Julys Big Event: When will it occur? Good vs Evil Understanding Our Time w/ Philipp Cru Roman | Sarah Westall

Posted in: News, Patriots, Sarah Westall



➡ Sarah Westall talks about the importance of focusing on creating new things instead of fighting the old, and the benefits of Lela’s quantum technology, which improves health and neutralizes harmful effects. It also introduces Roman, Crew, and Philip, who have unique abilities to perceive energy and vibrations. They discuss their experiences, the challenges they faced growing up different, and their perspectives on an upcoming event in July. The text also mentions a mind control series available on brightu.com and the opportunity to purchase a digital package of Lela’s quantum technology.
➡ The text discusses the unique abilities of two individuals who can read and interpret energies and auras, providing insights into people’s past lives and current issues. They use their skills to help solve problems and offer guidance. The text also mentions the significant increase in the cost of living due to inflation, emphasizing the importance of protecting savings, suggesting gold and silver as potential safeguards.
➡ This text discusses the importance of protecting your financial assets from economic fluctuations. It also shares a story about a gifted boy who was recognized for his abilities at a young age and was given a platform to share his insights. The text then transitions into a discussion about the current state of the world, suggesting that we are on the brink of a significant event or shift. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and not succumbing to fear, as our thoughts and emotions can influence the outcome of events.
➡ The text discusses the idea of shifting focus from negative to positive, suggesting that we all have a role to play in this change. It emphasizes the importance of individual empowerment and the collective rise in vibration, suggesting that we are now on a path of unification rather than separation. The text also suggests that we have the power to shape our future through our choices, and encourages us to envision and create the world we want to see. It concludes by urging more people to ‘wake up’ to their own consciousness and focus on positivity.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of personal empowerment and self-love to resist manipulation and negativity. It suggests that we should embrace all aspects of life, including the painful ones, to truly unify and stop dividing ourselves into teams. The text also highlights the need for individual awakening and self-responsibility, rather than waiting for someone else to save us. It concludes by encouraging us to focus on our inner power and truth, rather than getting lost in external conflicts and distractions.
➡ The speaker believes that life is infinite and everyone’s existence will continue indefinitely. They argue against the idea of only saving a select few and stress the importance of not giving into fear, as it can lead to manipulation and control. They also emphasize the importance of finding your own truth and not choosing sides. They suggest that a significant event is building up, which will culminate when enough people become aware of it, leading to a shift in consciousness and behavior.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and inner peace in resisting manipulation and fear. It suggests that by knowing who we are and staying connected to our truth, we can remain unaffected by external influences. The text also discusses the concept of quantum energy, suggesting it can help us achieve a higher vibrational state and change our reality. Lastly, it encourages self-care and positive thinking as ways to manifest a better world.


Focusing on the new and what you want to envision, and you create that, and then there’s tons of others that do that, too. And that’s how you build the new. I mean, we’ve said that before, right? I. None of us would ever suggest to fight the old. We’re not with anything we do ever fighting the old, because that’s a waste of time. And if more people join in and not fighting the old, but just building the new, build and view what you envision and want to see in the world, then that will happen. I do think you have to protect yourself from that while building the new, kind of.

Just from a rational. Well, on an energetic level, there’s actually no protection ever needed. So in the outer world. Yeah, it may feel like that. Right? Of course. Because, you know, you experience the groundbreaking advancements of Lela’s quantum technology. Now, backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renown universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements, as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Lela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing, and elevates ATP production on human cells.

Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Leela’s tech, as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners, and leading figures in the field of biohacking. Explore a range of transformative products, from the heal capsule, shielding you from harmful emfs, to the quantum block, allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@sarahwestall.com. shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have three amazing people joining today. I have Roman, crew and Philip. And you’re going to learn their background. Philip, I’ve been working with, with the quantum, the Leela Q stuff.

He’s just an outstanding person. Just really is. But Roman and crew were born with these amazing capabilities. They saw the world differently. They saw the vibration and the energy from the time they were little children, and they saw the world differently. They didn’t understand why. Kind of like Sherry, hope she could hear a couple hundred times better, didn’t realize she was different. They can see and they can sense, and they’re going to explain their situation. And, you know, when you run across somebody who truly has these gifts, they. They had a very different childhood. They don’t have.

They’re not just. It’s not normal child, because they don’t understand why they’re so different. And they’re trying to learn in this, and they’re going to talk a little bit about it. It’s just amazing. But we’re, they’re here to talk. They have this need, and I’m like, we really need to talk to them. We both have this need to do this show. And it’s about this event that people are talking about happening in July, and the energy increases, increase. And they’re seeing it. They’re, they are seeing it themselves, a huge energy spike. And what that means, and what that means to the event that you’re seeing, the remote viewers who, I love those guys and Cliff high.

I love Cliff high. I love all those guys. They’re great. But they’re going to have a different perspective on what those guys are seeing because what they’re seeing is really happening energetically. But how, how can we interpret it and what are the different ways we can interpret it and what does it really mean? And they’re going to give you a different idea and spin on it from their perspective, from two very, very gifted people, or people were born in other ways. They’re born with mutations in their brain and how they function. It’s incredible. This is an incredible show.

And I’m really glad we’re doing it now, too, because it’s coinciding with the mind control show that I, you know, the ten part series that’s airing right now that you can sign up for on brightu.com. and it’s, it gives people another way of looking at this whole mind control that’s going on and how to empower yourself. It’s another solution that is very powerful for you personally. And I think it’s really, really timely. So I also want to tell you that Roman does not speak that great of English. So we have an interpreter. We have Philip. Everybody speaks German.

We have one person in Switzerland, one in Germany, one in the United States. They’re all over the world, but they all speak German. So they were able to interpret. For Roman, he can understand English. He just doesn’t always articulate English that well. So he, and he wants to make sure he understands the nuances and articulates the nuances. So that’s why we have the interpretation. But it’s, I hope you sit through this whole thing. I just really enjoyed this conversation. It’s just therapeutic to have these types of conversations when I can feel the energy, too. I feel energy, and I don’t, I don’t have their gifts but I probably the same gifts that most of you have.

