Jim Willie Discussion | Israel Economy XRP Blockchain Adoption More

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Jim Willie Discussion | Israel Economy XRP Blockchain Adoption More



➡ Ron Partain uploads an interview on the Untold History Channel discussing EDTA topical chelation for neutralizing harmful substances in the human body and engaging in a deep dialogue with Dr. Jim Willie regarding various current topics, notably a shift in popular support for Israel that triggers broad-ranging discussions covering their personal lives, experiences, and viewpoints.
➡ The speaker reflects on his childhood experiences with diversity, Jewish traditions, and acceptance, then shifts to a discussion on the current issues in Israel. He suggests a conspiracy theory that Israel, United States intelligence (Langley), and the Rockefeller family may have supported the radical group Hamas, along with the Ukraine and Afghanistan incidents, to profit from rising oil prices and disrupt BRIC love fest.
➡ The speaker discusses various experiences and observations, such as spending time with a friend who worked at a software company in Boston, thoughts on academic standards at Auburn, the role of referees in influencing a football game’s outcome, and their sports betting experiences in college. They also discuss the performance of various football teams and frustrations with upper management decisions in sports team structure.
➡ The text is a casual conversation about various topics including football, sports betting, specific players, and personal encounters with them. It also hints at possible corruption in professional sports associated with big money. The speakers also discuss their ages, how time seems to move faster as they age, and conclude their chat promising to meet up again before Thanksgiving.
➡ The text discusses insights and perspectives about Zionism, the Pike Mazzini letter, and geopolitics, specifically focusing on weapons and their origin. The speakers discuss their potential threats due to discussing such sensitive topics, the potential reasons behind the World Wars, and the societal repercussions of labeling criticism as anti-Semitic. They also debate about influential figures in politics and banking sector.
➡ The text discusses a complex disagreement regarding ancestry and the term Semite. It then moves to the concept of BRICS and “de-dollarization”, focusing specifically on the usage of treasury bonds. In addition, it mentions the ongoing usage of XRP (ripple) cryptocurrency for bill payments and small trades in places like Oman and Bahrain, and forecasts an uptick in European countries using XRP to settle payment for Persian Gulf’s oil or gas.
➡ This discourse primarily focuses on the potential de-dollarization of global markets by countries like Russia and Japan, reflecting their preference for alternative resources like gold and XRP, and their significant dumping of treasury bonds. It also delves into the geopolitical strategies of these nations and asserts that such actions could lead to financial instability and a disturbed global reserve, potentially causing harm to the U.S. banking system and economy.
➡ The text discusses the manipulation of economic data, claiming a lie of approximately 11% on the US economy growth as well as on inflation-adjusted GDP. It also references the discrepancies between the official CPI and the Shadow Government’s figures and how these relate to economic growth. The author suggests that the US has actually been in recession for 30 years, an assertion supported by the Chapwood CPI. References to the current socio-political climate, including the pandemic and ignorance towards it, and the issue of food stamps and its potential impact on social unrest, are also touched upon. The text ends by discussing voting patterns and influence, and introduces the idea of Robert Kennedy potentially taking votes away from both party lines due to being dubbed anti-cabal, anti-uni party.
➡ The speaker discusses the political landscape, specifically referencing figures like Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy, and the potential for a split in anti-establishment votes. The conversation then shifts to the state of the banking industry, highlighting the impact of unrealized bond portfolio losses and expanding leverage amongst large banks. The speaker suggests a potential impending bank failure and raises concerns about the approach to combating inflation. Speculation around Trump’s motives for increasing the money supply, including a potential bid to weaken the Federal Reserve, is also put forward.
➡ A suggestion is made that a significant amount of gold, amounting possibly to trillions of dollars, lies undisclosed in foreign locations like Indonesia and the Philippines, potentially to be used in debt reduction. Discussions revolve around shifts in financial systems, where the global elite is seen to be unsettled by the potential of gold coming to the forefront as a monetary system, replacing a debt-based foundation. The risk of U.S. banking suffering extreme losses and facing global abandonment is also brought up, along with the possibility of a decline in the U.S. stock market induced by the Swiss National Bank and their changes in investments. Lastly, the topic of cryptocurrency is touched on, with the inference that BlackRock and JPMorgan may be holding on to a large amount of Bitcoin and XRP, potentially leading the cryptocurrencies’ market surge.
➡ The discussion centers around the potential for a sustained rally in XRP, the functions of cryptocurrencies based on their market cap, and the issue of trying to control unpredictable variables like cryptocurrencies. It also includes some personal anecdotes and considerations about geopolitics, especially about the threat of sleeper cells, deficit spending, and the state of the US economy. It ends on updates related to the speaker’s personal activities and web content.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including people’s concerns about their savings, the movement of money from Wall Street banks, their disapproval of Citi bank and New York, admiration for Aaron Rodgers and criticism of ESPN’s treatment of Zach Wilson. They discuss commercials by Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift promoting Pfizer vaccine, and experiences at Ohio State football games. They also bring up concerns regarding an upcoming game against Penn State and critique rating of Lamar Jackson as a quarterback. Lastly, they discuss the concept of college football players issuing stock on their first three years of professional career, and variations in different university academic standards affecting their college football teams.


Hello and welcome, everybody, to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain, and today is the 20 October. I’m going to be uploading the interview that I did with Dr. Jim Willie here shortly. I just want to make you guys aware of a couple of quick things. Number one, I haven’t taken on a sponsor, but I’ve been told by a lot of people that I need to make everybody aware of kind of what I do during my day job I’m involved in.

Basically what I do is I do EDTA topical chelation a lot of you guys may or may not be aware of the EDTA has been shown. It’s been found in one of the patents by Karen Kingston to neutralize the hydrogel, which is the nasty stuff that’s in the vaccine. So anyway, I’m just going to play a real quick 32nd video about my product, and then we’re going to jump right into the video with Dr.

Jim Willy. And there’s going to be links in the description for how you can support the channel if you so choose. So with that, enjoy your evening. Lead is poisonous. It’s in our air, food, water, and everyone’s affected. Unfortunately, humans don’t have an adequate mechanism to remove lead. Calcium di, sodium EDTA chelation is the most effective process to remove lead in humans. Normally, it’s considered expensive, time consuming, and inconvenient.

Topical EDTA chelation cream is a non evasive, effective, and affordable way to remove lead. And it’s safe for all ages. Learn more today, live a better life tomorrow. And welcome back to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain. Today is the 20 October 2023, and I am joined by one of my most favorite guests of all time, mr. Or. Excuse me, doctor, doctor, heavy on the doctor.

Doctor, doctor, tell me the news. I got a bad case just to stave off the detractors, so make the statement ahead of time. Jim and I like to engage in discussion. This is not an interview. This is a discussion between two old friends. And we like to bounce things off of people. So we like to bounce things off of each other. So you guys just happen to be the beneficiary of a discussion between two people who are talking about events.

And so you’re going to hear me insert things, and you’re going to hear Jim insert things. It’s not going to be all Jim. I do not like to carry 90% of the load. I do not like it, okay? Just FYI. So if you’re here to hear Jim give 100% of the dialogue, you’re in the wrong spot. So that said, Jim, here we go. Let’s do it, man. How’s it going? What do you want to start with today? I want to start with something that I called the ugly Cat getting out of the Bag for the first Time.

I’m sorry, I got to say this. This is about the first time in my adult life, I have seen widespread criticism of Israel, of their leadership, and even of their military without people like a knee jerk being accused of being anti Semitic, which I believe is a very overused argument and weapon. I’m going to share this screen here, Jimbo, because I think that goes to what you’re talking about.

Can you see the screen there that I shared? Yeah. This is from an October twelveTH 13th poll where the 65 and year old 81% are saying, yes, they support Israel. Basically, car blanche. The younger the generations or the younger the people, the less likely they are to support Israel. And I think that is bearing its well. Support Israel in its military response to Hamas. And what’s not in there, Ron, is for that 27%.

What is it that prevents them from believing that it’s justified? And for me, I’m going to tell what I’ve been reading, the videos I’ve been seeing from the Israeli Defense Force, the IDF, former members, current members, leaked testimony that’s getting on the social networks, certain articles that are from respected websites that I’ve been following for quite a long time, many years. And that is that the Israeli military and the top political leadership called for an active stand down to let this happen.

And it is all over the place. This is an ugly cat out of the bag. It is no longer a situation where, hey, wait a minute, you’re criticizing Israel. You’re anti Semitic, you’re a bad guy, you’re anti Semitic, you’re a racist, you’re anti Semitic. Okay? I am so tired of been I’ve been dealing with that pretty much my entire adult life. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

It was called Squirrel Hill, and it had an attack five years ago at the Tree of Life Synagogue and center. It was a community center. And this is going to be very weird for people to hear, but I was a member of their Ynmha. I swam there. It’s like the Hebrew version of YMCA. I was a swimmer there. I did weightlifting there. I had my buddy Jeff Jeff W.

We got together, had a meal afterwards. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, and I marveled by the time I was in high school and college that, wait a minute, why can’t you call like, a Jewish guy an asshole? If he’s an asshole, call him an asshole. And on the other side of Hutchison and what’s another good dodworth? I’m going to share this with you. Is there an asshole? You’re not like anti Christian.

You’re identifying an asshole. Okay? I’m so tired of this. And now we’re getting there it is. Right in the center. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And I used to go to the homewood cemetery to catch in a wagon when I was a boy. I’d go into homewood cemetery and come back know, maybe it was a pre sage that I was going to go to Ohio state University, but I didn’t think of it at that time.

And Shenley Park, that’s where Carnegie Mellon is, right on the edge on the northern side. Shenley park, it’s a very big part. Has a golf course on the upper end where you see the network with the X’s. Carnegie Mellon, right. Okay. So that’s where I went to graduate school. And that’s not a Jewish institution. Not at all. It has a regular representation in the various departments. In my department for statistics, I think we had three Jewish guys.

There was one woman and about ten men, and three of them were Jewish. It wasn’t overwhelmingly Jewish at all. Now, you got to go to Syracuse if you want that. Or Boston University. Okay. Anyway, look, where was the synagogue that was attacked? In Squirrel Hill. Okay. In Squirrel Hill. South. Really? I’m not going to go hunting for don’t worry about it. Yeah, not going to go hunting for wilkins was where I used to throw snowballs at the car.

Did I bring oh, some wonderful memories, because I was have I know we’re getting off track, but we’re just having fun. We’re two guys. We used to have a contest, and it was me, and it was Teddy, who was not Jewish, and then it was Johnny H, and he was Jewish and Abramovic, and he was Jewish and Hutch, and he was not you know, I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, and we hung out.

