Last Chance with the IRS | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Dan from I Allegedly talks about how the IRS is giving people one last chance to correct their claims for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). Some people claimed more money than they should have, and now the IRS wants it back. If you got more money than you should have, you can either return it or set up a payment plan. If you don’t fix this now, you won’t get another chance and could face penalties.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of financial literacy, expressing concern about the future of Social Security and pensions. They also touch on the electric vehicle (EV) industry, noting that it may take longer than expected for EVs to become mainstream. The speaker also mentions the high cost of real estate in Arizona and the trend of couples choosing to save money by having smaller weddings or delaying honeymoons. Lastly, they share a story about a girl who became valedictorian but questioned if the sacrifices she made were worth it.
➡ The speaker’s daughter was initially short of one class to graduate, but was allowed to walk at graduation and complete the class over summer. However, her guidance counselor advised her to take an additional class, which resulted in her earning two degrees, including one in English. The speaker expresses surprise at people who view such achievements as a waste of time. The speaker also encourages listeners to like and subscribe to their channel, join their email list, and contact them via email.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. This is I allegedly, and got a good one for you today because you’re getting one last chance at the IRS. Last chance with the IRS. And today, please don’t forget to the like button. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and share it with everybody and comment in the videos. But also today we have a sponsor that came back and that is sat one, two, three.

com for the satellite zones, which I am thrilled to share with you guys. But let’s get right into it. We have all seen those commercials on TV where, hey, did your employees stay with you? You can get an ERC credit, which is an employee retention credit. A lot of people answer these ads, hey, if we don’t collect your money, you don’t get any money. It’s only one problem.

People finagled the numbers for these businesses and people got checks that they were never supposed to get. Now the IRS is saying, listen, we don’t care if you were hoodwinked. We don’t care if they used high pressure tactics. We’re going to give you one chance. So on the 15 march, the head of the IRS stepped forward and said, listen, we’re going to give you a week, okay? And that’s it.

And you can work out a deal. You can give the money back or you can set up a payment program if you’ve already squandered the money and spent the money, but you have to have a deal worked out. There will be no second chances. There will be no deal down the road. And you cannot screen that. Hey, I was duped into getting this and I had no idea what I was signing up for.

No, that’s not going to fly. This is the first time in IRS history that they’ve done this blanket deal where they said, listen, you can get out of this. You can work a deal out, because what happened was, you saw the ads. Hey, you can get $26,000 per employee. The only problem with this deal was it was based on the employees pay. So if you had a dishwasher who made $12,000 last year, he was only supposed to get up to 50% of that.

So $6,000. People filed claim after claim after claim for the full $26,000. That doesn’t seem right. No, it’s not right, and you’re not supposed to do that. And the IRS is saying, wait a second, so many people were duped and they stopped the program. There have been checks that have been written that have been stopped payment on from the IRS, there have been checks that have been issued where they said do not cash that check because you could not be in compliance.

And of course, people get desperate. People cash those checks anyways and now they have to work these deals out. So wild stuff, guys. If you know of anybody that got this money, you need to ask them if they did it properly because all these TV commercials, you saw Kevin O’Leary with his chef’s hat on talking about how, hey, you got Mr. Wonderful, chef wonderful. You’ve got money coming.

No, you may not have. And the problem with this is that so many people took advantage of this that they had to actually end the program. So first time ever. But they’re also giving you, listen, we’re going to give you one last chance to work a deal out. And if you do this, you won’t be penalized, but you need to work something out. And again, if you know, hey, you know what? Gosh, those guys don’t make anywhere near that.

And we got paid for 1518 employees. You’re going to see people that got hundreds of thousands of dollars from this program and spent it and were entitled to none of it. Okay. That’s the worst part. Now, they will work this out with you today, the next week. That’s it. If you don’t work it out now, you’re never going to get a second chance. Now there are people out there that are going to say, yeah, right.

