Kamalas Krash (Ep. 2301) | Dan Bongino

Posted in: Dan Bongino, News, Patriots



➡ The Dan Bongino speaker expresses concern about potential corruption within the Secret Service, suggesting that evidence related to an assassination attempt and the January 6th events may have been deliberately erased. They also speculate that the pipe bomb incident at the Democratic National Committee headquarters was a distraction plan by the radical left, which was covered up when it became unnecessary. The speaker warns that similar cover-ups could occur in the future if the current leadership is not replaced.
➡ Helix offers a hybrid mattress with a 100-night trial and a 10-15 year warranty. The mattress is easy to set up and comes with a 20% discount and two free pillows. Another product, Windshield Wow, is a magnetic device that makes cleaning windshields easier and safer. Lastly, there’s controversy over a bomb plot against Kamala Harris on January 6th that wasn’t mentioned in a report, raising questions about a potential cover-up and the erasure of Secret Service texts from that day.
➡ The text discusses various issues including corruption in the Secret Service, global economic instability, and political turmoil. It criticizes the current leadership, particularly President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, for their perceived inability to handle these crises. The author also questions who is truly in control of the government, suggesting that there may be hidden forces at play. Lastly, the text criticizes Kamala Harris’s understanding of technology, specifically cloud storage, and expresses concern about her potential influence on the tech industry.
➡ The speaker criticizes Kamala Harris and the current administration for economic issues, including rising gas prices and taxes. They suggest that these issues are negatively impacting working-class Americans. The speaker also criticizes the administration for their handling of international affairs. They encourage listeners to vote and bring others to vote in the next election, implying dissatisfaction with the current leadership.


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Great product. Listen, I’m afraid, folks, I’m afraid. I don’t like saying that because I don’t want to sound like a voice. And I’m certainly not saying there’s a snowflake. I’m telling you as your friend, based on evidence, I am legitimately afraid right now that in this assassination attempt, in the subsequent FBI secret service investigation, that evidence may be disappearing. Right now there’s no one in charge, folks. Ron Roe is part of the problem. The acting director, his boss, DHS secretary Alam Alejandro Mayorkas, is as corrupt as the day is long. His boss, Joe Biden, doesn’t even know his first name.

The vice president, Kamala Harris, who’s the presumptive Democrat nominee. Again, these people are mentally as corrupted. They’re expecting these people to do the right thing is an absolute fool’s error. I want you to remember that Ron Roe was part of the management team of the secret Service when the January 6 texts were wiped out. I want you to remember this. Here’s Julie Kelly. Julie, a new DHS IG report just came out. Department of Homeland Security. They’re basically their internal affairs division. They confirm in their new report that the Biden may orchest DHS significantly stonewalled the January 6 investigation.

Texts were deleted. Cell phones of top officials, presumably including Kim Cheadle, the former director will wipe out. The data was never recovered. Here. You can see in a report right here, Julie attaches it to her tweet and she notes it. Well, they note in the report that there was a follow up for texts and emails and they were wiped out. It’s right there in the report. They said, oh, we don’t have any backup files. We can’t provide any of this information. Folks, if you’re saying to yourself, how can this possibly be? How corrupt could the Secret Service could have been that they confiscated all of these agents phones, wiped out their emails and communications from that day.

And no one in the government thinks anything is wrong here. Now that they’re saying now that this was some kind of a tech transfer and they lost it. Just disregard that story. It’s a lie. This is a massive cover up. What I’m worried about is the assassination attempt. If information is uncovered detrimental to the secret Service, they’re probably going to do the same plan. They’re probably going to confiscate the agents phones, wipe them out and give them new phones. It’s really that simple. I told you a story about the Epstein thing a couple of weeks ago, folks.

I have a friend in the secret Service was on a plane with Clinton and the Epstein thing asked to get off. Did not want to be a part of any of that. Flew home, didn’t see anything directly, but thought it was very suspicious. I’ll leave it at that. Okay. He noticed in the weeks later that the phones of the agents on that detail started to disappear too. There is a pattern here. The Secret Service confiscates phones and makes stuff go away. These are the exact same people in charge now. You don’t think they’re going to do the same damn thing again? Kamala Harris was at the Democrat National Committee headquarters in Washington DC on January 6 when it was a freaking pipe bomb outside.

