Its All About Ukraine Money (Ep. 2021)

Posted in: Dan Bongino, News, Patriots


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➡ The text discusses a range of topics such as allegations about Ukraine’s influence on Joe Biden, a product endorsement, security costs associated with Donald Trump’s court case in New York, and the political machination surrounding the delay of a vote in the House of Representatives in favor of a Senate bill that would secure billions for Ukraine.
➡ The text discusses the theory that Democrat Jamal Bowman intentionally triggered a fire alarm to delay a vote, possibly in connection to securing funding for Ukraine. It implies that the White House and Joe Biden might be particularly interested in consistent Ukraine funding due to potential undisclosed information that Ukraine may hold on Biden. The text also refers to Bowman’s subsequent communications, including a controversial press release and his apology for it.
➡ The monologue discusses the recent scandal focused on Ukraine, suggesting a potential secret deal between Representative McCarthy and the Democrats to secure future funding for Ukraine. The speaker questions why Ukraine, known for its corruption, is being prioritized over issues within the United States. The conversation also suspects that Ukraine may have damaging information on Biden, referencing past corruption scandals involving Biden and his son.
➡ The text discusses various controversial issues surrounding Ukraine’s involvement in US politics. It mentions suspicions of espionage against Donald Trump, possible blackmail against Joe Biden, the influence of Ukrainian lobbying on US government decisions, and accusations of Ukraine’s interference in US elections. It complains about Republicans and Democrats prioritizing Ukraine over US interests, and alleges secret deals and financial benefits for US officials related to Ukraine.
➡ The speaker criticises the fragmented state of the Republican Party and warns of consequences if McCarthy is removed as the speaker. He predicts McCarthy will negotiate with Democrats, which could potentially lead to the loss of key committee representation and potentially halting the impeachment hearing and investigations into Hunter Biden. Despite disliking McCarthy, the speaker insists it is not practical or beneficial to remove him this way and warns of a potential upcoming crisis the party must be strong to face. He then forecasts that the next global crises will be centered around water scarcity.
➡ The text discusses a purported global censorship operation targeting conservatives along with political deceit by the U.S. government, focusing heavily on media manipulation and the suppression of conservative voices. It speculates on the involvement of various institutions and governments in this scenario and criticizes speculations made about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s visit to the CIA. The text continues to cover suggestions of manipulation over historical events, promoting of the author’s book, and hints at future revelations about U.S. border policy.


For payments from foreign governments and Dads dragged into court as a witness right. During the presidential election. Yes, that would be glorious. Man, do I got a show for you today. I got Fauci and the CIA. What this really is about, this Ukraine money thing. I explained it yesterday, I’m going to explain it more detail today. It’s all about Ukraine. Jamal Bowman, the cr. It’s about Ukraine. Yeah.

S Trump with a big W. The border chaos, what they’re really up to, if I can get to it today show brought to you by Blackout coffee stop giving you money woke companies go to Blackoutcoffee. com Bongino. Use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Thanks for this cool shirt from Blackout too. Loaded show for you today. Again, I’m going to tie together what they’re really, really hiding and working for in this Cr, this government spending thing, and why the big fight is going on.

It’ll make perfect sense. Let me just tee it off with this. What does Ukraine have on Joe Biden? The answer? A lot of stuff. A lot. Hey. You ready to discover the benefits of a good night’s sleep? It’s time to awaken your senses and embrace the importance of a restful slumber you know I talk about all the time. Dive into the world of sleep and introduce yourself to an amazing product that could revolutionize your nighttime routine beam Dream.

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Your body and your mind deserve the gift of restful night. Shopbeam. com Bongino. All right, Joseph, let’s get this show on the road. It’s a titillating Tuesday, Dan. Okay. Think Hunter biden was on Joe’s mind. There troll yourself, Joe. So, yeah, he pled not guilty. We’ll cover that. More detail tomorrow if we get there’s. Nothing really to talk about, except that this guy’s going to wind up going to trial and probably going to get smoked and dragged down whatever hopes his father has of getting reelected with him.

Why? Because Hunter Biden doesn’t give a damn about his dad. Hunter biden cares about pleasure. He is a hedonist. If you don’t give him pleasure immediately, the drugs, the ladies, you are scraps to him. More importantly, I just want to get this out of way before I get to the Ukraine stuff. Listen, the security cost for what’s going on up in New York with the Donald Trump trial, no one’s explaining this.

Let’s say the city and state of New York, they wind up getting from Donald Trump in this fraudulent fraud trial, which is ironic because there was no fraud. Everybody was paid off. The banks were paid off. They’re alleging Trump overvalued his properties to get loans. The catch is there’s no complainant, there’s no victim, none of the banks. They all got their money back, and everybody’s happy. So the case is fake.

We get that. I’m going to play some video of in a second, because Trump responded back. And this moron New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who’s a complete moron, totally forgot about the statute of limitations and screwed up. Now, looks like the Trump lawyers may have screwed up a little bit, too, but we’ll get to that in a little bit. But I want to just address something, a security cost for Donald Trump.

I want you to pitch this out there because it’s super important. Have got to be through the know, I did this for a living, so I’ve got a little bit of experience in this whole space. When you go up to New York City and you’re doing a security detail for the president, ex president, it doesn’t matter. The President of Pakistan, it don’t make a difference. Forget the federal costs of the Secret Service agents for a second.