You think that they’re going to let this slide? They’re going to go after everybody. Yeah, that’s it. They’ve made it real clear they’re not going to do this. And the IRS late fees and the interest are astronomical. And this is no different. Read the story below and it will explain it to you in great detail. I like coming out to the nature preserve out here because they always have these wild birds and all these people are photographing this morning.

It’s really amazing. But it’s just a beautiful spot. And you’ve got all this stuff out here. It’s very cool. So share your thoughts on this stuff. But you haven’t seen anything yet, guys, because they’re not going to just let this slide. Okay? So if, you know, family member, friends, anybody, let them know about this, but share the story below so you know that they’re in compliance because this is the last chance with the IRS.

Let’s talk about our sponsor. Sat one, two, three. I am thrilled to have sat one, two, three back as a sponsor. When you think about the AT and T debacle that happened two weeks ago, people were without cell service. With my satellite phone, I am never without phone coverage. Regardless of where I am in the planet Earth. As long as I’ve got an open sky, I can use my sat phone.

If you go to sat one, two, three, you can get the Iridium 9555 phone for free as long as you sign up for 24 months and let them know that I allegedly sent you. I got this for my entire family, and I don’t have to worry about this anymore. I don’t care about the cellular grid. Wherever you are on the planet earth, the ocean, anywhere, you can have phone coverage.

Think about this. Cell phones only work with 7% of the entire world. With a satellite phone, you can use it anywhere. So go to sat one, two, three. com and take advantage of this today. And again, guys, 24 month deal. You get a free phone. It’s absolutely amazing. You can also call them, and here’s the number for you to give them a call. But think about this. There’s been some big stories lately.

At and t went down and people couldn’t call 911. That’s a problem. There was a man during the Lahaina fires who, with one sat phone, with one satellite phone, saved 14,000 people’s lives. Think of that. Look at sat one, two, three. Let them know that I allegedly sent you. I am so proud that these guys are back, but this is a great product. You need to have this.

What is your peace of mind worth? And they will also give you a deal if you get three or more phones, too. So get this for your family. Today’s one thing that people write me a lot about is financial literacy, issues with family members, spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, everything. And one thing that blew me away was there was a couple that was on Stuart Varney’s show talking about how they are ranchers.

So they’re clearly successful people. But their daughter, they charged their daughter $200 a month rent, and they got all this heat from people like, how dare you charge your daughter rent? Why is that wrong? What is wrong with that? I don’t understand that at all when I was a kid. So Erica and Cody are these people that are the ranchers, and they charge their daughter $200 a month rent.

And people were freaking out about that. Now, when I was 18 and I was fighting with my mom, my grandmother on my stepmother’s side. So my stepmom’s mom said, I’ll come live here, but I charge rent now. Grandma cooked really well, so it was like, okay, but it was $25 a week, 40 years ago, guys, to live with grandma. Yeah. Was it a great deal? Of course it was.

But there was rent, and it taught me responsibility, and I needed to make sure that come Friday morning, she had her dough, okay? And it was like, what’s wrong with that? And you know what? That forever it’s taught me responsibility. And my kids, I’ve told you guys this, that my kids had it made. If they were going to school full time, they got to live rent free, but they had to pay for certain things around the house.

My daughter was Netflix, Hulu, and I think Max. HBo Max is what she had to pay for. That was her rent for the month, guys. And she would continually joke with her friends, oh, my rent just went up because Netflix went up. Okay, so what’s wrong with this now? Talking to friends and people out there, these people are near 60 years old, okay? 60 years old. And they don’t know how to budget.

They don’t know how to save a dime. They don’t know how to sit down. And if you ask people, what does it cost you a month to live? And growing up around my street father, which, hey, my nut every month is x, it made me understand what I had to pay and what it cost me a month to live. Now, my brother and I were joking that our dad was not a doctor.

It would have been great if he would have been a doctor. We would have followed a different path, okay? But we learned a lot from him, from sales and everything that he did. But it taught us that I note down to a penny what it cost me to live every month. Do you guys know that? Seriously? Okay. And if grandma wanted to charge me rent again, she passed away about 15 years ago.