The Secret Service has no record of what happened that day because they made it all go away and nobody thinks anything of it. Darren Beatty has an explosive piece. It was put out last week, August 2, about exactly this. The OIG report confirms Kamala’s secret service role in January 6. Pipe bomb cover up. Listen to this. Go back to that OIG report. The most damning aspect is the secret Service didn’t log the discovery of the pipe bomb at the DNC. There was a bomb at the freaking DNC on January 6. I thought it was an insurrection.

Leave this up. They didn’t even log it, folks. This thing stinks. Stakes to Hades, man. They didn’t log the subsequent evacuation of Kamala Harris from the DNC as an unusual protective event. It’s as though the event never happened. The Secret Service didn’t even file an after action report that would provide details of the security speech and their response to it. Ladies and gentlemen, I was there for twelve years. I’ve never seen anything like this. Something is seriously rot. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark for you shakespearean fans. And that state of Denmark is sitting at secret service headquarters on H Street.

No after action report. Why are they so eager to disappear? This I’ve got a few theories on what happened, ladies and gentlemen, and if I’m correct about what happened on January 6, there is a rot in the Secret Service. That is, you’re going to see again in the handling of this assassination attempt as they try to disappear all of this and memory hole everything. You notice the media’s already stopped talking about it. It’s incredible how they’re still talking about January 6. Still talking about it. January 6, a guy was murdered and three people were shot at a President Trump site.

And it’s incredible we still haven’t found the motive of the shooter. So weird. He’s disappeared from the news completely. And everyone on the left wants to memory hole what happened while they still talk about January 6. So strange. But they won’t mention this about January 6. They won’t mention the Kamala Harris bomb threat and the subsequent evacuation. Listen, folks, I’ve been studying this for a long time. The most likely scenario about what happened with that pipe bomb on January 6 is it was a backup plan. There was someone connected to the radical left that wanted to make sure that they could disrupt that hearing if it got ugly and a lot of voter fraud was exposed.

Remember, that was certification day. Is everybody following me? Justin, you got to follow me. You’re going to be the audience. Some buzzing for this. January 6 was certification day. The Democrats were terrified that a bunch of republican senators were going to go up and talk about actual documented fraud in front of the whole country. Everyone following, they needed a distraction. I don’t think they expected January 6 that the Capitol turn out the way it did. But when it did, it rendered the bomb plot at the DNC unnecessary. That would have been the big plan. Oh, my gosh.

Bomb at the DNC certified his thing. Quick, you crazy Republicans. Stop ginning up the crowd. Look, they tried to kill Kamala Harris. I am sure of it. That’s what happened. And when the Secret Service and FBI started looking into this on their own failure because they failed to detect a bomb and may have found some information, someone told them to disappear it. Can you imagine what must have been like in secret service headquarters if someone tells you, hey, you don’t want to look into this because if you find out who really planted that bomb, it’s going to point to those guys and it’s a bunch of crazy Democrats.

That’s why it’s all disappeared. It’s not about the security failure, although that’s part of it. I’m going to show you a video coming up next. And you’ll see exactly what I mean. The Democrats still want to talk about the insurrection on January 6, but they never want to mention a plot to kill Kamala Harris with the bomb. So strange. Almost like they know something about it. Watch this video coming up next, you’ll see what I mean. How desperate they are to make this go away. And they’re going to do the exact same thing with the assassination attempt if we don’t get rid of these people in charge right now.

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Check it out. Support our sponsors. They love talking to you guys. That’s windshield. Wow.com. all right, back to the show. Thank you, guys. Folks, I want you to watch this exchange. It’s a little older. It’s between hack Democrat Benny Thompson, who ran the January 6 committee, and Tom Massey, a great Republican who’s doing the questioning. Ok. Massey starts asking Benny Thompson, it’s a little long, about a minute 30, but it’s worth every second. Hey, man, you were part of the January 6 committee. How the hell did you not mention in your report this bomb plot against Kamala Harris? The Susan Crabtree tweet will make a whole lot of sense after this.

They’re making this thing go away because I suspect strongly it was probably an inside job over there. It was likely some inside job that they didn’t want the Secret Service and the FBI investigating, so they covered up the absolute security, failure to make it go away. And Benny Thompson appears to be part of it. Watch how hesitant Benny Thompson is to talk about the bomb plot against Kamala Harris on January 6. But they’ll still talk about the insurrection. Check this out. Was in the, the incoming vice president was in the DNC when that pipe bomb was sitting there.

