Marine Le Pen TAKES OVER France in MASSIVE Political Earthquake!!! | Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how over the weekend, France experienced a significant political shift as the National Rally, a right-wing populist party, won a landslide victory in the parliament. This victory is seen as a sign of Europe’s growing alignment with nationalist populist right ideologies. Meanwhile, the value of gold is rising as more nations move away from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. In the French elections, the current president’s coalition trailed behind, revealing a stark divide between urban and provincial France.


A political earthquake rocks France over the weekend. The populist right, National Rally, stormed the French parliament with their biggest landslide win ever. We’re going to take a look at what happened over the weekend. We’re going to see how it relates to the elections coming up this Sunday, and what it all means for the continued realignment of the continent of Europe around the nationalist populist right. Hey gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your Patreon professor, here to help you stay sane in these insane times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. Also, did you see this headline in Forbes from just a couple of weeks back? The Fed quietly admits gold is replacing the dollar.

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It promises to be a real life changer. Over the weekend, Marine Le Pen and National Rally were the big winners in the first round of national elections across France. Once all the votes were counted, the nationalist right, the so-called far right, the radical right, finished first, winning an astonishing 33% of the vote. Although French President Manuel Macron called for the elections just a few weeks back, thinking he might be able to win, that call obviously backfired big time. His coalition came in at a distant third, just 20%, trailing behind the radical left coalition that came second with 20%.

It was a stunning election, not the least of which because it reveals the radical divide that’s opened up between urban and provincial France. Take a look at this map if you want a visual sense of the populist provincial revolution underway in France right now. Take a look at the sea of purple. Those are the regions that voted for National Rally. If you’re listening by way of our 20 million downloads, it’s as if France just got colored in almost completely purple and then somebody put in some red and yellow and blue blotches here or there.

Now those blotches are urban areas and National Rally candidates didn’t even come close to winning enough votes to advance in the second round of elections. The first round basically clears out the riff-raff as it were, the fringe candidates who are just getting single digit support. It’s the second round that matches up the more popular candidates. British political scholar Matt Goodwin noted that in the greater Paris area, not a single one of National Rally’s candidates made it to the second round. Not one, but all throughout the industrial heartlands, right? The small towns, the villages, the rural areas, all across France, National Rally candidates absolutely dominated.

Provincial France has clearly turned to the national’s populist right in a massive political earthquake. It’s absolutely astonishing. So where do we stand right now? Okay, well what’s going on in France in terms of how they do elections is very similar to the way Louisiana governor elections that we saw a few months back, the way they’re conducted. There are two rounds. Candidates who score over 50% of the vote in round one automatically win. They’re already elected to the French assembly, and that’s of course what we saw in the governor’s race in Louisiana several months back.

He won first round. This is where National Rally really dominated. Le Pen’s party got by far the most amount of candidates who got over the 50% mark, so they’re good to go. Candidates who got at least 12.5% of the vote advance to the second round if there’s no 50% winner. Now this is where things get interesting in French politics. This is where Marine Le Pen has politically suffered in the past because what French politicians do is they create coalitions with other politicians who are doing well but show no signs of winning. And so what they do, these politicians who are doing well but not well enough to win, they enter into a coalition with a politician who looks like he can win.

And they do that for two reasons. One, this way, the one who’s popular but who can’t win gets political power in this new coalition. He’s part of the inner circle of the politician who can most likely win. And, and this is key, they can both team up to ensure that an undesirable candidate that got the highest score in round one ends up losing round two. It’s basically the second and third place winners teaming up to take out the first place winner in the second round. This is what sunk Marine Le Pen and national rally candidates in the past.

They do amazing in the first round but then all of the other globalist, pro-establishment parties team up and beat the nationalist populace in round two. And that’s exactly what Macron is already trying to do. He tweeted out that quote, the time has come for a broad, clearly democratic and republican alliance for the second round to keep Le Pen and her party out of power. That’s right, once again the globalists are trying to clamp down on democracy in order to save it, right? However, there’s a huge problem with this strategy. Let me show you what I mean.

Again, a big shout out to Matt Goodwin for putting this data together. Take a look at how national rally has surged over the last few decades. So back in 1988, they weren’t even breaking double digits in terms of the first round vote. They got just about 9% of the vote, so you can knock them out pretty easy in the second round. In 93, they got about 13% of the vote. In 97, 15%. They fell back in 2002 to 11% and were dealt a very bad blow in 2007 when they came in at just 4% of the vote.

2012, they climbed back to 13%. Same with 2017. And then they had a major breakthrough election back in 2022. We reported on this when they got 18% of the vote, unprecedented for them. Here’s the point. As long as national rally was more or less in the political periphery getting 11, 12, 13% of the vote, you could box them out in the second round. It wasn’t that hard to deny them a second round victory. Gang, as of this weekend, national rally surged to 34% of the vote. They doubled their votes from just two years ago.

So again, the point here is that now that one in every three friend voters is voting for Le Pen and national rally, that strategy of trying to box them out looks like it’s imploding. Now, the big question is, what are the center-right Republicans going to do for round two this Sunday? The center-right was basically split down the middle when it came to aligning themselves with Le Pen in the first round. Now, with the radical left coming in second place, it looks like more and more Republicans, center-right Republicans, are coming out and saying that the real danger in France is not Marine Le Pen, it’s the radical left.

And they need to align with the so-called radical right in order to stop the rise of the radical left. We’ll see this coming Sunday. But if that happens, if the center-right largely aligns itself with Le Pen’s national rally, we may indeed be seeing the beginning of a very new France, a thoroughly nationalist, populist France that promises to remake the political map, not just in their own country, but throughout the continent of Europe as well. Here’s your opportunity to tell big tech tyrants where they can stick it. Click on that link below and download our brand new Cancelproof Turley Talks app, and you can sign our special declaration of restoration.

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Europe's nationalist populist right France political shift French elections results National Rally victory nations moving away from dollar president's coalition trailing right-wing populist party France urban vs provincial France divide value of gold rising world's reserve currency shift

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