Man Accounts His Alien Abductions..Experienced Time Travel And Witnessed Off World Civilizations.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ In this episode of Nino’s Corner TV, the host David Nino Rodriguez interviews Tony Rodriguez, a man who claims to have been part of covert psychic programs as a child. Tony shares his experiences with remote viewing and consciousness expansion, which he believes unlocked his psychic abilities. He has written a book about his experiences and the potential of the human mind. The host also promotes investing in gold through Noble Gold Investments.
➡ The text tells a story of a person who was taken at the age of ten and used in a secret space program for 20 years. They were used for various jobs and then returned to their original body and time with no memory of what happened. The person suggests that this could be part of a larger genetic experiment and that invoking the name of Jesus seemed to have a powerful effect on the beings they encountered. The text also discusses the possibility of these beings being interdimensional or even demonic.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences of remote viewing and psychoenergetics research, which he believes were part of a secret government program. He recalls being in places he’s never visited, like Peru and Seattle, and finding evidence of his past experiences in these locations. He also discusses the possibility of being a clone and the ethical implications of such a scenario. His memories were triggered by an MRI scan, leading him to research and validate his experiences, which he has documented in a book.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences of being part of a secret space program, where he worked as a cargo engineer, transporting goods between Earth and other planets. He suggests that Earth is a significant player in an intergalactic trade network, where technology and resources are exchanged with extraterrestrial beings. He also discusses the concept of human consciousness being a form of currency, and the idea that people are unknowingly used for labor in these programs, then returned to Earth with no memory of their experiences. The speaker compares these experiences to historical and cultural tales of individuals being taken and forced to work by supernatural beings.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences and beliefs about the soul, the universe, and extraterrestrial life. He suggests that humanity is evolving and that we need to teach our children to stand up for themselves. He also talks about his work on a spaceship, and his belief in a creator. Despite facing backlash for his views, he continues to share his experiences and teach others about remote viewing, a technique he believes everyone can learn.
➡ The text discusses the concept of remote viewing, a psychic ability that the government has been using since the 70s. It suggests that children are particularly good at this due to their open minds. The text also delves into the dark side of power, discussing how influential figures can be manipulated into illegal activities for blackmail purposes. Lastly, it mentions a book that explores the depths of remote viewing and its potential connections to timeline manipulation.
➡ The text discusses the concept of psycho energetics, which involves interacting with and influencing reality, as opposed to simply observing it. This concept is used in military applications and is believed to be a natural phenomenon of the universe. The text also discusses the idea of synchronicities, which are seen as communications from our higher selves. Lastly, the text criticizes modern media for its negative and violent content, suggesting it influences our subconscious and shapes our reality in undesirable ways.
➡ The speaker believes that modern music and societal trends are negatively influencing people’s subconscious minds. They suggest that by using positive affirmations and meditation before sleep, individuals can program their subconscious to achieve their goals. They also share a story about a group meditation that seemingly healed a sick child, suggesting the power of collective focused intention. The speaker also discusses secret societies and their alleged manipulation of reality, and criticizes the government for dismissing the power of psychic abilities.
➡ Tony and Laura, guests on a podcast, have written books that are available on Amazon. Tony’s book, “Beyond Sight,” discusses remote viewing and psycho energetics, while Laura’s book is titled “Awakening the Truth Frequency.” The host, David, praises their contributions and encourages listeners to keep an open mind.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s corner TV Fluff tube edition. This is YouTube. I’m with one of my favorites co hosts of all time, Laura Eisenhower. And I’m joined with Tony Rodriguez. Man, this is a big one because folks, we got to say that this is, I guess we’re dabbling in conspiracy here. And this is something that you got to really have an open mind for. This is something that I really ask everybody just to put judgment aside and try to understand this the best way you can. There’s in me. We’re in a universe of all possibilities.

Anything could be true. So I love bringing guests like this on because, Tony, it’s a fascinating story. What you got here, what’s happened to you is incredible. First and foremost. First, but first I got to say folks, noble gold. Get your noble gold. Gold has gone up more than 81% in the last five years. It’s happening. Central banks are ditching the dollar and us treasuries and buying more gold. The good news, it is predicted to go up more. UBS even said it would go up to 5000. Noble gold investments phone has been ringing on. Stop. Everyone wants to protect their retirement with gold.

You can do the same, folks. And if you do it this month, Noble golden business will give you a free one four ounce gold standard coin if you qualify for. If you open a qualified account, go to now. get started and get some gold and silver. All right, man, here we go. So I’m going to go ahead and read this just a little bit because your bio is extensive. It’s very, very impressive. But you are the author of a new book. What’s the name of your book, Tony? It’s called Beyond Sight, the hidden History of remote views.

But how many books do you have? This is my third book. Your third book? Okay. But Tony Rodriguez was involved in covert psycho energetics programs as a young boy where he was subjected to advanced experiments in remote viewing, consciousness expansion, possibly allowing his memory recall. These classified projects push the boundaries of human capabilities using extreme and often traumatic methods to unlock psychic abilities in beyond sight. The hidden history of remote viewing and psycho energetics, Tony discloses the advanced possibilities of the human mind sharing his personal experiences and the knowledge he gained from these programs. Through his work, Tony aims to shed light on the hidden potential within us all and the profound impact of psycho energetic.

So, man, I mean, I’ve had you on the show before and I always love to have Laura on here with us. Because Laura always picks up the ball where I drop it. And this is her forte, first and foremost. So, Laura, if you want to just kick it off and take it, and then I’ll. I’ll. I’ll play defense, offense, whatever I can, but you go for it. Oh, you’re muted. Oh, awesome, you guys. Awesome to be here with you. Thanks, Tony, for joining us. My gosh, it’s incredible. Your third book, you’re touching upon the history of remote viewing.

This has played such a huge part in these projects and programs and so touching on these subjects and these different protocols and what you’ve experienced yourself. Where does this all tie in? Like, you know, the Monroe Institute and just the origins of this and all the different things that are listed here. How does this play into your experiences in the Seeker space program? Any agendas here on. Awesome question. Thanks. And thanks for having me back. You guys. Love you guys, and I love watching the work you’re doing out there. So both of you are really kicking ass.

Thank you, John. So my, when I got my memory recall in 2015, I’ve had been on the show before and told the series, the, what do you call it? The substance of my first book series, Colony Cavalier is that story from being taken at ten years old into a program, the 20 and back phenomenon, which is hard for people to understand. And it’s really. It’s really challenging to get people that never heard of anything that before to believe it. You know what I mean? It’s difficult to explain to people. And I don’t want to say embarrassing, but it’s like, kind of like I feel like I’m giving bad news about what ETS can do and what they’re doing to us.

Abducting people. And people have been going for 20 years and then putting them back the same night. So that happened, and I got my memories back in 2000. Wait a second. When you say you’re abducted and you say something like that, you have all your memories of what happened while you’re abducted. Correct. After 2015, I had, like, a recall event. I got an MRI scan of my head, and, like, ten days later, they all the memory, all these memories came back, and they were, like, individual, like, fragmented, like, weird memories my whole life that I was like, I knew, but they didn’t make sense.

But after the MRI, they kind of came together. And there was one big story from beginning to end. So the MRI triggered it probably. Yeah. There’s another guy that had the same experience in the nineties, Michael Relf. And he published the Mars records and it was the same exact thing. He got an MRI scan and remembered working on Mars for. Yeah, yeah. And Duncan. So during that time, it was, like, abducted, and it was like, you know, secret, covert black programs, government programs, working in. Working in concert with ETS, with extraterrestrials. So that’s the level of technology.

