Jay Z Beyonce Know Where The Bodies Are? Celebrity Power Delusions Of Grandeur Examined..

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The speaker discusses a shift in consciousness, suggesting that old structures are crumbling and a new era is emerging. They mention that many people are already adapting to this change, while others are still stuck in the past. The speaker also talks about their experiences with immigrants and the controversy surrounding food aid distribution. They express sympathy for those seeking a better life, while also acknowledging the complexities of the situation.
➡ The speaker initially planned to follow his father’s footsteps and become a pharmacist, but after working as a pharmacy technician for ten years, he realized it wasn’t for him. He then unexpectedly found interest in meteorology and became knowledgeable about it, although he doesn’t consider himself an expert. He discusses the evolution of weather reporting, noting that many weather presenters on TV aren’t trained meteorologists, but this is changing. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about Hurricane Milton, its unpredictable nature, and the potential damage it could cause.
➡ The text discusses unusual cloud formations in Florida, known as mammatus clouds, which resemble the underside of an egg carton. The speaker explains that these clouds form due to downward draft pressure, which can indicate instability and potential tornadic activity. The conversation then shifts to the ongoing hurricane season, potential storms, and the political climate, suggesting that the next six months could be chaotic. The speakers also criticize the government’s response to recent disasters and suggest that these events have awakened more people to certain issues.
➡ The speaker discusses their observations from YouTube polls, noting a high support for a certain individual. They also mention the platforms where different age groups share information. The conversation then shifts to allegations made by Jaguar Wright against Beyonce and Jay Z, suggesting they have been involved in illegal activities. However, it’s noted that Jaguar hasn’t provided any proof to support these claims.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the relationship between celebrities like Jay Z and Robert Kelly, the potential number of victims involved in undisclosed incidents, and the role of power and rituals in the lives of influential people. It also touches on the perceived decline in the quality of sports idols and the impact of fame on individuals from a young age, using Corey Feldman as an example.
➡ The text discusses the performance and behavior of celebrities, focusing on Corey Feldman. It suggests that many celebrities have inflated egos, believing the world revolves around them, which can lead to delusions of grandeur and questionable actions. However, it also acknowledges that some celebrities may project a strong ego to hide their insecurities. The text ends with a discussion about the allure of fame and the impact it can have on individuals.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience with online fame, noting that it feels less tangible than traditional fame. They express frustration with people who let a small amount of online attention inflate their egos, and emphasize that they value genuine interaction with their audience more than fame or money. They also express their dislike for celebrities and the negative impact they believe celebrities have on society. The speaker also discusses their views on the patriot community, criticizing those who spread misinformation or act superior due to a small amount of knowledge. They argue for more civil disagreement and learning from each other.
➡ The speaker discusses their role in presenting information to the public, emphasizing the importance of transparency and allowing the audience to form their own opinions. They express frustration with people presenting opinions as facts and highlight the value of diverse viewpoints. They use a puzzle analogy to explain that while they may not know the full picture, they can identify what’s not accurate. The speaker also mentions their ongoing learning process and the importance of conviction and passion in their work.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s corner tv. How’s it going? What’s up, Ron? How you. How you doing, bro? I’m doing all right, man. Trying to. Trying to, you know, make it. Make a dollar out of $0.50, you know, it’s kind of like I see it now. Like, I feel like this paradigm shift is happening, and we’re watching everything of the old era, the old paradigm crumble down and just get destroyed. And I don’t even think. And I’ll be honest, I think this is already done. I think it’s done. I think what we’re watching now is, you know, it’s a new consciousness, and a lot of us are ahead of the ball on this.

Like, you are. I am my audience. We already are. We’re already on the other side of this. And once you’re in that, when you’re in that new consciousness, you can’t put a new consciousness back into the old shoebox. It doesn’t work that way. That is true. But I want to get some clarification. When you say. When you say everything’s already done, are you kind of talking about, like, let’s just say, you know, a 16 plus one? No, I think we’re going through the motions. I think this is. So much has been exposed. You can’t put it back in that.

You can’t put the cat back in the bag. Spot is. And I don’t think. I think at this point, we’re watching everything now with a different lens on a different. You know, it’s almost like hindsight is 2020, but now we’re looking at these, you know, this celebrity got the celebrity, you know, crap that’s happening with P. Diddy, the scandals, everything that’s happening. We’re just watching the old structure just tumble down, old Hollywood just collapse on itself. Old structures, the old government, everything, not just all the media to the media as well. It’s done. It’s like people’s eyes are open, and there’s a lot of people that are late to the ball.

Like, you know, like, I have neighbors, bro, that still have a Harrison waltz sign on their yard, and I’m just. I’m thrown off by that. I just. There’s no hope for these people. For those ones. There’s sleepwalkers, you know, people that are still wearing the face diapers, people that are buying everything the media is selling them. But I I’m gonna stay in this podcast as hard as it’s gonna. As it’s gonna be in these next three to six months. I have hope for humanity. I really do. I really do. You know, I did on my channel, I talk about things that you would never get away being.

I mean, you couldn’t even like scratch the surface of him here on, on fluff tube, but. Well, yeah, because it’s onlyfans. I promise, man, every time we do this, you promise you’re not going to like out my holy fans. But, you know, I was, you kind of derailed me there with the onlyfans thing. I wanted to say something to you though, you know, talking about paradigms and realization and everything. And I was, I stumbled on a story not too long ago about, I guess the federal agents had rated a hotel in your neck of the woods where they literally pulled like 15 or 20.

San Antonio. Yeah. No, yeah, it was a little bit closer to you than that. It was actually in El Paso. Yeah, right here. Yeah, it was. And it was right. I took you in that area. Yes, exactly. That’s why I was like, I was like, I was looking at the, at the video footage and I’m like, dude, that looks really familiar. And it’s like right down there where you and I ran into those people and we’re talking to them. Let’s tell that story in a second. Hold on, folks, get your noble gold. Yeah, let me do this real quick.

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They’re kind of cool. You singing them, man. It’s right. Yeah, you’re. It’s like, you know, all you need is a little bit of music behind it, background music, as long as it’s not like seventies, seventies, triple x music. What were we saying? We’re talking about when I came down there and we went down and we. We got a bunch of footage. We were talking to a couple of those guys. And I think, you know, it initially, it turned out initially, it was kind of okay. But then I think as time progressed, we got a little bit uneasy.

And you’re. And you’re like, I’m getting out of here. Yeah. They started surrounding the vehicle, and I was like, dude, I always leave before there’s trouble. I like to step over the line, but not like completely. You know, I like to put my toe in the water a little bit. So I took you down there, I let you see where all the Venezuelans are hanging out, and we said hello to a couple of them, talked to him for a little bit, and then, you know, I. Look, if you know how to talk to these people, bro, they’re not.

