Jimmy Chrizier Also Known As Barbecue Takes Over Haiti Runs Out the Prime Minister Former Police

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ Haiti is currently in a state of chaos, with a man named Barbecue gaining power after the country’s leader stepped down. The U.S. has sent Marines to protect its embassy in the capital, Port-au-Prince, as armed gangs control much of the city. Meanwhile, the neighboring Dominican Republic is sending undocumented Haitians back to their country. The future of Haiti is uncertain, with many people worried about what will happen next.


Did y’all know that Haiti is being taken over by a guy named barbecue? I’m not making this up, y’all. I’m not making this up. Haiti is being taken over by a guy named barbecue. Yes. The president, or whatever it is, the head over Haiti, he decided to step down and resign because most powerful man in Haiti now is a guy named Barbecue. He has BD beads in his hair, and he is basically running the country amok.

And he said, we taking over and the citizens is at his mercy. Yeah, y’all didn’t know that. Y’all know that. I’ll bring you up to speed. Check out what’s going on in Haiti now. The latest on the chaos in Haiti. An anti terrorism team of U. S. Marines has just been sent to the capital of Portu Prince to help protect the US embassy there. Heavily armed gangs control much of the city, and there is a political vacuum after the country’s prime minister said he will resign.

Cristian Benavides is at Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic, where some people are trying to get out. Cristiano. Good morning, vlad. Good morning. What’s still unclear is a timeline to that transition government. Also, how free and fair elections will be carried out. We’re anticipating another busy day here at the border crossing, where people are being deported by the truckloads to a country with an uncertain future. As Haiti’s political future hangs in the balance, the neighboring Dominican republic is cracking down on undocumented Haitians, rounding them up and sending them back to their.

Wait. So you’re telling me because I know all my passport bros. They like to go over to Dominican Republic and they like to go over to Sisua. We know what you’re doing over there buying box. Yeah, I know what y’all doing. Y’all ever heard, seen them videos? They over there buying box over there in Sisua, and they don’t mind. Listen, they don’t mind. That used to be a thing where if you was tricking off and you was buying prostitutes or whatever like that.

It used to be to where you kind of hid it. You know what I’m saying? We all had a family member that was like a crackhead, but we never seen him actually smoke crack. He kind of did it in the shadows, but we knew that he did it because he did all of the crackhead activities. And even he would not even admit that he was itching for a little bit, a little hit man.

He was scratching himself all the time. But it wasn’t something that was just, like, openly communicated like, yeah, I’m a crackhead. But now people, they just cool with it. They like you. Look, man, I buy box. I ain’t tripping about it. Like, what? Yeah, no, right after him. Right after Ray Ray. Yeah, I buy box. Like, wow, that’s crazy, right? So shout out to some of the guys that be getting their passports and going overseas, taking them spirit flights.

They got spirit flights over the Dominican Republic. Y’all know that? Did y’all know that? They got spirit flights? You don’t believe me? You think I’m messing around? You think I’m just talking? You think I’m just messing around? I don’t know where y’all would fly from. Santo Domingo. I don’t even remember where I stayed at. Where did I stay at? It don’t matter. Explore. You can head right over there to the Dominican Republic, and they got spirit flights over Santo.

To Santo Domingo for $246. $246. Now, you got to make a stop. You got to make a stop. But you can get over there on a spirit flight for $246, head right over to Santo Domingo or go over to Punta Cana. Yeah, you can. Yes, you can. Listen, I think that spirit is fine, just like everywhere else. I just want to let you all know where it is that y’all could do, right? Oops.

Look at me messing it up. I just want to let y’all know what’s happening. So they taking spirit flights and they tricking it off, and they giving their money over there. But even a dominican republic. Okay, I remember why I got into this in the first place. Even a Dominican republic said, listen, if you from Haiti, you can’t come here. Dominican Republic. They said that they are basically kicking out people that’s crossing the borders and leaving Haiti and trying to get over to neighboring dominican republic.

They not having it. They are not having it. They sending them back to where they came from. But we over here in the United States of the Americas, we just leave our borders open. It don’t matter where you’re coming from. It don’t matter where you’re going. You could come from anywhere. As long as you coming over here to the United States of America, you fine. But over there, they sending you back.

They say, listen, fam, if you came over here, you going back, right back to where you came from. If we catch you, you going back home. Uncertain future, us. Haiti’s political future hangs in the balance. Nah, you’re not about to turn what we all had over there. Over the year. The neighboring Dominican Republic is cracking down on undocumented. Haitians rounding them up and sending them back to their country.

They treat us like dogs, this man told us after he was released, adding, we were detained since yesterday with no food, nothing. This is the fourth truck that we’ve seen. I didn’t know that it was a requirement for them to feed you. I didn’t know that it was a requirement for them to feed you, but okay, he said, they treat us like dogs. They didn’t give us no food or nothing.

I’m sorry, sir. Why were you here in the first place? Maybe we need to be more like the Dominican Republic. Earlier in the day, this woman collapsed as she was being taken off an overcrowded immigration truck. Haitian American Dana Josephs happened to be driving by, put her in the back of his truck, and rushed her to the hospital. These scenes at the border comes at a moment of desperation for Haiti after a coalition of haitian stakeholders and international leaders, including the US, helped usher in the agreement to dissolve Prime Minister Ariel Henri’s failing government and replace it.

It follows weeks of gang violence that have endangered the streets of the nation’s capital and displaced thousands of people. Now, some Haitians are skeptical about what comes next. The resignation of Ariel Henri is a game that the Americans are playing, this man said. Others, like this shoemaker, seemed hopeful. Haitians have a duty to see if we can find someone who can put the country back on track, he said the ongoing unrest has left some Americans in Haiti, like missionary Jill Dolan, stranded.

