Man Passes After Violent Weekend In Bronx Arrest After Punching Women Janitor Arrested At School | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how over the weekend, New York, particularly the Bronx, experienced a surge in violence, including several shootings. One victim, 25-year-old Frankelis Tavares, was killed, leaving his family devastated. In addition, there were reports of men randomly assaulting women in the city. Despite claims that crime rates are down, these incidents have raised concerns about safety in the city.
➡ This text talks about the importance of being careful and protecting yourself from false accusations, especially in sexual matters. It emphasizes the need for consent and legal agreements to avoid misunderstandings. It also warns about the dangers of people who may take advantage of others, like a janitor who was accused of sexually abusing a young boy. The text encourages parents to be vigilant and build strong relationships with their children to protect them from such situations.
➡ Garrett Hudson is accused of human trafficking and lewd battery, with no bail allowed for the first charge and a $7,500 bail for the second. The story emphasizes the importance of every decision we make, as it can impact others, especially regarding safety. It highlights the role of a strong father figure in providing protection and guidance to their family, teaching them how to avoid dangerous situations. The narrator stresses the constant vigilance required in ensuring the safety of loved ones, using the example of monitoring his daughter’s whereabouts through her Apple watch.


Violent, deadly weekend in the Bronx. New York was on fire. I thought that it was going to be Chicago. Now, I haven’t heard much about Chicago, but I heard that New York was on fire this weekend and the Bronx was where it was really, really popping off. Take a look. Coming in and out of that deli behind me. Now going back to that fatal victim of another shooting.

He’s been identified as Frankelis Tavares. His mom telling us that the worst feudal is knowing that her son is not going to walk through the door of their home ever again. Nancy Tabares is not celebrating Easter this Sunday. Instead, she’s trying to wake up from what she calls a nightmare. It was around midnight when her world turned upside down. She never heard back from her son, who stepped out of the house on Saturday evening and was supposed to come right back because he was scheduled to to work.

The following morning. Police arrived at her home in the Bronx to let her know that 25 year old Frankelis Tavares had been killed. Although she speaks no English, the pain of this mother is palpable. Authorities say Tavares was shot in the chest around 850 last night on East 187th in Teabot Avenue. And a 23 year old man received a gunshot wound to the stomach and buttocks. He’s in stable condition.

Frankelis brother is inconsolable, telling us he wishes he would have played video games with him when he asked him last week. The shooting happened steps away from the Bronx Baptist Church and just four blocks from where a two year old boy was hit in the hip by a stray bullet while walking with his mother near East Fordham Road and Grand Concourse. Are they shooting up all the kids that hang out in the corner over there? It’s crazy.

This morning, at around 440, an argument turned violent at this deli on East Tremont Avenue. According to the NYPD, a 30 year old man was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital after getting shot in the upper right thigh. He’s in critical but stable condition. This is just getting more crazy out here. No arrest have been made for these crimes, including Frank Ellis murder, another death due to gun violence, leaving a mother not only with her heart ripped apart, but also wondering why and who killed her son most.

And it’s not even summer yet, so to see this stuff popping off and how things are already starting off as crazy, but I will tell you that most shootings that are random, meaning that it’s not a hit or it’s not somebody that you know, most situations like that, it start off with a simple argument or start off with a confrontation. And obviously, we know that there’s a situations where people get robbed and stuff like that.

But most situations, it start off with an argument or a confrontation, and somebody get emotional and they go left. It already go left. I’m telling you. I know that it’s a lot of tough guys out here, and it’s a lot of tough guys that’s buried. And they did. It’s a whole lot of tough guys out here that want to show you how real they are. And I know that we celebrate thug life, and we always talking about getting your stripes and what it will be like if you went to jail and all of this other stuff.

But I’m telling you, bro, ain’t no celebrations after it’s over. After it’s over, there are no celebrations. You don’t get no flowers, don’t nobody care about you. I guarantee you that all of these people that wind up finding themselves in a circumstance or this situation wish they can go back and wish they would have. And I’m not saying that that’s what happened in this situation, but I am saying that.

