Lee Merrit Live with Angela Hospital Quality Control Nurse – The Covid Hospital Tyranny
The text discusses the usage of a drug, likely Medazzolam or Versed, that could potentially impair respiratory functionality when overused, especially in healthier patients. This drug was apparently being pushed on many patients, some of whom were otherwise recovering, possibly leading to fatal outcomes. Additionally, there is mention of emotional conflicts amidst medical practitioners regarding the controversial protocols and their need to retain employment. Finally, a note on political influence and difference of opinion regarding COVID lockdown measures is mentioned.
The speaker discusses their skepticism of the efficacy and motives behind widespread COVID testing, suggesting that PCR tests have been manipulated to produce positive results. They also emphasize the lack of scientific proof for the existence of viruses, claiming that illness is often a result of environmental factors such as lack of sunlight or consumption of toxins. The speaker also argues that emotional health plays a significant role in physical wellbeing.
The speaker discusses the factors influencing health, such as lack of sleep, poor habits, and exposure to toxins, instead of blaming illnesses on viruses alone. They share personal experiences of an unjust termination due to non-compliance in a medical setting, and the difficulty in seeking legal recourse, emphasizing how this has exposed a level of systemic corruption.
The text discusses skepticism towards government agencies and institutions including churches, citing their perpetuation of what the speakers deem as system manipulations and control mechanisms, such as vaccine mandates. The speaker warns of impending totalitarianism, equating the current situation to a nefarious, Babylonian beast system, and criticizes churches for participating in and profiting from COVID testing clinics. Furthermore, the speaker condemns the 501 tax rule for religious organizations, suggesting it makes churches subservient to state rules.
The text discusses the challenges of being a medical practitioner burdened by the bureaucratic requirements or the rules set by Medicare and Medicaid which some may find disagreeable. The speaker proposes the idea of standing up against this system, and explores alternative solutions such as setting up a private hospital, doing house visits or providing private care – though these come with their own set of hurdles due to government certification requirements and political instability. He suggests creating a cash pay club, or providing caregiving services as part of church ministry as viable alternatives, allowing healthcare providers to use their skills without being held captive by governmental and corporate systems.
The given text discusses the importance of personal wellness and health through clean living, avoiding toxins, remaining proactive and aware of one’s body, light therapy, and careful diet—especially during winter months. The speaker also emphasizes the power of belief in health outcomes, the strong impact of language and words on reality and experiences, and the importance of community support, awareness of local issues, and connection with God for holistic wellness.
The speaker supports local food production, particularly Midwest Wagyu Beef, due to its hormone-free and nutritious methods of production. He also encourages supporting local businesses and assures those vaccinated against COVID-19 that aftermath symptoms can be reversed, offering resources on his website.
Hey, good afternoon. Dr. Lee Merritt, once an orthopedic and spinal surgeon and now your professional Medical Rebel. And thank you for joining us on the Grassroots Warrior Network. You can also find me at the Medical Rebel channel on Rumble and on Telegram Freedom doc One. So today I have a guest. Angela is an insider in the medical world, and she’s a nurse, long term 18 year nursing, and she was in quality assurance during the time of COVID During the age of COVID This is like death in the time of love, in the time of cholera.
We’re going to start calling about this, the age of COVID if we don’t move on to the age of stupidity. But in any case, we’re going to bring her on and she’s going to talk to us about a variety of issues related to the from know, we didn’t learn things because the government told us any data. We learned things because we talked to people on the inside that we knew.
So let me just bring her in here. Thanks for joining me, Angela. I know you were cancel Cultured for not taking the vaccine and not getting tested all the time, which I think was a good thing, because who knows what were on those tests. But you were in quality assurance, right? You’re the people that collect all the data on people in the hospitals. I know quality assurance would come along and they’d always kind of it wasn’t that we didn’t want to do quality, but it was tough to comply with all the rules and regulations.
So it was like tough. But anyway, did you see any problem in 2020, the year of the great outbreak, the great pandemic? So I saw a lot of issues starting in 2019, and I’m going to kind of go back a little bit, okay, because I started in quality review, and again, that’s just creating data, presenting it to the doctors and the providers to say, this is what’s going on, is this what you’re treating? So it drives the money.
So looking back now, in end of 2018 through 2019, they were where I was working at in the middle of the nurses station, looking at the charts. They were rewiring everything within the hospitals because they were upgrading the hospitals. Now, looking back now, I know what they were doing was putting in the systems, which was very interesting. And then in the fall of 2019, that’s really when you started to see everybody talking about this respiratory flu, this new respiratory flu.
It’s really hitting people hard. But we were still coding the flu at that point in time. And if you know about quality review, you cannot actually be admitted to the hospital for flu. You have to be admitted for the symptom that requires hospitalization like respiratory failure. That’s what would get people in. So in 2019, there was a lot of talk, but looking at the charts, it really wasn’t all that different.
So it just didn’t match with what people were getting alarmed about, with what was actually in the documentation, black and white documentation. So in 2020, a lot of my colleagues, they were talking about, oh, did you hear about the saying in China? Did you hear about this virus? Oh, did you see this patient here? And it just did not make sense, because, again, if you don’t rush in with the emotional response and you just look at the data, there really wasn’t a change.
People get the flu in the fall. Our system runs a little bit slower, we get more sluggish, we hold on to our toxins, and we get sick. Yeah, I have a whole talk about what the flu season is really all about. It’s not about a virus, but go ahead. Yeah, that is true. That is true. Actually, my oldest son, I put him on a bus to go on a plane to go off to boot camp on January 20.
Eigth. And he called me in March of 2020 and said because they couldn’t get any access to the outside world. And he said, mom, what’s going on? Everybody’s talking about a virus. What is going on out there? And I said, you don’t need to worry about it. I am telling you. And again, this was March of 2020. I am telling you, son, you’re in the best place possible because you do not have access to the TV, you do not have access to the Internet, and I’m telling you yes.
And what they’re doing here, it’s not true. That’s all you need to know. Focus on what you’re learning. Don’t worry about the outside world, and hopefully things will come out to balance. But I will tell you right now what they are saying, there’s a lot of lies. And again, this was March of 2020 when I yeah, I knew it by then, too, because I was collecting the data and things did not make sense.