Dude, I don’t, you know, we did not. Our investigation was looking at the facts and circumstances. We knew that there were pipe bombs. We just, I’m sure the evidence will say she was wherever she is. But, you know, I’m trying to get to your point. Okay. Well, my point is, if this bomb had gone off just a few feet from her, this could have been the worst assassination since JFK. And I looked at your January 6 report, and I don’t. I mean, can you tell me what you wrote about this pipe bomb and the fact that she was almost blown up that day? The gentleman.

Not right now, no. I’m just. It’s in the report. In terms of the submission, it’s not in the 850 page documenthood. So you guys, did. Your committee did investigate the pipe bomb or did not investigate the pipe bomb? I’m trying to figure out. We’re not a criminal investigation. We are. You know, we were an oversight body looking at the facts and circumstances. We were not a criminal body to see who was. Who laid the bomb or anything like that. He’s got a big interest in grandma. Who walked through an open door at the Capitol, is now serving 72 years like the haley’s comet coming back in a gulag in Washington, DC, but he doesn’t have any interest.

Who tried to kill Kamala Harris at the DNC with a freaking pipe bomb, dude. And you believe that? Of course you don’t. You’re one of my listeners. For the stupid people who are seeing this on. On clips and are probably a lefty, you’re dumb enough to believe that. I thought it was an insurrection. Doesn’t this fit right into your fairy tale? The insurrection has tried to kill the incoming vice president. You’re not interested. Why is it that only conservatives seem interested in the truth? Because of what I told you before. The truth doesn’t have an agenda.

If this is some maga lunatic, I’d like to know if it’s an insider at the DNC who had a backup plan in case the January 6 thing didn’t go down to stop people from questioning the certification of the vote. I want to know that, too. Where are the journalists out there? They’re full of shit. They want to memory hole this whole thing. And did you hear it about. I don’t know, a minute into that as Tom Massey’s narrowing in on Benny Thompson. Hey, man, why didn’t you address this in your report? Did you see them trying to interrupt him? Will the gentleman yield? Will the gentleman yield? And he won’t.

Tom Massey stay on this. Darren Beatty, stay on this. I know you will. Julie Kelly, Susan Crabtree, and others put up this Susan Crabtree tweet. This is freaking huge. August 4, yesterday, the secret Service wiping January 6 texts. This is new information. This is not mine. This is hers. A seasoned a Secret Service whistleblower came to her and said that a few months after January 6, DHS, the inspector general, was conducting its investigation into the handling of January 6. This is a really important tweet, he says. He she says she’s going to share important parts of the interview with the whistleblower below.

Scroll down if you would. This is super important. The whistleblower told her that the day before the DHS issued its late Friday, August 2 report, she conducted this interview. The IG report confirmed that the cell phones of the secret Service agents at the J six thing were wiped of text to clean up for the agency’s bad performance on January 6. Holy shit, folks, this is from a Secret Service insider. They note that the Secret Service let Vice president elect Kamala Harris walk within 20ft of a pipe bomb at the DNC because they didn’t have the right assets in place for a VP elect with long with other missteps.

She asks Susan says to the whistleblower, where are the January 6 texts? He responds, or she I don’t know. I worked on January 6. Wow, dude or female was there and I had to turn in my phone a couple of months later. Don’t put that down. Wait, didn’t they tell us that the phones had to be turned in on January 6 for a tech exchange key? They said that, right? But there was a tech exchange. It was a story. But the whistleblower notes that his phone had to be turned in a couple months later and he notes never saw it again.

And yeah, all that, all those things got deleted. But before they took my phone and everything, none of them were deleted. I thought there was a tech exchange on January 6, whistleblower says, I’m like, what are you talking about? We had a technology cell phone software update. Every text message and email I had prior to January 6 was still on my phone. But once they took my phone and gave me a different phone, they were all gone. Folks, I’m sorry to read the strip, but this gets even worse. Susan Crabtree is what did they tell you? What’s the reason they gave you for making you turn in your phone months later? Because their DOJ investigation regarding our phones, we’re going to have to take your phone and give you a different one.

They told them like okay, did you think that was suspicious? Asked Crabtree. Of course the whistleblower knows. But at that point, let’s see. Around January 6, I was still a believer that anything they say they must mean for the best for it. But that was before I dealt with the corruption I did, I soon discovered in the secret Service, people lie. They do all these things. It’s just their culture. Sound like something I’ve been warning you about? They lie. It’s just their culture. Folks, not everyone’s like that. I promise you. I work with some really solid people.

