
➡ The Democratic Party is facing internal conflicts and confusion, with some suggesting that Kamala Harris may face legal challenges over campaign finance laws. There are also rumors that Josh Shapiro could be a potential vice presidential candidate due to his ability to bring in significant funding. However, there are concerns about Harris’s ability to win against Trump, and some believe that the Democratic Party may need to restructure or form a new party due to the current disarray.
➡ The text discusses Kamala’s rise to power, speculating on potential political shifts and alliances. It mentions the possibility of Robert Kennedy Jr. beating Kamala in a three-way race and the potential for him to join a Trump administration. The text also touches on international conflicts, particularly in Sudan and Ukraine, and the U.S.’s involvement in these. Lastly, it hints at potential future chaos in the year 2029.
➡ The text discusses the significance of the number 129 in various historical events, such as the stock market crash in 1929, the Kennedy assassination, and a near-miss nuclear incident in 1968. It also mentions an upcoming price increase for the 2024 mega doors.


What’s up, folks? Bringing you up-to-date updates on what’s going on here on Nino’s Corner.tv. Hopefully, this makes fluff tube, so we’re going for it. Juanito, Juanito, can you hear me? Nino, I can hear you! It’s amazing. It’s just, there’s so much mayhem and craziness going on right now. Everyone just seems lost, like a deer in headlights. A lot of people just, they don’t know what’s going on. I got a, it says here, Jack Poso, Posabic, breaking. DNC moves to hold virtual nomination of Kamala before August convention, blocks delegates from nominating new candidate despite Kamala receiving zero votes.

I’m hearing, it doesn’t back Kamala. There’s, I’m hearing everything, and the only thing that I’ve heard that could be concrete is from you saying that I think Josh Shapiro could be, well, is looking to be the vice president for, because they need the money. Juan, make sense of this, man. I, this is confusing. I think, is there a lot of division within the Democratic Party right now? Are they all fighting? Are they eating their own? Well, it’s like I was mentioning to the Gideon’s Army folks earlier. It’s like that moment in the Gideon’s Army thing where they went in, shined their lamps, tooted their horns.

They’d snuck in at the edge of the camp in this Bible thing. And then what happened there was that the, there was three armies that were there that were coming against Israel. And the three armies thought that the other army, they’d seen the Israelites run and leave or walk out of the area, the desk cloud, they’d, you know, given up down home, looked like they’d surrendered. And they knew they were just going to walk in, take the whole thing. And so they were celebrated and they went to sleep and all of a sudden, middle night, the horns go off, the lights are on, these three hundred and snuck right up to camp.

Well, these guys are waking up half drunk and they go, you know, running out of their tenth half dress and got their sword in their hand. And these armies thought that the other army was attacking them. And so they start fighting each other. And before the night’s done, the three armies annihilated each other. So much so that they didn’t actually cause a problem for Israel for the next 50 years. Before this is over, I’m just going to tell you that the reality is the Democratic Party may not even exist before it’s all over.

A new party is going to have to emerge somehow. That sounds like sacrilege, I know, to a lot of people. But the reality is that the Democratic Party is in such disarray and they’re going to be, it’s like the scene in the Aliens movie where two of the blood pouring through the floor allows the other two to get away. They’re going to try to go after each other. Look, here’s what the issues are. This should be glorious for us then. I don’t take any pleasure in what’s about to happen. It’s a gut-wrenching moment for America.

Look, we’ve had a heart stopper already with what happened to Trump. There’s other heart stoppers on their way. It’s far from over. But my main thing that I’m trying to say here is that within the Democratic Party, think of the hurdles that are now emerging for Kamala. She got this 91.58 million. They did a little bank robbery. They went in and signed that stuff over to bank accounts so that Kamala could use it. But Trump started an action, a legal action with the Federal Elections Commission to say that Kamala is violating campaign finance laws.