I investigated the Spanish flu because I remember Trump saying, oh, this is like the Spanish flu. And I was like, well, what the heck is the Spanish flu? It’s exactly right. But most people don’t understand what that was. It’s exactly right. It was three things. It was electromagnetic hit. It was followed by a bad vaccine and a bad medicine. Sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? It is. So I did that deep dive because I’m the kind of person where I can review charts but be listening to a podcast at the same time.
And it actually makes me more efficient because it works both sides of my brain. So I would be listening to things and then reviewing the charts, and I was like, this is totally not matching up. But the Spanish flu was very good piece of the puzzle to learn about that. And again, that was like March of 2020, when I understood what the reality of the Spanish flu, there was a really long documentary.
It was like an eight hour documentary that tied all of the pieces together. And so I was like, okay, this is what they’re doing. So in April of 2020, I sent my first email to the CEO and the CMO of our hospital organization saying, I’m looking at the data because that’s my role for you as the organization. And I’m not seeing what you all are saying. I’m not seeing an increase in death.
I’m not really seeing an increase in severity, but I am seeing that in the first few months of this year, january, February, and March, we were treating people with hydroxychloroquine and they were getting better pretty quickly, and they were going home. But at the end of March, beginning of April, we stopped doing that. And so people are not getting better. So can you help me understand why we are not utilizing a medication that we’re already seeing in these first three months of this year is helping people, but now we’re not doing it? Help me understand the thought process behind that.
And within 30 minutes, the CEO responded to my email and said, of course, thank you very much for your email and your concern and the hard work that you do for us. While HCQ is a great medication for a lot of things, in this particular situation, it is risky at best and possibly lethal at worst. And they quoted the Lancet study, which a month later was debunked, but they said, we have partnered with NIH and the CDC, and we have three trials that we personally, as a hospital organization, are piloting with the NIH and CDC.
In order to treat this novel virus, they were getting money not to use hydroxychloroquine, a cheap and effective drug, and to use and then you’re going to hit it probably with Remdesivir and some other things. What are the three drugs? Yes, of course, my response is a little bit of panic because one, the CEO did respond to me, and he’s basically trying to shut me down, but I already eclected my dad.
I already knew what I knew. So I did go home that night and I told my husband, I need you to understand something because I need you to prepare for what’s coming. And I said, I just put a big red X on my back. And what’s going to happen within the next twelve months is they’re going to create a vaccine for this novel virus. They’re going to force it on us in the medical field.
I will never take it. I will never do this testing. I was barely wearing my mask. I mean, I would put my mask on to go into the hospital, it would be hanging off of one ear the whole time because I wasn’t doing direct patient care. Right. They didn’t NIH, but what was the NIH going to trial you with? Well, the Remdesivir was the first one. There was some oxide I can’t remember the exact name of the nitroxinide.
Yes, well, actually, that was one that actually probably worked. So Nitrozoxanide is an antiparasitic as well? Well, no, not nitis, oxenide. It’s a nitric oxide. So it was something that they were it was something they were putting into the ventilated patients that they were going to try, and it was supposed to open up the lungs. Now, they did not do it for very long because it had some very negative effects.
Okay, I don’t know what that was. Yeah, and I cannot remember of the other medication they were using. And of course, they have to ventilate quicker. And I’ll tell you one thing that I would see, because most people, you do not automatically ventilate if you’re in the 90s, you don’t ventilate. No, you wait until they drop down in the mid 80s. But when people would come through the Er and they would be satting at 93, 94%, they put them on oxygen.
And they wouldn’t just put them on just a little oxygen. They would put them on, like, four, five, six liters of oxygen. And of course, we know the more oxygen you give a person, the less they do their natural respiratory, and the quicker you can get them on a they were sedating people to put them on vents. That’s what we also know that and I didn’t know this, but Scott Shara told me this because he’s got a lawsuit going about his daughter Grace.
I think it was the NIH. It was somebody or the FDA or the hospital union, it was some group, medical group in America bought up at the worldwide stores of a particular I don’t know if it was Medazzolam. Medazzolam? Yeah, that drug that’s a sedative. I never even knew about Medazlam before this, but they bought up this huge amount of it. They basically cornered the market, and then they were pushing it on every patient.
And that’s what actually, I think, killed Grace. I mean, that’s what the contention is, because she was doing better until they sedated her with that, and then, of course, her respiratory system went out. Well, I will tell you, I’m familiar with that drug because I did hospice for ten years. Versed, I think, is the other name for it. That’s Versed. Okay, then I do know about that, but it’s just and why would you give that we use that for very short acting stuff.
Or if you’re doing palliative sedation. So in the hospice world, when you have somebody that has an end stage disease and they want to be kept comfortable right. And they’re struggling with their respiratory system, that was part of the protocol that we created for palliative sedation. And again, I’m not a Cavorkian. I don’t believe that you push people over. But I do know that the body gets to the point that it is not going to recover.
At some time, we all will get to that point. Yeah, there’s a point to ending suffering, but then there’s another point that people that could recover may not. If you over sedate them and then make them respiratory incompetent. Yes. So it makes sense to do that in the hospice terminal situation when you are at the end of life, that’s one thing. But to use it on a healthy person, that just came in with a little bit of issue, it just didn’t make sense.
So that was another 19. And I will tell you, too, I would watch the charts because I worked in this field for 18 months after I put that big X on my back and to read the charts, to watch the progression after they initiated these medications, the death protocol, and come home. And I would tell my husband, because not all of them hit you as hard as some, but the ones that are young or the ones that are the frequent flyers from the care places.
Like, there’s a place in our area that has a lot of mentally disabled younger people that come in and to see them initiate that protocol on them. They would test them when they came in the hospital, of course, for COVID. And if they didn’t test positive the first day, they would continue to test every two days until they got a positive. And then as soon as they got a positive, they could initiate their protocol.
There was a higher reimbursement. Oh, yeah. Once you initiated the protocol, the highest reimbursement other than ECMO is over 72 hours on event. Yeah. So if they could keep them on event for over 72 hours and then it’s okay to kill them, I think, yes. You’ve gotten the maximum payment at that point, because I saw people after three days, then they wanted to terminate people. I heard that story a bunch.