And a lot of our circumstances or a lot of the things that we celebrate the most within a culture, it is trash. And when your mama is crying, ain’t nobody gonna say, hey, man. But he kept it real. Don’t nobody care about that. They want to see you. They want to see you alive. Your people want to see you alive. Your people want to see you. You know, they want to see you tomorrow.

And a lot of times, we keep it so real that we keep it real, dead real talk. In other news and quick hits, unfortunately, and other news, the man that was out here punching chicks in New York City. New York is a wild place. New York is a what they keep telling me how. Oh, man, crime is down and all of this stuff. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it at all.

New York is a wild place. It is the wild, wild west. And when dudes is out here randomly punching chicks, just. Just off the reel, that’s a problem. Just got punched in the face. Walking home tonight, the man accused of that heroin attack charged with misdemeanor assault after allegedly punching 27 year old Michaela Tonado in the face this week. That arrest comes a day after 40 year old skabowke Stora was charged for this reported assault on 23 year old Hallie McGuken.

I was literally just walking, and a man came up and punched me in the face. Oh, my God. It hurts so back. Stora, a fringe political candidate who once ran for mayor, has an extensive criminal record, police say, and earlier this week, a third man was charged, accused of punching a 57 year old woman in the face. The arrests come as dozens of women have taken to social media, sharing stories of allegedly being randomly sucker punched across New York City.

I was punched in the head in New York City. He goes, sorry, and then punches me in the head. He spit all over me and then punched me in the side of the face. The trend placing many women on high alert makes me feel, like, a little bit paranoid. It’s definitely been scary. Overall, crime in the city is down, but data shows misdemeanor assault is up more than 10% compared to this time last year.

Two of the men arrested have not yet pled to the charges, and at least one has been released. I feel pretty safe, but again, that’s not an excuse to kind of let my guard down. Priscilla Thompson, NBC News. Hey, I did a little research on this guy. You know what he is? You know, one of these guys is they wanted them hotep pro black type dudes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, the ones that say that they for the community and they out here, I guess, their victim in this instance, because every single woman looks like they’re not a black woman. I think that they think that just because they assault somebody that don’t look like them, that that allows for them to still be pro black. You know, last week, I had an interaction with a guy that caught up into my show, and it was talking about how, you know, all of the negative stuff and they were spewing the racism and stuff.

I don’t stand for that. I don’t stand for that. I’m not. I’m never going to stand for it. And if you are the type of person that thinks that you pro black based off of a talking point and you’re not pro people, pro life, pro righteousness, pro God, pro Christ, that’s how I align myself with people. I align myself with people based off a good character. I’m not going to say free to guys just because he just so happened to have a similar skin color based off of the standards that y’all set from a person that you don’t even know.

You don’t even know who said that you black based off of 10% blood in you and half of y’all don’t even know who your father is. It’s crazy out here in these streets, but they gave me some new ammunition and some new motivation to continue to go crazy out here in these streets. And then last but not least, certainly last but not least, nasty man. You know, occasionally we got to bring a nasty man.

And I don’t know what it is about Florida, but it’s like something in the air, it’s the water or something that brings out the nastiness. Shout out to Fantasy island girl. That brings out the nastiness in people. Check this out, y’all. I gotta. I gotta preface this by saying that this is a wild, wild story. All right? A janitor in jail after police say he used cash to lure a stupid seven’s Michael Hudak is live in northwest Miami Dade with the details on this.

Michael. From the victim’s family telling Seven News that this specific former employee had been making sexual advances towards their twelve year old son since last year. This is the face of an accused pedophile and human trafficker. 33 year old Jermaine Garrett Hudson, a former janitor at Shays learning centers in elementary. I want, before I get to school, this story, okay? Before I get to the story, did y’all see what he would he be in charge with? Before I get to this story, I want y’all to hear what he got charged with.

I’m a rewind it real quick for you. Face of an accused pedophile and human trafficker. Practically any crime that you getting accused of that got to do with anything with regard to sexual. Before we get to nasty man right here, any crime that you basically getting accused of today. Listen, it could be a crime with regard to a woman that decided to sell her body and she wanted to bring you along as security.