And I remembered it. And after 15, I got my memories back. And the thing is, during those 20 years that I was taken and put back, I spent the first six or seven years on the earth before I was taken into the secret space program, which, again, if you never heard that before, ouch. Right? Like, people don’t want to hear that. That people. That there are really, in reality, millions of people working in the solar system, in colonies that are already been in the solar system for decades. And it’s not NASA. It’s not NASA. Right. This is a secret space program.

NASA has nothing to do with it. That’s just a. Just a front. NASA’s the. NASA’s the speed bump. So, you know, NASA’s. They go over here. Look at here. We have our rockets and stuff, and really they’re up here with Antigrav and going lightspeed. So that’s the reality of it. So, as you might guess, I’m always looking for evidence. Like, I’m, you know, I’m not, like, hell bent for people to know me. And, like, if people quit asking me to tell the story, I’ll quit telling it. But everywhere I’ve ever been, I’ve been invited. And during that, like I said, and I’ve been attacked.

I mean, Laura, me and you. Me and you kind of trade cliff notes whenever we see each other, like, some of the dastardly stuff people do to us, you know, sometimes we have the same haters. It’s great. But because of that, I’m always looking for proof. I’m always looking for evidence, and I’ve been blessed. There’s a lot of people that have participated in this stuff have zero evidence, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t go. I was blessed with the time on earth because there were things that I remembered that I went on the record in 2015 and 2016 that shook out later.

And so JuSt last year, in the end of 2022, really, where we. At the end of 2023, sorry, I went with Tyler KOala from the Journey to Truth podcast to one of. There’s only three locations that I remembered being, and I went to one by myself, and I told myself if I would have HAD SOmebOdY, a film crew, it would have been proof, because I knew my way around the area. I went to Seattle. I’d never been there. I can prove I’d never been there, but I lived there in the 20 and back for two years.

And I knew my way around. I knew the stores, I knew the roads, I knew the shortcuts, I knew it. The smell of everything. And I keep myself, just real quick, briefly to my audience, what 20 and back is, because they’re going to be like, what’s he talking about? 20 and bacK? The government. So corporations and militaries globally are working with ets, extraterrestrials groups, and they’ve traded some of their life extension technology to use for people for free labor. And what they do is they. I was ten years old and I bumped into somebody that had access to these programs.

In my school is a kid that I went to school. His dad had access. And that was on a Wednesday. And the Thursday night I was taken. I had a great and a reptilian et in my bedroom. And I was taken to some base somewhere and they did a surgery on me. They checked my genetics and they did surgery. And I worked for that. Then I went into a program. I woke up in Inyokurn, California, and went into like a trauma program and turned out to be psycho energetics and remote spun off of the remote viewing program.

And then I was sold off. I was operational in Peru. They were smuggling drugs. They would drug me and I could foretell if there were police or bad weather or something. And then I went into space. So it was 20 years. That was a 20 year time. At the end of the 20 years, I was 30. And they did something and put me back in my original ten year old body with no memory of what happened. Put me back in time. I was taken on Thursday, April 15, 1982. Thursday night, April 15, 1982. And I woke up Friday, April 16, 1982.

And your parents didn’t know you were gone? No, no, that’s what I’m saying. You’re only gone for a half hour? Hour tops. Was there any. And I didn’t feel. I’d been there for 20 years. I was like. It was the most surreal experience. I remember it well. I woke up and I didn’t remember my toys, my room. I ran down, I hugged my sister. Oh, my God, I haven’t seen you in so long. And I didn’t have memory of the 20 years. It was like a race, but the feelings were there. I got lost in school, could find the bathroom.

I was different. I was different. And you didn’t know you were gone because they put you back in the body, but you didn’t know you were gone. You just felt the longing of. You missed everybody, and you couldn’t remember because it’s been 20 years. You couldn’t remember stuff. How many people are on record right now? When you look at the. I forget the Barney and the. The one abduction story. How many abductions are on record? Where they go, man, we were. Car lost power, and then we saw a gray standing in the road. And then I zonked out.

I don’t remember what happened. And then I woke up, and we felt weird, like something. We don’t know what happened. And we were totally different, but we can’t explain how. And then we just went on about our day. Like, that’s a typical abduction experience. Like, that’s literally, you know, like 80% of contact happens like that. And what I’m saying is they can take you. And what’s the most expensive thing for any corporation these days? It’s labor. It’s not the materials. It’s people getting the materials and people assembling material. Labor is the most expensive cost. So these eat.

You know what I mean? You can’t say that there’s so what they use you for at ten years old, what kind of labor could you provide? Well, that’s exactly it. That’s the substance of this book, is that I went to Inyokurn, which is an airport, which was. There were three buildings being leased by probably the navy or the CIA from army, Inscom. And it was a project. And what I thought, what this. So I want to go in there. I don’t want to lose you guys, because I know it’s complicated, right? And it’s a good question.

No, but this is what it’s about. Let’s talk about it. The first place I woke is what happened was that over the 20 years they trained me and I’d do a job, and when I. As I was growing. You know, you’re a kid. You grow up, you change a lot. When I was no good for that job, they would retrain me and give me another job. And you know what I mean? The 20 years was into that and eventually sold into the infrastructure in the solar system, in the secret space program, which is, like I said, the first book and the second book kind of COVID that.

So let me ask you, this is the missing children thing that’s happening right now. Could we write it off to that? Is it because they’re being sold off for labor and trafficking? There probably are losses because of that. So there probably are children that get lost, but probably not most of them. Probably a small number, because these programs. So people always ask me, like, why would they put you back? Why wouldn’t they just kill you? Well, because it’s genetic specific. Not everybody can go. They can’t use the technology on the time traveler, whatever it is. They can’t use the technology on everybody.

There’s a certain gene marker only some people can go. And so why would you kill that person when they can have kids that could have those genes to go and participate? So it’s generational. And, you know, I mean, I could talk all day about that. You know, in my own family’s thing and people I’ve dealt with, it’s always the same thing. I ask them about family members, and it’s always. There’s always a navy in the family tree, basically, like, 90% of the time. Does it have anything to do with blood type? It’s like. It’s DNA. I don’t know.

I don’t know. It’s not blood. Blood type specific. I think more o negative people either go or remember. Is there anything. Hybrids? Yeah, well, you know, there’s a lot going on with it. So ultimately, I mean, the whole earth could be in a big genetic experiment for all we know, and it could be a good reason. That’s the thing. That’s what confuses me, is that it just feels like these beings are interdimensional, and they’re able to blend and come in and out whenever they please and screw with our reality. And I feel like it’s completely demonic.

Yeah, there’s a lot going on. And so that’s. There’s a scene in. There’s a scene in the first book where I did call on Jesus. And in this book, there are special forces guys that I communicated with back in 2016, and they. They were in a. What do you call it? A psycho energetic area. They were at a target area that was psycho energetically controlled. Altered dementia site dementia was altered. And their way around where they felt like they were walking through molasses. Imagine walking through a grass yard and you can’t walk like you’re waist deep in molasses.

Like, the special forces were sent in on a mission, and they all of a sudden, they got the radio with each other, just sneaking in dressed as civilians, one at a time. Right? And so they got. And they couldn’t. They were like, oh, my God. I can’t even move. And they had to call. One of them was a Christian. He said the name of Jesus, I’m going in there and doing this mission. And he could walk freely for ten or 15ft. And then it started again. He said, in the name of Jesus, I’m going in there and finishing the mission.

