Korean In Japan Speaks to Korean in Israel About Inflation in Japan in Korean | Rafi Farber

Posted in: News, Patriots, Rafi Farber



➡ Rafi Farber from the Endgame Investor interviewed Hyoji, a Korean living in Japan, about the country’s inflation. With the help of Adam, a Korean living in Israel, they discussed how the Japanese people are dealing with the falling value of the yen. Hyoji, who exports from Korea to Japan, shared that despite the economic downturn, the Japanese remain hopeful and trust their government. He also mentioned that the younger generation in Japan is not preparing for the future and is living in the moment.
➡ The discussion revolves around the social and economic issues in Japan, including the phenomenon of ‘hikikomori’ where people isolate themselves in their apartments, and the impact of a falling currency on the younger generation’s willingness to work. The speakers also discuss the Japanese government’s lack of response to these issues and the potential benefits of investing in gold and silver as a safeguard against economic collapse.


Hey, guys. Raf here from the endgame investor. I have a pretty weird video for you today. Last week, I interviewed together with Phil, a friend of his named Hyoje, who is a Korean in Japan, and he doesn’t speak much English, so we interviewed him in Korean. I don’t know any Korean, but I have a friend named Adam, who is Korean, who lives in Israel. And so he helped us interview Hyoji in Korean about Japan. And Hyoji talks about inflation in Japan and how the people are responding to it. He is an exporter from Korea to Japan, if I’m not mistaken.

I’ve put chapters in the video to highlight which parts are English. If you want to skip between the sections of the video to the english parts, you can do that easily. The chapters below, and I’ll see if I can get YouTube to help translate if you want to listen to the whole thing. But this is a rare opportunity to get a perspective as to what’s going on from a monetary inflationary perspective in Japan, from a Korean interviewed by a Korean in Israel. And this all makes perfect sense and happens all the time. So thanks, Phil, for introducing me to Hyoji, and thanks, Hyoji and Adam, for helping put this all together.

And with that, I’ll leave you the video. Hey, guys. Rafi here from the endgame investor. And today we have a really strange setup for you. I’ve got my friend Adam Lee, who is Korean, and he moved to Israel and became Jewish. We’ve got Phil here and his friend Hyoje. Phil lived in Korea for several years. I’ll tell you about that. And he met Hyoji. And Hyoji is korean, but he moved to Japan. So he’s going to tell us about Japan in Korean. And this is like the. This is the good side of globalism. None of it makes any sense, but we’re gonna do what we can here to try to learn about what’s going on in Japan through a Korean and another Korean who moved to Israel.

Okay, this is all very strange, but let’s go for it. Phil, what do you got to say? Ilbone sengualate. Yeah. Nice to meet you. Something I can channel? Yeah. Tom Shipyan Jung Chegamanam. You want to translate for rafi there? Yeah. They saw pandong mind. He was eleven years in Japan. He sees that all the currency of yen is going really, really, really down. Even it feels like that. Even it feels in the. Where is that? Grocery stores and just the usual supers. He even feels that. So that’s why that’s what he say about that? He want to introduce what it feels about and what he thinks about of the futures.

So I guess our first question. I’ll ask the questions in English and then you can translate and put the subtitles up. All right. So our first question is, what do you notice about life in Japan with the dying yen? Like, has anything, is anything sticking out or people starving in the streets? What, what’s happening? Um, you got to. But hangugena heave pamela chigam gatana pursue in tiny Chaga Kirkman Chung Sonyan Choyman Changi chik with the check. And as he introduced before, he is an operator between Japan and Korea usually, but because of the currency is corrupt.

Yen of currency of yen is carved down. So the. How do I say it? I have to speak in Hebrew because I don’t find any words in English. Tell them in Hebrew. Don’t tell me in English. I cannot find the value of it. Even if he earns money from that? Even he earns money between the currencies. But when you use the money to Japan, in Japan, it’s not really worth of it because the, because there is no balance. He said there is no balances. The currency is going down, but the cost is up. So there is no balance.