They recognize swag. They recognize sweets, street swag. They understand when someone’s talking their language. And it’s not if you know Spanish, it’s you. If you know the swagger and the lingo, that’s it. If you know the street, you have the street smarts. There’s a street lingo, man, that they all know. And I know that I was raised on the border, but you know what’s really crazy is I found out the other night, I’m not going to tell who, who disclosed this to me. But you know how the Mormon church, basically, they. They’ve always been the ones to harvest and.

And prep. They’ve had huge warehouses, food and trust farms. They have the whole thing. Well, you know that a lot of the christian churches or catholic churches here in El Paso get their food from them. So I found that out last night talking to a friend who’s also FBI, by the way. I’m not gonna say who he is. Anyway, he. His mother was telling me how they. They basically, they’re the ones that are like, the Mormon churches are the ones that collect all the food and do all that stuff. And then there’s, I guess, once a month or maybe more than that.

I don’t know how many times a month they give it to other churches for people in need, but these churches are taking it and giving it to the immigrants. They’re just going to. Just handing it out, all out to the immigrants. And there’s a big conflict with that right now. Like, they’re starting to get pissed. They’re like, man, we’re giving you this food to help others, and you’re just, you’re giving it to people who are not american, basically. It’s like, we’re giving this to you to help people in need, and you’re giving it to people who are here not, and then that’s still happening.

So even with all the stuff happening with Hurricane Helene and all that, there’s a lot of these churches are still giving out massive amounts of food to the immigrants. Just, look, everyone needs to eat. I understand that. A lot of the people that came here, I feel very bad for my dude because you saw them, bro. A lot of them are just look at people are people. And, you know, I mean, I’m not, I’m not, I’m not a bleeding heart lefty, but, you know, when you talk about, you know, people who are coming here for a better life, I get it.

I completely understand. Look, I’ve been around the world in places that other people haven’t because I was in the navy, so being in the navy and seeing, I mean, I’ve seen poverty the likes of which you can’t fathom in the United States, you just can’t fathom. Well, speaking of your, your, your job in the navy, you were a weatherman, right? I did the weather in the navy, yeah. So would, like, your, what made you not go into the weather? I like your local business. I could have, I could have, I was going to be a pharmacist, dude, my dad was a pharmacist, and he owned a pharmacy, and I was going to, you know, I was going to go to pharmacy school, and I was going to come out and I was going to be, you know, when I got out of the Navy, my dad, he grandfathered me in to be a, be a pharmacy technician, so I, because that was when pharmacy techs first came into being.

And so, anyway, I did that, and I did that for, like, ten years, and I was like, I was kind of hamming and ha. And I really got a sour taste in my mouth about pharmacy, and I’m like, I really don’t want to do this. And so I didn’t, but do what you love, Mandy. Well, you know what I mean? I really did enjoy the weather, but I, I stumbled into that that wasn’t something that I had planned on. It just was, it just kind of happened, and I never even saw myself as, you know, taking that and making it into a career or anything.

Although I. But you’re, like, an expert in weather, we could say. I could. So I have a weather expert. I don’t know about an expert, but I’m much more intelligent than the layperson, I’ll tell you that. Well, you’re gonna know a hell of a lot more about the weather than I will. I mean. I mean, I don’t even know how there’s, how there’s even a weatherman on television anymore. If you could just check your phone. It’s kind of like. That’s like a dying profession, right? Well, not really. It depends, because, I mean, most of the time, weather guys on television are not meteorologists.

But lately, what we’re starting to see, at least, um, I don’t watch television, so I shouldn’t really say that. Um, but. But my understanding is there are several people out there who are. They actually went to weather school. They understand meteorology, and then they go into the, uh, profession, like the news profession, and they take their skills and talents as a, you know, from communications and meld it with, uh, with their understanding of the weather and so that they’re actually that much more effective. But, you know, the weatherman and, you know, yesteryear on television, those guys were just, you know, when you came out of journalism school and you got hired on, they was like, hey, well, we need a weather guy.

And they’re like, okay, well, I’ll be the weather guy. Wow. Even though they didn’t have any weather training. Yeah. Because, I mean, all they had to do is just read a screen. I mean, he just had to. They’d have, the script was already written for him. You know, there’s so many times when I was boxing that I would be in the studios, the new studios, because I was doing, I was always doing hits on local news stations. Whenever I was fighting in, like, certain cities or whatever. And, like. Mm hmm. I always stopped to watch the weather, man.

It was like, it put me, like, in a hypnotic, dude, I would be in the studio just watching this guy. Like, how the fuck is he coordinating? Because it’s just a green screen. He just looks at himself on a television, and he, like, he’s pointing to the green screen, but you can’t see what we see on this on television. He can’t see that? No. And then he has, he has screens, is screens to the side of him with that. He, like, television screens that are, like, off to the. That he’s looking at at a 90 degree angle that the people that are watching television, they can’t see.

And so when he’s like doing all of his hand motions about showing like where the fronts are and where the storm is, activities are, or certain areas of the country and they’re hotter and these are colder, uh, typically. I mean, that’s just practice of him making the maneuvers that go, that coincide with what, you know, the green screen that’s behind him, but he can actually see himself on a screen. So let me get your, your expert opinion on what Hurricane Milton is. We both believe it’s not natural and we’ll say that here on fluff tube. I’m going to play a little bit of this video first to get people’s mouth wet.

And good morning. Welcome to Fox Weather first. I’m Craig Herrera here in New York at our studios. This is the start of today’s live coverage of Hurricane Milton approaching Florida. My co anchor and friend Britta Merwin joins us from Lido Key, Florida, right near Sarasota. Good morning, Britta. Good morning, Craig. Arriving in Lido Key this morning, a very eerie feeling. There’s very few people out and about, as you can imagine. We just had literally the calm before the storm. Huh? Look how calm it is. The police officer drive by Lido Key is 4 miles away from downtown Sarasota.

You take the John ringling causeway to get over here. It’s known for St. Armand’s circle. It’s an outdoor shopping area. Absolutely beautiful. That’s behind the camera and we’ll show you what it looks like this morning. Everything is moved out of the storefronts and everything is boarded up. Meanwhile, behind me, Craig, that’s the concern. Debris piles left over from Helene, this beautiful quiet neighborhood, about 2500. Those debris pile piles are going to be blown to Smith, the rains all over the place causing even more damage. So this, this hurricane is going to be way worse than Helene, right? That’s what it’s projected to be.

I don’t know if it’s going to be worse because as I understand it, it’s, it’s, it was at a category five. It was, it, it went from a category to a category five and they say that it’s going to downgrade. It was then downgraded to a category three, but then they say it’s going to be upgraded to, again to a category four but then downgraded again before it actually hits landfall. I, man, I don’t know. This is like this, this thing. I think they should rename it from Milton or to Sybil because I don’t think anybody really has any idea what the multiple personalities yeah.