In the twelve years I was there, I never had any president, Republican or Democrat, hurt at my sides. Ever. Not even close. Not even a hangnail. And that was because I had good and decent people working there. And when I was the lead, I was going to lead that team, and no one was getting hurt on my trips. And I’m telling you, I’m not the only one. I’m not even close to the only one. But these guys have been trying to blow the whistle on garbage. Secret Service managers forever that have run this place into the ground, and nothing has happened.

And we have a unique opportunity right now to fix this. And I’m not giving it up. This is one of those rare opportunities where we can make the government a little less sucky. Everyone’s got to go, folks. This place is a corrupt train wreck. Those January sex text emails and texts from January 6, they’re out there somewhere. Somebody’s got them. And they should. They should. Now, Massey and everyone else in the Republican House we run should subpoena every single person in the tech department of the secret Service and find out where the hell they are. There is no way.

Ask them if there’s a backup at the James J. Rowley training center. And why not? We are dealing with corruption I have never seen before. Let me tell you something. This was my badge when I got on. It’s a little coin now, but that’s what it looked like. This was when we were in the treasury department. Ever since we left for Homeland Security, it’s been an absolute train wreck. All right, folks, we got a big news day today. I told you, I’m not even close to done. Stock market a complete mess. Financial meltdown happening around the world.

The japanese stock market had their worst day since, what, black Monday, 1987? The Middle east on fire. It’s probably only a matter of days before Iran engages in a massive strike on Israel, which we don’t know where that’s going to go. Nobody respects Joe Biden. Not the Iranians, not Hamas, not Israel, no one. The good guys, the bad guys, the in between guys. Everybody hates Joe Biden. The man has no control over this global turmoil at all. There is nothing he can do to fix the economy because his solution for the economy is the poison and, folks, the problem is the one they’re handed the reins to.

To run with Kamala Harris, I’m telling you, is just as dumb as Joe Biden without the active dementia or whatever. He’s got frontal lobe dementia. I don’t know what he has. I’m not his freaking doctor, but I know he has something. She is just as dumb as he is without the cognitive issue. Here’s Kamala Harris, their new presumptive nominee. You think this woman’s going to lead the economy of the future out of this morass? They’ve called for us. I want you to listen to this, folks, I’m not really a super techie guy, but full disclosure, I’m fully invested in the cloud business with rumble.

So when I saw this, I kind of laughed a little bit, because even me, who’s not necessarily a tech guy, but I understand what I invest in. I can explain the cloud to you better than Kamala Harris, who wants to be the president of the United States. You know, the cloud business for data storage. Here’s Kamala Harris up in the air, like in a car. No, it’s not up in the air in a cloud. It’s not really a cloud. It’s not a cloud. It’s not a cumulus cirrus cloud. Listen to this idiot. Check this out. So you’re now no longer.

Are you necessarily keeping those private files, some file cabinet that’s locked in the basement of the house. It’s on your laptop, and it’s then therefore, up here in this cloud that exists above us. Right? It’s no longer in a physical place. My man cat turd is on it, by the way. Go to his account. He’s at cat turd two, the number two. And a minute ago, he put out Kamala crash. I have since retweeted that. Make sure you do it. Get Kamala crash going, because that’s exactly what it is. This is a crash called by Kamala.

This is the woman who wants to regulate the tech business. Engage in the green new deal, tax the shit out of your companies, corporations, kids, small businesses, s corps, C Corps, LlCs. She wants to steal for herself. She’s like, it’s the cloud, and it’s a Justin. You a big tech guy? Justin’s pretty tech. He’s pretty smart. He goes to school. Michael’s definitely a tech guy. Is the cloud. Is it actually up in the sky? Does your data go up in the sky? Does anybody know that? Do we have any antenna that transmits it up into, like, the cosmos? Or something? No, we don’t.

Okay, that’s. That’s good to know. That’s not what the cloud is, folks. That’s not even close to what the cloud is. But Kamala probably believes that because she’s not smart enough to, to know she’s not even smart enough to run a presidential campaign after being handed to her, having it handed to her on a silver platter. You think she’s smart enough to run a tech driven, AI driven economy? Yeah. Okay. Good luck with that, folks. And who the hell is running our government? Listen, I’m going to tell you something. Kamala was not Obama’s pick. And you could call it a conspiracy theory all you want.