Just there’s a huge gap of it. So what, what are people doing? Like, how are they reacting to this? What’s the plan? Like, what’s their like? If I went to friend’s house, what would they do? They say, oh, no meat for dinner tonight. Is that the. Okay, a little bit out of question, but they are asking nayo. Yeah, but, yeah, yeah. Kuran any fungi? So then get back to your kachina. Bunga can tip chambila with Adanji beng shin and Bob Kurt Public Munozi Chari Kananagi then Hajiman Kibunja chega Gatem name sodo Honora Radanji Ranji Poijianji the Talbani, the Kibitan, the Kim and political Jamie.

That’s so wondrous people there. First of all, he’s, I think he’s almost answered already all the questions. Good job yo, J. Well done. It’s so, so funny. But by the way, he says this is very wondrous. I mean, it’s even kind of weird because he says the japanese people is very hopeful people, which mean is first of all, they trusting the government. Oh, no, they trust the government. Like, everything will be alive. Which is because they are world. They were so richest country in the world in the nineties. Eighties, nineties. So even it’s. And fall down, they, they think it’s like it for a while, you know what I mean? And it’ll be better again.

Yeah. So, um, like their mindset is like a, like a very hopeful for the future with like everything was gonna be all right. So, uh, even the, even the japanese economy is actually falling down. The country itself, it’s more like the countries have more unified, people are coming together. Best invest to the outside hyperinflation a lot harder to get to. And he said, he said too that, he said also that because of that, there is no rush to the, to the japanese people to buy the gold or silver whatever. They. There is no such things like that.

He said. That was my question. That was the question. I said, are people Russia? Actually? Yeah, that’s very jotunen gummen sasayo so we think what’s happening to the yen is coming to the dollar next. The dollar will go through the same journey as the yen. So we’re trying to tell people in other countries to look at the yen and then follow, prepare because their currency is going to be next. So I guess my question now is what the. As an exporter, you are immune from the problems because you’re being paid in dollars or yuan and then you’re converting it to yen whenever you need it.

So is your lifestyle going up? Are you becoming rich man because of the collapse of the yen? Um, Igor because Shimona Joko Kirkwin and Hajiman igon aka yeah. Catalog toron I kachikahara kandagohalten and ji kurigo heado purely irregular mananji kokongra kate hoge maragon and Jang donanji yeah. Kabuja Keja Cho Tigion and Kichojo Hagurani Talajo Chigaman any pandemic is a pandora in and chapundur bani sweet hanguge so pangs yeah chagan olebone Pangsan Japan of Iradanji Vegu Japan chagi del Kisuri chakoda target hango chapu so jung jog we manika anymore take it in the sang woman and then you can prepare for Tom and Pandora chana chicken but have with form.

Yeah. So here’s the thing. He has a plan. First of all, he has a plan not like the other japanese people now is he is as exporting, right. He exports from Japan to Korea, right? So he has a, he, he earns much more money for that because of the currency now, right? But here he also preparing if, if it’s opposite. If, like, if the yen suddenly gets stronger. Yeah. Somehow. So he is in that time he will be also can be imported too. He also. He also started. He also preparing the importer exporter. Whatever, both of them.

So he also said. He also says that what he’s preparing now is just a little. That he trying to selling the military services of Korea stuff to Japan. Like korean military. Military. He’s not really exactly saying that, but it sounds like. So that. So he says so before a few years ago, even ten years or just few years ago, japanese people usually think that korean products is usually inferior down quality more than Japan’s product. But like Toyota is better than kia. Exactly. He said like a sony and Toshiba is more than Samsung or whatever. So. But nowadays it said.

He said. He says nowadays it’s different. They can ready. They can ready to buy something if it’s good product. So the mindset of times a little bit changed now. Kakariko jaka chingui kajogi jakanaja City Autonomy kim sadam the Koi Mochan chala but kanan jaculus pandaru mo sobiru chudinda danji kajin and Karan Kangji jagging Kujonan Aningo attacker Samindarante Bananjan Morgan and then kitoni omna ku systemir than the horror. And as you Kajin and Kronjan was haram, but chasing a two. I got Tori taram Bora villager. Yeah. So he said. He adds more that japanese people, I mean, the youngest generation of Japan, it doesn’t think that they don’t even prepare for the future.