I don’t know what the hell’s going to happen here. Residents live here full time because keep in mind it’s a growing population. Right. You have a lot of tourists that come in and come out, but for the people that call Lido key home all year round, their lives are right now out on a sidewalk. And that’s going to be a very complicated scenario come tomorrow morning, which is the earliest onset of storm surge that is possible. So, Craig, you know, this is going to be a long journey and this is truly just the beginning. Yeah. Britain.

As we take a look at some of them with the debris behind you, I think that’s been a big concern as well. Right. Trying to clear out the debris, but not really the case in all situations. There just hasn’t been enough time. Although there’s no way that they can remove it. We have seen one. Isn’t there another one following this one, Ron? I mean, I’ll look up. Noah. Hey, check your email. I sent you an image to put on the. On the screen. Let me. Let me go and check. What do you mean, Noah? That’s the next one that’s coming.

No, no, a is the National Oceanographic. That’s kind of a weird name for a blood well. No, that’s where. That’s. If you go to the hurricane center, that’s where it is here. I’ll actually post this link in the. So what is it that I’m pulling up right here? Yeah, I see it. I just sent you the link to the NOAA center. Right, I see it. What is this exactly? What am I looking at here? That is a picture of. That’s a satellite image of basically, like some sort of anomaly just to the east or, I’m sorry, just to the west of the west coast of Florida before it actually hit landfall.

And that was sent to me yesterday by somebody. Now, the thing that really struck me as odd is why is that pattern so perfectly spiral? Oh, wow. Yeah, I see it perfectly, man. That’s just. That’s up with that. Yeah. That’s weird. That’s so weird. It’s weird. I don’t know what it is to me. It just does not look natural. That does not look normal or natural at all. Wow. Come on, folks. Give me your thoughts down below. I don’t know. You know what I mean? Somebody sent that to me, so I don’t know if it’s. If it’s an actual picture, if it’s photoshopped, I can’t say for certain.

And if you guys. If put it in the. Put it in the chat section, if that’s real, if it’s fake, if you have the original link to that, because it was sent to me, and I’m, frankly, I haven’t looked for it. I haven’t searched for it, but it was sent to me from a gentleman that I have a lot of faith and trust in. So I don’t really have any reason to suspect that he’s lying. But I also saw another image that somebody sent me of, like, just some very bizarre cloud formations on the west coast of Florida.

And I was looking up and it looked like, you know, if you ever heard of a mammatus cloud. No. Have you ever looked up in the cloud, up in the sky, and the clouds are forming some sort of a shape at the bottom that looks like the underneath of a. An egg crate or an egg carton. Yeah, yeah. Where they’re like. Like that. Yes. That’s what’s called downward lead. That’s. That’s downward billowing. So you’ve got, so normally what clouds do is when clouds billow, you’ve got the base layer of the cloud, which is called the inversion layer.

All right, well, the. That’s where, that’s the, that’s where the. The clouds start to condensate and become clouds, and clouds generally will billow upwards. Well, if you’ve got that. If you’ve got the shape of, like, it looks like, like they call it Maas clouds because it looks like a, it looks like a, you know, a mama like with the mammary glands hanging down. So if you. If you have that, and actually, if you look behind you in the back of your corner where you’ve got the, like the egg crate, that’s kind of what it looks like.

Okay, if. Because that’s the soundproofing stuff, right. I. That’s what. Oh, oh, you mean like this stuff? Yeah, oh, yeah, that’s what the bottom. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve seen those. I’ve seen these clouds and I know what they’re called. I don’t want to say them and I don’t. People, I just say it’s called the monos cloud. That’s what it’s called. That’s. I know, but it’s from planes. No, that’s not where that’s from, actually. What? That’s. All right, go ahead. No, what? That’s what, when you get the downward billowing, that means that since clouds normally form upwards, that’s them forming down because you’ve got downward draft pressure pushing the clouds to form downward.

What’s causing that? That’s instability. And typically, when you have instability in the clouds like that, that’s when you get tornadic activity. But could that be artificial? Well, anything could be artificial if they’re manipulating the weather. Right. Okay, so we’ll just leave it. But. But I don’t know. That’s not necessarily. That’s more of a byproduct of. Because when, when things like that are done, they’re done on a grand scale. They don’t, they don’t, like laser focus into a particular area. If something like that occurs, it’s going to be a byproduct of, of the, of the grand. Call it the.

The manipulations, call it that. Okay, so after this one, we, we potentially have one more that could hit. Right. I don’t see one in the Gulf of Mexico. Looking at the, looking on the NOAA website, I see another one that has about. It looks like about a 10% chance it’s right off of the coast of Africa by Senegal. I don’t know if anything’s going to come from that. There’s another storm that’s basically in the center of the Atlantic right about literally about halfway between Puerto Rico and the coast of the west coast of Africa. But that looks like it’s going to kind of curve up and go hit potentially Portugal.

So I don’t see another storm other than the potential of one maybe on the west coast of Mexico near Guadalajara, just to the south of Cabo San Lucas. And it’s not even hurricane season, right? Isn’t hurricane season. Oh, it’s still hurricane season. Hurricane season. Hurricane season generally goes from about July to November. Really? Okay, so. All right, so then, wow, man, we got. And this is just the beginning of October, October 8. This is a lot, but it gets just. But I mean, let’s just talk about. Well, I mean, that’s just one way to. That’s like the first big boom of October.

You. But you and I both know we talked to a lot of the same people, and you and I both know that we run in the same circles. You and I both know that. But it’s a green light now. Everything’s go. And we’re probably looking at the next six months to be pretty damn chaotic. Do you agree that? I would say, personally, I think it’s going to be a lot more concentrated. I think the chaos is going to be. Is going to come up to a boiling point. The temperature is already rising now. I feel like the temperature is going to continue to rise up until the first part of November, and then I feel like it’s going to be a landslide if, if.

Yeah, but we know that, right. You and I assume that, but if a lot, they’re not going to play it out like that. They’re not going to play those cards well. Yeah. So I’m saying if allowed, if allowed to occur and it’s a landslide and, you know, for our guy, that’s fine. Everybody knows I’m talking about if it’s a landslide for our guy, then, then that is when I kind of foresee all hell breaking loose because they got to do everything they can to prevent, you know, the, the unthinkable from happening in January 20. Yeah, I just had a guy on today, David, I think is David Sawwell or something like that.

And he was talking about, he just filmed the documentary about j six. And I was like, do you think that’s going to be a walk in the park for what’s coming? And he just kind of, like, nodded, and I was like, yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s, what’s coming to me could be a lot bigger than that, because when they see the potential, when they understand that there’s nothing else they can do, when they see mister t make that move and let’s say, okay, the people have spoken, what then? And I’m talking. I’m. That’s when I’m expecting it for.