Scrap that New York State is engaging in this trial against Donald Trump to get damages for New York State because they think they’re going to make money on this and they think they can hurt Trump politically. Here’s the kicker. NYPD has an intel unit. The intelligence unit has to go with us everywhere. These guys are probably on overtime right now, given that Trump is in New York. So I don’t know if you know this, but there’s always an intel squad from the NYPD 24/7, right? So every time he goes up there for the next, say, 30 days when he’s around, if he stays up there for a few days, right? You’re talking about 24 hours NYPD Intel.

You’re also talking about motor units, motorcade units, motorcade blocking and highway units. You’re also talking about street cops to control traffic in and around Trump Tower. Do you have any idea the overtime at the courthouse? The court officers, folks, I’m going to make the case to you that whatever New York State thinks they’re getting financially out of this ridiculous, absurd attack on Donald Trump, they are going to drop an enormous l financially, money wise, because of the cost of all this ridiculous security.

The intelligence team, they’re like the Secret Service for the NYPD. They’re around all the time. The motor units, these guys are expensive. These are not junior guys. These are 20 year guys making 80, 9100 grand a year on overtime. This is going to cost a fortune. It just goes to show you, this has nothing to do with anything other than giving Trump the middle finger and trying to hurt him.

It’s it. That’s all this is about. I want you to watch this before we get to the Ukraine stuff. This is a huge lol, this moron. Letitia James, the New York State Attorney General, who forgot about the statute of limitations on a lot of these alleged fraud charges, and about 80% of them got kicked right in the ass, right out the door. Because even this hack judge who will expose tomorrow how to acknowledge you guys probably screwed up.

Listen to this. About 80% of the cases over. I was going to come out and say that, as you know, we’re not entitled to a jury, which is pretty unusual in the United States of America. So we think it’s very unfair that I don’t have a jury. But the judge’s last statement was very fair. And if I read it right, I’ll let perhaps one of the lawyers speak to it.

But, Clint, maybe you’ll speak to it if you would, but the way I interpret that and the way everyone else in the room seems to interpret that is that the statute of Ovarations is a very real thing in this country. And that would be about 80% of this case would be over. Folks, one of the valuable parts of being part of the Bongino army in the 37,007 minutes in joining the show is I always give you the inside scoop.

The statute of limitations on a crime. An even semicompetent prosecutor forget that. Scratch that, Joe. Even a moron prosecutor in the checklist things, I’m going to prosecute Trump. Checklist item one. Is the charge still valid as the sol statute of limitations expired, the statute of limitations is up. Okay? There’s a little pie chart, and you know what it says? No. Do not prosecute this idiot. Forgot all that.

Why? You got a judge saying Mar a Lago is worth $20 million. This is such a freaking clown show. You got the NYPD forking over intel Motors. Street cops, 24 hours security. You got the New York State Court officers, court officers probably working massive overtime right now. You’ve got people in downtown providing security. You’ve got streets being shut down. Why? So the state can lose money. The New York State Attorney General can humiliate herself.

The judge acts like he’s in night court. This is just like such an embarrassing, humiliating scam that the fact that the United States of America is defended into a shit show, descended into a shit show so fast is just freaking embarrassing. Disgrace, man. All right. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on it. You’ll hear about it all day. Listen, I told you yesterday, jamal Bowman’s story was much, much more than about a moron who can’t open a door.

Folks, the story is not about a door. The story was about a deliberate attack yesterday. A deliberate attack to stop a vote. Let me just give you the bottom line up front. The Democrats needed to delay that vote no matter what in the House, because they wanted a Senate bill to pass first that locked in billions for Ukraine. That way, even though the Democrats were given everything they wanted by McCarthy and the Republicans in the spending bill, they still wanted that Ukraine nut in there.

So they needed time. That’s why I believe Bowman pulled the alarm, and I believe it was coordinated. Now, that’s why they’re freaking out about this. The usually loudmouth moron Bowman, who’s always screaming in the lobby like a freaking lunatic. That’s why this guy is like a dog with his tail between his legs. Now here he was yesterday. Listen to this response. Hey, man, I was just trying to get there to vote.

Sure you were. Take a listen. Do you still stand by your statement that fire alarm wasn’t accident? I don’t know why this has gotten so much attention. I was literally just in a rush to go vote, man. That’s all it was. Are you afraid of any repercussions? Either from leadership or from legally? From capital? I mean, listen, I take responsibility for what you know, but like I said, I was in a rush to go vote, and investigation will sort everything else out.

Have you talked to Jeffries about it? Oh, yeah, of course. How was that conversation? Well, I got to keep that between me and the leader, so I’m not going to share that publicly. We’ve been in touch with each other. Why? Okay, this is bullshit, okay? The guy’s not stupid. This was part of a plot. It’s all what? Yeah, he is pretty you’re right. He is pretty dumb. But he was the only one dumb enough to do this as part of a plot.

The Democrats use this useful idiot. I talked about why yesterday, but I’m going to go into detail how to stop this. This is why the media wants this story so desperately to go away. They did one of the most embarrassing Republicans pound stories yesterday about Bowman fire alarm gate I’ve ever seen because they don’t want the Republican Party to uncover this plot that Bowman was a part of to stop this vote.