We had softball. We played baseball, we played football. We threw snowballs at cars. And here was the contest, and I did it all the time. There’s a bus coming. A bus coming. That’s a big target. You lead it, and you hit it in advance. You broadside it, and then you quickly we got three snowballs ready, by the way. And then you hit in the distance from the back end.

You hit it three times, you get a gold star. I did it all the time. It was a lot of fun. It was about a 25 yard toss. This is before you had cell phones, 30 years before cell phone. You had to make your own fun and games, because snow battles were a lot of fun, and we did other things. We used to make a toboggan off my dad’s garage roof.

So you have to pack the snow about seven or 8ft high, and then you make a curve. So you climb a ladder. You get onto the top of the roof, a garage roof, not real high, like 15ft, and you just slide your little butt down and do the curl, and it’s just a lot of fun. You do roller coasters and somersault and then you catch someone unaware. You wash his face out with snow, and you run like hell.

This is what you do. I got to tell you something. There was a guy, Johnny H, and he had a younger sister, and I was a bad boy. I used to grab her. I used to grab her, and she was a Jewish girl. You grab her by the pee? I grabbed her by her front units. Yeah, grabbed her by the pee. I grabbed her. I grabbed her, and I ran.

And her father sat me down. It was funny. And he said, Come on, Jimmy. You can’t do that. You can’t do that. Not in this, okay? So I grabbed the units on a Jewish girl, and I had a crush on a different Jewish girl, and she had no time for me. That’s okay. She went after Jeff R, who was not a Jewish guy. Okay? We were a very mixed, and I grew up with no prejudices at all.

I didn’t care where you came from. If you were an asshole, I called you an asshole. If you’re a good guy, I called you a good guy. I went over on Friday evenings, though, and made a pest of myself and said, hey, where’s the on? You know, jim, you say something there that’s very interesting, because I think I truly believe that in our day and age, that times haven’t really changed.

The only thing that creates racism or prejudices is society’s desire to provoke that in people. But when you’ve got kids that are growing up with each other, they don’t see. They don’t see it. They don’t he’s just a guy. He’s just a guy, people. And he’s good at softball, so I want him on my team. Exactly. That’s how it works, and that’s how it works today. But, Ron, at the top of Squirrel Hill, where it was not like in my neighborhood, it was about 25, 30% Jewish.

But on the top of Squirrel Hill, it was, like, 60, 80% Jewish. And there was racism, and there was mockery of the Hasids, who had the curly sideburns, and they wore a prayer shawl on Saturday night heading to temple, and I saw that I was on my bike when I’m riding around, I go, look at that. It looks kind of funny, but, hey, he is what he is.

Whatever. And I move on, and I don’t make fun. It is what it is. My gosh, how many weird things are in the Catholic Church? Come on. Exactly. Okay. All right. Enough of the preliminaries. The cat is out of the bag. There is now widespread criticism. There is widespread actual reports coming from inside the Israeli military that a group guarding the border was forcibly removed. And when they asked what the hell’s going on, they said, Follow the orders.

Your orders are to vacate. This is getting there’s much more to this. In the last two days alone, I’ve read a couple of different articles about Netanyahu Benjamin. His nickname is Bibi. Okay. Netanyahu Bibi is on record in the early 1990s for creating Hamas. They created Hamas. When I saw the article, I thought, wow, I got to read on. What are the details? And here’s what it was.

They figured that the Palestinians needed an insider influence, but on a radical side, so that if there were the moderates and the radicals, that the Israeli government could control the entire group by having control the Hamas radicals because they would be louder with their voices in a nut. That’s what it is. And there’s more. Langley is well known to have supplied Hamas in Syria, where we got our butts handed to us, where on display was the Russian S defensive missiles.

Okay? It is widely known that Iran Persia supplies Hezbollah and Israel and Langley supply Hamas. Okay? These are harsh realities that people had better get up to speed with right here. It’s all over the press in the last 20 years, all over this, right here. For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blowing up in our faces. The premier is treating the terror group as a partner at the expense of a boss in the Palestinian state.

Okay, now look at that name. Schneider. Yeah, that probably is a Jewish woman talking about the dissension and revealing things within the Israeli government. Okay, I don’t know how deep I want to get into this, but I want to mention that, gosh, there are so many sides to this that I took notes and I got ten points, but I don’t know if I want to touch them all with depth.

But let it be said that about eight or ten months ago, the Israeli government and the military donated a lot of weapons to Ukraine. And there was a lot of questions like, what’s that all about? What about your own defenses? Oh, don’t worry, we’re well supplied. And I believe that Hamas got the weapons from Ukraine. Some. This was not an all around assault, national level on 1000 miles front.

This was an isolated attack on, like, a 30 miles border. And there was an IDF woman. She said, Look, I retired quite a few years ago, but I can tell you for a fact that not a grain of rice crosses the border without the Israeli Defense Fund knowing about it. There’s no such thing as their guard being down without their guard being told to get down. All right, so the black, ugly cat is out of the bag, and I did not do it.

No. I’m sorry to be sharing so many screens today, but I think it’s important because this just confirms what you’re talking about. Pentagon stands us. Arms stored in Israel to Ukraine. This is from the Times. And we don’t have information that Hamas got the weapons from Ukraine. That is my belief, and I think in time, that information will come out. That is my belief. Let’s call it a postulate.

I’m awaiting confirmation to see if it sticks on the wall, as I like to say. And also, they’re $80 billion worth of war material in Afghanistan. Do you think some of it found its way to Hamas? Thousand percent. Okay. By the way, guys, all the links that I’ve been doing this, I’m actually going to put these in the show notes so that you guys can see them for yourself.

So just I believe this was an inside job. Agreed. In order to justify an attack on Gaza. Agreed. The rabbis in Israel are now on record as saying extermination would be a good thing of the Arabs, including their children. The Israeli military is on record as having said, genocide will not be a military tribunal issue. We are setting up a genocide. And I stand back. I don’t get involved in the emotional side.

I really don’t have a dog in this fight. I just have a lot of friends. And I never even mentioned much about my college times in Ohio. I only had one or two Jewish friends. One of them turned out to be my favorite roommate. Out of about four guys in graduate school, I had a rival who was Jewish. I had a friend and buddy who was Jewish. I had two professors who were Jewish out of about eight.

Big deal. That’s a mix. Who cares? I don’t have a dog in this fight. Regarding Israel, it’s not like I can say, well, my uncle died over there. He was ambushed and killed. No, I don’t have any dog in this fight. There’s nothing. So what I do, Ron, is I step back and say, let’s take a look at the economic, financial, and let’s just say geopolitical angles that have a monetary side to them.

Well, the oil price is going up. Saudi is threatening an embargo again, after 1973, by the way, I was 21 years old then, just graduated from college. That was a year early, and it interfered with a number of things I was doing. Okay, so the Saudis are threatening an embargo for any nation that supports Israel on what they call the genocide. They’re calling it genocide. I’m reporting what they’re calling it, but cat is out of the bag.

Now, who would benefit from a rising oil price? Well, the Arabs would, but I don’t know that the Arabs had a great deal of funding or support for Hamas. I think it was a Langley and Rockefeller job. Rockefellers are looking to liquidate a large body of petrodollar derivatives, which can become profitable if the oil price goes up some more. And even without derivatives, Ron, the Rockefeller complex benefits from a higher oil price across the board.

Petrochemicals oil, gas, whatever, diesel. And, you know, the Rockefellers are also blowing up some of their own installations for diesel production with help from Langley. This is a grand sabotage event. All right, so oil is just one thing. Now move on. There’s another angle to this having to do with finance, and that is the BRICS. The BRICS were having a love fest and there was no outside interference, there was no exogenous factor.

So persia. I like to call Persia more than Iran. They like Persia. They are Persia. Persia and Saudi were making nice. MBS was very instrumental in that. Who was MBS? Mohammed bin Salman. Oh, Mohammed bin Salman. Yeah. And then the Persians were reopening their embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. And now Saudi is talking about an embargo because of the genocide of the Arabs, and Persia is being accused of funding Hamas.

And it’s just my belief. I don’t think they were funding Hamas. I agree. There are a lot of people, including a couple of my own colleagues, who said, Jim, they must have I said, well, why do you not think it’s Langley funding it? Well, I hadn’t thought about that. All right, well, then start thinking about that. I actually am of a different opinion. I think differently from a lot of people, and I don’t mean this in an arrogant way, but a lot of my unusual forecasts are shown to be correct in the following months.

Well, Jim, so much I believe Hamas got their weapons without money changing hands. I agree. I think they got their own. They got Ukrainian weapons that were from Know. If Israel made the weapons available to Hamas, they might have gotten caught. But if they send it by way of Ukraine, it’s harder to catch. So they took a long road and did a U turn to come back to Hamas.

That’s what waiting. I’m just waiting for the Made in Israel rockets. Can I interject something in there? People need to stop thinking about this from the terms of Israel and Israeli and start thinking about this in terms of Zionists. It’s not Israel as much as it is Zionists. And you don’t necessarily need to be Israeli to be a Zionist. And you go back and you look at the Pike Mazzini letter.

I mean, this is the Pike Mazzini letter coming to fruition right in front of our very eyes. That’s one of my points, in fact, that’s number nine actually have the Pike Mazini letter up right now, ready to go. I mean, ready to can I make a request that sure. This is hard to describe, Ron, but part of the death threats that I’ve received are over discussions of Zionism.

And I’m telling you very clearly that if that theme is something you run with, you’ll be putting a target on your back and the neck. Okay. I’m telling you, let others do it. I don’t wish to do it. I’d rather talk about Albert Pike without the z. Okay. There is a movement. There is what do you call it? Like a century initiative, a one century long initiative. And he came out before about 1910.

I don’t know the exact date, but he talked about three world wars. I think the Pike Mazini letter was back in the early it was, like, in the 1870s. Wow. Okay. I thought it was about 19 519. Ten no, it was 1871. The Pike Mazzini letter was August 15, 1871. Wow. Okay. Well, that’s good to know because I don’t like to embarrass myself needlessly. He talked about three world wars, and the first one, I don’t have all the facts, but it was basically remove the monarchies and get things aligned.

I World War I. And I don’t mean to cut you off, Jim, I really but World War I was essentially about you can narrow everything down to World War I, to getting to basically establishing the presence of Palestine for the Zionists. That’s what it was designed to do. World War I was specifically designed to begin the process of making that little sliver of land in the eastern Mediterranean for the people of Israeli nation state.

Israeli nation. That was I get it now, my understanding remember, I leave that Z element out and I look for other very relevant factors. And I believe another there’s not just one motive for World War I. It was to limit the Turkish Muslim influence that had begun to seep into the Austro Hungarian Empire. Okay, Hungary was starting to look a bit Muslim, and they’ve got a lot of Muslim what do you call them? Spires church mosques in Budapest.