So that, that whole, that whole thing is in this. That’s the chapter. Okay, let me, let me touch on that. I’ve had a few guests on, I’ve had La Marzuli that claims that, that Jesus rebuking them in the name of Jesus works. Also, Joe Jordan, that a lot of people were able to stop alien abductions through rebuking them through the name of Jesus. You’re saying here that that works and why didn’t you use it? Well, I didn’t know I was a ten year old kid. And in fact I did. And the end, when they put me back, so here’s the thing.

At the very end when they were putting me back, so ten years old to 30, and then all of a sudden I woke, I was back in my ten year old body after it was over in the laboratory with a bunch of ets. And they’re going, what do you remember? And they started laughing at me and I said, I’m gonna remember this. I’m not gonna forget you guys. And they were laughing. They were like, yeah, whatever, because I had forgotten the 20 years they were, you know, they knew. And I said that and I got mad and I said, the name of Jesus, I’ll remember everything.

And they were like, silence, pin drop that. That’s in the first book. So that, you know, it’s a longer story than that, but basically. So these could be, these could be demonic entities and the name of Jesus may be another, you know, invoking that Christ state of mind might be, you know, weakness to their whole technology, what their whole, what their tech is based on. So, you know, everything’s a demon, right? Like some, some religions call everything a demon, everything’s a demon. You know, the whole universe, trillions of stars, are all demons. I don’t think that’s exactly the case, but I think that there’s a very real thing.

When you talk about empowering, like sovereignty, you know, your consciousness has sovereignty. And I think Christ state of mind, and invoking Christ or the creator, the universal creator, is like a, like a safety valve in the universe. Like, hey, no, in Jesus name this is going to happen. I’m a consciousness. I have a right to say this. And it’s a trunk, it’s a card that you play, you know what I mean? Like, or you’re right, they’re demons. I, you know, I don’t know, but I think that they were people. It seemed to me that the ETS I was dealing with were people just like anybody else working nine five.

There’s, like, a wide spectrum of frequency going from angelic to demonic. Like, there’s a lot in between. Right? Wouldn’t you say? Absolutely. Can you tell us about the roots of, you know, remote viewing, though, and how it relates to what we’re talking about? Right. So. So I got to tell. Kind of set up the story of why I wrote this book, of how I got inspired to write it. Was Tyler Kuala from Journey to Truth podcast. On the first trip to Seattle, I thought I should have brought somebody to film it with me. Tyler volunteered to go with me.

I only have Peru. Inyo, Kern, and Seattle. Those are the places that I remember being during my 20 and back that I can go improve. Like, how do I know my way around Peru? I’ve got a passport. There’s no Peru stamp. I’ve never been to Peru, but I know my way around. I know the history of that town down there. So that’s kind of evidence. That’s evidence. That’s validation. Right. So in yo, Kern, I thought, man, I and Brad Olson went there, and we did, like, a Facetime, like a, you know, like on the phone, and he didn’t come up with much, but he walked it for me, and he was.

I kind of described the. From the driveway to the gate, and that checked out, and I thought, man, I’ve got to go there. So, anyhow, Tyler went with me, and he filmed it. He was there filming. And the buildings that I remember being in, I. I’ve said since 2015, since I went there on Google Earth and saw that the place was real. And, oh, my God, it’s exactly how I remember it. And. But the buildings are gone. That they were portables. There were three portables. There were two portables and two smaller ones. One was portable. Yeah.

You know, like, military portable, like the double wide that they make office spaces, like the schools used. And one we slept in, there was a kids that gone through this trauma based program, and it was remote advanced remote viewing and psychoanagetics research, which is spun off a project grill flame in between Project Grill Flame and project center lanes. And I didn’t know this till after the fact. So where those portables were sitting, there are now garage like barns or, you know, metal buildings that are just storage sheds, but they’re still classified as special districts. So that was evidence.

So I went there and I’m thinking I’m never going to find the portables. And Tyler and I went there and drove around for two. We spent two days there and the portables were there and I walked in one. That was exactly how I remembered. It was crazy. The very first place I woke up in Onyo Kern after being abducted the first day of my 20 mback, I went back to that place and stood in the spot in the portable. It’s still there. They moved it and we went. It was wide open too. You could just walk in the door.

It’s like, it’s like, you know, leaky, it’s, it’s, it’s condemned, but it’s still there. And then the other portable, we couldn’t find, but we found the chassis of it was burnt and on the other, just by hand, random happenstance. We drove around the, the airport and we found the other two buildings, the nurses station and the food, the, where the, the food was. And so after that, that kind of totally lit a fire into my ass when I got, I was in shock for days after. I went, oh my God, you know, like it’s real. Like all the stuff I’m saying is hard.

I mean, people, I know there’s people watching this, they’re like, this is crazy. But imagine finding out it’s real, man. Imagine knowing your way around a place you’ve never been. You know what I mean? With memories and what, like I said, parents. My mom and dad and sister and family, they were all there with me the whole time. They know I’ve never been to annual Kern, California. They know I’ve never been to Seattle. They know I’ve never been to Peru. You were with. I know these. Well, I mean at home, they’ve been with me my whole life.

Like, you know what I mean? There are people in my life that know I never did a trip there back in the eighties to know where those portables were sitting. And I was going to say, when I got back, I really started researching it through the CIA declassified library, and I found all kinds. What I did was I found the hole in the program. So they had remote viewing research to keep up with the Chinese and the Russians that they were doing, the army. And they were wildly successful. They started in 71, and by 77 they were good at it.

And by 81 they wanted to do advanced stuff, so they, they use this technology. The doctor thought we were clones, so ethically he was cool with. And they, you know what I mean, with radical, like mkultra, hypnosis. So. Because that’s the trick to remote viewing is believing you can remote view. They were programming us, and then they did put us through the advanced stuff, which was, like, out of body research with the Monroe Institute. I found all the paper trails. Monroe was there. They had security clearance. They had. The tech was there. Everything that I remember, I go and research it, and it keeps popping up.

And then I have papers in the. In this book, you know, like that. That have. That show. I show the paper trail in the book, which I love. So I don’t know if you can see this one. You can’t really see it. Yeah, I see it. It’s the funding. So there’s. When I was there, this is when it ended, and this is when Center Lane started. So in between it was about. It was from April of 82. So, of course, remember I said I was taken April 15. It was like April 7, that they started the program.

They shut down grill flame. They did a congressional investigation into where grill flame was getting its members that were. That were being experimented on. They were humans. Humans being experimented on, because there were two programs broke off the army. One did no drugs, no peripherals, no electromagnetics or anything like that. And the other one was advanced. They did drugs and electromagnetics and shielding and all these extra peripherals to see how far they really could go with psycho energetics and remote viewing, which was my program. So at the end of that, when they wanted to, they wanted to share it with all the other branches of the government, because only the army had, what do you call it? Security clearance.

Only army InsCOm had security clearance to the data. So they were the ones paying for it. So at the end of it, they were like, look, we have operational data. This is stuff we can use in combat. So then they had to close that program down and start a new one that gave access. When they opened the new one, they had to set the rule, set that it was only volunteers, that you couldn’t use little kids anymore, or even if they were clones. During that window of time that, before they changed the law, was exactly the time that I was abducted and remember being there.

Why is it okay to use clones? Is it cause they don’t have a soul? Why is everything. Why is everything? Huh? Well, you know what I mean. They didn’t. They didn’t know because they were come from. It came from classified. Another classified compartment. So the doctor didn’t know where the clones came from. He didn’t know that, you know, that a consciousness, that my consciousness was riding along with it and was going to have to be put back. Like, the cloning tech was another radical technology. How do you not know you’re a clone right now? I mean, really? I kind of don’t, do I? Other than.

