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➡ Gerald Celente discusses various topics in his broadcast. He talks about the economy, predicting that interest rates will be lowered due to weak GDP numbers in the US and Canada. He also mentions potential increases in oil prices if conflicts in the Middle East escalate. Lastly, he discusses protests on college campuses against Israel’s policies towards Palestine, which are being labeled as anti-Semitic, a claim refuted by many Jewish students participating in the protests.


Hello, this is Gerald Solendi and it’s Tuesday, April 30th, 2024. 30 days has September, April June and November. Anyway, new trends journals coming out soon and here’s the cover. Dada, Dada, Dada. Kent State 2. 0. Stormtroopers will beat and kill campus protesters apiece. That’s right. We’re going to get to that in a minute. I want to talk about the economy first. Gold took a hit today, down over 50 bucks.

Tomorrow the feds are going to come out and say whether or not they’re going to lower interest rates. They’re going to lower them. This is going to be when. The guess is when you look at the Dow today, dive in 570 points, they’re going to hold off lowering interest rates. Again, the lower interest rates go, the deeper the dollar falls, the higher gold prices go up. I had forecast that they would be lowering rates by now.

We missed it. But it’s going to happen because you could see what’s going up over there in Canada. Again, first you look at the US GDP numbers that just came out last week. They were terrible. They were very weak. And same thing’s happening in Canada. So now the bank of Canada is reversing and they’re saying, okay, we’re going to lower interest rates. They’re going to do the same thing in the EU.

They’re going to lower interest rates. So if they’re all lowering interest rates, they’re going to pressure the United States to lower interest rates because the dollar will get so strong that the value of these currencies will go down. And you’re already seeing the Canadian, you know, Looney taking a hit already. Looney tunes because you’ve got a Looney up there that you dope. But anyway, so that’s on that front.

And then on the oil front, as we said, should the Israel war escalate and they ramp it up against Iran, you’re going to see oil prices, Brent crude hit $130 a barrel plus. And that’ll crash equity markets and the global economy because it goes back to inflation. Now let’s go back to inflation again. It’s not going away. You look at the numbers that came out today, people eating less junk food can’t afford.

McDonald’s is down. McDonald’s all books is down. People are buying less. They can’t afford it. Inflation is going up. It’s costing more. Again, you look at your trends journal this week. For example, PepsiCo is reporting higher profits. Wait a minute. You have less sales. Oh, you’re charging more money. So the consumers are getting hit. And then again, there’s a whole article in this week’s trends journal about what’s going on in the housing market.

And again, to subscribe to the trends journal, you go to trends journal. com. It’s the grand total of $2. 56 a week, a crappy cup of Starbucks is more than that for a cup of coffee. But anyway, so that’s on the economic front. And where’s oil going? Well, today we just heard from Netanyahu, or Natsun Yahoo, the murderer over there. Netanyahu vows to invade Rafa, quote, with or without a ceasefire deal with Hamas.

Israeli prime ministers from AP, pledged Tuesday to launch an incursion into the sudden city of Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are sheltering for the almost seven month war. Just as ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas appear to be gaining steam. Again, bombing the shit out of these people in front of everybody’s eyes under the fucking crap that those little whores, those little scum big shitheads in the media cell.

Well, Israel said that Hamas is using these people as human shields. Who the fuck are you talking to? You’re bombing the shit out of the hospital schools, churches, mosques, homes. And now you’re going to, oh, yeah, we’re going to get Hamas. They’re hiding there. They’re hiding there. Where is the outrage? Oh, there is outrage. And it’s on the college campuses. And again, it’s your cover of your trends journal magazine.

Can stay 2. 0 because they’re coming out against them all. Yep. They’re calling them anti semites that are protesting. Oh, Jill Stein got arrested. Oh, Jill Stein is Jewish. Oh, she was at Washington University. Yeah. A lot of Jewish people are protesting here. You have some agents provocateurs that they’re, you know, putting their focus on this one. Yeah. How about the other thousands? Now it’s tens of thousands.

How about them? No, no, no, we’re only going to make it look like it’s anti semitic and these are crazy people. So we’re only going to go after the few crazies. Yep. Jewish students refute claims of anti semitism at pro Palestinian protests. And this is from the Middle East monitor. Now, Jewish students participate in a protest, which had been largely organized by pro Palestinian and Jewish groups categorically refute the anti semitism allegations.

Jewish students were T-shirts reading, we are Jews who say stop shooting in Gaza and even held Jewish passover rituals to affirm their identity as Jews who oppose Israel’s policy toward Palestine. In Bell University, hundreds of students gathered in universities, main square and sat around a drawn paper symbolizing the traditional Seder banquet. Again, a Seder near the little Chuck E. Schumann’s house, you had thousands of Jewish people protesting calling for a ceasefire.

But they degrading this as an anti semitic movement. Again, you’re not allowed to speak about peace. You are prohibited. US campus protests akin to 1930s Nazis, Netanyahu said, this is reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s. It’s unconscionable. It has to be stopped. It has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally. Who the fuck are you to say? What should we be doing in our country? Who the fuck are you? You’re murdering people in front of everybody’s eyes.

