Kamalas CNN Town Hall Train Wreck! Even Democrat Pundits Admit Shes in Big Trouble




➡ Kamala Harris, during a town hall event, avoided answering questions about her stance on border security and the building of the wall. Despite claiming she wants a secure border, she has previously stated she would not vote for a wall under any circumstances. She has been criticized for not clearly stating her plans and for shifting the focus to Donald Trump when asked about her position. Celebrities and other public figures have shown support for Harris, but there are concerns about her ability to effectively address issues like illegal immigration.
➡ The text discusses a critique of a political figure’s handling of immigration and tax issues, suggesting that the policies are not as effective or fair as they could be. It also mentions the controversy surrounding the use of memes in political campaigns, with some arguing that they should be considered campaign contributions. The author encourages readers to share the content and subscribe to their channel for more updates.


Kamala Harris did a town hall event on the Cloud News Network hosted by Anderson Cooper who to his credit did ask her a few legitimate questions which of course she cackled in response to and dodged and lied about like this. What is so funny about that? This woman cannot answer a single question without cackling and then spewing some word salad. How much of that wall did he build? I think the last number I saw is about 2% and then when it came from… That’s because you, the Democrats, blocked funding for the wall and then when he found a work around through I think Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security, then you sued in order to stop that as well.

But wait, there’s more. I mean, you did raise your hand saying in a debate when asked if border crossings should be decriminalized, but obviously that is not your… Meaning legalize border crossers. Just allow the invaders to come in. No problem. Welcome to America. Your position. I never intended, nor will I ever allow America to have a border that is not secure. I believe we need to deal with illegal immigration. There needs to be consequences, which is… There needs to be consequences like Americans paying for them to stay in fancy four-star hotels in Manhattan at the cost of $300 a night.

Here she was during a 2019 town hall event on the clown news network when she was running for president in 2020. Which she didn’t even make it to the calendar year of 2020 because her campaign was so awful. She dropped out of the race in December of 2019. But here she is because the presidential campaigns are two years long these days. Here she was in 2019 talking about how much she hated building the wall. Let me be very clear. I’m not going to vote for a wall under any circumstances. I am not for a wall. They’re not jumping over walls.

Because walls prevent people from jumping over them and prevent them from invading our country. So the idea that we’re going to sell this thing to the American public and require the taxpayers of our country to pay $5 billion? She makes it sound like $5 billion is a lot of money, but we give $5 billion of our tax dollars to Israel every year in order to help them secure their borders. And how many hundreds of billions have we given to Ukraine over the years? I lost track. Here’s a response to a question from an audience member about what one of her weaknesses is.

Where she sounds exactly like the character Michael Scott played by Steve Carell in the sitcom The Office. I work too hard. I care too much. And sometimes I can be too invested in my job. This one may be even better. Anderson asked her if she made any mistakes over the last four years and wait for it. Is there something you can point to in your life, political life or in your life in the last four years, that you think is a mistake that you have learned from? I mean, I’ve made many mistakes. Obviously. And they range from, you know, if you’ve ever paired.

There it is. There’s the cackle. It’s starting. Like I said, she can’t answer a single question without it. You make lots of mistakes too. You’re not a parent. You’re a step parent. She’s not a mother. She has no children. So she doesn’t know what it is to be a mother, what the responsibilities are, what the love of a mother is between their child in my role as vice president. I mean, I’ve probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well versed on issues. And I think that is very important. It’s a mistake not to be well versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question.

That embarrassing performance led pollster Frank Luntz. Frank Dansu is a rhino and used to be the Republican Party’s favorite pollster and political strategist. But he came down with stage four Trump derangement syndrome and now endorses Kamala. But he did admit this about her town hall. I think that clip illustrates exactly why Harris is in trouble at this point. And it’s something that I don’t understand why the campaign does not address. They asked her specifically, where do you stand on the wall? And what does she do? She goes and shifts it right to Donald Trump, immediately mentions him twice within the first five seconds.