Now, when you were in the hospital, were you interacting with any or were you working from home at some point? Did they shut because I know a lot of our coders and things ended up working from home. Was that happened to you? That did end up happening. So we were in the hospital setting. They sent us home. I think it was the end of May. They sent us home the end of May.
We were home for about three months, and then they had us come back part time so they would split our grid. You were still in the hospital and chatting with people. Were there any doctors that were uncomfortable with this? There were there was a few doctors that I’d actually known from back when I did hospice. So even before I came into the quality review nurse role, and I knew they were Christians and I knew that they thought the way I did as far as ethics and morality.
One of them, she said, I’m not going to get the shot because I’ve already had COVID. I had it. None of my family got it. I just stayed away from them for, like, three or four days, and I’m fine. So I’ve got antibodies. I’ve got natural antibodies. This is what the doctor was telling you? This is what she told me, yeah. Well, and so when the mandate came out, I went and I spoke with her and I said, what are you thinking? What are you going to do? And she said, Well, I’ve already got the shot.
And I said, Are you kidding me? But you told me that you would not get the shot because you’ve already got antibodies. She said, I know, Angela, but I got to tell you, I have to keep my job. I’m just trying to do my job, keep my head down and not make a lot of noise. And I said, but you see what’s happening to people, right, at that point? Yeah.
They should have been seeing the deaths and the things happening. Yeah. And I had that conversation with three different ones of them, and every one of them would tell me, there’s nothing I can do. I just got to keep my head down and wait for this to go away. They could stand up, they could say no. And I’m going to tell you that without Obamacare, without bringing everybody into the hospital as employees, it wouldn’t have taken much.
When I was a surgeon in private practice at a 250 bed hospital, if five of us in the or, the big five surgeons, had walked into that hospital and said, we’re not doing this, and if you force the staff to get these injections, we’re going to walk to another hospital, it probably would have stopped. It probably would have stopped right then. But you see, this is not being run independently by the hospital.
This is just not a bad this is the problem when you can have bad local ideas, but people that are good can get those stopped when you have a bad idea that’s being run at a national level by evil people. It’s not going to stop with you doing anything and you can walk, but you’ll never go anywhere else. Right? Because they don’t care right now about the money that the doctors brought in from doing quality surgery.
They cared about all this money they were getting from these death protocols, which is just this is unbelievably evil. I mean, it’s just like, where was everybody that had a conscience? Where was the Christian community? I’ll just say, not that they’re the only ones with a conscience, but that’s the one that surprises me the most. Well, and there was so much fear. But I will tell you this.
I always look for the silver lining. And the people that have come into my life in the last three and a half years, they’re real people. They’re genuine. So one of the first connections I made when I was sitting there doing my documentation, one of the young new nurses on the floor. She was raving about the governor of Kentucky because he was putting all these lockdowns in place, and she was from across the bridge in Indiana, and their governor was not putting the lockdowns in.
And she was very young, had a lot to learn, and I couldn’t help myself. I said, you know, a lot of us actually envy your governor because a lot of us that are actually looking at the data can see that there is absolutely no reason to lock everybody to put these lockdowns in place. So you might want to do a little bit more searching. Think of our words.
I learned this from a couple of sources, but I’ve got a friend that trained as an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and he said that Hebrew is like the inverse of English. English was apparently created for spellcasting. I mean, that is where English actually comes, has been manipulated. It sounds crazy, maybe, but I think it’s true if you just listen to our language. So listen to the name. Lockdowns is something you do to prisoners.
We never talked about lockdowns for any medical pandemic in the past. Yeah, you might quarantine somebody with really, a severe disease, multiple drug resistant tuberculosis. Yeah, you might quarantine that guy until he’s actually been treated. But that’s the patient. That’s not the entire well, people in the state. Yeah, it’s amazing. So the language should have told us what was going on here. Well, and the whole testing, I mean, I refused to test, period.
Not one time have I taken one test and I never forced it on my child. Never. And the fact that you have to prove that you’re not sick well, if you know about the mind and you know about emotion and you know about you can make people sick. You make people sick by continuing to focus on oh, well, you got a test to make. You’re sure you’re not no, no, I’m not.
Well, I don’t know if I told you this, but when I say I’ve been talking about I really think we live in the you know, but why did Truman if you saw that movie, right, with Jim Carrey. So I didn’t see it until about a month and a half ago, but I decided to watch it because it did sound like a metaphor for today. And he was 30 years old till he figured out something was not right.
But everybody in his life were false people. The whole thing was false. Why did he believe it? Because it was internally consistent. It sounded good. It sounded good that he was afraid of water. It sounded good that you lived on this island and you just been there all your life and never going, but it just didn’t make sense when you took a step back. Well, for me, the PCR test was very much that at first.
We all heard about kerry Mullis said, you can’t do this with them, and they were over cycling the tests, in fact, and you know this, but just for the audience, we were told by Thermal Fisher was one of the companies that made these tests, said you can cycle them up to 20 to 30 cycles of amplification. It’s a way we take a very tiny amount of material and make it big enough you can actually deal with it.
So you can cycle it 20 to 30 times. If you go over 30, you’re going to get a lot of false positives. If you go over 35, the test is basically meaningless. The United States Army was cycling at 45 times, and this was being done all over the world. I mean, I saw 55 times some places, that was when I think 17 hospitals or 18 hospitals in Florida had 100% COVID positivity, because you can make anything positive if you cycle it enough.
So that was my first kind of there’s something wrong. But then I took those 18 tests. There were 18 different tests for COVID that were on those PCR tests with each of them had 16 bases on the swab stick. And I ran those bases through the Blast program, which is your Wikipedia, it’s your encyclopedia of genetic sequences to tell you where it came from. Now, I started doing this in September, October of 2020.
So at that point, there had been a lot of people putting a lot of these SARS CoV, quote SARS CoV two stuff up into the gene data bank. So this should have been there, but when I put the first one in, it came back Homo sapiens, gene eight. In other words, it came back to our own. Then the next one was Homo sapiens, gene five. And I did twelve tests, they all came back positive for Homo sapiens.