All about Ukraine money. Why? Stay tuned. I’ll get to that. Listen to MSNBC first with the worst Republicans Pounce you’ve ever seen. Take a listen. Jamal Bowman, because he did acknowledge triggering a fire alarm in the Cannon Building. He said he did it to rush to the floor for the vote, but he was accused, widely accused. And there is, I believe, an investigation going on by security as to whether he did it to delay a vote when they were trying to when Hucking Jeffries was filibustering to try to figure out the strategy on that late move.

What do we know, right? I mean, this all happened Saturday when this vote was getting rushed to the floor. Democrats had asked for 90 minutes even to consider this 70 page bill. They weren’t given that Hakeem Jeffries was using his ability as leader to extend time on the floor, basically the House version of a filibuster to buy time. Bowman was on his way to the floor. He says he pulled this fire alarm thinking it would open this door in one of the House office buildings that was locked.

Look, there are some doors in the office buildings that are open during the week and locked on the weekends. It is possible he was confused, as he claims. Republicans think this was all a stall tactic, a stunt, if you will, to try to delay things. There will be an investigation. Andrea it’s hard to see how it could be conclusive, but Republicans want to make this. They want to kind of see how far they can run the trail on this here.

So we have not heard the last about fire alarm gate from this weekend. Stay tuned. There. Could it get any crazier up there on the Hill? Don’t tempt it. Don’t tempt it. Andrea I’m sure it could. Notice the attempt to minimize this thing and mock it, make it like it’s no big deal. Oh, fire alarm gate. Can it get any crazier on the Hill? As if this were a Republican trying to delay a vote on January.

Oh, that happened. Oh, that happened. That’s right. Everybody’s in jail in the gulag. I don’t yeah. Now, I want you to watch what happened here. Why can’t the White House say anything about this? Because the White House knows Ukraine has something on Joe Biden. And the White House is eager they will do anything to make sure Ukraine gets their money so they don’t expose the massive file they have on Joe Biden.

Watch how Kareem Japanese. She runs away from this question about why the vote was she don’t want anything to do with this. Check this out. Would President Biden ever try to get out of a meeting by pulling a fire alarm? Are you talking about something specifically? A Democratic member of Congress pulled a fire alarm around a series of votes. No fire. Is that appropriate? What I can tell you is I’m not spoken to the President about this.

And so just not going to comment. I will leave it up to I know there’s a House process moving forward right now. I’ll leave it to the House so his story gets even better. The White House can’t comment. The Democrats are freaking out. Everybody knows this was about Ukraine. Joe Biden needs Ukraine to give them money so the Ukrainians don’t release what they’ve got on Joe Biden here in order to shut him up.

Bowman’s office sends out this guidance that leaks to the press one proposal said. This is according to Max Cohen on Twitter, republicans need to focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else. Bowman’s bad day is about to get worse. As this leaks to the press, this gets even better. There it is right there, bowman’s press release, which then Bowman, in a tweet, has to then take back and apologize for.

Check this out. Later on, he has to say, hey, man, I’m deeply sorry about this Nazi thing. It really wasn’t my bag of donuts. I just became aware in our messaging guidance sure you did. There was an inappropriate use of the term Nazi without my sure, sure, budy. This is Gee’s favorite part of the story because it shows you how freaking crazy these people are. They are absolutely out of their minds all about Ukraine.

Now let’s produce the receipts, because I always produce receipts. The Democrats got every single thing they wanted in this shit Cr that McCarthy and the Republicans signed onto everything. So why do they need to delay the vote? Because it was one thing missing that was guaranteed notice. Guaranteed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Ukraine money. That word’s going to be important. And the Democrats got to have their Ukraine money in there because the lobbyists are paid off.

The lobbyists are working for Ukraine and are paid off to make sure that money’s in there. And they’ve got something on Biden here’s. Kareem jean Pierre making a point that, man, we gotta fund Ukraine. Doesn’t matter what else. We got to fund Ukraine. Take a look. There is strong, very strong international coalition behind Ukraine. And if Putin thinks he can outlast us, he’s wrong. He’s wrong. And so we will have another package of aid for Ukraine soon to signal our continued support for the brave people of Ukraine.

And so that’s our message. If he thinks he cannot last us, that is Mr. Putin. We believe he’s wrong. As Joe said, people got to eat. Meatball said so. People got to eat. Notice how the White House messaging, it’s always about Ukraine. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to say this to you for the third time. They got every freaking thing they wanted in the Cr. We got nothing.

Zero. And yet they still engaged in this plot with Bowman to stop the vote in order to guarantee money for Ukraine. Here’s Jared Bernstein, who, by the way, has nothing to do with national security at all. Here’s Jared Bernstein pretty much acknowledging right here, works for the White House. He’s an economic guy for the White House acknowledging it’s all about Ukraine. Take a look. The point that I’m making about Ukraine is that it’s similar to the Cr in the fact that you’ve got very large majority, including every leader up there, both in the House and Senate, supporting the funding for Ukraine.

And critically, you’ve got a murderous regime that is actively doing what they’re doing in Ukraine. And it’s clear we have to support that funding. Again, a widely shared view in Congress and we can’t let a small group of extreme Republicans block this critically important geopolitical investment in not just national security, not just security for Ukraine, but for all free nations. You want to hear a little behind the scenes of the show? I’m putting together the show yesterday.

