Jesus is Lord NOT Welcome at Harris Sex Worker Rally




➡ At a rally in Wisconsin, Lala Harris spoke about various issues, but her comments on abortion particularly energized the crowd. Some attendees shouted “Jesus is Lord” in response, leading to a back-and-forth between them and Harris. The incident sparked controversy, with some arguing that the rally was more focused on abortion than other issues. The event ended with the shouting attendees being pushed out of the crowd.
➡ The text discusses a political figure’s controversial stance on abortion and her visit to a church, which some see as ironic given her views. It also mentions accusations of her having a “Jezebel spirit,” a term used by some Christians to suggest demonic influence. The text criticizes the media’s portrayal of these events and the figure’s character, and it ends with a critique of Donald Trump’s endorsement choices and his stance on abortion.
➡ The David Knight Show encourages critical thinking and logic, but warns listeners not to share these ideas widely. The show, which can be supported financially or by telling others about it, urges people to trust science, wear masks, get vaccinated, and not question these actions. The show uses free speech to liberate minds.


Lots of rallies going on all over the place. This was in Wisconsin. And Lala Harris is bragging about abortion and getting big applause. And then something interesting happens. Now, I’m going to play for you a couple of different clips. One of them was from a lady who was covering it. And she is there live. And she says, I can’t believe she’s been talking about other issues. But when she gets on abortion, that really energizes the crowd. And she goes, just listen to this. And she turns her camera around. You can hear these guys shout out, Jesus is Lord.

And you can hear her reply. But you don’t really see anything. Now, the clip of Lala Harris, where she says, you’re at the wrong rally in response to that. You can’t really understand what they’re saying. And a lot of people try to enhance the audio. You can’t hear it. But you can hear it in her clip. So I’m going to play her clip. I’m going to play the one that was focused on Lala. And then we’re going to show you what happened in the audience, in the crowd, as they push these guys out, yelled at them and shoved them and that type of thing.

So here is the first clip where you can hear the quote. And you can also see the, and then it’s the other clip of Harris. We can’t really understand what they’re shouting. Anyway, I was making a video talking actually about how sad I was that the loudest cheering at the rather small event came in support of abortion. When I panned over to the crowd and to her speaking and I caught something I wasn’t expecting, not a lot of energy here, but everyone just cheered and screamed for killing babies. So that was disappointing.

Anyway, here she is. The protections of Roe v. Wade and they did as he intended. Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. Crowd loves that. Crowd loves that. You’re the wrong rally. Jesus is Lord, get out of here. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street. And so that’s really what that was a big part of what she was talking about. Well, the rally down the street that happened with Trump, you know, that was bigger. I don’t care. Do you care? These people, they can vote for what they’re not going to make any difference, not even a swing state, but you know, so there’s this back and forth, all the conservatives are like, well, Trump’s rally was bigger than hers.

Trump is Lord, not Lala. Some people focus on the Jesus is Lord aspect of it. A couple of students from the University of Wisconsin, lacrosse, I saw this at first. I thought they’re on a lacrosse team. What is it? Lacrosse is the name of the town of Wisconsin. They are not on a lacrosse. Well, maybe they are on a lacrosse team, but not actual lacrosse. Uh, they went on with Fox news and they said this, I’d say the first thing I want to bring up, this is our first time taking an interview with anybody.

And I think it’s important because this is our raw, like untold story. There’s not happened that lot that happened off camera, uh, that we set at the protest and or while, while we were protesting and I guess we could start off with when she after she talked about overturning Roe, he weighed in Donald Trump. I yelled out to the crowd that abortion is the sacrament of Satan. And when I said that, I deeply do believe that as a Christian and about 10 seconds go by. And that’s when the video of my friend Grant and I, uh, proclaiming that Christ is Lord and Jesus is King.

Uh, when we said that, and I think it’s important to say this is a small venue and we’re about 20 to 30 yards away from Kamala at this point, there’s a lot of controversy that says she wasn’t talking to us or we’d laugh. We didn’t get kicked out. Well, I can speak on Grant’s behalf, um, on video grants getting pushed and shoved. And, um, there’s about five seconds after or before she tells us to go to the smaller rally down the street, you can see on the video, she waves, she waves.

She was actually waving to me. I took this cross off my neck that I wear. And as we were getting asked to leave, um, I held it up in the air and waved at her and pointed to her and she looked directly in the eye, kind of gave me an evil smirk. And, um, yeah, I just want to clear that up and confirmed that she 100% was talking to us. And there’s other controversy that says we left. Um, we were getting shouted at, pushed, assaulted, um, screamed at. So we were walking away, but there was about three, um, attendees, their volunteers that kicked us out with press with badges or whatever they had.

Yeah. And of course, uh, you can see that at the very beginning of it, um, when they pull it, you can really get a crowd shot and you can see them being pushed and shoved in here. I think it’s important to just play a little bit of this again. Here it is. There’s a crowd shot that happened off camera, uh, that we sat at the protest and you can see it is a small crowd while we were protesting. And I guess we could start off with when she, I’m sure she talked about overturning Roe, he weighed in Donald Trump.