I just. But I always been able to feel the energy in a space and so it’s interesting talking to them. So I hope you enjoy it. And again, I want to tell you about how to sign up for my mind control and fifth generation warfare. You can go to brightu.com. b r I dash g dash h t.com. it started on Saturday. All the episodes are free. And so you can watch one episode a day and then the 11th day, because it runs for ten, it runs for eleven days. The 11th day will have all of them rerunning.

If you want to buy the package because you missed a couple, but you’ll be able to watch them all at the 11th day. If you still want to buy the package, you can do that as well. And the quantum, the Leela Q stuff that Philip talks about here at the end, there is a free trial for anybody that decides they want to purchase the digital package. Okay. Again, brightyou.com. and also I have links to Leela Q as well, and links if you want to talk to or get ahold of crew or Roman and explore some more with them.

Okay, let’s get into this fantastic conversation with roman crew and Philip. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the program. Hey, thanks so much for having us on, Sarah. Yeah, it’s always confusing who’s supposed to talk, but roman crew and Philip, thank you for being here. This is going to be an interesting show. We’re going to talk about energy, and you guys are amazing people. People don’t realize what your gifts that you were born with, or I should say they don’t realize they are. A lot of people are unfamiliar with the gifts that you were born with. So before we get into all of this, can we talk about your background a little bit? And I don’t care who starts.

Maybe Roman, you can start what your gifts are and how you were born seeing the world differently. Okay, so Roman only speaks German. So, I mean, he understands some English. So since I would be translating it. Okay, translating it. If I give just a quick, quick overview real quick. So I’m the only one here, actually with you, Sarah, that wasn’t born with the ability to see specific energy fields and frequencies, but crew and Roman were born that way. And so with Roman, it’s very interesting because he could see already as a little kid, all frequency in the very, very granular level, all vibration, and he had to learn the physical seeing, you know, how we see a cell phone or any type of matter.

He would really have to learn it over some time, to focus, to see it that way, because he would see everything else, like the energy, the vibration. His eyes were just mutated so he couldn’t. He saw all the vibrations and the energy. Well, yeah, you could maybe call that way, but it was more in the brain that he had connections that other people do not have. And because it goes way beyond that, right. And certainly he has perfected that. But already, I mean, they called him the woundiken because he already is an eleven year old. He would be on stage with 300 people and basically they would ask him questions, what issues they had and how they could fix their physical issues or any other issues, and he would always see what they had.

He could tell them exactly how to fix. Doctors would call him up when they had out treated patients. So obviously he’s perfected that over time. But he doesn’t need to sit just right in front of you in order to see you or if you have a pinched nerve in the back or whatever. So he can do that with anyone, anywhere. And he has a very granular seeing, which is a very, very big gift. And crew was also born with the ability to see aura and energy fields just in a different way, say, because I work a lot with some of these very gifted people, that they all have very special gifts, but they’re not all alike.

Like, no one is alike anyway, right, in this reality. And so crew has the amazing gift to read people in a way I haven’t seen it elsewhere, and to see the root causes of problems, but not just in people’s people, but also in organizations or in systems and how they can be fixed. So also a super special gift. And, yeah, so us, you know, we, we try to get there over time. And I had to go through 2025 years of training, shamanic workshops and trainings, energy healing techniques in order to kind of get there, because everyone has these abilities, but they need to be trained.

But then you have amazing talents, right? Like in anything. You have also amazing talents and you need to, you know, have a talent and you need to practice it. It’s like a muscle that none of us really hear. Like 99% of the people have never really used that muscle, but it’s now really time to use it. And we’ll speak about that today. Yeah, I have a couple. Feel free to jump in with anything if I missed anything or I have a couple questions. One for crew. I did a show with Max champion, Phil Catalino, great scientist.

But we showed how there was aura. There was a doctor at UCLA that was studying auras, and we had her video. I can’t. Her name escapes me right now. And they measured the love aura when a child is with their mother. It was the strongest measurement they’ve ever measured. Can you see that? Can you see that aura? And can you tell when there’s, like, just strong feelings like that? She’s on mute, I think. You’re mute. You’re on mute. On mute. So, for me, the seeing is, like, contrary to Roman, who sees all the frequency and the vibration, and then his brain is able to interpret it in what he’s seeing.

Like, for me, it’s more like pictures and scenes, and, like, I can read in an aura all the past lives of somebody or whatever their soul has experienced over a time, in whichever way. Like, I can read the energies that are present. I can read the energies in the past, even in the future, because in the end, it’s all simultaneously. Like, there’s no such thing as a linear time when it comes, when we go into essence or energy ways. So, yes, like, these things, I can see when these fields are disturbed, like in an aura, for instance, when a mother has a huge disconnect to her child, I can see that as much as I can see when it’s flowing.

And I can also understand then where is the disconnect coming from and so on. Like, this is what I do today. I put it into service disability as a child. Of course, sometimes I did put that into service probably, too, but it was more like me experiencing the world the way that I thought everybody does. Sure. So it’s not. It’s not really something that I thought, oh, that is really special, because I didn’t know that everybody else was not experiencing the world. And probably the same for you, Roman, that also you thought, everybody sees the world like this.

So it’s when you start talking to others, then you start realizing, oh, they don’t see the colors, they don’t see the stories. I had the hardest time focusing when I was little into this present life, because I also remember all other lives. Like, I don’t have this memory wipe, you know, like, that a lot of people are blessed with in a way that is also a blessing. So it was later on that I realized, and probably you too, Roman, that others don’t see what we see or see the world very differently. And then later, I guess, we both put that into the service of fixing problems.

Well, that’s just amazing. So can you see all of my past lives by looking at me, or do you have to have kind of, like, experience with me. Thank God today I know how to switch that on and off, because when I was little, I couldn’t. I would see everybody’s stories, every single thing that was revolving around them, like a big movie theater. That’s why I could not concentrate in school ever, because there was just too much going on or in bigger crowds, and I could do that now. If you were to ask me for a session, we have a problem, and you have that problem to resolve.