My batting average on conspiracy theories is 1000. The left wing media is, is precisely zero. A doughnut, a goose egg. You guys have been wrong on everything. But now that Obama’s stuck with Kamala Harris, they want to make sure they get the right people in there, because Obama people have been running largely the administrative side of the Biden White House for a really long time. Even though Biden hates Obama and Obama hates Biden, Obama’s never, ever going to get his fingers out of government, ever. Even political playbooks reporting on it. Obama flying Wilmington. At the center of the shake up are a group of new senior advisors best known for their work on Barack Obama’s campaigns for president and inside his White House.

Folks, this guy’s got his hands all over it, man. He’s got his hands all over this place. And even though he’s stuck with the dreadful Kamala Harris, they’re going to make sure they get their people in select spots, make no mistake. I want you to listen to, this is David Sacks. David Sachs, a tech guy. They have a podcast, the all in podcast with Chamath and a couple other guys. It’s a pretty popular tech podcast, investment podcast. There’s about a minute clip from the show. David Sachs, who’s not a particularly emotional guy, definitely not like a huge, like, political guy, but he’ll talk about politics on the show once in a while.

He makes the point right here I’m making for you right now that the entire Biden White House is a construct. There is no Biden White House. There are a group of people behind the scenes running Biden. Again, this is a tech guy. He’s not a really political guy talking. And he asked that same question about Kamala. Who the hell’s in charge of that operation? We’re not the only ones asking this. Check this out. One of our critiques of Biden not just in this election cycle, but probably going back a year, is that Biden had become basically a figurehead president, almost a construct, and he was fronting for a shadow cabinet or a group of powerful staffers who were really running the country basically because of his cognitive decline.

And we sort of joked that whoever the White House intern was who was running the social media accounts or the staffer who was running the teleprompter was basically the president because they could dictate what Biden said. Now, I think the question to ask is, has anything changed? Kamala Harris refuses to do any interviews. She doesn’t want to do any unscripted appearances. She’s abandoned all of her policy positions that have been longstanding and were the reason why she ran for president in the first place in 2020. So the question to ask is, do we still have a construct as the president speaker one? That’s a damn good question.

You got a war. Getting ready to break a war was already a war. I mean, a leveled up, tiered up war in the Middle east. Getting ready to break out. Okay, you’ve got a situation brewing in everywhere from Bangladesh right now to China and Taiwan. Look it up. If you think we don’t get into a lot of foreign policy on the show, I happen to enjoy it. Just look that up today. You’ve got chaos in Venezuela. Where’s Kamala Harris? She’s not even doing interviews. Who’s running this campaign? They’re trying to basement Kamala Harris, too, just like they did with Biden.

The Kamala crash, man. You can’t hide that, folks. People are waking up this morning. You’ve got large swaths of middle class America waking up with a lot of their money in 401 ks and pension funds who are going to open up their account statements if they even work. A lot of people have been locked out this morning trying to trade and they’re going, what the hell else can I tolerate from this Biden Harris economy? Kamala is brat. Oh, she’s brat, all right. And let me just give a quick piece of advice to the Trump team on this, if they’ll take it.

New York Post, Trump says the lead debate, Kamala Harris on Fox News or won’t see her at all as he, as he rips, rips VP’s mental capacity. Good for you. Do not accept again any of their preconditions on the debate. Donald Trump agreed to a debate with Joe Biden under X conditions. It is not our fault that Joe Biden sucks so bad he dropped out the deal was not with Kamala Harris. There was a VP debate with Kamala Harris. She is not the VP nominee anymore. The VP now. She is now the presumptive Democrat nominee. Okay? She’s the Democrat nominee.

It’s not our fault they switch positions. It is a different set of rules now. You’re in charge of the Trump team. You want to do a debate on ABC, fine. Make sure you get one on Fox or on some conservative outlet. You don’t owe them anything. Let her go. Do oppressor first and explain the Kamala crash, what’s happening in Venezuela, what’s happening in the Middle east, what’s happening in China. Let them explain it. Have you seen this ad, by the way, about common amics? It’s Brad, by the way. Kamalanomics is Brad. Just asked Charlie. X G 247 B.