It could be what? Regard to what did he talking about? You. Anything they throwing at human trafficking on you, bro. It is a very broad term, and I think that they should throw it on him, but it’s a very broad term. They not messing around, bro. They not messing around. They throwing football numbers at people that get convicted of that. And if they don’t convict you of that, what they do is they threaten you with it in order to force you to take a lesser sentence.

They not messing around anything sexual. Look, I keep telling y’all, I’ve been warning y’all. I’ve been trying to get you the game. And I’ve been preaching this for years now. Dig discipline. Make sure you take care of your business. Look for consent. Don’t just take her word for it. Force her to sign a consent agreement, non disclosure agreement, confidentiality agreement. All three of them has to be looked over by a lawyer.

Make sure you record it so that she’s not saying that she signed it under duress or, why is this so important, Anton? Why can’t people just, if they want to get to it, they want to get to it because it protects you. It protects you. It only takes one person saying something that you did not do or accuse you of something that you did not do, and you saying, oh, man, she was cool with it.

That ain’t what the court said. And you ain’t got ditty money to fight off any accusation whether it’s true or not true, an allegation, and you automatically gonna be convicted in a court of public opinion. Somebody said, well, man, Anand, the NDA, that don’t, that ain’t gonna hit if they said, that’s why you got the consent agreement, and that’s why you over there having her sign it on camera, because it shows that she didn’t sign it under duress and that she agreed that she wanted to get, whatever happened, she was down for it.

Listen, listen, bro, I’m trying to tell y’all that it’s not enough. I did a review video yesterday of a woman that was basically going out there and telling all of the business of the different men that she rock with. And she had videos, snapchats, and all of this stuff. And she putting it out there on TikTok, and she getting famous, and she monetizing it based off of that.

Y’all gotta be careful. Y’all gotta be careful nowadays. I know you thinking, oh, Uncle Anton, he don’t get it. You know, I’m saying, he been married for too long. Listen, it’s a reason why I don’t have no problems, no smut on my name, no issues, no trouble. I bring people in and out all the time. I work with people. I never had a problem a day in my life.

And it’s a reason for that is because I’ve been very, very intentional. And I understand that. You getting it off. You getting your, you getting that off. Ten years ago, Eric Adams is over there in New York fighting charges from 30 years ago. You don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know, bro, you could be the president of the United States, right? Or a major corporation 25 years from now, and some chick in your past is gonna come back and say, oh, no, they gonna see you get in the bag.

They gonna see you got that visibility, and they gonna be like, oh, ship me $2 million in order for me to shut up. Now back to nasty man right here, 33 year old Jermaine Garrett Hudson, a former janitor at Shays learning centers in elementary, a promise in Miami Dade’s Brownsville neighborhood, who was accused of paying a twelve year old boy for oral sex. The victim’s mother says she was told by her child that since last year, there was a janitor that was exposing himself, exposing his genital areas to him, at least on two different occasions.

The victim then told investigators Garrett Hudson approached him in December of 2023 and offered him $5 in exchange for oral sex. The twelve year old performed that act on him and then the two went their separate ways. That is the. Look at this nasty man. Y’all are walking past these people every day. Every single day. Y’all walking past these people. They the janitors. They corporate executives. They are our bus drivers, police officers, husbands, wives.

Protect yourself, protect your children. Pay attention to what they dealing with. Talk to them, build a relationship with them, force them to talk to you. Build that rapport with them. Make them feel comfortable. Set it. Set an example of what it’s supposed to be so they not out here being finesse. Fat dollars. Fat dollars. That twelve year old wanted fat dollars. You can’t impress my daughter. You can’t impress my daughter because my daughter drive $100,000 car.

Now, I know that that’s a little bit excessive, but you can’t, you can’t whisk her away with no money. Can’t, no, dude, walk up to my daughter and say, hey, listen, I got a bag. You know why? Cause daddy already got a bag. And so if you wind up talking to my daughter, it’s gonna be because she like you and she gonna go through the proper precautions and say, father, listen, this guy contacted me.