It’s the biggest hijacking of money in the history of elections. So she’s not going to get that 91 million without a lot of difficulty and a lot of the Democrats. No. And that’s the next thing. See, you have a number of people saying that first of all, she doesn’t qualify to be president. I’ve told your audience that from day one, that there was legal teams ready to go after Kamala if it ever looked like she was going to take the presidency. And you know who put together the best strategy to take Kamala out so she couldn’t get the presidency? Nancy Pelosi.

The plan was they were going to take Biden out while she was Speaker of the House and then move Nancy right through to bring peace within the country. So none of them expected Kamala. Nancy wanted Kamala just for that reason. So they could take her out so Nancy could go to the presidency. Nancy always said before it’s over, I’ll be president. So Nancy are you telling me that Nancy engineered this and now it’s coming back to bite her on the ass? Yes, yes. Nancy is the one that wanted Kamala in the vice president because the plan always was to take Joe partway through the presidency, do a few things that he would take the heat for, set him aside, and then come in with Nancy picking up the pieces and bringing the next stage.

After all of these huge dramas happened, she’s the reconciler. She’s the one that puts all together. So you see this where you get a corporate hit man that comes in and fires everybody and then he’s gone and they bring in somebody else that brings peace and resolution. It’s a play that she had in mind that that team behind her had in mind and now it’s backfiring on them because they don’t have the other stuff in play that they intended to do. But that’s not all of it. See, you have even people in Hollywood, even some of the biggest donors to the Democratic Party have come out and said, I will not deport Kamala running for the president because she can’t win against Trump.

They’re already seeing on MSM that she’s up in the polls by like four points. Obviously, I don’t know. Come on. I mean, but they can make it believable on them. They’re having midnight basketball in Las Vegas with the alien. Come on down and join us. Doesn’t mean it’s true. That’s the problem. They’re so used to conning everybody else to believe something and now they’re conning each other. It’s far from over, Neil. You haven’t even there’s a push. The largest lobbying interest in Washington DC is the Israel lobby. And the second largest is the Saudi.

They have the largest lobbying group. So if you’re a lobbyist, you got to pick a lane, but you don’t really get to do both. You do one or the other. We’ve got all these protesters in Washington DC. Why? Because Netanyahu’s here in town. He’s preventing the Congress today. He had Biden making his big announcement and he had Hamas two days ago. The Palestinian people supporting the Hamas stuff, protesting their Congress, a bunch of arrests and like that. So with that in mind, Nino, there’s a big dust upcoming within the Democratic Party because the Democrats are having to choose the side.

If Kamala picks Shapiro, Josh Shapiro out of governor. So that’s not definite. At this point in time, it looks pretty imminent from the folks that are monitoring this that I deal with. And so with that in mind, anything is possible in politics, even right down to the last second. Look, they could run into a problem. Part of the issue is this. The reason that Shapiro would be chosen is because he’s going to bring a bunch of money to the table through his donors that want him at the vice presidency. It’s not because Kamala wants Shapiro.

It’s not even because the Kamala camp wants him except that he comes with a dowry, a bunch of money. There’s a crowd that benefits. If Shapiro’s Jewish, if Shapiro gets to the White House, then they feel that they have a constituency there. So they’re going to cover their bases. Kamala, everybody shows up and they all want to be in that position. It’s an open flood. Who’s going to be VP of Kamala? They got to cover that slot. And so Shapiro is the designated hitter. And is this also to cover all her lawsuits that they’re going to be firing on her? Are they expecting it just to be one after another lawsuit on her? Well, that’s the whole point.

You know, the modus operandi now in politics, they did it all to Trump, is the law fair. But this is that extra moment that I’ve spoken about for several years. Now it starts to flip. They sowed the wind and now they’re going to reap the whirlwind. And so they’re going to have this moment where the various players, they all show up with their attorneys. They’ve got, you know, that’s how they make a living. But Kamala is not who she’s not really, I mean, is she in the club? I guess she’s in the club, but it’s just don’t want her, right? Well, and so, you know, now go to who does the one in there? Why does he want the other creation of the intelligence community? Be careful here, Juan.