It would lay in a story that you experienced in any past life. Then we could go in, I would read into that and take you along on this journey. So we resolved and then also resolve there in order to make it better today. But there should always be a reason why we look into those things. We shouldn’t just look for curiosity or something like this. Why? Because whenever you touch a field, an information field, you are creating resonance. So if I create a resonance between you and a past experience and me in this, like, being the connector, then there is definitely something that needs to be worked with.

It’s almost like, okay, now we. Now we have a resonance here, and now we need to do something with it. And if I were to, like, read all of your past life, you would have a lot of resonance to a lot of things. And I don’t know if that’s so serving to your presence, because in the end, it’s all not in that moment. There’s no relevance in this moment right now. So this current moment, if we see problems and we understand those problems are in the past or created in the past, that we need to look at that then good.

But do we always have, like, it’s a. Do you remember every single thing that you experienced in your childhood or even in your teenage years during school? I’m sure not. And maybe that’s also good, because think of that. We would always be in resonance to all of these moments that have no relevance in the present moment, so. Oh, that makes sense. It is a blessing that we don’t always have resonance to everything that makes sense. Roman, you were on the stage a lot, helping people at the age of eleven. You probably have to translate for him, right? What I’m saying? Can you understand what I’m saying? Just need to.

Can’t speak it very well. Yeah. Okay, so you were on the stage when you were eleven, and you were such a curiosity to so many people. Why did that change? Why aren’t you still on the stage? And why aren’t people still wanting to? Was it suppressed or what happened? Okay, there’s much to. Okay, I try in English. I try at the moment I am working until with much people, but more once to ones. I make seminars and webinars for a lot of people, but I like it more with people to work once to once, because then I have a more.

How do you say, more near as a near on this mahmir Shabbat. It brings him more joy. He likes the one on one work, but he still has seminars and webinars with hundreds of people, so that hasn’t changed. And doctors still call him up and companies still call him up. And so all of that is still active, I think, you know. Yeah, I would think there was a period of time where there the curiosity in the public was massive and it was open and people were wanting to learn about it. And then there was a couple decades there where it was suppressed and all this stuff was not kind of like the seventies and early eighties.

People were really interested in it. And then there was the suppression, and then there was a surge again. So he’s saying that while that may be true in general for him, that never happened, because for him, people always contacted him. There was no time where that stopped or where that decreased or anything. He had a constant flow. And, you know, that’s the same also with. With crew, you know, and I think it’s also very, very different if there’s people that just have little capabilities, but. But claim they have a lot. Yeah. And then if you have a session with Roman over with crew, you’ll realize pretty quickly that they’re actually hitting the nail on the head each time.

There’s a difference. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there’s a lot of other, even spiritual leaders and guides that in 2023, according to MIT living wage calculator, folks in major cities needed around $68,499 just to make ends meet comfortably. But guess what happened next. In just one year, that number shot up a whopping 40% to 97%. Can you believe how much inflation has affected us? That’s the kind of inflation that keeps us up at night. Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t afford to keep pace with that kind of skyrocketing cost of living. It’s downright scary.

But you know what’s even scarier? Not doing anything about it. That’s why I’ve been talking to folks over at Miles Franklin. They’re all about helping regular people like you and me protect our hard earned savings. With gold and silver. You can lock in the value of your money and shield yourself from the ups and downs of the economy. So if you are like me and want to keep your nest eggs safe and sound, reach out to Miles franklin@infomilesfranklin.com. dot just mention my name. Sarah sent me and they’ll take care of you like family because it’s just how we do things here in middle America.

Don’t wait until it’s too late for your future today. Contact him as well. And have contact him all along. At the matter of fact, you know, when he was on stage as an eleven year old boy the first time, that was actually the guru in Germany at the time who drew in like hundreds of people each time for huge seminars and all of that. And that’s where he was actually brought to by his mother because his mother didn’t really know what to do with him. She was like, he needs to have like some guidance with all of his abilities.

And, and then he brought him to this seminar and then they talked to this guy and said, okay, so here’s our son. So, and I think he asked, okay, so what can I learn from you? That’s what Roman asked. And the guy responded, you cannot learn anything from me, but I can learn a lot from you. And then he ended up putting him on stage every day for an hour. Wow. So that people could ask him questions. Wow. You were lucky to get somebody right away as a young boy who just understood. That’s really great. Okay, so let’s talk about where the world’s at today, because with your gifts and with what’s going on.

You know, we have the remote viewers and cliff high and other people talking about there’s going to be an event in July. You can feel the energy, you can sense what’s going on and where the world is at. Can you talk a little bit about that? And I don’t. Who wants to start? I would love to say something really quick about this wave that you just described. You know, like, because it leads up to what is happening right now. You know, you said that there was a decade or two where there was a grand awakening, and then it kind of.

So we have to really understand that this has been in the making for a very long time. Right? Like, we’re not just looking at a few hundred years, we’re looking at a very, very long time. And this moment, what you’re describing, you know, where everybody was so interested and so curious, that was an act of breaking free of very hard conditioning that was still very valid in the world. And of course, we always see when these waking up. Moments happen that there’s, there’s a sudden increase in interest and then this becomes normal. It’s like wearing the capsule for a minute, you know, like after a while you get used to.

In the beginning the energy is so strong, and then after a while you adjust and you’re, your vibration highers and then it becomes more normal. And then there’s things like meditation and yoga and all of that stuff that was still so weird at that time is now the standard, you know, like, so the spirituality has never really stopped. It’s just that humanity has lifted or raised vibration. And so now we’re coming to this next moment of. So it’s basically we had like a really steep meal and then we got like a little bit of a plateau in which a lot of other things develop that now support this next steep awakening moment that we’re going to experience or that we are already experiencing, but where we’re climaxing soon, very soon.