And the Islamics call it our wonderful Buddha. That Budapest that got cut off. And World War II, I believe, was to isolate Russia and make sure that it never joined up with Germany, making damn sure that a lot of killing took place between Russian and German. And now that still exists. But let’s get to where it’s really relevant. Now, the pike argument is to get a war going against Islam, and your Z side is the other side in opposition to Islam.

And the purpose, according to pike, is to draw support from all the different nations in the west. Draw support and exhaust their resources, exhaust their spirit, exhaust their nation, so that after the Third World War, there’s really no energy left except for that special elite. I call them the Uber Lords. That’s my little nickname for them. And you can put your label on it if you wish, but I have my little slang name of the Uber Lords that keeps me safe and keeps them off my back, because I had two death threats in 2006, and they shook me up.

They shook me up. I was not an old guy at that time. Right now I’m on the edge of being an old man. But back then, it was 2006. I was 54 years old and still quite vibrant and very active, and I was running two or three times a week, a couple miles, 3 miles, and cycling and occasionally swimming a mile. I was very active, and I was not a scaredy cat type.

And it shook me up. I was trembling the entire day when I was in Munich for that death threat, and it was directly related to the group that I do not want to talk from. The last letter of the alphabet. I sometimes go so far as to call it that country on the southeast corner of the Mediterranean, because I don’t even want to mention that name either. I know, and I use misspellings for the religion, the three letter word beginning with the J.

I don’t use those names. The Z, the Izzy, and the J. I don’t use them. I don’t want anybody on my back. And I’ve got to tell you a quick one. I got accused by James Kunsler of being anti Semitic back in 2016. And we went at it. I said, what the fuck are you talking about? Who do you think you are? I grew up with Jews. I went to school with Jews.

My first sweetheart was a Jew. Who the hell are you to tell me that my criticism of bankers is anti Semitic? If you haven’t gathered in all your years of wise travels that a lot of Wall Street bankers are Jewish, then you’re an idiot. And I got into it with them, and after about two weeks, he backed off and said, jim, I’m going to have to retract what I said.

I think you’re right. I think you’re level headed. I think you’re fair minded. You call spade a spade. And there are a number of bankers who are of that persuasion and religion, and that’s just the way it is. I said, look, they might not go to synagogues, James. You can’t even prove that they practice in a temple. You can’t tell me that their kids go to temple. You can’t tell me anything.

I doubt their kids even speak Hebrew. They’re Z Boys. Jim, are you familiar with Shulamit alone? I couldn’t even begin to understand what you just said. All right, again, I’m going to share my what is that? Is that a person, a place or a thing? She’s a former member of the Knesset and she appeared on Democracy Now in the early 1990s. And I’m going to share this because this is important to hear, because this will give a lot of context to what you just talked about.

Take a quick listen to this. This is really important. Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew? Well, it’s a trick. We always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then there are anti Semitic.

And the organization is strong and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong. And they are strong in this country, as you know. They have power, which it’s okay. They are talented people, and they have power, money and media and other things. And their attitude is, Israel my country, right or wrong, the identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism and it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as Antisemitics and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that justify everything we do to the Palestinians.

Often when there is basically what she was saying, there is a trick. It’s a trick that they use. It’s a deceptive, deceitful trick and defense. I don’t like it. I’ve been on the receiving end of it only a couple of times in my life, and I don’t back down. And I got to tell you, with James Kunzler, I didn’t even know he was Jewish. I told him I loved his work.

I especially like the name of the cluster, F-U-C-K cluster, F nation. And that argument lasted over ten days. Here we go, here we go again day four. Here we go again, day five. I said, Look, James not going to handle this, not going to let it go. You’re out of line. You know it, I know it, and we know what some of these bankers are, and I don’t believe they go to that’s the Z definition, okay? I have been saying for quite a long time, and I lost that Jeff W friend that I did weightlifting with, because he said, Jim, give me a free.

Said, sure, but kind of heavy stuff, Jeff. And he said that’s okay. I’ll read a little bit here and there. He read a special report that I wrote in 2008 about the Kazarians. And he said, Jim, you’re criticizing Rothschild and all these people. You’re anti Semitic. It’s the same shit. I said no. Jeff, you don’t understand. The Kazarians are not Jewish. They’re not practicing Jews. They don’t go to the Temple.

They’re Satanists who decided to hide in the synagogue and to fool people like you. That’s right. And he said, Jim, you’re an asshole. I don’t want to deal with you anymore. I thought you were my friend. You’re just another I couldn’t I couldn’t shake that with him. I tried for two or three days, and he’s a big, strong fellow, weightlifter, and he’s got some weird sides to him.

He was a nice friend for a couple of years. Anyway, I’m asking you this question not because I’m trying to put you on the spot. I’m curious if you know, do you know really what the physical definition is of how you are a Semite? What qualifies you to be a Semite? Do you know what that is derived from? I am learning more and more, but it’s very simple, something that I just don’t like getting into.

Well, I mean, it’s not that big of a deal, because what it is, is to me, it is well, Noah had three sons. Shem hem and okay. Okay. Shem is the line of Abraham, and through Abraham, through Hagar, you’ve got the Arabs, and through Isaac is where the Jews came. So in order to be a Semite, you have. To be descended from Shem? Well, the Khazarians, and ironically, I’m going to be actually having Mike Harris, who’s the one who came up with the term Kazarian mafia, he’s going to be on my channel next week.

He’s the one who invented the term Khazarian mafia. The Khazarians are descended from Japheth, therefore they cannot be Semitic people because they are not descended from Shem. And they settled in Eastern Europe. And they settled in Eastern Europe and they’re a Caucasian people. Well, that’s wonderful. I hope other people can debate that and make the distinctions and run with it because that’s something I’m not interested in because I step back.

Okay? And again, I know you talked about this. You don’t want to make this Israeli dominant, and I respect that. So let’s go to the bricks. Yeah, let’s go to the bricks and talk about some XRP and some other stuff because I know there’s a lot of things that are coming down the pike. BRICS. Let’s just call it the BRICS union Love fest. And the recruiting parties like Argentina and Indonesia and Mexico, the recruiting parties, they’re on hold because we’ve now got a very big distraction in the other rooms and they’re so loud and they’re so ugly that they’re attracting a lot of attention.

But I use the word irony and paradox more lately than I ever have. But there’s a very unusual fact of life with respect to the BRICS right now. Let’s just call it the consequences of the Gaza Israeli incident. The BRICS, if they had a meeting plan next week or next month, they’ll probably delay it. If they had individual one on one recruiting meetings, they’d probably delay it. If they had initiatives that they were going to try to push forward, they probably delay them.

And what is not being delayed is the de dollarization, okay? So you can distract all you want, but they’re still de dollarizing. By that I mean, on the reserve side they’re selling treasury bonds and on the trade side they’re finding alternatives to using the treasury bill. The treasuries at all. Some people are a little confused on what Treasuries are, and I’m a little surprised in the last few months.

But let me just give a quick footnote item. US. Government runs a lot of deficits. We need to pay for the deficits because it involves spending more money than we have. So we borrow money and we do it by putting the deficit in a secure bond. It’s called a security. It’s called securitizing the deficit. So we securitize the debt, we issue a bond and we sell the bond and we get bids in an auction bond.

Investors buy the bond in order to finance our deficit for the US government debt. That’s in a nutshell. Now, if it’s a short maturity, like under five years, we call it a bill. If it’s ten or 30 years, we tend to call it a bond. But technically the ten year is a note and I don’t care. I call it a bond because Greenspan basically said, we’re going to roll everything from the 30 year to the ten because it’ll be easy to manage.

So he declared the ten year as a bond. We still have a 30 year. You can’t tell everybody from 22 years ago, sorry, you’re going to have to redeem and say, well, screw you, I’ve got a 30 year bond, get out of my way. So they’re going to hold the maturity. There’s still some around, but there’s no new issuance of 30 year bonds. But there was an issuance in Austria of 100 year bond and it lost 60% for the morons who were stupid enough to buy it with their heads up their asses.

I laughed when I saw that. I laughed. I said, who’s stupid enough to buy oh my gosh, it had buyers. Unbelievable. They’re going to regret that in three or four years. Yes, 60% down. So we’re seeing the trade payment practices continuing on the non treasury road and we’re seeing dumping of the Treasuries in their reserves. That’s the two sides, the savings account for countries that had a surplus.

What do they do with it? Well, they load them into treasury bonds. That’s what they’ve been doing for 50 years, includes the Arabs. And now they’re starting to change and that’s going to be a very big change to the weather vein where the wind is shifting on geopolitical, what do you call it? Trade winds. Okay, so on the trade side, we’re getting more and more non dollar trade to the point now where it’s under 50%.

In the last two years it has gone down over 10%, whereas in the previous ten years I don’t think it went down more than a percent and a half or two. Wow. So we got a very big drop in treasury bond, treasury bill, treasury usage for trade settlement. Okay, I’m just going to go straight to a Gangbuster forecast with a preliminary story. I did a consult call in June or so.

It was a guy in Oman and he was perfect bilingual. He said, Jim, I speak Arabic every day, but most days I speak some English. I do business, I’ve got contractors, I got friends in Europe. And he said, Jim, I want you to know something. UAE has been leading the charge. Are you aware that they spent like $250,000,000 on crypto development for structure and smart contracts and all kinds of different things? I said, I am, but not with a lot of details.

I couldn’t tell you what exactly their projects were, only that they had a lot of projects and they spent 250,000,000, and that’s the most in the entire Persian Gulf. He said yes, Oman and Bahrain. He pronounced it Bahrain. Bahrain, oman and Bahrain. They’re using XRP and so is UAE. And I said, Tell me, tell me, what are they using it for? And I’ve mentioned this in other shows.

I think in the past, I’ve mentioned it in your show. It’s for utility bills, electric bills, cell phone bills, light bills, water bills. Water bill is a big issue in the Persian Gulf, not so much in the United States. Oh, I got a water bill. It’s only $8. Well in the Persian Gulf. I got a water, Bill. It’s 120. Okay? Little bit different in the desert. And he said it’s being used in some business functions.

And I said, Let me guess, something like a construction project and the contract for cement might be with a particular company, and they get like, a $3,500 monthly cement bill. He said things like that. Yes, small bills within the commerce sector, and it’s not for utilities, not for electricity and water, et cetera, and phone. And here’s my forecast. We’ve already seen France with respect to the United Arab Emirates and liquefied natural gas.

So let’s throw in the acronyms. France has bought UAE, LNG, and they’re paying for it in yuan, Chinese yuan. That is breaking ground. European nation, Persian Gulf supplier, Asian currency, three part to that little picture. My forecast is that eventually France will announce that they’re going to be paying a portion of some oil or gas or LNG from the Persian Gulf, and the contract will stipulate not for the entire thing, but the contract might say something like 20% would be paid in XRP, and that will break the ground.