This sequence was a Homo sapien sequence. It was a human sequence. And I said, Damn, these people, these psychopaths are testing to our own genome. Yes. That’s when I knew this was at a level of evil you can’t even imagine. Well, it’s unbelievable. It was well, and I’ll tell you so, one of the reasons I would not ever consider doing that testing, so all three of my children had the flu.
In 2018, my oldest came home, he had almost had a wreck on his way home. I looked at him, I knew something was off. Put my hands on him, I was like, okay, you probably got the flu, go to bed, get you some chicken soup, we’ll go test tomorrow. We did test, but you know how they tested for the flu? They had him blow his nose into a glove.
They took a little swab in the petri chest, put it into the testing to see if he had A or B, flu A or B, that’s all they had to do. Well, and even then, since we know now that you can’t isolate the influenza and there is no influenza virus, I’m absolutely convinced. That may sound crazy to people, but what we call influenza didn’t exist in a seasonal situation until we laid down the telegram lines that would have nothing to do with the virus.
So we can now show that there’s no there there’s no proof of a virus. You cannot culture viruses like you culture bacteria. I have a whole hour lecture on this. What had really happened to your kids were it was winter, probably they weren’t getting enough sunlight to offset the toxins in their body. That’s what happens you toxify your body, and every cell in your body is a battery.
You add toxins and you decrease your cell battery. And then you get sick and you can’t get rid of it because you don’t have the ability to extrude it. And anybody that works in a lab, they know about gel electrophoresis. That’s how you test for stuff in the lab. And it works the same way as your body extrudes toxins. It has to have charge separation. Well, Grandma was right when she said, get some rest.
You’ve let your batteries run down. So your kid goes off to college and they stay up late. They start drinking alcohol for the first I’m just making your kid but I’m just saying make this up. They start drinking alcohol or they do things they eat a terrible they feed them a terrible diet. Now at college, it’s not home cooked. It’s all this Monsanto based food. I mean, it’s just horrible stuff.
And then they come home and everybody thinks they got sick because the roommate and everybody in the dorm was sick. No, they got sick because all those kids had been poisoned and they weren’t getting out in the sun to offset it. So we know how to make this better and we can’t keep falling into this. I mean, I don’t mean to take your time, but I just had to say that because I don’t want people to keep taking this idea.
There’s nothing we can do about it except stay away from people, put on masks and take these shots and get tested. These tests, to me, I wonder what they are testing for in influenza. They’re testing for something. It’s either they’re testing for certain things that your body extrudes when it’s sick, and some of them come out looking like one thing and some of them come out looking like another.
And that’s why they took because I’m going to tell you the next pandemic, so called pandemic, they declare I’m going to tell you what they did. They took the COVID tests and they just stuck a new label on them. Yes, I agree. They don’t have a test that they’re testing to they’re testing to genetic sequences that probably are in us, and they’re just cycling it however they want to make it positive.
They want to make a lot of people positive. They tell the labs to overcycle it. They want to keep a lot of nobody positive. They tell you to under cycle, it’s going to be that simple. It’s all artifact. Same thing with electron microscopy pictures of what they call viruses, it’s made by the artifact of production. That’s not true of bacteria. You can culture bacteria, you can genetically sequence bacteria, that’s a different issue.
But you can’t do it with viruses, that’s the big lie here. Yeah, and as you know there is an emotional component. In fact I think emotional is the biggest component because all three of my children did get sick. It started with the Otis, then it went to the middle, then it went to the end. I was interacting with all three of them throughout the whole course. And I didn’t get sick right, but I continued to nourish myself.
I continued to be out in the sun. I continued to ground myself. And they may not have done that or if you’re close enough. The other thing we do know is that there’s electromagnetic transmission of cell damage photons. In other words, when you get sick and cells start to die in your body, they give off an ultraviolet photonic emission of some sort. We know this from the work of Koznachev in the old Soviet Union in Nova Sabirsk, and they give off an electromagnetic photonic emission and so it could transmit that way.
But it’s not because of you getting a virus. And again, if your batteries are well charged and your immune system is good, you won’t get it either, right? So detoxify yourself and take care of yourself. My favorite is, and I’m guilty of this, I can’t sleep the night before I get on a plane. I guess it’s just anxiety of missing the plane so I just don’t sleep well so I get like 3 hours sleep maybe and then I get up and I get on the plane.
I can’t sleep on the plane. The plane has now been toxified by all these antiseptic sprays they put on it that this is going to recycle in the plane forever while you’re driving or you’re flying 4 hours or whatever it is to get to Florida. And then when you get down there instead of going out in the sunlight, you got to go to a meeting. But that night you’re going to meet your friends and you’re going to have drinks and too much food and you’re not going to sleep that night.
So you’ve gone a couple of days without sleep. Now you’ve had alcohol and other toxins that you’ve been exposed to and when you start getting sick the next day you blame it on the guy coughing on the plane. The most absurd thing in the world no, it’s because you ran your immune system down. We tend to go to these meetings in the winter, we don’t tend to go to these meetings in the summer and so all this stuff happens when we’re just not treating, we’re not thinking clearly and that’s.
The problem. We’re not thinking about this problem because they’ve made an artificial reality, and the artificial reality is, I can make you sick with this virus. We got to get out of that, or we’re just going to play disease. Whack them all every time they want to give us a new disease. That’s the craziness here. Yeah, it is. All it would have taken, just like you said earlier, all it would have taken is a handful of the people they could not afford to use to lose your surgeons, to stand up.
But I will tell you, in my department, there was nobody else. Nobody else. And they didn’t ridicule me for not participating. Well, at least not to your face. That’s pretty good. And you might have been quiet about it. I got ridiculed I went from being a fairly well respected spine surgeon at one point in my life to being a bloody idiot in about six months. Even though I tried to publish a very I thought I finally did publish it on very early on data from the VAERS that I showed that this is causing horrendous bleeding problems.
Initially, it was bleeding because I recognized that there was the OBGYN doctor down in Florida that died. It was so unusual. I said, there’s something not right here, because you don’t die that quickly of thrombocytopenia. You can usually supplement the platelets. There’s something else going on here. Well, and it turned out, when I looked at the Vairs at that point, which was in February of 2021, okay, this was only been the mid January or mid December was when the thing started.