But you know what I mean. It would be okay. So what’s wrong with that? So they’re charging this girl $200 a month to live there. Now people are broke. They did a survey of who wants the retirement age raise. Now, again, you’re going to see Social Security run out of money. It’s going to happen. You’re going to see pensions that will not be able to pay everybody the amount that they promised you guys.

It’s going to happen. I don’t have a pension coming anytime soon, but you’re going to see problems with things like this in the future. And it’s not to scare you. It’s just to have you be prepared for this. But they did a survey, and 87% of the people don’t want the retirement age raised here in the United States. They pulled that shenanigans in France and got those people furious in France about this.

And they know blatantly, arbitrarily did it to everybody. That’s not going to fly. And nobody wants that. But here’s the thing. I don’t care about the Social Security. I hate that they take Social Security taxes out of a paycheck because we may never get it. Okay? And I’m paying for somebody else. It’s a Ponzi scheme as far as I’m concerned. So share your thoughts on this stuff. Should they teach financial literacy in junior high, high school? Should it be, this is how you balance a checkbook? They don’t teach anything like that at all.

At all. There’s nothing like that now. And I’ve told this story before, and I’ll tell it real quick. I am blown away that the lawyers that were taught by my late girlfriend Lisa, and the other law professors that I met of hers that worked at all the law colleges here in southern California. And one of the classes that one lawyer taught, and this was one of the preeminent labor lawyers in the western part of the United States, was teaching a class on how to run a law firm.

And what it included was how to open a checking account, how to get a lease on an office. And I’m like, these people don’t, they’re going to be lawyers. They don’t know how to do this stuff. No. And then they have a million questions and they’re really slow when it comes to this stuff, too. So that absolutely blew me away. So should we teach financial literacy? I think we should.

That’s why so many people are upside down. Credit card debt. They buy cars they can’t afford. I could do a story every day on people that make $300,000 a year and are broke and, oh, well, they live in southern California, Dan. That’s the problem. No, it makes no difference where they live because a lot of these people are so overextended that it doesn’t matter where they live. They’re going to be overextended in Des Moines, Iowa.

They’re going to be overextended in Huntington Beach, California. So share your thoughts on this stuff, guys. Let me know what you think. We’re going to file this under the. Oh, really? Vladimir Putin got 88% of the vote in Russia to become president again for another six year term. Isn’t that shocking? So ridiculous. So ridiculous. Mark Fields is the former CEO of Ford, and he did an interview on CNBC on Friday, and he was talking about how, hey, wait a second.

This EV car thing is a real mess. And we were not ready for this. People were not ready to pay for these cars. You’re starting to see too much inventory. You’re starting to see too many startups lose money. You’re starting to see larger companies lose money and the inventory is growing and the price is dropping. Where’s it going to go? Is it going to continue to drop? Is it going to be a viable industry? He thinks it’s going to take.

It could be a decade longer than they thought just to have EV cars with us. Isn’t that wild, guys? So kind of honest? I mean, he doesn’t work there anymore, so it’s not like it’s his stock options that he’s concerned about. You’ve seen so much with this right now with the EV cars, and I am just blown away at the prices of this, the cheapest EV car. If you want to buy a Tesla, look at the Hertz cars that they’re unloading right now, because those are cheap right now compared to what they are on the regular marketplace right now.

So share your know, other than Alejandro, who this guy knows his stuff like nobody else. I mean, he really is an auto guy expert. And he was talking about Volkswagen. And Volkswagen just had an announcement that they’re going to partner with somebody else right now and you’re going to see Volkswagen make more ev cars. Does that motivate you to go buy a car just because Volkswagen did this? But this guy told me this two weeks ago and said this is what’s going to happen next.

You’re going to see, and it’s going to bring the prices down. He is a believer, Alejandro, is that you’re going to see the price of EV cars beat a $25,000 car. It’s going to be the cheapest car you can get for a regular sedan. Who believes that? Who believes that? So let me know. Whenever I talk about a particular topic, it seems that I always get follow up news stories sent to me.