Well, you know, a lot of people have pushed back on this saying, well, I don’t, I saw the clip that focuses on her. So I can’t understand what they’re saying. And you can’t understand, but you can hear it clearly. And that ladies report there, uh, what they said. And you can hear that, uh, Lala responded to that and you can see the crowd’s response, which I think is the most amazing thing I was pushed by an elderly woman. We were heckled out. We were cursed at, we were mocked. That’s the biggest thing for me personally said in reflection of the event, Jesus was mocked.

You know, his disciples are mocked and that’s okay. He said, but he’s pointed out. He said, uh, we were saying that abortion is a sacrament of Satan. And I’ve said for the longest time, they talk about an abortion, right? They spell it R I T E. They’ve made it very clear. Temple of Satan is a helping people to do abortion. They want to say, this is part of our religion. So we have religious freedom if people want to do this religious service to kill their baby by taking a pill. So they’re trying to claim religious freedom on it.

In Texas, we had a woman who ran against Greg Abbott might’ve been the first time that he ran her entire campaign like law laws was based on abortion. She had been a state representative who had taken a stand against a pro-life law in Texas. I think it was the law. I’m not, I’m not sure. It’s been a while. I’m just going from recollection. I believe it was one of the laws that said in response to what happened with Kermit Gosnell. You know, Kermit Gosnell had the shoddy, quote unquote clinic where he was killing babies.

And so there were two babies that he killed. He didn’t just set them off to the side and let him die naturally, right? After a failed abortion, he actively killed them. And so they got him for those two murders. And I don’t know which one is more humane. But the other thing that happened was they had an illegal immigrant woman of color who bled to death because they could not get the gurneys and stuff through the hallways to get her out. And so they got him for that murder as well.

And so as a response to that, you had a lot of conservative states at the time were saying, well, what can we do with this? Let’s they say this is about women’s health. Okay. Well, make it about women’s health. Make sure that you have hallways and doorways that are going to be big enough that you can get emergency equipment in there or gurneys in there or whatever. And when they put that legislation in in Texas, boy, the Democrats went crazy. The people were supposed to be about women’s health. And so there were these big rallies and protests and everything there at the Capitol grounds in Texas.

And a bunch of Christians were there and they were praying and that type of thing. And so the left was very offended by that. They’re always offended when they see people praying. Well, I tell you, when they see people praying to God, well, they really show their colors. When you say Jesus is Lord, they really show their colors. And so as the Christians are praying there, I had a bunch of these, you know, abortion right R-I-T-E women who got in their faces and started screaming, hail Satan, hail Satan. Same type of stuff.

When Congress passes a bill, said La La, when Congress passes a bill to kill babies nationwide, as president of the U.S., I will proudly, proudly sign it into law. Of course, I changed restore reproductive freedom to kill babies because that’s what we’re talking about here. And that’s what the GOP won’t show. They’ll try to censor people who say this. Now, you need to counter them with the truth, not with censorship, as I said. So on Sunday, during her birthday, to help to counteract what she had just done, the next day, she goes to a church, the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a half-hour drive from Atlanta, Georgia.

Well, that’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? The new birth? The new birth? You must be born again, but before you can be born again, you got to be born the first time, right? She doesn’t want any birth. They should call it the no birth Missionary Baptist Church because these people are supporting a Satanist. I wonder, you know, what kind of a church this is? Maybe think because, you know, Babylon B, and it’s kind of a spin off of what La La Harris did. The Babylon B article says, you’re at the wrong church, responds Joel Austin to a man who proclaims Jesus as Lord.

Whoa there, bud. I think you belong in a much smaller church down the street, said Austin. I’m the one around here who gets to declare what blessings I receive, not some Jesus fella. I keep my mind focused on yachts, which is why God gives me yachts. Several ushers reportedly ushered the man who had shouted Jesus as Lord out of the Joel Austin church, told him to please go name and claim a different church where he could make such proclamations. Then they confiscated his wallet and beat him with sticks. So then we have what is a Jezebel spirit? This is also damage control by A.P.

So she goes to this Baptist church, ironically called New Birth, and A.P., that’s damage control, then A.P. does damage control. They said, you’ve got all these Christians out there saying that she’s got a Jezebel spirit, and the Associated Press associated propaganda, propaganda associated with the Democrat left. Some Christians use this term to paint La La Harris with a demonic brush. I think she made her make up with a demonic brush. So this person says this is deeply, this is a term that is deeply racist and misogynistic in its roots.

No, no, it’s a reference, I think, to her being a sex worker who slept her way to the top. That’s what a Jezebel spirit is. It’s just that simple. I mean, you know, you just say she’s a sex worker. That’s all you have to do. We know that’s the case. That’s one of the reasons why she loves abortion so much. A sex worker is going to have that insurance policy. The concept is inspired by the biblical story, says A.P., of the evil Queen Jezebel, who persecuted prophets and was punished with a horrible death.