And then you’ll hear Italy doing the same thing, netherlands doing the same thing. The countries that don’t have any oil and gas discovery in production, russia had let it be known that where Swift is blocked, an alternative will be actively used in XRP. And I have a different view of Russia doing that. I’ve mentioned this before, I’m repeating myself, but Russia sees XRP as a backdoor investment toward gold to drive up the gold price and put a hot poker up the Anglo American bankers’asses to lift the gold price and harm the dollar.

All right, so that’s my Persian Gulf spiel, and let’s just watch to see if the well, when the west does it, it’s called sanctions. When the Arabs do it, they call it an. True. You know, it is what it is. Let’s see if the embargo train gets any traction. We’ve already got France making it illegal. It is now a criminal violation to have a protest in favor of Palestine and to wave that flag.

France made it a criminal violation. Really? Yeah. So I think France is going to be in trouble in ways we don’t quite anticipate. They might be the first nation to be embargoed, is what I’m driving at. France is always different. And for those who don’t know, sarkazie was a president for, I don’t know, a dozen years, something like that. And he was right out of CIA. I did not know that, but did not know that.

But that doesn’t surprise me. Yeah, macron is different. Macron is a sex party toy. Sex party favor who, let’s just say, pleased his men master clients so much that they said, we’re going to make you President of France, you little sweetie. Okay? And for those who don’t know, his wife Bernadine, or Bernadette, I can’t remember, was like twice as age or something like that. His wife is a man.

No, I had not heard that. She is the man handler for the sex party toy. That would not surprise me at all. Well, take a look at the United States between 2008 and 2016. We broke ground in that. And with the racial barrier, by the way, I just got my hands on a 1990 photograph of Barack and Michael where Michael was sporting a mustache. Shock. Okay, it just brings up a story.

In 8th grade, I got the 8th grade Latin award. I also got the 8th grade math award. I got the freshman, sophomore, junior high school math awards out of 400 kids. But in 8th grade, I got the Latin award, and I had a crush on Sister Cecilia. She was very cute. She was nice to me. I got the award. I was the best student in Latin. I loved it.

I really did. I loved it. I thought, this is great for building a vocabulary. But my joke is that I loved Sister Cecilia even though she had a mustache, but she was not like Big Mike. Big Mike had a mustache from basic testosterone. Okay, back to the bricks. They’ve been sidetracked. But their agenda and here’s another zinger, their agenda of de dollarizing is not off the path. It is still going with great momentum.

And there’s a little country that’s a very important country and a powerful export trade country called Japan. They’ve made no overtures whatsoever to joining the BRICS. They’ve made no like, come on over and let’s talk. Bring your Persian representative. And the Chinese and Persians and Japanese will get together and talk shop. There’s been nothing. But the Japanese are doing precisely the BRICS de dollarization. They’re the biggest dumper of treasury bonds on the planet.

They were bigger than China recently. In 2022, they had a 23% decline in their yen currency. That’s a consequence of selling treasury bond, because the foundation of a foreign forex currency is the treasury bond. That’s a little hard to wrap your head around, but you need to watch the Japan example. It has been now like a case study for the Jackass crew. And one of my colleagues pointed it out, and he said, Jim, check this out.

You’ll find it amazing. The basis of the British pound is the treasury bond. If Britain dumps Treasuries, they’re going to see a decline in the British pound. The basis of the euro is the treasury bond. If central banks across Europe dump the treasury bond, the Euro is going to go down. And Japan just showed it. The yen went down 23% so badly, Ron, that it caused tremendous amount of dumping of Japanese government bonds by foreign investors who took the currency hit.

So Japan had to buy their own treasury bonds that are called Japanese government bond JGBs. The Japanese then decided we can’t do this without printing money. So they monetized the purchase of foreign dumped Japanese government bond JGB. They printed money, they monetized it and they did further damage to their yen currency. It’s still going down. And I could get into a number of different things, but I don’t want to confuse the matter.

Japanese sold treasury bonds. Their yen went down. Not up, down. The dollar did not go down. The dollar went up because the yen went down. When foreigners sell the treasury bonds, the dollar will go up. And that’s what it’s doing. It broke 106, I said a month and a half ago. Watch 105. They’re going to break it, it’s going to go above it. And that means the euro is going down because it got a 52% weight on the dollar index, the USDX.

So the euro is going down and the yen went down. Which means the Japanese can sell Toyotas to the United States for whatever they want for cheaper, but they don’t want Treasuries. Okay, this is going to get very weird, very ugly, very fast. The BRICS are going to eventually entertain Japan as maybe an unwilling member because they’re doing exactly the bricks dance of de dollarizing. They’re also buying gold.

They’re selling treasury buying gold and they are figuring that the gold purchase will strengthen their yen, which has gone down. So they’re amplifying the gold purchases to defend against the yen decline. And the American press is saying they’re buying gold to defend their currency. Well, they’re buying gold to get off the treasury and dollar standard for reserve. And so China, we’re getting false financial reporting that Japan and China are defending their currency by buying gold.

No, they’re dumping the Treasuries and the dollar as the global reserve. They’re getting rid of the 70 year dollar standard, the global dollar standard. They’re getting rid of it. They’re buying gold in their banking system. They’re going to get a stable banking system. They’re going to get good growth when they’re well along in the transition. And the Japanese are showing something, Ron, that is really quite remarkable. If you guys do that Operation Sandman, you’re going to be committing suicide in your own countries.

Interesting. So they’re not going to do it’s not going to be a two day event for 2 trillion. It’s going to be a two year event for 2 trillion. We’re going to see the dollar in trouble from rising. We’re going to see the treasury bond in trouble from no buyers and it’s going to go on for two years. And Ron, it’s going to kill the US banks. We’re going to get a recognized treasury bond default.

They’re going to have to continue to raise interest rates to avoid auction failures. It’s not to defend against price inflation because when they raise interest rates they’re getting in the way. They are hindering the expansion of the supply chain business sector. They’re going to make the shortages worse. We’re being lied to about everything on policy. Foreigners are not buying gold because they got a weak currency just on policy shit.

They’ve been lying to owners about everything. About everything. I know I use that as a phrase. I know I’m being a smart ass but at the same time I’m not. Okay, when I started the newsletter there were three things Ron in 2004. Let’s look at price inflation and how they lie. What is the real price inflation looking at the jobless rate unemployment and it’s not low, they’re lying.

It’s much higher. And the GDP global what do you call it gross Domestic product GDP, when I was growing up it was the gross National Product. But they wanted to get out the import export side so that it was a domestic only. What is the growth of our economy alone putting the imports and exports out of the picture. And we lied about that too. So what I did for the first oh, I don’t know, three or four years, I relied heavily on subscription to John Williams Shadow Government Statistics.

And it was the pre Clinton CPI and then it was the pre 2000 CPI. It was like the pre clinton CPI the Clinton CPI and the post clinton CPI. And that’s all Robert Rubin robert Rubin’s hand is in there. So what Williams did at Shadow Government’s stats he showed what the CPI was using the old formula and he had all the data so he could crunch it all and show you what the CPI was.

And back then it was a good three or three and a half 4% differential. And now it’s like I don’t know eleven so I had a point that I made at the Canadian Conferences. Whatever the lie is for the price inflation, that’s the lie the same lie on the other side for the inflation adjusted GDP economic growth. So we’re lying by 11%. This is hard to swallow. We’re lying by 11% on the US.

Economy growth our recession is something on the order of -10% wow okay this is not rocket science ron what are we lying by remember two years ago we had shadow Government said we got about 17% price inflation pause that for a quick second pause that for a quick second. Sorry I have an appointment from my cat at the vet tomorrow. So she was just calling to confirm one of the easiest deceptions to prove is the price inflation and the exaggerated economic growth.

You take a look at the official CPI, you look at its jagged line and back then it was like two and a half three three and a half percent. Then you look at the John Williams shadow Government and it was like seven and a half, eight. It was eight plus or minus seven and a half. Eight, eight and a half. And the differential was about four or percent five.

And I said, that is the lie on economic growth. And back then we had like 2% growth. Well, if you subtract four and 5% off two and two and a half, you’ve got 2%, give or take. Recession every year. We’ve been in a recession, I believe, for 30 years. I agree. Okay. We also had something called the Chapwood CPI. This came out around 2014, and it was fascinating, because what he did was he looked at ten US cities.

It was basically an urban CPI, and he had 500 items, including some things like car insurance and home and fire insurance, stuff like that. So he had 500 different categories. And he said, we have year after year, new York City and Los Angeles at 10% price inflation, year after year, like from five all the way to 2014 when he did it. And all the rest of the cities were about eight, eight and a half percent.

The worst was Los Angeles and New York City. He concluded this is him, not me. I quoted him, he said, therefore, the cumulative effect from the last several years is that we got 20% smaller economy, 20% to 22% smaller economy than what we are reporting. Wow. Now I extend that into the post fake pandemic bullshit era. And I never say pandemic. I say fake pandemic around here. I never say pandemia.

I say pandemia de ngano the fake pandemic. And they go, It was fake. I said, yeah, are you the dumbest one in the room? I’m not a very nice guy sometimes with stupid people. I’m just not. You and I are in good company then. Jim, I told three people in the last few days who are wearing a mask. That’s a really nice mask you have. Is that for ignorance, or I just I just can’t anymore.

Whenever I see somebody, it really must be tragic to just live your life in a constant state of fear. Well, you call it fear, I call it stupidity. Well, extreme ignorance. That has, as a side effect, fear. Actually, I get called down. I’ve done that about 30 times in the last three or four months. I haven’t done it today yet, but the day is young. I got called down by a woman.

She lowered her mask and said, sir, I’ll have you know that I’ve been sick, and I’m trying to protect myself because I’m not feeling really strong. And I said, okay, but be careful because you’re breathing your own bacteria. And she said, oh. And I walked away. I don’t want to debate these people. I walk away. Right. And often it’s riding away. I stopped my bicycle to ask if they’re ignorant or a slave.

I have a really good time, I got to tell you. Okay, back to the price inflation post COVID bullshit. I believe we had shadow government reporting almost a 20% price inflation and we had the what do you call bureau of Labor Statistics. They were forced to say something close to reality. So they came out with a seven or seven and a half percent. So I just say roughly ten or 11% is the big the lie.

And they were saying that we’re almost flatline for the GDP. Economic growth and I said well, -10%. Right. Okay, this is really not difficult. The harder. One and I got my way is the jobless rate. But they do something. They do something that exposes their error if you only bother to check it. Look. And to think they call it the participation rate. The participation rate is the percentage of people who are actively in the workforce well duh is that not one minus the unemployment rate golly what on earth are people thinking? No, the unemployment rate is what they’re telling us after they got all the different calculations from state unemployment applications and dropping off and all the other seasonal adjustments and then their hocus pocus and I call it the other one.