And because we talked about real estate, I got three stories sent to me about the Phoenix area. First one was there is a broker that is selling two luxury homes. One is $40,000,000. 01 is $50 million. Take a look at the stories because they’re just amazing homes, but Arizona $40 million. Arizona, $50 million. And then there is a valley. There’s a new subdivision called Vistancia’s North Point, and they’ve already sold lots just to custom home builders.

Hey, we’ve prepped the lots. You come here and build your own custom home and they’ve sold 400 of those. Is that the future? Hey, you guys, here’s the lot. Okay, well, this guy completed it. This guy didn’t. Now, if you’ve ever driven into Arizona from California, one of the first main cities you hit is Buckeye. And Buckeye just cleared 3800 acres to build 10,000 homes, which would be the first subdivision, large subdivision in Arizona.

So, man, who’s buying these homes right now? Seriously? So high interest rates, they still have everything? Yeah. Would it be great to have a community out there and have restaurants and the dry cleaner and everything out there and your car wash and everything you need to build a city? That would be great, but you got to build that stuff first. And are we just going to live through 2008 again where we’re going to see all these places go down for the count? So share your thoughts on this stuff because I’m blown away with 40 and $50 million properties wherever they are on the planet earth, I’m blown away by them.

But share your thoughts on this stuff. Guys, I’m going to finish this video with these last two stories. And the first one goes back to finances again. And more engaged couples are like, you know what, I don’t think we need a big wedding. Rather save the money for our future and prepare financially instead of putting it all for a big wedding. I think that’s great personally. I mean, people live for the day and a lot of them don’t prepare for the future.

Now, a lot of people are also forgetting honeymoons right now, and we’re just going to save our money and do the honeymoon later, which I still think is a great idea. But it’s nice that people are putting pen to paper on this stuff. There was a wedding that was all over TikTok last year where it was cost over $50 million for a wedding. Okay. Nothing is worth that.

Okay. No wedding is worth that. Okay. Yeah. She’s my princess and she’s my daughter, but no pass. Shannon going to end the story with this one. Her daughter wanted to be valedictorian, so she studied extra hard to become valedictorian. We’re watching her call right now. So Shannon wanted to be, you know, Shannon’s daughter wanted to be valedictorian and she did it. She forego a lot of know. She didn’t go out, she took extra classes, was constantly worried about her GPA.

And now that she’s going to be valedictorian, she’s like, you know, I don’t know if this was worth it or not. I gave up so much of my life to do this, which I’m like, how many valedictorians are there? Oh, yeah, there’s one at your high school. You know what I mean? And again, celebrate success, guys, you won. I’ll tell you a funny story that we’ve talked about a lot lately because my son’s about to graduate college and my daughter was about to graduate and they let her walk, but they said, hey, you’re one class short.

And she’s like, no, I did this. Did this. No, you’re one class short. But we’ll let you take over the summer, but we’ll still let you walk and then we’ll send you your diploma at the end of summer. Now, she got with a good guidance counselor, and the guidance counselor said, you know what, if you take two classes, if you take the class you’re supposed to make up in this other class, you’re going to have two degrees because you’ll get an english degree also.

Oh, okay. So she did that. So my daughter graduated and has two degrees for doing that. And again, who would sit there and say, oh, what a waste of time. What a terrible thing to have. Okay, so again, I’m blown away with what people decide is a waste of time and not, but your daughter’s going to be valedictorian. That’s pretty crazy that you don’t think that was worth it.

Please don’t forget to hit the like button. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Join our email list, guys, because an email is going out tomorrow. Okay? So take a look at that. Use the link below if you want to get a hold of me. It’s hello@iallegedly. com. And onward and upward, guys. I will see you guys very soon. .

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Correcting ERC claims Delaying honeymoons to save money Electric vehicle industry growth Future of Social Security and pensions Graduation requirements and double degrees importance of financial literacy IRS Employee Retention Credit correction Penalties for incorrect ERC claims Real estate prices in Arizona Sacrifices for academic success Saving money on weddings Setting up IRS payment plan

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