JP Press Conference Defeats Censorship: Jewish Power Press Conference Reveals Truth About ZIONISM | Stew Peters Network

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➡ This Stew Peters Network text discusses the perceived threat to free speech and truth, particularly in relation to the Jewish community. It suggests that there is a global assault on truth, with those who seek it or speak it facing serious consequences. The text also highlights the need for open discussions and the creation of independent platforms to keep the truth alive. It ends by suggesting that the power to change lies within ourselves, and that we must stop sinning to defeat the perceived enemy.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of unity and righteousness in resisting corruption and injustice. They believe that America can lead a global revolution in awareness and resistance against harmful entities, such as Israel. They also express concern about the manipulation of public sentiment by influential figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump. The speaker encourages more people to speak out against these issues, believing that a spiritual awakening is happening and more people are becoming aware of these problems.


We all have one common enemy. His name is Satan, and right now his minions are trying to run this country. The German nation does not wish its interests to be determined and controlled by any foreign nation. France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent the settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land, and to ousted, ousted, ousted. Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it, pull it. September 11, 2001, were perhaps the most shocking and terrifying events in U.S.

history. The witness called police who stopped the van hours later and arrested five men. All five, it turns out, were Israeli. And I could see that they were like happy, but it was very strange. They have to get the blessings of this country before they can swear an oath to our Constitution. They won’t get any spotlight in the Zionist-funded media. And one of the scariest things in the world is that nobody is willing to admit that. Nobody wants to have that conversation. Why is our army not arresting pedophiles who put their **** in little kids’ faces during the whole month of June? The Jewish watchword, workers of the world unite.

Workers of all classes and of all nations. Recognize your common enemy. If that’s the one sensitive subject that nobody wants us to talk about, then I think it’s pretty obvious that’s the thing that we should be talking about. The Jewish watchword, workers of the world. They don’t really care about us. Everyone who watches this program absolutely knows that there is an orchestrated assault on truth. It’s playing out not just here in the United States, but all across the planet in nearly every country on Earth. The truth is a dangerous thing. It’s dangerous to tell. And right now, there are fewer places than ever before where the truth can be spoken without serious repercussions.

You know, it’s amazing when you consider that at this point in human history, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we have the Internet, the information superhighway at our fingertips. You would think that we’d be able to learn whatever we want to learn, that we would be able to discuss whatever we want to discuss with whoever we please, because we could get online and we could go to some kind of free speech forum and talk about whatever it is that we want to talk about. You would think that at this point in time, truth and free thought would be flourishing.

But instead, they’re being snuffed out. They’re being killed. People who ask questions, people who do more than scratch the surface, who dive down rabbit holes seeking answers to those questions, no matter how unpleasant they may be, are being stifled. And people who tell the truth are being silenced. They’re being kicked out of polite society. They’re losing their jobs. They’re having their bank accounts shut down. They’re booted from social media so that nobody sees what they have to say. If they’re still allowed in a limited hangout, they’re throttled. And this is especially true when it comes to the Jewish question.

To those who ask it. To those of us who offer up answers to it. You know, for centuries, Christian civilization has been faced with subversive Jewry. It’s led to attacks on our financial systems and on our cultures and on our demographics and now powerful Jews and all of their Shabbos gois are attacking free speech. They’ve been doing it for quite some time and it’s only gotten worse as people have begun to wake up. As people have started to begin to ask questions about why just 2% of the United States population holds so much power in this country.

And why this tiny group of people based out of a tiny country in the Middle East has been able to push everyone else around. Has been able to tell America a superpower what to do. Tell us where to send our money. Where to send our kids to go and die. There are forbidden topics and there are very few places where we can talk about them. And that’s exactly why Converse, a rapper, an author, a truth seeker decided to host a press conference where he invited some of the most prominent anti Zionist pro truth voices on the Internet to speak to viewers and to have a free flowing truthful conversation about the problems that we face at the hands of subversive Talmudic Judaism.

And then what we can do to address them. Special guests at the press conference included our friend Lucas Gage who was recently censored and suspended by X for standing up to Jewish supremacy. He is a victim. And Elon Musk, who portrays himself as the bastion of free speech, removed him from his platform. A victim has been silenced for six months for standing up for himself after multiple murder attempts. And Lucas Gage spoke on doing just exactly that at a press conference as called on Christians to fight back against Jewish subversion by refusing to live the lives of filth and depravity.

