Its All Falling Apart Now | Mark Dice

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➡ Mark Dice talks about how Snopes, a popular internet fact-checking site, recently debunked a widely spread claim that former President Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people”. This statement was actually referring to the debate over removing Confederate statues. The debunking of this claim has upset some people. The article also suggests that Joe Biden’s decision to run for president in 2020 was influenced by Bernie Sanders’ popularity, and not by the events in Charlottesville as often reported.


Well, I guess seven years late is better than never. Snopes, the most popular internet fact-checker which mostly functions as a fact suppressor because they’re tied in with Facebook and any time they deem something to be false, misleading, or missing context then Facebook blurs it out and buries it in the algorithm. They finally, for some mysterious reason, got around to fact-checking one of the biggest pieces of fake news of the Trump administration, which the mainstream media still repeats on a regular basis today. They must be under new management, or a new owner took it over, or something because this is very, very strange.

No! Trump did not call neo-Nazis and white supremacists very fine people. Well, of course not. That was obvious the very day that this hoax started. The very fine people he was talking about on both sides was clearly a reference to both sides of the argument about whether or not Confederate statues across the South should be taken down. And he specifically said that he was not talking about the Nazis, and this was all in reference after the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. And look at that! Miraculously, they actually labeled a piece of fake news that the Democrats have been spreading false.

It also upset a lot of the liberal lunatics like this clown who says that Snopes has gone completely off the rails. They published this yesterday for some reason, and he’s not being sarcastic. He is literally upset that they debunked the fake news for some reason. The very fine people fake news was the origin story of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. This from the New York Times, Charlottesville inspired Biden to run. Here he is on former comedian Stephen Colbert’s show back in 2019 perpetuating this fake origin story. When did you know this is something that I have to do for yourself? Charlottesville, when those folks came out of the fields carrying torches with contorted faces and carrying Nazi flags and chanting the same anti-Semitic bottle that was chanted in the streets of Germany in the 30s.

When the president was asked about it, they asked what he thought. He said, he said, I thought there were very fine people on both sides. No sitting president ever said anything like that, making a moral equivalence between haters and those folks who said, no, no, not in my town. And I realized that things weren’t going to change very much with this president. Lie after lie after lie. The real reason why Joe Biden got into the 2020 presidential race is because Bernie Sanders was going to win the Democrat nomination. And the Democrat establishment absolutely freaked out because he was crushing all of the other Democrat candidates.

And they all knew that if he won the nomination in a fair election, that he would have lost big time against Donald Trump. And so all the Democrats put their hope on Joe Biden, saying that he was the only one that could pose any sort of a challenge to Donald Trump because Bernie Sanders would have been a complete embarrassing failure. Here’s another blast of the past. Bernie Sanders rise has moderate Democrats wondering if it’s too late to stop him. And the reason Bernie Sanders was so popular is because he was campaigning as Santa Claus. He was promising the kids that he was just going to give everybody a bunch of free stuff.

They vote for him. And he moved the Overton window in the Democrat Party so far to the left that the 2020 race then became a competition to see which candidate could offer more free stuff to the voters. Oh, and to the future Democrat voters to the back then about 20, 25 million illegal aliens. Remember this. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. Illegal aliens. Every single one of them. Free health care to people who are criminals and shouldn’t even be here. Then Snopes ran interference for old Joe asking did Biden say the taxpayers must fund health care for illegal immigrants and declaring that that was well mostly false because what are you going to believe Snopes or your lying eyes.

Remember when they fact checked the Babylon B’s satirical article about CNN purchasing an industrial sized washing machine to spin news. They actually thought that that was worthy of a fact check. Snopes has fact checked me a few times over the years for posting jokes on social media. Like the time I did post a doctored screenshot from the Green New Deal saying that one of the provisions was that it was requiring people to recycle their urine and then use it to make coffee in order to save resources does the Green New Deal proposal including recycling urine. This is the lovely screenshot that I did make myself and post on Twitter.

Males should urinate into an empty milk jug instead of the toilet. Let the jug of urine sit out in the open sunlight for at least six hours for sanitation and then use the recycled urine in place of water when bring coffee or preparing frozen juice as the leftover quote pee taste will be covered up by the other natural flavors. This has a double benefit of easing the strain on water treatment facilities which deliver fresh water to households as well as saving energy at the water treatment facilities. Now anybody with a quarter of a brain should realize that that was satire.

But I guess we are talking about something that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote. So maybe it actually did warrant a fact check. So thank you Snopes for investigating this and deeming it false. And speaking of fact checks Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren was confronted surprisingly with some uncomfortable facts during an appearance on ABC News. There have been more than 6.9 million apprehensions at the southern border. Thus far in Biden’s term there were just over 2 million in Donald Trump’s entire term. What did the president do wrong? No this isn’t about what the president did wrong. Remember on the very first day that he was sworn into office.

He lifted most of the restrictions and then welcomed the floods of criminal invaders to quote surge the border we know. President Biden asked Congress both for the resources and for comprehensive immigration reform. He actually asked Congress for more money to give them green cards and set them up in housing and give them Obama phones because they were overwhelming the facilities that they were being detained in. When she was running for president back in 2020 she called the southern border wall a monument to hate and along with Beto O’Rourke and others called for it to be torn down.

I will not support the building of a wall that does not make us safer. The kind of wall that is proposed now is a monument to hate and division. We are a better country than that so thank you. Which is why I say sorry no vacancy to port them all. Which is a shirt that you can order from my online store at or click the link in the description below. And I just noticed that this one for some reason is not available in a tank top so I will try to fix that. But most of the other designs are so if you click on the shirt on the home page and then scroll down below you should be able to see that there are other options like the hoodie the long sleeve and the tank top in most of the designs.

So head on over to or click the link in the description below and check them out. [tr:trw].

See more of Mark Dice on their Public Channel and the MPN Mark Dice channel.


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Bernie Sanders impact on 2020 election Charlottesville events and Biden's decision Confederate statues debate debunked Trump neo-Nazi claim fact-checking political claims influence of Bernie Sanders popularity Joe Biden 2020 presidential run misinformation about Trump's statement Snopes fact checking site Trump very fine people controversy

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