuff that I covered here. Are we on point? Are we nailing this or are we off? Let me know. Okay? I really do want to hear from you on that.

People, look, we got this. We knew this was going to happen. We got the playbook. We have their playbook. We know what they’re going to do, when they’re going to do it. We know what their goals are here. In my view, that gives us an incredible edge and in my view, also makes us invincible. We are going to play the game because we know how to play it.

You’re going to continue to bet against the debt, become your own central bank, hold hard assets, gain access to commodities via an exchange traded fund or some other way, hold silver, my favorite asset. Gold, my second favorite asset, platinum. Palladium, my third. Gain access to cryptocurrencies as well, people, come on. If you had to pick one, I’m going to tell you right now, it’s bitcoin. All right? Gain access to the market.

Look for opportunity here. This guy. Look, I’ve been called every name under the sun with regard to being a bull, a permeable, or whatever it might be. This is going to play out to be extremely bullish for the stock market moving forward. The initial effect, we’ll see how this is going to affect the markets here. But more importantly, keep your eyes on the ten year yield. And we’re going to cover this.

We’ll cover this, obviously, at the market open on Monday. All right, look, people, I’m going to let you go. Love you a lot. From the heart. I mean that. With all I got, I want to hear from you. Please, share the video, get it out there. Those thumbs up are required if you’re going to watch this stuff that gets the video seen picked up by the algorithms. Okay, that’s it for now.

All right? Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other. Always have the high ground. Be ready for whatever they’re going to throw at us. And we’re already so far ahead of the curve on this, it’s frankly incredible, isn’t it? See you. Bye. .

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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Gregory Manorino on US military attack Iran threat to US dollar Iran's impact on US dollar Oil and US dollar relationship OPEC oil production OPEC US deal US dollar power US dollar protection US military and oil protection US military attack on Iran US protection of oil US stock market closure War over US dollar power

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