So this hadn’t been very much, and there was already a clear signal. There was clear excess mortality and morbidity. There were clearly unusual things happening, and yet nobody would publish the paper. Nobody would even look at it. So we fast forward through so I did send lots of emails to the CEO and the CMO from April of 2020 all the way until the week before I lost my job in November of 2021.
And I would send them the Bears data. I would send them links to a lot of different documentations. The White Coat Summit, when you speaking on the Capitol, I sent that link to them. So it’s not like they did not have the information. They had the information. They chose to ignore it. And I will tell you so there was four raises that I actually did get until I lost my job, because the whole what was the reason? Just because you wouldn’t take the shot? Is that what they told you? Well, not to say my business.
You don’t have to answer that. Why I lost my job. Yeah. What did they say? Not in compliance. And so they waited until a Friday, and my manager called me on that Friday. It was the 10 November, and they had put out a deadline sorry, a deadline for November 10. I believe that’s what the day it was that if you did not do the testing so I did have a religious exemption, so I did not have to take the shot.
Compliance with the testing. I wasn’t in compliance with the testing, so I did a religious exemption. With my religious exemption, I also included that I would not participate in any testing. And the reason I would not is because it was a procedure that invaded my body, because it was all the way to the brain and it put me at risk. And I also cited the fact that I was doing case reviews where people were having cerebral spinal fluid leaks and dying.
You were brain abscesses and dying. And so I was not going to participate in a procedure when I’m not sick that puts my life at risk. And that was in my religious exemption. Yet they still said you’re out of compliance, you’re not testing, so you no longer work for us. What’s interesting is and I think if I were a lawyer out there and if I wanted to get involved in a class action lawsuit, this would be one that seems to me doable.
Because if you know the way hospitals work for years, there are so many doctors and nurses, but mostly doctors who just wouldn’t take the flu shot even though it was required to be in compliance. So clearly they made exceptions in compliance in the past on economic basis, yes, but they wouldn’t do it now for anybody, for even a religious basis. And there were no proof of the testing working.
There was, but there was other nurses that were not in the quality review nurse role, but they were in direct patient care roles that did not test and did not take the injection, that did not lose their job. So there you go. Because you were in a key position to know the lie. Correct. And I would not stop asking questions. Okay, if there’s a lawyer out there. I don’t like lawsuits generally, but you know what? These people have to be held accountable by their own rules.
My big thing is we live in a Babylonian legal system, a Babylonian money system. And I keep saying once you’re in a false reality, you can’t vote your way out of like you can’t vote your way out of tyranny. You also can’t vote your way out of a false reality. But the good news is once you realize it’s false, you can just step out of it. There’s a way to get out of this.
But here’s a situation where going in playing in Babylon makes sense to go and take them down, hoist them by their own Patard as they know these people violated their own principles. We did end up talking to and when I say we, there was a group of us, I mean, I found other ones that were awake. It was like walking through the matrix. And then every now. And then somebody would say something, and you would look at them and you’d make eye contact.
And we knew. And then you would come and you’d talk and you’d connect, and then you’d bring in these other people in. So there was a huge group of medical professionals, doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists. And we did come together, and we did talk about getting a lawyer. There was a couple of lawyers that I did talk with the case, but at the end of the day, you had to pay them X amount of dollars.
And I’m going from a very good paying job to my unemployment got denied because I was out of compliance. Now, let’s just think about this. How many of these lawyers used to go after? We called ambulance chasers, basically. But they’d have these class action lawsuits about a bad drug. And they didn’t ask you to pay into it? Oh, no. They searched you out. But I’m going to tell you, it was hard.
No lawyer. And I talked to a bunch of them initially until I figured out about getting out of this legal system. Those of us that got investigated by our medical board in the state of Iowa just for speaking, we tried to get a lawyer to represent us. And I’m not kidding you, you can’t believe all the guys that were so called the good guys, they wouldn’t even call you back a lot of times because they knew this was at a high level of evil.
This wasn’t like the bad drug, that the pharmaceutical companies could easily absorb the suit money, and they were just kind of skimming off the coffers here. This was like an edict from the satanic cabal that said, you won’t get involved in this. This is one of those things we need to run this. Don’t even think about it or we’ll thump you like squish you like a worm. I think that’s what was going on.
I think so, too, because we talked with politicians, local senators. Nobody wanted to. They felt bad for us. They hurt us. They’ll shake their head and they’ll pretend to be complicit. But these are the same people that pretended they didn’t know about the Ukrainian bioweapons labs. Come just in my opinion, that is a clown show in DC. This is not real. These guys don’t what are they going to do? They don’t ever change anything.
If they wanted to balance the budget, they could have done it easily. And if they wanted to stop this, they could have done it. Yes. Even when they knew there was a problem, they could have done something, and they’re still letting it go. If they’re worried about it, they’d stop all vaccine mandates right now. Everybody. Because it’s illegal. It’s immoral anyway. Make it absolutely you can’t do it, or we’re going to take you to court.
That’s be simple. But they never do that. So I don’t trust them. Never trust the government. With your health. No, the government, the lawyers, they’re bar attorneys. They work for a private membership association, and we’re not in it. And it’s actually a foreign private membership association since it’s the British Agent registry. It is. And I’ll tell you another comment that I got, and this was from people in my family, and this was people that we were trying to get to advocate, to stand alongside of us, is I don’t think this is the hill for me to stand on, or this is not the hill for me to die on.
And my response to them, because I had my people in my own family tell me this, that’s going to be the hill to die on. But you meant you didn’t think you were going to do it. Yeah, but I told him, I said, I hear you, but I’m telling you, this is it, because you fall for this. If you will take this injection, then everything else is going to come down the pike you’re going to fall for.
So you better stand now. You better decide what you’re made of, because if you’re not willing to lose everything for what you know is truth, then you might as well just well and save your kids. To be very honest, I didn’t come into this fight reading the Bible, okay? And I just didn’t. One of the people that went to church as a kid grew up kind of fell away from all that.
But I’m going to tell you, if people didn’t recognize this as the mark of the beast, I don’t know what else is, because this is the beast system. What you’re buying into when you go along with this, you are buying into this ancient Babylonian beast system. And we just need to start calling it what it is, because it is a control system that’s going to make the Soviet Union and every other totalitarian society we ever saw look know, choir girls practicing.
