Liberal Media TRIGGERED over MASSIVE Populist Win!!! Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about the president of El Salvador, Naib Bukele, who won his re-election by a big margin, which means a lot of people voted for him. He’s working hard to get rid of corruption in his country. This win is very important and shows that many people in El Salvador support his ideas. Also, there’s a way for us to see what big company bosses are buying in the stock market, which can help us make good decisions about where to put our money.


And torli story el mundo. There’s the kick sister of democracia nomka unpro cantiana teria s? Liran mente el percenta masalto historia. It was without question historic and epic. The nation of El Salvador reelected their nationalist populist president in a landslide that utterly pulverized their liberal left wing opposition. And you’re going to get a front row seat on how it all happened and what it means for the future of a new conservative age gang.

We’re going to see how naive Bukele is cleaning up corruption in El Salvador. But you can click on that link below and learn how to stick it to our own establishment by using their corruption against them. And you know exactly what I’m talking about here. Politicians like Nancy Pelosi, they’ve been getting insider trading secrets for decades now, enabling their returns to beat the market every single year. But thanks to a little known sec database, guess what? We can have access to the very same trading secrets that these politicians are privy to.

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Click on that link below right now and learn how you too can learn to trade like Pelosi. Click on that link and learn how to gain an insider advantage for yourself. Today the streets erupted in celebration upon news that naive Bukele, the astonishing nationalist populist president of El Salvador, won re election in an absolutely historic landslide. When all the votes were counted, Bukelli won the unprecedented 85% of the vote.

And this party called the new ideas party a hardcore nationalist populist party. They appear to have won virtually every seat in their national legislature. Now obviously we’re seeing a political dominance here that’s utterly astonishing. And let’s just say the legacy media isn’t very happy about it. Nope, they weren’t happy at all. The ultra neolibs over the economists ran with the headline after Naibu Kelly’s crushing unconstitutional victory. What next? That’s right, man.

You know what he did was this weekend, this was totally unconstitutional. That’s why 85% of the population was all for it. I mean, we’re all for democracy here at the economists. Except when it doesn’t go our way. Or take a look at this from the clowns at CNN. In El Salvador, self styled world’s coolest dictator, Naib Bukelli, heads for re election amid human rights concerns. Even the utterly repulsive Ilhan Omar got into the act.

She tweeted out, I led members of Congress in sending a letter to secretary blanken. Like that matters. She might as well just send a letter to my orchest. Nobody cares. I led members of Congress in sending a letter to Secretary blinken urging action on threats to democracy in El Salvador. The State Department must review its relationship with El Salvador and defend democratic values. The salvatorian people deserve free and fair elections without fear of repression.

Not only did Omar get fact checked by twitter that a president of El Salvador can in fact run for re election if he wasn’t in charge six months before assuming office, but naive Bukele himself responded, we are honored to receive your attacks just days before our election. I’d be very worried if we had your support. Attacks coming from a person like you are signs that we’re doing something right, and obviously he is.

Bukelli’s re election comes on the heels of the political earthquake in Argentina some weeks back, when the ultra right Javier Malay, who’s often referred to as the argentinian Trump, he won their presidential election in a massive landslide, defeating their sitting economic minister, Sergio Massa by double digits. And before that, back in October, the nation of Ecuador voted in a new, solid conservative president, 35 year old Daniel Naboa.

He won their presidential election decisively, beating a far left lunatic candidate who wanted to align Ecuador with Cuba and Venezuela. Before that, the nation of Chile voted overwhelmingly for their so called har right, or far right, that won a massive supermajority for the express purpose of changing their constitution into a far more nationalist, populist and traditionalist document. But nowhere are we seeing the success of the nationalist populist agenda more than in the nation of El Salvador under the leadership of the amazing president, naive Bukele.

You may have heard about El Salvador’s new megaprison, or super prison, that President Bukelli had built to house upwards of 40,000 prisoners at a single time a few years back. Bukelli was a very successful businessman. Former mayor of San Salvador, he first ran for president as a populist outsider who campaigned on basically draining the swamp in salvadorian politics and restoring law and order to what had become one of the single most violent nations on the planet.

At one point, El Salvador had the highest murder rate in the entire world, averaging one murder per hour, drug cartels and gangs literally controlled everything. The government became little more than just a passive spectator. But then, with Bukelli at the helm, all of that came to a dramatic end. The homicide rate in El Salvador has plummeted. Get this. Before Bukele came to power, El Salvador averaged 108 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest in the world.

The murder rate today has collapsed now to just eight murders per 100,000. It’s dropped by more than 90%, the murder rate. And as you saw, one of the reasons for the dramatic drop in murder rates is Bukelli’s creation of what’s being called a super prison that houses upwards of 40,000 prisoners, many of whom are in prison for the next 40 years for gang related activity. Bukelli’s massive crackdown on violent crime has resulted in the arrest of over 64,000 violent criminals.

And it’s changing El Salvador like never before. And you could see it in Bukelli’s approval rating. Before the election, he stood at a whopping 90% approval. And now, with 85% of the nation formally behind him, he is hands down one of the single most popular national leaders in the world. Gang, this is the way forward we’re seeing it in our nation. Biden’s purposeful ineptitude at the southern border is politically destroying him.

Populations want law and order. They’re done with the anarcho tyranny and societal rot of the neoliberal establishment. Restoring order, literally logos, as Jordan Peterson often refers to it, is most certainly a key factor in the blueprint for the political rights ascendance to power all throughout the world. And no one is demonstrating that more effectively and frankly, more astonishingly than El Salvador’s amazing president. But first, gang, as many of you know, we have unfortunately been completely and totally demonetized, which is putting our daily communication with one another at risk like never before.

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See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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big company bosses stock market decisions El Salvador political climate El Salvador presidential election fighting corruption in El Salvador investing based on CEO purchases Naib Bukele re-election victory Naib Bukele's anti-corruption efforts public support for Naib Bukele tracking CEO stock market activity understanding stock market trends

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