Jim Jordan LEADS the MAGA CHARGE!!!

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Jim Jordan LEADS the MAGA CHARGE!!!



➡ The speaker discusses current socio-political issues and shares his thoughts on them during his uncensored Monday night livestreams. From the coming elections to contentious intra-party debates about Jim Jordan’s potential speakership, he dives deep into the political landscape and also raises concerns about potential deed theft due to online property documents, advocating for the use of Home Title Lock for safety.
➡ The text discusses the disproportionate power landlords have over tenants, current political dynamics indicating a Trump victory alongside losses for Republicans in the House and the Senate, and the feeling of betrayal among voters. It also suggests primary challenges as a potential motivator for change, and ends with an invitation to join an insider’s club livestream aiming to build a parallel economy rooted in faith, family, and freedom.


Hey, gang. There are so many important issues to discuss in today’s political, cultural, and economic climate, and I can’t discuss them all here. In fact, YouTube and Big Tech won’t let me talk about it all here. And that’s why I have exclusive uncensored live streams on Monday nights to cover everything. On Monday nights, I share all my thoughts and answer your questions in an an in depth casual format that prepares you for this upcoming election with the truth.

Today, I want to show you a quick clip from a recent stream that I hope will help you think clearly about these important issues as well as encourage you to join our movement. Join an upcoming exclusive livestream and I’ll answer your questions by clicking the link in the description below and joining our community of courageous patriots building a parallel economy. I look forward to seeing you over there.

Interesting. Well, let’s talk about what’s going on here domestically. There’s a lot our own terrorists, our rhino terrorists. Yeah, just give us a quick sense. I got a lot of questions here about what’s going to happen here. Is there even a path for Jim Jordan? Is Hakeem Jeffries going to win the mean? There’s so many questions here, guys. But summed up Steve toomey. Will Jordan get the speakership in the end? What will be the ramifications if he doesn’t? I don’t know.

If you asked me this morning, I would have thought, yeah, we had all the wind at our back. There’s been a massive, massive social media campaign, grassroots campaign. This is the first video I did this morning. We have reports of AIDS, congressional AIDS saying they’ve never seen anything. They’ve never seen the phones ringing off the hook like this. And in the end, more people voted against Jim Jordan than voted against McCarthy.

More rhinos. So I don’t know. We’ll have to see how tomorrow plays out. Tomorrow will be very interesting. In our first video, I’m going to talk about three categories of no vote. I came across this oh, what’s his name? Why am I forgetting his name? I always forget. I get too tired at the end of the day. Greg oh, I’ll think I’ll give him a shout out tomorrow in tomorrow’s video.

But Greg Price is his name. Greg Price. He’s got a great Twitter feed, but he broke down, I think, really well the three categories that these 20 Republicans all fit into of why they voted for their own reasoning for why they voted for Jim Jordan. Again, this is not to say I’m for it, obviously, but it’s to help us understand one he calls appropriators. And he points out there’s an old saying in Congress that there are three parties democrats, Republicans, and Appropriators.

And by that he means the guys who sit on the House Appropriations Committee. The guys who sit on the House Appropriations Committee control the the they control the know monetary complex in DC. And keep in mind, that’s not necessarily our tax. Our tax dollars are nothing compared to deficit spending, right? The deficit spending, the money that China and Saudi Arabia and Qatar and all that buy up in our money, that’s where the real money is.

That’s where the multiple, multiple trillions of dollars are. And they’re responsible, sitting on the House Appropriations Committee. They’re responsible for distributing the money. So they are the most powerful people in Congress. They’re the people who get the highest level of influence and affluence because obviously they can be bought and they can buy. I did not know this. Seven of the 20 no’s, seven were members of the House Appropriations Committee.

Obviously, Jim Jordan makes them very nervous that he’s going to cut their influence. It’s going to rain on their gravy, rain on their parade, interrupt their gravy train, whatever metaphor you want to bring. So seven of the 20, almost half, sit on this House Appropriations Committee. Good news is that Jim Jordan can assuage those concerns. He can make some deals. The money, it’s going to go no matter what.

Right now, it’s just we’re in a broken system. So I could see him easily appeasing half. And remember, he doesn’t have to appease everyone. I forgot what the final number is that he has to appease twelve or so of the 20. I forgot. So I could see him appeasing four. So five maybe of these seven, the second category. So you have the appropriators the second category of the Defense Hawks.

This is sad, but this is our current GOP right now. And these are the warmongers. These are the guys who sit on the Armed Services Committee, and they want endless money sent to Ukraine and now increasingly Israel. And Jim Jordan has said that he is going to definitely interrupt the gravy train of Ukraine. We’re not going to be sending any more money over there. It’s done. It’s over.