You know what I mean? Like, I’m all here fingers and, like, I’m in my body, but, um, I. It was the same. Then I have a graphic. Like, the way I remember it was the birth to ten and then the 20 years and then from ten to now. Like, that’s how my memory works. So for me to remember five or eight, nine years old is like 70 years ago or 60 years ago for me. So I can remember the 20 years easier than I can remember being nine. So it’s like, that’s how I experienced it. The ten, then the 20, then back to ten again.

So the technology kind of works like that based on they have to have consciousness to drive. Drive the thing. If it was cloning at all, I don’t. Might be something I’m just not aware of. It’s kind of like getting surgery and you. You know what I mean? You maybe put you under and you wake up. You don’t know. What’s crazy is the MRI is what triggered all this. You, by going to an MRI, triggered all these memories. You got all the memories back, right? Everybody should get an MRI. Yeah. Well, I looked into making an. So many people came to me and they thought.

They said, I remember the same thing. You went through what you’re talking about. And I tried to think, well, maybe I’ll get my own MRI machine, but you can’t. They’re like millions of dollars. They’re, like, really complicated. Can I ask something? So, with all this remote viewing and the roots of it and these different institutes, like Monroe, Tavistock and just, like, how does this influence what plays out on the world stage that we’re seeing today? This seems to be the background, behind the curtain of what influences what’s happening on the world stage. Can you help us to understand how that links into the narrative, the social engineering and all that? Yeah, they got super good at it.

So I was in the first round of advanced techniques, and so, you know what I mean? Like, the maximum. Like, if they take somebody and experiment on them with no human rights and put them through the maximum of the technology, how good can they remove you? And basically, it ended up with us being me being put to near death experience once a month, and then people lining up and asking me questions. So they were giving me an iv bag, and I would go out. And that’s the story in my second book, project star maker, because while I was out, it was like I was in the middle of being dead and not.

And then I would wake back up and I felt sick. And it got worse, progressively worse and worse over. It was like two years before I couldn’t. I lost the ability. Like, they would put me under, and I would just talk gibberish at the end of it. When I, like, right around puberty, like, when I hit puberty, it went away. It started to not work as good. So then they moved me to Seattle and then out into the space program, where I was just a laborer. I was a repair, maintenance, and engineering. Cargo engineering. You remember any of the trade? What’s that? Do you remember any of the trade? Like, how to work? You.

What were you working on? Spaceships? Yeah, totally. And did you work on a spaceship? Well, it’s pretty easy. They give you a step by the computers pretty good at telling you what to do. But the cargo engineering, I described it in an interview once, years ago, maybe three, four years ago, somebody asked me, like, what was your job when you were a cargo engineer? And I described it, you know, measuring boxes and putting in the data. And a guy got ahold of me, and he was like, dude, I do your job. I’m. He lived in the med, like, in Italy or Greece, and he was in.

Worked for a shipping company in the Mediterranean. He said, I do your job. Exactly. He said, I stack. He’s like, it’s. You described exactly my job. And I was like, that’s funny, because I’ve never been near a cargo ship in my organic life. And he said. And we were talking about it. We were like, yeah, it’s link times with. And then it would spit out the stacking report on the cargo, depending on the boxes and the computer. He said, yeah, but don’t forget the tipping number. The tipping report. And I said, no, I didn’t have a tipping number in my cargo bay.

The main cargo bay did, because everything we had was under a meter was one by one by 1 meter. So for the bigger cargo, you have to generate a tipping report. He was like, whoa. You know, like, like, I knew that. Yeah, I’ve never done that. I’m a woodworker. But this is a woodworker. That’s crazy. So this is for, like, intergalactic shipping. Like, this is like you were saying, like, what it was. What was this shipping for? Like, you were shipping containers and cargo on spaceships to other star systems in our galaxy and even nearby galaxies.

We went to four or five planets a day. We went to the Kuiper belt. We went to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, we went to South America in the Catarina mountains. We picked up cargo at Diego Garcia. We take it out into space. Hold on, let me ask you this. Why is Earth so important in all this? I mean, isn’t just one of the planets? Are these planets all just trading with each other? I mean, it’s all just like a galactic beehive. Everyone’s trading. I mean, if it’s happening here on earth, then it has to be tech and minerals.

So think about it like this. So what do we work for? Money. They print it. Money’s fake. They print money. The people that are in charge of the world, the bank, the central banks, and this is, you know, I don’t want to go down, like, the whole rabbit hole right with it, but let’s look at it this way. Money really doesn’t substantially mean anything. That’s. I love that you were selling gold in the beginning, the gold stuff, but money, they just print it up when they need it. And we call it inflation, but inflation probably isn’t real either.

They can take. They can pay us fake money to dig the gold out of the ground, and we put it somewhere, you think it went somewhere where it got bought, and they can load it up on a spaceship and go trade it with an ET for a new laser beam. And that’s exactly what was going on. That’s exactly what we were doing. We would go to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, the american air base, and this was in the late nineties, mid to late nineties, when I was going there, and we would stop and pick up cargo, millions of dollars of cargo, and we would take it and give it to ETS, and we would get technology.

Sometimes we would drop off four or five loads, boatloads of cargo filled to the brim, and they would give us a math equation for payment. This happened with, like, some agreement. And I don’t know if it was Eisenhower or who it was, but it wasn’t Eisenhower, but it wasn’t some president that made an agreement with ETS to. You can abduct people and we’ll give you. Give us technology will allow you to abduct people. Abduct people. Was that the beginning of this our country? Yes, the MJ twelve. The MJ twelve group in 1947, was, to my knowledge, the first said treaty like that, the MJ twelve.

If I’m right, wouldn’t you say the greater currency, though, is the DNA and the energy and the harvesting. And down here, they just want us to be addicted to money. But they actually are using our energies to keep us. Consciousness is extracted away from what they’re taking from us and harvesting. Like they’re mining us. Yes. So people go, I’ve had people, you know, because I always. The people that love you are plentiful, talking like this. But the haters stick out. And I’ve had haters, they’re like, man, they wouldn’t take you foot. You’re full of crap, Tony, because they wouldn’t take you.

They’d build a robot. They build a robot to do that job. But a robot really isn’t, as is way more expensive than I am, for one. And they can put you back. So, you know what I mean? It’s just they can. People are very trainable. You cut us, we heal. We’re very low maintenance, and we’re smart and creative, and we can manifest solutions to things. So, for one, and the consciousness is a kind of a currency. We’re amazing at what we are. And so we’re kind of a currency out there. So people, the earth is like a resource.

They can come down and take. People have an entire labor force work it for however long. When they’re done, they put them back by whatever means, and then the people don’t know what happened, right? So think about that. I mean, just put yourself in. Put yourself in a managerial position with that ability, and we don’t even remember, and we. And you leave us alone for a while, there’ll be more of us. The other thing is, when you look back in history, talking about to anybody that, you know, the Bible stuff, all through history, there’s been a boogeyman.

There’s a devil. And what does the devil steal? What does the devil want? Your soul. And then where do you go? You work in hell for a long time, and then you wake up, you know, I’m saying, you go to hell. It’s the. They described that account of the devil’s taking you in, working you is an account of a 20 and back doing hard labor, when. That’s what I heard. Well, hell’s eternal may have been blown up by then, but what I’m saying is all the cultures have like a boogeyman. Before there was Christianity, all the old cultures have like a boogeyman that would get you in the middle of the night, he’d wake up and be different.