Yeah. Doom spending. I thought I knew it. Yeah. The japanese youngsters are just. Doom spending. They’re just living. Living for the moment. Yeah, it sounds weird. I mean, I’m here, so I didn’t been in Korea for a long time, so I don’t even know how it’s Japan now. So it’s kind of weird to me, but okay. They don’t. They don’t even get. They don’t even try to get a job, which is. I don’t understand it. That makes sense. With the falling currency, that’s what you would do. Yep, that’s exactly what I expected. Stop caring because you can’t save anything.

So you can’t. So what’s the point of working? So you just spend. And that’s what contributes to the hyperinflation. So you’re saying that Japan is really one generation away from this? Brings me to another question was we wanted to talk about the weird Japan has all these weird social things happening. So you got the hikikomori. These guys, they’re complete shut ins. They live in. They live. They buy a little apartment, and they never leave it. They may be leave to go buy food and then come back to it. They live 24 hours a day in their apartments.

It’s a phenomenon that’s happening. Yeah. You know about it, right? You know about this? I never heard about this, but it sounds terrifying. Yeah. Hyoji guy, hikiko Moria. It sounds like the beginnings of the. I don’t even. I don’t. I don’t know either. I mean, I don’t even define. I don’t. I don’t even know what is exactly defined of hikikomori itself, because when I was, there wasn’t no such things. Like, wait, is this happening in Korea or Japan or. Ikikomori is the japanese. Japanese thing? Yeah, yeah. It’s a real, it’s a real social phenomenon. And also the, um.

It’s urban. I don’t know. I don’t know how to say it in Korean, but there’s herbivorous men and carnivorous women. So the men are becoming very feminine and, you know, kind of just buy lots of makeup and. And, you know, become very weak, and the women are becoming very aggressive and. Yeah, but before the question, this is, my question is, what’s the connection that currency is when the currency is going down, so the young generation don’t try to get a job because you can’t save with a falling currency. You have no, if you work all day, if you work all day, you stop caring.

Yeah. If you work all day and you make just enough to get by everywhere, where there’s inflation, that’s the phenomenon. You stop caring, and then you just spend and you don’t save, and then that kills the currency even more. Yeah. If you’re a young man and you work all day and you make just enough to feed yourself, how are you going to go to a girl and say, hey, I want to marry you? She’s going to say, well, you know, can you buy me a house? Yeah. Can you support me? And he’d go, well, not really.

Well, then I’m not going to marry you. So then he’s going to, whatever change he does have, he’s going to go spend on online, on onlyfans or whatever. So, no, this is the social phenomenon of the results of hyperinflation. It happened in Weimar, happened in ancient Rome. It’s happening now all around the world. And you just get these weird. People just start acting insane. They lock themselves in their rooms. They spend their life savings on some makeup or something to drink. It’s just what happens. Yeah. So, Hyoji, what is the japanese government saying? Do they say, we have.

Everything’s okay. We’re going to figure this out. Don’t worry. Or is the government saying, you know, you’re on your own? Yeah. They don’t even warning. They don’t even advise. They don’t even say nothing. I mean, even the hope, even the hopeful thing, they don’t say nothing to the. They’re just hiding. Okay, this is also a shock to me. Um, you got totally take a battle to my chunking, but it is a personal opinion. Yeah. Nissan, Jericho. Changbo, Kwangay Kurugui, Chongchi, Jagiman, Choma, Kwan, Shimi, Domani. Observe. Yeah, yeah. Kruki, Tamil, Iron Veran, Chagidrantego, Inan Ivan, Yugiradanji, Kangji Sadam, Duranin, Gabani.

But yeah, take a. And Auton, she’s a kalamatino desert. Could be kush, Pojananda, Kuran Dara. Take a common and chamanshimistic can chasm Kurtami documents. He says that what japanese people thinking about the future, it’s a kind of. Because it’s. I didn’t understand before that what? Why the japanese people behave like that. They’re thinking like that about their economy or currency, whatever, but now I got it. He says that the government doesn’t care about the people and the civilians of Japanese Japan. Is everybody thinking as a. It’s not just it. It’ll be all right. It’s not just of that.