What do you think? That’s excellent explanation that it starts to normalize and it’s not like there is an interest. Cause that’s how I felt with some other issues that we’ve covered over the years here. So that’s excellent. But where do you think we are with this event? You said what, is there a climate? Are things going to collapse? I’ve had people talk about, you know, Michelle White Dove, who was amazing, and she, she didn’t agree with a lot of things that people said. But when she said with reset, with the collapse, she died last December, a year from last December, which we lost a great person.

But she said that every system was going to reset or going to collapse and then we were going to rebuild. Are we moving towards that? Should we have maybe Roman just say something? Because Roman kind of initiated also this. So Oman must have, this is speeded. Okay, so you may not have heard this before, but so, and you may out there. So there’s a. It’s hard to deal with these words of good and bad, right? Sometimes positive and negative. It’s because sometimes it’s a little bit misleading. It’s not 100% accurate when we’re trying to describe energetic happenings and events and how things are.

So we’re just trying to use the best words available for that. But on a higher level, there is a sort of like a negative side, right? That’s, you can call it a destructive side. That’s a destructive side that is and has been playing the game of suppressing, suppressing humanity, suppressing consciousness, separation also separation from source, fear mongering, and with that, basically trying to move everyone away from source and disconnect them from source. And then you have the quote unquote supportive side, maybe call it positive. It’s not a perfect word, though. That is all about connection with source.

Supportive for consciousness, supportive for life, for self expression, for connection with each other, with the source and the remembering of source. And this is the yin and yang game that we know of. And everyone can picture this symbol also yin and Yang. And for the first time ever, and that is what Roman has been observing over the last few weeks, and I’m guessing most people haven’t seen that yet, is that the positive side is stopping the game. They are letting it go, they’re letting the energy go, and that has a huge potential for various outcomes. Right.

Where do you mean they’re stopping the game? They’re not, they’re not playing anymore. Yeah, they’re, they’re like basically not playing anymore. It’s not that they’re stopping the game because the game is out of two parties, but if one party stops playing, then the other party has no dual opposite that will play, that they can play against. So basically the support has said, I’m not going to play that game anymore, that is being played. Envision a basketball game. There’s two teams, and one team stops playing. Then what does the other team do? They can’t play anymore. Okay.

And so that’s where we are right now. And so this has a huge potential. And Roman, I think about ten days ago, you know, saw where the energies are moving. And by the way, you know, linking a little bit to Cliff Hayes work on describing certain energetic events. What I find great is that he’s, you know, he’s describing from his software that he’s reading these emotional outbursts, basically. And you know, that there’s a huge event happening, apparently from his data, but he doesn’t say what it’s going to be because he doesn’t know. Sure. And it can be negative, can be very positive to and everything in between.

Right. There’s a massive energetic event, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be negative. Now you have remote viewers seeing something that gets into the realm of it being very negative because they’re seeing huge smokes and whatever, but they may not be realizing that with that, they’re playing a role in actually manifesting something that does not need to happen. And that’s very important for actually them also to realize that and they may be aware of it. I don’t know them personally. They’re I think they’re amazing guys. I know they, from just looking at them a couple times, they have the heart in the right place.

But we need to be very mindful right now as humanity to actually wake up and to not get into fear, not to manifest and, and look at negative things that are going to happen. Because that’s been the game. That’s been the game to be in fear. And whatever we vibrate in, whatever we see or feel or think that’s going to happen, that’s going to happen. And people do not realize it. And you have often people on the show and I say that amazing people that know so much in their little fields and whatever they research, but then they say things like, they will do this, this will lead to that, this will, this is like, no, guys, just do not say that.

You may, it may look like it like this at the moment. You may feel it’s going to happen, they may be planning this, but there’s always a higher energy at place that can wipe that out in a heartbeat and it does not need to be that way. And so I’ve had this, you know, this vision, you know, when romans started to talk about all what’s currently happening. It’s this picture of, I don’t know, like millions of people standing somewhere that are about to die, like literally. And they, they think they’re dying, but then they move into prayer, into connection, into source and singing this song, and suddenly everything changes.

And I think that is why we’re here today, to say, get into the positive. Get into the positive doesn’t mean you should stop doing your things. There are no white hats out there that are going to fix it all for you. That’s also just some, you know, so that you’re inactive. We should still be active because the whole energy, the spirit, God, the, all that is works always through everyone. So we all play a role. We should move our focus to the positive. That’s an excellent way of saying it. Go ahead. Maybe it’s, maybe we can look at it like from this perspective of we have never seen this so far, that one team basically decides not to play anymore.

We hear this often, the only way how you can win is not play, right? This is also the only way how you can create peace is not war. It is to be at peace, to not go to war. Like, that’s basically from a higher perspective. The only way how we can ever win is to not play. And I think that the supportive side has come to that conclusion. And so this is a very unique event. In with. Because there’s always balance in creation. Always, always, always. Like there’s, it cannot be any other way. And because in the end, there’s one big creation and how can it be imbalanced if it is just a matter of where it is distributed and stuff like this? But in the end, it’s all equally there.

So when one team decides to not play anymore, they are not using that energy that they used all of this time to keep that game going. And now all of that energy is basically there for us, for all of us, not just for the ones that held these roads. Now it’s really there. It is. That is so much. It’s almost like we have an outburst of energy right now, and that is being distributed to every single individual. And now we can take that energy offering and bring it into empowerment of the individual and say, hey, wait a minute, of course I can create what I want to see.

And if we want to see the good, we can totally pour that energy or the good, but the constructive lifting and rising more, the vibration, then we can right now create that more than ever. So coming back to this collapse of systems, what you had just mentioned, Sarah, everybody, and I just actually learned it like a week ago or a month ago, everybody said the world will end in 2012 because of the mayan calendar, which actually, I didn’t know that that was so roman, and I knew already then that something has changed, that something big happened and that it has never been like that before.

But I didn’t know it that Bayern said that the world will end. And in the end, though, everybody was saying, oh my God, and all of this stuff is going to happen. And what does that mean, the world will end? Yes, the world actually did end. It’s just that nobody noticed because it was such a different event than what everybody thought it could be and what it was, it was a beautiful event because what we did, we crossed the threshold and now we’re like, separation, separation, separation now equator, that was 2012. Now we’re going back into unity.