Like, if you research it into, you know, the folklore, that’s exactly what they want is your soul that wants your soul. It’s like it never made sense. Like, why does. What’s up with my soul? What’s up with that? Like, the soul, I can’t. Well, how many people, like, don’t put that together? And that’s the battles to get your soul back. I mean, isn’t it also a battle for the soul of the earth? I mean, isn’t there something about taking over the earth? They’ve manipulated the planetary grids. Well, they keep us down on a level that we can’t defend ourselves.

So, you know, that’s another popular question is, how do I. Tony, this happened to you. How do I stop this? What happened to my kid? I have a young child. Well, how do I stop it? What do we do about this? And I’m like, teach your kid to say no. There’s really not a lot we can do. They rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus, right. And say no to them. You remember being. Can you, like you said, you remember Peru? You remember all these places on planet Earth? Do you remember other planets? Like, could you be dropped off in another planet and remember exactly where to go? Well, we were only over there for a time to load up, a.

Load up a cargo load. You know, like the ship was about a thousand feet long. So the cargo bay was, I don’t know, a few hundred feet long, but mine. And there were. I was in charge of two cargo bays. There was a main one, so, you know, a few hours, in an hour, 90 minutes, we could load up and go. So we were never there. You were like the galactic ups, much bigger than a truck, but. Yeah, that’s exactly right, dude. There were times we. We dropped cargo into space out in a coordinates out in the dead of space.

We would set cargo off the ship and just fly away and another ship would come get it later. Would you feel the propulsion system or was it just like a. Well, what do you feel on the ship? Just like riding it anywhere else. You couldn’t feel moving around or anything. It was big and it was, you know, it wasn’t jet, it wasn’t, you know, you see in the Sci-Fi these ships that are got, like, flowing walls and all. It wasn’t like that, man. It was like, very simple. It was industrial looking, especially where I worked in the front.

It had carpet and more like, you know, the plastic wall coatings that airplanes have. The wall in an airplane, that plastic covering it had that. That was a lot of the area in the front. And then there was carpet and then the back part down in the cargo bay and in where I worked was like white epoxy coated steel. It was made out, you know, it was like industrial looking. It looked like a Star Trek, like an engineering in Star Trek. But there’s a lot of competing agendas. Like, what is the end goal with all of this? I mean, well, you know, the end goal is they’re milking humanity for all it’s worth for a while they can until we advance to take over Earth.

Sorry. Well, the earth has already been taken over. You know, I don’t think that it’s some kind of agenda where they’re going to take over all of a sudden. I think that it’s about handing off to us. You know, when you think about the larger, like, politics involved, you know, I may or may not be the expert of that, but one thing’s for sure, people are evolving quickly. The consciousness of everybody is. Our kids are way more, I don’t know if you want to call it woo or advanced or spiritual. Our kids are way more general and spiritual in general than we were.

And so because we have the Internet and we are trading, birds of a feather can finally flock together that never could before. And so you trade that real good, the real stuff that’s been suppressed all along, like the elites have been doing all this consciousness expansion, you know, for the whole time. And so now we’re starting to learn about these things, you know, and so the world is the world. I think mankind is evolving and we’re going to get, they’ll have to disclose to us at a certain point. You know, I think they’ve suppressed us and they just drug it out as long as they could.

How are you dealing with the backlash for what you’re saying? Like, a lot of people are going to probably say, this guy’s crazy. I don’t want to be around him. Don’t let your kids around him. How, how are you being treated by. Yeah, that’s funny. So I get both. I mean, what you’re saying is, is really out there for a lot of people. Some people are still questioning if UFO’s exist or not. Mike, my audience is a big christian audience. And so they’re going to say that you’re demonic or you’re this or you’re that. How do you, how do you refute that? What do you say to these people? Like, it’s a big universe and there’s room for all, for a lot of the, like you, like Laura said, a lot of competing agendas.

It’s a very big situation we live in. I believe in God. I do believe in the creator of the universe. I believe in the Christ consciousness end of it. And I believe that everybody has a choice every day to make and that I don’t believe, you know, I don’t believe in the absolute. I mean, there is. There is evil, but I think a lot of the bad guys that we, as tribute are bad guys are just ets or species or groups or militaries or corporations that have their own agenda ahead of your rights. You know, like, they’re just disrespectful.

I think that’s more prevalent than pure evil. And even though there is, you know, there. There are consciousnesses. That’s a tough word to say. There are evil. But I think most of the bad guys that we attribute to are just. It’s a matter of perspective. You know what I mean? Like, would they want to silence you now that you’re speaking out? Wouldn’t they just be like, man, shut that guy up. I didn’t know he was back. We kind of screwed up on this one. Let’s go back and erase his memory at least. So, yeah, there’s been a lot, dude, that there’s been a lot of things that have happened to me since talking about this.

So I got to believe that somebody’s looking out for me because there’s no way I would still be here. Since 2015, 2016, I went public, and there’s been a lot of things where I could have easily just turned left and been, you know, hit the buzz saw. There’s a. There’s a lot. There have been. There have been some legitimate good swings at me to shut me up. And what it is now is I’m the golden goose because now I’m disclosing the tech, the technology I’ve been. And there, I think. I think the same people that would shut me up are trying to listen to see what I remember, because for the last two years, I’ve been coming out with technology that I remember.

I’ve been working on the learning system. So we waited for AI to catch up, and that’s under, like, the school that I went through when I was on Mars, the learning way. I remembered how it worked, and we’re trying to reverse engineer that and use AI to create, like, a homeschooling thing. So that’s a technology. And then there’s other technologies, the remote viewing stuff. So I teach remote viewing now, like I have on my Patreon. And in this book, at the end of this book, the very last like twelve pages are our guide on how to remote view.

So anybody can do, everybody can do it. You can remote view, and there’s a real easy protocol. It’s all public information and you can do it, man. It’s a superpower. It’s literally, it’s crazy. It’s like a superpower. I have a group, we get 1520 people, and we remove you, the same target, and they have no idea what it is. They have. Here’s a target. Today’s target is just these numbers, or, you know, that. Yeah, the grid, they just get a number, you can’t see it that great, but that’s it. And then it’s written on a piece of paper in the envelope what the target is, and they go and do the protocol and it’s.

They describe it. They describe it accurately. Every week we do it. We do it every single week. And so I used to be impressed, and I used to keep all the data and show my friends the pictures. Look, they do this picture, and here’s the real picture of what it was. See, look how close it is. Wow. And I don’t even care because it’s like every, it’s like same stuff, different target, we, we train it, it’s a. You got to get in practice of it and it’s just listening to your own intuition and the like. And I’ll say this to the Bible, people, it’s not anything evil, it’s your divine abilities that they, that the, that the evil people have hidden from us and weaponized their intuition.

You know what I mean? No, I better not go in there right now. I don’t know why, I just feel like, oh, wow, it crashed. And so everybody has that intuition, remote viewing, and the government figured it out in the seventies and they use it, and they use it in. Our soldiers are doing it and they’re doing it. The Stanford Research Institute successfully predicted the forex change in price in silver twelve times in a row using remote viewing back in the early eighties in 83, 384. So it’s real. And it’s not, it’s not, it’s not some demonic, it’s not witchcraft.

Everybody can do it super simple. And it’s what we are. We are more, we have more ability than. They want you to think you’re dumb, they want you to think you’re dumb and that everything you try is going to fail. Like that’s the little message and it’s wrong. And that’s why they use advanced children and their abilities to steer what, you know, trajectory they want as in timelines. How does remote viewing connect to the timeline? So kids are. Kids are easy to train because they, you know, think about a hard drive, your computer hard drive, you can’t add a ton of software to it.