In the context of Jezebel spirit, the term has sinister connotations, suggesting the person is under the influence of demons in a spiritual battle between good and evil. Oh, that would never apply to La La Harris, would it? People are hearing this woman is possessed by demonic spirit that is hardcore, terrible, hates men, hates authority, is going to do whatever she wants to do. Is that a professor at the University of Pennsylvania? I think that’s pretty accurate description. That’s one of the most accurate descriptions I’ve ever seen of La La Harris.

Hardcore, terrible, hates men, hates authority, is going to do whatever she wants to do. Yeah. And then she went on to say, this is coded language. It usually means a Democrat, black or multiracial. What absolute nonsense. Queen Jezebel, if you go back to the Old Testament, was not Democrat. She was not black or multiracial. She was from Tyre. She wasn’t Jewish, but still has nothing to do with race. But of course, this is Associated Press. They don’t label everything that they disagree with as racist, but they heavily editorialize and they can always find some ludicrous professor who will give them the labels that they want and they can quote them saying it, you see, so that they can pretend that they’re objective.

They’re not writing the story. Oh, but they are writing the story. That’s how they do it and claim that they’re not writing the story. And then they go on to say, Associated Press says, Harris is a Christian and a Baptist. This falsely suggests that she’s a non-Christian. Well, I don’t know. Christians that I know don’t have any problems saying Jesus is Lord. The next interview, Bret Baier, if you get another interview with her, ask her, can you say Jesus is Lord? Just watch her kind of clam up and start shaking or something.

I don’t know what you’d do. I don’t think she would say that. I can guarantee you that she wouldn’t say it. That ought to be the next question. Anybody ask her, is Jesus Lord? You say you’re a Baptist. Any woman who is stepping into her power in any kind of way, it’s going to be seen as this Jezebel, who is deserving of violence, said this woman. No, we’re talking about a sex worker. And I’m not endorsing this. They go to Lance Wall now. As I said last week, I don’t know anything about Lance Wall.

Now, I know that he’s part of this, this, you know, this Trump prophecy team or whatever. I don’t even know where Wall No is. Where’s Wall No? I don’t know where the guy is. I don’t know where he’s from, but I don’t know what he’s saying in general. I just know that mala’s background is out of a sex worker. So Jezebel Spirit, that would fit. On October the 12th, thousands gathered to pray, says the associated propaganda, at the National Mall, where Che An, another person I know nothing about, a leader in the new apostolic Reformation decreed, declared, no, decreed, decreed.

See, and that is interesting. He didn’t declare it. He decreed it. Who’s this guy to make decrees? Jesus, I know, Paul, I know. Who are you? This guy needs to get the seven sons of sheep on him. He decreed that Trump is a type of Jehu, biblical figure who overthrew Jezebel’s reign. And ordered her death, Che An, who did not respond to the Associated Press seeking comment, pleaded with the crowd to get out and vote. I decree, by faith, that Trump will win on November the 5th. He’ll be our 47th president, and lala Harris will be cast out.

Well, then I guess you don’t need, if you can decree stuff like that, and if you’re speaking on God’s behalf, you don’t need to get out the vote effort. What’s the deal with this? I think it’s like, you know, let’s have a rally so we can make this happen. Wait, you just said God was gonna do this. Gotta get your story straight here. Just another one of these false prophets like we saw forever, from 2020 on. These people, you know, oh yeah, it’s gonna turn around at the last minute, even after Trump was gone out of the White House.

Oh, it’s gonna turn around. Julie Green, one that I’ve played over and over again. So Che An, Lance Wall now, they’re just more of the Julie Green movement that’s out there. And then this was up on Twitter, and this is from Marty. And for all the people who think that Trump, all the Christians out there, say, yeah, Trump saved, as I said before, Trump didn’t expect this to happen. None of these Republican presidents expected it to happen. And not the Bushes, not Reagan, and all the stuff that never worked.

And then when it did work, you could see Trump running as fast as he could in the other direction, just like Blake Masters, Peter Thiel, partner, that Trump endorsed. Now they start scrubbing their websites and doing everything they can. Boy, they’re just doing everything to try to get away from it. And so Marty put this up, and it’s from Donald Trump. This is what Donald Trump, it wasn’t my fault Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in midterm. It was, I was 233 to 20. Now, people that he endorsed, of course he endorsed a lot of people who were in non-competitive races and things like that.

If you look at the people that were in competitive races, he doesn’t have a very good track record of people like Blake Masters and people like Dr. Oz. These people were clowns that he picked over people who were genuine conservatives, and they lost. But anyway, he says it was the abortion issue that handled, so it wasn’t Trump. He was trying to save babies’ lives. What’s the matter with you? You care about babies and kids? Says the Jeffrey Epstein partygoer. It was the abortion issue poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on no exceptions, even in the case of rape, incest, or the life of a mother that lost large numbers of voters.

Also, the people that pushed so hard for decades against abortion got their wish from the Supreme Court, and they just plain disappeared, not to be seen again. Yeah, well, you know, what’s not being seen is the reality of abortion. And Trump, again, on this issue, he’s the one who disappeared, vanishing, vanishing all at once. The David Knight Show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight Show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread farther.

People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine, don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds, it’s the David Knight Show. [tr:trw].

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