This is going to be nothing. When you have things in your body that they can connect to and they can connect you to the Internet of things, which also, by the way, Merck was bought in brain neuroelectronics during this whole thing of the vaccine rollout. So it’s connecting your brain to a it’s like the Borg. This is the borg coming. And you’re not just going to be in 15 minutes cities, you’re going to be in 15 minutes cities with mind control.
Yes. Because they want you as a little surf. They don’t want you. These uppity humans that think about liberty and things like that and want to be left alone, we can’t really deal with that. We’re going to have to mind control them. And we know the patents. We’ve seen the patents. We’ve known it since the 60s about patents on mind control, electromagnetic wave type stuff. So what other hill is there to die on? There really isn’t.
We die on a lot of stupid hills. This is the one to die on. I don’t want to die. I want my enemy to die. I’m like pat. Well, and if you know that this world is not our mean, I get it now. This is Satan’s realm. And that’s why I just couldn’t believe the church is putting up these vaccine things, because I thought to myself, these guys are like lifelong Christians.
They claim they’re lifelong Christians. Do they not see that this is Satan in the street trying to kill your children? Well, and they were making money off of it, too. And I know we churches were. Yes. I didn’t know. You just hit me with something new. How are they getting money? Yeah. So by putting up a clinic, a testing clinic on their property. They got a kickback, they got a donation for having the COVID That’s even worse.
I’m more disgusted to hear that than even that. Think they were just misguided. Yeah. So there was several of us that went to the elders in a couple of different big megachurches in our area and talked to them about the immorality of having a COVID clinic to do the testing on their property. Kind of went like this, right? Well, there was some of them within those churches that are not with those churches anymore because they have seen the light and they have stepped out and they stood on truth.
But the majority of them yeah, but yes, they’ve got government money. They got government funding to have a COVID clinic on their premises. I don’t think you get to be a megachurch. I shouldn’t say that because I’m not condemning every megachurch and I’m not condemning every system. But the bigger your system is, the more it looks like a pyramid structure, the more you’re going to find evil at the top of it, because that’s what evil does.
Children of God living on the land, taking care of their families. We don’t need a pyramid structure of power. You only need that to control people. So even if you have a big enough church to need, you have to have deacons and people that kind of run things, and you have kind of a pyramid of power. If you become too effective and too big, somebody is going to infiltrate that.
And you may not have started with evil at the top, but you’re going to have evil at the top at the end. You are. I don’t care. And it’s not just the churches. It’s corporations. It’s anybody. When you get big enough government, government is your classic example. That’s why the symbol of the Illuminati. Go ahead. Yeah. And I don’t know if you’ve looked into the 501 or not.
Yeah. You don’t need it. Churches don’t need it. Anybody that takes that, you’re taking their rules. Get out of Babylon, guys, I didn’t go to church, I didn’t rejoin the faith in order to have you participate with these guys. But I think that may have been a push for the churches that were 501 c three S, because the 501 makes you a state church, right? It makes you beholden to the state and the state’s rules.
And when the state changes their rules, you have to abide, right? So there’s only a couple of churches in my area that are not 501 because the pastors did their research and they realized they don’t have to nothing. They have already got autonomy written into their founding. That’s what and I’m going to just say that if anybody wants their pastor to understand this better, I speak for the liberty pastors of Edmond, Oklahoma.
It’s Pastor Dan Fisher and Pastor Paul Blair. And they’re standing up the Black Robe Regiment again. In other words, the preachers that used to preach the words of Liberty from their pastors during the Revolutionary War to get us to be free, they have stopped doing that because everybody’s so worried about losing their tax status. Well, it turns out you can’t lose your tax status, but you can be controlled by them if you become a 501.
So if you have that, you should just let it lapse. Don’t even renew it. Just let it go. Because in fact, these are the guys that with Matt Staver, they got together and they sent letters in, they preached a political sermon from their pulpit. They taped it, they made manuscripts of it, they sent it into the IRS, and nothing happened. And so the next year, it started out with six of them doing this, and then it went to like 30 of them the next year, and then it was 150.
And pretty soon the IRS finally, I think, went to Matt Staver, who’s a lawyer and a minister, and said, okay, we give up. We got to admit to you we can’t do anything about your we can’t take away your tax exempt status. That’s a constitutional guarantee. It is. That is hysterical. But that’s the whole issue. False reality. We are in a reality, and we have to realize that if you want to not be subject to all these whims, like you said, when you sign on that you become a state church.
When you sign on to being a Medicare and Medicaid doctor and take all this insurance stuff, you’re taking their rules. And you may not like them. I know you won’t like them. We didn’t like them in the 90s when I was in practice in 2000s, when I was in private practice for 25 years, yeah, I took those stuff and because I was a trauma surgeon and if you didn’t take it, then you’d go broke because all night long you’d work for free.
And I got to tell you, I wouldn’t do it again. At some point, we have to stand up against that. We have to figure out a way to do things and not be a part of that because it’s very hard. Once that kind of a system gets into place. It’s like I used to say. I was president of the association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and we’ve been the ones fighting against government medicine since 1943 when we saw what happened to Nazi Germany.
But what we always used to talk about is if all orthopedic surgeons in the country decided we’re not going to take Medicare anymore. The problem is, at that point, you all stand up and do that. You’ve got a lady with a broken hip sitting right there. What’s going to happen? In other words, there’s got to be it’s the patient that’s going to suffer in the interim before we get this system corrected.
Now the system is going to collapse, but I don’t know how you make the transition. Well, I’m going to make two comments. One on the surgical side. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Oklahoma Surgical Center. Yeah, no, he’s one of our members, yes. And they are great men, and you can get any surgery, and you know exactly what you’re going to pay. And I know we did a zoom call with them a couple of years ago just to kind of understand how their structure was set up, because our hope was we could actually set up a freestanding hospital in our area for the people that were not playing the game.
Here’s what you learned from their experience, and I can tell you this, our experience in doing a private surgery center, too, or outpatient surgery center. The problem is, even if you don’t take Medicare and Medicaid to be able to run that kind of a to at this present time, they won’t certify you to be even running the hospital, even doing any surgery, unless you get certified by Medicare and the government.