It’s full. You’re an adult. Kids are empty. Hard drive. They can just program it and they run it really fast and easy. And there’s no, there’s no hiccups. There’s no, oh, this one reminded me of my ex girlfriend, and now I’m sad. There’s none of that. Kids don’t have that. Adults have that. They’re clean slate. They’re a clean slate. Exactly. They’re blank canvas. So they can. That’s why. That’s why remote viewing works. Kids are psychic. Anyway. Most people. Most people, I’ll bet you most people have a story that they could tell you about some three or four year old kid that told them the future.

Like, yeah, you know what said, don’t go there. All of a sudden, we saw there was a car crash. How’d they know? Because kids just don’t know that. They can’t. They teach us that we can. So that’s the thing. What about, what about, didn’t you have memories? The last time I talked to you was a lot a few years ago, I think. Uh, you were talking about how you were also, and let’s be very careful on this for a fluff tube, but, like, you were trafficked throughout the. Not only were you working on ships and stuff, but weren’t you also.

So that was in between Peru and, and being in. Sold into space in between the ages of 13 and 16 was in Seattle, and that was elite. Like, I stayed there in a house with boys, and that was part of that. Like, you know, that culture was, like, military people and parties. But was it, was it, were you trafficked on earth or were you also trafficked outside into the. Outside into the associates? So it was just those years on earth in Seattle. Like, I stayed at the house in Seattle, and they were having political party, like, they were politicians that were doing it.

Politicians and people from the military. And, you know, Paul’s a high up in political structure and military people that were, like, you know, administrative military people and other people in Hollywood. And musician, though, it was the, you know, it’s that crowd, man. That stuff’s real. The Hollywood stuff that we’re seeing, you know, the whole diddy scandal and all these things, like, that’s what goes on to, you know what I mean? Like, when you take, like, rockstar stuff, like, this again. I’m gonna keep it for flow. I know we’re on the YouTube. I can’t. I can’t speak freely right now.

When you take a rock star that has no challenge in finding somebody to hook up with, they look that, you know, I’m saying, you get desensitized and they get what they want. It. They want what they can’t have. And when you get somebody that can have anybody they want, what’s next? Right. I. Some taboo stuff, it gets younger, like fetishes and, like, weird stuff. They start just finesse. They try to stress their power, enforce their power. That’s what they start getting off on. Exactly. Because they. You want what you can’t. You want the challenge. You don’t want.

It’s like if everybody just. How’s the child? The challenge? I don’t understand. I know that’s just illegal because it’s illegal because you can’t have. You can’t have it. What I’m saying is that’s the. This doesn’t make any sense. It has to be tried. Is that conditioned or traumatized into a person? And it doesn’t seem like a natural thing that would just flip. Because you have everything you could want. People, people in a group, in a group setting are. Can be taught, can be coerced into doing some very horrible things. But is that part of the telling of just to have the.

Because it’s blackmail, right? You said people take pictures of in order to blackmail them. That is that different. So we have the Epstein island thing where we have all the. We have the list of people that frequented it, and they had underage girls. I mean, this is beyond some other things, too, I heard. But, yeah, I’m going to keep it. Keep it simple. Yeah. Keep it bluff, keep it fluff. Yeah, we keep it simple. But we have the evidence that many people that are in positions of power, billionaires, politicians, perhaps presidents, the prince of. You know what I mean? One of the princes of England would go to Epstein island.

Confirmed. Your age or girls. Confirmed. And they were being filmed. Unwittingly confirmed. All these things are confirmed. So this is a wonderful system. Probably dates back to the roman time on how to get somebody to vote for you or to make your record and work for your company, or not do this or not do that. So this is, this is prime course. And these are the people that are in charge of everything. You know, why waste your time with, why waste your time inviting somebody that works at 711 when you can invite the guy that owns 711? Right? So that’s the one.

You want to control everything. So those are the people that get invited to these, and then all of a sudden, you’re rubbing elbows with your favorite people, like, oh, my God, I can’t believe he’s here. That’s amazing. And you’re, like, blown away. And then all of a sudden, there’s a culture. These girls may or may not be of age. You’re not sure. And then once they know you play ball, then you go to the inside room, where they definitely are underage. And now you’re. Now you’re an accomplice. And so, I mean, it’s pretty simple stuff. That was Seattle.

That’s. That entire episode is also covered in my first book series, Colony Cavalier, that. That. Why is Seattle so important? My memory? Seattle is like a ley line. Like, so Seattle is like an energetic place, like Sedona or, you know, Egypt. Wherever there are places in the world that have, like, magnetic anomalies, it’s better to do your black magic stuff. You know? It’s my guess. That’s my best guess. I don’t. You know what I mean? I don’t have the. Some kind of tangible proof I can offer, but that’s my best guess. Um. What was I going to say about that? But.

So that’s covered in the first book, and, um. Yeah, I forget where I was going with that. Your new book, like, what’s the heart of it? Like, the origins of remote viewing. And just. It’s about remote viewing and about how far they went with it. So the other thing is, most people think remote viewing is like drawing, drawing on a chalkboard. Like. Like, I have. I have a. You know, I have an envelope, and inside it says, describe the Eiffel Tower. And I put numbers on it. I give the numbers to you, and you’re on a chalkboard, and you’re like, I get a tower.

A straight up thing. And, you know, I mean, most people think that’s what remote viewing was, and it is to it, largely, but there’s so much more to it. And the things that I remembered experiencing, they did out of body. They did countermeasures. They did future telling the future telling the past. We did teletelepathy. We did many experiments with radical stuff. They were using drugs on us and peripherals and the binaurals and electromagnetic fields and Faraday field, Faraday cages. And so they were experimenting with radical technology. And the book is telling what I went through and what we.

And then on top of it, I found evidence for all those things like, now it’s all declassified. Here we are 40 years later, you know, 45 years later, it’s declassified. So you can go on. It’s just a lot of reading. I read, I read 100 PDF’s researching my stuff and I’m just looking for proof. And I found kind of the, kind of the hole, the financial hole around my time and in your current as well. So that’s what’s in the book. Right? Is there a connection between, like, remote viewing and timeline manipulation and looking glass technologies? Is there any? Yeah, absolutely.

So that’s psycho energetics. So remote viewing is passive. So you’re an observer. So think about this. So if I’m, I’m in, you know, a sporting event and I’m watching it, I’m watching a baseball game, okay? I’m in a baseball game. It doesn’t matter what kind of crazy stuff happens. I’m just watching at the game’s over. I go home. I’m an observer. I’m remote viewing it. Psycho energetics is interacting with it. Psycho energetics is when you start shining lasers in their eye for the players. When he guys up the bat and you’re lasering his eye, now you’re interacting with the game, you’re perturbing the game that psycho energetics is perturbing.

And that’s, like I said, like I described earlier, that special forces team that were, they were in, entered an area that was protected psycho energetically. So they altered dementia. They, they made it to where they got to the point where they could move things at the target and they could change your perception of time. So, so a bunch of remote viewers, a bunch of soldiers on drugs in a room somewhere in an army base, and they work on my room here. And you walk in my room and you go, whoa, man. Where did the time go? It’s already, it’s all.