To really, all hell, to really break loose. I agree. I agree. Because I’m actually of the opinion that they’re gonna have, they have to allow what’s gonna happen in the beginning of November to occur. If they try to stop it, it’s only gonna make things worse. So, because, I mean, you, you look at some of the people in eastern part or the western part of North Carolina, dude, if, if they’re, if they’re still alive, there is nothing that is going to prevent them. I mean, if they had to crawl uphill and uphill in a torrential rain, in the mud to get to a voting booth, they’re going to do it.

They’re doing it. So I liken it to, you know, when the Germans were bombing England or the English were bombing Germans in world War two, the bombing campaigns did not have the desired effect that either side wanted. Really, what it did was it made the population of the civilian population even more resolute to win the bomb. That’s what the bombing campaign did. So all these things that are being done with the idea that they’re going to try to dissuade them from getting to the polls or not to vote a specific way that they want to. That’s, it’s going to, it’s going to be, let’s not forget to mention Biden and Kamala’s response on it’s been terrible if you want that.

Right. There has been more exposing than anything. Right. Well, you know, listen, when they come out, when FEma comes out and says we don’t have any more money left, to think of the optics of that and see, and, but, but that, that gives me, yeah, it’s all going to immigrants. That or foreign aid, you know, with the two biggest, the two biggest recipients being that little country south of Russia and the one in the eastern Mediterranean. You know, those are the two that are getting the most money really. For what? And then you’ve got more money going to people who are not even Americans.

And while, well, meanwhile, while you’ve got a whole segment of society in Americans, american citizens that are being, you know, left for dead. For all intents and purposes, this could have been a blessing, pressing in disguise, so to speak, in the sense that it woke up a hell of a lot more people. Exactly. Yeah. I agree with you on that. And I don’t, I don’t mean to, I’m not trying to say that I, you know, I’m, you know, you know, happy that people are suffering in North Carolina, not the, that’s not the case at all. And especially for what’s going to happen in, in Florida potentially.

You know, I mean, there’s going to be a lot of people that are going to struggle from this. Uh, but in the, but if the, if the response from the federal government in Florida is anything remotely close to what it was in North Carolina, you know, it’s just, it’s, it’s going to be really ugly for the left. I, you know, you know, a long lost, long time ago, I remember Juan used to kept talking about, we need 80%, we need 80%. You know, 80%. I think we’re past 80%. I think we’re, we’re approaching 90. You know, I’m on YouTube a lot.

I know I’m not, I probably shouldn’t be. But to me, that’s where the fight is, at least in terms of, like, when I watch stuff, I still watch a lot of stuff on YouTube. And, you know, every, every once in a while, you scroll down through the homepage and you’ll come up to things and I’ll say, who you gonna vote for? Who you gonna vote for, dude? There’s not one time that I don’t click on those things. And I’ve just to see what the numbers are. And it’s always, mister t always has 90 plus percent. Right.

I have not seen, I have not seen a double digit number for either, for either of the two democrats ever. I agree with you. And, and that’s very telling in itself. It’s like, it’s like we’re all, I think we’re finally there, like what Juan has talked about for so long because fluff tube, you know, fluff tube does not cater to, to a conservative audience. Neither does X. I mean, you know, I mean, no, but X does, but x, X a little bit more. So. But, you know, you know, I don’t dislike true social, I don’t dislike telegram, but you know, I mean, listen, the, you know, I would say the three main platforms of where people are duking it out and spreading information, at least for the people who count.

I shouldn’t say that. And I’m on the people who count. But the older generation, those are going to, that’s, that’s going to be x slash, Twitter, YouTube or Facebook. Yeah, those are, the Instagram and tick tock are mainly for their firm thirties and below. Right. 35. If you’re, if you’re 35 to 40 and above, you’re on one of those three platforms. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree with you. Let’s make a pivot real quick. Let’s talk about Jaguar, right? Exposes Beyonce and Jay Z’s countless bodies. I think these people are next. I think Jay Z is coming.

I think. Oh, I do. I do, too. I think he’s running scared. Yeah. I don’t think there’s any way out for him. I’ve heard rumors that he’s left the country, which he should. But let’s just listen to a little bit. Let’s commentate on this video for a second, Jack. Why? Right. Then how does Jay Z sit down with Gayle King and she not asked him one question about the intersection between him and Aaliyah and Robert Kelly say you what now? Not Jaguar Wright exposing Beyonce and Jay Z for allegedly keeping bodies in they house and Jay Z apparently selling Diddy out to the beds.

Chill, y’all. Wow. So she’s saying Jay Z sold Diddy outta. Get in here and grab yourself a chair for this mess because this mess with Diddy is just getting more and more intense by the minute and Jaguar Wright is on top of it. This comes after she went on national television and revealed that Beyonce and Jay Z has allegedly been unaliving people and keeping the bodies in they house for some depraved rituals. But she wasn’t done with just that, y’all. You know, this goes to like, everything I talked about in my viral video that. That first threw me onto the scene.

Remember that? In 2019? Very well. Yeah, that. That I say I kicked the door open for this stuff. I mean, obviously first it was like, Isaac happy and people like that. But. But mine went mainstream pretty damn fast and would by accident, folks. I didn’t mean it to just a thing that happened, but I said, I never for I will. I actually have seen that video multiple times. And that was. I remember, I’ll never forget, you know, on the backyard and by the pool and your cowboy hat. I don’t know how. I don’t. I don’t know what you were watching.

It was a d. It was. Had a big d on it. Oh, oh, okay. Yeah. Cowboys hat. Gotcha. All right. That you meant I was running cowboy. What are you watching, Ron? Yeah, Dallas Cowboy. That Jay Z has been in contact with the feds for years now in that he was the one who was allegedly funding the investigation into Diddy so he could protect himself from getting incriminated. Baby. I don’t know where Jaguar getting all this information from, but our girl would brave enough to throw these allegations around on national television with millions of people tuned in.

So she gotta have some sort of evidence to back it up when ish hits the fan. Now, before we get into it, I want y’all to know Jaguar hasn’t given any proof to support these wild claims. So we can. Speaker one. She’s gotta be protected. She’s had to been sat, she had to sit down with somebody and they said, go for it. Go. Go all out. Do what you gotta do. Okay, so again, I talked about. I talked about 16 plus one, right? Do you think this is part of it? I could be. Because, I mean, part of that is exposing.

Part of that is exposing Hollywood. And, you know, I mean, you know, you remember John, John Solomon and Sarah Carter? Remember how they were. They were reporters that were really kind of on the left, but then they were, they were brought in and a lot of their work was highlighted. You know, to me, it’s. It’s not unthinkable to think that, you know what? Maybe there, these are the individuals that are bringing stuff out and saying, look, have courage to do this because we got your back. Yes, that’s what I believe. And then if you also see Stephen Baldwin coming out putting, giving these cryptic warnings about the calm before the storm and all this, right.