So you have to meet the Medicare standards, and they have to come and certify long. That’s why we looked at setting up that private hospital, too, but we had to do it offshore. We almost did this down in Antigua or someplace. The AAPS was going to do that with volunteer doctors. And we just everybody rotate down there three, four months a year. I was ready to do it tomorrow.
But the problem is there was a lot of political unrest at the time, and we didn’t think we could do it, invest all that and then have it happen. But that’s the problem, is they’ve got us captive. We are being held captive to the medical societies here and the whole demonic system that they set up. But, yeah, I like the idea, but you could do it. You nurses, I’m telling you, all you need how many people would stay out of the hospital if you could get outpatient oxygen and outpatient IVs and maybe some antibiotics.
And I will tell you, we were doing like on a one on one basis. There were several people that we and when I say we just individual people, just as one person to another. This is not under a license. This is simply providing care. If you need help, we’ll come help. And there was several of us that did. See, that’s what I think. And I think it would be okay to have a cash pay club.
Okay, you’re going to do it under a club? I wouldn’t be a PMA, I wouldn’t get in bed with the government in any way. If you have to file legal papers in the Babylonian system, I wouldn’t do it. But how about just in a church? It’s a church thing, and you just go out and that’s your ministry. And you go to people’s homes and in addition to praying over them, you give them an IV.
Exactly. I think that’s where this has got to go. I think so, too. And again, there are several, including myself, that do that. And it’s just a private relationship because this is one person caring for another person with the skills that God has given us. So that is definitely viable. But what I learned is that all the hospitals, at least in my area, are all 501. I did not know that hospitals were 501 until 2020.
And so if you think about that, so nonprofits, which are not nonprofit at all, all that means is all the profit they make, they pour back into themselves. So that’s why you see them giving raises. So that’s why all the medical building stayed. Yes, buildings. You see buildings, empty buildings with their logo slapped on it. There’s nobody working there, but they have to purchase those buildings because they can’t make a profit, at least a profit as far as people can see.
And all that does is keep them away from having to pay taxes. If you look at it, it is such a scam. Yeah, the whole thing. But I do think, since we’re getting down to the hour here, I think in closing, I think the point is you bring up the point about to get out of the system and not need these hospitals like you are going out to people’s homes.
One of the things that people could do if they wanted to do something good for their community is nurses and doctors say retirees people, get together and set up some system and you could do it for cash, you could do it for charity, you could do it for barter. I did house calls for a while and I used to get paid in beef patties and things like that from the local farmers.
But that would be a huge service to your county and at least to your town. That’s one of those ones. We have to start with our families first and then our towns. The other thing is we have to break free. The answer that one of the problems is I couldn’t get oxygen for people as an outpatient. They would not. But there’s a way around that, too. And I learned this from a friend of mine who’s a welder.
You get industrial oxygen, and you can do industrial oxygen, and they actually have air. What do I want to say? Cannulas? Yeah, the cannulas and everything to go with it. So you can convert industrial oxygen to that. And that may be an answer. I mean, we have to make these people irrelevant. That’s what we’re going to have to do. And it doesn’t take much. And I think when we add the chlorine dioxide, it’s a great way of dealing with you can actually treat practically everything.
The problem is that it’s not as quick for some things as it might be. There are some things I still think antibiotics make some sense for. If you’ve got severe pneumonia, you may not have time for the chlorine dioxide to work. I mean, I think you do, but you may not. Sometimes there’s a bacterial pneumonia, and I know that the terrain. People think you never need antibiotics, but I’ve seen too many pneumonia.
People try and die or die because it takes you down so fast, or an open fracture or things like this. I mean, there are sometimes you need that. And we’ve got to get a way of having pharmaceuticals broken out of the pharmacy Quartel well. And you can have it because there are some of the direct care physicians in town that could speak up because they had their own private business and they weren’t beholden, and they would have the medications and antibiotics they needed right there in their office.
Yeah. So they did not have to get permission to dispense what they already had. So that’s another I learned when you do that, you have to have a DEA license. So if the government decided to get draconian, which they already are, but if they wanted to pick those guys off, they would get them on some technicality because they had a DEA license and they weren’t doing something or whatever.
I have a feeling once you’re under any kind of government aegis, they’ll come into your office, they can always find fault. They can always find a way to take you down. I think that as we continue to navigate this new world that we’re living in, this new age that we’re in, I think that people are going to realize we have the healing and we have the answers within us, right? We are divinely created.
Everything that we need, God has given us. And if we become more proactive aware of our bodies coming back into balance. I’m very much into energetics because emotions, because if we can say, okay, something’s off. And you just bring yourself back to center and you teach the little ones to do that, and you teach your family to do that, it would be an amazing community to have that kind of holistic and light therapy.
I honestly think that now coming in, we’re coming into the winter season here, and what people need to be doing right now is decreasing your toxic levels. So look around your house. Get rid of all these stupid Lysol things. And I’m not picking on Lysol. I’m just all these antiseptics. Don’t use those alcohol things on your hand that makes things worse. And get rid of all the toxins in your house.
I even make my own soap and everything. I mean, I don’t use any of that. When I go to a hotel. I even hate to be around it because it’s so strong with perfumes. Get rid of all that stuff. So you’re not getting that. I’m not saying you have to get rid of all your glasses of wine, but don’t be drinking a lot. Don’t be doing things that don’t ingest bad foods, bad drink in the winter especially.
You can get away with more in the summer. You can be a little worse on your diet in the summer, but in the winter, you got to be very careful and get into an infrared sauna or get into a tanning booth or go to the south. You got to get light this winter. That’s what’s going to keep you from getting sick. And then I can’t tell other people to do it, but I take chlorine dioxide every day, and I do a parasite protocol that’s on my website.
And you got to mitigate the electromagnetic frequencies. I think that’s really key. And I think that’s energetic, too, because if you can put a barrier around you, like, for instance, going back to when my three kids got the flu or the flu symptoms, I had an energetic barrier around me, so I knew I needed to be the caregiver I knew I was. Well, I knew it, and I was.