She says so. I mean, it’s, you know, listen, man, are we going to get into the program or what are we just going to buy into? Is anyone to start looking at Kamala Harris, who she really is? She’s a crazy person. Everything she stands for makes Bernie Sanders look like a George HW Bush and he wasn’t even conservative. This ad is devastating. Someone put this out for some Trump aligned pack folks. It has sound, but not a lot of a lot. Not a voice in it. I’m just going to play this. I want you to watch this and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

This is devastating stuff. Play that. Cut. You hear that sound? You’re listening only on audio. It’s an image of a grocery counter checking out item. Now it changes. We’re looking at a gas pump. I went up and up and up. Hear that gas going in there. Drain in your wallet, unburdened by what has been. That is money in your wallet that’s not there. Sound of inflation. This guy here doing his taxes, noticing. Wow, bill’s a lot higher. Higher taxes, smaller paychecks. Oh, look, it’s the border. A lot of people welcoming themselves into the United States. Sounds of Kamala Harris, Kamala nomics, Kamala on the border.

Border czar. Kamala Harris. Gas price. Kamala Harris, pay your taxes. Kamala Harris, pay more your taxes. Kamala Harris, pay even more your taxes. Kamala Harris. Whoever put that ad together, was it make America great again? Pac freaking genius, folks. They can’t escape this stuff. There are people waking up with their pensions and their 401 ks getting routed today. There are people who’ve been paying more for gas and groceries and taxes under this dreadful, disgusting regime because common amics is Bradley. You know, there are people out there working for a living, and you can shit on them all you want.

These are the people who make America work, okay? These are people who get up at five and six in the morning. They go and they fix your h vac system. They go and they do your landscaping. They go and they do electric and run wire in your house. They’re sitting there in attics, running wires, putting alarm systems in. These are people working out there on the railroads, railroads. These are people out there policing the streets. Are people out there in our military. These people work for a living. And you know what? Some of them come home and they just want to enjoy a beer on the couch and relax for an hour or two before they got to go to sleep and wash, rinse, repeat, and do the same damn thing over again.

The Democrats have been shitting on these people forever. Forever. But these are real Americans. These are the Americans I grew up with in Liberty park in Glendale. People who went home. My family owned a bar. 05:00. Some of the guys would come in, have a drink. They’d go home, walk down the block. It was all walking distance. It was a neighborhood bar. These are real Americans. I want you to listen. This guy at a rally, these are the guys Democrats hate. They absolutely hate you if you’re one of these guys right here. But this is working class America.

Take a listen. I remember before Trump got out of office, I only had to put $10 in my truck, go back and forth to work. Then all of a sudden, it’s 30 to 40. And then prices on beer goes up and, hey, that’s the working man’s Gatorade right there. I know what the left is saying. Don’t be middle class flyover country losers working man skatering. Those are the men and women that make this place work. Mandy, man, deserve a beer at night, deserve to go home, have themselves a cold one. They hate you, man. They can’t stand you.

What are these people doing? Nothing. They’re laughing in your face. I think you’re a joke. Way to watch this video. Now, listen, you can speculate all you want about this. I’m just showing you the video. This is the hostage exchange the other day. Now, folks, again, I’ve been at these sites a thousand times. The secret Service and everyone else. And the staff looks really confused. Here’s Joe Biden walking back onto a plane. Now, the fact checkers say, oh, he was going back on the plane to meet with everybody. Maybe he was, maybe it wasn’t. I don’t know.

Ladies and gentlemen, all I’m telling you is most of the people had already disembarked that plane. What is he saying hi to a pilot? I don’t know. But look at the secret Service guys. They’re looking up there like, where the hell is this guy going? I don’t know what he’s doing, folks. I don’t care to speculate. I don’t really care. All the only reason I’m playing this is because this guy disappears like this all the time when you need him most. Where is he today? Economic crash? War in the Middle east breaking out? Where is he? Where’s Kamala Harris today? The answer is doing what they always do.

Nothing. Absolutely, Jack squad. I’d rather have a guy out there sending mean tweets than someone out there sitting there ducking, hiding in a basement. It was a big show today. We covered a lot, folks, and I really appreciate it. I’m voting for the outlaw and so are you guys. Make sure you bring ten people. Ten? It’s not good enough to vote. It’s only good enough to vote if you bring ten people with you. Do not forget. Please, I’m begging you. We lose this election, you’re not going to have a country to go back. And you’re going to look at a totally different place.

We’re the leaders we’ve been waiting for. For us. My friend Jenny says, make sure you download the Rumble app. Follow us every day at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. Rumble.com bangino. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify as well. It’s all free. Really appreciate it. Click those follow buttons. Helps us. Helps us stay on the top charts. We deeply appreciate it. See you on the radio show in rumble in a few minutes and back here at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.

See more of Dan Bongino on their Public Channel and the MPN Dan Bongino channel.


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