I walked in here at noon. It’s already 03:00 it’s only been like five minutes. What’s going on? They could do that. They could replicate that and they can slow it. Or you go, come on, already, like, they could alter your perception of time at the, at the, at the site. So these are, this is not, I’m not making this up. I’m not guessing either. I have the paperwork I showed. This matrix really is engineered, highly engineered. We have engineers controlling our reality. Basically, you are, you’re controlling your reality anyway, when you’re psyching up, but it seems like other, other entities can come in and do that unconscious.

If we’re on autopilot. Right. It’s more like you have to be pretty, like, out of it. You know, most of humans walking down the street looking at their phone, so it’s like you’re not, you’re not doing. We are, we are numb. We’re numbed by the media and by our stuff and by our. They, you know what I mean, saying, they tell little, little young boys that there’s no money to be made. It’s terrible. Don’t get out there and work, you know, like they’re telling you all these things to shoot that in the foot and while, while doing the opposite to themselves.

Because the matrix, you know, if you want to call them the matrix, whatever you want to call it, you are in charge of your own, of reality, your branch of the timeline that you are going to occupy each of us, that I occupy, I occupy a branch. So I leave and go. Today, me and you hang up and you’re going to go do something, and I’m going to do something. I have no idea what it is. You’re in charge of that and where it leads you and what happens along the way. Your consciousness is shaping that mind is shaping mine.

So they just figured out how to do it for them for military purposes. And ets have been doing it all along. And that’s just the nature, real nature of the universe. Like, people explain it away to when. When incredible things happen to people, they explain it away too easily. How many people have witnessed a miracle and then went right back to doing, thinking nothing about it? Oh, wow, that’s crazy. Yeah, that’s like, when they just go, let’s see what’s on tv. What about synchronicities? Like, when certain things happen in your life, you’re like, synchronicities? What is that? Are those.

Well, that’s exactly right. So I like to think that synchronicities are my higher self, you know, me like, you’re like a telescope into, you know, we get into other quantum physics and things like that. Like, synchronicities are kind of like in. So another chapter in this book is dreamwork, Somnius opus. I call it dreamwork, I believe. And the science that I found when I was researching the program, the grill flame program, the science behind it, is that you are work like a radio, and your radio signals bounce off the ionosphere along with everybody else’s. So while you’re sleeping, you can literally communicate to everybody on the globe who is also sleeping.

Or, you know, and maybe that’s why some people can’t sleep, because they don’t want. Hey, get out of here. We’re talking about you, but it’s not tied to present. You can sense the future in the past. And I believe that there’s a natural phenomenon where we make. We get permission with each other while we’re sleeping for things that are going to happen in the future. And that’s what synchronicities are. That leads to synchronicities that turn you left to right. So I’m two people. Like, how many people fall in love and they meet each other? It’s like we knew each other as soon as they meet.

I felt like I. I felt like I knew her, and I asked her out. Like, how often do you ask people out? Like, you, you know, I’m saying, like, how often in your life these big things happen, but it’s like you got permission because you did know her, because you, everyone, you’re consciousness, which is kind of neutral, super neutral, got permission to say, you know, you were up there. We’re talking in the cloud together. Why? As we sleep. The science supports that. Yeah. It’s like consciousness happens before the physical. And so when things happen in the physical, the consciousness plane, the creative imagination, and things, you know, become grounded in the physical plane from that.

That’s where they want to manipulate. They want to infect the creative channels with, you know, whatever they possibly can. But when you’re not in that zone, you’re able to communicate. The physical catches up with what the consciousness has made a connection on. Right. So your subconscious dictates that, your subconscious mind. So that’s why on tv, I was just talking to some of the other days, like, you know, anymore on the show, they never get the girl anymore. Watch a tv show, they never get the girl. It’s a sad ending. They break. They don’t make it interesting.

You’re kind of right about that. I’ve noticed that. And then it’s always bad. There’s always. Even if it’s a. Even if it’s a comedy, somebody gets brutally murdered. It’s a dark. Yeah, it’s like, stay inside, lock the door, don’t go anywhere, because it’s. When you walk out the door, some bad’s gonna happen. That’s like 100%. You know, back in the eighties, it was like spandex and TNA, you know, tits. Tits and ass. Pardon me. Yeah, tv back in the day, you don’t get any of that anymore. There’s no more love. There’s none of that now. It’s like brutal violence.

It’s gore and violence. Across the board. And so, so much so that we don’t even notice it anymore. It’s in every show, man. Every single show. Like violent. Like even now it’s in my scroll. Like when I’m scrolling. Oh, whoa. And also, any movie that’s showing the future, it’s always a dystopian nightmare. It’s always just a gloomy, dark, horrible future. It’s never better. Yeah, and all the docuseries, the only time I saw a positive future movie was back to the future. When he, like, went to the future, there was flying cars and like, it was pretty cool.

Now every futuristic movie is like, it’s dystopian. The new world, you know, it’s just horrible. It’s just. It’s a nightmare. Fairy tales. That’s where your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between a movie and reality. So when your subconscious goes up there and starts communicating, you kind of like, I don’t want to work on my future. You know what I’m saying? It’s stunting you. It’s stunting you. Well, it’s creating an imprint, like water, because it’s a water element. Neptune is the multidimensional of the creative imagination. So if it makes that imprint, that vibrational signature, you know, it’ll emulate it, it’ll enable it, it’ll produce it, it’ll generate it.

So we have to like, go beyond that in order to write a better script than the one they’re handing us. I mean, the crime documentaries, the crime series, the amount of like, horrific things that happen is just like, there’s seasons. There’s like twelve seasons of like, nothing but horrific documentaries about the crimes between family members and couples. It’s like there’s no happy stories that are being shared. Like you guys are saying it’s like bombardment, Netflix, you look at Amazon prime, it’s all the same array of just really, like, prime or just dark stories or forensics or like.

I don’t know, maybe that’s just what I searched for. But I don’t see anything really happy on any of these primer or on. On Netflix anymore. It’s not like it was in the eighties and in the early nineties, it just around mid nineties, it kind of made a turn. Yeah, big time. And there’s never like a badass, like, if anybody, if anything good happens when the bad guy gets smoked, it’s on a. Sure. Sheer luck. It was a lucky. Yeah. So they’re imprinting that in our consciousness for our subconscious to create that kind of future. To think that that’s what the world is like.

Your subconscious thinks that’s the world it lives in. No more love songs. Look at. Listen to music today. The frequencies of the music, I mean, all of it is just so negative and so garbage. I mean, there’s no good vibration anymore. You know, I remember this. The music with Bob Marley and all them. And that’s why I think they were, you know, ultimately they were. They were killed or whatever. But, but, but like I said, they used to have a good frequency, falling in love and, you know, it was all about love and making love, and now it’s about clubs and, you know, just the horrible derogatory content.

That’s just. You don’t want your kids listening to it. And then the gender confusion. Yeah, the gender confusion is out of control. It’s just like just walking around town and just seeing how much the youth. It’s like, it’s trendy. It’s trendy to become the opposite sex. They’re not even thinking their right mind. You know, it’s like you can be a tomboy, you can be a feminine kind of man, but, like, to literally take it to that next level where you’re like. It’s like being so encouraged, it’s. Yeah, you can tell that there’s a real agenda by social engineering is out of here right now.

But we can break this, and we are breaking this. Don’t you agree? Yeah. So one of the things that I also prescribe in the new book is, like, you can program yourself before you go to sleep of what you want to do. You can become lucid. You know, you can. It’s. It’s a whole nother level to go to lucid dreaming, to be lucid, but you don’t necessarily have to. You can meditate and then kind of use a mantra on the same what your goal is 30 minutes before sleep, and you just repeat it. And then what happens is, you know, it’s kind of like whatever’s on top is what is.

