Joe Biden Digs Himself in EVEN DEEPER! Commits Cardinal Sin of Democrat Party! | Mark Dice

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➡ Mark Dice talks about how Joe Biden, a Democrat politician, ignored a black woman at a campaign rally, causing disappointment and sparking a meme that reflects his campaign. His post-rally interview with George Stephanopoulos raised questions about his cognitive abilities as he struggled to complete sentences and recall whether he reviewed his own debate performance. Despite these setbacks, Biden insists he is still in the race and capable of serving effectively for the next four years. However, his actions and statements continue to raise doubts about his ability to lead effectively.

➡ The Biden campaign has been providing pre-written questions for interviewers to ask during their sessions. This practice was confirmed by two local radio hosts who admitted to receiving and approving the questions before their interviews. In other news, former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger endorsed Biden for president, which was highlighted by CNN. Lastly, there’s a promotion for free shipping on merchandise at using a promo code.


Poor old Joe just can’t catch a break. Just when you thought he couldn’t possibly make a bad situation even worse, he committed the biggest blunder a Democrat politician could possibly make. He ignored a black woman and broke her heart in the process and gave us a fantastic new meme, which perfectly sums up the Biden campaign. This after his big campaign rally in, I believe, Madison, Wisconsin on Friday, which was supposed to reinvigorate his campaign and rehabilitate his image. And we’ll get into his post-rally interview with George Stephanopoulos in a moment. Here she is, you can see, barely able to contain herself.

Just moments away from the opportunity of a lifetime coming face to face with the president of the United States. She says hi, and then he didn’t even make eye contact with her, devastating her. Moving on to sniff the old lady next to her, which is extremely out of character for him because he usually has an age limit of about 11 years old for that kind of thing. And she’s hoping for a second chance. And no, he’s talking to the woman behind her and still completely ignoring her. She started tapping him on the arm.

Hey, old Joe, I’m right here. Hello, I’m going to vote for you too. And the devastation sets back in and old Joe continues to move on. Even taking selfies with the white women while continuing to ignore the black one, which gave birth to this meme, which perfectly sums up the Biden administration, how it started versus how it’s going. And here he is trying to convince himself that he’s staying in the race. And his embarrassing debate performance last week was just a fluke. And I’m led, I’m not led one 90 minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work.

As the governor said, I’ve led the stage of the depths of pandemic. As you can see, sadly, he is still unable to finish complete sentences. I mean, what’s next? Is he going to forget what year it is? Oh, wait, what’s this? I’ll beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020. He’ll beat him again in 2020. And after this rally, he sat down for a face to face exclusive interview with ABC’s George snuffle up a guess to try to prove to the American people that the debate disaster was just a mistake.

He just had jet lag and a goal. He is still as sharp as attack. But then this happened. Did you ever watch the debate afterwards? I don’t think I did know. Well, I wouldn’t try what I want to get at. I don’t think I did. So he’s not even sure if he reviewed his own debate performance. That’s how far gone this guy is. And just to be clear, this is not a deceptively edited clip. This is not an answer from a different question spliced together to make a meme. Joe Biden is the meme. That was the actual answer to that question.

And he just kept digging himself deeper and deeper into the hole that the Democrat Party now finds themselves in. Well, I wouldn’t try it. What I want to get at is what were your experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you notice how nice George was? He didn’t say wait, what do you mean? You don’t know if you actually reviewed your debate performance, sir. Okay, maybe we should call a doctor. I don’t think I did know. Well, I wouldn’t try it. What I want to get at is what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going? Yeah, look, the whole way I prepared, no wishful mind, no wishful mind.

And your wife’s for continuing to keep up this charade. I prepared what I usually would do sitting down as I did come back with foreign leaders or the National Security Council for explicit details. And I realized partway through that, you know, all the I quoted the New York Times had me down at 10 points before the debate, nine now or whatever the hell it is. Okay, he still can’t even finish a train of thought. I just prepared with too many details. Whatever the hell these polls are saying about me. Come on. The fact of the matter is that when I looked at is that he also lied 28 times.

I couldn’t, I mean, the way the debate ran, not my fault, no one else’s fault. No one else’s fault. But it seemed like you were having trouble from the first question yet. Yeah, just like he is in this interview, too. The Democrats are finally starting to realize what a mess they got themselves into because no matter what they do now, they keep Joe in if they swap them out for Kamala. If they swap both of them out for Gavin Newsom, they are going to look like complete clowns. And to be fair, Donald Trump is partially responsible for this because if he didn’t run for reelection again, then Joe Biden would not have run for reelection either.

And he would have retired and it would have said that his number one goal was just to stop Donald Trump from ever becoming president again. He achieved that goal. And so he’s going to retire since his mission is complete. But then when Donald Trump said that he was running again, if old Joe didn’t say that he was also running, then he would have looked like a coward because he would have been ducking out of a rematch. And so now they’re finally starting to realize what a pickle they’ve got themselves into because God forbid if old Joe were to win, if he stays in the race, then there’s no way that he’s going to be able to make it through another four years.