To me, it’s almost like Hurricane Helene and Milton are kind of like. It’s kind of like, represents to me the storm that’s going to hit these people, man. I’m being serious. Oh, no. It’s almost prophetic. That metaphor is not lost on me. Can’t sit here and say for certain that it’s true. But one thing about Jaguar, she’s never been wrong a day in her life. So I advise y’all to take this with a pinch of salt. Okay? So the entire mess went down just a few days ago when Jaguar was invited as a guest on the Piers Morgan show.

Piers Morgan uncensored. This was a huge platform for Jaguar cause it was her first interview on national tv, and she ain’t hold back at all from dragging Beyonce and Jay Z for filth and exposing some disturbing things that they allegedly did. Jaguar accused Jay Z and Beyonce of being a nasty, dirty couple with skeletons in they closet. She said Jay Z was the one who pumped millions of dollars into funding the investigation of R. Kelly so that the heat wouldn’t catch up to him. And he’s allegedly doing the same thing to Diddy right now. She also said she currently has three victims in her possession who are willing to testify in court about what Jaycee and Beyonce allegedly did to them.

She. There’s no doubt they’re next. Okay, so let me, let me, let me. Let me throw this out there. We all know that three letter agencies are complicit in a lot of this stuff, because that’s. No, at the extreme high levels, not rank and file, but at the extreme high levels, would it not stand to reason that some of those extreme high level people come down and are interacting with these high profile people in Hollywood and saying, look, we need you to do this because it’s time we. And we, you know, we’re going to try to protect you.

So we need to, we need to, like, you know, it’s. This is really just a big. It’s. It’s a big version of, what are they called? Gaslighting, where it’s like distraction. Distraction. And accusing others of what you’re guilty of. Not. Not that. Not that Diddy’s is innocent, but I don’t believe that he’s nearly on the level of Jay Z. I. So you think Jay Z’s. Wow. So hierarchy here. I think Jay Z’s. Jay Z was much higher. Well, who was out there first? Was it Jay Z or Diddy? I want to say Diddy was, man. I mean, Diddy and, and biggie.

Right. Wasn’t maybe. Oh, no. Yeah. Way back in the day. That’s. Then Jay Z hit the scene. So I would think that P. Diddy brought in Jay Z. I could be wrong, but I think that’s the way. I don’t know. But just because somebody comes in later doesn’t mean that they’re not going to rule the roost at some point in time, because it really would have comes down to is it comes down to egos and who’s got the. The most cojones to stand up and, you know, it’s like, don’t cross me type thing. You know, it’s.

It’s, it’s. It’s. It’s a testosterone game. He said Jay and Beyonce allegedly dropped people until they fell unconscious, then flew them to their house to do whatever they please with them. Jaguar also claims that there are bodies in Beyonce and Jay’s house and that Jay had a hand in Aaliyah’s death publicly. Who? Dream Hampton spearheaded the surviving R. Kelly campaign, which it fueled the hash Metoo campaign. And that was all funded by Sean Carter to make sure that Robert Kelly went to jail. Get his lick bag. Why is nobody understanding that dream Hampton was being financed and ran by Sean Carter? They were able to go and get all of these witnesses because he was there with Robert Kelly.

How does Jay Z sit down with Gayle King and she not asked him one question about the intersection between him and Aaliyah and Robert Kelly? This is insane that people keep repeating, confusing to see what’s right there. How many victims potentially do you think there could be? Thousands. Thousands. Damn. Wow. You know, and let me. Let me say that I have a, you know, I’m. It’s gradual, but I’m warming up a little to Piers Morgan, because I feel like Piers Morgan is actually doing some honest journalism these days. Yes, somewhat, but more so than others or mainstream.

Yeah. Do you think, you know, my mind goes to, you know, these powerful people, bro. Do you think they just get so fucking bored with their power that they’re just like, you know what? I start going to some rituals. I’m gonna start playing with some black magic. I’m gonna start, like, seeing what I can do with other human beings. And then it becomes like an addiction to evade the justice, the. The. To kind of like to fly under. The. Fly under the radar as much as they can and do all this shit and see. And there’s a hierarchy behind the scenes.

Like the phrase for that is adrenaline junkie, right? Which leads to also a different kind of adrenaline. Yes, exactly. So that’s what I was getting at. So obviously these people must be diddling in that. No pun intended. Well, if you look at anybody who, who is, you know, probably in their forties, fifties or sixties and they still look like they’re in their twenties, there’s got to be something going on there. I think so. I just think behind the scenes I’ve heard there’s a hierarchy, right, where the deals are really made in these ceremonies, and they want to see how far you’ll go to make these deals.

And it’s, it all comes down to this luciferian. I mean, you even see, you even see LeBron. Have you seen LeBron James ritual before games? Yes, I, I saw that where he, like, he pounds his chest three times and then he does this thing. He’s got, like the, this thing and he throws the, throws the dust up in the air and then he’s got, you know, he’s, he’s just, he throwing, he’s throwing his six six six signs everywhere. It’s, yeah, it’s kind of, kind of crazy. Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s an obvious it, to me, it’s an, it’s an obvious ritual, right? I mean, for those of us that are awake, okay, like me and you, those of us are awake to this agenda, to what’s going on.

To me, they mean nothing. Like, you know, like I had my idols in sports, another kid, my icons, I was growing up, Muhammad Ali, who I think is still a very good man. But I mean, I, there was still, I had these icons and they’re not the same anymore. The Michael LeBron James will never be a Michael Jordan to me. Never. He just, Michael Jordan’s in his league of his own, a sport of, it’s his own thing. But now, like, the kids are looking at these guys doing those things that have completely sold out, and now those of us that are awake can watch this and just looking at, look at it like it’s almost pathetic.

They look pathetic to me. You know, it’s, I, we talked about just kind of just like Hodgepodge in it today. And, you know, I, I’m not really a, I kind of have, like, distanced myself from NBA, but basically NBA and NFL. I’m like, you know, I watch baseball and that’s about it. But, you know, I was a big basketball fan during the eighties. And of course, during the eighties, being in Southern California, being a Laker fan, you know, we had the Lakers and Celtics, and I was watching an interesting show the other day. And everybody’s like, yeah, I think was Brian Gumball.

He was coming on. He’s like, you know, everybody wants to say that Michael Jack, Michael Jordan saved the NBA. And he said, bullshit. The NBA was saved by magic and Larry Bird. I would do that. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, you know what? I never thought about that. But that’s so true because the NBA was on a downward spiral. And then when the, when the Lakers and Celtics rivalry in the eighties, when they, they meet, met each other, like four times, three or four times in the NBA Finals, you know, that was, you know, I don’t know if you know this, but in the NBA, they typically do a, what’s called a 2211 format in baseball.