It’s the O x anus factor. Okay. The participation rate has been a little bit over 70% 75% one minus. That means you got unemployment about 25. And that is pretty darn close not exact to the shadow government statistics unemployment rate. Wow 22 25% a couple, two or three or 4% below the participation inverted one minus. I’m not using calculus here. I’m not using differential equations here. I’m not using canonical symmetric matrix breakdown here.

I’m doing simple subtraction one minus. I’m doing simple subtraction the shadow government minus the Bureau of Labor Statistics right now it’s about 8% or 10% differential for inflation. That is the lie. And by the way, they’re giving more to Social Security and I got a big bump. I’ve been receiving it now for four years and I got some advice for people. If you’re waiting another year to get a little bit increase don’t take some advice from a mathematical expert.

I did the calculation and I determined that if I wait one year, I will get that back in twelve. Don’t wait so you get a little bit less so what by waiting five months, I lost close to $10,000. Really five months wow don’t wait because when you do wait you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to their chicanery I’m sorry, James, we lost that form and we’ve been slow in informing you about that.

Can you resubmit it? Boom. Three months lost. Okay. And you think they make up for it? No, never. Okay, don’t wait. I had a consult call with a nice lady about three weeks ago and I got on her case said, don’t wait, lady, don’t wait. Shall we go through the recovery process here? Okay, so you’ll get what 18 more per month? Well, actually it’s 21 said okay, 21 times.

Twelve is $240, okay? And we worked it all out. I said, look, it’s like over ten years to recover. Don’t wait, okay? I’ve been told, by the way, that and I hear it over and over again that military disability, like, for wounded soldiers, crippled soldiers, and Social Security are the two untouchables. We might not get food stamps on the other side of the reset, and that could bring about, let’s just say, urban riots.

Okay, I have to say that that would be I don’t know, man, forgive me if I sound cold hearted, but I think that would be a wonderful thing. What I would like to see is if they’re going to give food stamps and call it Snap, make it basic, make it not graduated, which means if you have eight babies from four different men, you don’t get five times as much and drive a big SUV and rent a nice place.

Make it basic. It doesn’t matter how many kids you have because we’re getting lower class explosion of population in order to benefit from okay, this is not a racial argument. There are plenty of poor whites in Alabama and Arkansas. West Virginia. Same thing. Pennsylvania? Yep. Did you see did you see where they began to implement early voting in Pennsylvania using driver’s license? I’ll look the story up here in a minute, but as I recall, what they found was the the Democrats were thinking it was going to be a good thing, but what they found was like, 80% to 90% of the renewals were re registering as Republicans in Pennsylvania.

Yeah, but you still got a very strong influence from Ambassador Dominion. Well, yeah, but if RFK Jr. Runs as an independent, I mean, if you’ve seen his platform, he is not going to be taking votes away from the Republicans. He’s going to be taking votes away from the Democrats. And when he splits the vote for the Democrats, it’s going to be exactly the same thing that Perot did when he took votes away from Bush in 1992.

I don’t buy that argument. Well, I’m just saying I don’t buy the argument. I think that Robert Kennedy would be regarded as an anti cabal, anti uni party, and he would take votes away from Trump. Well, I respectfully disagree, because if you look at his platform, I mean, he’s all people are not going to look at their platform. You’re giving them way too much credit for intelligence. You very well, I am talking about a stupid population.

You could be very correct on that. I could be wrong. They’ll look at Robert Kennedy and he’s talking against the system, talking against the vaccine, talking against the corrupt bankers. So is Trump. I’m just saying that when you look at the polls that have come out as a result of that, what they’re seeing is that, yes, the numbers are coming down for Trump in general, but his lead is going up because it’s harming the Democrat more than well, you know, that’s all well and good, but I don’t like three party races.

I believe that the know the Narcos and Satanists. I think they would find a way to help Robert Kennedy and make it so that they split the anti Narco Satanist vote. They are very slippery. They’re very devious. They could do things like permit more ads for Robert Kennedy and forbid more ads for Trump. There are lots of things I can do anyway. I don’t want to get into political discussion because it’s very hard to prove anything and it’s based on opinion and it’s very subjective and I just don’t go for it.

I don’t care about it at all. I don’t care about the discussion. I’m just saying so far, the article that I see so far, republicans gain most from automatic voter registration in Pennsylvania. So it’s just okay, well, that’s fine. That has nothing to do with Robert Kennedy. Sure. And Robert Kennedy, I think, is one of the most listless, boring, unremarkable speakers that I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

Right. I mean, I enjoyed listening to Ross Perot more than that. I actually went to a Ross Perot rally when I was younger in Long Beach. Just like running a mom pop shop. Exactly. In Arkansas. You’re no bigger than Chiquita Banana. You make me feel like I’m 21 again. I thought Ross Perot was going to do a lot of damage to the opponent, to Clinton, and he did.

They have a way of making sure that the third party draws votes away from the designed winner. And I don’t want to see it. I want to see Ambassador Dominion. You are preaching to the choir on that one, my friend. And smartmatic, too. Don’t leave them out. And the Ramstein satellite influence, that has to be shut down and I’m not sure they’ve got that all lined up. Sure, I mean, under control.

Okay, look, Ron, there are so many things going on right now. One of the big items that we’ve not touched on is the explosive rise in unrealized bond portfolio losses among the big banks. I reported, I believe in July that it was 620,000,000,000. Just think of it as primarily the large banks. Large banks have leveraged bond portfolios, which means they borrow money, they use the margin debt, they double down and triple down on their bonds.

And for those who are not too familiar, if a bank had a bunch of treasury bonds from back in the two and a half to 3% Era, they’re down 40%. Now, John Q. Public and Jill Q. Public don’t pay attention to that. Financial analysts do. It’s called unrealized asset losses, portfolio losses. And they’re primarily bond and portfolios with leveraged bonds. And here’s where it makes it worse. Sometimes they do something like an arbitrage.

They sell one bond and buy another and they get burned sometimes on both ends. And I don’t want to get it too. Involved with examples, except to say that the treasury bond is often involved in structured investments. So if the structure is seeing its foundation drop 40% or even 30%, like say low threes for older bonds that were bought, if their entire investment structure has a foundation that down 30%, the building falls down.

And that’s what we’re seeing right now. And that is precisely why JPMorgan is no longer acquiring troubled banks. Instead, you’ve got and I wrote it down here, so I got it right on the edge of my computer, the Bank Term Funding Program. The bank term funding program. It’s got a lot of nicknames, but I call it the Bank Term Funding Program because that’s what it is. It is like the waiting room for a bankrupt bank.

That’s where they go to get aid to get them through the next month. But by doing that, they’re letting a billboard be painted for who are the next banks to die. Because if they go to the bank term funding in a bigger volume than they did in July, it is noticed and it’s terminal. Okay? The point now is that $130,000,000,000 unrealized loss was announced for bank of America.

Now, bank of America has sharp guys, out know Ivy League schools and Wharton School of Business and other people who know how to lie and deceive with their pen. They actually had an increase in earnings and I believe it fortified their boa. The symbol of BAC, bank of America BAC. I think it’s on the death watch because of unrealized losses, which if you add them together with the other big banks and the others, it was 620,000,000,002 months ago, three months ago.

I’m estimating it’s somewhere around 800 billion right now. What happens when the banking industry for the United States has a trillion dollars in unrealized losses on their balance sheets? Holy moly. What we’re getting, Ron, is an echo for the treasury bond default. It’s private bank centers and their failure because of their leveraged portfolios. Now I’ve got some people who tell me, jim, you’re saying things that aren’t true.

You’re saying, well, maybe they got three times leverage on a 30% loser of the bond. Well, I got news for you, Jim, it’s more like ten to one. So what happens if you got ten to one leverage on a 30% loser? You just lost 300%. You lost your entire investment plus a whole bunch more. That’s like buying a property in Costa Rica. That’s what happened to me. I lost more of the investment.

Okay? The point is we got a bond default that they cannot hide much longer. And as an echo, you’ve got a private sector large bank failure. It’s going to have ripples. And I’m waiting and waiting for the first announced derivative explosion. I’ll just make something up. Bank of America announces that they’ve got a $5. 5 trillion derivative failure and they’re wrestling with the issue of patching it over with the Fed help or confiscating all their deposits at the bank.

And what’s the basis? The bond derivatives, they went bad. They’re not raising interest rates to protect against price inflation. No, they aren’t. They’re going to make it worse because there will be no expansion of the supply side businesses. We’re using knucklehead Keynesian knee jerk reactions. Well, wait a minute, Jim, in the every time we raised interest rates we brought inflation down. And I said, yeah, you idiot, pre COVID.

Do you think that and I don’t know if this is connected or not, and forgive me if I’m asking a stupid question. Do you believe that the Trump printing of the increase in the M one supply by a factor of five when Trump printed all that money in 2020, do you believe that that was a mechanism to destroy, to help accelerate the destruction of the Federal Reserve System? I can only conjecture, speculate, use your favorite word, guess.

I think they might have printed a lot of money in order to secure gold troves abroad large, many tens of thousands of tons of gold, and they might have used the money to liquidate some derivatives and reduce risk. What is your speculation again? Okay, so when Trump, with all the system where he came in, he was going to help all the people with basically helping out Americans with the SBA stuff and giving all these people the money.

And he basically increased the money supply by a factor of five. Yeah, but I’m asking where do you think it went? What is your theory? Well, my thought is that, my thought was that the whole point of what he did was by inflating the currency, that by increasing the currency you’re going to accelerate the demise of the Federal Reserve because you’re going to decrease value of the dollar by inflating the currency fivefold.

The typical argument is you inflate the currency to make your debt look smaller. Right. But you’re also not. Look, Europeans don’t have reduced deficits, we’re all going down the toilet. So which is the most attractive turd? Okay, all right. I think that there was an effort to begin liquidating derivatives and they might have stopped because they realized 5 trillion is a drop in the bucket. We’re talking about 750 here.

Okay, but I don’t really know. I believe that he needed a lot of funding for a war and to bribe and to buy and to influence in capturing gold troves for war. Trump did for war, a war against the Cabal to capture gold troves. Okay. There was a killing war that Trump was involved in. It was at the highest level on the planet. It was the right, right.

It was the guys who killed Neil Keenan. Neil Kenan has a replacement. Now, I’m not familiar with who Neil Keenan is. Legacy 100 year old gold bonds. Okay. It’s complicated and I don’t have a lot of information on it, but I will say this in the last year, I’ve had a couple of people approach me. Remember, it was about a month or two ago, and it was trump just had a $27 trillion check to reduce the government debt.