It’s around 430 Eastern time and I’ve got Fox on in the background. I hear Cavuto and he’s interviewing a Republican Rep. Jason Smith and the Republican Rep. Jason Smith as I’m putting together the segment because I know this funding is all about Ukraine because of Ukrainian lobbyists and the blackmail file they have on Joe Biden. Again, I’m not arguing the benefits or cons of Ukrainian funding. Right? We can argue that foreign policy the other day, I’m simply telling you this whole scandal over the last few days to vacate the chair, to get the cr going all of this is about Ukraine.

I thought it was about the United States. It had nothing to do with the United States. I was sitting there putting together how this is all about Ukraine, and I kid you not, I had to text them right away guy and Jim, I’m like, listen, get me this clip right away. Here it is. Here’s a Republican Rep telling you again, all this shit is all about Ukraine. Take a look.

Good. Many of your colleagues, I don’t know your specific position, chairman are not keen on giving Ukraine more aid. Do you think that that’s in danger? That when all is said and done on this follow up measure, whatever is decided on Ukraine funding will not be part of it? I’ll tell you it’s a priority to make sure you take care of your own borders first. That’s why you see border policy being front and center and that’s why Ukraine policy is on the back burners.

In fact, why there were stall tactics on Saturday is because the Democrats in the Senate and also the Democrats in the House wanted Ukraine funding part of the continued resolution and we wouldn’t allow that. We need to make sure we address the border before we address Ukraine funding. I tell you what, I tell you it’s all about Ukraine. You mean it’s not about the border? Fentanyl immigration, inflation, health care costs, education policy, world War II in China.

That’s all this is. But why? I’m going to give you the why coming up in a minute and the why this part’s going to you’re going to spread this show around everywhere. That sounded mean. That sounded like I was ordering you. I didn’t mean it that way. I mean, like, you will because what I’m about to tell you next you’re not going to hear anywhere else. This is a bigger thing than you know.

Let me take a quick break. Don’t go anywhere. Helix Sleep he L-I-X take the Helix Sleep quiz@helixsleep. com dany because a great day begins with a great night’s sleep. You’re missing out if you’re not sleeping great on the Helix mattress. Helix offers 20 unique mattresses for big, tall, short, wide, even special ones for kids. To find the perfect fit, helix provides a 100 night in home sleep trial.

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The topic of Ukraine funding. A lot of Republicans are starting to say, wait, what’s going on in Ukraine? Ukraine’s got a history of involving themselves in American politics, attacking Donald Trump, catering to Democrats like Joe and Hunter Biden through the Burisma deal. It’s also got a history of grift and corruption. Who are we really giving money to in Ukraine? And ladies and gentlemen, as if on cue, Joe, I’m sure it was a coincidence.

Left leaning. 60 minutes, sir. Left leaning 60 Minutes, all of a sudden, three weeks ago, runs this story, Joe, just by chance, about how Ukraine is doing such a great job cleaning up all of this corruption. You remember this? How about that? Check this out. People see all these corruption scandals, but nobody goes to jail. So this life or death battle that Ukraine is fighting has made people here less tolerant of corruption.

Yes. 100% of the Ukrainian budget now is being spent on the army. It’s someone’s bulletproof vest. It’s someone’s helmet or someone’s armed vehicle that was not there in time to save the lives. I think this tolerance is close to zero because they understand that now. Corruption kills. Corruption kills. Oh, my gosh. Perfect. I let Joe and them cut good job, guys. I let them cut that themselves. I said, you use your own discretion on that.

Corruption kills folks. Gee. Wanted to know, you think they got some messaging guidance? 60 Minutes? I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s just so weird. Funding for Ukraine. We’re going to shut down the whole country, destroy our credit rating. Vacate. This chair going to be total chaos in DC. Over what? Over the United States? Nah. Ukraine. I haven’t even gotten an emotion to Vacate. I’ll get to that, too, folks.

You think people don’t know Ukraine has a very serious corruption problem? Like, one of the worst in the world? Where’s our money going? No, they don’t know that. Dan it’s okay. Oh, really? Here’s, Politico. Politico? You mean bullshitico the left leading political yes, politico. That one. This is just dated October of 2023. Wait. We’re in October 2023. So this just happened? Leaked US strategy on Ukraine sees corruption as the real threat.

Wow. They noticed that Ukrainian graft has been a concern of US officials all the way up to Joe Biden, but it was de emphasized. After the Russian invasion, Biden aid stuck to brief mentions of corruption, but they wanted to show solidarity to get that aid there. Get that aid. Why they got to get that aid there so much? Why is Biden panicking all the time about Ukraine getting money and willing to shut down the United States government? He’s the Commander in chief of Biden’s.

The Commander in Chief of the United States. Not the does the Ukrainian what do the Ukrainian Politicos have on Joe Biden? The answer probably a lot. Oh, look, here’s Politico playbook again. The left wing Bible is their Bible. They read it every morning. They pray to it. The Ukraine issue will also be crucial. Matt Gates is claiming McCarthy cut a secret deal with Democrats this weekend, winning assistance in Saturday’s vote in a promise returned for a promise to allow a future vote on billions in Ukraine aid.

Oh, now you get what’s going on. Making sense? I said to you opening up here. The Democrats got everything they wanted in the spending bill that keeps the government open for 45 days. So why did they need to buy time? Because I’ll bet my right arm on it. The Democrats, outside of a couple of members in leadership, were not aware of that secret side deal McCarthy made behind your back with Biden to cut a Ukraine funding package in the future.