They do. But because it kept consistently being the Lakers and the Celtics and the travel time, the air travel time was like 6 hours each way. They literally made, they went to a two three two format in the eighties to compensate so that the people didn’t have to travel so much in the NBA Finals. But then they actually, I think they switched it back. But that was, that was, that was because of how much, how popular the, the NBA was and specifically the Lakers and the Celtics. So anyway, that doesn’t really have anything to do with, with, with what we’re dealing with today.

But, you know, it’s. I don’t know. I don’t know where I was going with that. I’m gonna shut up. Well, you know what? I’m just gonna end with this. You know what makes me feel good? Whenever I feel down and there’s all this stuff coming out with LeBron James and Jay Z and P. Diddy. Oh, don’t tell me. Don’t tell me you’re gonna. Don’t tell me you’re going to play a clip of the, of the concert of. I have to play him. It makes me feel good. I want people to feel good. I want people. This guy takes himself this look, it’d be one thing this guy knew.

He was a joke. He doesn’t know he’s a joke. He’s serious. He thinks he’s Michael Jackson reincarnated. I don’t know. He thinks he’s, he’s the real deal. And I just, and I see guys like this. He, like, this guy’s commentating on it. We’ll commentate on this guy’s commentating. But I mean, Corey Feldman, I get, I’m mesmerized by this dude. Like, I’m like, this guy has no awareness. Zero. None. And it’s kind of. It’s sad, but it. But to me, it’s almost like the most awesome thing ever because it’s like I have entertainment for hours. Watching this guy presenting on stage, in his mind, is not a joke at all.

There is not an ounce of tongue in cheek in these performances, which honestly makes it that much more hilarious. And everyone is in on the joke except Corey, who still thinks the joke is on us. Stick around as we look at the Fel Dogs performance for the 2024 Loserville tour. This is dancing with ghosts. How about Goonies, too? Did they ever. Was that ever in the talks? I like to be seen for the art that I’m creating today, okay? So I don’t want to go living in the past. Let’s talk about the set. Let’s talk about the theatrics on the heels of the Loserville.

So you know that Fred Durst created this Loserville tour, concert tour, and he had Corey Feldman on it. I and all these other guys that are just. They’re just terrible. And he called it Loserville. Well, Corey took this very serious. Like, he was able to sell it to Cory as like, no, no, no, man. It’s a loose, low serve ill. That’s how he sold it to Corey film. He’s like, no, no, no. You’re saying it wrong. It’s a low serve ill. And Corey went around repeating this junk, bro. Yes, dude. Yeah. No, yeah, no, this is low serve ill.

Yeah. Wow. Yeah. But I just. I still find it, like, I just, you know, this is, like. This is a perfect example of how in their head celebrities are, like, they think they’re great no matter what. This guy’s been a childhood star since he was three years old. He doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t. He has no point of reference. He has no normality. He has. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to socialize with normal people. He’s always been told. He’s always been famous. He’s always been told he’s great. So I find that psychology very, like, it’s a very rare psychology.

Do you get what I’m saying? Like, only people that have that right recipe of fame that have had it since they were three years old can understand what’s going on in this guy’s mind. Tour, which kicked off on July 16 in Somerset, Wisconsin. Fred Durst and crew put together this bizarre little promo video featuring all the main performers basically doing a scripted comedic skit together. And even though I do think Corey Feldman was in on the joke in this video. He certainly wasn’t fucking around on stage. The show opens up with the same anticlimactic energy that has been seen on any YouTube clip of this guy playing live.

Corey’s 2022 single, the Comeback King, has been the de facto opener for all of his live shows, and he never quite sticks the landing on any performance that I’ve seen. Videos are not playing guys videos videos. The band is either off time, the crowd isn’t participating, or there are just other technical issues that befall the Feldster. He’s still rocking that ridiculous outfit that looks like bunched up window curtains from a haunted house. The Corey Feldman and his Angels era lineup is long gone in favor of five desperate souls who want to squeeze whatever little notary just.

You know what, man? I had to end with that. I just find it so hilarious, dude. I just. And I’m not trying to like. But just how in their head they are not hung out with a lot of celebrities, dude. And let me tell you, they all believe the universe revolves around them. That’s the one thing they all have that I 100% believe that the ego that’s involved and that is at that. That level is unimaginable. And that’s. But that’s why they feel they can get away with anything. Anything and everything. Even if it comes out.

It’s just art. It’s just art. Come on, dude. It’s a start. Whether it’s good or bad, if you grew up. I’m just saying, like, they believe the world the universe revolves around. The world revolves around them. And listen, I was in boxing. I had my quasi celebrity moments, and I gotta say, like, your ego is pretty damn big, especially when people are stroking it all the time. So I can understand the psychology of these people that are way up there, and they all of a sudden just feel they could do whatever they want to do. Whatever.

Everyone’s just going to love it. And that’s that. Like, Corey Feldman believes he’s Michael Jackson, Jay Z, LeBron James doing rituals. They get so ahead. You get what I’m saying? Do you see where I’m going with this? They so far ahead of themselves psychologically that they feel they could do anything. They feel they are gods. Make sense perfectly. I completely understand. This is the last little context. All right, folks. This is the last thing I want to play. This is the solo guitar. That outfit, dude. Oh, I need my sunglasses. It’s called the Loserville tour, opening for limp Bizkit.

And this just happened a couple days ago. Watch this. Trying to shield my eyes, it’s kind of looking like a stand up comedy routine, sort of. I’m not sure. Okay, here’s, here’s my, my opinion on the whole thing. I’ve seen him play and sing before. I’m not sure if it’s a joke. Like some kind of deep inside joke. No, this is not a joke. This, this guy’s serious. He’s dead serious about what he’s doing. This. He takes this very serious book where he’s trolling everybody, or if it’s just really, really, really bad, it’s called the joke.

Okay, first of all, I’m not, I’m not a great guitarist myself, but I don’t know what he’s doing. It looks like he’s playing bass finger style on a electric guitar, an EVH that’s got a trim and a kill switch. So he feels as long as he makes a song that says the joke is on you, like, what? He’s, he’s like, everyone’s in on it. I mean, what is this? What does that mean? I don’t know. I just find this, this fascinating, bro, because the whole, the whole reason I’m showing this is, and the reason I find it so fascinating is that the mindset of these celebrities, the ego is so big that they’re just gonna do whatever the hell they want.

Whatever they want. And you’re gonna love it, they think, in their mind. Can I ask you a question? Yeah. Okay. So, because I do believe that there are some in Hollywood who have just an. Absolutely. The ego is off the charts like it, you know? Right. But I also believe that there is a lot of people, and there are a lot of people in Hollywood rather, uh, who they, they project that because they want people to think that they have a really strong ego and strong, you know, they’re, they’re, like, self assured and whatnot, but really, at the, at the, at the inner core of it, they’re extraordinarily insecure.