We are on a path of unification now instead of separation. So was that the end of the world as we knew it? 100% the world ended because this is a completely different path. Everything that was valid to get us here is now not everything, but a lot of things are obsolete. And now we’re having to create new offerings. We have to have new things that bring us back in for us to then get out again. But we don’t need to take it that far. But this is, this is now, you know, we see all these systems have to collapse.

Yes, they will collapse, but the question is, how will they collapse? Like, will they collapse? Like boom? Like, everything will fall apart and everybody will suffer. And no, it doesn’t have to be, because all that energy is free now. And we can all use this for our personal growth, for our personal rise of vibration. And when the collective starts to embody this rise of vibration and starts to basically empower each individual into this higher field, then we will just. Yeah, one system collapses, but we already have solution how to take it into the next realm. So I used to be able to look really well into the future of people right now, Sarah.

I can tell you this is almost impossible, because let’s say this is the person, and this is like all the future paths, and there’s a lot more possibilities. And then on each one of these sits another. It’s all about choices. So right now it’s almost impossible to look because, like, I don’t know what choices somebody takes. And these choices, they empower us so much to choose what we want to see now we have really now support to create the world that we want to see. And if everybody gets there and we stop seeing in the old terms, you know, like where we needed a french revolution in order to get into a quantum leap, where we needed terrible things to happen in order to see a leap in rise of vibration, Atlantis and all of those things, like, we don’t need that anymore.

We don’t need it to fall apart and make everybody suffer. We have the chance now because we’re on the. That makes sense. Opposite side. Do you think that part of just giving or just not playing the game anymore is that. Because I feel it, like, internally, like, I see the manipulation is so extreme that I just. I’m done with you. I’m done with that. We gotta. We gotta do something else. Is that. Is that description accurate for how it’s manifesting in everybody or not everybody, but a lot of people? Yeah. So, yeah, he’s saying, yes, that’s exactly how it is.

Because since this good side, call it good side, and knowing that that’s not the accurate term, is not playing anymore. Everyone that’s also seeking this rise in vibration, this connection with source, the goodness, basically. Right. Also gets that feeling within that. I mean, I’m just not going to participate anymore. Like, this is. Yeah, exactly. And we, you just start focusing on the new and what you want to envision and you create that, and then there’s tons of others that do that too. And that’s how you build the new. I mean, we’ve said that before, right? So none of us would ever suggest to fight the old.

We’re not with anything we do ever fighting the old, because that’s a waste of time. And if more people join in and not fighting the old, but just building the new, build and view what you envision and want to see in the world, then that will happen. I do think you have to protect yourself from that while building the new. Kind of. Just from a rational. Well, on an energetic level, there’s actually no protection ever needed. So in the outer world. Yeah, it may feel like that. Right. Of course. Because, you know, you may have clean up your mind, your body, you know.

Yeah, but so yourself from that, make sure you’re not put in dangerous situations, but keep going. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, in a way, that’s, that’s how it is. And that’s, that’s where we’re at at the moment. And it. And certainly it’s. It’s all moving right now. And, and we also don’t know how it’s exactly going to be because it actually is fluctuating at the moment. There’s a lot happening, and the big chance for it to make it a smoother transition is that a lot more people wake up here in the next 15 to 20 days.

And with waking up, I’m not. Yes. I mean, there’s multiple levels of where you can wake up. Right. You can wake up to the fact that Joe Biden is a puppet. Right. That’s a waking up in itself, but that’s not really what we’re talking about. We’re talking about really waking up to your own consciousness, unlocking. Unlocking your consciousness because it’s not really expanding. It’s just, it’s always there. Consciousness is always there. It’s just like the gate to it. We want to open that more and more. And if that happens, then that’s the actual real awakening. And more people need to wake up here in the next 15 to 20 days and maybe stop what they’re doing and just focus inwards.

Meditate, envision the positive. Think about what you want to see in the world and get into that. That’s the energy that’s currently needed. And it’s not the energy of being in fear, being in fighting. Yeah. You know, you can still fight with, with love and with, with a good view, but you know what I’m talking about, right? It’s. We, we need to focus on a different level at the moment, and it’s needed that more people do that, because if not, then indeed, it may get quite ugly. So. And that does not need to happen at all.

It’s not necessary. Maybe we can add to this that. That now we’ve talked a lot about, like, let’s create the positive. But since everything is always in balance, and in the end, every single thing that exists, no matter whether it is on this team or on the other team, is in essentially God or source or whatever you want to call it, highest consciousness. Because how can there any be. Can there be anything that is not from source? If everything comes from source, then everything must be so. But then there were roles, and one team had to play this role, and the other team had to play the other role.

And while we’re using this higher vibration that is now being offered to us, why don’t we also just reach out, empower ourselves and that. I love this word empowerment more so than protect, because with all the clean food and not letting ourselves be manipulated with tv and narrative and all of that, it’s not so much a protection mechanism. It’s more like an empowerment to my own individual self care and self love and self empowerment in the end, to be free of all of this manipulation. And then while we’re already so empowered and able to change the way how things go, let’s also reach out to all of the players of the other team and say, hey, can we have a hug? And I accept the darkness within me with all the love that I have.

I accept the darkness that is in the world. I accept that it is in the. Essentially all. Because then we really unify. We really don’t make teams anymore. That’s when we really stop playing, is when we start to embrace all of what we don’t like to see or what is very hurtful or. Well, but some embrace the pain. Not to say, oh, yeah, let’s just do the pain game for longer. But. But isn’t it hard to embrace that. That empowerment into love and really change the game? So that is what higher vibration does. It stops to judge.

It doesn’t say, you don’t deserve to be loved because you are ugly or you are a puppet or you are a murderer or whatever. Like, I. No, she froze. We lost her. Okay, so we. We can still hear you, though. And I think Roman is also still active. Oh, my. Yeah. Roman would like to say something. Can I ask? Well, maybe Roman, you can talk to this. I have personally have a hard time embracing something that I would see as evil, like hurting children, that kind of stuff. I can’t personally cry. I just can’t do it.