She still hasn’t closed the deal. She still hasn’t said to people exactly what she would do. Frank still hasn’t brushed his teeth. They do. In fact, what she should have done in the opening of that town hall is said, I want to tell you what I’m going to do in the first hour, in the first day and in the first week. And it’s going to take me five minutes. OK, I’m sorry. We don’t have time for this, you human cavity. You can obviously tell that Mr. Duds has given up on life and let himself go and appears to, in my opinion, also have a little drinking problem.

And he had some health problems back in 2020. He blames Donald Trump for giving him a stroke. But it wasn’t just stress about what Donald Trump might do to the country or his paranoid delusions of what Donald Trump may do that he says gave him the stroke. It was something more. He published a book, I guess, in 2020 that I’m sure nobody bought, where he says, quote, I had a stroke because of Trump. I didn’t have the guts to speak out enough about him. And it drove me crazy, he said. So it wasn’t even just him being paranoid and stressing out about what Trump may do from watching clown news or MSNBC.

He was stressing out because he didn’t have the guts to denounce him enough. But as big of a dunce as Frank Dunce is, the Democrat Party being equally as delusional and insane, they are listening to him because recently on CNN, he said that he thinks that if Kamala Harris gets Taylor Swift to come out and do a concert for Kamala Harris, that that would push her over the top and she would be assured to win the election. And so now tonight, Beyonce is going to be joining Camel Face on stage in Texas. None other than Beyonce will appear with Vice President Harris tomorrow in Texas for learning and NBC’s Erin Gilchrist is covering the Harris campaign today from Georgia where she set to appear with Bruce Springsteen.

So this was yesterday and she was joined on stage by Bruce Springsteen and the Hollywood celebrities are coming out in droves to support her, including Samuel L Jackson who said this. We’ve seen that horror show before and there’s no way, no how we gonna make America great again. Well, certainly not if Kamala Harris wins, that’s for sure. She’s running to be the 47th president of the United States. Donald Trump is running to be an American tyrant. And while the White House Senior Living Center is keeping old Joe occupied with his favorite ice cream, Barack Obama is out on the campaign trail during these final days trying to make the push to convince the brothers to get out and vote for her.

We do not need four years of a wanna be king, a wanna be dictator running around trying to punish his enemies. That’s not what you need in your life. Democrats always accusing others what they themselves are guilty of, spending the last three and a half years to try to put Donald Trump in prison. But hey, he’s the one who’s gonna persecute his opponents. Anderson Cooper must be seriously getting tired of the illegal aliens that he has to share his luxurious Manhattan high rise apartment with, which are being paid for, of course, like I said, by our tax dollars because he actually did hammer camel face on the wall.

Here he is coming back for a third round. To fix the problem, you’re doing this compromise bill. It does call for $650 million that was earmarked under Trump to actually still go to build the wall. I’m not afraid of good ideas where they occurred. So you don’t think it’s stupid anymore? I think what he did and how he did it was did not make much sense because he actually didn’t do much of anything. I just talked about that wall, right? We just talked about it. He didn’t actually… We almost got a cackle right there.

Again, Democrats are the ones who blocked that funding twice. Do much of anything. But you do wanna build some wall. I want to strengthen our border. Despite stealing several of Donald Trump’s policies in order to appear that she cares about America and is opposed to the invasion that her and old Joe facilitated, she still can’t even admit that she wants to build the wall. Just say it with me. Build the wall. 2022, 2023, there were record border crossings. Your administration took a number, hundreds of executive actions. It didn’t stem the flow. Numbers kept going up.

Finally, in 2024, just in June, three weeks before the first presidential debate with Joe Biden, you institute executive actions that had a dramatic impact, really shut down people crossing over. Why didn’t your administration do that in 2022, 2023? How about 2021, as soon as you guys were sworn in off? First of all, you’re exactly right, Anderson. And as of today, we have cut the flow of immigration by over half. Oh, now it’s only 100,000 coming in every month instead of 200,000. Numbers I saw most recently, illegal immigration. But if it was that easy with that executive action, why not do it in 2022, 2023? This is absolutely amazing.