Insecure. The nature of the beast. Yeah. And I’m not gonna name anybody, but there’s a lot of people I talked to that in, within Hollywood. They’re pretty damn. They’re some of the most insecure people I’ve ever met in my life. Yeah. But I think, but I think, like, someone like Corey, there’s this delusion of grandeur, you know? Like, well, I think he has insecurities just because of the things that he’s had to go through in life. Correct. Like with the other Corey. But if you see that. Hold on, though. Hold on. There’s another whole rabbit hole on that.

There’s another whole entire rabbit hole with the two Corey’s on that, which is. Charlie Sheen never did any of the stuff they accused him of. You know that, right? It was somebody that was with Corey Feldman. Corey Feldman’s best friend, allegedly, was the one that did everything to Corey Haim, allegedly. So that the family of Corey aim comes out and talks about this and said there was a big boom. They were. Corey Feldman and Corey Haim did not like each other at all. Corey Haim despised Corey Feldman, and Corey Feldman was very jealous of Corey aim from the outset.

Since the kids like Corey Feldman. I mean, like, like when they, when they were in Hollywood together and they were, and they were pretend friends. Dude, you gotta go down that rabble. I mean, look, maybe I got too much time on my hands. I just, I try to do things that take my mind out of state and shit. You know what I mean? Like, that’s me watching baseball, brother, so you don’t, you don’t have to apologize for that. That’s me watching. What you’re describing is me watching baseball. Boom. There you go. I mean, I guess we all need to zone out on something.

Something. And hopefully we did this for some people watching this, and they’re probably wondering, this is totally not Nino or Ron partay or tay, but, you know, we got to mix it up, right? I mean, we got to, got to have a little bit of fun, man. Got to have a little bit of fun. And, you know, Nina is probably one of my closest friends in the movement, and, you know, we’re, we’re, we’re pretty tight, so. And let me just, let me hold on. But let’s, for 1 second, Ron, and you can attest to this. How crazy is it? And let’s just tell everyone out there, how insane is it? How, how insane are the egos in the patriot movement? You have no idea.

You have fucking serious. Do people take themselves, oh, I name off pop up everyone. I’m not going to name any names. I’m not going to say any names, but I will just say, you and I both know I’m thinking of one in particular, but, I mean, I’m not just one, but I mean, there’s a whole host of them, and there are a lot of really good people out there, but, I mean, you know, you got to realize that in the patriot community, a lot of these people, it’s the first time that they’ve ever, ever experienced any sort of, like, notoriety or fame in any way shape matter or form.

And it is. I’m not going to lie. You know, I remember I went to an event that was the very first event that Clay Clark put on in Tulsa. I was that I was at that, and, you know, and because I, you know, I was there. I did. People were, you know, people were coming up to me, and they were. They wanted my autograph when they found out that I was Ron, and because he talked about me all the time, when they found out who I was, it’s like, dude, I can’t tell you how many autographs I signed that weekend.

And it’s like, dude, who the hell. What? Why do you want my autograph? You know, that’s so weird. But it’s just. But you know what I mean? Really? I’m gonna say. Yeah. I’m not gonna say it wasn’t kind of cool, but, you know, I mean, it was, to me, that was like, that was like my little 15 minutes of fame to it, to a degree, and I got to taste it a little bit. I’m like, you know what? That’s actually kind of. I can see how people would, would crave that attention. Yeah. You know, I had that attention in boxing times a million compared to what this is, whatever this is.

I don’t know what this is, but the YouTube, whatever, I don’t know what this is, is alien to me. I just don’t even. I don’t know what it is. But see, it was tangible. In boxing. In boxing, I could. I could hear. I could feel the crowd. I could shake hands. I could feel the people after a fight, I was, you know, it was like the roar of the crowd, that knockout, the whole. Everything. I could feel it. It was, it was tangible. This I cannot feel. I don’t know who’s watching me. I don’t know how many.

Although I see a hundred thousand views or 50,000 views or, you know, five to 10 million views a month on my YouTube. I’m like, who the fuck? I can’t see it. I can’t feel it. And I don’t go to events, so I guess I’ll never know what it’s like. But I mean, to me, you go. You go to. You go to some, but they’re generally smaller in nature, and they’re smaller. And I don’t tell anybody I’m coming. Right, because you don’t want, you don’t want the attention. Don’t want the attention. But the reason, though, is because you have had.

Listen, whatever. It’s whatever the people in the patriot community are receiving in terms of attention, what you got as a, as a sports figure was, I mean, that was like, that was like Hollywood a level. And what these guys are dealing with is like, is like, yeah, yeah. It’s not even on the same, it’s not even in the same ballpark. Weird, because you’ll see people that get like 5000 followers, 10,000, all of a sudden their egos go through the windows. Boom. They’re like, all of a sudden they can’t even carry their head. It’s like, no, they know some of these people that are, all of a sudden, they really believe they are famous and they have 10,000, 20,000, whatever.

Even if it’s a couple hundred thousand, you’re not famous, dude. It’s not, this is not, I don’t know what this is. And I’ll say, like, it’s kind of, it’s a cool little thing we’re gig we’re doing, but we have, I think you’re the only, that’s why you and I get along so well is you have a level head. Like, you’re not up in the clouds like a lot of these people are. Right? Yeah. I try not to be crazy, but, and I experienced that too, you know? And I don’t want, you know, again, I’m not gonna call anybody out, but, but I do experience people who just think that it’s like they, their shit don’t stains and it’s like, man, I don’t know where you’re coming up with that idea.

I just don’t, I don’t know how you conclude that. I guess, man. Teach their own, dude. That’s the way I see it, man. To me, I don’t, I’m not, I’m not in this. I don’t do this because it’s cool. I don’t do this because it’s, I mean, it is fun. I enjoy the, I enjoy, I enjoy the social interaction with people. That’s why I, that’s why I like to do my live shows. Typically, when I do a show, 99 times out of 100 it’s a live show. I like the comment, to read the comments and to see the people.

And now I have the ability to, like, take phone calls. So if people come and watch my show and I have guests on, there’s times when I’ll take phone calls. People can call in and talk to me or the, the guest, you know. So it’s, I like to do that kind of stuff because I enjoy the interaction with the people. To me, it’s about the people. It’s about the movement. It’s about the objective of, you know, saving the country, fighting for what we truly believe in. This is my way of giving back. You know, I don’t do this because I’m trying make money.

It’d be nice if it would, you know, support me a little bit better. But you know what? That’s. I don’t. The big picture here is that if we don’t have a country, it doesn’t matter how much money you have. If you don’t have a country and you don’t have freedom, then what do you have? You don’t have any percent, 100%. And I guess the reason that I try to be as down to earth as possible is because I absolutely fucking detest celebrities, dude. I can’t stand, I think they’re a disease in human consciousness. I really do.