You remember that? Okay? I asked, well, where’d that come from? Is that from one of his gold troves? Because about 15,000 tons is a trillion dollars, very roughly. Don’t pin me down. 15,000 tons, give or take a couple give or take a couple thousand tons. 15,000 tons is a trillion. So 28 trillion is 28 times one and a half. It’s like 40,000 tons of gold, okay? That’s just to make a linkage.

40 to 50,000 tons of gold is what 27 trillion is. I asked the question repeatedly to all kinds of different colleagues and contacts. Where’d the money come from? And finally I got someone who said to me, jim, I heard you on an interview. I’ve got information, and it’s very reliable. It came from the St. Germain Fund. Germaine? And I said, who’s in charge of that? And he said, well, like many of them, they’re out of the Pacific Rim.

I said, I got the impression that Pacific Rim is like a warground, a war zone between east and west. And just because it’s in the Pacific Rim doesn’t mean it’s Asian gold. And he said, that’s correct. So when they stole Fort Knox, they hid it in Indonesia because they corrupted the Indonesia leaders. I got another guy who contacted me several months ago, and he said, Jim, I want you to read this.

And I looked at it, and I said, Is this for real? Marcos in the Philippines had 1. 3 million tons of gold. Well, if I’m not mistaken, wasn’t that the gold that everybody was talking about? That was ours. That’s where he found the gold that was essentially stolen out of Fort Knox. Okay? Fort Knox is 8500 I said, 1. 3 million tons of gold. Eight and a half thousand versus 1.

3 million tons of gold. That’s a significant difference. The guy actually told me, he said, Jim, think of it as having five to seven mountain locations in the and he said, don’t get caught up in a lot of the details. There’s a lot of gold out there, and most of it is coming to the front stage to become the monetary system. And it’s not going to be sold.

It’s not going to result in gold going down to $1,000. It’s going to become a foundation not to be sold. Now, right now, we’ve got an upside down foundation where debt with the treasury bond is the foundation. It’s called the upside down Exeter pyramid. Flip it, and you get gold at the top. And that’s where we’re going. And that’s why the elites and the globalists are so pissed off.

There is a lot of gold coming to the table, and I think Trump did kind of maybe a trial balloon test ride. Let’s see what happens by letting it be known that a $27 trillion check will be reducing the government debt. Now it’s 6 trillion, okay? There wasn’t a big reaction because most people are easily distracted by Monday Night Football, by the advent of college football. They’re distracted by Susie next door, who just turned 20.

They’re distracted by a sale of Budweiser Beer, Bud Light, now a dollar for a six pack because they can’t give it away. They’re distracted by their neighbors who are dying of the vaccine but don’t know it, and they got cancer. They’re distracted by Jamie Foxx, who’s been replaced. My favorite black actor. By the way, I saw DeMar Hamlin on the Buffalo sidelines, and he looks remarkably like DeMar Hamlin.

Yeah, I know. I saw that, too. But he’s not playing. Why is he not playing? Well, we don’t want to risk his heart. Okay, why is he in uniform? For show. Okay, we’re being taken on a ride. He’s not dead. He’s on the bench. He’s not playing because he had a heart attack. Well, can we prove some of his childhood memories and best friends in fourth grade? That’s a nice little example.

Okay, Ron, we’ve got the banking system breaking down. We’ve got Wells Fargo having discharged their entire mortgage business. We got bank of America announcing $130,000,000,000 unrealized portfolio loss. And they’re not going to get out of this alive. It’s going to get worse. It’s now roughly 800 billion in unrealized losses for the big banks and maybe the regional banks thrown in. What is going to happen when it hits a trillion? Will there be a massive global abandonment of the US stock market? Because they see that the US banking industry is going to go deadly into destruct mode.

That’s what I think is going to happen, a global abandonment of the stock market. And by the way, let me just leave you with a I’d like it to make a final point. The Swiss, in 2012, engineered the 120 Europe. There were so many countries in the eurozone, in the Pigs nations, that were abandoning the euro in favor of the Swiss, that the Swiss currency went up about 20% and caused incredible problems.

So the Swiss central bank, called the Swiss National Bank SNB their central bank in Switzerland instituted a 120 peg where they forcibly kept the Swiss currency at €120 or the euro. Yeah, I don’t know whether it’s the other way around. I don’t know and I don’t care. They enforced a 120 peg. And to do that, they had to buy euros. So they were buying the euro dumped by Greece and Italy and Germany and Spain.

Okay? Now, we thought that was the end of it, but it wasn’t. A year or two later, they turned to the United States, and this is my interpretation. They said, Give us your tired, your worn, and your weak narco money. Give us your huddled masses of large piles and pallets of narco money. And we in Switzerland will invest in fang stocks. Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google and later the Mats.

Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla give us your tired and worn narco money. We’ll invest it. And that’s called money laundering. And on the other side of that, remember buy dollar, sell gold. They were buying US stocks, which is dollar, buy dollar, sell gold. And later by 2000 and about 18 or so, maybe 17, it became known that the Swiss were responsible for taking the 2011 and twelve gold price of 1900 and sending it right back to the seller at 1300.

Seller with a C as in basement. Okay, now here we are. They’re going to have to buy back their Swiss currency. They’re going to have to buy back gold. They’re going to have to sell the euro while it’s already going down from treasury bond dumping, perfect opportunity. They’re going to have to sell the US stock market to buy back their gold. People are wondering where’s the gold rally going to come from and I say the Swiss National Bank.

And they’re going to bring about a decline in the US stock market because they moved I think a trillion or more. And they’ve let it be known they had a trillion dollar US stock portfolio. They were the largest investor in the world for Apple, I think they moved a trillion to trillion and a half of Narco money to buy US stocks. Now shifting gears because I know we’re wrapping it up here, but you sent me an article the other day about BlackRock and JP Morgan preparing to ignite the XRP bull run.

Yeah, I haven’t fully examined that yet. Okay, have you? No, I was going to ask you about it because I read it, but I just don’t understand financial matters like you do. It wasn’t a very long article but it just said that this is an XRP struggling to reclaim its 50% price point during current Bitcoin rally, propping up the crypto market. Meanwhile in a recent publication, Billy Bamberg, a senior Forms contributor, noted that XRP market is primed for a substantial boost to be led by an unusual force black market.

And JPMorgan. Specifically Forms asserted that global giants Morgan and BlackRock would spearhead the bull rally. According to Bamberg, the two financial behemoths are silently preparing the grounds for an upcoming surge in the cryptocurrency market. To back this claim, the senior contributor outlined multiple crypto specific endeavors BlackRock and Morgan have jointly orchestrated. The report cited that BlackRock has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first Wall Street titan to employ the blockchain based collateral system program backed by Morgan.

Okay, I read an article since that sharing that indicated the US government from confiscation cases, legal cases, is sitting on close to $10 billion worth of Bitcoin. I believe this is just a quick reaction without a lot of research, not a lot of research, it could be that BlackRock and who was the other one? BlackRock and Morgan? JP morgan. It could be that Morgan is sitting on a lot of bitcoin, and they don’t know what to do with it or XRP or both.

I’m saying that they’re sitting on a lot of bitcoin from the government confiscations or custody. Custody holder, someone’s holding it for the government. And Morgan is a good boy. All right? They might be thinking, let’s cause a rally in XRP and find a usage for the bitcoin, and let’s make some good money on XRP, buy it up, and maybe take it to, like, $4, $5, and then dump it.

But the error they might make is that the rally might be sustained, and it might be joined by other countries saying, look what’s happening with Bitcoin. Now that it’s got a higher market cap, it can fulfill more function. And then you get maybe an increase in the number of coins to accommodate a country that wants to buy a bunch. And they don’t want the big purchase to push the price up too fast.

So that’s how you raise the price from demand, but also from expanded usage. That’s how you increase I’m sorry. The market cap I’m just speaking loosely here. It could be that wall street’s got an idea that they can cause an XRP rally that they can exit. And to me, it’d be kind of like causing a trend in email that they want to exit. But then it went global.

Remember, email was a DARPA project. I was at digital equipment corporation before email. This is the we called it enet. I’ll send you a message on the enet. And it was all within digital. And I had a list for the softball team, 15 guys. I was a manager for about three years. I didn’t like it. I’d rather be a player. Anyway, I would keep in touch with clients.

Okay, I’ll set up a meeting. All right? I’ll have my secretary send up an enet message with my six subordinates and two from your group, Jim. And that’s how we communicated. And I learned at that time that the enet was used with digital equipment and military contractors and universities, and it was called DARPA. Okay. They shared university research with military contractors. And we had at digital a big military client base.

Big. All right. It’s a long story. I don’t have a lot of details on it, but I only mention that because arrogant entities sometimes believe that they can control wild horses. And I think they don’t have a group of wild horses with XRP. I think they’ve got a herd of cats, and they can’t corral. No, you cannot. Have you ever tried to catch a cat? Yeah, well, you know, I’m a cat person, so I have multiples multiple examples.

Exactly. You got to trick them. You cannot it reminds me of the budweiser commercial about herding cats, the super bowl commercial from several years ago. You just cannot hurt cats. Okay. All right, ron, where can people find you. Jimbo Goldenhyphenjackass. com we’re doing very well now at the website, attracting a lot of new clients and I’m very happy about it all. I’m worried about a number of things about the dollar.

I’m worried about credit card usage. I’m worried about massive unemployment and labor union strikes, sabotage. I’m worried about the geopolitical side in the Middle East, infiltration of the United States southern border sleeper cells. I just made an argument yesterday with Chris Marcus about we probably have over 30 million unvetted people and if it’s one in ten military age and with the cell phone connected to the United Nations waiting word, that’s 300,000 in sleeper cells.

That is not manageable. No, that is not manageable. I’ve actually got a client who was in a Nevada client consult call with me. It was about a year ago. He said, Jim in Reno on a Saturday you can go by at noon to several different major street corners where the boulevards meet. There are four, six or eight Latinos or Arabs just hanging out, nothing to I have there’s a couple of channels that I follow on YouTube that delve into geopolitics and things of that nature.

And one of them is a guy named Two. His channel is Two, the number two, the letter A and it’s cops. And he talks about a credible threat and has been talking about this for about the last 30 years about sleeper cells in the United States. And that what they’re going to do is have not just have one active shooter, but have like 100 active shooters all at one time in a city.

And when they do that, you’re going to totally and completely overwhelm the first responding services of that particular area and you wouldn’t be able to bring in enough people that were off the clock or surrounding area agencies. I think it’s a real threat, Ron, and I hope it happens in San Francisco. I am, I hope so. That I think that’s what’s going to happen in New York City.

I think that’s what’s going to happen in a lot of the major cities. I know that they’ve been talking about we’re going to lose 15 to 20 major cities in the United States from this initiative. Something along those lines, yeah. Well, isn’t that the Democrat voter? Exactly. Stronghold. Okay. Yeah, well, let that sink in. There’s a lot going on, and I believe that I didn’t say this before the Ukraine war was ending.