They would 25th amendment him within a year, probably within six months, maybe even by January 21st, one day after he would be re inaugurated. Elections are about the future, not the past. They’re about tomorrow night yesterday. And the question on so many people’s minds right now is can you serve effectively for the next four years? George, I’m the guy that put NATO together, the future. No one thought I could expand it. I’m the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen. You didn’t shut Putin down. Putin is actually winning the war over there in Ukraine, sir.

There is probably no hope for the Joe Biden reelection campaign after this, because every time he opened his mouth during this interview, every time he opens his mouth now in front of any camera, it just continues to get worse and worse. Listen to this. What’s your plan to turn the campaign around? So today, how many how many people you draw crowds like I’m doing? How many what? How many how many people you draw crowds like I’m doing? If I’m any more enthusiastic than today, huh? I mean, I don’t think you want to play the crowd game.

Donald Trump can draw big crowds. There’s no question about that. And you draw a big crowd. But what’s he say? Who’s he have? I’m the guy supposedly in trouble. Oh, you’re in trouble. All right. Would you like to embarrass yourself in our country even further, old Joe? Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the American people? Look, I have a cognitive test every single day. We know. Every day I have that test. We see everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world.

And that’s not how it sounds like hyperbole. He’s running the world. We are the central nation in the world. I don’t know that was right. And every single day, for example, today, before I come out here, we saw your campaign rally where you didn’t even know what year it was. Let me ask you, because we talked to our reporters, all the networks did after the interview last night. And their word from the campaign in the White House was that they thought the president hit it out of the park in that interview. Do you feel that way? Well, the president had a broad interview.

He answered tough questions after a debate performance where everybody has been telling him that he should exit the race. And he defied expectations. I think that the president showed up. He just gave a speech. He answered every single question. He didn’t even remember whether or not he watched the recording of his debate so that he could see how terrible he was. This is how a real president handled an interview with George Stephanopoulos. Remember this. And going back to last June, is there anything you regret? Oh, absolutely. I’d love to have done certain things over, but you can’t.

You can’t. But that’s true in life. I’d love to have done in life certain things over, I guess. And you would have to give me one. You would have loved not to have contributed to the Clinton Foundation as an example. There are things that you wish you didn’t do. Okay. You came very close to the edge. You would have loved to have had that decision over again. And now the media is even admitting that the Biden campaign is giving them pre-written questions to ask old Joe when they grant interviews. It’s something I listen to both of them.

And there’s something that’s similar here. You each were, you asked four questions and maybe that’s what you were allowed to ask by the campaign or the White House. But they were essentially the same questions, both interviews about accomplishments, progress in your respective state, what’s at stake in the election, what he has to say about his debate performance, and what he would say to voters who think their vote doesn’t matter or might sit this election out. Were those questions given to you by the White House or did you have for the campaign or did you have to submit questions ahead of this interview? The questions were sent to me for approval.

I approved them. Okay. So the White House sent the questions to you ahead of the interview. Yes. I got several questions, eight of them. And the four that were chosen were the ones that I approved. Okay. That makes now the second local radio host that admits that they were given questions by the body campaign to ask him during their interviews and something that got lost to the dust up over old Joe’s embarrassing debate performance is that Adam Kinzinger, former Republican member of Congress turned crybaby and January 6th committee member endorsed old Joe for president the night before the debate.

And this is how CNN framed his big announcement. Wait for it. And I just want to emphasize what you just said. You said you haven’t changed. Right. So in other words, the rising star, Adam Kinzinger, seen as future Republican presidential candidate is the same guy. Yeah. Joe Biden. Yeah. Because the party no longer knows what it believes anymore. Oh, we certainly know what we believe in sir. And what we’re doing, it’s obvious that your party, the Democrat party has no idea what’s going on. Poor old Joe didn’t know what was happening over a year ago when the Democrat party was trying to figure out whether or not they were going to allow him to run for reelection or not.

I have not made that formal decision, but it’s my intention, my intention to run again. And we have time to make that decision. Dr. Biden is for it. Mr. President, Dr. Biden thinks that, uh, my wife thinks that, uh, that I, uh, that that were, that were that your party is screwed no matter what you do at this point. Hey today, Sunday, July 7th is the last day to get free shipping on any of my shirts, mark by using the promo code freedom at the checkout. So order your appeal to heaven shirt, the Teflon Don shirt, a mega mafia shirt, or any of my awesome designs.

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See more of Mark Dice on their Public Channel and the MPN Mark Dice channel.


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Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden Biden's cognitive abilities questioned Biden's debate performance review Biden's leadership doubts CNN highlights Kinzinger's endorsement Democrat politician Joe Biden meme Free shipping promotion at mark George Stephanopoulos interview with Joe Biden Joe Biden campaign rally controversy Local radio hosts confirm Biden's interview practice Pre-written questions for Biden campaign interviews

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