Many Qill Say Im Crazy For What Im About To Do

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja


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➡ The speaker shares his decision to make a life-altering change which he feels is prompted by a crucial juncture in history, reflecting on his career as a firefighter and his perspective on courage. He encourages listeners to respond to challenges with resolve and resilience, emphasizing the importance of improving oneself to bring about positive influence on those around them, and ends with the intent of leaving a legacy of compassion.


What I want to talk to you about today is probably different than something I’ve ever, or in a way, I’ve ever spoke to you before. And I want you to think, because I’ve always wanted to change the world, and I believe that you want to change it, too, but you don’t know how. And I just made a decision, a life decision, that, quite frankly, scares the piss out of me.

But I had to do it for a specific reason. And over the next three or four months, you’re going to see some things about me that I’ve never talked about. But it has to be brought out, because we are at such a pivotal time in our country and our world’s, Earth’s history. In my career as a firefighter, I don’t know of one firefighter or police officer that would ever consider themselves a hero at all.

Never has. When people are grateful, like, I look at the armed forces and I go, wow, you guys are heroes. But I can tell you that the thought of courage has definitely came into my mind a lot throughout my career. And what I realized about courage, which is totally different than leadership, courage is doing something that scares the piss out of you, but you do it for the betterment of those around you.

Ultimately, it’s the betterment, it helps you. It’s super easy to do things that we’re confident in. We see people all the time with confidence, and they do things well. It comes naturally to them. Most of the time, it really just frustrates other people. I’ve been one of those people that have been frustrated watching people with natural abilities. But courage is the person that stands up and sings when they don’t know how other people are going to react.

Courage is doing something completely out of the norm of your realm, but you do it because it’s not about you at that moment. And I have had a rough five months emotionally. And I want to tell you it’s because I’ve been faced with the decision, a path to take. And it’s interesting because my life has changed so drastically in the last three years since I started this channel.

For the first time ever, I got to speak to you, someone that understood that this world’s changing rapidly. And rather than sit around on our butt, we’re going to do something about it and we’re going to take advantage of it. But it’s more than just taking advantage of it and becoming rich. It’s about doing something to help our fellow man that doesn’t understand what’s coming. I always said from the beginning of this channel that the best time to start a business is during a crash.

It hardens you. As a matter of fact, a majority of the percentage of businesses on the Inc. 500 lists were started during a recession of some sort. And I’m about to become an example to you and make the hard decisions. Because throughout my life, when I needed motivation, I listened to other people that made hard decisions. And it’s interesting because this comes at a time where this information has come under attack.

It blows my mind watching certain social media sites can’t let this channel grow. For some reason, 440 is the number that they can’t let this cross. And it’s been going on ever since. I warned everybody about something coming next year and it’s so obvious, it’s crazy. But I’m going to tell you what I don’t get. You kick me in the nuts, I come back stronger. Everything that’s ever hurt me in my life or someone that’s come to try and attack has only made me smarter and stronger for the future.

Now, some of you need to hear this because you’re coming against attacks from either family members, coworkers. Life is hitting you in the nuts and you need to hear this. And what you need to do is you need to say it out loud. Say, I need this. Because you’re not the only one. See, the good news is here we’re all screw ups. To some people that are very insecure or afraid, that isn’t good news.

But you know why it’s good news? Because if you’re a screw up and I’m a screw up, then the person we’re concerned about is also a screw up. The only thing we could do is change ourselves, try and help people. But when we change ourselves for the better, we not only make Our lives better, we make those around us better because we encourage them. And I think it’s very important for people to understand that because we are in a spot where you’re always being attacked.

There are people that get so excited, so thrilled to be able to insult someone online when they don’t have the cajones to do it to someone’s face. We see it all the time. But with all that stuff set aside, the people that are out there stealing, cheating, and winning, they’re not really winning. I’m at a point in my life where I realize the most important thing I can do is leave a legacy of compassion and love and trying, not giving up.

There are so many people out there that have given up on life, ultimately to end their lives. And you know, from the beginning of this channel, this channel was set up to prepare people for an economic collapse in a way that would save people from suicide. And we’ve already met my family, a few people that made the decision for life instead of giving up. And their lives are so much better now.

My calling my entire life was to be that cheerleader. And that’s my gift. Every single one of you have a gift. And it’s time to move into it. It’s ironic that the number of you that got on just as I finally glanced up is seven. Seven. Seven. I don’t know why, and I really don’t care that YouTube won’t let this channel pass 440,000 subs. I have a feeling I know why.

It’s something built into their algorithm. But I’m going to do something right now in front of you, because there is someone that has set something up inside of there, and it’s not about being the most popular. I want you to understand there are some people that need to see some specific messages that are coming out in the future. And so, right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the spirit that is holding this information back.

You have no authority over the information. You see if you don’t know. And I’m not trying to preach to you. I believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died for my sins. And he’s the same Jesus Christ that hung on the cross for my sins as the one that is sitting at the right hand of God right now in heaven. And I am his hands and feet, just like you are, if you believe in Jesus.

I’m not afraid if I offend people. I’ve seen too many crazy stuff in my life. I’ve seen a man raised from the dead. I’ve seen someone’s arms grow back. I’ve seen stuff that. I’ve seen firewalls stop before they hurt firefighters, kill them. I care more about the truth than impressing someone. So here’s the truth. I’m a screw up. But I’m not going to give up. I’m here to take you through and explain what an economic collapse looks like, feels like, tastes like, and then enjoy the other side of that.

Help people. Encourage people. Like I said before, there’s going to be some stuff coming out about me in the next few months that are some of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make in my life. But I had to do it. And it scares the piss out of me. But I’m going to tell you, there’s nothing holding me back. And I don’t want anything holding you back.

I want barriers to fall off you like dead skin from after a sunburn and that new skin come out. I am so excited about the future of our country. As dark as it’s going to get. I’m excited because remember, light can’t be shown without darkness. You can’t see light unless there’s darkness. And the darker the area, the brighter a beam of light becomes. I am so fired up for 2024.

And I encourage people to read through the comments because this channel, a group of human beings around the world, they’re part of something called Ninja Nation. And it’s not because of me. It’s because a ninja does things in the shadows and does things quietly and doesn’t brag or boast. These are amazing human beings that are in the comments section. Even I have a feeling that there is one person that is wanting to type something malicious.

And don’t worry, it doesn’t offend me. And you’re going to be broken right now because you’re going to see that what you’re doing is only satisfying your mind for a second. Yeah. And that you’re going to turn away from your bitterness. Man, I got a big. I have been dealing with bitterness in my life for so long, it’s hard to release bitterness. And there are people that go and mock others and make fun of or trash talk on the internet because they want to uplift themselves.

And it’s just this hole of despair. It’s funny, I want to be a motivational speaker, but I always have the greatest speeches in the shower and then I hit the record button and it just falls apart. This is your year. 2024. This is your year to shine. Type it down in the comment section. Say it out loud. Concrete that fact. 2024 is my year and I’m going to live by example.

My wife has held my feet to the fire about being an example and a couple of things. And it was the best advice I ever took. Like when I paid off my, finally paid off my house because that was one thing that was holding me back. And now I didn’t realize spiritually what it did. And so I’m excited to move into 2024 right alongside of you and to absolutely watch you crush it.

I hope you have a great day. The economic ninja is out. .


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crucial juncture in history firefighter career reflection importance of self-improvement leaving a legacy of compassion life-altering change decision perspective on courage positive influence on others resilience in facing challenges responding to challenges with resolve

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