They’re having trouble to even put people in uniforms for what they now call the meat wave. M-E-A-T meat wave, the grinder where they’re killed in the first week of putting a uniform on. So Ukraine is being phased out and the biden show has 100 billion dollar combined. Ukraine Israeli bill. You think anybody’s going to get in the way of that? No. Okay. And don’t insult me by saying it’s at taxpayer expense.

Taxpayers are not paid for anything in almost 20 years. No, it’s all deficit spending. It’s all credit card. That’s right. People who think that, oh, your income taxes go to pay for the federal government. No, the federal government is paid for by digits on a screen that’s printed by the Federal Reserve. And any money that’s collected by the IRS goes to just pay the interest. And we don’t even collect enough money to pay the interest on.

Well, I think we do. The income taxes are about, I think, 1. 21. 4 trillion, and interest is closing in on 1 trillion. But the point is valid. We don’t cover jack shit. No, the entire government now is in deficit because we are approaching the point where tax revenue is roughly equal to the borrowing cost. Let me point out the Rockefeller subsidy, medicare and Medicaid are 1. 3 trillion.

That goes directly to the Rockefeller businesses. It’s obscene. I had a cousin, a dear cousin, who recently had a hip replacement, and I said to him, wow, that’s a big expense. Are you over 70? I think you are. You’re about my age. He said, yeah, I’m 69 and I qualified. Medicare covered. It a hip replacement. And he’s doing fine. He’s walking perfectly well, after three months of therapy, getting it strong, that’s stuff that I can’t do because I’m not there.

But I did get my knee replaced after getting laid off at Digital. They gave me two years of health insurance in 1993. And I said, well, by gum, I think I’ll get my knee fixed. Good call, good call. I know. And the doctor said, Jim, this is going to give you 15 to 18 years. And that was 1993. And I thought, well, golly, that’s not a long time when you think about it.

2008 to 2011. Well, it’s now 30 years. I don’t know why you haven’t done something with our friend from Colorado and getting something with one of those machines. You would be a perfect candidate for it. Well, it’s torn ACL, doesn’t matter. That has nothing to do with it. It basically keeps you younger because it hyperoxygenates the body. And you, as somebody who rides your bike everywhere, are a perfect candidate for that, I suppose.

It’s not easy to get equipment in here. I couldn’t even get a few bottles of vitamins in here. I have to wait for visitors. Gotcha. And it’s not easy because I’m running low on certain things. And one of my friends in Atlanta said, jim, I don’t think I’m going to visit anymore. I don’t know, I got problems. I got health problems. I said you’re not backstar. He said, no, I got health problems.

He had a very severe incident ten years ago and like an internal poisoning, and he didn’t ever get over it. And he’s strong as an ox. He’s a former football player. Well, maybe you’ll have to come down and see you. Well, I’m game. I just had someone two days ago tell me that he might come down to visit. There’s quite a few things to do here. Yeah. Nature type things.

I’d love to come down there and I’d love to come down there and see we’ll talk about that when we finish. Yeah. I have my little kids climb on you. They’re a lot of fun. So people can find you at Goldenhyphenjackass. Goldenhyphenjackhad. com. Things are going well. Things are going well. The main thing is the newsletter. It is what dominates 90% to 95% of my time. And I’ve begun to work on the October report because here we are.

We got eleven days. Twelve days counting today. There’s also the consult button, and it’s really quite incredible how it has doubled in popularity, frequency of usage compared to a year ago. People are very worried about their life savings, Ron. They should be. They should be. Yeah. I’ve actually had about ten people who move their money out of Wall Street banks. Half of them were JPMorgan moving a million out.

A couple were Wells Fargo. A couple were Boa. Nobody was oh, no one was Citi. I call it shitty. Shitty bank. It’s not, because I have a lishp for Shitty bank. You’re so bad. And I also call it New York shitty. I don’t like anything about New York shitty. No. But I did find myself pulling for the jets football after Aaron Rodgers got hurt. He’s talking about Maybe at the end of the season, getting back in.

Maybe. I loved it when he came out and said, mr. Pfizer, I thought you thought that was fantastic when he was talking about Kelsey. Did you see that? I heard about Denigration Shilling, but I don’t know what Rogers said. He called him Mr. Pfizer. Yeah. So Travis Kelsey, who’s the tight end for the yeah, he apparently he did a commercial where he propped up the vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine, and never admitted to having taken it by the he’s.

But he had a patch on his arm with Bandaids, right? Yeah. And him and Taylor Swift, I guess. Yeah. Who Taylor Swift? I didn’t know she did too well. No, I guess they’re an item. They’re an item. I get that. But he also sold something like 10,000 extra jerseys because of it all. Something like that, yeah. Anyway, I like Aaron Rodgers. He’s a bold guy. He actually told ESPN where to get off on their unending harsh criticism of Zach Wilson, who’s just a decent quarterback.

But confidence is a big part of being a quarterback. It’s not just having a good offensive line and receivers. You got to have some confidence because you panic. A quarterback can panic. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. What do I do? And they start running. And they’re tackled for a three yard loss. And the down is over. It’s so fast. It’s an amazing sport. It is truly a chess match.

And my biggest beef is holding calls and pass interference calls, and you can add to that what do you call it? Illegal downfield contact beyond five yards. You can’t touch. You can’t push a receiver. So the zebras are in far more control than we want to admit. Amen to that. You could literally have a penalty called on every single play, and so they cherry pick the ones that they want to.

I think to some extent that’s true. We got a very big game tomorrow. It’s in the horseshoe. Columbus, Ohio. I never missed a home game in four years. Oh, really? I went to all 20, and some of them were raucous. I can easily say the most exciting sports events I’ve ever been to was Ohio State football. I’m getting goosebumps right now. Hair standing up from the excitement of going to a game and being on, like, the 30 yard line, upper deck, where they do hang on sloopy, they go, oh.

And the other side, I o, oh, I o. And before you know it, your seat is moving. The cement is vibrating from the okay. It’s just a lot of fun. They’ve expanded the stadium from 85 to 105,000, which means they enclosed one end. I wouldn’t want to have that as a seat. What the 10th row in the end zone? I don’t think so. The 30th row on the end zone? I don’t think so.

And we went absolutely nuts with Randy Grattershar. A tackle by Randy Grattershar. Okay. And the place just erupted. It was so much fun. I’m almost I’m breaking down. It was incredibly electric. Anyway, we’re playing state. Yep. And I don’t have a really good feeling about it. You do or do not? I do not have a very good feeling about it. I do not have a very good feeling about it.

You think Penn State? Penn State has one of the best past defenses and past rushes. They’re going to cause a lot of problems, a lot of sacks, a lot of bad throws, and probably a few interceptions at critical points. And we got a young quarterback. I think his name is McCord, but he’s doing well. In a miracle, they beat Notre Dame at Notre Dame. A miracle ending. Yeah, well, I mean, USC, my Trojans got their asses handed to them by Welsh.

Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Last week, Notre Dame had a comeback. They were angry about the Ohio State law, so they had to prove and Southern Cal got in the way. And they were playing Southern Cal and Southern Cal. I mean, well, they’re good. They’re just not great. They’re a good team, but they just had a porous offense, or a porous mean they’ve got a good offense, but if you can’t stop people from scoring, then doesn’t matter how much you score.

Well, you need to control the line of scrimmage. A lot of people don’t like to admit that in any football game, you control the line of scrimmage. You win the game, you control line of scrimmage. You. Can run, control the line of scrimmage, you can pass, control the line of scrimmage, you can stop them from doing both, right? If you don’t have the pulling guards, you can’t do a sweep run.

If you don’t have good protection, the quarterback’s going to be rushing and going to get know that’s. Don’t get me started about running quarterbacks. I think Lamar Jackson is a phenom for Baltimore Ravens pro, but Lamar Jackson is the most overrated quarterback in the NFL. He lost to Pittsburgh. What did he do? He dropped the ball and he threw an intercept. How many million does he get per year? 20.

Okay. Why not make it a performance based salary? Anyway, I would like to consider that college football players issue stock on their first three years of pro career. Wouldn’t that be an interesting investment? And only for like, the juniors and seniors. You issue a stock and you buy a stock. Anyway, there’s a lot going on a lot of people don’t realize, and I only learned two years ago, it’s something called Nil name, Image, likeness, nil.

And is a very big competition going on now for selling caricatures of players faces and upper torso. I’ll just say the quarterback for Ohio State, and he might have just a moderate valued caricature for the image, and as a result, he only earns 700,000 a year. But the University of Georgia is very much organized on their Nil name, image, likeness business. So when they’re recruiting, they tell the guy, we can guarantee 2 million a year in nil income.

And it’s all the the guy smart. Who’s running the Georgia program, he was a student of the guy from Alabama, Saban, and he went to Georgia and he’s like, okay, well, if you guys are going to bring me on, then I need this, this and this. All the stuff that Saban was doing in Alabama, and he got it all. And now look at Win. If they win the title this year, that’ll be the first team in like, what, 80 years to win three in a row, right? Let me mention something.

I’ve mentioned this once before. There’s a group of schools that has a very big advantage in recruiting. It’s Alabama. It’s Clemson. It’s Georgia. It’s Auburn. Low academic standards. West Virginia. My father placed two professors at West Virginia. I’m talking Morgantown, West Virginia University, WVU. They went out of their minds as professors of literature. The hell was that? Sorry about that. I had an office mate of my sweetheart in the math department at Carnegie Mellon.

His name was Victor, and he was from Eastern Europe. And he could not get a professor position because he didn’t have a legitimate green card. So he went to the university in West Virginia, and he went out of his mind. He said, Jim, you know me. I have a PhD at Carnegie Mellon in mathematics, and you’re in statistics, probability. You know what we know you know, of the caliber.

And I was teaching high school algebra and trigonometry at West Virginia University. I had a professor who did not get tenure at Carnegie Mellon. Nice guy, Will. And he went to the University of Georgia. He went out of his mind because they had him teaching calculus, which is for freshmen. They had him teaching other things. He said, Jim, it wasn’t statistical analysis. It was statistical calculations. Let’s calculate the average of these numbers.

And he left after three years because he went out of his mind. That’s University of Georgia. But I talked with another guy who got a degree at University of Georgia, and I think it was in history or something like that. And he said, Jim, I know that Georgia’s got low academic standards, but I can tell you their history department pretty good. I said, well, that’s great, because I know someone who went from Carnegie Mellon in statistics department, and he went out of his mind.

Victor eventually met up with me in Boston because we were friends. I’d go down to visit my honey one floor down, and Victor’s in the office, oh, she’ll be back in half an hour. Come back in half an hour, Jim. And we’d hang out. We also went to dinner a couple times. We had him over for dinner. Anyway, he got himself a job in a big, like, a CAD Cam software company in Boston.