I can’t get myself to embrace somebody who enjoys hurting children or. You know why? I think some of those things we just need to cut out of society and put aside. But. And Skinner trafficking on survivor as a diet. Suzanne levels. And these are. Father was Shimeba and dark from the wust sign here. Abba is an oustest man tested. All right, so try to translate that. That was a bunch. So he’s saying there are different levels of consciousness. And on this level where this is happening, you know, you know, with the. With these hard, negative games that you described, Sarah, these creators that are basically playing these games, they have been doing that because they could.

Because where everything was at, that’s where it was at. It was possible to basically test these things, to do these things, to experience these things, even though on the human level there, if you have a heart, it’s just not. You can’t comprehend why someone could do these things on a consciousness level, though. It’s just. Just testing. But the good news is that this will fall away, you know, with. With this development currently and with what’s going to happen, that such games won’t happen in the future anymore. They can’t. So, you know, with a MN effect, Avak enzyme.

Zion does Gansville, Shafa, Hamzpile, Oskidakans, fry on northeast. So the creation. What creators here on earth have been creating, those were games because they needed games to exist here, and they created such games. But all that is shifting now, and everyone will arrive in their own, his, her own being, literally. And with that, you don’t need such games anymore. It’s just, you know, when you have people and crew alluded to that earlier, also talking about moving out of the Kali yuga and moving into, you know, a different age, it’s. That’s nothing. That’s just a way to describe it.

Also maybe on a more material level, but we’re moving into a completely new erade. That’s what we’re doing. And so we’re leaving the old stuff behind. And. And one of the things is also, you know, if. If you have a basement and you. You’ve never gone to the basement for ten years, then you go down and it’s dark there. You don’t see anything. As soon as you light a candle, you see all the dust, you see all the crap. You see dead mice or whatever, right? And then the more you light it up, actually, the more of the ugly stuff in the corners you even see, and you start cleaning, and then you get to clean up.

Yeah. And that’s what’s going to happen. And then, you know, this room can completely change. Now that’s an analogy, but in a way that is what’s going to happen. And so these, the energy won’t be there anymore for such games in the future. That’s why awareness is so important as that’s the light, the awareness goes on. Then people always ask me for solutions because I have this docuseries on mind control and I had this intense need to do it. And I’m like, well, I know we have our solutions, but I’m not going to be able to provide the awareness, provides these solutions because people everywhere rises up and figure out, yes, exactly.

But it’s really coming from within. And also one of those things is we live in a world right now where for everything that’s being said, there’s the absolute opposite also being said. Right? And so this is true. No, that is true. This is false. No, that is false. It’s everywhere. Like you couldn’t find a single subject literally where there wouldn’t be totally opposing fronds and everything. So what does that mean? It breaks people’s brains because you can’t comprehend it with the brain. You need to go inside and you need to feel what is actually the truth.

So as long as people don’t do that, they’re left in these games and they need to always choose the side and defend the side and all of that. Republican, Democrat, good bet, whatever. Just feel here what’s true because everyone can do that. And so the more you build that out, the more you can see all these things, you know, I mean, I had this, this picture the other day that, you know, where there was a two cows on green grass in Switzerland photographed, right? And how much brainwashing needed to happen in order to think that this is bad, right? You know that speaking to Bill Gates, saying the cow farts need to stop and all of that.

And then the picture below where there’s an airplane spraying the crops like crazy with herbicides and pesticides, to think that this is good, this is bad and this is good. Like everything is turned around. But again, just with our brains, we kind of follow these things as soon as we wake up to our own being and to our own inner power, all this, it’s just like you see through all of that and that’s the time right now. And that’s really the calling for everyone watching right now. Like, wake up, go inside, don’t follow all these, these routes, these rabbit holes.

I mean, you can look at them and all of that, but do that from a distance and wake up inside? Well, one, I have some people that I talk to, and there’s one in particular that thinks that they’re not interested in saving anybody. Most people don’t get it, and so they’re just interested in saving the top 5%. Like, well, the whole notion of that concept, to me sounds wrong when you hear someone say that, you know, because they have it figured out and they’re there to save time. Top 5%, and the rest of the people aren’t going to be saved anyways.

How, what are your thoughts when you hear something like that? I mean, my instance thought is very, very quick. It is. There’s no one that comes to save you. You need to save yourself, and that’s been a truth forever. You need to wake up yourself, and you need to save yourself, and you shouldn’t not just wait until someone else saves you. And it’s. It’s time for a self responsibility here and do what you can for yourself and whatever else you can impact and go do that. And I might, I don’t even need to waste any time with, with someone saying, yeah, they just saved the 5%.

It doesn’t apply to me. You know, it’s like, I’ll save myself. There is no, there is no finite life. Like, I’ve been around now for a very, very long time. Like, maybe from the beginning, in this head somewhere is all of this and. And everything that comes, too. And I can tell you there’s only infinite life. Like, so they can say all day long, we’re going. We’re going to only save the top 5%. Like, life that is there is going to exist no matter which way it’s going to exist. Like, it’s dumb, right? It’s not gonna go away.

Like, where is that life supposed to go? Lazy. All life is going to be infinite. Every single being that exists will be infinite existence, because that is really what it boils down to. So they can talk about this all day long and have plans and dream castles that they want to dream, but in the end, this is a pipe dream, like every other pipe dream in that way, because it, life is infinite, and everybody’s life, even the lowest end life, is going to be infinite. So there’s no. No saving only these guys. You know, it’s a ridiculous statement.

Fear also, right? Because it’s important to understand what fear does to us. And everyone can feel that very easily, because if you go a little bit into fear or then strongly interfere. What you’re doing is you’re energetically contracting, and in a state like that, you’re. You’re shutting yourself off to source, even though they’re, you know, on a high level, there’s never. You cannot ever be really disconnected from source, but it feels as if. And then you’re contracted and you can’t do anything. And then you’re. You’re just following your, like, deepest survival instincts, right, but you’re not actually connected.