You following what I’m telling to. This is a little complicated. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll make it easy for you. The United States Senate had already passed guaranteed Ukraine funding. The Democrats are being paid. A lot of lobbyists on the Democrat and Republican side are being paid to lobby Congress. They’re doing each other favors for Ukraine aid because they want the money later. The Democrats and Swampy Republicans wanted that money in there.

They didn’t know about the McCarthy side deal to get the money later. Why wouldn’t McCarthy just tell him? Because he was afraid it was going to leak. They probably didn’t know. So the Democrats had to buy time to get that money in there, not realizing there’s a side deal, by the way, that McCarthy denies. I don’t believe him. That had already been cut, if they would have known it was a side deal cut, the Democrats wouldn’t have pulled the fire alarm stunt.

Now McCarthy’s denying it. I can guarantee you that was probably a face to face deal between McCarthy and Biden. I’ll get you your money. We just got to do it later, because we got these crazy swampy Republicans here, over here, and we don’t want to make it look like we’re selling out on Ukraine either. Now, folks, the Ukrainians must have something on Biden. We know they have the burisma stuff.

We know they have the poroshenko stuff, the son of a bitch tape. We know Biden is corrupt, and we know the corruptions, all involving Ukraine, where, very simply, they paid his son, and it appears they paid his son to get access to him, to make investigations go away for connected Ukrainians. They’ve got this file. It explains perfectly why Biden will not let this go. It also explains why a lot of Republicans up on Capitol Hill, at least the good ones there are a couple good ones left, not many, and I don’t trust anyone.

But it also explains perfectly why so many Republicans don’t want Ukraine to get any more money. I’m going to take a quick break, and I’m going to blow the freaking doors off this next with an article from 2017 proving to you that the Ukrainians were knee deep in the battle to spy on Donald Trump. With our intelligence people, they were knee deep in it, and they are eager to make this thing go away, and Republicans know about it.

This Ukraine thing is destroying our entire country right now. I can’t emphasize this enough if you don’t know what’s going on. Please stay tuned to this show, because not all, but some other hosts are leaving this out, this entire thing. Motion to vacate all of it’s about Ukraine. All right, quick break. Falls in the air means crisp mornings, falling leaves, and sweater weather. More importantly, it’s a perfect time for fall grilling, tailgating, and cozy comfort food.

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I have been a target of people in Ukraine. It’s not a conspiracy theory. I’m not a victim. I do this for a living. It’s fine, whatever. You can look it up yourself. You don’t have to take my word for it. Matter of fact, I always encourage you not to take my word for it. Because that’s how hosts start to get cocky. Your job is to fact check me.

My job is to give you the truth. You just put Judicial Watch Bongino, Ukraine. You can look up the documents that they got themselves from the Hour Embassy in Ukraine where they were keeping a close eye on me, sebastian Gorka Hannity. Remember Joe joe’s shaking his head because it’s been going on for years. The reason, folks, is if you read my book, Follow the money again, I’m not trying to sell you a book.

I genuinely don’t give a shit. Get it from the library, borrow it from a friend, I don’t care. The first chapter is called Insane in Ukraine. I have been following the Ukrainian piggy bank for years now. It’s very simple. Pro Russia people in eastern Ukraine are lobbying the United States for their side. Pro Ukrainians for Ukrainian nationalism on the western side of Ukraine have been lobbying the US government for support, to get into NATO and other things for years.

Ukraine has a lot of money. Ukraine has been paying retired congressmen and lobbyists for years. There are billions of dollars at stake here. They go up to Congress, they’re like, hey, I need a favor. I’m your old congressman buddy. The congressman’s like, okay, I’ll do you this favor, but when I retire, can I come get a job over there? Too. Do you understand? This is what’s happening. They are not our friends.

They are not our friends. Now, whether we need them to win over Russia is a separate matter. We don’t need them to be friends. The only question is who’s a bigger danger to the United States? And clearly I think it’s Russia. So we can have that argument another day. We’ve talked about that enough. I’m just telling you right now that the United States is shutting down right now over Ukraine, and you may not have a speaker.

Over Ukraine, not the United States. And why? Because Republicans know that the Ukrainians were knee deep in the effort to take Trump out. That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Bullshit. 2017. Politico left wing rag Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire ukrainian government officials this is Politico ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for others. I thought the Ukrainians were our friends.

They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide that was manafort in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter only to back away from it after the election. They helped Hillary Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisors. Politico found ukrainians are not our friends. The Ukrainians are not our friends. Whether we need them to win or not is a separate, geopolitical real Politique issue.

I’m happy to entertain. They are not our friends. Don’t be stupid. Anyone telling you there are buddies, there are allies is full of shit. Those people have been watching me and others from our embassy for a long time because they know I’m telling you the truth. I’m not necessarily down on some strategic interference over there. I’m not. I understand that we may have an interest in causing other countries maximum pain, trying to cause us pain, but they are not our friends.

Stop it. This juvenile Wall Street Journal type editorial nonsense by the swamp class that are all getting rich off Ukraine oh, you’re an evil son of a bitch if you don’t support the people of Ukraine. Aren’t we allowed to ask questions? Why did we just shut the government down or come this close to doing it over Ukraine money when the Democrats got everything they want and McCarthy cut a side deal? The answer is because they probably got a blackmail file on Biden and they’ve been paying people off.

