Its All About to Shut Down | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots




➡ I Allegedly the International Longshoreman Association is on strike, which could disrupt various industries and lead to shortages in stores. The workers are concerned about job loss due to automation and are demanding better pay and respect. This strike could lead to less availability of imported goods like fruit and cars, and could also affect the furniture and electronics industries. Businesses are advised to prepare for potential disruptions and individuals are warned to expect possible shortages in stores.

➡ The speaker criticizes the current administration for not preventing a situation that is causing delays in the auto industry and other sectors. They believe this will severely harm the economy as many goods are transported by ship. The speaker also mentions that the commerce secretary, Gina Raimondo, has not handled the situation well. They urge the audience to share their thoughts on the matter.



Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back to IAllegedly. You get a bonus video today because this is serious, guys. Everybody is going to be affected by this strike with the Longshoreman. And don’t forget to like, subscribe, comment, share the video, and let’s get right into it. Think about this, guys. Harold Daggett is the president of the International Longshoreman Association. He gave an interview and said, listen, enough is enough. We’ve tried to make these deals, and they didn’t take us seriously, and now they’re going to take us seriously, and we’re going to wait as long as we can to settle this thing, and get the money that we want and the respect that we want.

What does that mean? Isn’t money going to do it? When you have people that make basically over $200,000 a year for these Longshoreman, they’re very well paid, they work very hard. That’s not the point. What they’re concerned about is the robots and the automation that’s coming to every industry, not just the Longshoreman, but it’s going to make people unemployed. So if you’re going to make it so that we’re going to lose, you know, our fellow brothers and sisters, and they’re going to be unemployed, you’re, you know, barking at the wrong trade. We don’t want to have that.

So how can you guarantee that we’re going to have jobs if you have automation? Well, the idea with automation, guys, is to get rid of jobs, but I want you to understand this, and this is a warning for anybody, and you can warn your family members, friends, your husband, your wife, everybody you know. Because what’s going to happen is that within a week, you’re going to start to see store shells that are going to have less fruit. Think about this, cherries, 80% of the cherries come from other countries. Bananas, almost 90% of the bananas come from other countries.

And those are just going to sit there. And you know what a rotten banana looks like. It’s disgusting. We’ll get ready for that. Plus, Harold Daggett did a great interview over the weekend and talked about, let me explain to you the car industry. You’re going to start to see people on car lots get laid off, because here’s the thing. You’ve got things like even Halloween costumes and Halloween items and things for Thanksgiving that are just going to sit there on those boats and they’re not going to get unloaded. I want to remind you guys of 2021 and how bad it was filming those cargo ships off the coast of Southern California as they were just backed up and these guys could not load everything fast enough.

Well now, here’s the other problem. They’re just not going to unload it. So they did everything they could over the last couple days, and I’ve been told that they were going to get as much as a 50% raise. Spoke to a friend of mine, Dave, this morning, and he explained it to me in pretty good detail. And then I found a bunch of articles on this, but guys, this is serious. And if you’re in the furniture business, you are not going to get furniture right now. And here’s the time of the year.

This year is critical because people’s dollars are scarce. People have less money, so if they’re going to part with it, you need to make sure you have something that they want at a fair value and a good price, good service, and everything. We just don’t have it. The auto industry is going to have a huge, huge problem. The furniture industry is going to have a huge, huge problem. You have so many industries that are affected by the electronics, Christmas gifts, things like that, computers and things like that that are supposed to be on the shelves at all these different stores are not going to be there.

But it’s just a matter of time until you start to see food inside stores not be there. So get ready, guys. Get ready. So this is another warning, guys. Here’s the thing that I don’t get. You had a warning that there was a hurricane coming, and Helene was much worse than anybody thought that it was going to be. But, hey, next week there could be a hurricane. People need to be ready for this. This port strike on October 1st, hey, this is coming. You needed to be ready for this. So some businesses took it seriously.

Oh, they always settle these things at the last minute, Dan. Who would expect that this would have actually gone down? Well, it did. It did. And you haven’t seen anything yet. But the problem with it right now is the teamsters are dead set on not going back to work. But this is going to destroy things. But I’m telling you guys this right now. If you have anybody in your life that is in business right now, and there’s any way, shape, or form that they could be affected by this, you need to do everything you can to collect money right now.