I’ve never seen Anderson Cooper actually appear to even pretend to be a journalist ever. Let’s move out of tax cuts, shall we? I mean, surely she’ll be able to at least put some coherent sentence together, right? Oh, wait, what’s this? Well, what you’re saying is anyone under 400,000 won’t have taxes raised. Are you saying that anyone above 400,000 will have a tax raise? I’m saying that there is going to be a parity around what the richest people pay in terms of their taxes. Right now, Anderson, you know, it is well-documented that some of the richest people in our country have gotten away with a zero tax rate.

That is not true. They’re paying income tax on their income. The reason that their taxes are lower is because corporations spend that income and then they’re able to write that off as an expense to reduce their taxable income. And that’s not some loophole that allows them to avoid paying taxes. That is a well-established economic law that enables businesses to grow so that they’re not taxed to death. The zero tax rate. But if you’re earning $500,000, $600,000, $700,000 under your plan, there’s a good chance your taxes will go up.

We can’t have this conversation without knowing that it’s a very complicated situation, right? It’s just too complicated for the little people watching CNN to understand Anderson. Let’s move on. Barack Obama’s former senior advisor, David Axelrod, had this to say about her train wreck. When she doesn’t want to answer a question, her habit is to kind of go to word salad city. And she did that on a couple of answers. One was on Israel. Anderson asked a direct question. Would you be stronger on Israel than Trump? And there was a seven-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking.

Van Jones, on the other hand, another black man who always puts black people first, has a very high degree, as most black people do, of in-group favoritism, couldn’t find the courage to admit what really happened. And I think the question, if you’re at home trying to figure this out, you can ask, well, because you’ve done this, because you’ve done this better. Your job isn’t to do town halls. Your job is to fight for people. Does she seem like somebody who is going to take seriously the problems of ordinary people and try to get any answer? Absolutely not, because she favors the criminal illegal alien invaders and is trying to make us, the American taxpayers, fund them.

And I think that she, I think she passed that test. But not everybody at the clown is network agrees because they must be exhausted from lying all the time. Well, I’ll just tell you what I’m hearing from people who I have been talking to. And that is that if her goal was to close the deal, they’re not sure she did that. And some people have asked, is she being held to a different standard? Maybe, but that’s maybe the world that she’s living in. A different standard. The standards are just too high.

We just expect perfection from Kamala. And on the question of who she is, people are understanding that a little bit more, but what she will do, the question about her legislative priorities, name one, there wasn’t one. Some more of her personality and her character questions about your weaknesses or what mistakes did you make? Not necessarily the answers there. You could see how much it pains her to have to admit this. This is a miraculous deep down inside. There used to be a journalist in her. Now, having said all this, why aren’t I 50 points ahead? You might ask.

Well, the choice for working families has never been clearer. I need your help to get Donald Trump’s record out to everybody. Nobody should be fooled. This was created by a meme maker. C3P meme was part of the Dilly meme team who the New York Times wants arrested for campaign finance violations for making memes for the Trump campaign for fun. Seriously, they’re not just upset about the memes. Last year, they published this article Inside the Troll Army Waging Trump’s Online Campaign, where they literally called for them to be investigated and arrested for violating supposed campaign finance laws because they’re not declaring the memes as in-kind campaign contributions on financial farms with the Federal Election Commission.

I’m Mark Dice. Thanks for watching. Subscribe to my channel if you’re new here. And if you’re a regular viewer, please share links to these videos on your social media accounts and encourage other people to come and check out the channel and subscribe because we’re going to have to bypass YouTube’s channel banning and invisibility filters manually. So thanks for all your support. Stay tuned and I will see you soon. [tr:trw].

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