Oh, shit. Look at this. Natalie Winters at war room reports just October 2. Oh, that’s crazy. Today’s October 3. This was yesterday. Consulting firms linked to Tony Blinken and Victoria Newland you know, our Secretary of State are advising Ukraine on how to spend U. S. Foreign aid shows over. Thanks. So a consulting firm’s making a fortune the consulting firm’s linked to our Secretary of state and Victoria Newland, who’s knee deep in Ukraine, the biolabs and all that stuff and spygate, they’re all getting really rich off telling us how to spend our taxpayer money in Ukraine while getting rich off no, no.

Deep stake. He’s right. Good point, Keith. Totally. Totally crazy. No deep state. It’s all on the up and up, folks. I don’t even want to say it. And they come off like anyone else talking about this. We’re getting ready to engage in a motion of AK, which has already been submitted, by the way. We’ll be without a speaker. You understand? It’s all over Ukraine, right? Fire alarm, pulling the government shutting down or whatever.

It’s all about Ukraine. It’s nothing to do with you. Nothing at all. Nobody gives a shit about you. Whatever benefits or Social Security or Medicare all you understand? They don’t care about any of this stuff. No, but they don’t care about you. No, but they don’t care. They hate you. These people hate your guts. They’re all getting rich off Ukraine, including Joe Biden, who got rich off Ukraine.

The whole freaking thing is about Ukraine. Let me talk about this motion to vacate quick, before I get to this other thing, this World Economic Forum. Get ready for a pivot there, too. The water crisis is coming, folks. But you see this? Stand by, stand easy. As used to say in a police academy, mustard day in 100 degrees in those wolves with uniforms, which were really comfortable. Let me tell you something you probably don’t want to hear right now.

But I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear. I’m here to tell you what’s true. And sometimes I don’t want to hear it. This motion to vacate is a bad idea. Oh. What? Do you like McCarthy? Yes, I love him. Wait. Hold on. Joe. Do I like McCarthy? You think I like McCarthy? Let’s see. You think my thing. You got to go with the original one.

Oh, there you go. Yeah. Do I like McCarthy? This thing is like we’re gold. Probably costs a quarter, folks. I probably led the effort in the conservative talk radio space to make sure McCarthy was not the speaker. It wasn’t going to get it easily, okay? So let’s just put that thing to bed right away. Here’s the problem, ladies and gentlemen. I want to play to win. I don’t want to play to be stupid, okay? And the fact that we do not have a coalesced Republican Party right now that’s actually trying to move forward republican principles like cutting government spending, creating entrepreneurship, patient directed health care, parent directed school choice opportunities we don’t have a Republican Party right now.

What we do is we have a fragmented mess of a Republican Party. That’s a joke. Here’s the problem right now. Matt Gates submitted a motion to vacate, meaning in a couple days, there’s going to be a vote, meaning in a couple of days, there will be no speaker if this motion to vacate excuse me, isn’t stopped. There you go. I got for nothing to think if it’s not stopped.

So here’s what’s going to happen. There’s going to be a vote. They’re going to need a majority vote to table this motion to vacate. Meaning? Motion to vacate, meaning the Speaker’s gone, McCarthy’s gone. I get it. We don’t like this guy. I don’t like him either. He’s not my buddy. However, have you considered the consequences of what’s going to happen if I don’t tell you this? I’m bullshitting you, too, and I don’t bullshit people.

This is why I tell you don’t get into cult of personalities. But this guy gave us I don’t care. They hate you, all of them. I don’t care how cool this guy’s hair is, how this guy wears a cowboy hat, how this guy gave a speech once. I don’t give a shit. I care about Republican principles. I don’t like any of these guys. And you shouldn’t either. I said yesterday on my show, they are tools.

They are hammers for you. That’s it. Once this motion to vacate, there’s going to be a move to table it, make it go away. Meaning McCarthy stays as speaker. They’re going to need every single, probably Republican to vote on this. They can only lose four or five. So if four or five say McCarthy sucks and the motion to vacate is not tabled, then there’s going to be a new vote for speaker.

Bottom line is, four or five people can kick McCarthy out. You may say that’s great, we want him out. We do not like this. Because what’s going to happen? McCarthy only needs a majority of the House depending on how many show up votes present and don’t show up. He only needs a majority once they reach a certain threshold to stay as speaker. So let’s say he loses five Republicans.

He doesn’t have enough Republicans to stay as speaker. Where do you think he’s going to get the votes? Joe, any ideas? No? Joe? They wouldn’t cut a deal like oh, they wouldn’t? Oh, the same people I just told you hate? You would not cut a deal with the Democrats. What do you think the Democrats are going to want in return? Oh, they’re going to want better representation on key committees, and they’re going to want the impeachment hearing to go away and investigations in 100 biden go away.

Oh, and then you’re going to get stuck with McCarthy again because he’s going to have Democrat votes and we’re going to have lost subpoena power on some committees potentially, or we won’t subpoena anything at all. Impeachment goes away, the Hunter Biden stuff goes away, and we got again oh, but you’re a conservative, Dan. You’re a tea party guy. Yeah, I am. I actually ran as one. You don’t want McCarthy gone again.