He’s in a curtain camp. Right. Okay. And that camp doesn’t believe that Kamala can protect them. They need somebody in that position whose brain works at a certain level. And there’s a certain conniving that there’s a certain savviness. Kamala didn’t get her way to the top by the kinds of ruthlessness. Okay. Well, and that’s my point. I’m actually quite serious here, Nino. Kamala got there by other means. Does she have the wit, the will say she she is it does look at least the perception is that it looks like she’s filling up high school gymnasium, which is nothing compared to a drum Brawley.

But it’s like what the half a gym and they’re probably paying these people to go in there. I mean, it looks ridiculous. And they got Taylor Swift now back in Kamala, Swifties for Kamala, just like I said, the celebrities will be, you’re going to have a couple of different camps. And by the way, you know, the latest polling shows, by the way, that Robert Kennedy, Junior, he could beat he could beat Kamala. If it ended up being a for real push on a three way, three way race, they actually think they could be Trump.

So all of us know, Joe, Joe Flynn told me that he believes Robert’s gonna exit the race and then back Trump. Well, I will tell you this, okay, Joe was an early supporter of Robert. He and I spoke a while back and he said, you know, actually, I’m not in that camp anymore. And he’s fully back in the front camp. But but you know, I have pretty nice contact into that camp. And so does Joe. And I think that there’s a possibility that see, if Trump’s coming back in, there isn’t, he would not be the right person for VP.

But I because it’d be oil and water. But it doesn’t mean that there wouldn’t be a place for Robert in a Trump administration. And Trump has said that. So if you’re gonna, if you’re gonna start, you know, playing for the end game, especially if, if the choice was, let’s say, you know, Kamala or whatever, or whatever comes after Kamala. Here’s the other we touched on it on another video you and I did. We’ve, we talked about 47. And there’s been the whole thing Trump 47. But what if, and remember, that’s late plans, the might of man, just because by the image of Biden told you that he is now not going to run for the nomination.

He didn’t tell you stepping down exactly what I said. He’s, he’s gonna do a Johnson and day to the end, help us out to the end. But you know, anything could happen. First off, there’s stuff that I’d love to say, but we can’t say it here. But you have to kind of think about, you know, okay, in what is he a lame duck? Is it literally the image of Biden that’s going to be effective moving forward? Netanyahu’s here in town, and he isn’t getting seen by Biden. He’s talking to Congress. He wants to visit with Trump.

This is crazy. Who is the power behind because they need the money to stay in the fight. But wait a minute. If he wants to visit with Trump, but at the same time, they want to install Josh Shapiro. I guess this is just business, right? I mean, I mean, Netanyahu’s going to go with whatever’s better for Israel. Michael, Michael, it was just this guy. Okay. Yeah, who’s Yeah, okay. But hey, excuse me, they’re in the middle of a hell of a war over there. And there’s a lot of say a war you mean between the Democrats? They’re defining what I was talking about.

I was like, Yeah, okay. Sorry. Yeah. And by the way, just so that you your listeners remember this. We talk about Ukraine all the time. But you’ve got a war in Sudan that’s killed five times as many people as it’s been the Ukraine situation. As bloody as it gets. And both sides have an angle of it that they’re involved in where they, you know, go back to the Hamas thing. I ran in that rush and that rush is like, we’re not going to put up with this forever. They could come in hard at some point in time.

And when that happens, it’s going to change the dynamic in the region. And by the way, everybody there has their handout for money from the US both sides. Oh, my gosh. So now that America sides of every war, we’re paying for it. We’re funding them all. Yeah, we’re funding it. So now is there a chance they stop it at some point? But anyway, go ahead. Is there a chance that we could be attacked now that we’re at our weakest point? Well, I think that that’s part of the question. Our we’re not our guard threat down right now, you know, he had a Russian bomber, a couple of Chinese fighters, everybody’s all testing our, our security systems in various parts of the globe right now to see if we’re paying attention.