When we’ve contacted agents. Oh, heck, no. You too cute to be over there? Let me tell you something. Listen, one thing I know for show and two things is for certain, you over there with your hair colored. No. You over there taking pictures with kids and all of that, talking about you stranded. Yeah. That’s because you shouldn’t have been there in the first place. You shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

Did you see how they set that cardboard on fire? No. Look, you all sitting there saying, oh, she cute. She cute for over there. She is. Hell, yeah, she cute for over there. Did you all see what was happening? Hold on. Look, let me show you the difference. Let me show you this man right here. Others, like this shoemaker, seemed hopeful. Yes, she’s too cute to be over there.

Now, listen, let’s put it in perspective. Let’s put it in perspective. There’s a difference between. It’s almost like you and your city, right? Let’s say that you from stupidville, Alabama or something, right? Let’s say that you from stupidville, Alabama. And you was the man, homie, you a bad chick in your high school, right? You was one of the baddest chicks. But if you go down to Miami, you’re going to be a Miami four, a Miami four or five.

You’re going to be a Miami four or five. If you from Shoeville, Crazyville, Alabama, in some obscure place, a Houston seven is an NYC four. That’s a fact. Listen, I don’t care if you all don’t like the way I say it. I am not here to be politically correct. A Memphis nine is an la one. For example. Somebody says it depends on where you from. So you can’t use your standards in order to justify how somebody else may see it and win a war zone.

When you in a war zone, you in a war zone. Listen, did y’all see barbecue? Do you see barbecue down here? Barbecue is the new leader. Barbecue didn’t even. He don’t even brush his hair. Barbecue right here. He don’t even brush his hair. He cut his hair with a razor and no mirror. A razor and no mirror. So it depends on where you at and when you say, hey, you too cute to be in a specific area.

You may be a Milwaukee three, but you’re going to be a Haiti nine. I’m telling you, Haitians have a duty to see if we can find someone who can put the country back on track. He said, look at that. They burning that stuff in the middle of the street has left. Look at that, man. Haiti. Like missionary. Jill Dolan. Oh, yeah, that’s a Haiti eleven right there. That’s a Haiti eleven right there.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Look at this woman. When we’ve contacted agencies to extract out, they have just said, it’s way too dangerous where you are. You have to stay put. There are no commercial flights in and out of Haiti. Americans we’ve spoken to here at the crossing tell us about the treacherous journey they had to make to get here to the Dominican Republic, the only way they can get home.

Tony, listen, if you got running water over there, you probably a ten all day long. As we mentioned a few minutes ago, Haiti is on a brink of becoming a failed state. A gangland rebellion is ripping through the republic. The prime minister has announced he will step down once a transitional presidential council is in place. But will the gang leaders at the heart of the fighting reject that plan? Continuing to put Haitians at the center of the crisis.

The human toll, hunger, violence and unrest has been unthinkable. Our Matt Rivers, who’s been reporting on conditions there now for years. Takes us back to Haiti to see that toll firsthand. Look at that, man. Yeah, right. What are you doing over there? And barbecue is over there and running amok. The country has been ravaged by two weeks of chaos, of bloodshed, of intense fighting, and horrific human suffering.

With no obvious way out. Porta Prince is no stranger to gang violence, but an unholy alliance has emerged between the most powerful armed groups now unified behind this man, Jimmy Cherce, aka barbecue. Hey, here’s my question. I wonder if the russian merchant of deaf is over there doing his job and making sure that he get all of these weapons delivered over there to Haiti. They ain’t got money for food, but they got money for weapons.

Where are they getting all of this ammunition from? Just a question before we listen. Today is not the day to deep dive in order to try to figure out where the war is happening and who’s profiting off of it. Today is not the day to talk about resources, all of this stuff, right? But here’s my question. Where is barbecue here getting all of his funding and his backing? I’m just asking.

Just asking a weird question. How did we trade the russian merchant of death for Brittany Griner? And then how are they getting all of these weapons and unlimited ammunition over there in Haiti? I didn’t even know that they had any factories. Just a question. Just a question for me. But I. Real system, killer system, already got comp. And that first step now done. The unelected prime Minister Ariel Henri, resigned on Monday after agreeing to a transitional government.

Henri now out after weeks of horrific violence led by barbecue, Haiti’s most notorious gang leader. He and his soldiers have launched massive, coordinated assaults around Portu Prince for nearly two weeks. Dozens of police stations, many destroyed, gang members even showing off stolen body armor. Constant assaults at the airport forced it to shut down, too. Listen, man. Listen, bro. I know it’s a lot of things going on behind the scenes.

There’s a lot of destabilization around the world, and for reasons that we probably can’t even talk about here today. But here’s my question. Well, let me back up. I’m not even going to ask a question. Let’s really summarize it by saying this. As much as we complain about what is happening here, when we look at what’s happening over there, I’d rather be here than over there. I’d rather be in Tokyo than over here, but I’d rather be here than over there.

All right, so we got to get our own house in order, and we got to get the beam out of our own eye. But it’s important for us to bring you up to date on a general idea without too much deep diving. Maybe we could deep dive in a future episode of Rome nine. I’m putting that channel together. It’s important for us to not understate how privileged and blessed we are to be here in the United States of America.

As much as I don’t like what’s happening in this country, I’m adamant about protecting it because I ain’t from Africa, and I ain’t from Haiti, and I ain’t from. Listen, I ain’t never even been to those places. I ain’t even been to Johannesburg. All right? One day I might visit. I’m pretty sure I’m never going to go to Haiti. .

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Armed gangs control Port-au-Prince Barbecue power in Haiti Concerns over Haiti's future Dominican Republic deporting undocumented Haitians Haiti current chaos Haiti leader steps down U.S. Marines protect embassy in Haiti Uncertain future of Haiti

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