And I think they need to be smoked out like the sewer rats they are. I just. I don’t like them. I don’t like them. I’ve always detested them. I have some that are friends that are good ones, the good ones, but there’s a very few, man, it’s like a small lots. Very few that are, that I feel that are worth a shit to even talk to, you know, that are down. But, and, you know, one thing I noticed with a lot of them is they are, they could also go through that. A lot of them are still are very guarded, but because they know people are shitty also, and they try to use them and abuse them and objectify them and this and that.

So I understand that as well. But just my opinion. Just. But I think this, this patriot movement has definitely seen the likes of some people that it’s so blown out of proportion, man. Right. It really, it really is. It is on a very, on a much larger front than you think that, or that people really truly realize, you know, and I, that’s not to say that people are patriots in terms of, like, the pay, you know, the pay patriots, because there are a lot of good people out there that are just doing this full time. They’ve basically sacrificed their job or whatever, and now they’re doing podcast.

They can’t get a job because they’re doing this. Right. And so, I mean, I mean, look, they got bills to pay, too. And if, you know, if they’re devoting their entire time on this and they’re, and they’re relying upon people to either, you know, buy products that, you know, that they’re, they’re getting paid, vote or whatever, you know, I don’t look down on people for. For doing something, make a living, put on the table. Dude, I had to kiss my ass goodbye and they’d work. I mean, dude, after boxing, there’s not much I could do anyway, unless I went back to boxing and trained fighters and managed fighters or whatever.

But to be honest, what else can really. I just want to let the audience know this. I kind of fell into this. This grew organically. This is nothing. I sat down with a pen and paper and said, okay, how do I become a podcaster? Let’s create a viral video. You can’t plan this. Yeah, I just fell into it. But I also know that I cannot. There’s no way in the world, with today’s polarized climate the way it is, that I’d be able to go back and get a job somewhere they won’t hire. Dude, I. My views are very polarized.

They’re not. You’re toxic. Toxic, correct. Yeah. You’re talk. You’d be toxic. I mean, you know, I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell everybody what I do because I know people think I’m freaking crazy. But you know what? I don’t want to give a shit what people think about me, honestly. You know, people come in there and people will come into my chat and they’ll talk shit or, you know, whatever. I, you know, I get a lot of problems. I really. I don’t have any problem with anybody challenging me and disagreeing with me. I think the. I think the world would be a much better place if people could civilly disagree and then, you know, and we could learn from each other.

But when people. The biggest issue that I find in the patriot community and this goes across from this is this goes down from the creators on down to people in the movement. You know, what they’ll do is that they’ll get a little bit of information, and it’s just like that person who maybe takes one or two lessons in boxing and thinks that he can kick everybody’s ass. He’s going to go up there. Yeah. So it’s like, just because you have received some information and you think, you know, what’s going on, the last thing in the world you should be doing is going out there and telling everybody that what you know is absolute concrete fact.

I, you know, because really, what you do, really what I believe happens when that occurs is, is that you give the movement a bad name. It’s like, it’s like, okay, Christianity is a good thing. Right, people? But, but religion. But, but the bad name that Christianity gets does not come from Christianity itself. It comes from people who are pretending to be christians on Sunday and then living as heathens during the week and judging. I think as long as they tithe and give money to, as long as they go to church on Sunday, they gives them carte blanche to be, you know, to tell people how to live their lives.

You know, it’s, it’s the old adage of, hey, well, you know, he who’s guilty, cat, he who’s without guilt. Cast the first stone. Christians are cast on that first stone trunk 24/7 all day long. All day long. So, you know, and again, I’m not, I’m not coming down on christians. I’m just talking about the, the attitude and the mindset of people in the patriot community. They think they know best. And, you know, I was doing something on 911. I started in like mid August and was working on 911 going up until the anniversary, and I, dude, I can’t, so many people were like, oh, holograms.

There weren’t real planes, they were holograms. And you know what? If I’ve heard that argument once, I’ve heard it a hundred times, and, you know, what were there? I don’t know. You don’t know? I don’t know either. I just gotta present, look, our job, Ron, is to present it to the people. Like, I try to. Like, everyone kind of knows where I lean. I’m obviously mister t support or whatever I see. I’m kind of, I feel like I’m still in my awakening process, and I feel like I’m a lot further along than most people, but not, not further along than some, but I’ve been in this for 20 years, and I can’t, and I don’t, I’m still learning stuff every day, right.

And so as long as I’m transparent about that and I say, you know, look, here’s, here’s what it is. You make your own decision. That’s what I pride my channel on is. Like, you all decide. I don’t know, I, I try to bring it all to the buffet of you all figure it the fuck out. Biggest, the biggest problem I have is people presenting their opinion is fact. That’s the biggest problem that I have. I have that problem, too, but I think it makes for great podcasts. When you got someone that’s so, that has a lot of conviction and passion, I have no problem with.

Like, I feel, I feel like there’s a lot of value to, like Juan the ghost, Scott Bennett. They’re very they’re. They have a lot of. They’re very stern in their spree and their. And their beliefs, and they. But they’re all different. And I like to bring them all to, like, help. Hopefully, my audience will give us take the meat and throw away the bones type of thing. You know, you’re not going to agree with everything somebody says, right. You know, Mike King has what I think to be one of. My king is a good one. Right.

Mike King has one of the best kind of, like, figures of speech or, you know, like a picture. Word picture to describe kind of what you and I do. And he’s talking about, you know, anytime somebody says, you’re a conspiracy theorist or you know what’s going on, it’s like, no, no, no. I don’t know what’s going on. Like, you know, if somebody gave you a hundred piece puzzle to put together, and they told you that it was a beach in Hawaii, and you put together 30 pieces of the puzzle and you’re noticing a polar bear and a penguin and an iceberg.

Right. You don’t know what that pictures is when it gets all put together because 70% of it is still not. Is still not finished. But you don’t need to have the entire picture put together. All 100 pieces put together with 30, you can kind of get a general outline of what the picture is. And it’s not a beach in Hawaii. Right. Right. As people that are in the conspiracy world, like guys like you and I, we don’t necessarily know what’s going on, but we know. We know what’s not going on. Yeah, fair enough, Ron. I got to get going.

I got to get on with SG folks. Well, Ron, where can people find you? Untoldhistory. Tv told history. Tv takes you right to my rumble channel. And I’m on. I’m on x at REPJ, 1969. In your only fans. Dude, I’m not giving that out, man. Or something like that. No, let’s just say that cats are involved. All right, man. Later, Ron. Take it easy, my man. Hey, thanks. I’m going to stick around. I want to talk about something before you end it. Okay, cool. Later, folks.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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