You’re nothing. You’re not having a vision, you’re not having a deeper connection. You can’t really do what’s in your heart. And that’s what we need to understand. Just give up that fear. Just don’t buy into that. And it’s good to point things out. But people shouldn’t just get into fear because that’s the low vibration that they want to keep everyone in, so that this rise in consciousness is not happening. And that’s the. Well, fear is, if you get people into fear under stress, they’re more easily controlled. Exactly. Yeah, that’s. You’re describing the energy reasons why that phenomena exists.

Because they, in the mind manipulation and mind control by, like, planting false memories. It’s hard to plant false memories, but if you, in a study with, like, 900 people, they put people under stress and fear. And all 900 people, they were able to take on false memories. So you can manipulate people quite well when people are fearful. And so the not playing and just saying, I’m not playing anymore is empowering, as crew said, because then they can no longer manipulate you. Yes. And then you can choose. You can choose what you want to see in this world.

And if everybody awakens to that truth for themselves. I remember when I met the Roman Roman. And I see the world from completely different, like it, with completely different eyes. Because he has his abilities and this psych master in that, and I have my abilities and I’m mastering that. But it’s almost like the opposite. Like, where he sees information, I see pictures. And then when, then he said certain things, and I was like, how can that be? Like, I see that completely different. Like, but I could feel that it’s true what he says, because I know when there.

There’s truth. Like, I can. I’ve always been able to see that. Or when somebody just tells me something or when they just believed to be true or something like this. There’s a difference. You can see the difference in the person or in the information, or. I don’t even know how to describe it, but I was sitting there and I was contemplating because I could feel his truth, but it was almost opposite to what I knew, what was the truth that I saw. And I could feel. I can also feel it when I’m ahead, not like when I’m through my filters or I have emotional distress and look at things the wrong way.

So I know when there’s truth even in myself. And so I was sitting there and thinking this stupid truth. Like, it’s such an. It’s kind of trying to get away from me because I just didn’t figure it out until I looked through his eyes and looked at it just through his way. And then I looked through my way, and then I understood, oh, my God. It’s not opposite. It. It’s just we are looking onto the same thing with two different ways to look at something, and it’s not. There’s not. Mine is the truth or his is the truth.

It’s like, both is the truth. It’s just looked in it from a different way in order to fulfill a different purpose. So truth is a very eluding thing. And so I always remind everybody that, like, maybe just don’t believe anything anymore and find your love in your heart, and then you will know your truth and that follow that. You know, like, but the heart, truth, not desires, not needs, not all of those kind of things, like, really find that way to your heart. There’s so many practices today that can empower us to find that inner voice that comes from our heart, that knows our own truth.

And from that truth, we don’t need to worry so much what somebody else’s truth is. Because in the end, truth is like a big meadow with a ton of beautiful flowers. And every one of them is not wrong. It’s what they are. And then truth is a little bit like this. So take it away from the mind and bring it into love. Truth. And I then it doesn’t matter so much anymore. All of these sides is also a way of not playing anymore. Not playing means I’m not choosing a side, because as soon as I’m choosing a side, I’m already playing again.

So this is really what’s happening, like, on a grand level right now. And we have the chance to tag along and do that, too. So you’re seeing energy that’s swelling right now. And can you describe that and how? Because, you know, this big event that people are talking about happening in July, you’re saying it could be good, it could be not, but it could be good, or it could be bad, or it could be all in between. But you are indeed seeing the same thing, that something is reaching a crescendo. Roman Fahti gets as so outburst.

Omit Yuli. Yeah. Okay, so he’s saying that we are already right in the middle of it, energetically, and it’s not going to even be more than that. It’s just that creators and people are starting, just starting to notice it, actually. And that it takes some time until about, you know, the mid July plus, minus whatever, five, seven days that enough notice all of this, that then the change can happen. And however that will look like remains to be seen, as we said. But this huge energy burst is already there. But it will culminate when enough people actually notice that we’re in this energy.

Okay? And just maybe all of us coming to some, some conclusions and understanding, is that a different way of articulating it? And then we start acting in a different way because we have a new consciousness, a new understanding. It’s made up of us. Like, remember, like Birkenstocks? Birkenstocks were really like shoes that were not fashionable shoes until somehow in the nineties, somebody in New York decided to create this trend. And then this trend hit like a huge tipping point where everybody was into Birkenstocks already. All the stars and everybody was wearing, were wearing Birkenstocks, which no star would ever have worn, like five years prior to that or so it’s like this.

The energy this whole year already has been, has been so high on, on that energy level. Now is everybody noticing, like, just a few had worn those energy fields, have been aware of those energy fields, and now it becomes, it gets to that tipping point where everybody is waking up to that trend. And now that will enable, because everybody awakens to this energy and suddenly feels like, oh, my God, I want Birkenstocks too. And all of a sudden, we have a flood of all of that. Like, maybe that makes it easier to understand it’s already there.

The Birkenstocks have always been there. Now there’s an increase of certain kinds, maybe because they were also like a certain kind of Birkenstocks that became popular, but it’s going to be a trend like a. No, I understand. Well, I think that I really focused really hard over the last four months on this mind control thing and manipulation and making people aware, helping people become aware that they’re being manipulated. And from my perspective, I think the awareness of the manipulation is increasing tenfold. And I’m seeing it everywhere, and I’m hoping it accumulates with this too. And people just saying, I’m done being manipulated and we need to create something new.

This manipulation first, we still need to guard from it a little bit because they’re still going to try to manipulate, but we need to not play into that and we need to do something that’s more prohuman in a different direction. I think people are coming to those conclusions that this is just one big theater. Exactly. That’s exactly what’s happening right now. And that’s a great, that’s a great analogy. Anyway, this theater. Right, because it really is a theater. And then there’s a stage, and what is on stage is currently being changed completely, and there will be a complete new stage.