Watch. So the solution that I see, and I’m going to quote a person you may or may not know. His name is Cornelio Cudrano. He said, a country has the Jews it deserves just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps. Likewise, the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins. Now, that means that the answer to the Jewish problem is not out there or even within the Jew, but within ourselves. That gives immense power. Like alcoholic person who finally admits, you know what? I have a problem. I have to go to Alcoholics Anonymous and take steps to stop drinking alcohol.

He’s not blaming his other problems as wife or his job or his addiction. He takes the steps. So we have a Jewish problem because we allow it. And, you know, there’s one thing in the Marine Corps that always stuck with me. And it’s kind of what CT said. And it goes like this. I remember one of my sergeants said to me, complacency kills. I’ll say it again. Complacency kills. And it does. If you forget you’re in a war zone, you put your wife over there. You helmet over there. Next thing you know, you’re under attack and you got to go scramble and you’re dead because you got comfortable.

You forgot you were at war. So we have to remember that we are under attack. We don’t want this war. We want nothing to do with this. But these people, as I say, these demons want to take over the world. And they do it, as AO said, and other people have said, by division. And, you know, I’ll even quote themselves from the protocols. This is the one thing that really got me to push this alliance that I’ve been doing for the last year. This is what they say in the protocols, which is a hoax or a forgery, but I don’t think so.

For a time, perhaps, we might be successfully dealt with by a coalition of the goyim. Of all the world, but from this danger, we are secured from this discord existing among them, whose roots are so deeply seated that they can now never be plucked up. We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the goyim, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into huge growth in the course of the past 20 centuries. So they’re saying to us that there may be a time something like this happens, and maybe they’ll deal with us for a while.

But we could always remember, hey, remember the slave trade. Hey, why do you remember the black crime? Hey, Arab member, the Crusades. Hey, woman, member the wage, the wage gap. Hey, homosexual member. They always divide us because they know together we can absolutely take our power back. And it’s not about even them conquering us with weapons. They use isms. They make suggestions. Hey, you know what? Why don’t you go into the workforce like your husband and become a wage slave? That’s a good idea. Hey, why not give your child some sex hormone blockers and see what happens? They don’t use force.

They never have use force. So what they do is they use our sins against us, our vices. We want this thing. We take the credit loan. We don’t need a 21% credit card interest, or I want this degeneracy. I want to have women, drugs, fame, power, you name it, they offer it to you. And for those of you Christians, you remember that Christ was tempted by the devil. He said, Neil, before me, you could have all the kingdoms you see. And he didn’t do it. So the Jewish power is not even within them. It’s within our sins.

And in order to defeat them, we have to stop sinning. You know, if the truth is going to be destroyed, if it’s going to be buried in our institutions and on mainstream platforms and ripped out of our school books and libraries, then we’re going to have to build our own platforms. We’re going to have to host our own forums so that we can keep the truth alive so that we can organize resistance and so that we can put up a fight to save what’s ours. I wasn’t able to make it to the JP conference.

Unfortunately, I was in Las Vegas sitting down with Jake Shields on this very same topic, ironically. Converse hosted that event and he’s here with us now. Converse, I did hear some tremendous things about it. I’ve watched all of the speeches. I’ve listened to all of the guests that you had there. You paid for all of this out of your own pocket. Not one of these people had to come out of their own pocket. They were treated very well. I wish that I could have been there. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it. I know that we’ll get together again soon.

It’s a pleasure to meet you. And thank you so much for being on the program. Well, thank you for having me. And I appreciate the kind words. Like you said, and like Lucas has said, and like the protocols say, Gentile unity is the one thing that they fear the most. Righteous Gentile unity. And righteousness is a key precursor. It’s absolutely required because when you look at our leaders, our so-called leaders, all of them are corrupt and all of them take one form of bait or another. They either are paid to act on the stage and portray their standing up for our interest or they’re blackmailed.