Ukraine is done. Everyone admits that three months of a counteroffensive has done. As a matter of fact, one stat I heard is that Hamas, see, per capita, hamas sees more territory in 24 hours per capita than Ukrainian forces were able to seize in three months of their counteroffensive. But first, gang, I got to tell you, I was utterly shocked when I was recently shown just how easy it is to access the deed to my house.

And not just access it, but change it. I mean, if you don’t know, the deed to your home is the only document that proves you own it. But the problem is that the deeds to all our homes are now online, and criminals are free to find our deeds, forge our signatures, refile as the new owner of our homes, take out tons of loans using our home’s equity, and then stick us with the debt.

And by the way, if you think homeowners insurance is going to bail you out, you got another thing coming. But that’s where our good friends over at Home Title Lock. Come in gang. They’re absolutely amazing. Home Title Lock gives you the peace of mind that the deed to your home is absolutely and completely protected. Click on that link below right now and use promo code Turlitalks. And all you have to do is enter your address for your no obligation home title scan to see if you’ve already been a victim of deed theft.

I mean that’s $100 value absolutely and totally free if you use my promo code Turley talks gang. Don’t wait for the worst to happen only to regret that you didn’t do something about it when you could have. Click on that link below right now and secure your home today. Of the 20 no’s, four are members of the Armed Services Committee. And so they’re holding out until Jim Jordan.

Because again, this is how they we saw it with Hunter and Joe. This is how they make their money. They send out the money to Ukraine and inevitably somehow it makes its way back into their seven figure bank accounts. They go into Congress generally, especially in the House, generally relatively poor. I doubt they’re making six figures or anything like that going in. They all come out millionaires. Well how the hell do you think they do that? Military industrial complex appropriations committees.

This is how they do it. This is how they sell their power and their affluent. And then the third category are members in Biden, one district. So there are several Republicans who represent blue districts actually who voted for Biden, not by much but by and again to me that’s almost silly because how much there was probably a lot of not probably. There’s definitely a lot of mail in ballot fraud as part of that.

So I’m sure that’s a bit artificial. But their donors always remind them of that. You better be careful. So these are are these are the ones who think that they can’t vote for Jim Jordan because he’s too conservative and everyone’s saying that’s ridiculous because nobody in your district is going to vote you out because of who you voted for for speaker. That’s absurd. And there are plenty of guys who voted representatives who voted for Jordan today who represent plus does.

Again, this stuff can be assuaged in the end. If those are the three categories of no voters, they can each, I think they can be massaged to the other side. But we’ll have to see. It all comes down to just how broken the Republican Party my first video is not going to be nice tomorrow. I’m just going to warn you. My first video is that I’m your patriot to help you think better so you can feel better.

I don’t think I’m bringing that up. Maybe I don’t know how much I’m going to help you to feel better after that. I don’t know of a single political party that so betrays its voters like the republicans always do. They always manage to do it. Dan Bongino said it’s because there are some Republicans who are really Democrats, but there were no Democrats who are really Republicans. He’s talking about congressional Democrats and Republicans.

And I think he’s basically know, I put it the way democrats own DC. Republicans rent. Democrats own DC. Republicans are merely renters. And so they know they have to assuage and appease their landlords because they have all the power. When all said and done, they’ve got all the power, they’ve got all the connections. They can make life very hard for you if you do not acquiesce to their demands.

So there you go. That’s what I think is going on. I don’t know if Jim Jordan is at the end of today, I have a feeling he’s going to have to. Because otherwise right now all the polls show Trump will win in a blowout and Republicans will lose both the House and Senate. And that’s astonishing given that over 20 Democrats are up for reelection, just like what we had in 2022.

There were only a few Democrats, but like 21 Republicans, we successfully defended 20 of the 21 seats, but the Democrats are in the same position and looks like they’ll pick up a couple of seats because we’re just so pathetic voters, so despise Republicans, and why shouldn’t they? They feel betrayed every single time, and rightly so. And that’s going to be kind of my video tomorrow. So that’s where we are.

And you would think that that would be impetus enough to force Republicans to successfully vote here for Jordan to look like to have a win. But remember, they don’t need to be in the majority to have the power and affluence that they acquire in this business model of politics. They just need to be voted in. That’s it. So I think primary challenges, serious primary challenges might be enough to light fire under their butts to get enough the twelve or so to vote for Jordan.

I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday night Insiders Club Livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below and joining the coalition of patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom. Click below right now. .


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building parallel economy faith family freedom based economy Home Title Lock safety insider's club livestream invitation Jim Jordan potential speakership Monday night political livestreams online property documents concerns power imbalance between landlords and tenants primary challenges for political change Republican losses in House and Senate socio-political issues discussion Trump victory predictions voter betrayal feelings

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