Am I going to address this for the third or fourth time? You ain’t getting rid of them like this. I’m sorry, but this is dumb. Anyone who’s telling you otherwise either doesn’t understand it or is just engaging in some kind of Twitter war for the sake of it. This party sucks, and they all hate you. And I want you to understand right now that some of the people doing this are not I do not like any of these guys.

I’m not on anybody’s team. I genuinely don’t care. I only care about conservatism and you. I’m just telling you the hard truth. This guy isn’t going anywhere. The Democrats are going to save him. He’s going to cut a deal with the Democrats to f you over, and everything we had fought for is gone. Everything. It’s a bad idea. It’s a really bad idea. I think I made my point, folks.

Get ready again. This is no time for gestures. This is time to get stuff done. We have far more leverage against this guy right now by saying, all right, we’re going to vote to table this, but here’s what we want. You get my point? I’m going on too long. The five Republicans can now say, hey, we got this motion to vacate. We can save you. Here’s what we want from you.

We want more concessions. Instead of saying no fu, we don’t want you. Let the Democrats get you in, and they get their stuff. You get it? I want our stuff, not their shit. This is too important of a time, folks. These global elites keep toying with us. They’re moving from one crisis to the next. COVID hysteria mask hysteria. Vaccine hysteria. Global warming is going to destroy the polar bears.

The world’s going to melt in twelve years. The sun’s going to engulf the earth. Everybody’s going to die. The rich are eating the poor. The evil white guy is destroying the black man in the street. Cops are shooting and hunting black men in the streets. Every day is a new existential crisis. Here’s the problem the left is having, folks. None of it’s working. Get ready for the next crisis.

I’m getting this from so many activists. A friend of mine, I’m just going to say she knows who she is. I’ll just say her first name begins with L. I can’t say much else because I don’t want to give up who she is. Has been following this like white on rice. Told me months ago, watch. The next crisis is going to be a water crisis. It’s going to be a worldwide cris.

Oh, my God. The water people run out of water. Oh, really? You don’t think so? Here, listen to this World Economic Forum panel where they talk about how, hey, this environmental stuff isn’t working. It’s not grave enough. We got to go on to the water stuff here, listen yourself. That’s also, of course, true with COVID right? We are all only as healthy as our neighbor is on our street, in our city, in our region, in our nation and globally.

Did we solve that? Did we actually manage to vaccinate everyone in the world? No. So highlighting water as a global commons and what it means to work together and see it both out of that kind of global commons perspective, but also the self interest perspective, because it does have that parallel. It’s not only important, but it’s also important because we haven’t managed to solve those problems, which had similar attributes.

And water is something that people understand. Climate change is a bit abstract. Some people understand it really well, some understand it a bit, some just don’t understand it. Water. Every kid knows how important it is to have water. When you’re playing football and you’re thirsty, you need water. So there’s also something about really getting citizen engagement around this and really, in some ways, experimenting with this notion of the common good.

Can we actually deliver this time in ways that we have failed miserably other times? And hopefully we won’t keep failing on the other things. But anyway, gee’s funny. Gee’s. Like, they’ve got to be trolling us at the World Economic Forum. Like, there’s no way they’re going to be this honest about what the next crisis is going to be. And my line is my comeback. That is no, they’re always honest about it.

Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum wrote a freaking book called The Great Reset about using COVID to reset us away from this meritocratic capitalism society to a more organic kind of collective world growth society. They talk about it all the time. Here it comes. Next, it’s going to be a water crisis. It’s going to involve a bunch of things. Water pollution, water access, water is floods, water in the streets, water in your pipes, everything.

It’s a good point he makes. She’s like, yeah, you morons are too stupid to understand climate change. Now we’re just going to withhold water from you and we’re going to dehydrate you like beef jerky. Freaking idiots. You deplorable morons. All right, folks, the global march towards collectivism and authoritarianism, no joke now, is really frightening. What’s happening in Canada with essentially what’s going to be censoring free speech and podcasts with this new Canadian regional television podcast registration law.

This ofcom in Britain, in the UK trying to get GB news off the air, the FCC with net neutrality, the DHS, Ministry of Truth. This is all happening at the same time. We are in really deep shit with these people. They are way down the road. We’ve got a chance in 2024 to pull the Freedom Train back to the station, but we’re running out of time. I’m telling you, there’s a military grade operation going on right now in the media to censor people.

This is not just a couple of cat ladies, and they’re minor parts of it. It is a huge, big deal. Soros money, left wing activist money flowing into NGOs that work with educational institutions that are taking advice from the government that are all advising social media on how to censor Conservatives. So I brought up something the other day about the Fauci CIA story. And I told you, people are getting it all wrong, folks, the story is that Anthony Fauci was secretly escorted into CIA headquarters.

But the media narrative was to tell them, basically, the CIA, that this probably had a natural origin, the Wuhan virus, and didn’t come from a lab. That is not what happened. I’m telling you, that’s not what happened. And I think I was right again. What happened, folks, is the CIA is knee deep with the FBI, the DHS, and others in a massive censorship operation in the United States and around the world to stop conservatives from speaking out, to interfere in elections and everything else, COVID management, the great reset, all of it.

The documents are right there in front of you. I never speak about things I don’t know. So I did this segment last week, and I said Fauci was not there to tell them it came from a Pangolin. Fauci was there to provide them some guidance, likely. Or they were seeking some guidance, whether he knew it or not, on the best ways to censor social media companies, censor conservatives, and use the guise of science to do it.