So if you know it, then you are well and you can heal. I was listening to a chiropractor on a podcast this week, and he was calling this instead of calling it disease, he was calling it disease. Right. That’s what I do, too. Yeah, that’s where the word comes from. Exactly. Anything that gives you disease is a disease. But people have decided disease is primarily when you get this little flying unicorn involved.
It doesn’t involve that. It’s about disease. And there’s a big well, all the times that we used to say in the hospital, look, all the doctors and nurses, we’re around these sick people all the time, and we don’t get sick because why? We didn’t expect to get sick. Right. They always want to say that you are exposed to all this stuff. We weren’t exposed to it. Really? I don’t remember getting sick for two years in medical school while I was first going into the hospital.
I just never got sick because I couldn’t afford to be sick in the medical school. And by the time I was an intern, I couldn’t afford to be sick. We were just not sick. Yes. So I think it’s because you’re right. We’re the. Caregivers. We don’t get sick. They get sick. Right, well, and it’s kind of like when I was doing hospice. People are always amazed that the nurse could come in and say, this is the time frame you have based upon all the clinicals that we see.
But you got to remember, when someone has verbalized a time frame to you, your body will follow. It is now, I will tell you, there is a process that the body goes through when it is in the shutting down process. And so that’s what we as nurses would use to make our educated guess. But that person, unfortunately, 85% to 90% of the time when they would hear that and the family would hear it, they accepted it as truth.
And so it was right, but every now and then it wasn’t. And you see that in the primitive cultures. And I don’t mean I shouldn’t use that term primitive, but cultures that don’t have modern medicine and they’re talking basically the witch doctor can cast a hex on you and tell you he’s going to make you die. And people will die from that because they believe that they’re going to die.
If you believe that you’re going to die at 80, you’re more likely to die at 80. Yes. And with COVID COVID was the fear. You bring them into a lower frequency so that they are fearful and then you speak death over them and then that is what happens. And there is so much power in the word positive and negative, creative power, that’s the Logos in the beginning was the word.
So we speak reality into existence, which is why we have to be very careful about our language. Yes, and I think we haven’t been paying attention to that, but we do that. And that’s why I believe that some doctors, it’s not just technique in the or. It’s not just technique. Some doctors can give the same medicines as others, but they seem to get better outcomes. And I think it’s because they project and nurses, they project wellness to their patients.
I don’t disagree with that at all. I think that’s really what’s happening. Yes. And it’s going to be a very interesting future. I’m not saying there’s not going to be more bumps in the road, but I think the light will continue to shine out and the connections that God is intending right now are going to be amazing connections. I didn’t expect to see you at Bards Fest. In fact, I wasn’t even going to stay.
So the fact that we connected, it was something that God intended. That was a great time. I didn’t expect it to be a revival. That’s what it really was. Speeches and connecting with God. And that’s what we need. We need people to remember who we are in God’s image. If we can remember who we are, then the light will come through this and then the people that choose the darkness will they choose it.
And I don’t know if you read all of the CS. Lewis chronicles with the lion witch in the Wardrobe and nephew. Yeah, those are a great series. I reread them to my youngest recently in the last couple of years that I read them to my adult children way back when. And when I read them again, I realized there is so much truth, especially for the day we’re living right now.
Yeah, I think I would probably benefit by going back through them. Yeah, it’s very enlightening. Yeah. But I appreciate you having me on. Thank you for joining me. And are you doing anything where people are you going to? You should have a podcast. You should get out there and start doing something. You could get a community. Because I’ll tell you why I say that. I think every county needs somebody that will put out what’s going on in the county on a regular basis.
Just have your friends tell you put it out there and have a regular little radio pod beam thing so that once a week people can turn their radio on when they’re driving and find out what’s happening in their county. Just keep it in mind you’d be a good candidate for that in your county. Because I think that’s we need the Committee of Correspondence, essentially like we had in the revolution.
Well, we definitely need people to wake up. I mean, one of my main goals is to be active in the community, talk to other people, connect them with other people, the farmers, getting to know all the farmers. I went to an educational last night and it was excellent. And he was talking about the solar farms and there’s a lot more to that that we really need to dig into because it is not what they are selling us as a great thing.
There’s a lot of destruction that’s in Arizona and trust me, those things are evil. I mean, they kill everything around them, even birds flying over them. It’s such a heat thing and they don’t replace one coal plant. And personally, we don’t need less coal. We need more coal. We need more CO2, at least in the atmosphere. And I am back working, so I do work with a holistic doctor’s office, so that is a blessing.
And when people connect with me, I do one on one nurse coaching with them. But I’m just waiting to see how God is going to build this community here locally. And my prayer is that that continues just like the seven pillars that Scott Kesterson talks about on. You know, if we can continue to build our local communities, then we have a barrier against what Babylon is going to enforce on it because they can only enforce what we say yes to.
Right. And speaking of local community, one of the things that I’m big on is local food supply. So I’m just going to put this out here and I’m sorry that my name is underneath there. I don’t know how to get rid of my name, but anyway, this is Midwest Wagyu Beef, and this is in Iowa. This is one of our local beef producers. No hormones, no bad foods.
They literally create their own fermented stuff, that they feed their own beef. Everything’s fed off their land. It’s the same food they feed their children. Trust me, that’s the safest food. And if you want the best steak of your life, if you go to Midwest Wagyu Beef, help support the program. It’s Code Rebel. You get 10% off your beef. Help support US and Midwest Wagyu It’s wagyu beef.
So, anyway, we appreciate them and all the local beef producers. We need to act locally. We need to keep everybody in our local markets. Yeah. And that way, you know what you’re yep, it’s important. All right, well, thanks again. We appreciate you, Angela, and our prayers with you. Be safe, and maybe we’ll talk again. Let me know if something new pops up, some new opportunity, because I think we’re in the rebuilding stage.
I think we’re going to come out so much better when we’re all done with this. But people need to wake up. And I would say to all the people that have taken this vaccine, I think you can be helped. I know people that have reversed their symptoms and really gotten better, and there’s a way to do it. I’ve got a bunch of it on my website. Don’t think it’s doom and gloom.
Repent. Get right with God and seek help. I’m sure your MD, who’s a regenerative doctor, is probably dealing with that. And I think there’s answers. Yeah, there are answers. Thank you so much. Bye. .