JP Morgan Exits $68 TRILLION Scam Companies are Fleeing ESG

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ J.P. Morgan has left a group called Climate Action 100+, which was focused on making big companies reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This group was also accused of misleading investors by pushing policies from the UN and other organizations instead of making a profit. This has led to legal issues, and more companies might leave the group because of this. The departure of J.P. Morgan could encourage other companies to do the same, which could be a problem for climate change efforts.


Um, it’s a crazy time. J. P. Morgan, by the way, has pulled out of a climate action 100 plus group. This was a group that was put together to profit off of ESG. And it was a group that coalition, $68 trillion coalition, focused on pressing the world’s biggest emitters of greenhouse gases to decarbonize. And JP Morgan has just pulled out of it, and they’re not going to be the last one to pull out of it either.

Just yesterday I was talking about the problems with electric cars, and you got Ford and all these other people saying, we can’t sustain these losses. So I said, evcom, ev go. And now you look at ESG, ESGcom, ESG, go. One of the reasons that this is happening is because you’ve got a lot of state attorneys general suing these companies, saying you put yourselves together in a cartel, using your economic clout and lying to your investors.

You tell them that you’re here to make a profit, but you’re not here to make a profit at all. You’re here to push a policy from the UN, from the Paris climate accord, from the Biden administration, all these different places that they made themselves a pressure group. They’re no longer operating as a for profit company, which is fraud. And so now these people are starting to back out of this climate action 100 plus.

A Boston based partner in a law firm, KNL Gates, told Bloomberg, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more defections, especially given that there is now a cost in being involved in this potential litigation that wasn’t there when the companies joined. Attorneys general have subpoenaed firms about their membership in these groups. What do we call it? A conspiracy? A criminal conspiracy to defraud investors. You ought to put it in there as racketeering influence and corrupt organizations, because that’s what the UN is.

That’s what the World Economic Forum Davos, that’s what they are. It’s racketeering, folks. You ain’t have to find a point on it. Originally, this group of a climate action 100 plus aimed to engage major companies like BP, ExxonMobil and Glencore in enhancing governance, cutting emissions, improving climate financial disclosures. But as it entered a more proactive stage, asking members to ensure companies transition from plans to tangible emission reductions, the heightened activist stance poses additional difficulties for investors wishing to keep a lower profile in climate advocacy.

JP Morgan pulling out matters because it sends the wrong short sighted signal and gives cover for others to do the same. So the guy who’s not happy about that, Michael Sheeran, former senior advisor at the bank of England. Yeah, that’s where this kind of stuff is coming from. And he says, zero Hedge says, and we’re sure that they will pull out. As we noted earlier in the year, ESG has become a dirty word on Wall street.

Because the way you spell ESG is F-R-A-U-D fraud. Recall, we have written about the dying off of ESG and green investment products over the last few months. Most recently, at the end of 2023, Goldman Sachs shut down its active beta, Paris aligned climate. Us large cap equity ETF. Such a long name. And you just unpack that every bit of it is fraud. Fraud. It’s Paris aligned. It’s aligned with the Paris climate thing.

Paris aligned climate. And then it’s an ETF to boot. It’s a derivative off of that. I mean, it’s just these people come up with one scam after the other. Nothing but a bunch of con artists in Wall street. It’s just amazing. Anyway, less than a week before, we noted that $30 billion had been shaved off the value of clean energy stocks over the preceding six months. See, ultimately, they do have to care about profitability.

Why? Well, because that is their superpower, right? Their superpowers are money. If they’re bleeding billions, tens of billions off of this stuff, and if they’re also facing litigation from state attorneys general, many of them, because this is obviously fraud, and that’s not even including their exposure to individual lawsuits. Yeah, maybe it’s time to take a different approach, I think. And so you still got the useful idiots down at the bottom.

These are the people at the top, people running this, the UN, the World Economic Forum, the New York Stock Exchange, the central banks, and things like that. Down at the bottom are the useful idiots who’ve just now gone into the National Archives yesterday and dumped red powder on the US Constitution. Well, at least they got the color right. I’m so sick and tired of people who say, we’re red states.

We’re red states. Why are you red state? Well, because the mainstream media told me I’m red. They have no historical context for that whatsoever. They don’t realize that the Marxists have always been red, and that the Marxists in the US are telling you that they’re blue and you’re red, so you don’t get the connection. At least they use the right color, because these climate activists are all about destroying liberty.

They’re all about destroying the constitution. They’re all about destroying our ability to even feed ourselves, let alone be able to travel. They build nothing. They know nothing. They know how to do nothing. And they’re standing there say, we all deserve clean air, water, food and a livable climate. What can any of these people who go around engage in this kind of clownish behavior? What can they do to even feed themselves, let alone other people? They’re useless, but they’re useful as idiots for all of this.

Now, fortunately, it was not damaged because it was in an encasement, but they shut the national archives down and arrested a couple, these idiots. So you’re going to be seeing more and more of this stuff. And as they try to deface the constitution, you have Bill Gates who wants to deface our plants, our plants. And we’re going to talk about that when we come back. Y. J. 72 he said, I think that when land grab comes in, they will make large areas into no living areas.

Well, this is one of the things I was talking to Senator nicely about, and that is they have their ways to do things in a very sneaky, underhanded way. A lot of farmers who had gotten a conservation easement, they could get tax relief if they didn’t need the tax relief because they weren’t making a lot of money. They could even sell it to people who were making a lot of money could buy that and use.

They could pay them like twenty five cents on the dollar and they could get their tax credit. People were doing the conservation easements, and that was originally about conservation. Now, there’s an effort in Tennessee and many other states to subtly add that these easements are going to also include climate protections. And so they could very easily come in and say, no animals, no farming, no this, no that, and just take the land like that and do it to a lot of private land.

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Climate Action 100+ greenhouse gas reduction climate change efforts at risk companies leaving Climate Action 100+ impact of J.P. Morgan's departure J.P. Morgan leaves Climate Action 100+ legal issues in Climate Action 100+ misleading investors Climate Action 100+ UN policies vs profit making

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