So they needed some pointers from Fauci. I don’t know who this is, but at name redacted two four seven on Twitter right away responded September 29 when we did the show bongino. Spot on. I discovered a DHS document from September of 2022. We’re on page ten. It reveals, and the link is in the document in case you think he’s making this up or she. CIA has mission centers that have positive relationship with social media firms.

The CIA often engages with their former intelligence community colleagues who now work at Facebook. Oh, look, there it is. The document right there. Thanks, guys. I didn’t even know you had that. There it is. Look at that. There is a massive military grade, intelligence grade, government wide operation going on right now to censor conservatives all over the world. This is not just a couple of cat ladies. They are small, incidental portions of a massive operation going on right now to censor you.

They want to move towards a more socialist, communist style of information control. And they know they can count on media dipshits like Philip Bump to do it. Philip Bump at The Washington Post. As we start to expose the communism going on right now, here’s Philip Bump at The Washington Post. The rise of the Chinese Communist Party as a pejorative, maybe because it is only Bump. You’re absolutely correct.

Only Philip Bump would be so dumb. Folks, we’re in big trouble here. We’re in huge trouble. Yeah, I’m going to have to save this border segment for tomorrow. Can you do me a favor on a lighter note? Can we skip ahead to things that never happened? Joe Biden on Strom Thurman because I cannot leave without doing this today because I think it’s freaking hilarious. You know what I’m talking about.

All right, so listen to me. The fauci story is bigger than you know. I want to wrap this one up. We’re not having fauci there to determine it came from a pangolin. There’s a massive plot in your government to censor you under the guise of science, public safety, national security, election integrity, whatever label they want. It is all about censorship. It has nothing to do with anything else.

Don’t fall for the BS. We got to get rid of this guy in 2024. He did it again. He’s given an interview the other day. I mean, the guy’s a sociopathic liar. Biden, I find this stuff at this point. It’s actually hilarious at this, but it’s like a comedy skit. He’s given an interview talking about how he pushed Strom Thurman into the civil voting for the Civil Rights Act.

When I left the Senate, I was able to convince Strom Thurman to vote for the Voting Rights Act. Strom Thurman I’m ladies and gentlemen, Strom Thurman died in 2003. Biden left the Senate 2009. The voting act he’s talking about passed in 1965. Biden wasn’t in the Senate in 1965, ladies and gentlemen. This guy is full of shit all the time. Nothing he tells you is true. Nothing he tells you is absolute horseshit all the time.

All right, a couple of things before we go. Thank you so much for picking up my book. The reviews on these book websites have been amazing. It’s called the gift of failure. I so deeply appreciate it. A lot of people seem to really be enjoying their motivational stories, even though they were meant to be kind of stories of failure, but they’re really stories of how I picked up and got through it.

So I really appreciate it. We’re announcing two new book signings very soon. Those in the chat. Anybody out there from Dallas? Give me a Y if you’re from Dallas. 81,500. Still going. You’re from Dallas? We’ll be seeing you in Dallas sometime in the near future. I’ll be giving you the dates and times. Don’t you worry about that. We got any Dallas, but yeah, we do. Okay, good. Any New Jersey folks, too.

And then we’ll probably add on some more dates later, so that’s going to be really cool. I’m looking forward to that. Thanks for picking up the book. Really means a lot. And please join us in the chat every single day here@rumble. com. But tomorrow I need you to tune into the show, folks. I’m going to tie the entire thing together. A tweet by Miranda Devine got me really motivated to do an entire segment on what’s going on at the border.

It’s going to be about a 1015 minutes segment, but it’s important, folks. Everybody’s confused about the border. People are confused. Miranda Devine said, what are they doing at the border? Because it seems like they’re taking such political losses at the border. The Democrats. Why stick to this plan? I’m going to explain to you the Soros connection. The border connection. The New York Times. We can replace them. Article.

Literally an article. Joe, thanks for putting a Tweet here’s. A tweet here. I’ll get into it more into more detail. I’m going to prove to you all of this, that what it has to do with the census. It is all related. I promise, after tomorrow, the open border in the south will make perfect sense to you. It is all about the electoral college, congressional representation and the long game.

They don’t care about the short game. Don’t go anywhere tomorrow. It’s going to be a killer show. I promise. You’re not going to want to miss it. Thanks for tuning in today. I really appreciate it. I’ll see you on the radio show a little later. As always, please follow us. Click that little button, that green button that says follow it’s free on Rumble@rumble. com Bongino. Join us every day at 11:00 a.

m. For the live chat. Just set up an account. It’s free. I was in there early today, about 10:00, chatting with some people. Wished some happy birthdays yesterday. So I love chatting with you all. It’s really cool. Rumble. com Bongino. I’ll see you back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. .


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Dr. Anthony Fauci CIA visit global conservative censorship global water scarcity crisis historical events manipulation Jamal Bowman fire alarm controversy McCarthy speaker removal implications media manipulation conservative suppression Republican Party fragmentation security costs Donald Trump New York case Senate bill funding for Ukraine U.S. border policy revelations Ukraine corruption scandals Ukraine US election interference Ukraine's influence on Joe Biden Ukrainian lobbying US decisions undisclosed Biden-Ukraine information White House interest in Ukraine funding

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