Joe Biden Said What About Taking Our Rights?!? | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how the Biden administration has established an office for gun violence prevention, which has reportedly led to a decrease in murder rates. However, the speaker argues that this reduction is due to more Americans arming themselves and states adopting constitutional carry laws. In response to Biden’s actions, the Second Amendment Foundation is urging people to defend their gun rights. The speaker emphasizes the importance of voting to influence change and encourages gun owners to register to vote and participate in the process.


Hey, we’ve all heard this before. Nobody’s coming for your guns. Well, the Biden administration just laid out their, I guess, their strategy as they head into not only the election, the period before the election, where things get hot and heavy, but also ahead of this week’s debate, if it ever happens. I’m going to show you something the Biden administration put out. It’s time, y’all. We need to all pay attention. We know what’s going on, but here’s what they said. It created an office of gun violence prevention, and now murder rates are down. You and your family deserve to be safe, and I’m going to fight like hell to see to who you are.

I’m Joe Biden, and I approve this message. We’re going to fight like hell to see Americans made here in America in Missouri, and CMMG’s ownership puts their own dollars into lawsuits to fight the ATF. I’ll save you 10% with G&G 10 any time you shop there, day or night. Doesn’t matter when. G&G 10. Thanks to CMMG. Well, nobody’s coming for your guns, but he’s coming for your guns. Put an office of constitutional violation in the White House. We know this stuff, right? And we know that they’re not satisfied. They’re never ever going to be satisfied. We always, we hear people like John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell say we need to meet and find common ground.

There is no common ground when it comes to not just the Second Amendment, but all of our rights. When you give up a right, you never get it back unless you have to shoot people in the face to take it back. And that’s just been not the American way. It’s been the way of the world. In response to their video, actually, before I even say that, like, Biden is claiming this huge reduction in gun violence and murder rates, rather. And I went onto their website and they’re claiming a 20% reduction in over 200 major cities. But what he doesn’t say is why that’s happening.

Why? Because millions more Americans since the Coof happened. And during the burn the country down because it’s mostly peaceful and do everything you can to infiltrate this country with people who want to come here and do us harm. People are waking up and realizing they’re their own first responders. People are arming up and people are not doing stupid things because they know people are fighting back. The good people are fighting back. That is a big part of the reduction of the murder rate. Also, we now have 29 states in this country that have gone to a version of constitutional carry.

Those are major, major factors in that crime reduction. And I will say that, you know, the thing he talked about, you know, shootings in churches, thanks to people like my friend Stephen Williford, that stuff stops too. We need more Stephen Willifords in the world. If you don’t know who he is, look him up because you should know who Stephen is. And I am blessed to be able to call him a friend. In response to Biden’s claims, literally, moments later, well, the next day, the Second Amendment Foundation put this out. I think it’s a funny purview. Check it out.

It is ridiculous. I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things. Call 800-241-4882 and press 1 now to pledge your support to defend our Second Amendment rights. Call 800-241-4882. Guys, the fight is here. The fight is on our doorstep for America. I’ve said it a few times and I’m going to say it again. And I’ll probably say it again somewhere down the line. If you do not vote, you’re part of the problem. And there’s going to be people who say, oh, funny people think they can vote their way out of it. You’re not going to be able to vote your way out of it immediately.

But not voting for decades, like the silent majority lazy folks have, got us to where we are as well. It helped. Definitely helped. So we need to do everything we can in our power to get some of these people who think that they are the permanent Washington, the permanent elite, the permanent fixtures, get them the frick out of office. And that starts by voting. If we had, like I’ve said it before, up to 10 million people in this country who are gun owners aren’t even registered to vote. You’re not even trying to stop the tyranny. You’re just bitching and moaning about the tyranny.

So let’s stop bitching and moaning and let’s be part of the process that our forefathers died to set up. Let’s at least honor them and honor this country by doing what has been set up for our civic duty to do. Again, the goal goal is to try to avoid a total reset, which is why we have these steps that the forefathers have provided us. If you don’t know how many unregistered voters that are gun owners are in your state, I’ll have my video above. It’s got a picture of Elmer Fudd as the thumbnail. And it says we are part of the problem and we are because we’re too comfortable or we think for some reason that they’re just not going to that they’re going to stop one day, stop trying to take away every right we have until America is no longer.

This country will not survive another four years under Democrat rule. It just won’t. So I have children don’t know if you do don’t know if you care. But if you do care, take one person who didn’t vote next last year, last election to the polls this year. Even if you don’t want to vote for an individual at some level, vote for your locals, vote for your states. America’s not going to make you guys and gals if Americans don’t care. I have a passion for this country and our freedom. I’m hoping to impart that on you. Links down below if you want to get registered to vote.

I ask you if you’re part of the 10 million to do it. Save the complaining and just do it. I love you all. Be safe. Stay vigilant and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community safe. We are the Sentinels of this republic. Let’s do what we’re supposed to do before it gets to the point where we do what we have to do. Take care. Thank you. [tr:trw].

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Americans arming themselves for safety Biden administration gun violence prevention office decrease in murder rates under Biden encouraging gun owners to vote importance of voting for gun rights influence of constitutional carry laws on crime rates participation in voting process for gun rights. Second Amendment Foundation defense of gun rights
  • All you have to do is look at Australia, Canada, and other countries what happened to those people when the government took away their guns. The Tyranny is off the charts, and as a Canadian who grew up on the farm and used our guns for hunting, protection, both from coyotes stealing our chickens and 2-legged animals stealing our cattle and when we call the police, somehow it is our fault. I am sick of it. In Canada, I got myself a sling shot to hunt and bear spray for camping but it is not enough b/c the criminals have the guns, police have the guns but oh no should we protect our families then it is us who go to jail and the criminals get out often the same day. They can squat on our land, rape our children, kill the elderly and innocent and where are the police when we call them. Our No Trespassing signs are meaningless, we are at the mercy of the defunded police and it is us who suffer. No More! Our charter of rights are meaningless pieces of paper and enough is enough. Even Jesus said sell your cloke and buy a sword. It is my God-given right to protect my loved ones I will not comply to this tyrannical government no more, I will say no more lest AI or CISOS is listening in.

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