They’re thinking like, we’re not gonna corrupt. That’s the point. We’re not gonna. What? We’re not gonna falling down. Oh, okay. As. As they. As they all. As they every. Every single risk past each other. So like an earthquake or war, even they still thinking there are victims. There are victims. Not. Not even the, how do you say? Occupation? Occupied. Yeah, but you mean by the american army. Whatever. America and Korea and China or they feel. They feel dominated by outside forces. They deny that they. They denied they occupied, that they still think they are just only pure big victim of the war.

So it’s all mixed. It’s all mixed. That makes them thinking, like every single hard things to come to us, that we we all gonna be okay. Okay. They think they’re indestructible. He says they don’t believe it. They don’t believe that they will fall down. Okay, well, they will, but we all. We all will. This is. This is global. And he pointed out that this is very different than different between korean people and Japanese. Korean people and Japan. Because korean fall. I don’t know. Korean people thinking different. That. That’s what he said. I don’t know. I always keep the hope in here.

Yeah. My hope is here, not in Korea. I think. I think that answers all our questions. Do you have any. I have a concluding thought, but do you have any other questions, Rafi? No, no. What’s your final thought, Phil? Sure. Well, I just wanted. I wanted to give some advice to my friend Hyoje. The wealth you are making as an exporter is going to go away once the other currencies start collapsing, too. The Japanese yen is collapsing first, but other currencies are going to collapse after. And so I would prepare with silver and gold, I think.

I think. Yes. No, this is a silver dollar. Really? Yeah. Never seen the silver dollar. Raffi, show them your silver. You have it? This is my silver. Ben. Bernadette. There you go. Marcus. Yeah. See his print? He’s printing money out of helicopter. You want me to suggest to him that showing something. Yes. Anyway, so I would just say everyone around the world who’s listening, though, this is such a global thing, you know, he’s. Kyoje’s living in Japan. Korean living in Japan. You’re Korean living in Israel. Rafi’s a former american living in Israel. I’m an american. You know, we’re making it work.

We’re all speaking to the world right now. Everyone can protect themselves with the pure, pure money. Raw money. Yeah. I’ll add hua J that if nobody in Japan is stacking gold or silver, and they think they’re going to be fine, then gold and silver are going to be worth even more in Japan than they are in other countries where people are stacking, it’s going to be even more important. So it’s very important that you stack. I myself don’t collecting the gold and silver now. So wait, I’ll give you a coin for your services today. There you go.

The problem, I don’t actually have a plan. I see the future something different way. What do you see? Something hopefully future. But this is something about judaical way. It’s weird to say the Judaism way, but this is what I see, the future. I mean, I thinking that I have a different, how to say, perspective. I have a different perspective about the mashiach, which is a religious, which is really just a way. And what is that? It’s a Kennedy dollar. Half dollar. Well, especially to Kennedy. Look at this. It’s just Kennedy. Beautiful. Yeah, that’s a good shape, too.

That’s an old one. That’s a big shape. What is that? Is it pure silver? 90% silver. 90%? Yeah. More than my spoon. There you go. All right, are we ready to wind down? Yeah, just. Thank you, everyone. Thanks, Hyoji, for coming and. Yeah, yeah. Like, whatever happens, we’ll get through it as a species, you know, different countries will handle a different way. And rooting for the people of Japan to figure it out quick, because I don’t think they got that much time left. All right, everybody take care. This is what I agree that you guys accept me.

You guys already collecting something? Gold and silver. I think that way is also right way. I just don’t know how to. Well, you’re sitting next to a man who can help you out. Don’t worry, I got. Take care, everybody.

See more of Rafi Farber on their Public Channel and the MPN Rafi Farber channel.


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Dealing with Falling Value of Yen in Japan Economic Issues in Japan Endgame Investor Interview with Korean in Japan Hikikomori Phenomenon in Japan impact of Japanese Inflation Discussion Japanese Youth's Lack of Future Preparation Korean Exporter's Perspective on Japanese Economy Social Issues in Japan Trust in Japanese Government Amid Economic Downturn

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