Is it okay for us to play monopoly together? There’s so many different. I’m telling you, listen, we just having children out of wedlock, we just randomly doing stuff. But I’m telling you that it extends beyond, beyond just the things that you see on the surface. There are so many different things that you got to be aware of. They not in your care. It’s a janitor that’s sweeping up a school of your eleven and twelve year old son and daughter that’s trying to, that’s working on them every day, working on them every day.

I buy you some candy. Monster, monster. Twelve year old performed that act on him. And then the two went their separate ways. I went to go pick my kids up from school. When my daughter got in the car, she told me that she heard rumors about my son performing, you know, a sexual act with school. January. The incident was then reported by the victim’s mother in late February, 3 weeks.

Where the father at? Y’all ain’t no fathers in these homes. The daughter isn’t. They in daycare, right? They in daycare because the mama working. The daughter heard a rumor. The daughter got to tell on the son. The son probably gonna be scarred for life and then they gonna be sitting there talking about, oh, I was born this way. No, it was a janitor that was offering you $5 that impressed upon you that this was normal.

And then you wind up doing some wild stuff that then changed the trajectory of your entire life. Everything is a butterfly effect. Everything is protection provision. If I even spot something wrong, if they spot something wrong, the license plate on the car might not be moved too far over. I’ll be in the car with a black light paying attention to every single thing that happened. What y’all got going on in there? I see you.

Imma just tell you, bro. See the fact that this man is able to walk away so freely. Listen, I’m gonna tell you what the difference is between having a father, two parent in a household, and a single mother. She went and reported it to authorities. I’m not sure that this man could be walking around with glasses on and comfortable after he assaulted my son. That’s the difference. That’s the difference.

I’m not sure. See, listen, when you got a strong father in a household, I’m not sure that this guy could be sitting here walking around comfortable before the police got there. Before there’s. See, the police gonna have to be called because you calling them on me. Cuz I believe in that movie the law abiding citizen. I don’t know if y’all ever seen it. I think it was with Gerard Butler.

I believe in a movie law abiding citizen before the police even get called. We not even gonna handle trial already been solved. Trial is solved for it’s some things that you gotta be willing to die for is some things, in my personal opinion. And I’m not telling anybody what to do, and I’m not saying that I would do anything. Read between the lines is some things that you gotta be willing to die for.

That’s one of them. That is one of them. Later, an arrest was made. Now that mother, not wanting to show her face on camera, is speaking out mentally. He’s just, just not the same. I could tell he tried to keep himself occupied so he don’t think about it. And he told me that it did affect him a lot. When we went to Hudson’s house on Friday. Hi. I’m sorry to bother you.

His family did not want to talk. I’m going to grant the state’s motion for pretrial detention. Garrett Hudson, now charged with human trafficking and lewd battery. Count one, human trafficking is no bond, and count two is a second degree felony. That bond is $7,500. When I seen this story, I debated with myself whether to share it. But I think that there’s so many different lessons that we get off of it.

And it’s important for us to understand that every decision that we make make is going to affect somebody else, even a safety. And when we say provision and protection, that’s what having a strong father is. Provision and protection is not just for when somebody breaks into your house. Provision and protection is also proactive in order to teach the people that surround you how to operate and how not to put themselves in certain positions.

Provision and protection is affording your family the ability to not even put yourself in certain spaces. And I know that certain things could happen, but you do your best. You do your best. I don’t go to sleep at night until I know for a fact. And I’m always up, and subconsciously, I’m always thinking about, hey, what’s going on over here? What’s going over there? Hey, did you get to school on time? I’m texting my daughter, calling her.

Hey, is everything good? Watching her on her apple watch, making sure everything is cool. Hey, did you. You got your apple watch on, right? Telling you, man. Telling you, bro, it can get real. Shabba ranks up in here. .

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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Bronx surge in violence city safety concerns crime rates in New York dangers of sexual abuse Frankelis Tavares murder Garrett Hudson human trafficking case importance of consent legal agreements in sexual matters lewd battery charges New York weekend shootings parent vigilance against child abuse protecting yourself from false accusations random assaults on women in New York

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