And now, by the way, the polls are showing in Israel that the majority don’t want Netanyahu out of there. How things change. But hey, even Bernie Sanders hits back at Netanyahu over anti semitic claims. No, Mr. Netanyahu, Bernie said, he’s Jewish, Bernie’s Jewish. It’s not anti semitic. It’s not Pro-Hamas. I want to point that out. The little over six months, your extremist government has killed over 34,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 78,000 Sanders said, stressing that 70% of these were women and children.

He went on to state that it’s not anti semitic to point out that Israel’s bombing has completely destroyed more than 21, excuse me, 221,000 housing units in Gaza. Mr. Netanyahu anti semitism is a violent disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to many millions of people. Sanders said, but please do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal policies of your extremist and racist government.

It is not anti semitic to hold you accountable for your actions, which by the way, according to the definition, is genocide. The deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of the ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. We put in your trench journal all of the racist comments coming from Smotrick, the other people in Israel told us to wipe out the gala, the IDF head, that the human animals, one after another, get them out of there.

I read the article about little Jared Kushner over there saying this is valuable ocean form property. We got to move them out, put them in the desert, genocide. But you’re not allowed to say it. And there was, you got to go to this link to little fucking pieces of shit. And I even call them that interrupting me, cutting me off, calling me stupid. What I’m saying is rubbish as I’m trying to read the definition from the encyclopedia Britannica, two little clouds.

And these, these two little clouds perfectly represent the moronic talking heads of the mainstream media. They’re over there in the UK. Little guy by the name of Wales looks like a whale with his fat fucking face and dress like a fucking piece of shit. And arrogant guy calling me one of the most ignorant people he’s ever met. Oh yeah. Hey, ignorant fuck face. Trends 2000 international best selling book.

Oh, trend tracking far better than mega trends time magazine. Weekly trends journal. Yep. These are the people running the show and ruining our lives that are being promoted as those who we should listen to. And you got this other little clown boy, perfect clown, Bill Mayer. Yeah, he always looks like you. I know everything. Bill Mayer slams pro Palestinian protesters as ignorant, unemployed narcissists. I don’t even want to go on a little fuck face piece of shit.

This is who they quote. So going back to your trends journal, you got to read the economic update and the market overviews. It’s serious. What’s going on? It’s going to change for better and for worse in some sections and others. Again, each week, this is going on about 80 weeks now. We’ve been putting on all the job losses of the people being fired, businesses going out of business that they’re not reporting on and the banks going bust.

This is a big article in here. It’s going to happen and it’s going to crash the economy and it’s going to crash the equity markets. Again, when the economy fails, jobs go with it going out of business trends. What’s going on the copper prices? Why they’re going up and what to expect? The yen just hit a 34 year low. Yeah, they’re trying to artificially prop it up. It ain’t working when what’s going to happen and why again, this is serious stuff going on about the luxury brands where they’re going.

I just mentioned, oh, the big news today was McDonald’s is down, you know, because people can’t afford to eat shit, you know, and I have the money to pay for it. But anyway, and then again, top trends, 2024, banks go bust, office building bust, what’s going on in China and the Israel war, the Ukraine war, special guest articles by Colonel Douglas McGregor, Phil Geraldi, Mercolas, John and Nisha Whitehead, divide and conquer the government’s propaganda of fear and fake news.

You got it. Fake news, we’re giving you the real news, news you could use. It trends in your friend, the way giving to you like nobody else in the world. Trends in geopolitics. Yep. Walking dead, Senator McConnell pushing for bigger US military budget, era of pieces over in Europe. One after another in Europe is saying this, you’re ramping up World War three, whole sections in high tech science, soul sections in AI, and of course, a whole section in technocracy by Joe Duran in what’s going on there.

And one of his articles is net zero, zero need, less than zero human benefits. Yep. Again, whole sections on AI, we’re giving you everything we can to give you the best we can. So subscribe to the trends journal, read history before it happens. And again, as I feel about these shitty politicians, these little fuck faces, you want to get your shirt. Hey politicians, who the fucking you to tell me what to do? And here’s the back, boop it back, boop it beep.

And you get this by going to trends journal. com and hit shop. And also tomorrow, don’t forget, I’ll be on with Judge Andrew Napolitano. We’re going through serious times now. Again, watch what’s going on in these equity markets. This is real. And they’re going to do everything they can to fiscal and monetary stimulus to try to get this thing back up. It’s not going to work this time.

Again, it’s all in your trends journal, read history before it happens. Thank you. .

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anti-Semitic claims in college protests college campus protests against Israel economy discussion in Gerald Solendi broadcast Gerald Solendi broadcast discussion interest rates prediction by Gerald Solendi Jewish students refute anti-Semitic claims Middle East conflicts effect on oil prices potential increase in oil prices weak GDP numbers in US and Canada

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