We did a probing thing with Russia the other day. Who ordered that? Did Biden authorize this particular test that happened the other day and the Russians had fighters up over the weekend? You could easily have had a B-52 downed for an incursion in Russian airspace. And what would that have done to the dynamics across the country? Good thing Putin was being restrained and told us guys, you know, don’t be a dork. Look, we had a flight 007 shot down over the come shot of the I keep wanting to say the wrong name 007.

Yeah, yeah, it was flight 007, Korean Airlines. By the way, when that happened, let me just let me just say something. I remember the day well, because all the stress through the day, and there was other reports behind the scenes that plane didn’t go kaboom and just fell out of the sky. It damaged it. And it continued to fly by the official reports for 13 minutes. Other reports stay longer. Imagine being on that plane and what happened. And then the people that were on the plane, there were some very influential people that were on that plane that had been challenging things, dangerous things into, you know, spy world and international relations world.

There was real questions about some of the things that happened on that plane. But you know what, at the end of the day, we had a senator who was very, he was the Democrat senator, but was a very pro Trump person. It was so stressful through the course of the day that he died. You don’t know what the stress of the moment is going to do. Look at what happened with Sheila Jackson Lee, Friday. What kind of pressure was she under? Do you think that was natural? I mean, well, and then the other question, what’s going on? Because he may have had some special knowledge about what was planned, who was behind it, who got which job.

You know, if a congressman says, I want my buddy to get a job over there, a supervisory or the riffraff, you probably listen to him. Why? Because they were the ones that handle your funding. And she was there within that group. So just like, and you don’t know, see, when Senator Jackson died, he was a, what we call a blue dog Democrat. He was not, he wanted the defense step up. He was pro Reagan on a lot of stuff. He had several Democrat senators and said, look, we’re, you know, we’re not changing our viewpoints on a lot of this stuff.

But we also want America to be secure. So they sided with Reagan on defense stuff. And that pissed off a bunch of people. Suddenly the balance that Reagan had after that event switched. And Reagan, things that would have happened during the Reagan administration, because Jackson was gone, who was this core part of those blue dog Democrats that changed the balance in Washington, D.C. And by the way, it doesn’t have to be people that take some of these folks out. Look, the devil himself could be realigning things. You get one guy out and then somebody else has to get taken out.

One way goes another way, you know, it’s back and forth. This is, this is stuff that there’s things happening in the natural real world. And then there’s stuff happening in the spiritual behind the scenes that you haven’t even And we talked about that on Nino’s cornered out to be the spiritual numbers and occult and the whole thing. But one, can we go back to the back? I really want to talk about the scary event, because I’m confused how that relates to the pause. And can we talk about that on the back channel? Sure, please.

Because I think that’s really edgy stuff. And I really want to talk about that. The scary event relating to the pause and I want to know the timing of both and if you can just relay that. So is that cool? We do that real quick. Just do a 10 minute video on that. Sure, sure. And then by the way, remember, you know, I just have a little bit of a funny tune about this 29 thing. It’s the chaos or coming into a very chaotic season. They got us a chaos. Her number is 29.

So then we got to be looking forward to the year 2029. Well, they that’s, that’s another thing. That’s why the stock market crash happened October 29, 1929. Okay. Let’s get into that on the back channel. By the way, just so people know, one last little piece that there is a component of that with 129. Remember, the Kennedy assassination happened at 1229 in Dallas, but 129 in DC, where all of the effect was the major part, it changed things. And with Washington DC, 129 is the number of the sub that tried to fire a nuclear missile on Hawaii, March 11, in the early morning hours, 1968.

And then Johnson had to drop out once he realized that that was actually part of an attack, that they almost fell for a false flag and would have bombed China. Alright, let’s get to the back channel. Things that go with these numbers that that are been going on for a long time. So, hey, all right, appreciate it, you know, and go to the Jennifer Mac calm folks, the Jennifer Mac. Oh, and by the way, on that, the 2024 mega doors are going up in price kind of significantly at the first of the month.

So, you know, just anybody knows that. So anyway, that’s it, you know, let’s get over there. Thank you, Juan. I’ll send you another link right now. All right. [tr:trw].

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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