This theater may not be different, maybe a little bit different, but the stage will be completely different. And, yeah, on all levels. You know, I think people are starting to notice these things, but the ultimate is really to wake up to your own truth and connection. And if you are energetically very expanded, then things like mind control don’t really have a big effect at all. Well, 25% to 40% of the people are not susceptible to it. And if you’re put under fear and stress, you are more susceptible to it, but just your natural defenses aren’t. And so that must be the people who are more connected to themselves or something.

Totally, 100% like that is the answer to it all. If you know who you are, nobody can tell you anything other than and whatever they want to tell you, it’s not going to take any effect or hold over you because you know who you are and you know how to root within that truth. That’s what I mean. Like, find your own truth, and. And no one can tell you anything anymore. It’s. It’s impossible. You will not even be in resonance to whatever is out there. It will not affect you. You, if you have inner peace, complete inner peace, you can walk on a mindful field, you can walk into a war zone, and you will not be hit by anything because what you don’t have inside of you will not be presented to you outside of you, so there will not be any resonance.

If you know who you are, that is always the answer is just like you said, if you know who you are, you cannot be manipulated. That’s why they don’t want us to know who we are or have for the longest time separated us from knowing what we are. That was the game played. Now we’re playing different game, and they have to give the reins away, and nobody likes to give the reins away when they have had it for a very long time. So, like now we’re dropping the game altogether and we’ll see how that goes. See, I think that that’s very interesting.

I think that people just say, I’m done. What? You are nuts. We’re done. So what do you want people to hear as we close this out in the reminds of this, so that everyone should just remember that they are an autarch being and that they just need to wake up to the fact. Fact that that is what they are, that they are consciousness and that they’re an autarch being. Yes. Connected with everyone. Not attached. Like free. Okay, free. Like a self sufficient. You know, like autarch means I’m self sufficient. You have your own space, basically. You know, you have whatever you need in order to get yourself into completion, basically.

It’s not being dependent on something. Our targ living is when you have all your power and water and all of that, you know, so this is just in a different context now. Excellent. Okay. And maybe you should talk a little bit about quantum energy, Philip, just so since we’re here, because you have this amazing thing that you do, but anything else that you want to say before that. Well, I think I’ve said enough about what I believe and what I see that people should be doing in the next two weeks. And for me, that I’m repeating that, it’s more like going into prayer.

And with that, I’m not. Don’t pray to anyone or. So just go inwards. Just feel yourself, maybe do more self care. Just sit with yourself. Feel your own truth, feel your heartbeat, feel your energy. Ask yourself how you’re doing. Ask yourself what you want to see in the world, and then project that out. That is the time to do it. And if enough people do that, that is exactly what we’re going to manifest. Don’t buy into fear monitoring. Don’t just stop it for two weeks. Stop it. Go into positive. In regards to quantum energy, you know, we’ve talked a lot, obviously, on your shows about the physical effects of a high consciousness or high quantum energy field, which, by the way, has nothing to do with quantum mechanics at all.

But we’ve not talked much about consciousness. I mean, we talked about the Hawkins scale and all of that. But it’s high vibration. It’s a very high vibrational field. So you can uplift yourself on an energetic level and get into a state of a higher vibration, which is, again, then the state where you’re inviting different types of insights, where you’re getting out of zones of fear shame, guilt, those are all those vibrational, low vibrational states that they want to keep you in. And if you’re there, that’s what you’re calling into your lives. And that what you’ll see in your life, right as you get out of that, you can vibrate higher and you can totally change your own reality with that.

And that’s maybe what I can contribute in regards to quantum energy right now, that you can have help on a different level, where it’s not a supplement, it’s something that lifts you up energetically and helps you to get quicker into your own power, basically. So, in a way, that’s really self empowerment. And I think it’s important that people realize, because there’s a lot of people out there talking. You said earlier, there’s people have a little bit of skill, but they’re out there in a big way. And then there’s, you know, Roman and crew have a lot of skill and are more subdued.

And I think with this quantum, it’s the same way. There are people talking about this stuff, but there’s a difference. You’ve gone out and you’ve shown how it works. You have over 60 trials and studies with the most prestigious life, you know, double blind, placebo studies to show people, because it’s hard. A lot of us don’t understand quite how this works, and almost no one does at first, right? Even almost everyone I talked to who really is into it at first didn’t understand it. But the studies and the fact that you’ve proven it more than anyone else in the world, you’re really the world leader at this.

It shows that this is the real deal. It’s not just make believe, you know, high level woo stuff. This is real, guys, and you’ve showed it so well. And I’m so proud of you guys for doing that, because you’re leading the world in this. Well, yeah, thank you for saying that. And you’re right. But that’s part of it, right? Because the time has been that we, as humanity, went into forgetting who we are, what we are, what we’re even made of. The most fundamental truth is that we’re energy and frequency. And just. I don’t go to some grocery store and ask ten people, they’ll have no clue what you’re talking about, right? That’s still the state we’re in, but it’s shifting massively.

You may then find someone, right, depending on where you go. And that that number is growing significantly. And in five years, I tell you, maybe even earlier, you don’t even have to explain anything because it’s going to be so totally clear why this works and that it works. So indeed, we’ve needed some studies to also show on the physical level. But in the end of the day, it’s going to be very, very obvious. And it is already for everyone that actually can see and perceive energy. And obviously, you know, to all the clinics that are testing this and all of that.

But yeah, that’s the time right now, you know, we’re moving more into allowing that we can help our energy system, that we even have one, and that we should take care of it. Right? Like taking a shower in the morning and brushing our teeth. Right. We’re doing all these things, but yet we’re not taking care of our own own energy. And isn’t that the most important we should actually take care of before we brush our teeth? Well, that’s why I’m taking a vacation. You should. Exactly. Everyone take a vacation now. Enjoy your life. Life is there to live it.

That’s right. Well, thank you so much. I so much appreciate that you came and talked about this. I think it puts another perspective on trying to get out of the fear, the fear of this and that this doesn’t have to be a fearful time. It could be something really great. So thank you so much for coming to the program.

See more of Sarah Westall on their Public Channel and the MPN Sarah Westall channel.


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