Because what’s going to happen is that you’re going to see a tremendous amount of suppliers that are going to get affected by this. And there’s people that are already hanging by a thread that could have been bankrupt as a result of this. And this could just be the final straw where they don’t have cash flow. They don’t have ways of getting product. So with that being said, you could see these people done in a matter of weeks. And right now, the way that they’re talking, that this is not going to get resolved anytime soon.

So with that being said, make sure that people do not owe you money. I am telling you this right now. The best advice I gave a friend of mine two years ago was he had all these vendors that owed him money, and they just kept slow playing him. And I said, you need to have nobody owe you money right now. And in the time of 45 days, he went from having all these vendors that owed him money to nobody owing him money. And that’s how you need to be right now. Because I’m telling you, squeaky wheel gets the grease.

You need to get the money. But this port strike is going to be devastating to the economy. You’ve got 45,000 longshoremen that are not working. You have every port from all the east all the way down through Texas, just a matter of time until we support our local brothers and sisters. And this affords the LA. This goes from LA, San Diego, and north. It’s going to happen. I mean, they’re going to all follow suit and join up with them. But this is going to be devastating, guys. Absolutely. People are going to go out of business.

You’re going to see things affected. If you own a business or you work for a company that’s relying on those product shipments, make another plan, guys. Make another plan. And I would seriously think about the possibility that you could be out of work right now. And you’re going to see massive people laid off. You need to look at the Boeing strike and to see the damage that that’s done to the vendors of Boeing. They’re not getting paid. They’re closing. They’re not shipping product. And they’re crippling that industry. That’s what the Boeing strike did to the smaller players that are just on the outside.

So what do you think is going to happen when everything stops? Everything. Now, I’m not going to argue the payments and all this stuff and what these guys should be getting or not getting. That’s them. They get paid a ton right now. But the problem with this is that this is such a cluster mess. Gina Raimondo is our commerce secretary, who is an idiot, an absolute fool, was on of all stations. I believe CNBC. There’s a little interview where she was not up to snuff and was not up to speed over the weekend on this.

How do you think this is going to affect things? And I’m not really up to snuff on this. I really don’t know what’s going on. I haven’t been paying attention to it. Imagine our commerce secretary talking like this. This is what’s wrong with the world right now, guys, is that you don’t matter. I don’t matter your business. That doesn’t matter at all. You, you, you capitalist fool. Something has to be done right now. Has to be done. You have to be a change right now with this. But someone’s going to go in there and try to negotiate this.

They talked to Joe Biden, who was like, yeah, I was on the phone talking to them about this. Nothing got resolved. And you know, make up your own mind. Okay. But this is an absolute joke. You know what? I’m going to show you the Gina Raimondo interview. Look at this. What does this mean for businesses if we go into the strike and what do you know about it? It’s not a secret that this would be, uh, depending on how long it lasts could be incredibly disruptive to commerce. Uh, again, I, I have not been very focused on that.

I would refer you to, uh, the White House or the transportation secretary. As they said, I, I haven’t been, uh, particularly involved. Now, come on guys. That’s ridiculous. It’s a commerce secretary. Where’s Pete Buttigieg right now? Okay. They shouldn’t negotiate this. This should have been stopped a long time ago. They should have done some type of an agreement to keep it going while they negotiate. No, they let them control this and it’s done. All you have to do is look at what was done with Boeing right now and the damage. You’re going to see the auto industry, auto parts, people that have already been waiting for weeks and months for different things.

You haven’t seen anything yet. Nothing is going to be shipped. And like, you know, Mr. Daggett said, Hey, everything that you get comes via ship and it’s going to cripple the economy. I believe him. I totally believe him. That’s why I’m making this video for you. So read the story below. Give me your opinion on this, but you haven’t seen anything. And Gina Raimondo, you know, wasn’t up to snuff on this. And this is ridiculous. It’s not Donald Trump’s fault. This is outrageous. It’s our current administration that is completely clueless on what is going on right now.

The US economy is in such deep trouble right now. We need to fix this right now. Let me know what you think. Please share your thoughts. Email me at hello at onward and upward. We’ll see you guys very soon. [tr:trw].

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criticism on current administration delays in auto demand for better pay and respect disruption in various industries impact of strike on electronics industry impact of strike on furniture industry International Longshoreman Association strike effects job loss due to automation less availability of imported goods possible shortages in stores due to strike preparing businesses for potential disruptions shortages in stores due to strike

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