He said, Jim, it was perfect. They were Russians. And as you know, I spoke my Eastern European country language, but I also spoke Russian. I said, yeah, I remember that, Victor. I remember he had me over for dinner to show me his little baby is life is weird, but I’ve got actual examples. I knew a guy who went to Auburn. He said, yeah, you’re right. The academic standards are ridiculously low, okay? It’s an advantage for recruiting football players.

Hey, look, you’re never going to be what do you call it? Disqualified for bad grades at University of Michigan. You are. Oh, my gosh. I did a little bit of investigation when I was a sophomore at Ohio State, and I knew somebody, okay, I did not know many athletes, but I knew a guy who was a defensive tackle on the football team. And I said, how do you guys manage your grade requirements? He said, oh, they got tutors for us.

They got courses that are really easy. I said, the basket weaving story is true. And he said, Kind of, yeah. We laughed. And you may wonder, what were we doing in the living room together? And he got badly injured, and he never made it to his senior year. But I always kept an eye out for him. I remember his name, but I’m not going to mention life is weird.

Okay? I mentioned that tomorrow is Ohio State. We’re hosting Penn State. It’s still we I’m not a big fan of Coach Day, not a big fan. I don’t think he does a good job with the various assistant coaches, like the offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator. They had two years of bad linebackers. Now they finally fixed it. You have bad linebackers, forget about you’re not going to go anywhere near that’s true.

That’s true. And he had some guy who was a friend of his. What are you doing? Coach Day? You remember when Ohio State lost at Clemson in a championship game? No. It was the next to last. It was the semi final about four years ago. We lost to Clemson. That was Coach Day. That was his loss because he told the players, I want you to be extraordinarily aggressive to the point of violence.

So they had what do you call it? This is the signal for it. Targeting. They had a targeting call. They had a running into the punter call, and those two calls changed the entire game. What are you doing? Oh, I’m just doing what Coach said. Be extraordinarily aggressive. Well, you ran into the punter. They got a touchdown on that drive. Oh, my gosh. And a good player was called for the spearing.

I always forget the word targeting. Targeting. Anyway, that’s another call I saw targeting a couple of weeks ago, and they didn’t call it targeting. It’s got to be head on head. Well, it was on the neck. It was a head on the neck. You said it earlier that the zebras have much more of an influence on the outcome. And I agree with that. There was one incident that I knew in pro football.

There was a game, it was the middle of the season. It was with the no no. We call Indianapolis Colts and my patriots? New England Patriots during the Brady years. And my buddy called me up and said, jim, an unbelievable event is about to unfold. I just got a call from a Vegas buddy of mine and this guy’s dead. So I don’t care what I have to say that might put him at risk because he’s dead.

He was not a good guy anyway. He said, Jim and a remarkable event is about to unfold. The Patriots are down something like 24 to seven. It was a 17 point lead at halftime. Now, you may not know, but they’ve got halftime rebetting. They do whole new betting at halftime. Okay? The Patriots were down 17. And he said, Watch the Patriots storm back because they did something with the halftime line.

And he said, Watch the zebras. Help the patriots. That’s how they do it. There was a holding call. The coach for the Colts was very upset because it gave them a first down and they were able to continue the drive and get a touchdown. Before you know it, the Patriots were almost even and they actually won the game. So you got money line in addition, at the halftime.

Money line is who’s going to win. Forget the points right moneyline. I’m not a big better, but I will say that when I was in graduate school in 1970 what was that, 76? Seven, eight and nine. Damn, Jim, how do you remember that far back? Well, I know that I got my master’s in 76. I’m just teasing you. What I was going to say is that I did some betting and I’d make money on Saturday and I’d lose it on Sunday.

College, Ron. They run the score up. Yeah, there are a lot of mistakes. Blown coverage, missed tackles. It’s fun, it’s pageantry, it’s electric environment. But I don’t care how bad your NFL team is, they can knock off a winner like the jets knocked off Philadelphia at home. Right? And that might have been a homer call, that might have been a know, I’ll just say this to close out the topic of zebras.

When Jalen Hurts, Philadelphia quarterback, threw that late interception, he was almost at midfield. They did not really need to do a pass. They could have, with just two minutes ago hunted and left the jets on their own 20 or 25 yard line. And a long way to go to score. But Jalen Hurts threw what I regard to be a gift interception. He threw it into a three on one coverage with a bad pass that resulted in the guy going all the way down to the ten yard line.

The next play was a touchdown. Here’s the main point. In addition to a gift, I looked at his face on the bench. I did not see disappointment and frustration. I saw capture control. Like, I had to do it. Nobody was consoling him. I had to do it. That was the look, I had to do it. I had to do it. It wasn’t oh shit. Can’t believe no. Like a beaten puppy.

Interesting. Just saying. Vegas did not want two undefeated teams. They might have done the same thing with Cleveland against San Francisco. And tell me the truth, is McCaffrey the running back for San Francisco? Is he really injured or did he not play the rest of the McCaffrey? Is that the guy who was on did he come from Carolina? Carolina? Oh wow, I didn’t know that. He’s one of their two top running backs.

He’s amazing and he’s fast. But he supposedly injured his leg or hip. Really? Or did that help Vegas win with Cleveland? Deep underdog. Right? Okay. Dog at know underdog at home. That’s a good combination. Dog at home. Not dog on the road. Oh no, they get blown away. Dog at home. I made money with college. I lost it on pro and I quit after a couple of years.

I thought, this is stupid. So I just enjoyed the game. Well, that’s kind of how I roll, don’t I don’t bet on anything. I’m not a better at all. Thank God I didn’t bet on the Dodgers this year. They got smoked. Oh, my gosh. God, that was a disaster. Well, you said it a month ago. You’re a little bit disappointed that their pitching staff on La is not cutting it well and I mean, I think about that.

We sure could have used Trevor Bauer. Yeah. He might come back. Well, yeah, but I’ve been at this point, it’s just like really does it really freaking matter? He’s still got a great team. They never should have let him go. They never should have let him get away. I know, but that’s not team decision, that’s a league decision. No league mafia wasn’t no, the league didn’t have anything to do with that.

It had everything he was cleared by the league. The whole point was that it was the team and it was the upper management. It wasn’t the front office, the upper management. It was just a joke. All right, well look hey, look, it’s always great seeing you, Ron. Good to see you, sir. I know you don’t need to include the extension of sports, et cetera in my critique of Georgia and West Virginia, honestly.

My dad had two professors. He directed their dissertation and got their doctorate and they got job they couldn’t find a job elsewhere, so they took a job at West Virginia and did I say they went out of their minds? They went out of their minds after about three or four years and once you’re there, you can’t get out. It’s a roach motel. I believe that they put out some good football players.

I wouldn’t say they put out a lot, but some. I believe that the quarterback of Seattle what’s his name? Can’t think, black guy. Gino Smith. He’s from West Virginia. He’s doing well. He’s doing very well. I like the guy. He’s fun to watch. I know that football at least the biggest of games, which have the most money on them, that’s how you determine whether they’re rigged or not.

The minor games, like two teams that don’t even have winning records, that’s where you get the good games. And the zebras are not an influence. They get phone calls. Oh, I believe that. Anyway, it’s a dirty game, but it’s again us big business. Wherever there’s big dollars, there’s corruption. Always, always without. All right, Ron, edit this as you see fit. I’m not going to edit too much out.

I’ll let people see us as we are. How long have we gone on? This has got to be 2 hours. Yeah, about over 2 hours. But it doesn’t bother mean, you know, it’s like this is who we are. And I have no problem with well, some people might find the sports discussion interesting. The guy who told me about the New England and Indianapolis Colt game where there’s a big comeback, he put money down and he made money because he got a call from a guy who was rigging it.

I had another friend, he said, Jim, I did this for 30 consecutive games. I participated because I was a friend of the family and I was told of the NFL sure bet of the week. And he said, I put a couple of $100 every week, ron 30 wins, no losses. Wow, 30 in a row. I said, well, did you put $1,000 on it? He said, I did once or twice, but I tried to keep it to be 500 or less.

30 in a row. Let me guess. It got boring. And he said, yeah, you just go down and take your money. But I got money. That’s not the issue. There’s juice in betting, and believe me, I did betting during bowl games. I bet on my own team of Ohio State back then. We were had. Do you remember a guy named Clint Schlester? Quarterback Schlester? I do. He got thrown out of the NFL for betting.

He had a Vegas connection. He was kind of like a young Pete Rose. Pete Rose was the baseball, but at the end of a career. Art Schlester was at the beginning of his career, therefore he had no career. Right. Tragic. John Brockington. I went to a Road Bowl in 1971. It was a lot of fun, actually, at Marine, land of the Pacific. I bumped into Jim Plunkett. Did you really? I bumped into him and one of his linebacker friends.

I’m telling you, 64, 242, 50, brick shithouse. And he made Plunkett look small. Plunkett made me look small. I’m 6180. Back then I was 6170, 68, 165, right in there. And Plunkett was about six two and 200, 205. Big kid. I said, hey, have a good game, Jim. And he didn’t know I was from Ohio. He said, all right, thanks, buddy. And they beat my Ohio State team.

And it was kind of brutal. Speaking of that, I watched a really 71. I watched a really interesting video. Just kind of a random thing. I was mind numbing not too long ago on former baseball players that were in the minor leagues who ultimately became very famous in other areas of entertainment. But they were solid baseball guys. One of them was, yeah. So well, John Elway is now destroying the Denver Broncos.

Yes, he is. He’s the general manager. I know. He’s responsible for bringing in Russell Wilson and paying him a fortune. Are you aware of the ancillary effect when you bring in a very high paid fellow? You can’t pay much of anybody that’s that’s the yeah, but there are a number of teams that don’t have that one big marquee player. All right, ron, I gotta go. It was really awesome to see you again, sir.

It’s been about six weeks since we did a show, so I’m glad we got to do one. Let’s do something again in the new before Thanksgiving. Before Thanksgiving? Oh, yeah. Thanksgiving is a month away. It’s insane. The year is almost over. I know. It’s going to be crazy. Nuts. See what happens. I don’t like this I don’t like these passage of it seemed they seem to go faster the older we’re going to cut I’m going to cut the video off here.

Jim, hold on one quick second. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in, appreciate you and follow Jim’s Work at Patriot at the Goldenhyphenjackass. com and if you are not subscribed to his newsletter, you are absolutely missing out. So I cannot because you are Ron and you know what you’re talking about. Exactly. I cannot, in stronger terms, suggest it. So thanks everybody and we will let you get on with your day evening, wherever you are, whatever time it is, and look forward to seeing you again next time.

So thanks. Thanks again. Have a good night, everybody. .


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