Judge Andrew Napolitano: Plea to Julian Assanges Judges

Posted in: Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, News, Patriots



➡ Julian Assange is a very brave journalist who shared important secrets with the public. He got these secrets from someone who was punished for stealing them, but Julian was allowed to share them because of our laws. Even though the person who gave him the secrets was forgiven, Julian is in a tough spot in a London jail because the U.S. government wants to charge him with spying. This isn’t fair and he shouldn’t be on trial.


Hi, everyone. Judge Andrew Napolitano here to speak a little bit about Julian Assange. Julian is an american hero and an international hero as well. Julian Assange is the most important journalist in the world at this moment in time, because he had the courage and intellectual fortitude to expose the fatal and maniacal excess east. As a journalist, he received american secrets from someone, that someone was prosecuted and convicted for stealing the secrets.

But under american law, under the US Constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, in a famous case known as the Pentagon Papers case, when a journalist receives something of material interest to the public, it doesn’t matter how he receives it, he is free to publish it without civil or criminal liability. The person who stole it and gave it to Julian has since had their sentence commuted, wisely, I think, by former president Obama.

But Julian Assange languishes in a hellhole in a London prison because the american government, under the presidency of Donald Trump, decided to indict him for espionage and expose him to 175 years in jail. This is a profound injustice. He should not be tried for anything. You all know that. But now I add a word to the british judges and justices who will hear his final appeal before the end of this month.

I am a former life tenured judge in the United States of America, and I can tell you, your honors, most respectfully, that Julian Assange cannot get a fair trial in the United States on these charges. The bias against him, the prejudice in favor of the government, the exaggerated charges against him, the way he’s been portrayed in the media, will prevent him from getting a fair trial. If you allow the british government to be subservient to the american government and send this good and decent man to the United States, he will not only not get a fair trial, he’ll never see the light of day in America.

And I know in Britain, because we inherited our system from yours, judges should not slavishly follow the written law if it produces an unjust result. If you slavishly follow the written law of extradition and send Julian Sanjeer, you will kill him. A profoundly unjust result. Do the right thing, your honors. Be the heroes you can be, and set him free. .

See more of Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom on their Public Channel and the MPN Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom channel.


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important secrets shared by Julian Assange Julian Assange and public information laws Julian Assange brave journalist Julian Assange in London jail Julian Assange spying trial punishment for stealing secrets U.S. government charges against Julian Assange unfair treatment of Julian Assange

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