In either case, they’re useless to us. And I believe that America has the ability to revolutionize the entire planet in terms of awareness of this issue and removing our assistance for the parasitical colony known as Israel. And once that is removed, the resistance on the ground will take care of them as they already have. This is the most powerful example of the resistance that’s ever existed. And I do believe because it is a spiritual war, they have cleansed themselves spiritually and that’s why they’re gaining victory after victory after victory on the actual battlefield.

Now, the parasites are actually distracting us by murdering children in a wanton manner. Gather them into certain areas, whether schools or hospitals, bombing them, murdering them, beheading them, shooting them at close range. They’re using AI weaponry to murder as many children as possible. I think it’s about 18,000 children that have been murdered since October 7th, 165 journalists that have been murdered because they hate those who document the truth and that’s why they’re persecuting our brothers so aggressively. And I’ve said long, for a very long time, that Elon belongs to the tribe.

He is of the tribe and he will always pursue the tribe’s interests. When they had Elon take over X, the whole point of it was to have a steam valve. It’s almost like the Bernie Sanders phenomenon where you take all these people who are upset, fed up, and you bring them in one place and then they feel like they have some type of opportunity at a stage or at a redress and that’s what I think is happening on X where they’re now in a very chilling way saying that we’re not only going to terrorize you, terrorize your family, try to get you killed either through the police or some other mechanism and at the exact same time we’re going to silence you so you can’t reach out to the people who support you.

So I stand with Lucas completely and it just underscores the importance of everyone having more and more JP conferences all across the country, all across the planet. One of the reasons I did it was to inspire others, especially in other countries, to do the same thing, to grab the top Gentiles, the intelligentsia of the Gentiles who are fearless, who are not in this for money or followers or likes or self-aggrandizement. They’re here to actually win this victory and I do believe within the next 20 years if we can gain more righteous Gentiles to our cause, we’re going to have our foot on the Rothschild empire.

I got about two minutes left here. What you mentioned that they’re doing with Elon to gather all these people in one place at one time to give them the sense of freedom and free speech and all these things just so that they can later then identify and crush them. It’s my opinion that they could be doing the same exact thing with Donald Trump. They could be doing the same exact thing with MAGA. They did it on January 6th. But are you optimistic? I mean from where you sit when you’re out in the real world, I know that the Overton window has incredibly shifted online and platforms like X.

When you go out into the real world and you’re talking to people, are you bringing this up and are you optimistic that people out there in everyday life are starting to notice as well? One hundred percent. In fact, I think that because there is a spiritual awakening, like Lucas said and like Codrianu said, they work in the swamps of our sins. So as people become more and more righteous, not give in to the pornography, not give in to all the various evils that they’ve had spread amongst us, especially, most importantly, the idea that money is going to be there.

We leave two hands and two feet from this earth. What I’m seeing is, all across the country, I see more and more people waking up to this issue. If you look at all the ratios, I mean there was about eight different individuals that ratioed Elon when he made this fake excuse about why he actually banned Lucas. I mean it was, everyone knew it was, and that’s why he got ratioed. And by much, much smaller accounts, I mean we’re talking factors of 50, 100, 200, 500 factors, less followers, and yet they were able to ratio him.

This shows that the people are now galvanized and they’re ready to hear the right message, and more and more people need to step up like Lucas did, speak out, show your face. You know, there’s a lot of anonymous trolls online, and that’s fine. They can do the retweets and stuff like that, but we need more people, more Gentiles, to show their face and speak out against this, and these people will cower like the cowards they are. I think that it is happening, and you’re a big part of leading that.

Congress, thank you so much for being here. God bless you. More of The Stu Peter Show continues next. We’ll be right back. Thank you. This book offer won’t be available for long. The Purge is our solution I’m going to ask you for your undivided attention, because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life-saving supplement that I have ever talked about. It’s called Cardio Miracle. Each serving of Cardio Miracle has a combination of over 50 high-quality ingredients, including a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, amino acids, and herbs, all of which come together to promote your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide.

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America leading global revolution consequences of seeking truth Donald Trump Elon Musk public sentiment global assault on truth importance of unity against corruption independent platforms for truth influential figures manipulation Jewish community and free speech manipulation of public sentiment power to change within ourselves resistance against Israel righteousness in resisting injustice stop sinning to defeat enemy threat to free speech

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