So if you watch a brutal, gory show and then go to sleep, that’s what you. That’s the state of mind you take with you. Yeah. While you’re talking to all of our other, you know, subconsciousness. So if you program yourself, like, look, I need. I need to win. I need to win. I need a new job. I need, you know, to move to a better house. And you say, I’m going to get a better house. I’m a better house. I’m in a better house. And then go to sleep. And do that for two weeks to a month, you’re.

The universe will start providing it for you. Believe in possibilities. Yeah. And I’m saying the dream work is super powerful. It’s just. It’s just as powerful as hitting the gym. It’s just as, like, daydreaming and, like, believing and, like. And that’s what they’re using, manipulating with this sort of thing, because Neptune, Pisces is opposite Virgo in the astro chart, and that’s an earth sign. So everything about the imagination is what creates reality. So if they can manipulate that part of it, they can manipulate the trajectory of the timeline, and they can engineer freaking our reality in whatever way.

It’s just. Well, it makes perfect sense. You got to think about it. So, if, let’s say, just the three of us know this, you want to take over, then we want to manipulate us, but then we don’t want anybody else to be in there doing it, too. So they, you know, there’s a group of people that are running everything, and they want their abilities while there’s. While they’re. Man, what do you call it? Manifesting while they’re making. You know, things come to the good things come to them. They don’t want competition, so they want everybody else to be lesser.

You know, they suppress it. And it’s been. And they’ve done a bang up job up all through history, and that’s. That’s why they’re secret societies and things like that. Correct. That’s exactly right. Exactly. And then they work together. There’s groups. That’s other things I do. I do two, three groups now on my patreon, and one of them is we get together, and we do a synchronized meditation once a week for a goal. We agree on a target, and we do a synchronized meditation every week. And we’ve had amazing results. That’s in the book, too, the tier three stuff.

There was a. Tell you a quick story about that. One of the girls in the group had a grandkid, and the girl when. And I’m not. This isn’t. This isn’t some kind of. There’s no message here, but I’m just saying, this particular girl, pretty little, healthy baby. They gave her her first round of shots, and then, you know, in the hospital. Yeah. And. Well, and she had a. She had an allergic reaction, and so she had a dirt, like, a rash over 80% of her body. They kept her in the hospital, and they were treating her with different things, and it went on for, like, two months.

She stayed hospitalized after birth. And it started getting worse. And so she came to us in the group, a girl that had been in the group for years. She said, can we do a heal target for her? And we said, sure. And this was on Tuesday night. So this was a Tuesday night that she brought it up. We voted on it. We said, Wednesday night, we’ll do the meditation. Like, Wednesday at 10:00 we’ll all, at the same time, we’ll meditate. A picture of the girl, and we saw her as being healthy and. You know what I mean? Projected blue light and like, a synchronized meditation focused on this girl being healed and vision envisioning her healthy next year or, you know, next month.

And next to being very healthy, we do it at the end of the night, and then everybody goes to sleep. Right. So we did it Wednesday night. Wednesday, that went. So it was Tuesday. She gave us the target. That Wednesday morning, it flared up on her, and they said it was really bad. Wednesday night we did the meditation. Thursday morning, she woke up. Only 10% of it left her body. The rest went away. After two months, it was the same day. So you can say it’s, like, coincidence. You know what I mean? Like, it’s the same as prayer is the exact same thing when everybody gets together and prays simultaneously.

Focused intention. Focused intention. Yep. Yeah. But they see light, or do they see. What is it? What’s the word I’m trying to look for? Your photons go towards a target. Yes. Like, well, light. Well, the government. So that’s the other. Some of the paper that I uncovered. They figured out how to murder people. They were figured out. They were doing. They were having out of the psychics, right? This is the military. This is the army. Out of the psycho energetics, they figured they got a bunch of guys together. And what they were doing, I might have explained this last time.

They were all on an army base, and they had the army hospital and that they could read the doctor’s reports each day. So they would pick up one of the guys that were in the bunk and attack him, and they would see his swelling go up and his. His condition be worse. And they had that proven. They had paperwork now, you know what I mean? It was an experiment. So they healed the first. They started out healing, and they thought, wait a minute. What if we do it with bad intentions? And they got. All of a sudden, the swelling went up, the.

Everything got worse, and they eventually could induce heart attack. And guess what happened then. That’s the end of the paper trail it all. They said, nope, it doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t work. Nothing to see here. We canceled the program. It’s gone. We don’t do this anymore. Let’s fund and have the money. The men who stare at goats and make fun of the whole thing, that’s. I just watched it the other night. You know, it’s crazy. They. You know what I mean? They. Then they started the propaganda that it doesn’t work, that there’s nothing, nothing substantial to this practice, nothing to see here.

As soon as they got to the point where it was militarized. Wow. They did a movie to discount Sra with Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson. I don’t know if you saw it. The whole thing is about the sra happening. And then at the end they say this is all imagined, you know, and. And it was really just to. I think it sounds like a similar thing where they like. Because all these things are coming out. Let’s create a movie that. Oh, like they’re doing right now. Do you see what they’re doing right now? The moon landing thing, I think, or whatever his name is.

They’re gonna do a movie now where they had to fake the moon landing and, and then, so it’s coming out to show people, like, I mean, it’s just ridiculous. They’re putting it out there, putting it in the open, the obvious. I don’t know. They’re trying. We perceive it, right? Yeah, but they want people to listen. Guys, I enjoyed this podcast. I don’t know if you guys want to keep going. I got to get going, but, Tony, can I see your book again? Yeah. And I know, Laura, it’s called beyond sight. You can find it on, and it’s on.

It’s on Amazon. It’s called beyond the hidden history of remote viewing and psycho energetics. I put a lot of work, and I’m proud of this one. It’s not as dark as the first two. You’re liberating so many goals. You’re amazing, Tony. You’re an amazing guest, man. And let me tell you, folks, keep an open mind. That’s all I ask. Keep an open mind. That’s what I pride my platform on and all that. So, Laura, you also just authored a book, an amazing book. Do you have it with you by any chance, or. Oh, yeah. Awakening the truth frequency.

I don’t have a copyright here, but. Always love being on with you, David. Thanks for pulling this together, Tony. And. But this, you’re de weaponizing the weapons so that we can. You’re just doing so much for so many you guys. You’re so awesome. David. No. Laura. Laura, you’re incredible. Tony, you’re incredible for coming forward. You’re very brave. A lot of people think you’re going to bat your bat shit crazy. You’re going to be like, this guy’s crazy. But listen. Hey, man, I believe anything’s possible. So I give this guy a platform, and I listen to him, and I think, this is wild, man.

Thank you, dude. Like, you are a. You’re a hero. You’re a true patriot. This is what a patriot looks like, folks. And, Laura, you, too. Thank you guys so much. And I’ll put down your link. It’s just Amazon, right? They can go to Amazon and get it. Tony you tell them everything? Yes. With an s? Yep. I’m with a z. You’re with an s. So, Tony Rodriguez with an okay, Doug. All right, guys. I love you guys. You guys take care. Thank you, Tony. I’d love to have you back on again with Laura. I love you guys.

Thank you, guys. See you again soon. Bye.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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clone ethical implications covert psychic programs experiences genetic experiment theories interdimensional beings encounters intergalactic trade investing in gold with Noble Gold Investments Nino's Corner TV episode review psychoenergetics research discussion remote viewing and consciousness expansion secret government program memories secret space program cargo engineer role secret space program experiences Tony Rodriguez psychic programs interview

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